As a result of my afterlife experiences with Robin’s spirit, I see newly engaged couples in a completely different way.

They see the best in each other, as they should. They are on their way to a life filled with love, unexpected challenges, and life-changing experiences, both positive and negative.

That is the reality of marriage. I have been married for almost 18 years, so I speak from experience. It really is a package deal. It is the message that Bruce Springsteen conveys in one of my favorite songs, Tunnel of Love.

I wonder what they truly know about each other at the deepest soul levels. And, I wonder what they don’t know about each other spiritually at the moment of their wedding.

I think back to my own wedding day and all my husband and I did not know about my soul connection with Robin, someone I had never met. After dating each other for 5 years before we got married, we thought we knew so much about each other. And we did. Yet, there was still so much to be discovered. And some of what that was would not be revealed until after Robin passed away. Then what was unknown became known.

The lesson is that there is always more to discover about yourself and your spouse because you are both evolving. Marriage can evolve to include completely unexpected spiritual bonds and experiences…if there is an openness to that.

Life is about growth, evolution and expansion to me. It is about coming into a deeper understanding of who we really are which includes who we have been, and who we have known and loved as a spiritual beings beyond our current lifetimes.

It means growing into the understanding that the person you are married to is a spiritual being with a rich, ancient history that may be unknown to you…and them. It could be a history that transcends this one lifetime. Sometimes the latent history manifests itself during an already established marriage. This is what I have experienced and been writing about on this blog.

Who Are You Really?

There are lots of shows where the weddings of couples are televised. Occasionally, I watch one for fun because I still love weddings. I look at the bride and I think to myself, “I wonder if the man you are marrying has a pre-existing soul connection with another twin in spirit that you know nothing about right now.”

I look at the groom and I think the same thing, wondering if the woman he is about to marry is connected to a soul mate in spirit he knows nothing about.

How would their knowledge of this impact their choice to marry, if at all? How would they handle being contacted by a twin, soul mate or soul family member who is now in the afterlife?

To my knowledge, not many people think about these types of things before getting married. I certainly didn’t. I had no knowledge that what has happened for me, in terms of connecting with Robin’s spirit, could happen. Nevertheless, it is true for me and others, such as the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael).

Nobody is going to tell you about this in pre-marital counseling! Not going to happen, unless perhaps it’s a spiritualist church. I’ve never been to one so I wouldn’t know.

I wonder how many other married couples are contacted by a twin or soul mate in spirit. I will never know because most people keep this information to themselves. I did for years.

The Infinity Symbols

But, it was hard keeping all of this to myself. Having breast cancer helped me get clear on the fact that I wanted to share my experiences to benefit others. I also like to share what I have read and learned during my journey. There are truly amazing, poetic authors in the world and I have shared some with you in this post.

When I was diagnosed in June, 2018, I did not know how much time I had left to live. One of the things I wanted to do at that time, which was very important to me, was to not pass away with all of my afterlife stories about Robin locked inside of me.

Even though I am recovered now, I am still motivated by the need to write what is in my heart while I am healthy and still can. I take nothing for granted. Having cancer gave me a higher consciousness, to get on with doing what I really want to do, and not waste time here. I encourage you to do the same.

Surprise Soul Connections

So, in terms of people dating, being engaged or walking down the aisle to get married, I think it is important to be aware that spiritually, there may be a lot more to a person than may currently be known.

It is important to know that a person can be happily married on earth and still have a long-standing, even ancient, soul connection with someone not currently embodied. It is also possible that this connection could manifest during some point while dating, being engaged, or married to someone else.Afterlife Communications: Play a Game of Chess

In my case, my connection with Robin manifested out of the blue with absolutely no warning. There was no way I could have known about this until it happened. I did not know I had a spiritual connection with him until after he died physically.


How would you handle this type of situation?

I’m sure it depends on individual circumstances. I wrote about how I choose to honor both my husband and Robin’s spirit in the post below.

Twin Soul Connections: What If You’re Married?

As we move along the chess board of life, and the afterlife, we encounter those that we share an eternal soul connection with. Our souls talk with each other through synchronicity, dreams and other communications.

I personally believe we all have multiple, numerous soul and spiritual connections. Some of these are with people we have met and share our lives with on earth. Some of the people we are connected with are deceased and live in another realm of existence still connected with our 3D world. Some are with people we have not met during our lifetime and do not know about yet. But, they are still there and may show up when you least expect it.

Robin’s spirit opened this truth up to me.

Why do we have these connections? It can be because of various factors, such as belonging to the same soul group, being soul mates or twin souls.

Some people believe in the pre-existence of the soul. Or, that we know each other from another dimension or plane of existence.

We connect because we have valuable work to do together to benefit others, as is the case with this blog. Also, I believe we connect to uplift, love, pray for and support one another as life on earth is often quite a roller-coaster ride.

In other words, we are more interdependent than completely independent. Many of our loved ones in spirit are quite capable of participating in this interdependence. Our love and prayers benefit them and their nurturing, ongoing presence in our lives benefits us.

The Interdependent Relationship: Letting go of Codependence and Extreme Independence

There is a lot more to each of us than we know and see. We are all very mysterious in a way. We think we may know a person, but we all have multiple layers to who we are. Most of what we know about a person is only scratching the surface. Spiritually, there are very deep layers and connections yet to be discovered for many of us.

Connections Across Time and Place

I would even go as far as to say that what we know about ourselves is only scratching the surface. For example, if I have had past lives, I don’t know anything about them, where they were or who I was. I sometimes wonder if a past-life connection is influencing my current spiritual connection with Robin.

To illuminate this point, I would like to quote from Sir Edwin Arnold’s book, The Light of Asia:


For while the wheel of birth and death turns round,
Past things and thoughts, and buried lives come back. (1)


Perhaps this is why people in spirit come back to people on earth they did not know. Maybe they remember the “buried life” we once shared, even when the person on earth doesn’t.

Would it help me to know for sure if I shared a past life with Robin? I’m not sure. It depends on what happened. Maybe some things are better left unknown, at least until the time is right to know.

In this short, but interesting video, Dr. Pillai mentions that we are pulled towards people and spiritual practices we have known in previous lifetimes. I invite you to see what you think of this. I have always found this talk interesting and good food for thought. He states that being attracted towards a particular person indicates a past-life memory. I agree that this is possible.

Soul School with Robin

My connection with Robin has taught me so much that I did not know about myself, such as my ability to communicate with a person in the afterlife. I never did this before he passed away, so it has been quite a discovery.

He also taught me that I can truly trust my intuition when it comes to soul connections. His responses back to me over the years gave me the affirmation that my initial intuitive inklings about our soul family connection were spot on. That was very good for my self-esteem.

Very importantly, he has taught me, (and you!), how well a person in spirit can communicate when they have a strong message to deliver. We on earth just have to pay attention.

This is my life upon being awoken by the shock wave of twin soul energy, which some of you reading may be familiar with. This is what connecting with a member of your soul family does: it strengthens you and helps you to remember and know who you really are beyond this earth and this one lifetime.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I appreciate each and every visitor. I hope this post serves as a good resource for you.

I know there is a lot going on in the world that is distressing. I hope something I shared here supports you in the days to come, by bringing you some happiness.

Until next time, take care, stay safe and enjoy life to the best of your ability.


1. Arnold, Sir Edwin (1890). The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Boston: Roberts Brothers, Book the Second, page 39-40.


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