Spiritual Connections with Singers and Songwriters: A Reading List

Spiritual Connections with Singers and Songwriters: A Reading List

This post was updated on October 11, 2021.

If I were to take a survey, I am sure I would find that most people feel a spiritual connection with someone who is a singer, songwriter, composer or musician. These spiritual connections with singers and songwriters can range from a superficial crush to something very deep, meaningful and life-changing.

During my spiritual journey, I have come across some authors that have been very instrumental in my growth and understanding of what has transpired with Robin since he passed away. They have the deep and meaningful spiritual connections with singers that I am speaking of and I feel we could all learn a lot from what they have to share.

Soul Connections with Singers: A Reading List

Here is my reading list of my favorite authors who courageously write about their mystical connections with singers and band members.

Dance of the Electric Hummingbird by Patricia Walker

This book is about the author’s spiritual connection with former Van Halen lead singer Sammy Hagar. Her connection is unique in that she actually met him and got to know him as a result of her attendance at his concerts in Mexico.

I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul Through Rock ‘n’ Roll by Laura Faeth

This book is about the author’s spiritual journey, growth, soul group, and past-life connections with a band she followed quite intensely. She never names the band, but gives plenty of clues so most people can figure out who it is. I figured out who she was talking about, but I won’t mention it so as to not spoil it for someone.

All You Need is Love by Jewelle St. James

This book is about the author’s afterlife and past-life spiritual connection with John Lennon. I would like to share this quote below from the authors’ mother because it resonates strongly with me:

Past-life memories, if a person isn’t aware of them, emerge as feelings rather than mental recollections. And sometimes these feelings can be disturbing. Jewelle, remember that unexplainable grief you felt when John Lennon was shot? Well, that was a past-life feeling. You had no past memory of having loved and lost, but you did have the feelings…Remember that our present relationships with others, our feelings, our loves, and our hates, often survive the passage of time. (1)

Past-Life Memories Can Present as Deep Feelings for Someone

I think this is very important for those of us interested in reincarnation to be aware of. We may not have a specific memory of an identity or a particular time or place that we knew someone, but we could have very strong feelings associated with a person indicating a past-life memory.

In 2012, this is exactly what happened to me. I had deep grief around Robin’s death, someone I had never met or knew, but felt strongly that he is a member of my soul family. The feelings were unexplainable, but I explored them, reached out to Robin in Spirit and the result of that is documented on this website. I have no direct past-life memories of Robin or who he or I may have been. But I do have the feelings.

I go into a little more detail about the grief I experienced upon Robin’s death in this post below about his connection with Johann Strauss and the song, “I Started a Joke.” In the post, I share an interesting synchronicity that is connected to Ms. St. James’ book as well, that relates to Strauss:

Robin and Strauss

There must have been a time when I did know and love his soul in some other time and some other place. How could I stay motivated to continue to write about this unless there was a deep connection with its origins just beyond my ability to remember? Why would signs and symbols of Robin’s presence with me continue even nine years after his death if there were not a strong spiritual connection with roots in some other time or place?

I would say to be very aware of anyone you have particularly strong feelings for, especially if you don’t know them well. Your feelings could be giving you a hint about a previous connection from another lifetime.

Now I will share a sign of Robin’s presence with me which I hope you will enjoy.

Interesting Patterns in Afterlife Communications

I always enjoy seeing how my connection with Robin’s spirit shows up. On September 21, 2021, my husband and I were on our way home from the dentist. As we drove, we ended up behind a truck that said, “RG Truck Parts.” His initials were right there in front of my face, so I took a few pictures as a keepsake. The name or initials of a deceased loved one showing up unexpectedly is a known form of afterlife communication. Here is the photo:


RG Truck Image

Faye Schindelka writes about this phenomenon of initials of deceased loved ones as a form of communication in the article, “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”:

Here’s an example of a synchronistic afterlife  sign;  you have a thought of your deceased Grandfather while driving and in the next instant you hear his name spoken over the radio. You then look at the license plate on the car in front of you and see his initials. (2)

 The next day, September 22nd, it dawned on me that there is a pattern showing up in my communications with Robin.

September 21st is Robin’s eldest son Spencer’s birthday. This reminded me that there was another time when Robin’s initials “RG” showed up in my life on one of his family member’s birthdays. That was November 17, 2012. That was Robin’s late mother’s birthday. On that date, I went shopping in a thrift store and saw his initials on 2 mugs with identical font. I wrote about this here:


Afterlife Communication and Initials on Mugs


I love how his initials show up in this way, on his loved ones’ birthdays! It makes the connection synchronistic and the communication even stronger! It makes me feel like everything in my life is divinely ordered. I’m sad that my husband had a dental emergency, and yet that led to this sign from Robin that I may not have otherwise received.

Thank you for reading!


1.   St. James, Jewelle (2003). All You Need is Love, Revelstoke, B.C. Canada: St. James Publishing, Kindle Location 672.

2.  Schindelka, Faye. “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”


Christina Samuels Signature

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How Soul Connections Heal Our Sense of Separation

How Soul Connections Heal Our Sense of Separation

 “Our most deeply experienced belief is that we’re separate.”

~Tara Brach, Real But Not True: Freeing Ourselves from Harmful Beliefs

On July 20th, I watched the video by Tara Brach that I linked to above. I begin this post with this quote from her because it is true in its simplicity. It is meaningfully connected to the topic of this post which is about how soul connections heal our sense of separation from one another.

Humanity Carries a Belief in Separation

Collectively as a human race, it is clear to me that there is a strong belief that we are separate from each other. This belief is played out in how we treat one another here. If we did not believe we are separate, there would be no such thing as racism, sexism, ableism, anti-semitism, and homophobia, which are all forms of abuse and cruelty. Those behaviors are born out of a deeply held belief in being separate from the ones judged as worth less.

While we are still embodied in the physical world, that sense of being separate can be monumental. Our physical bodies give us the illusion of being separate.

If we still feel separate whilst we can still see each other, talk to each other, and touch each other, what happens when someone we love dies and they lose their physical body?

Won’t the sense of separation be deepened even more? The sad truth is that yes, in many cases, for many people, the complete loss of the physical body equals a complete loss of connection with the deceased person.

This is in part due to many people living at the level of body consciousness with little or no soul consciousness. Many people hold belief systems that life does not continue after death. Perhaps the physical death of a loved one reinforces and heightens the awareness that while they were alive there was a sense of separation that was never healed.

Healing My Sense of Separation

I have been sharing with you my direct, felt experiences of afterlife communication with Robin Gibb, someone I never met while he was alive in the physical world. In 2012, when I first woke up to my soul connection with his energy, I felt a sense of separation from him even though I still felt like he was a member of my soul family. We as humans are so complex that we can feel close to someone and separate from them at the same time!

Interestingly, I did not feel separate from him because he died and was disembodied. If anything, that made me feel closer to him because I could connect with his spirit in ways I could not while he was alive. I only know Robin as  Spirit-Energy-Light and I am quite comfortable with that at this point even though I still feel sad sometimes that I did not have the opportunity to share any physical world experiences with him.

Initially, I felt separate from him because I did not know him on a personal level while he was alive. I didn’t know if his spirit would want to connect with me because he had never met me. Also, due to his fame, I felt separate from him in another sense because in no way, shape or form do I have any connection to the world of wealth and status that he occupied.

But I recognize that that is a form of ego, to feel separate from someone just because of their earthly status which is a falsely constructed narrative designed to separate members of the human race, making some superior and others inferior, falsely in both cases.

So, one of the most healing and life-changing messages I have received from Robin’s spirit through afterlife communication and through studying our lives is that we are not separate. In fact, I believe that to a great extent, one of the major reasons his energy came into my life was to show me that we are not separate and to teach me this with actual experiences.

Death cannot separate us spiritually and in some ways, it can bring us even closer to someone we love.

I believe his spirit came back to me to help heal this sense of being separate from him, from God, and from the Universe. Through my communications with Robin’s spirit, I had begun to feel more connected to God and that I was a part of this magnificent interplay of energies, showing up in my life in the form of synchronicity directly related to Robin. In fact, it was frequent, precise synchronicity that brought me to the conclusion that we share a twin soul connection in the first place. Here is an example of the synchronicity:


Synchronicity: RAF Bomber Command Memorial Unveiling

After he died, I began to notice significant life parallels that really gave me the sense that, even though we did not know each other while he was embodied, we were not separate on the soul level. There were so many connections with family members, places we lived, numbers and dates that I really began to see a pattern. The life parallels gave me the sense that we really were connected on deeper levels that were orchestrated by a power greater than both of us. With the deeper sense of connection came a deeper sense of belonging to a soul family in spirit that Robin is also a part of. So, that was and is very healing.

Afterlife Communication Helps Heal the Sense of Separation Between the Living and the Deceased

Concerning Robin’s spirit, there are still powers and forces at work in my life that continue to reinforce the truth that we are not separate. Those powers show up as synchronicity which connect aspects of my life to aspects of Robin’s life. How is this possible now that he is disembodied?

It is because his energies are still here! He left behind a wealth of videos, televised interviews, photos, music and biographies written about him and his brothers. So actually, it is quite possible, even easy on some level, to still connect with him energetically and synchronize.

I would like to share an example of this with you now.

During the early morning hours of Friday April 30, 2021, I was up late. So, I decided to look through some Bee Gees videos on YouTube. I noticed the documentary, Keppel Road. I had not seen this before, so I decided to watch it for the first time.

At about 1:19:48 minutes into the video, I noticed children (I think Barry’s) riding ATV’s (All-Terrain Vehicles). This caught my attention because I had never seen this footage before and not too long ago, my husband Julian and I were talking about wanting to ride some ourselves. It looks like fun!

The same day, April 30th, during the afternoon, we went driving to a local park. On our way, I saw a truck towing some brand new ATV’s. This of course reminded me of the documentary I had just seen.

However, I did not think this was a synchronicity or any type of communication from Robin. I noticed it but didn’t think much of it. ATV’s are common where we live and we do talk about them every so often.

The next day, Saturday, May 1st, just after midnight, I sat at Robin’s altar space to connect. I lit a candle to say hello. I was thinking about the next blog post I wanted to write and how I wanted to keep focusing on his music like I did in previous posts.

I felt guided to explore the lyrics to the Bee Gees’ song, “Living Together.” I thought about and focused on the lyrics Robin sang solo in the song.

I decided to research the lyrics so I could see in more detail what they were singing. I looked at the lyrics on Google. I read the lyrics, scrolling down.

As I reached the end, that is when I received the most amazing synchronicity and energetic alignment with Robin.

I saw, just below where songwriters were listed, “Living Together lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group.” Here is a screenshot from Google:

Soul Connections

ATV Music? There was “ATV” again. It was in a different context because this one mentioned with the Bee Gees music is Associated Television and connected with Sony Music Publishing. Still, there was “ATV” showing up again when it had just been on my mind. Once again, it was associated with something to do with the Bee Gees. According to Wikipedia:

Sony Music Publishing (formerly Sony/ATV Music Publishing) is an American music publisher, part of the Sony Music Group[1] owned by Sony Entertainment. The company was formed as Sony/ATV in 1995 with the merger of the original incarnation of Sony Music Publishing and ATV Music, which was owned by entertainer Michael Jackson. Jackson had purchased ATV Music, which included the Lennon–McCartney song catalog, in 1985.

For the record, I did not know anything about ATV Music prior to seeing this in the “Living Together” lyrics and I don’t recall seeing it in the past. It was fascinating how this all came together within a day of each other. I was being presented with the Rule of Three again which I wrote about in this post.

I didn’t believe it was synchronicity when I saw the ATV’s being towed. But with it showing up again so unexpectedly the third time within the context of the song lyrics that I felt guided to study, this felt like a striking and attention-getting synchronicity. I was so surprised! This made me feel so strongly connected to Robin’s spirit.

How Soul Connections Heal Our Sense of Separation

The strong inner message I received regarding Robin’s spirit after receiving this synchronicity was this:

“We are not separate. I have ATV, you have ATV’s all within a day of each other…for fun!”

That is what this energetic alignment is about: fun and how afterlife communication can be fun, uplifting and a reminder that we really are not separate, even if our loved one is deceased.

It is really hard when someone we love dies, even if you never met, so it is such a blessing to be reminded that we are connected through our everyday lives. The things we do and notice in our everyday lives can match with the energies of our deceased loved ones through the things that they have left behind here.

Robin left a lot of his energies here in terms of his music. Since we are spiritually connected, aspects of my life still magnetically align with some aspects of his life, even though he is no longer here physically. I think this is amazing and something I only learned about after his death.

I firmly believe that this type of synchronistic energetic alignment is possible between any embodied person and deceased loved one where there is a sincere bond of love, caring, respect and faith. Through these alignments, our sense of separation can be healed.

Thank you for reading! I wish you fun and enlightening energetic alignments with your soul connections that will heal any sense of separation you may be feeling.


Christina Samuels Signature

Kung Fu Teachings About Soul Connections

Kung Fu Teachings About Soul Connections

This post about soul connections is inspired by the 1970’s classic television show, Kung Fu.

For the past couple of months, I have been watching reruns of the 1970’s television show, Kung Fu. I vaguely remember watching this during my childhood, but I could not understand the teachings about soul connections as I do now as an adult.

I watched an episode which gave a beautiful description of soul connections in the context of physical death. It got me thinking about my afterlife connection with Robin. I share this because perhaps this will resonate with you as well in terms of your soul connections with deceased loved ones. 

Below, I have transcribed the dialogue between Kwai Chang Caine and Master Kan from Kung Fu, Season 1, Episode 15:

Kwai Chang Caine: Master, what is the best way to meet the loss of one we love?

Master Kan: By knowing that when we truly love, it is never lost. It is only after death that the depth of the bond is truly felt and our loved one becomes more a part of us than was possible in life.

Kwai Chang Caine: Are we only able to feel this toward those whom we have known and loved a long time?

Master Kan: Sometimes a stranger known to us for moments can spark our souls to kinship for eternity.

Kwai Chang Caine: How can strangers take on such importance to our souls?

Master Kan: Because our soul does not keep time. It merely records growth.

Soul Connections Between Strangers

The context of this dialogue is that a new acquaintance of Caine had just died. He felt extraordinarily close to him even though they had not known each other very long.

I love how this scene addresses this phenomenon of feeling very close to someone not known for long. There is so much emphasis in our modern world on love only being legitimate when you have known someone and known them for a long time. If you did not know them for long, or at all, the love you say you have for a particular soul can be quickly invalidated with a, “You didn’t even know them so how can you love them?”

That is understandable. However, the strength and depth of soul connections is not solely determined by the length of time you have known someone. In fact, you can “know” someone for a long time and not connect deeply at the soul level at all. Interactions can be maintained as surface and shallow. So, the depth of connection does not necessarily have anything to do with time that you have known someone.

Millions of people love people in the public eye they have never met. They love them because of a positive impact they have had on their life. It is possible that they might not like the celebrity if they got to know them on a day-to-day personality level. But the reality is that it is one form of love to love someone for their art, sports, acting or singing and the inspiration and benefit they gave, whether you know them or not.

Prior to Robin’s death in 2012, in April, I started to feel I had a soul connection with him even though we had never met and I did not know him. I couldn’t explain it, but I was drawn to pray for him and keep tabs on what was happening for him in terms of his health after I found out about his illness. This concern for him developed even after years of not following him or his career. I felt that I loved him and cared about his soul. I wanted to support him spiritually through prayer and mantras even though he had never met me and would have had no knowledge of me even existing.

Someone could easily invalidate my feelings stating I was just attracted to a celebrity like millions of other people are. Yeah, but why would I pick someone who was terminally ill and near death? Usually, people are drawn to celebrities who are alive and well.

I was pulled and drawn to him inexplicably and magnetically. I had to try and reach him. So, I started communicating with him by just having a dialogue. I didn’t know if he could perceive me or not. I just had to do it. I had to at least try to connect with his spirit. I was blessed with responses back from his spirit, such as this dream visit and many others which I have documented on this website:

Afterlife Communication: Dream Street

According to Shivani Bajaj, in an article called, On Soul Connections:

Often we experience a soul connection when we vibrate at the same frequency and this happens after a lot of inner work.

I would say this is true in terms of my connection with Robin. To me, twin souls are not souls split in two, or being half of a soul. They are whole souls that vibrate at a nearly identical frequency of spiritual light. I was drawn to him because we do vibrate at the same frequency which often manifests in synchronicity such as what I wrote in the post below:

Afterlife Communication: Starry Ceiling

Synchronicity lets you know when you share a soul connection with someone. I had done a lot of inner work prior to the manifestation of this connection and continue to do a lot of inner work healing my past. This is because in order to connect with a twin soul in spirit, your vibration needs to be cleared of trauma and other accumulated life issues. This is the ongoing process that I am now engaged in. I recommend this article to help with this process.

Kung Fu Teachings About Soul Connections: Commentary

So when Master Kan said, “It is only after death that the depth of the bond is truly felt and our loved one becomes more a part of us than was possible in life,” I strongly resonated with this. This can definitely be true between souls who knew each other. It can also be true for souls that didn’t.

For those of us who did not know each other at all or even meet, our bond and connection can only begin and be realized after physical death. Yes, this is possible no matter how much people ridicule this or try to deny it. You can begin or resume a pre-existing spiritual connection with someone after they die, even when you did not meet in their most recent lifetime. However, you have to be open to this. Not everyone is and that is fine. If you are, you could be in for some of the most life-changing, wonderful experiences of your life.

It was only after Robin’s death that I became aware of the bond we share as souls. I did not know we shared a soul connection while he was alive in the physical world. It was only after his death that I felt the true depth of our bond even though we had never met. The synchronicity, telekinesis, and dreams I have experienced in terms of afterlife communication caused me to feel a close and deep, eternal bond with his spirit.

It is very interesting to have a bond like this with someone you never met. It ties into the question Caine asked, “How can strangers take on such importance to our souls?”

Well, my answer to that is that our souls are not really strangers to each other. The soul is the energy light vibration that lives on after we die. We can recognize each other’s energy signatures as the soul shines through.

Our earthly selves, our physical bodies and personalities, are strangers to each other. I don’t know anything about what it was like to live with Robin or even have a cup of tea with him. But our souls go much deeper than this. Someone who you did not know or not know for long could be a long-lost twin soul, member of your soul family or past life companion.

The soul knows what the mind cannot compute. And that is how you can love someone who is for intents and purposes a stranger.

All of the stories I share on this website have one common purpose: to show that powerful soul connections with someone you did not know during their physical life are possible. It is always my loving intention to show how afterlife twin soul connections can manifest using my experiences with Robin as examples. I am just one person of many experiencing this type of amazing connection.

We limit ourselves too much as eternal souls if we think our deep and loving soul connections are restricted only to the people we know now. I believe that your soul is connected to other souls that you don’t know right now. Someday, you will find out about the others who you are connected to, just as I did with Robin. The connection may show itself when you least expect it.

That is what my experiences with Robin’s spirit have taught me. After he died, he became more a part of me and my life than was ever possible when he was alive.

Thank you for reading!


Christina Samuels Signature



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That is the reality of marriage. I have been married for almost 18 years, so I speak from experience. It really is a package deal. It is the message that Bruce Springsteen conveys in one of my favorite songs, Tunnel of Love.

I wonder what they truly know about each other at the deepest soul levels. And, I wonder what they don’t know about each other spiritually at the moment of their wedding.

I think back to my own wedding day and all my husband and I did not know about my soul connection with Robin, someone I had never met. After dating each other for 5 years before we got married, we thought we knew so much about each other. And we did. Yet, there was still so much to be discovered. And some of what that was would not be revealed until after Robin passed away. Then what was unknown became known.

The lesson is that there is always more to discover about yourself and your spouse because you are both evolving. Marriage can evolve to include completely unexpected spiritual bonds and experiences…if there is an openness to that.

Life is about growth, evolution and expansion to me. It is about coming into a deeper understanding of who we really are which includes who we have been, and who we have known and loved as a spiritual beings beyond our current lifetimes.

It means growing into the understanding that the person you are married to is a spiritual being with a rich, ancient history that may be unknown to you…and them. It could be a history that transcends this one lifetime. Sometimes the latent history manifests itself during an already established marriage. This is what I have experienced and been writing about on this blog.

Who Are You Really?

There are lots of shows where the weddings of couples are televised. Occasionally, I watch one for fun because I still love weddings. I look at the bride and I think to myself, “I wonder if the man you are marrying has a pre-existing soul connection with another twin in spirit that you know nothing about right now.”

I look at the groom and I think the same thing, wondering if the woman he is about to marry is connected to a soul mate in spirit he knows nothing about.

How would their knowledge of this impact their choice to marry, if at all? How would they handle being contacted by a twin, soul mate or soul family member who is now in the afterlife?

To my knowledge, not many people think about these types of things before getting married. I certainly didn’t. I had no knowledge that what has happened for me, in terms of connecting with Robin’s spirit, could happen. Nevertheless, it is true for me and others, such as the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael).

Nobody is going to tell you about this in pre-marital counseling! Not going to happen, unless perhaps it’s a spiritualist church. I’ve never been to one so I wouldn’t know.

I wonder how many other married couples are contacted by a twin or soul mate in spirit. I will never know because most people keep this information to themselves. I did for years.

The Infinity Symbols

But, it was hard keeping all of this to myself. Having breast cancer helped me get clear on the fact that I wanted to share my experiences to benefit others. I also like to share what I have read and learned during my journey. There are truly amazing, poetic authors in the world and I have shared some with you in this post.

When I was diagnosed in June, 2018, I did not know how much time I had left to live. One of the things I wanted to do at that time, which was very important to me, was to not pass away with all of my afterlife stories about Robin locked inside of me.

Even though I am recovered now, I am still motivated by the need to write what is in my heart while I am healthy and still can. I take nothing for granted. Having cancer gave me a higher consciousness, to get on with doing what I really want to do, and not waste time here. I encourage you to do the same.

Surprise Soul Connections

So, in terms of people dating, being engaged or walking down the aisle to get married, I think it is important to be aware that spiritually, there may be a lot more to a person than may currently be known.

It is important to know that a person can be happily married on earth and still have a long-standing, even ancient, soul connection with someone not currently embodied. It is also possible that this connection could manifest during some point while dating, being engaged, or married to someone else.Afterlife Communications: Play a Game of Chess

In my case, my connection with Robin manifested out of the blue with absolutely no warning. There was no way I could have known about this until it happened. I did not know I had a spiritual connection with him until after he died physically.


How would you handle this type of situation?

I’m sure it depends on individual circumstances. I wrote about how I choose to honor both my husband and Robin’s spirit in the post below.

Twin Soul Connections: What If You’re Married?

As we move along the chess board of life, and the afterlife, we encounter those that we share an eternal soul connection with. Our souls talk with each other through synchronicity, dreams and other communications.

I personally believe we all have multiple, numerous soul and spiritual connections. Some of these are with people we have met and share our lives with on earth. Some of the people we are connected with are deceased and live in another realm of existence still connected with our 3D world. Some are with people we have not met during our lifetime and do not know about yet. But, they are still there and may show up when you least expect it.

Robin’s spirit opened this truth up to me.

Why do we have these connections? It can be because of various factors, such as belonging to the same soul group, being soul mates or twin souls.

Some people believe in the pre-existence of the soul. Or, that we know each other from another dimension or plane of existence.

We connect because we have valuable work to do together to benefit others, as is the case with this blog. Also, I believe we connect to uplift, love, pray for and support one another as life on earth is often quite a roller-coaster ride.

In other words, we are more interdependent than completely independent. Many of our loved ones in spirit are quite capable of participating in this interdependence. Our love and prayers benefit them and their nurturing, ongoing presence in our lives benefits us.

The Interdependent Relationship: Letting go of Codependence and Extreme Independence

There is a lot more to each of us than we know and see. We are all very mysterious in a way. We think we may know a person, but we all have multiple layers to who we are. Most of what we know about a person is only scratching the surface. Spiritually, there are very deep layers and connections yet to be discovered for many of us.

Connections Across Time and Place

I would even go as far as to say that what we know about ourselves is only scratching the surface. For example, if I have had past lives, I don’t know anything about them, where they were or who I was. I sometimes wonder if a past-life connection is influencing my current spiritual connection with Robin.

To illuminate this point, I would like to quote from Sir Edwin Arnold’s book, The Light of Asia:


For while the wheel of birth and death turns round,
Past things and thoughts, and buried lives come back. (1)


Perhaps this is why people in spirit come back to people on earth they did not know. Maybe they remember the “buried life” we once shared, even when the person on earth doesn’t.

Would it help me to know for sure if I shared a past life with Robin? I’m not sure. It depends on what happened. Maybe some things are better left unknown, at least until the time is right to know.

In this short, but interesting video, Dr. Pillai mentions that we are pulled towards people and spiritual practices we have known in previous lifetimes. I invite you to see what you think of this. I have always found this talk interesting and good food for thought. He states that being attracted towards a particular person indicates a past-life memory. I agree that this is possible.

Soul School with Robin

My connection with Robin has taught me so much that I did not know about myself, such as my ability to communicate with a person in the afterlife. I never did this before he passed away, so it has been quite a discovery.

He also taught me that I can truly trust my intuition when it comes to soul connections. His responses back to me over the years gave me the affirmation that my initial intuitive inklings about our soul family connection were spot on. That was very good for my self-esteem.

Very importantly, he has taught me, (and you!), how well a person in spirit can communicate when they have a strong message to deliver. We on earth just have to pay attention.

This is my life upon being awoken by the shock wave of twin soul energy, which some of you reading may be familiar with. This is what connecting with a member of your soul family does: it strengthens you and helps you to remember and know who you really are beyond this earth and this one lifetime.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I appreciate each and every visitor. I hope this post serves as a good resource for you.

I know there is a lot going on in the world that is distressing. I hope something I shared here supports you in the days to come, by bringing you some happiness.

Until next time, take care, stay safe and enjoy life to the best of your ability.


1. Arnold, Sir Edwin (1890). The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Boston: Roberts Brothers, Book the Second, page 39-40.


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