Twin Soul Dream Communication: The Look-Alike Phenomenon

Twin Soul Dream Communication: The Look-Alike Phenomenon

This post is about twin soul dream communication: The look-alike phenomenon. It is inspired by a recent dream I had about Robin. I wanted to write about it while it is still fresh in my mind. Those of you particularly interested in twin soul connections may find it to be something you resonate with in terms of your own experiences.

At this time of our spiritual journey together, most of my communications with Robin come in the form of synchronicity. However, I still have dreams about him. Some of them truly stand out and feel like he and God are really try to tell me something. The dream I am going to share in this post is one of those dreams.

Twin Soul Dream Communication from Robin’s Spirit

During the evening of November 30, 2021, I sat at Robin’s altar table that I have kept for him for years. That night, a strong feeling of missing him came over me and I started to tear up. The afterlife communication that I share with him usually keeps me from missing him too much. But this night, the feelings surfaced and I shared with him that I missed him. I just let myself have the feelings.

Soon after that, I went to bed.

During the morning hours of December 1st, I had what to me was a very interesting dream about Robin. I feel like he was responding directly to how I said I missed him. It was like he was saying, “I’m still here, don’t worry.” But he also wanted to remind me of something.

Here is the dream:

In the dream, Robin appears from the mid-chest up. He seems to be sitting although I can’t see the chair. He is looking at me and smiling a big smile at me. He looks like he did when he was in his mid-fifties. He was wearing a blue jacket and glasses, just like in this photo.  At the time this photo was taken, Robin was 55 years old.

He wasn’t giving me the thumbs up. 🙂 His arms and hands were folded one on top of the other.

The next thing that happens is that I show up in the dream. My face appears below Robin’s face and I look like I do now at age 55. So, now I’m looking at Robin’s face and my face together and we are the same age.

Then a vertical wrinkle starts to appear on Robin’s forehead. Then the same vertical wrinkle appears on my forehead. The wrinkles look nearly identical.

In the dream, I kept examining and studying the wrinkles on our foreheads that looked alike.

No words were exchanged during this dream. It was all symbolic communication.

That was the end of the dream.

When I woke up, I felt fascinated by this dream message and what Robin was trying to tell me. Since I missed him, he wanted to remind me of our similarities. It was so nice that he appeared in my dream as the same age I am now. But why give me a message about wrinkles on our forehead, lol?

Twin Soul Dream Interpretation: We Are One

Well, this dream reminded me of a story I read many years ago. It was about a twin soul couple that had physical traits that were identical. I found this story in a post called “Complete Description of the Twin Flame Connection,” by Angelique and Gaby of the blog Inspired Awareness.

Here is the story which is about how the Universe sends us synchronicity to confirm we are on the right path with our twin soul. It is about the female twin. The bold is mine for emphasis. I also created paragraphs differing from the original post for readability:

She was a young woman, had experienced an intense union with her twin soul and they had separated because of the intensity, so they only had a short relationship. The pain of separation was difficult and painful to deal with, but the woman felt she had to move on. At the time she did not fully understand the concept of twin souls and what all this meant, so she continued her life, hoping that one day the right man would come along and the next time she would have a different kind of relationship where she wouldn’t be faced with such a difficult and painful separation.


Her twin soul was a bit older than her. What happened was that her brother who really liked her twin soul had said about him that he looked older, had these wrinkles around his eyes and a dreamy look in his eyes. OK, the woman knew that he was about 4 years older than her, but this was not enough to make him old. He hadn’t passed the age of 40 nor 50 yet. He was a young man. One day the woman started working in a new place and co-worker of hers who were very friendly said without further reflection that she looked older, had these wrinkles around her eyes and a dreamy look in her eyes as well.


Now the woman knew that this was exactly what her brother had said about her twin and from then on she knew that she was going through a very special and mysterious time in her life. Her co-worker knew nothing of her twin soul experience. She hadn’t told anyone.


This synchronicity was actually meant to show her how she and her twin are ONE at the soul level. What could be said about him, could also be said about her. They are of the same energies. She was heading in the right direction even though she was separated from her twin soul. She was meant to meet him and was also meant to experience the separation she was facing. (1)

When I read this story again, I had remembered the part about the “dreamy look” in their eyes. But, I did not remember the part about the wrinkles around their eyes because it has been quite some time since I read this article. I thought the mention of wrinkles around their eyes was so interesting since I dreamt about wrinkles on Robin’s and my forehead.

It felt like the dream was referencing this article in some way. It was like the dream was meant to synchronize with this article in terms of the wrinkles. I feel the dream was primarily meant to bring me back to this article and it’s central message of oneness at the soul level. Robin would know that this dream would remind me of this article and story and that I would find it and read it again. I think the dream was meant to point towards the article because I don’t actually have a vertical wrinkle on my forehead at this time, unless I squint my eyes. 🙂 But, he was still trying to tell me something using the wrinkles as an example.

Missing You: Twin Soul Dreams

The dream I had of looking alike with identical wrinkles with Robin was meant to remind me that we are one at the soul level, just like the other twin soul pair experienced. I feel that my being drawn back to this article, because of the dream, was his way of delivering the message. I was given this message because I had missed him. What better way to help with that than to be given a message reminding me of our soul connection. It really did help me miss him less!

According to Raychel Ria Agramon, in the article, “Twin flame communication in dreams: Everything you need to know,” there are six reasons why your twin soul shows up in your dreams. One reason is that you miss them. Another reason is that they miss you too:

Your twin flame appearing in your dreams is their way of saying they miss and need you. They’re sending unique vibrations that occur in your dreams.


It’s similar to you missing them. They wish to be with you, and their vibrations are manifesting in your slumber. (2)

So, if your twin is alive and you are dreaming of them, they could be missing you. Since Robin is in spirit, I can’t say for sure if he missed me. From his vantage point, he can see what’s going on with me. But I know for sure that I was missing him the night before I had the dream of him, so I think that is why the dream message came to me.

Oneness and Soul Light

The predominant message I have received from Robin’s spirit over the years is that as souls, we are one. We did not look like we were one during our earthly incarnations. In fact, we lived in two completely different worlds. However, Soul has nothing to do with that. You can be one with another soul in terms of energy light vibration and not know it because you never meet. Worldly facades, masks and personas also conceal this deeper connection. So do large age differences, living in different countries, being of different racial/ethnic groups, different religions and different languages.

But then, one of you dies. And with God’s assistance, they will let you know the truth of your spiritual connection. At least that’s what happened to me after Robin died. He let me know in no uncertain terms about our eternal connection through various means of afterlife communication.

Though we have many things in common, especially our spirituality, the connection has deeper origins than things we have in common on an earthly level. The connection of twin souls, at its root, has to do with who we are as Beings of Light. The physical body is temporary and if you believe in reincarnation as I do, then we have had many of them. The Light of our Soul is enduring and eternal. This eternal Light of our deepest nature is the point of truest connection between twin souls and all souls.

Twin souls may or may not look alike. There is lots of variability when it comes to this topic. While it is amazing if you and your twin look alike, and I have seen some that do, ultimately it’s important to remember that it all comes down to the identical vibration of your spiritual essence. That’s what matters the most, at least to me.

The identical spiritual energies between you and your twin soul may show up physically. That is an added bonus which can serve to remind you of your oneness at soul level. But, even if they don’t manifest physically, that does not make you any less twin souls. There are many indicators of twin soul connections that go beyond identical physical traits.

Thank you so much for reading!


1. Angelique and Gaby of Inspired Awareness (April 21, 2014). Complete Description of the Twin Flame Connection.

2. Agramon, Raychel Ria (October 22, 2021). Twin flame communication in dreams: Everything you need to know.


Christina Samuels Signature

Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships

Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships

In this post, I would like to examine whether there are hints of the twin soul in past relationships that we have.

I know many of you reading this have soul connections of your own that are deep and meaningful for you. Whether it is a twin soul, soul mate, past life, or soul family connection, I imagine they have made a significant difference in your life on many levels.

Autumn Imara, who shares a twin soul connection with Jimi Hendrix, makes this point eloquently in her blog post, Why Twin Souls Really Exist, and How to Deal with Skeptics:

Twin soul connections are like spiritually transformative experiences – they always impact you in some way, in a way that truly affects your life. That’s what makes them so amazing. Twin souls are not “superior beings”, though; they’re very human, at least that’s how I’ve felt. What they bring is a truly uplifting, unconditional love, which can help bring themselves and others to God. And that’s what makes twin souls unique, and very real to me. (1)

I strongly agree with Autumn in terms of the twin soul connection I share with Robin. Before his spirit came into my life, I did not know that such a strong bond and unconditional love could exist with someone who was deceased that I had never met in this lifetime. I had never experienced such powerful, precise spirit communication in the form of synchronicity and dream visitations with anyone else prior to Robin’s passing.

So, his presence in my life has truly been spiritually transformative. It helped me learn what happens when you share a nearly identical spiritual vibration with another soul. It opened me up to a whole other world and life beyond the limited third dimensional world I now reside in. I’m sure many of you who are experiencing soul connections feel similar to how I feel.

Are There Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships?

So, since the twin soul connection is such a powerful connection, I would like to explore whether there are notable hints of the twin soul in past relationships. Have you ever noticed that as you look back on your life, there were hints of your twin or soul connection in the close relationships you had in the past? Maybe the relationships were not necessarily close, but were significant in some way.

From hindsight, we may be able to see that they were there with us all along, even while we did not know them yet. This speaks to the power of twin souls: their energy is there and you can be connected to it and impacted by it even when you don’t yet know you have a twin soul.

This is something I have noticed as I have pondered my connection with Robin. There were hints of his energy there with me throughout my life in the people I was either close to or associated with on some level. These particular people had traits and characteristics that mirrored Robin in very interesting and precise ways. These traits and characteristics are the hints. I can see this now from my current perspective.

Below are some examples of people in my past that hinted at my connection with Robin long before I knew I shared a soul family/twin soul connection with him. As far as the hints go, they range from subtle to more direct. I had a lot of fun observing them. I consider the hints to be very similar to the life parallels I share with him which I wrote about here:

Twin Souls and Life Parallels

By sharing this perspective, I hope to encourage others to look at their own life patterns. See if you can notice the energy of your soul connection in the traits and characteristics of the people from your past. It could give you some interesting insights.

My Past Relationships Hinting at My Twin Soul Connection with Robin

1. B.G.—the initials of my best girlfriend in college: I went to college in the 1980’s in Massachusetts. While there I had a best friend. Her first name began with a “B” and her last name began with a “G.” I started thinking about that the other day and it made me smile.

For years, B.G. and I did everything together. We had meals together, went to sporting events, movies, and concerts. She is still in my life.

I can’t help but feel a connection to Robin’s energy as a result of my close connection with her and the fact that she carried the initials of Robin’s band. After all the Bee Gees are called that because of all the people associated with the band that had the initials, “B.G.,” such as Barry Gibb, Bill Gates, Barbara Gibb, and Bill Goode.

Here is an excerpt from The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb highlighting this:

This was the beginning of how they were christened. The organiser was named Bill Goode – the first B.G. He popped his head out and at first he wondered what all the fuss was about, so he came out of his office and saw these three young kids singing.

He was so knocked out that he introduced us to a Brisbane disc jockey whose name was Bill Gates – another B.G. In those days the name was just the two initials, B.G., then it was elongated to Bee Gees.” Bill Gates continued. “The actual naming of the group took place at the Redcliffe Speedway. Barry pointed out that his initials, Bill Goode’s and mine were all B.G. so the name ‘B.G.s’ almost wrote itself.” (2)

I think it is so interesting that I had a B.G. with me for so long and consider it a hint of the twin soul!

Does anyone you are close to have initials that mirror your twin or soul connection in some way? It may be a fun and interesting exercise to explore this.

2. Acquaintance named Boddie: Many years ago, I had an acquaintance who had the last name “Boddie.” I thought to myself, “Is that a hint of Robin?” Maurice, Robin’s twin brother, called Robin “Bodding” when they were children. So, it got me thinking. His name was very close to “Bodding.” I realize it’s not an exact match. That is why I consider it a “hint.”

This is the only person I have known by this name and I would have to say he was a significant acquaintance who taught me some important karmic lessons. I have also had significant synchronicity regarding this person related to dates. So, that’s the main reason his name stands out to me and makes me wonder if there was a connection with Robin there.

Here is a quote from The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb illuminating the twins use of nicknames:

As the twins grew, Barbara recalled that, “Robin used to call Maurice ‘Woggie’, and Maurice used to call Robin ‘Bodding’. It was always, ‘It’s not me, it’s Woggie.’ If you mentioned anyone to them, they used to say, ‘Oh yes, it’s a friend of him.’ If it was to do with the twins, anybody they knew was a friend of him!” (3)

After reading this quote, I realized that this person’s name is a combination of both Robin and Maurice’s childhood nicknames. So, to me, that’s interesting in and of itself. It’s just a feeling I get to pay attention to this.

3. Musician I dated who was Robin’s age: Back in the 1990’s, I dated a guy who had some remarkable similarities to Robin. He was a musician and a piano player. Robin was also a piano player as mentioned here in The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb:

Robin dabbled with the harmonica on occasion as well as continuing his piano development while Maurice had added mandolin to his existing repertoire. (4)

The man I dated is Caucasian and wore his hair long in a pony-tail, like Robin did at some stages in his life. Here is a photo from Pinterest. But the main thing that stands out to me is that he is pretty much the same age that Robin would have been if he were alive.

I did some rudimentary research on him and found out he is now 71 years old which is exactly the same age Robin would be if he were alive now. Robin was born December 22, 1949 and the man I dated was born a few weeks later. So, Robin was just a few weeks older than him.

Yes, I once actually dated someone who was approximately 17 years older than me. Why would I do that? Was he a hint of Robin? Of all the examples I have just given, to me this is the strongest indication of a hint of my soul’s connection with Robin. My soul was drawn to someone who was just like him in some of the most significant ways: music, hair and age.

Ultimately, the man I dated and I were at very different places in our lives and the relationship did not work out. If we had stayed together, he would be almost 72 years old, while I just turned 55 years old recently.

But, I’m grateful from hindsight to see I was picking up on Robin’s energy through this man. To me, it is so clear. Dating someone in the past with approximately the same age difference that I had with Robin at the time of his death is very powerful, especially since dating someone that much older than me is not something I normally did before I got married.


I think it is interesting to ponder all the ways in which we are interconnected. I had no idea at the time that the different people I was connected with and in relationship with would end up pointing to Robin’s energy in such a specific way. Some people may brush all of this off as just a coincidence, but my gut tells me it’s more than that. I think it is something to at least consider. It’s comforting to know that the energy of your twin or soul family member can be with you indirectly, for years potentially, through other people you befriend or care for.

Then when your soul connection does come into your life you can say, “Ah, you were there with me all along in these different people, in these different forms.” I think that is beautiful and I’m grateful.

Thank you for reading!

I offered Robin’s spirit food, drink, floral and candle offerings on Samhain, October 31, 2021.


1. Imara, Autumn (November 21, 2020).

2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook, Hector; Môn Hughes, Andrew (2013). The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb. Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition, Kindle location 1108 and 1113.

3. Ibid., Kindle location 527 and 532

4. Ibid., Kindle location 2219 and 2224


Christina Samuels Signature

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Twin Soul Synchronicity

Twin Soul Synchronicity

This post is a republished version of the original post called Afterlife Communication: Levine Synchronicity. Some updates have been made. I hope you enjoy it!

For this post, I have a powerful twin soul synchronicity and life parallel with Robin to share with you. We’ll be taking a journey back to the past, about nine years ago.

Twin Soul Synchronicity: Introduction

To begin, I would like to say that to me, twin souls are not souls split in two, or being half of a soul that is incomplete without the other. I don’t buy into the notion that we are incomplete souls until we find some other “half.”

Twin souls are whole souls that vibrate at a nearly identical frequency of spiritual light with nearly identical hues. They are from the same soul group. No two souls are exactly the same. But there are souls with whom we share a very close, even nearly identical vibrational resonance with. This is how I see my connection with Robin. This is based on information I was given through synchronicity which I shared in my background section.

If you disagree with how I see twin souls, I respect that. I’m sure you have very good reasons for believing what you do, just as I have very good reasons for believing what I do.

I don’t have all of the answers and I never will. I am a twin soul student, not expert, which is what I love being. I can only go by the information I am given for my particular spiritual journey. Yours may be different.

It is important for me to be clear with my readers about how I see it at this point. With that said, I am a growing and evolving soul and my perspectives about twin souls could change over time. But for now, this is how I feel.

Now, I’m ready to share today’s story!

Common Threads

In 2012, I was just getting to know who Robin was as a professional singer and a person because I had not been following his career prior to his death. I spent time looking at different pictures of him over the years to see what he was like at different stages.

On September 3, 2012, I emailed to myself four photos of Robin that I wanted to keep.

Later in the day when I looked at the email of the photos I sent to myself, I noticed that one said “© Steve Levine-2005” in the bottom left hand corner. I was surprised because I hadn’t noticed it before in the flurry of looking at so many pictures. There are only a million or so pictures of him online, lol! Also, the print was a little small.

Here is the picture of Robin I am talking about from the website (1)

All joking aside, this was very important to me. I thought to myself that Robin and I have a “Steve Levine” connection because one of my favorite authors is Stephen Levine.

The late Stephen Levine (1937-2016), has been very important in my life. He was one of the world’s most beloved grief counselors.  Even though I never met him, he felt like a father figure to me.

I have had a very strong connection to Stephen Levine’s writings since 1993 when I was studying clinical psychology. A colleague of mine introduced me to his books. He wrote in a way I had never seen before. I found him incredibly insightful on a personal and professional level.

When I first met my husband Julian, we read his book called Healing into Life and Death together. I shared with him how important this book was to me. It was helping me to touch the painful areas in my life with loving kindness instead of fear. He listened and even made some notes in my book when we had first started dating.

I mentioned in my background section, how I had a ceremony for Robin on June 8, 2012 and read from this book.

Here is some more information about Stephen Levine from Wikipedia.

So, on September 3, 2012, I pondered how Robin had a photographer named Steve Levine and how I was connected to beloved author and counselor Stephen Levine. It was a nice parallel and common thread that ran through our lives.

After Death Connection Through Synchronicity

Right after I was done looking at his photos and logging off of my email, I decided to watch a video on YouTube called BBC Learning-Previous Lives. It is a documentary about reincarnation, past life regression therapy and past life research. I had never seen it before.

As I watched the video, I received one of the more shocking synchronicities I had experienced with Robin at that time. It’s still one of the strongest communications I have ever been given and is very meaningful to me.

At approximately 7:00 in to the video, an ear, nose and throat doctor named Dr. Steven Levine appeared on the screen. Here is a screen shot of the video below:

Dr. Steven Levine


This was an incredible, amazing synchronicity that truly made me feel very connected to and one with Robin’s spirit. I felt a little bit like I was in the twilight zone with this one. This synchronicity occurred about 3 ½ months after Robin’s passing. At that point, I did not know we were twin souls, so I was thinking, “What is this thing with Robin?” My husband was freaked out by this as well and thought it was kind of spooky, lol!

In that moment, my twin soul connection with Robin manifested in the fact that we are/were both connected to men named Steve or Stephen Levine. The timing of these events in close proximity with each other is significant and what makes it so remarkable. The documentary with Dr. Steven Levine brought it all together, strongly emphasizing this connection.

Levine Grief Work

Steve and Stephen Levine were/are both connected to the issue of grief and doing something to heal it.

I already reviewed the Stephen associated with me.

The Steve associated with Robin, Steve Levine, is a music producer who produced the song, Grief Never Grows Old for the One World Project created to raise money for the 2004 Asian Tsunami relief effort.

Here is the song.

After all these years, I found out about this association of Steve Levine with the song, Grief Never Grows Old on August 17, 2019. When I first saw this picture of Robin in 2012, I thought he was Robin’s photographer and never looked into it any more.

It was only when I decided to write this blog post and do a lot more research on Steve Levine that I found out about how he does not only have a similar name to Stephen Levine. Both are associated with the topic of grief. The matching is truly incredible.

It just goes to show you how multi-layered afterlife communication can be. It could potentially take years before you get the complete message and synchronicity connected to your deceased loved one.

Robin and Past Lives

Since the twin soul synchronicity occurred through the context of a documentary on reincarnation, I think it was meant to get me to think more about this. I certainly believe reincarnation is possible, even highly likely, but I don’t understand how it really works. It seems a bit confusing to me to have 1000’s of incarnations on Earth, which is what some cultures believe.

Has Robin had past lives? His ex-wife Molly seemed to think so. I would like to share this quote from her from the book, Bee Gees: The Authorized Biography by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb (as told to David Leaf). Of all the things I have read about Robin over the years, I think this is one of the most interesting and insightful comments. The bold is mine:

All the years I’ve known him, it’s always seemed to me that it has been a race with time. Which was so crazy. He was seventeen when I first knew him. Yet then, it was sort of as if he’d lived a lifetime, and time was running out. I’ve always felt that some part of him is suffering a great deal. Almost as if he’s lived before. There’s something he draws his lyrics from, draws his force from, that is very much a part of him that nobody else can get into. The things that he draws his lyrics from are so deep and so meaningful and so hurtful as well, as if there’s been a great pain there. (2)

It is so interesting how she connected his suffering to a past life. There was so much more to him that only those closest to him could witness.

His brother Barry made a similar comment about him in terms of his sadness. I quote from the book, Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees by Jeff Apter:

Robin was an absolute dichotomy: he was two extremes. He could be the funniest man you’ve ever known, or the saddest man you’ve ever known. That was his gift; some of the great songs he came up with came from this sadness (3)

Upon reading these passages, one of the first things I thought of was his song, One Million Years, which he recorded when he was only 19 years old.

Here are some links to the video:

Of all the songs he sang and wrote, this one is still one of my favorites and most moving. I read the lyrics from time to time and wonder how he was able, at the age of 19, to write a song of this magnitude of such depth and loss. Where did the lyrics come from?  They surfaced from somewhere deep within his soul.

In this song, he is singing about an afterlife communication, the deceased informing the one living that they will wait for them for one million years. It is a loss so deep and hurtful that they are willing to wait that long. It is a true soul mate song on a deep spiritual level.

When I was 19, topics like this were not even on my radar. But they were on his radar and he set these sentiments beautifully to music. If anyone could make sadness and loss sound beautiful, it was Robin.

Is One Million Years a glimpse into one of Robin’s past lives? Was he singing about his own death and loss of a marriage partner from a previous lifetime? I don’t know and will probably never know while I’m alive. But his ex-wife’s comment definitely got me thinking of that possibility.

He could have put his past-life loss, separation, and sadness into this song in his incarnation as Robin. If musicians have had past lives, it makes sense to me that they could be unconsciously connecting with a lifetime and channeling that into their music in their current lifetime. I think it is interesting to look at things from this perspective even if I can’t prove it because it takes things to a deeper level.


Twin soul synchronicity is very profound, especially when it is new to you and especially when it is occurring so strongly with someone you never met. I did not know exactly what was going on and why when this all started in 2012 after Robin’s death. That is how I felt when I received this synchronistic message. Back in 2012, it led me into a much deeper and evolving journey of discovery in terms of the nature of my connection with his spirit.

I have built a narrative on this website showing our spiritual connection. So, I hope you can see why, by December of 2012, I was asking in prayer if Robin is my twin soul.

The synchronicity I just presented to you is one of many situations that led me to ask for an answer to this question. It was a lot to figure out on my own, so I sought help from God, which for me, is the best place to look for help. I have come to view the synchronicity as signs and symbols of our connection.

I did not know anyone I could trust in the physical world who could assist me and who would not judge me. So, I am always grateful to God, the Universe, and Robin for making the truth of our connection so clear.

I hope you enjoyed this post about how twin soul synchronicity can manifest. I present these stories to give examples so that if you are experiencing something similar, you might want to consider whether you are experiencing a twin soul connection too.

Thank you for joining me here. Until next time, take good care!


1.  Source of Robin Gibb photo © Steve Levine-2005:

2.  Gibb, Barry, Robin and Maurice and David Leaf (1979). Bee Gees: The Authorized Biography, New York: A Delilah/Delta Special Publishers, page 126.

3.  Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees, London: Jawbone Press, page 273.

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The photo of Robin Gibb is being used in accordance with the “fair use” clause cited in The Copyright Law of the United States, Title 17 of the United States Code, Chapter 1, due to its use for comment, educational, informational, and reference purposes from which no material profits shall arise. Title 17, U.S. Code § 107 recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states:

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Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.


Christina Samuels Signature




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Sesame Street Synchronicity

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Afterlife Communications: Unknown Soul Connections

Afterlife Communications: Unknown Soul Connections

As a result of my afterlife experiences with Robin’s spirit, I see newly engaged couples in a completely different way.

They see the best in each other, as they should. They are on their way to a life filled with love, unexpected challenges, and life-changing experiences, both positive and negative.

That is the reality of marriage. I have been married for almost 18 years, so I speak from experience. It really is a package deal. It is the message that Bruce Springsteen conveys in one of my favorite songs, Tunnel of Love.

I wonder what they truly know about each other at the deepest soul levels. And, I wonder what they don’t know about each other spiritually at the moment of their wedding.

I think back to my own wedding day and all my husband and I did not know about my soul connection with Robin, someone I had never met. After dating each other for 5 years before we got married, we thought we knew so much about each other. And we did. Yet, there was still so much to be discovered. And some of what that was would not be revealed until after Robin passed away. Then what was unknown became known.

The lesson is that there is always more to discover about yourself and your spouse because you are both evolving. Marriage can evolve to include completely unexpected spiritual bonds and experiences…if there is an openness to that.

Life is about growth, evolution and expansion to me. It is about coming into a deeper understanding of who we really are which includes who we have been, and who we have known and loved as a spiritual beings beyond our current lifetimes.

It means growing into the understanding that the person you are married to is a spiritual being with a rich, ancient history that may be unknown to you…and them. It could be a history that transcends this one lifetime. Sometimes the latent history manifests itself during an already established marriage. This is what I have experienced and been writing about on this blog.

Who Are You Really?

There are lots of shows where the weddings of couples are televised. Occasionally, I watch one for fun because I still love weddings. I look at the bride and I think to myself, “I wonder if the man you are marrying has a pre-existing soul connection with another twin in spirit that you know nothing about right now.”

I look at the groom and I think the same thing, wondering if the woman he is about to marry is connected to a soul mate in spirit he knows nothing about.

How would their knowledge of this impact their choice to marry, if at all? How would they handle being contacted by a twin, soul mate or soul family member who is now in the afterlife?

To my knowledge, not many people think about these types of things before getting married. I certainly didn’t. I had no knowledge that what has happened for me, in terms of connecting with Robin’s spirit, could happen. Nevertheless, it is true for me and others, such as the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael).

Nobody is going to tell you about this in pre-marital counseling! Not going to happen, unless perhaps it’s a spiritualist church. I’ve never been to one so I wouldn’t know.

I wonder how many other married couples are contacted by a twin or soul mate in spirit. I will never know because most people keep this information to themselves. I did for years.

The Infinity Symbols

But, it was hard keeping all of this to myself. Having breast cancer helped me get clear on the fact that I wanted to share my experiences to benefit others. I also like to share what I have read and learned during my journey. There are truly amazing, poetic authors in the world and I have shared some with you in this post.

When I was diagnosed in June, 2018, I did not know how much time I had left to live. One of the things I wanted to do at that time, which was very important to me, was to not pass away with all of my afterlife stories about Robin locked inside of me.

Even though I am recovered now, I am still motivated by the need to write what is in my heart while I am healthy and still can. I take nothing for granted. Having cancer gave me a higher consciousness, to get on with doing what I really want to do, and not waste time here. I encourage you to do the same.

Surprise Soul Connections

So, in terms of people dating, being engaged or walking down the aisle to get married, I think it is important to be aware that spiritually, there may be a lot more to a person than may currently be known.

It is important to know that a person can be happily married on earth and still have a long-standing, even ancient, soul connection with someone not currently embodied. It is also possible that this connection could manifest during some point while dating, being engaged, or married to someone else.Afterlife Communications: Play a Game of Chess

In my case, my connection with Robin manifested out of the blue with absolutely no warning. There was no way I could have known about this until it happened. I did not know I had a spiritual connection with him until after he died physically.


How would you handle this type of situation?

I’m sure it depends on individual circumstances. I wrote about how I choose to honor both my husband and Robin’s spirit in the post below.

Twin Soul Connections: What If You’re Married?

As we move along the chess board of life, and the afterlife, we encounter those that we share an eternal soul connection with. Our souls talk with each other through synchronicity, dreams and other communications.

I personally believe we all have multiple, numerous soul and spiritual connections. Some of these are with people we have met and share our lives with on earth. Some of the people we are connected with are deceased and live in another realm of existence still connected with our 3D world. Some are with people we have not met during our lifetime and do not know about yet. But, they are still there and may show up when you least expect it.

Robin’s spirit opened this truth up to me.

Why do we have these connections? It can be because of various factors, such as belonging to the same soul group, being soul mates or twin souls.

Some people believe in the pre-existence of the soul. Or, that we know each other from another dimension or plane of existence.

We connect because we have valuable work to do together to benefit others, as is the case with this blog. Also, I believe we connect to uplift, love, pray for and support one another as life on earth is often quite a roller-coaster ride.

In other words, we are more interdependent than completely independent. Many of our loved ones in spirit are quite capable of participating in this interdependence. Our love and prayers benefit them and their nurturing, ongoing presence in our lives benefits us.

The Interdependent Relationship: Letting go of Codependence and Extreme Independence

There is a lot more to each of us than we know and see. We are all very mysterious in a way. We think we may know a person, but we all have multiple layers to who we are. Most of what we know about a person is only scratching the surface. Spiritually, there are very deep layers and connections yet to be discovered for many of us.

Connections Across Time and Place

I would even go as far as to say that what we know about ourselves is only scratching the surface. For example, if I have had past lives, I don’t know anything about them, where they were or who I was. I sometimes wonder if a past-life connection is influencing my current spiritual connection with Robin.

To illuminate this point, I would like to quote from Sir Edwin Arnold’s book, The Light of Asia:


For while the wheel of birth and death turns round,
Past things and thoughts, and buried lives come back. (1)


Perhaps this is why people in spirit come back to people on earth they did not know. Maybe they remember the “buried life” we once shared, even when the person on earth doesn’t.

Would it help me to know for sure if I shared a past life with Robin? I’m not sure. It depends on what happened. Maybe some things are better left unknown, at least until the time is right to know.

In this short, but interesting video, Dr. Pillai mentions that we are pulled towards people and spiritual practices we have known in previous lifetimes. I invite you to see what you think of this. I have always found this talk interesting and good food for thought. He states that being attracted towards a particular person indicates a past-life memory. I agree that this is possible.

Soul School with Robin

My connection with Robin has taught me so much that I did not know about myself, such as my ability to communicate with a person in the afterlife. I never did this before he passed away, so it has been quite a discovery.

He also taught me that I can truly trust my intuition when it comes to soul connections. His responses back to me over the years gave me the affirmation that my initial intuitive inklings about our soul family connection were spot on. That was very good for my self-esteem.

Very importantly, he has taught me, (and you!), how well a person in spirit can communicate when they have a strong message to deliver. We on earth just have to pay attention.

This is my life upon being awoken by the shock wave of twin soul energy, which some of you reading may be familiar with. This is what connecting with a member of your soul family does: it strengthens you and helps you to remember and know who you really are beyond this earth and this one lifetime.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I appreciate each and every visitor. I hope this post serves as a good resource for you.

I know there is a lot going on in the world that is distressing. I hope something I shared here supports you in the days to come, by bringing you some happiness.

Until next time, take care, stay safe and enjoy life to the best of your ability.


1. Arnold, Sir Edwin (1890). The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Boston: Roberts Brothers, Book the Second, page 39-40.


Christina Samuels Signature

Sesame Street Synchronicity

Sesame Street Synchronicity

Listen up beloved readers! This is a very important post as you can see from the picture above! laughing

Whatever I receive for synchronicity in my daily life is what I love to write about here. It is how I communicate with Robin’s soul now that he is living life in Spirit. I acknowledge and honor the synchronicity I receive by writing about it and sharing it with you.

Sesame Street Stamps

On Wednesday, November 13th, around 1:45pm, my husband showed me a booklet we received in the mail. It was from the U.S. Postal Service. It is a gift guide showing a wide variety of historical, artistic and generally fun, interesting stamps.

It is free and you can get it here if you’re interested. It’s really nice if you like special U.S. stamps for the holidays and other occasions. It was sent to me for free because I have an account set up with them.

My husband Julian folded over some pages of the booklet before he showed it to me. One of the pages he saved for me to look at showed a sheet of Sesame Street stamps. It seems he thought it was important for me to see them! They are very cute and if you click here, you can see them.

After we looked at the other stamps he wanted me to see, we got ready to go out, ran some errands and headed to our Spanish class.

Google Alert-Stamps Synchronicity

The next day, November 14th, during the early afternoon hours, I checked my email. I had been so busy on the 13th that I did not check it at all that day.

As I scrolled through the messages, I noticed a Google alert for Robin that I received on November 13th. Years ago, I signed up to receive them so I could keep in touch with any news related to him or his estate.

When I clicked on the email to open the message, I was so surprised when I saw this headline:

20 great ‘Sesame Street’ musical moments for the show’s 50th anniversary

Here is a screen shot of the Google alert:


Robin Gibb Google Alert Screenshot


I received the email at 3:01pm, which was only a little over an hour after my husband showed me the stamps. For me, it was another heart-touching synchronicity!

Here is a link to the article where Robin is mentioned. It highlights Sesame Street’s history with singing and music.

Deceased Twin Soul Connects with Twin and Twin’s Spouse Incarnate on Earth

I have described this spiritual, psychic triangle between Julian, Robin and myself previously. The writings of James Judd, which I reviewed in this post, explain the deceased twin soul-incarnate spouse connection very well (see page 40-41 on the link provided).

I wrote this post over a year ago. I thought it would be good to briefly present it here again because of all the books and articles I’ve read over the years about twin souls, James Judd’s writings are among those that ring the most true for me.

I have found that not many people write about the spiritual connection between a twin in spirit and the spouse of their twin still embodied in the physical. It is quite fascinating. James Judd is one of the very few people I have found that write about exactly what I have been experiencing.

This 3-way connection has become abundantly clear to me over the years. If you have been reading my posts for awhile, I hope you can see what I’m talking about.

I think it is also apparent, as evidenced by multiple posts I have written, that the spiritual connection between Robin’s soul and my husband is extremely reliable and frequent.

If Robin wants to use Sesame Street to demonstrate this 3-way connection, that’s fine with me because it is cute and good for the heart! He had a strong connection with Sesame Street. I feel like he wanted to bring this to my attention so I could include this compilation here. There is a serious lack of Sesame Street, but not anymore!

If it was not for Julian showing me the stamps, I know I would not have paid too much attention to the article on Sesame Street mentioned in the Google alert. Also, if it weren’t for my husband, I don’t know when I would have seen the stamps in the booklet due to my busy schedule. So, a key aspect of synchronicity is that it causes us to pay attention to things we may not have otherwise attended to.

Examining the Synchronicity

There is a lot in the media about Sesame Street right now, whether articles, television shows or commercials due to the anniversary.

But Julian showing me the stamps on November 13th did not have anything to do with the 50-year anniversary. There was nothing mentioned about the anniversary on the page of stamps in the booklet and he didn’t say anything about it. They were something he felt guided to show me.

Also, it was only when I saw Robin’s Google alert on November 14th that I found out it was the 50th anniversary of Sesame Street. Before that, I didn’t know. The anniversary was November 10th. As of November 17th, I have not received any other Google alerts about Robin and the Sesame Street anniversary.

By saying all of this, I’m demonstrating that it is a genuine synchronicity, not just an occurrence that happened because of the 50th anniversary. I think it is good that I do this type of examination with the synchronicity I receive because one of the key elements of synchronicity is the surprise and unexpected nature of it.

It is also all about the timing of events. I rule out other possibilities for the alignment and then if I feel in my heart it is a true synchronicity, I write about it on this website.

One thing about synchronicity I love is that it cannot be manufactured by humans. It also cannot be created by wishful thinking. I can invite it and I do, but I have no control over it or how it manifests in my life. That is what makes synchronicity so brilliant and a great way to communicate with loved ones in spirit! To me, it is a form of spiritual play!

It is my personal belief that synchronicity is a spiritual phenomenon that manifests in the material world. It is the interplay between humans, the physical world, and various unseen spiritual beings which could include God, our guardian angels, spirit guides, soul mates, twin souls, ancestors and soul family.

Unseen Spirits are amazing at bringing two or more events together in a synchronistic fashion in a way that is beyond our human abilities. We are part of the equation however, and many of us are very good at noticing and recording the synchronicity we receive. By doing this, we are letting the loving, unseen forces know that we care, are listening and paying attention. This helps to contribute to the generation of more synchronicity.

Robin Gibb’s Sesame Street-Inspired Music

Just for fun, I thought I would share some of Robin’s music to honor his connection with Sesame Street.

Here is a link to Sesame Street Fever.

And if you’re going to listen to that, you might as well listen to Trash while you’re at it! I love it!!! It’s a great way to celebrate the anniversary.

Don’t forget “C is for Cookie.” I think I’ll go and get one. Why don’t you join me? Chocolate Chip anyone?

Robin looks cute with Big Bird here and with his children and Oscar here.

Here is a brief excerpt from The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb, which shows the sweet connection Robin shared with his children and Sesame Street:

Molly, six-year-old Spencer and four-year-old Melissa had also joined Robin in the States for a visit to Sesame Street. As both children were fans of the Public Broadcasting System’s award- winning television program, Robin had agreed to participate in the recording of the Sesame Street Fever album, with the stipulation that his son and daughter be allowed to meet the Sesame Street characters they loved.


Robin found himself sharing vocals on the title track with The Count, Grover, Ernie and Cookie Monster, and providing a spoken intro to ‘C Is For Cookie.’ His song, ‘Trash,’ was released as a single in October and remains a novelty favorite for many Bee Gees’ fans today.


As Robin put it, “How often does one get the chance to work with Cookie Monster?”


The LP went gold less than four months after its release, and Robin and his family traveled to New York to be presented with the award by none other than Big Bird. (2)

After receiving this synchronicity, I bought the stamps. They are on their way to me as I write! I see them as a keepsake reminder of this communication.

This afterlife message is a cute gift from God and Robin with Julian’s very important assistance! I hope you enjoyed it and that it put a smile on your face.

Take care and I look forward to writing for you and Robin again soon.


  1. Judd, James (July 7, 2003). The Afterlife, Angels and God: Collected Essays, New York: iUniverse, Inc.
  2. Bilyeu, Melinda, Cook, Hector and Môn Hughes, Andrew (2013). The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb. Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition. Location 12041-12046.



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