Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

I have had so many feelings circulating within me lately, it has been difficult to write here. There is so much pain and trauma in the world right now and as a Black woman, I have felt it acutely. I have had writer’s block and I didn’t quite know what to say here. So, I took a much needed break.

This post serves as my spiritual drain cleaner, getting the clog out, to help me get moving again. To begin doing that, I would like to pose these questions:

 What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with a global pandemic that continues to worsen in many locations around the world, end lives, and disrupt the lives of many?

What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with historical, systemic, racial trauma that keeps playing out like a broken record around the world?

It all comes down to being loved and supported by Robin’s spirit through afterlife communication during this time of very important social movements that I fully support and feel very encouraged by. I am not able to participate in the protests in my area due to Covid-19 concerns. Therefore, this post serves as my way of participating in the global protests. I have a lot to say.

While I participate in the protests in my own quiet way, I am deeply in need of the presence of my spiritual support team of which he is a part. Sometimes I can feel them holding my hand, guiding me and walking me through this planetary dark night of the soul. Having support from the other side is everything to me because it transcends the limitations of what people in physical bodies can do.

What Do Dreams Have To Do With It?

In April, during this pandemic, I had a dream about Robin. It was essentially about love and support. It was real and it was a visitation. It indicated to me that Robin’s presence is with me and that he does know what is going on here. Here is the dream:

 We are in my home. Robin is sitting down in a chair and I am there standing up right beside him where he is sitting. He looked like he did when he was in his 40’s with short hair which you can see here. He was not wearing glasses. He was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. I’m not aware of any other people being around.


From where he was sitting, Robin looks up at me and says, “I love you very much.” I said, “I love you very much, too.”

Then he looked around the room, raised up his right arm gesturing and communicated to me telepathically, not in words, about all the things going on in the world. He was referring to the pandemic. He looked concerned.


I smiled at him gently and nodded, communicating, “Yes, I know.” In the dream, I was surprisingly peaceful and at ease as I stood next to Robin, looking at him. I was aware of the problems going on, but I did not feel concerned about them.


That was the end of the dream.

This dream means so much to me. To be completely honest, I didn’t want to share it at first. I wanted to keep it to myself as the precious and private gift that it is. I don’t share every single communication I receive from Robin because many of them are subtle, pertain very closely to my personal life, or are too complicated to explain. So, since I’m sharing it, it is for a good reason.

It illustrates my point about what afterlife communication with Robin has to do with all of the things going on. It’s about still being lovingly soul-connected to our deceased loved ones in the midst of all the pain, chaos, and trauma on earth. It has to do with the healing energy people on earth can still receive through afterlife communication if we are open to it.

Black Lives Matter

No matter what we go through here, they are around us whether we are aware of it or not. They are aware of what is happening here. I am convinced of that. I hope that around the world, deceased loved ones are able to break through the layer of stress surrounding the earth plane to reach their loved ones and deliver an uplifting message of spiritual love.

The love that I exchanged with Robin in my dream comes from knowing each other in the spirit world, long before we reconnected at the time of his death in 2012. It is our soul energy that is very familiar to each other. As I have mentioned before, in 2012, around the time of his death, I strongly intuited that Robin is a member of my soul family from the spirit world. The communications I have documented on this website bear witness to that connection. I know my connection with Robin’s soul did not begin in 2012. I was awakened to and reminded of our connection in 2012.

It’s God’s love, Robin’s love, and my ancestor’s strength and love that keep me going during these very difficult times. I admit things are wearing on me a bit, living in this world. It’s one thing after another. Maybe you feel the same way at times.

What Do Twin Souls Have To Do With It?

Over the years, I have often read in twin soul/flame literature that one of the purposes of the twin connection is to “raise the vibration” of humanity. But what does that mean in a practical sense? “Raising the vibration” implies evolving to a higher level spiritually as a society, as a world community. Higher levels of spirit always pertain to love in some way.

But, how can we “raise the vibration” of humanity when we can’t even evolve past our homicidal impulses, obsessions, and prejudices around skin color? This is complete body-consciousness at the basest level, with absolutely no consciousness of the divine soul light of a God-created human being.

The moment a human is born into this life, he or she is rank-ordered according to their skin color. People will deny this, but some things are true whether you believe it or not… or whether you want to believe it or not.

If you have a lighter skin tone, in most countries of this world, you get to be at the top. If you have dark skin like I do, you get relegated to the bottom. No amount of sending love and light, holding crystals (which I happen to love), prayers, chanting mantras, and sprinkling pixie dust on things has changed this painful fact of life…for centuries.

It is far more painful for some of us than others. People are protesting in the streets right now because innocent people have lost their lives due to this “rank-ordering” according to skin color.

But this false hierarchy is something humans have created. It is not of God and it is not of love. In God’s eyes, nobody is at the top and nobody is at the bottom, and certainly not because of skin color which the Divine created in the first place.

To illustrate this point, I have a story to share with you. Close to 30 years ago, I dated a man from Germany. He was an exchange student in the U.S. working on his medical degree. I was working on my doctoral degree in clinical psychology and we met in a class we mutually attended. He is white, so we were an interracial couple. I was always open to dating men from different backgrounds before I was married because there are wonderful men coming from all different types of backgrounds.

One evening, as he was driving us home from a date, he looked over at me and said, out of the blue, “You’re at the bottom of the totem pole.” I looked him dead in the eye and said, “I’m not at the bottom of anyone’s totem pole.” He became silent after that. The comment really hit a nerve in me.

That relationship didn’t work out. No surprise there. But, I remember his comment very well. This notion of Black people being at the bottom is very well embedded into the collective psyche of this world.

I was working on an advanced psychology degree when my ex-boyfriend made that comment. He still saw me as being at the bottom because of my skin color. Really? I remember feeling, “What exactly do I have to do to no longer be stuck at the bottom?”

This is what I do: I don’t accept the totem pole at all, and I certainly don’t accept being relegated to the bottom of it just because I’m Black. I don’t accept any Black or Brown person as being at the bottom of some stupid, illusory totem pole and I don’t care what we do for work.

“Raising the vibration” of humanity means dismantling the foolish, racist, sexist totem pole. You can do that by actively choosing to treat all people with dignity and respect, not as invisible or inferior, no matter what their race, gender, and ethnicity is.

The question is, does humanity really want to dismantle it? Because that means true equality for each human being. It means to stop automatically seeing Black and Brown people as inferior and at the “bottom” because of our skin color. It is wrong and we are not going to stand for it. We are spiritual beings too. God created us too.

When you see BIPOC (Black and Brown, Indigenous, People of Color) out protesting, this is one of many reasons why: we have had enough of being viewed and treated as belonging at the bottom due to some supposed inherent flaw in our nature. Black people get the death penalty for the most minor of crimes…or even no crime at all. This isn’t right.

Are you surprised that we would rise up and fight against this? You shouldn’t be. Contrary to popular belief, we are not “professional victims”. Look at the picture of Dr. King at the beginning of this post. We had to do it in 1963 and we still have to do it in 2020. Social change and growth is cyclical. It’s coming around again because it was never dealt with fully in the first place. Mr. George Floyd’s murder was the last straw. It opened the floodgates of repressed hurt, anger and trauma that has been building up for years.

In my opinion, you cannot talk about twin souls, rays, and flames “raising the vibration of humanity” unless you are willing to acknowledge and do something on a personal level to help eradicate “isms” and phobias: Racism, Islamophobia, sexism, ableism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, transphobia, and other spiritual and religious prejudices. There are always people who think that what they believe is better than other people’s faith. Some will even kill you because of this belief.

Saying “No More!”to these energies is part of raising the vibration of humanity whether you are aware of a twin soul connection or not. I feel like the clock has been ticking for a long time on these issues and time is up. We can’t eradicate all of this all at once, but we can chip away at it little by little.

Any twin flame authors that state that we can “raise the vibration” of humanity through unconditional love, without doing the hard work of rooting out the weeds of these pernicious “isms” and phobias are simply kidding themselves at this point and engaging in spiritual bypass. Humanity means just that: all of us, even those some consider undesirable, even those who are different from the people you are accustomed to.


This is all I can write for now. I’m going through my own process of healing a lifetime’s worth of racial trauma that I have not processed fully. The murders of African Americans in the U.S. stirred up a lot of pain within me. I have felt shell-shocked for several weeks now. It is disheartening that these events are occurring to such an extent that I felt the need to write about them here.

This post has served as a little bit of spiritual Drano, but unfortunately, there is still a lot of clog left that I have to deal with. Soul communication with Robin helps a lot though. All afterlife communication is soul communication.

I have written letters on behalf of Ms. Taylor, participated in virtual protests and donated money to help the cause of uplifting black lives. Still, I’m simply not at my best. I’m sure many of us are not. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. This year has just been a lot. I wish I could go back to June, 2019 for a moment to catch my breath. And I haven’t had it even half as bad as many people.

All my best to you until next time. I look forward to sharing more communications from Robin with you in the near future. Unless something changes and I have more to say, I plan to write a post once a month going forward.

Just know that he’s around in a vibration of love and aware of what is going on. That is my personal experience with him as I shared with you. If he were still alive here in the physical world, I feel very confident that he would be making a musical contribution of some kind that affirms Black Lives Matter.


On June 26th, the day after I wrote this post and submitted it for publishing, and less than 24 hours after doing so, I received an amazing synchronicity.

I checked my email that morning and noticed one from a website called Word Genius. I did not subscribe to receive emails from this website. I started receiving them out of the blue on June 24th.

The interesting thing is that the word for June 26, 2020 is totem! Here is the link with the definition and some historical information.

For me, it is very affirming to receive this synchronicity. It leads me to feel that I am on the right track writing about the totem pole issues for my own healing and to make a contribution. It also affirms again that Robin’s spirit is with me in all of this.

I have always been amazed by synchronicity that connects back to Robin’s spirit so directly and within such a short time frame. I personally feel that there are loving, Universal energies supporting my connection with Robin. The synchronicity makes me feel so close to his spirit and I’m so grateful for that. This spiritual closeness has wonderful, lasting benefits. That’s what afterlife communication has to do with it!


  1. Featured photo from Unsplash:

MLK in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans.


Christina Samuels Signature

Eight Years in Spirit: Sacred Moments with Telekinesis

Eight Years in Spirit: Sacred Moments with Telekinesis

May 20, 2020 marks the eighth year since Robin passed away. His passing date anniversary is always a time of great personal reflection for me.

Even with all of the afterlife communication I have shared with him over the years, some of which I have passed along to you, I still have so many questions for him. If I could have a face-to-face talk with him I would ask:

  •  How have you changed and grown as a spirit since 2012, Robin?
  • What are the most important things you have learned?
  • Do you miss being in a physical body? What is it like being without a physical body?
  • Are you still singing in spirit, writing songs and perhaps sending them to someone here on earth?
  • Does the plane of existence you reside in have a name and/or number? What is it called?
  • What do your surroundings look like?
  • What are the colors of your energy light body?
  • Who do you live with?
  • What are the members of our soul family like and how many are there?
  • What past lives have we shared?
  • How did you learn how to enter into my dreams and move objects?
  • How did you find me in Colorado in 2012?
  • Since we are so good at synchronizing, how does synchronicity really work from your perspective as a person in spirit? What is the mechanism behind it?

Right now, I don’t have the answers to these questions from Robin’s perspective. I hope by posing them here, that maybe he can get through to me somehow to share some information. This also expresses my openness and readiness to receive answers to these questions. I wonder what things are like for him eight years after leaving his physical vehicle behind. Have you heard from Robin? Maybe you know some of these things I don’t! 🙂

Sacred Moments

In the midst of this pandemic, I do have some happy afterlife communication news to share with you! I received a clear sign of Robin’s presence with me earlier this month. Here is my story.

During the early morning hours on May 4, 2020, just after midnight, I couldn’t sleep. So, I decided to sit by Robin’s altar to have a chat, pray and think about some things that were on my mind.

Like you, this pandemic has affected me on many levels and I’ve had to rearrange my life in very significant ways. This is why I took some time off from writing during the month of April. As much as I love writing here, I didn’t have the mental energy to concentrate.

Tea Light Memorial Candles

Tea Light Memorial Candles

It’s not easy just surviving breast cancer and now having to deal with this pandemic on top of it. It’s potentially much more challenging for people who are going through cancer treatment right now. I have asthma too, so I have to be more careful as that puts me in a higher risk category regarding this virus.

As I spoke with Robin, I shared my concerns about the different things going on in my life, the world and the personal things that were bothering me. I spoke from my heart, saying what I truly felt about things and events.

I learned a long time ago that loved ones in spirit like to communicate from the heart. This quote from The Book of Theanna: In the Lands that Follow Death, Updated Edition by Ellias & Theanna Lonsdale elucidates this point:

Over here, the dead seek each other out authentically and fully. After initial isolation for many, the savoring of company is universal. What we seek in the beyond-the-body state is to share on heart levels. (1)

I’ve had this book for many years and early on, it informed how I approached communication with Robin and my other loved ones in spirit. It’s also a good book if you are interested in twin souls because they have a very interesting story.

Speaking from the heart is essential. It does not mean that the conversation will always be sunshine and flowers, but at least I am authentic. There is no point in trying to b.s. someone in spirit anyway. Someone in spirit who loves you will be able to tell if you are not being honest about how you feel!

So, while I was talking with him, the candle I had lit on his altar went out. I took the empty tin out of the candle holder and put a new white, unscented, tealight candle in. I pulled the wick up, but I didn’t light it at that time because it was late.

I have lit candles for Robin, Jesus, ancestors, and spiritual guides for many years. This is to honor their memory and presence in my life. It’s my way of sending them a loving message and letting them know that they are still alive to me and that I love them. I actively remember and think about them. Here is a wonderful article on the meaning of lighting memorial candles in various cultures and religions for loved ones who have died.

I continued to talk with Robin a little while longer after I replaced the candle. After I finished getting things off my chest, I was able to go to bed and get some sleep. I had a good night’s sleep after that.

After I woke up later that morning (still May 4th) and finished washing up, I went back into the room where I keep Robin’s altar. I noticed that the candle I had placed in the candle holder before I went to bed was moved outside of the candle holder! It was amazing! Here is a picture I took to remember Robin’s visit:

Robin's Candle Telekinesis May 4 2020

Robin’s Candle Telekinesis May 4 2020

As you can see, the candle is outside of the candle holder. I love him so much for continuing to visit me in ways that make his presence clear. I don’t know how he does it, but I consider this communication to be sacred.

Moving the candle was a loving response to my bearing my soul to him hours earlier. He was letting me know he heard me! Given the circumstances around this occurrence of telekinesis, I would definitely recommend opening your heart to speak to your loved ones in spirit in ways you are comfortable with. Afterlife communication is a two-way street. Speaking with loved ones in spirit in an honest, authentic manner invites a response. Be on the lookout!

After these sorts of events, I have a strong awareness not only of Robin’s presence, but God’s presence on whom I rely for love and strength.

Telekinesis from Robin has a divine quality. He has shown me that he can move objects since the spring of 2013. His movement of objects has always been quiet and subtle but done in a way that is still obvious and noticeable to me. His activity has never been the loud poltergeist activity that has been reported in other literature.

If you are new here, I invite you to see the post below on how he moved his picture on the altar I had for him in 2013.

He likes to visit his altar space and has done so many times over the years. On another occasion, he moved a starfish I had placed on his altar, to the floor. I have included this post for you here as well. The starfish telekinesis post is the most popular post on this website!

Afterlife Telekinesis with a Picture Turned Upside Down

Spiritual Significance of Starfish

When I saw the candle outside the candle holder, I was surprised because in the grand scheme of things in terms of afterlife communication with Robin, it is a relatively rare occurrence. I hold this moment of telekinesis with reverence. It’s so nice to have his spirit around me. It gives me such a boost spiritually and psychologically, which I think is ultimately the intention and point of loving afterlife communication with those who have your best interest at heart. I hope that you can get a boost vicariously as well!

Preserving the Memory of Telekinesis

After Robin moves an object, in addition to taking a photo, I always mark it in some way so I can hold on to the memory of what he has touched. There is something incredibly special about having physical objects that he has actually moved with his energy. In this case, I put a floral sticker on the bottom of the candle, coaster and the glass candle holder in which the telekinesis occurred.

I will keep the candle he moved and not burn it. I think it is extremely important to honor our loved ones who communicate in this way by keeping the items and seeing the activity as sacred. It is an act of love to reach out from beyond the veil and to come into the density and negativity of the third dimension. So, I don’t take it lightly when Robin engages in telekinesis. He had to focus his energy enough to be able to move the candle. That is something that must be honored with the deepest respect, gratitude and appreciation.

Deceased loved ones may like to increase their activity around the time of an anniversary date, such as birthdays, weddings, and passing dates. According to Carole J. Obley, in the article, Spirit Speaks: Receiving After-Death Communication:

Some spirits will place or move objects in loved ones’ homes to grab their attention. Others give messages about the appearance of specific birds or animals in relatives’ yards. The timing of these communications sometimes coincides with events like birthdays or anniversaries of the recipients or the spirits. I know of one family that receives validation from their son through various means on the date of his passing every year. (2)

It is definitely true that Robin communicates strongly during the time period around his anniversary dates. So, since his eighth year anniversary is upon us, I believe the May 4th activity is part of his anniversary communication message. He is still around! I hope many people around the world who love Robin are experiencing signs of his presence as well!

A Note to Robin on Your 8th Anniversary in Spirit

Dear Beloved Robin,

Thank you so much for the sacred gift of your candle telekinesis and your presence in my life. I pray that you are surrounded by God’s love, that your energy is strong and that you are experiencing creativity in ways we could never imagine. I love you, as so many on earth do, and you will always be remembered and cared for. 

Your smile and your music are carried in our hearts.




There are numerous emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits that come with active, loving soul communication with deceased loved ones. It was my intention to highlight this truth in this post.

The reality is that people are passing over into spirit life at every moment, due to one thing or another.

Given the current pandemic, I suspect that as people grieve and enter into the healing process of coping with the pain and loss of loved ones, some are going to be initiated into the art of afterlife communication.

For some, it may come quite quickly depending on their level of openness and natural abilities. I would not be surprised to hear of stories in the upcoming months about dream visits, synchronicity or telekinesis carried out by loved ones who died during this pandemic.

With this in mind, and in honor of the anniversary of Robin’s passing, I would like to close with this quote by Rumi:

 “Love and lover live in eternity. Other desires are substitutes For that way of being. How long do you lay embracing a corpse? Love rather the soul, which cannot be held.” (3)

I think this quote speaks for itself.

To all of my readers, I pray that you and your family members are well. This is a rough time all over the world in terms of health, safety and the economy.  May you be blessed with love, excellent health, prosperity and kindness in the midst of these global challenges!

May you experience a silver lining in this situation.

(Note: On May 13th, I typed the sentence above about “a silver lining.” Synchronistically, on May 14th, as I was finishing up this post, I received an email newsletter about Eben Alexander, M.D.’s Commencement 2020 address. He expressed the same sentiments about silver linings during this pandemic. So, I linked to the address above. Just click on “silver lining” to see it!)

Thank you for reading!


1.  Lonsdale, Ellias & Theanna (1995, 2011). The Book of Theanna, Updated Edition: In the Lands that Follow Death (p. 264). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

2.  Obley, Carole J. (August 30, 2019). Spirit Speaks: Receiving After-Death Communication

3.  Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad (2014). Wine of Love, Poem 26-No Expectation, Little Robot Publication, Kindle Location 812, 823.



Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communications: Unknown Soul Connections

Afterlife Communications: Unknown Soul Connections

As a result of my afterlife experiences with Robin’s spirit, I see newly engaged couples in a completely different way.

They see the best in each other, as they should. They are on their way to a life filled with love, unexpected challenges, and life-changing experiences, both positive and negative.

That is the reality of marriage. I have been married for almost 18 years, so I speak from experience. It really is a package deal. It is the message that Bruce Springsteen conveys in one of my favorite songs, Tunnel of Love.

I wonder what they truly know about each other at the deepest soul levels. And, I wonder what they don’t know about each other spiritually at the moment of their wedding.

I think back to my own wedding day and all my husband and I did not know about my soul connection with Robin, someone I had never met. After dating each other for 5 years before we got married, we thought we knew so much about each other. And we did. Yet, there was still so much to be discovered. And some of what that was would not be revealed until after Robin passed away. Then what was unknown became known.

The lesson is that there is always more to discover about yourself and your spouse because you are both evolving. Marriage can evolve to include completely unexpected spiritual bonds and experiences…if there is an openness to that.

Life is about growth, evolution and expansion to me. It is about coming into a deeper understanding of who we really are which includes who we have been, and who we have known and loved as a spiritual beings beyond our current lifetimes.

It means growing into the understanding that the person you are married to is a spiritual being with a rich, ancient history that may be unknown to you…and them. It could be a history that transcends this one lifetime. Sometimes the latent history manifests itself during an already established marriage. This is what I have experienced and been writing about on this blog.

Who Are You Really?

There are lots of shows where the weddings of couples are televised. Occasionally, I watch one for fun because I still love weddings. I look at the bride and I think to myself, “I wonder if the man you are marrying has a pre-existing soul connection with another twin in spirit that you know nothing about right now.”

I look at the groom and I think the same thing, wondering if the woman he is about to marry is connected to a soul mate in spirit he knows nothing about.

How would their knowledge of this impact their choice to marry, if at all? How would they handle being contacted by a twin, soul mate or soul family member who is now in the afterlife?

To my knowledge, not many people think about these types of things before getting married. I certainly didn’t. I had no knowledge that what has happened for me, in terms of connecting with Robin’s spirit, could happen. Nevertheless, it is true for me and others, such as the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael).

Nobody is going to tell you about this in pre-marital counseling! Not going to happen, unless perhaps it’s a spiritualist church. I’ve never been to one so I wouldn’t know.

I wonder how many other married couples are contacted by a twin or soul mate in spirit. I will never know because most people keep this information to themselves. I did for years.

The Infinity Symbols

But, it was hard keeping all of this to myself. Having breast cancer helped me get clear on the fact that I wanted to share my experiences to benefit others. I also like to share what I have read and learned during my journey. There are truly amazing, poetic authors in the world and I have shared some with you in this post.

When I was diagnosed in June, 2018, I did not know how much time I had left to live. One of the things I wanted to do at that time, which was very important to me, was to not pass away with all of my afterlife stories about Robin locked inside of me.

Even though I am recovered now, I am still motivated by the need to write what is in my heart while I am healthy and still can. I take nothing for granted. Having cancer gave me a higher consciousness, to get on with doing what I really want to do, and not waste time here. I encourage you to do the same.

Surprise Soul Connections

So, in terms of people dating, being engaged or walking down the aisle to get married, I think it is important to be aware that spiritually, there may be a lot more to a person than may currently be known.

It is important to know that a person can be happily married on earth and still have a long-standing, even ancient, soul connection with someone not currently embodied. It is also possible that this connection could manifest during some point while dating, being engaged, or married to someone else.Afterlife Communications: Play a Game of Chess

In my case, my connection with Robin manifested out of the blue with absolutely no warning. There was no way I could have known about this until it happened. I did not know I had a spiritual connection with him until after he died physically.


How would you handle this type of situation?

I’m sure it depends on individual circumstances. I wrote about how I choose to honor both my husband and Robin’s spirit in the post below.

Twin Soul Connections: What If You’re Married?

As we move along the chess board of life, and the afterlife, we encounter those that we share an eternal soul connection with. Our souls talk with each other through synchronicity, dreams and other communications.

I personally believe we all have multiple, numerous soul and spiritual connections. Some of these are with people we have met and share our lives with on earth. Some of the people we are connected with are deceased and live in another realm of existence still connected with our 3D world. Some are with people we have not met during our lifetime and do not know about yet. But, they are still there and may show up when you least expect it.

Robin’s spirit opened this truth up to me.

Why do we have these connections? It can be because of various factors, such as belonging to the same soul group, being soul mates or twin souls.

Some people believe in the pre-existence of the soul. Or, that we know each other from another dimension or plane of existence.

We connect because we have valuable work to do together to benefit others, as is the case with this blog. Also, I believe we connect to uplift, love, pray for and support one another as life on earth is often quite a roller-coaster ride.

In other words, we are more interdependent than completely independent. Many of our loved ones in spirit are quite capable of participating in this interdependence. Our love and prayers benefit them and their nurturing, ongoing presence in our lives benefits us.

The Interdependent Relationship: Letting go of Codependence and Extreme Independence

There is a lot more to each of us than we know and see. We are all very mysterious in a way. We think we may know a person, but we all have multiple layers to who we are. Most of what we know about a person is only scratching the surface. Spiritually, there are very deep layers and connections yet to be discovered for many of us.

Connections Across Time and Place

I would even go as far as to say that what we know about ourselves is only scratching the surface. For example, if I have had past lives, I don’t know anything about them, where they were or who I was. I sometimes wonder if a past-life connection is influencing my current spiritual connection with Robin.

To illuminate this point, I would like to quote from Sir Edwin Arnold’s book, The Light of Asia:


For while the wheel of birth and death turns round,
Past things and thoughts, and buried lives come back. (1)


Perhaps this is why people in spirit come back to people on earth they did not know. Maybe they remember the “buried life” we once shared, even when the person on earth doesn’t.

Would it help me to know for sure if I shared a past life with Robin? I’m not sure. It depends on what happened. Maybe some things are better left unknown, at least until the time is right to know.

In this short, but interesting video, Dr. Pillai mentions that we are pulled towards people and spiritual practices we have known in previous lifetimes. I invite you to see what you think of this. I have always found this talk interesting and good food for thought. He states that being attracted towards a particular person indicates a past-life memory. I agree that this is possible.

Soul School with Robin

My connection with Robin has taught me so much that I did not know about myself, such as my ability to communicate with a person in the afterlife. I never did this before he passed away, so it has been quite a discovery.

He also taught me that I can truly trust my intuition when it comes to soul connections. His responses back to me over the years gave me the affirmation that my initial intuitive inklings about our soul family connection were spot on. That was very good for my self-esteem.

Very importantly, he has taught me, (and you!), how well a person in spirit can communicate when they have a strong message to deliver. We on earth just have to pay attention.

This is my life upon being awoken by the shock wave of twin soul energy, which some of you reading may be familiar with. This is what connecting with a member of your soul family does: it strengthens you and helps you to remember and know who you really are beyond this earth and this one lifetime.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I appreciate each and every visitor. I hope this post serves as a good resource for you.

I know there is a lot going on in the world that is distressing. I hope something I shared here supports you in the days to come, by bringing you some happiness.

Until next time, take care, stay safe and enjoy life to the best of your ability.


1. Arnold, Sir Edwin (1890). The Light of Asia or the Great Renunciation Being the Life and Teaching of Gautama, Boston: Roberts Brothers, Book the Second, page 39-40.


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communications: Bee Geebados

Afterlife Communications: Bee Geebados

In terms of afterlife communication with Robin, sometimes it truly feels like he and the Universe are speaking to me in a playful, lighthearted manner. His spirit is part of the Universe now, and being playful, lighthearted and humorous was certainly a part of his personality when he was embodied.

Since I connected with Robin in spirit in 2012, it seems like there has always been a loving power present that is determined to see to it that we stay connected through all the many ups and downs of life on earth.

Afterlife communication keeps me in touch with focusing on what is really important to me, which is the fact that spiritual connections with deceased loved ones are real. They can be cultivated, developed, deepened and strengthened over time.

Sharing this message is part of my spiritual service work that I am doing to honor and serve God, Divine Love and Robin’s spirit. It is a message not just about and for twin souls, but all of humanity.

There are numerous types of valuable spiritual connections that can continue after the physical death of a loved one, such as those between siblings, parents, children or grandparents. Sometimes, as in my case, an afterlife spiritual connection with someone you did not know can emerge.

Here is a link to a YouTube video, which discusses afterlife spiritual connections:

This, to me, is a sign of a previous or pre-existing spiritual connection that may not be remembered consciously. However, the hearts and souls of both parties remember. This sets the stage for re-connection after the death of one.

The re-connection with Robin’s spirit has brought me great joy over the years and often makes me smile. The story I would like to share with you today is one I hope brings you happiness as well.

During the time I have been writing here, a deeper purpose for many of my blog posts has been made apparent to me. It is to bring in loving, lighthearted energy from the higher planes into the third-dimensional world. This lighthearted, fun energy is very characteristic of Robin’s spiritual energy. He was a lot of fun as a person, as I learned from his many videos! I love that about him.

Robin, Barry and Barbados

On Friday, December 27, 2019, during the early morning hours, I was thinking about family connections. This is because earlier on the 26th, I had been watching Fix My Life with Iyanla Vanzant.

I have received great benefit from watching this show. I summarize her work as facilitating ancestral healing as she often works with clients with layers of transgenerational trauma and abuse.

I think most people watching this show would think about their own unresolved family issues, as I have done, and apply some of what Rev. Vanzant says to our own lives.

So, her show got me thinking about my family history.

Since I have family members who were born in and live in Barbados, I decided to do research on whether Robin had any connection to Barbados as well.

I googled, “Robin Gibb Barbados.” Then, I saw a link for a website that is about the Bee Gees.

As I scanned the page, I saw a paragraph mentioning that Robin was in Barbados on December 29, 2007 for a private concert.

Click here to view the website. Please scroll down to “News, January 19th” and the section “Robin in Barbados” to see what I’m talking about.

In the section, it was also mentioned that a mistake was made in a Daily Mail article which said it was Barry who was in Barbados, when it was really Robin who was there. This quote from the article highlights this point:

Racing tycoon Michael Tabor’s end-of-year party in Barbados managed to surprise even the most jaded millionaire palate, by secretly booking Bee Gee Barry Gibb.

Scroll down to “Mr. Gibb for the Mr. Biggs” for the full article.

So, I read all of this on December 27th, but I could not find any other information about a connection Robin may have had with Barbados.

Family Life Parallel: Barbados

However, one connection that is important to me that Robin does have concerning Barbados, and that will never be written about in any news article, is that his passing date of May 20th is the exact same date as my grandmother’s funeral date many years ago which was on May 20th.

She was from Barbados and that is where she was laid to rest.

Barbados is historically connected to Robin’s home country of England. It is a former British colony and still has ties to the British monarchy.

Afterlife Communications Barbados and Bee Gees

According to

Barbados was first occupied by the British in 1627 and remained a British colony until internal autonomy was granted  in 1961. The Island gained full independence in 1966, and maintains ties to the Britain monarch represented in Barbados by the Governor General. It is a member of the Commonwealth.

During my childhood and adolescence, I can remember that when my father spoke, he used many different British expressions. My father was born and raised in Barbados.  We were a family of tea drinkers which is obviously a very British custom.

The Barbados-British energy pervaded my life as a child in Massachusetts in ways I can only see now from an adult perspective. That in and of itself is a very interesting connection to Robin that I see as a subtle life parallel.


A couple of days after December 27th, on December 29th, I was flipping through YouTube and noticed a video about James Corden in our queue. It was a clip for a Christmas special for the beloved show Gavin and Stacey.

I watched this show years ago, probably around 2013, because I did not find out about it until then. But at any rate, it’s been years since I had seen it or thought about it.

As I watched the YouTube clip for the Christmas special, I was so surprised when I saw a banner held up by some boys that read, “Barrybados.”

You can see the video here. The banner I’m talking about is at 7:40 in.

Here is a screen shot of the banner:

Afterlife Communications: BarryBados

I got the chills because, as I just mentioned, I had just read for the first time about Barry and Barbados on the 27th in the Daily Mail article. Then, a couple of days later, I get “Barrybados!”

The banner, to me, is a synchronistic spiritual communication and reference to my research on Robin and Barbados.

Even though the banner is referring to Barry Island, Wales, the reference and application to Robin’s brother is quite clear. I was amazed because of this strong afterlife communication with Barry and Barbados combined, which matched my research!

Incidentally, it had been so long since I had seen Gavin and Stacey that I had completely forgotten that it was set on Barry Island. I also had no idea it was called “Barrybados.”

According to, Barry Island has been marketed as “Barrybados” to rejuvenate the island with positive energy, celebrating the fact that it has beautiful beaches and views like those admired in Barbados.

I am absolutely fascinated by how spirit weaves and combines life circumstances to orchestrate the most wonderful synchronicites and closeness with loved ones in spirit.

The timing of finding out about “Barrybados” is in impeccable alignment with learning about Barry Gibb and the misprint about him going to Barbados instead of Robin. I jokingly say, now, there are 2 Barrybadoses!

It is beautiful to me how afterlife communication between twin souls can also involve our family members. It shows the inclusive nature of the connection, which to me is ideal because it potentially brings loved ones from all over the world together through synchronicity.

My experience is that God (or the Universe, whatever you prefer) can use anyone or anything to remind you of your twin or loved one in spirit. That includes biological relatives, even if the twins have never met each other’s relatives.

In Closing

On this blog, I can only write about what God and Robin’s spirit gives me. I am guided into the communications I share here.

I believe that many of my writings, in addition to being educational, are meant to be “feel good” posts to uplift my readers. At the very least, I hope you get a sense of the wonder of synchronicity and soul communication across the veil.

It’s about being the counterbalance, which I shared here.

Now, I’ve figured out where I’d like to visit in Wales! When I wrote this post on my dream to travel to the U.K., I didn’t know yet. It seems like a couple of days or so on Barry Island could be fun!

I really enjoyed writing this post and hope you enjoyed it as well.


Christina Samuels Signature



P.S.: To my regular readers, I apologize for not letting you know sooner that everything turned out fine with my leg. It was a benign condition.

I was ill in November-December 2019 due to being on a new medication to prevent recurrence of breast cancer. I had a bad reaction to it, which is why I did not write for several weeks and update you.

I plan to write more about this in my upcoming “Recovery III” post in February. I did not want to write about health issues in the post for Robin’s birthday. So, I just wanted to let you know. Thank you for continuing to visit me here. I hope you are well. Love and blessings for the New Year!

Afterlife Communications: Ubuntu

Afterlife Communications: Ubuntu

Afterlife communications can sometimes occur as a chain reaction of events in which loved ones in Spirit combine different methods of communication over the course of several weeks.

This post is about how my dream communication with Robin, which I recently wrote about, expanded into several exciting events of meaningful synchronicity. The synchronicity is meant to draw our attention to some very important concepts.

The concepts relate to ancestral healing and the higher consciousness of universal oneness throughout all humankind.

Synchronicity often guides me in terms of what to write about here. I sense that it is very important that I write about these topics to help us progress spiritually and see the world in a new way.

Before I get into the details of the post, I wanted to let you know that I just found out about this free online workshop by medium Suzanne Giesemann on how to better communicate with loved ones in spirit. It takes place on October 5th. I thought I would let you know in case anyone is interested. I already signed up for it. 🙂

Dream-Synchronicity Combo Pack

A few weeks ago, while I was in the process of writing my post called Afterlife Dreams: I Can Hear You, I was doing my own private research on ancestral healing. I was doing this a few days prior to September 13th, which is the date this post was published.

In my writing, I like to include a timeline with exact dates when I can so you can follow the sequence of events better.

During my research, I came across an article by Dr. Judith Rich called, “Healing the Wounds of Your Ancestors.”

It is an excellent and thought provoking article. It helps us to examine how we can live our lives in a way that brings healing not only to ancestors of the past and present, but also to our ancestors yet to be born.

As I was reading the article, I came across what to me was an incredible and timely synchronicity. Here is the text I read. The bold is mine for emphasis:

I once had a dream in which I found myself standing in front of a long table. Seated at the table was a group of ascended masters who called themselves “The Committee.”

At the time I read this, I was quite blown away because of the close mirror image with what I had written for my blog post. A dream where she is standing in front of a long table? It sounded eerily familiar. Here is the text I had written about my dream about Robin, showing the synchronicity:

I saw Robin sitting at a long table. There was a woman sitting to his right. I do not know who she is. He looked like he did when he was in his 30’s, with short blond hair.


Robin spoke to the woman and said, “She’s tired.” He was talking about me.


I was not in the dream, but looking at the two of them from the perspective of standing in front of them.

It is amazing to me that I found this article at the exact same time I was in the process of writing my post about this dream of Robin sitting at a long table. The settings with both dreams are nearly identical.

In terms of my twin soul connection with Robin, I have seen a repeating pattern over the years where something I read or write about him ends up being mirrored back to me within a short period of time.

With twin souls, the events of our lives come together at the same time in tandem with each other, even when one twin is disembodied. This synchronicity is a good example of this. With this message, I definitely felt like Robin was walking side by side with me. Dreams and standing in front of long tables…very interesting. I love how the dream morphed into a synchronicity.

I knew something was up when I received this message. What is the probability that I would be writing about my dream of Robin at the same time I read about Dr. Rich’s dream? Very low I believe.

Ancestral Healing

I took this as a very important message to focus on ancestral healing and as a directive to answer the questions for myself that she asks in the article. Since you are reading this, perhaps you are meant to address this in your own life, for the benefit of yourself and others in your family.

Our ancestors endured pain and trauma of varying degrees while alive. I believe that there are ways that those of us still living in the physical can assist in healing the wounds of our ancestors. We can help heal their wounds by how we live and what we accomplish in our lives.

What specifically can we do to heal the wounds of our ancestors that we still carry?

For me, the fact that several people of my generation have become educated has helped to heal a deep ancestral wound of a lack of education. We have earned Bachelors and Masters Degrees, which is something my ancestors never had the opportunity to do.

I almost completed my doctorate in clinical psychology, but couldn’t quite make it. I used to think about this with a heavy heart. But now I see that perhaps I made it easier for a future ancestor to take this path in higher education and earn the degree. I hope I find out someday that one of my younger ancestors was able to do what I couldn’t. That is an ancestral wound of mine that I would love to see healed. We can be healed by the success of our ancestors whether past, present or future.

In terms of Robin, it is my point of view that the financial and creative success the Bee Gees earned brought about massive healing for his ancestors of the past, present and future. As was mentioned in his Who Do You Think You Are episode, his ancestors from Paisley, Scotland suffered great poverty in their lives.

The Bee Gees also endured significant poverty during their childhood as Robin mentioned here in this video.

You can hear him talk about it at about 2:30 in. We are blessed to experience his sense of humor and what a kind person he was with a good heart and depth to his soul. I don’t really like saying “was” though, because he still “is,” just without his physical body. Some of you who have been communicating with Robin know this firsthand just as I do.

It appears to me that the wealth and success the Bee Gees acquired helped heal this ancestral wound so that going forward, the people in Robin’s lineage would not have to suffer this type of poverty ever again. At least I hope that’s the case. Robin did his part to ensure the financial well-being of future generations.

Ubuntu Synchronicity

On September 24, 2019, I spent some time doing additional reading of the article by Dr. Rich I mentioned above. I was thinking about writing a piece about ancestral healing in addition to describing the dream synchronicity I just shared with you. So, I went back to do more research.

After I was done reading her article on ancestral healing again, I decided to visit her website for the first time. She had a link to her personal website at the end of her ancestral healing article.

I looked at her blog and noticed she had many interesting articles. One article in particular caught my eye. It is called, “Embracing the Spirit of Ubuntu: The Essence of our Humanity.”

I absolutely love the photo of the children sitting with their feet joined together in a circle. It’s an extremely powerful image.

I read through the article and really loved it. I highly recommend it as well as the videos she links to. According to Dr. Rich:

“Ubuntu is not a religious philosophy. Neither is it political. But it challenges every belief of most religions and political ideologies. It simply states, “I am what I am because of who we all are.” It requires a state of consciousness that understands and accepts the fact that at the quantum level, we are all made of the same star stuff. We all come from the same origins. Beyond the appearance of separation, lies a greater truth. We are all connected.”

I had never really heard about Ubuntu, at least not that I can remember. But it is definitely a philosophy in alignment with my values.

According to Wikipedia, Ubuntu is a Southern African term with various meanings:

Ubuntu (Zulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼù])[1] is a Nguni Bantu term meaning “humanity.” It is often translated as “I am because we are,” or “humanity towards others,” but is often used in a more philosophical sense to mean “the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity.”[2]


In Southern Africa, it has come to be used as a term for a kind of humanist philosophy, ethic, or ideology, also known as Ubuntuism propagated in the Africanisation (transition to majority rule) process of these countries during the 1980s and 1990s.


Since the transition to democracy in South Africa with the Nelson Mandela presidency in 1994, the term has become more widely known outside of Southern Africa, notably popularised to English-language readers through the ubuntu theology of Desmond Tutu.[3] Tutu was the chairman of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), and many have argued that ubuntu was a formative influence on the TRC

I thought this article on Ubuntu would be great to read to Robin at tea time. So, I emailed it to myself on that same day, September 24th. However, things in my life had gotten so busy I did not have a chance to read it to him.

A couple of days later on September 26th, I had been doing some work in my office. Then I walked into our kitchen. My husband Julian was sitting in the living room watching television.

After a few moments he turned and looked at me and said, “I’m studying Ubuntu.”

I was like, “What!?”

I walked over to the television and saw in front of me the word, “Ubuntu” from the YouTube video he was watching.

I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I saw this.

My husband had absolutely no knowledge of my recent study of Ubuntu. I hadn’t mentioned anything to him about what I was writing for my blog post and I had not mentioned anything to him about Ubuntu. I had just found out about it myself so I wasn’t ready to talk about it.

Well, guess who was ready to talk about it? I can almost hear Robin joking with me saying, “I thought you were going to read that article on Ubuntu to me.” That was a strong reminder, let me tell you. I did finally read it to him after I got this message!

God and Robin really know what they are doing, orchestrating these synchronicities like this.

My husband was studying Ubuntu, the software operating system, not the African philosophy.

I’ll spare you the boredom by not including here, the video he was watching, lol! But I just want to say that my husband has always been a part of my connection with Robin, right from the very beginning of our afterlife communication. That is when he started delivering the Robin-related synchronicities! But he does not know that until after the fact, when I tell him he just gave me another synchronicity.

I am fascinated by the timing of this synchronicity. I told my husband about how I had planned to read an article on Ubuntu to Robin and how it was in my inbox for two days prior to this, unbeknownst to him.

I asked my husband if he had ever heard of Ubuntu. He said he had heard of the operating system, but that night was the first night he actually sat down to watch a video to begin studying it.

It’s amazing how his decision to do that coincided with my finding Dr. Rich’s article. This is the first time I have ever heard him mention Ubuntu and the first time I saw him watch a video on it.

As soon as Julian mentioned Ubuntu, I knew it was a message from Robin referencing the article. Ultimately, this synchronicity with Ubuntu connects back to him because I found the Ubuntu article as a result of the ancestral wounds article which gave me the dream synchronicity (standing in front of a long table).

There is one other thing about the ancestral healing article by Dr. Rich. It was updated on November 17, 2011. This is the birthday of Robin’s late mom Barbara Gibb as I mentioned here. The article is linked above if you want to see what I’m talking about.

So, there is synchronicity and meaning on multiple, deeper levels with this one article that I found all because I wanted to do personal research on ancestral healing. One thing led to another in a chain reaction of synchronicity! I can’t help but notice these things and it is all part of afterlife communication. Once you start really paying attention, it’s amazing what comes through!

Further Exploration of Ubuntu

I would like to present this YouTube video by Getrude Matshe at TEDxTeAro as one of the best descriptions of the Ubuntu philosophy I could find at this time.


I encourage you to watch this entire inspirational video of this extremely courageous woman. She is the embodiment of Ubuntu. She talks about her emigration to New Zealand from Zimbabwe, Africa and mentions Australia briefly. Since these are countries Robin is closely connected to, I’m sure he would like my including this video here. Some of her story may be hard to listen to. But in order to properly respect the philosophy of Ubuntu, I think it is important to share this talk by a spiritually brilliant and intelligent woman from Africa.

I include this quote from the video below. You can hear it beginning at 12:20 in:

“We sleepwalk through life most of the time. We meet people sitting next to us and never find out who they are.


In Africa, when you meet someone, you look them in the eye, you greet them, you acknowledge their humanity.


You will never bump into another human being and not acknowledge their humanity and their presence…I am because you are…The human race is one. In Ubuntu, there is no you, there is no me, there is only we…”

This is a beautiful way of life to aspire to. Imagine how much more connected to each other we would feel if we lived this way.

You can read a dozen book definitions of Ubuntu and that is fine. I do that too and it is necessary in learning about a concept. But I did not want to give you just a book definition.

Sometimes we as humans need to hear real stories that challenge us and open our hearts. As we listen to her story, we will begin to understand what Ubuntu really is.

Ubuntu in the Spirit World

Ms. Matshe’s statement that “there is no you, there is no me, there is only we” is something I personally believe reflects the ultimate truth about life in the spirit world, or Heaven if you will. With all my heart, I truly believe that Robin lives in a place filled with the spirit of Ubuntu, joined with other members of our soul family as “we.”

The reason I know this is because he was already expressing the spirit of Ubuntu before he passed away. It is reflected in his humanitarian work, some of which I wrote about here.

The other reason I know this is because of how he came to me after his death with such love, kindness and creativity, even when he had never known me during his life on Earth.

Some cynical people might read this and say, “Why would he contact you Christina? He didn’t even know you.” But that consciousness is not reflective of Ubuntu. It is anti-Ubuntu. And loving, evolved spirits don’t think that way.

Why not me? I love him, I do the work, I’m sincere, I believe in him and I believe in our connection. I’m attuned to him and I pay attention.

I also believe that Robin is communicating with lots of people on Earth. The vast majority of them are going to be everyday people like me who are not in the public eye. So, in most cases, we won’t hear about the communications. Still, I believe that members of his (our) soul family stretch far and wide and as a spirit, Robin can find us.

It didn’t matter if we knew each other on Earth or not because when it comes down to it, we are closely connected in the spirit world. And that is what I knew and sensed about him from the time of his physical death.

The fact that he didn’t know me didn’t stop him from contacting me. He has included me in his life as a spirit person because his essence is beautiful, one very much of love and acceptance. In other words, very Ubuntu.

Maybe he discovered soon after his passing that we are twin souls. He probably knew months before I did, but was trying to tell me with all the dreams, synchronicity and telekinesis. He can see who I really am and that is not my physical body. He didn’t know me as the person I am now, but he knows my soul, light and my essence that existed before this incarnation. That is a lot more important.

Robin has beautiful, strong energy. Being with him is like winning the lottery 50,000 times. I really hit the jackpot when I connected with him. It is incredibly uplifting to communicate with him. It has helped me so much in terms of overcoming challenging life circumstances.

Here on Earth, as least in more Westernized countries, we are conditioned to be rugged individualists. But in my heart, I believe it is not like that in the higher dimensions of Spirit. I sense that when I return to life in spirit, I will meet with Robin again and we will be a part of a tremendously loving, harmonious collective of spirits doing our work, and play, to uplift the lives of other spirits and those on Earth.

I began my work with Robin through this website in this incarnation. Perhaps this is a continuation of work we carried out together in another place and time that I don’t remember. But I have all the faith in the world that we will continue it after I leave this Earth. It will take on a different form. But it will continue, in the energy of “we.”

Ubuntu-Themed Songs

Just for fun, I thought I would include a couple of songs that beautifully reflect the principles of Ubuntu.

The first song is My World by the Bee Gees. The spirit of Ubuntu is woven all throughout the Bee Gees career as manifested through all the humanitarian and charity work they did. This world is home to all of us and this song reflects that sentiment beautifully. I love seeing the young Bee Gees!


Border Song, composed and sung by Sir Elton John, and written by lyricist Bernie Taupin is truly one of my favorite songs. It expresses the aspect of Ubuntu that is brotherhood and peace.


I never saw the Bee Gees in concert but I did see Sir Elton John in the mid 1980’s in Massachusetts. He’s a true master artist and I’m so glad I got to enjoy his concert.

I hope you enjoyed this post and the authors and artists featured in it. There are some truly amazing people in this world and I’m happy to be able to share information about them as Robin-related synchronicity guides me down the path of spiritual growth, learning and knowledge.

I can see why he and my ancestors wanted me to write about this.






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