In this post, “Meaningful Music and Afterlife Communication: A Two-Way Street, I share a story about how I recently played music for Robin as a way of connecting with him. A few days later, I unexpectedly heard the same meaningful song in a café.

This song was released in 1969 and is one I have never heard playing in a public space. I consider it a rare occurrence to hear this song. It is by an artist that Robin took an interest in, so the song served as a reminder of him. Read on to find out who it is!

Afterlife Communication: A Two-Way Street

When a loved dies, it has become increasingly common for loved ones on earth to ask for signs from the deceased. It is wonderful that more people are doing this, and I hope the trend continues.

While it is important to ask for signs from deceased loved ones, it is just as important to send them signs as well. Signs can be sent in a variety of ways, depending on what our loved one would like. Some ideas are to send prayers, chanted mantras, flowers, candlelight, incense, food and drink offerings and music. You can also read something to them that they liked or watch a favorite movie of theirs in remembrance of them. The list of ideas is endless.

Sometimes people say that they never notice synchronicity or signs from their loved one in spirit. When that is the case, my suggestion is to send them a sign, rather than only wait for one from them. Sending your loved one a sign can be a catalyst for a new relationship across the veil. It can get the ball rolling. What you get back in terms of a response can be quite remarkable too.

The commitment to send signs forms a two-way street of communication which can lead to the most profound connection and love shared across the veil.

In my everyday life, I have come to dislike one-sided connections. If I feel a connection with a person is one-sided, where I am making the majority of the effort to connect, then those connections fade over time. So, when it comes to afterlife communication, I personally believe in sending signs as well as asking for them and being open to receiving them. That way, Robin and my other loved ones in spirit know that I do not expect them to send all the messages, and that I consider it a two-way street.

They can expect messages from me as well.


Music and Afterlife Communication

Connecting with Robin through Music

During the late evening hours of February 8, 2024, I felt guided to spend time with Robin’s spirit. Have you had one of those nice times in the evening after everyone else had gone to bed? It was like that. The house was quiet, and the world outside finally came to stillness.

While sitting in my office, I decided to put Robin’s photo on my desk right next to my computer. Usually, I keep his photo on an altar table that is beside my work desk. This was the first time since I moved to Portugal that I put his picture right on my desk. Since I wanted to send him songs in order to communicate, it felt better to have his picture there right next to the screen where I was playing the videos. So, I was very intentional in doing this. This is part of communication being a two-way street.

I played some of my favorite songs for him and sent them to his spirit. One was Roberta Flack’s, “Killing Me Softly,” because I have always felt the lyrics apply to Robin perfectly. I also shared a video about the story behind the song which includes Lori Lieberman, who sang and co-wrote the original version. Both videos are very good, so if you have moment to watch these incredible artists, the links are there with the highlighted text.

Then, I decided to share Dusty Springfield’s “Son of a Preacher Man” with Robin. I liked it so much; I played it twice for him. For years, I have connected with Robin through this song.

When I was first learning about him after he passed away, I discovered in this video that he read Dusty Springfield’s biography. He mentions her at 5:53 into the video. He was talking about how she and other singers liked to use sewage pipes and bathrooms to create an echo sound of their voice when practicing their vocals. The Bee Gees did the same thing.

In this blog post, I share a synchronicity related to the Bee Gees’ choice of a favorite bathroom to sing in during their early years:

How Afterlife Communication Helps Reduce Loneliness

I did not know anything about Dusty Springfield at that time after Robin’s death. I researched her on YouTube and found the video of “Son of a Preacher Man” I linked to above. I fell in love with it and with the song. I have connected with Robin with this song ever since. So, Robin taught me about Dusty Springfield. I even watched a documentary to learn more about her.

After I played these songs, I felt complete with Robin for the evening. It felt like I connected strongly with his spirit, so I said goodnight after this.


Cafe Music and Afterlife Communication


A Café and “Son of a Preacher Man”

On Saturday, February 10th, I had plans to go shopping with my husband. There are great malls and cafés in the Porto area, and we are really enjoying them.

Before we left home, I said my morning prayers. I asked for signs, symbols, messages and communications from Robin, the Universe, my angels and teachers in spirit and other loved ones. I like to offer an invitation to Spirit because it lets them know I’m tuned into them and sets the stage to be alert for magical happenings during the day.

On the way to the mall, we stopped in a beautiful café. Amid the chatter of dining customers, and my husband and new friend ordering their treats, I suddenly noticed that “Son of a Preacher Man” was playing in the background!

For a moment, I had that familiar feeling of time stopping as I tuned out the surrounding sounds and tuned only into the song. To be honest, I felt a little stunned. Nobody else knew what I was experiencing. Even though it was noisy and crowded, I felt the private synchronistic connection with Robin’s spirit.

The timing was incredible. If we had arrived at the café a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later, I would have missed it. I knew it was Robin’s spirit reminding me of him and the moment from a couple of nights earlier when I sent him this song. It had only been a little over 36 hours since I played it for his spirit. The Universe’s use of the two-way street was impeccable. I felt my steps had been closely guided. The song and the moment were incredibly meaningful because of the song’s history in terms of my connection with Robin.

For almost 12 years, I have experienced these types of occurrences in terms of afterlife communication with Robin. So, why was I stunned? You would think I would be used to this by now. In some ways, it makes sense because synchronicity is unexpected, mysterious, and catches us off guard. However, there is another aspect of being stunned that I want to touch on briefly.

Perhaps, I still don’t get it that I’m a part of the Oneness.

In an article called, “The Cathedral of Eternity: Chaos, Synchronicity, and the Technology of Magic,” Tony Vigorito reaches this exact conclusion after a series of fascinating synchronistic experiences he had:

 “…the prickling astonishment that follows the experience of synchronicity—the sensation that something magical has just occurred—this is but an artifact of our limited technology of mind. Synchronicity is only astounding, in other words, when we persist in the delusion that we are distinct from the all and everything. Expanding consciousness beyond the limited point of view of oneself and into the unlimited point of view of undivided unity, this—as if it were so simple—this is the technology of magic.”

This is what Robin’s spirit has been teaching me since 2012: that I am not separate or distinct from the Oneness and Unity of the Universe, even though I have often felt like I am. And neither are you.

Ego-based life on earth perpetuates the lie that we are alone, separate distinct entities, wandering around here unknown, unwatched, and unloved. That could not be further from the truth.

Synchronicity is a reminder that we are part and parcel of this Infinite Universe teeming with the energy of spiritual and eternal Love. This knowledge heals the damage, wounds, and fractures caused by the controlling and dominating energy of the unhealthy version of ego circulating on our planet.

From this point forward, I will continue to see synchronicity as beautiful, as a blessing, and as a gift from the Universe, which includes the energies of my deceased loved ones. But I will let go of being stunned and astonished by it because now, I know I am a part of the Universe. Synchronicity happens because we are included and loved. It’s clear to me that Robin has been doing his healing work with me during the past 12 years to get me to this point. This is what soul family members do for each other. Well done, Robin! 😊



Meaningful Music and Afterlife Communication

For many years, I have been studying the ways in which loved ones in spirit communicate with loved ones on earth. Communicating with music is definitely one of Spirit’s most common and favorite ways to connect. Generally speaking, humans love music because it taps into our universal needs for love, fun, motivation, serenity, excitement, celebration, and mourning. It reaches into almost every area of our lives. Music carries the memories of our relationships with the deceased. So, it makes sense that their spirits would connect with us in this way.

Karen T. Hluchan, in the article, “Messages in Music from Loved Ones in Spirit,” articulates this very idea. She states:

Often, our loved ones in spirit orchestrate events for us to hear music outside of ourselves that remind us of them. As mentioned, there are no coincidences. They work hard to send signs not only through music, but also signs you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell. These signs are their way of letting you know they are around, sending you love and comfort.

The moment in the café where I heard “Son of a Preacher Man” was orchestrated with such perfection that I truly honor the Intelligence behind it, and everything that was done to bring this blessing to fruition.

Along these lines, in the article, “Is It a Coincidence, or Is the Universe Telling You Something?” Midnight Oil states:

The universe is like a radio station broadcasting 24/7 for your whole life. However, you need to learn how to tune in to the broadcasts. You don’t need any specialized equipment to tune in. All you have to do is be aware that it’s there and keep an ear and an eye open for the messages – it’s that simple.

In terms of the broadcasts, Spirit is quite capable of sending out song lyrics and other types of music when there is a message needing to be conveyed.

The message I got from the song playing in the café was that Robin’s spirit was fully aware when I was connecting with him and playing the songs in my office. Once again, it’s about how we are all part of Unity Consciousness, so of course, that includes Robin’s spirit.

I felt his warm energetic presence around me when I was in the café. He was letting me know he received the message I sent out. I was like, “Wow, he really got my message!” And his spirit was teaching me, “Of course. After all this time, why are you surprised? We are in the Oneness together!” Like a boomerang, the song came back to me. This is how we have been communicating for years, which you can read about in this post. This example is not about a song; it’s about everyday conversation:

Medicinal Message

Through two-way afterlife communication, I have truly learned that life is an echo. Communicating with loved ones in Spirit is an eye-opening way to learn this lesson quickly. The echoes occur right before your eyes and it’s impossible to deny it.

In Closing

I would like to share one more quote by Tony Vigorito from “The Cathedral of Eternity” article mentioned above because it’s so good. It’s a good teaching to keep in mind during our experiences of synchronicity, especially if we are in the presence of someone attempting to invalidate us:

And the experience of synchronicity is profoundly personal. It relies upon your subjectivity and the meanings you bring to your life. Because of this, it is irrelevant to debate whether or not it’s real in the sense of what we might vainly refer to as objective reality. There’s an unavoidable arrogance in presuming to evaluate not merely the truth of someone else’s experience, but actually the truth of the meaning of someone else’s experience. In the latter case, it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone but the person involved.

I hope you enjoyed this post. All the posts I write are my spiritual service work that I offer freely to all who are guided here. Until next time!

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Christina Samuels Signature

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