Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships

Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships

In this post, I would like to examine whether there are hints of the twin soul in past relationships that we have.

I know many of you reading this have soul connections of your own that are deep and meaningful for you. Whether it is a twin soul, soul mate, past life, or soul family connection, I imagine they have made a significant difference in your life on many levels.

Autumn Imara, who shares a twin soul connection with Jimi Hendrix, makes this point eloquently in her blog post, Why Twin Souls Really Exist, and How to Deal with Skeptics:

Twin soul connections are like spiritually transformative experiences – they always impact you in some way, in a way that truly affects your life. That’s what makes them so amazing. Twin souls are not “superior beings”, though; they’re very human, at least that’s how I’ve felt. What they bring is a truly uplifting, unconditional love, which can help bring themselves and others to God. And that’s what makes twin souls unique, and very real to me. (1)

I strongly agree with Autumn in terms of the twin soul connection I share with Robin. Before his spirit came into my life, I did not know that such a strong bond and unconditional love could exist with someone who was deceased that I had never met in this lifetime. I had never experienced such powerful, precise spirit communication in the form of synchronicity and dream visitations with anyone else prior to Robin’s passing.

So, his presence in my life has truly been spiritually transformative. It helped me learn what happens when you share a nearly identical spiritual vibration with another soul. It opened me up to a whole other world and life beyond the limited third dimensional world I now reside in. I’m sure many of you who are experiencing soul connections feel similar to how I feel.

Are There Hints of the Twin Soul in Past Relationships?

So, since the twin soul connection is such a powerful connection, I would like to explore whether there are notable hints of the twin soul in past relationships. Have you ever noticed that as you look back on your life, there were hints of your twin or soul connection in the close relationships you had in the past? Maybe the relationships were not necessarily close, but were significant in some way.

From hindsight, we may be able to see that they were there with us all along, even while we did not know them yet. This speaks to the power of twin souls: their energy is there and you can be connected to it and impacted by it even when you don’t yet know you have a twin soul.

This is something I have noticed as I have pondered my connection with Robin. There were hints of his energy there with me throughout my life in the people I was either close to or associated with on some level. These particular people had traits and characteristics that mirrored Robin in very interesting and precise ways. These traits and characteristics are the hints. I can see this now from my current perspective.

Below are some examples of people in my past that hinted at my connection with Robin long before I knew I shared a soul family/twin soul connection with him. As far as the hints go, they range from subtle to more direct. I had a lot of fun observing them. I consider the hints to be very similar to the life parallels I share with him which I wrote about here:

Twin Souls and Life Parallels

By sharing this perspective, I hope to encourage others to look at their own life patterns. See if you can notice the energy of your soul connection in the traits and characteristics of the people from your past. It could give you some interesting insights.

My Past Relationships Hinting at My Twin Soul Connection with Robin

1. B.G.—the initials of my best girlfriend in college: I went to college in the 1980’s in Massachusetts. While there I had a best friend. Her first name began with a “B” and her last name began with a “G.” I started thinking about that the other day and it made me smile.

For years, B.G. and I did everything together. We had meals together, went to sporting events, movies, and concerts. She is still in my life.

I can’t help but feel a connection to Robin’s energy as a result of my close connection with her and the fact that she carried the initials of Robin’s band. After all the Bee Gees are called that because of all the people associated with the band that had the initials, “B.G.,” such as Barry Gibb, Bill Gates, Barbara Gibb, and Bill Goode.

Here is an excerpt from The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb highlighting this:

This was the beginning of how they were christened. The organiser was named Bill Goode – the first B.G. He popped his head out and at first he wondered what all the fuss was about, so he came out of his office and saw these three young kids singing.

He was so knocked out that he introduced us to a Brisbane disc jockey whose name was Bill Gates – another B.G. In those days the name was just the two initials, B.G., then it was elongated to Bee Gees.” Bill Gates continued. “The actual naming of the group took place at the Redcliffe Speedway. Barry pointed out that his initials, Bill Goode’s and mine were all B.G. so the name ‘B.G.s’ almost wrote itself.” (2)

I think it is so interesting that I had a B.G. with me for so long and consider it a hint of the twin soul!

Does anyone you are close to have initials that mirror your twin or soul connection in some way? It may be a fun and interesting exercise to explore this.

2. Acquaintance named Boddie: Many years ago, I had an acquaintance who had the last name “Boddie.” I thought to myself, “Is that a hint of Robin?” Maurice, Robin’s twin brother, called Robin “Bodding” when they were children. So, it got me thinking. His name was very close to “Bodding.” I realize it’s not an exact match. That is why I consider it a “hint.”

This is the only person I have known by this name and I would have to say he was a significant acquaintance who taught me some important karmic lessons. I have also had significant synchronicity regarding this person related to dates. So, that’s the main reason his name stands out to me and makes me wonder if there was a connection with Robin there.

Here is a quote from The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb illuminating the twins use of nicknames:

As the twins grew, Barbara recalled that, “Robin used to call Maurice ‘Woggie’, and Maurice used to call Robin ‘Bodding’. It was always, ‘It’s not me, it’s Woggie.’ If you mentioned anyone to them, they used to say, ‘Oh yes, it’s a friend of him.’ If it was to do with the twins, anybody they knew was a friend of him!” (3)

After reading this quote, I realized that this person’s name is a combination of both Robin and Maurice’s childhood nicknames. So, to me, that’s interesting in and of itself. It’s just a feeling I get to pay attention to this.

3. Musician I dated who was Robin’s age: Back in the 1990’s, I dated a guy who had some remarkable similarities to Robin. He was a musician and a piano player. Robin was also a piano player as mentioned here in The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb:

Robin dabbled with the harmonica on occasion as well as continuing his piano development while Maurice had added mandolin to his existing repertoire. (4)

The man I dated is Caucasian and wore his hair long in a pony-tail, like Robin did at some stages in his life. Here is a photo from Pinterest. But the main thing that stands out to me is that he is pretty much the same age that Robin would have been if he were alive.

I did some rudimentary research on him and found out he is now 71 years old which is exactly the same age Robin would be if he were alive now. Robin was born December 22, 1949 and the man I dated was born a few weeks later. So, Robin was just a few weeks older than him.

Yes, I once actually dated someone who was approximately 17 years older than me. Why would I do that? Was he a hint of Robin? Of all the examples I have just given, to me this is the strongest indication of a hint of my soul’s connection with Robin. My soul was drawn to someone who was just like him in some of the most significant ways: music, hair and age.

Ultimately, the man I dated and I were at very different places in our lives and the relationship did not work out. If we had stayed together, he would be almost 72 years old, while I just turned 55 years old recently.

But, I’m grateful from hindsight to see I was picking up on Robin’s energy through this man. To me, it is so clear. Dating someone in the past with approximately the same age difference that I had with Robin at the time of his death is very powerful, especially since dating someone that much older than me is not something I normally did before I got married.


I think it is interesting to ponder all the ways in which we are interconnected. I had no idea at the time that the different people I was connected with and in relationship with would end up pointing to Robin’s energy in such a specific way. Some people may brush all of this off as just a coincidence, but my gut tells me it’s more than that. I think it is something to at least consider. It’s comforting to know that the energy of your twin or soul family member can be with you indirectly, for years potentially, through other people you befriend or care for.

Then when your soul connection does come into your life you can say, “Ah, you were there with me all along in these different people, in these different forms.” I think that is beautiful and I’m grateful.

Thank you for reading!

I offered Robin’s spirit food, drink, floral and candle offerings on Samhain, October 31, 2021.


1. Imara, Autumn (November 21, 2020). https://jimiheaven.gonevis.com/how-to-handle-skeptics-about-twin-souls/.

2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook, Hector; Môn Hughes, Andrew (2013). The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb. Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition, Kindle location 1108 and 1113.

3. Ibid., Kindle location 527 and 532

4. Ibid., Kindle location 2219 and 2224


Christina Samuels Signature

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Spiritual Connections with Singers and Songwriters: A Reading List

Spiritual Connections with Singers and Songwriters: A Reading List

This post was updated on October 11, 2021.

If I were to take a survey, I am sure I would find that most people feel a spiritual connection with someone who is a singer, songwriter, composer or musician. These spiritual connections with singers and songwriters can range from a superficial crush to something very deep, meaningful and life-changing.

During my spiritual journey, I have come across some authors that have been very instrumental in my growth and understanding of what has transpired with Robin since he passed away. They have the deep and meaningful spiritual connections with singers that I am speaking of and I feel we could all learn a lot from what they have to share.

Soul Connections with Singers: A Reading List

Here is my reading list of my favorite authors who courageously write about their mystical connections with singers and band members.

Dance of the Electric Hummingbird by Patricia Walker

This book is about the author’s spiritual connection with former Van Halen lead singer Sammy Hagar. Her connection is unique in that she actually met him and got to know him as a result of her attendance at his concerts in Mexico.

I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul Through Rock ‘n’ Roll by Laura Faeth

This book is about the author’s spiritual journey, growth, soul group, and past-life connections with a band she followed quite intensely. She never names the band, but gives plenty of clues so most people can figure out who it is. I figured out who she was talking about, but I won’t mention it so as to not spoil it for someone.

All You Need is Love by Jewelle St. James

This book is about the author’s afterlife and past-life spiritual connection with John Lennon. I would like to share this quote below from the authors’ mother because it resonates strongly with me:

Past-life memories, if a person isn’t aware of them, emerge as feelings rather than mental recollections. And sometimes these feelings can be disturbing. Jewelle, remember that unexplainable grief you felt when John Lennon was shot? Well, that was a past-life feeling. You had no past memory of having loved and lost, but you did have the feelings…Remember that our present relationships with others, our feelings, our loves, and our hates, often survive the passage of time. (1)

Past-Life Memories Can Present as Deep Feelings for Someone

I think this is very important for those of us interested in reincarnation to be aware of. We may not have a specific memory of an identity or a particular time or place that we knew someone, but we could have very strong feelings associated with a person indicating a past-life memory.

In 2012, this is exactly what happened to me. I had deep grief around Robin’s death, someone I had never met or knew, but felt strongly that he is a member of my soul family. The feelings were unexplainable, but I explored them, reached out to Robin in Spirit and the result of that is documented on this website. I have no direct past-life memories of Robin or who he or I may have been. But I do have the feelings.

I go into a little more detail about the grief I experienced upon Robin’s death in this post below about his connection with Johann Strauss and the song, “I Started a Joke.” In the post, I share an interesting synchronicity that is connected to Ms. St. James’ book as well, that relates to Strauss:

Robin and Strauss

There must have been a time when I did know and love his soul in some other time and some other place. How could I stay motivated to continue to write about this unless there was a deep connection with its origins just beyond my ability to remember? Why would signs and symbols of Robin’s presence with me continue even nine years after his death if there were not a strong spiritual connection with roots in some other time or place?

I would say to be very aware of anyone you have particularly strong feelings for, especially if you don’t know them well. Your feelings could be giving you a hint about a previous connection from another lifetime.

Now I will share a sign of Robin’s presence with me which I hope you will enjoy.

Interesting Patterns in Afterlife Communications

I always enjoy seeing how my connection with Robin’s spirit shows up. On September 21, 2021, my husband and I were on our way home from the dentist. As we drove, we ended up behind a truck that said, “RG Truck Parts.” His initials were right there in front of my face, so I took a few pictures as a keepsake. The name or initials of a deceased loved one showing up unexpectedly is a known form of afterlife communication. Here is the photo:


RG Truck Image

Faye Schindelka writes about this phenomenon of initials of deceased loved ones as a form of communication in the article, “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”:

Here’s an example of a synchronistic afterlife  sign;  you have a thought of your deceased Grandfather while driving and in the next instant you hear his name spoken over the radio. You then look at the license plate on the car in front of you and see his initials. (2)

 The next day, September 22nd, it dawned on me that there is a pattern showing up in my communications with Robin.

September 21st is Robin’s eldest son Spencer’s birthday. This reminded me that there was another time when Robin’s initials “RG” showed up in my life on one of his family member’s birthdays. That was November 17, 2012. That was Robin’s late mother’s birthday. On that date, I went shopping in a thrift store and saw his initials on 2 mugs with identical font. I wrote about this here:


Afterlife Communication and Initials on Mugs


I love how his initials show up in this way, on his loved ones’ birthdays! It makes the connection synchronistic and the communication even stronger! It makes me feel like everything in my life is divinely ordered. I’m sad that my husband had a dental emergency, and yet that led to this sign from Robin that I may not have otherwise received.

Thank you for reading!


1.   St. James, Jewelle (2003). All You Need is Love, Revelstoke, B.C. Canada: St. James Publishing, Kindle Location 672.

2.  Schindelka, Faye. “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”


Christina Samuels Signature

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Songs and Synchronicity

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Afterlife Communication Through Song Lyrics

I write this post in remembrance of Robin and Maurice Gibb who would have been 71 years old on December 22, 2020.

It has been documented in afterlife communication literature that deceased loved ones communicate through song lyrics.

For this post, I will share an amazing synchronicity regarding the Bee Gees’ song, “Cherry Red.” I love this song, so I figure that is a good sign to write about my experience with it! I hope you enjoy it.

In 2012, a door opened which allowed me to communicate with Robin in the ways described on this website. It came out of the blue because I did not even know there was a door through which I could reach him until after he passed away. I keep the door open now for his spirit so we can connect when the time is right. I have a story to share with you now which is about one of these times.

Cherry Red Reminder

I have been baking at home more this year due to Covid 19. On Sunday, November 29, 2020, I decided to research lemon curd recipes. I had recently made a sugar-free lemon yogurt cake and it got me thinking about other lemon deserts.

I read through this recipe and saw a link for a silicone whisk. I need another whisk, so I took a look. At the time I clicked on the link, it was for this Cherry Red whisk.


This whisk immediately reminded me of the Bee Gees’ song. Here it is.



After I was done looking at the whisk and recipe, I decided to listen to the song. I have heard it many times, but there were some lyrics that I still didn’t understand.

They were singing “something….green…” I couldn’t figure out what they were singing, so for the first time, while sitting at Robin’s altar, I researched the lyrics on my phone.

I found out they are saying, “Turquoise green, greener than the deepest sea…” Turquoise was the word that I couldn’t understand.

So, that mystery was finally solved. Robin and Barry sing the harmonies beautifully with Maurice accompanying them on guitar. It has such pretty imagery.

This song is a soul mate love song with the cosmic theme of the stars. It is about a person sadly missing their true love. They are reflecting on how their senses are heightened as the result of the presence of their love. Cherry red is sweeter and the green of the sea is more vivid when they are together. It’s so true that when you are in love, life is brighter, things taste better, and colors are more beautiful!

If it weren’t for seeing the ‘Cherry Red’ whisk, I may not have listened to this song that day. It is significant that I did, which I will explain next.


Green Turquoise Reflection

The day after researching the “Turquoise green…” lyrics, which was Monday, November 30th, I was drawn to email someone I had not contacted in a while. Their email address is one I keep at an email account I never check because I have the email forwarded to another account. So, I haven’t logged into it for easily a year or more. But, I needed to log in to find this email address of the person I wanted to contact.

When I signed in to my account, there was only one unopened email. It was in my junk folder. It was sent to me just a few days earlier on Friday, November 27th. It was from an artist from Etsy that I purchased jewelry from quite a while ago. She was promoting holiday sales.

Even though it was in my junk folder, I still clicked on it to see what she was selling. To say I was surprised at what I saw next was an understatement.

There were multiple photos of Green Kingman Turquoise jewelry!

Here is the Etsy link I received and a screenshot of the jewelry as it was displayed on Nov. 30th. I’m putting this screenshot here because the jewelry displayed at the link may change over time.



I felt very close to Robin’s spirit at that moment because it was such a specific synchronistic connection to the “Cherry Red” song lyrics.

Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor, in the book, Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife, put it this way:


Synchronicity is a connective tissue between the everyday world and the other side, the world of spirit. (1)

Synchronicity shows one aspect of how spiritual, unseen energies like to work, which is to pull the same things together. Synchronicity shows how the Universe likes to communicate. It is a mechanism by which loved ones of all types can connect. When we love someone, whether embodied or disembodied, and we are energetically similar or nearly identical, we can reach each other through synchronized life events with very specific details.


The Personal Nature of Synchronicity

I believe one of the major reasons for afterlife communication in the form of synchronicity is to create and maintain that sense of wonder, connection, closeness, love and bonding with a deceased loved one. It makes it impossible to forget them, which is the idea! They want to be remembered.

The closeness I experience with Robin now is the closeness I look forward to experiencing with his spirit and my soul family after I pass away. And one never knows when their time is going to come. The circumstances around the world at this time show that this is the case.

I knew the images of the green turquoise were a reference to the song lyrics and a twin soul mirror. I had just researched his “Turquoise green…,” lyrics for the first time and then I received green turquoise the next day when I checked an email account I never check. The timing was miraculous since I had not signed into this account for so long, but did so just in time to receive the communication in a timely fashion.

It was there waiting for me, unbeknownst to me. It was absolutely extraordinary and all because I had been guided to search for lemon curd recipes! You never know how synchronicity is going to come to you. This was very well orchestrated by those in spirit who watch over me.

I have never purchased green turquoise jewelry from the Etsy artist I mentioned above. I do not own any type of green turquoise jewelry, nor did I know about it so it is not common for me. I know about the usual blue turquoise, but the green turquoise gemstones came as a complete surprise to me which makes the synchronicity all the more powerful.


When it comes to souls you share a connection with, whether living or deceased, I have discovered that you are going to have what they have and get what they get on a frequent, recurring basis. To me, it is a sign of being united in spirit. The mirroring can show up in various, unpredictable situations in your everyday life. This time it showed up for me through unquestionable visual synchronicity.


As far as afterlife communication with Robin’s spirit goes, it was powerful, precious and meaningful to me for my email to synchronize with the specific lyrics he was singing. It was an incredible gift and deeply personal. Now, green turquoise will hold a special place in my heart going forward.


Robin has many advantages as a spirit, one of which is to use his own songs for communication! 🙂 God, Robin and whoever else is involved in creating and orchestrating synchronicity really touched my heart with that one. I will always remember this.

If you are interested in how twin souls communicate through music, I highly recommend this excellent article by Jonna called “Twin Flame Telepathy Through Song-What You Should Know.”


Spiritual Laws Are at Work in Synchronicity

Some may say this green turquoise synchronicity is simply the Law of Attraction at work. I think there is more to it than that. The Law of Attraction may be part of it, but that’s not all of it. I’m burnt out from the Law of Attraction. It’s my opinion that the Law of Attraction gets too much credit for everything that happens in a person’s life. It’s super popular to talk about, but by only paying attention to this one law, other spiritual laws are neglected.

In the book, The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman writes about 12 different spiritual laws, one which is the Law of Action. (2)  I would like to apply this spiritual law to this turquoise green synchronicity.

If I had not taken the action to research the “Cherry Red” song lyrics, I still would not have known what the Bee Gees were singing. If I didn’t know they were saying “turquoise,” then no connection would have been made when I saw the jewelry in my email. Checking my email was another action I had to take to receive the message.

Therefore, afterlife communication requires those of us on earth to cooperate and take action so spirit can deliver the message. Our loved ones in the spirit world need our active participation. One easy action could open the door to an incredible experience. If we don’t take action, they may not have much to work with to give us a sign of their presence.


Inspired by the Seas of Australia?

According to Wikipedia, “Cherry Red” was recorded in February, 1966 and released in March, 1966.

At that time, the Bee Gees were living in Australia. They were teenagers when this song was recorded, as Barry was 19 years old and Robin and Maurice were 16 years old. They were so gifted to be able to capture soul mate energies and themes through their lyrics, voices and music at such a young age.

Barry wrote this song. It seems that the lyrics could have been inspired by the beautiful Australian seas surrounding them. That makes logical sense.

Here are some views of turquoise green seas that could have inspired the lyrics:


Since I received this synchronicity, I thought it would be a good idea to research the spiritual meaning of turquoise. According to Rodika Tchi, in her article “Turquoise Stone Meaning and Use in Feng Shui or Jewelry,” the meaning ties in directly with the sea:

The water-energy in turquoise can facilitate a better flow of energy in one’s body, thus promoting gentle detoxification and improving the state of one’s immune system. (3)

Here is some additional information on the symbolism and spiritual properties of both blue and green turquoise.

In Closing

I would like to close by saying it has been wonderful writing here all year. I hope you are finding the posts beneficial and enjoyable for you. I would like to thank all of you who have subscribed and those of you who take the time to read my posts. I appreciate you.

Writing about my connection with Robin’s spirit helps me get through rough and painful times such as in 2018 when I had breast cancer and now in 2020 during this pandemic that has affected everyone in some way. It’s a good creative exercise for me as well as being educational and spiritually fulfilling. Writing gives me a good outlet for expressing myself which is something I really need to do for my well-being and long-term recovery.

I learn so much while I’m in the process of writing because I’m actively doing research while writing. For this post, I especially enjoyed learning about the Australian beaches the Bee Gees may have visited or known about.

On a different note, I realize that some of you may have lost loved ones during this pandemic due to Covid or other illness. Or perhaps it has been a rocky time in other ways financially or with relationships. I acknowledge this with compassion for you and wishes for you to be comforted and supported at this time.

I plan to take the month of January off, but plan to be back with a new post around the end of February.

Best wishes for a good holiday season. Happy New Year!

Happy Birthday in spirit to Robin and Maurice. You are loved and remembered always.


1. MacGregor, Trish and MacGregor, Rob (2011). Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife, Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc., Kindle Edition, Location 64.


2. Millman, Dan (1995). The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation, Tiburon, California: H.J. Kramer/New World Library, page 65.


3. Tchi, Rodika (Updated 07/22/20). “Turquoise Stone Meaning and Use in Feng Shui or Jewelry: Explore the healing energy of turquoise.”



Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

During the morning of Friday, August 28, 2020, I found myself reflecting on who I was as a person in 2012. I thought about how I was ready to have relationships with people who were “beyond-the-body.” However, I did not know that until after Robin passed away. Then my new life, which included his spirit, began.

I learned about the phrase, “beyond-the-body” from The Book of Theanna: In the Lands that Follow Death, Updated Edition by Ellias & Theanna Lonsdale. It is this quote that I return to often as it touches a place deep in my soul. The bold is mine for emphasis:


Over here, the dead seek each other out authentically and fully. After initial isolation for many, the savoring of company is universal. What we seek in the beyond-the-body state is to share on heart levels. (1)


This reflects the need for and value of companionship amongst spirits beyond superficial connections that are all too common on third-dimensional earth.

After I reflected on this passage, I got ready to attend a meditation group through a zoom chat. This is a different group than the one I mentioned in the previous post on “Addressing Concerns.”

The teacher gave some introductory comments, which, once again, gifted me with a surprise synchronicity.

She talked about infinite possibilities and how those possibilities can bring us beyond-the-body. She used the exact words, “beyond-the-body.” I was amazed at how my morning reflection on that phrase was reflected back to me through her words. Once again, my thoughts about something to do with Robin were mirrored back to me in twin soul-soul family style!

It was at that moment that I knew this was a good topic for a blog post and something I was meant to explore more deeply!

Since Robin had a solid meditation practice, it makes sense to me that I would receive synchronicity in conjunction with the meditation classes that I attend. You can read about his meditation practice in this post:

Telekinesis with Spiritual Symbols

Sharing at Heart Levels Between the Deceased and the Living

In addition to our deceased loved ones sharing at heart levels with each other, I truly know that at least some of them want to communicate at heart levels with those of us still living here on earth.

However, I imagine it may be challenging for them to connect with living people who are open to them. Part of the reason for this is that communicating with deceased people is still stigmatized in the physical world. People like me who talk to, write about and actively include deceased people in their lives are considered weird.

Well, I’m no more weird than anyone else here on earth and in many ways, I’m more balanced and loving because of my afterlife connections. I don’t see dead people, unless they visit me in my dreams and I’m not a medium. I just like to stay in touch with some of them that I love!

We are told that we are supposed to “let go” of our deceased loved ones and let them go off into the afterlife where they now belong. And that may be true to some extent. We do have to let them go once they are in the beyond-the-body state. We don’t really have a choice. But we don’t have to “let go” of them completely and I don’t agree with anybody who says we have to. I don’t believe that our loved ones in spirit (at least some of them) want us to let go of them completely.

These points are highlighted by this quote, once again, from The Book of Theanna. The bold and underline are mine for emphasis:


The living has barely any idea how profoundly the heart can evolve after death. This includes a greater ability to love the one who lives on in the body. The pernicious idea here is of being “left behind” by the dead. The automatic idea is the living must move on with their lives because the dead are journeying to strange places of their own. This is a propaganda offensive against the links between the worlds. It is time now to move beyond these odd notions. There is a time in the cycle for partings and gulfs. There are other times to come together in a new spiral. If there is something deep and lasting in a union before death, it almost always becomes deeper and more truly lasting after death. At least this is the case for the one who dies. (2)


I find this quote to be so beautiful and true in terms of my connection with Robin and other deceased loved ones. I did not have a lasting union with Robin before his death because we had never met. However, I believe we have a lasting connection from another time and place which led to our current connection.

In 2012, when I first felt the pull to communicate with Robin’s spirit, it came automatically. It was as if I was meant to do so even though he did not know me. At least I thought he didn’t…

I was often nervous that I was bothering him and would say so in my prayers. I quickly began to notice, however, that his spirit was communicating with me and I realized my worries about bothering him were not necessary. It was clear that he wanted to communicate with me. He did not come to me and say, “Christina, stop communicating with me. Move on with your life.” He didn’t say that because he knew that our communications were helping me grow spiritually. I was also supporting him energetically through donations I made on his behalf, and loving prayers and mantras I chanted for him. So, it was mutually beneficial and healing.

I believe he communicated with me at heart levels because of our nearly-identical soul energies. But, I also believe that he wants there to be people on earth that will share with others what he is like now in terms of the beautiful ways in which he can communicate. I believe Robin wants people to know that his spirit continues to live on. He finds the people who are willing to share that. It took me a long time before I was willing to share what I know about his spirit. My guess is that he knew I would eventually share it on his behalf to honor him. I think he knew that eventually, it would all be too much for me to keep to myself forever. I wasn’t meant to keep it all to myself. It was meant for you too, since you’re reading this.


If a person in spirit wants to be remembered and to have a prominent and permanent place in your life, they know exactly how to accomplish that. They can do many things including moving objects, creating synchronicity and creating symbols out of physical-world materials that you will want to keep.
So, all of this about how we are supposed to “let go” of them and “move on” is not 100% true for all spirits.

If they really wanted to be “let go” of completely, they wouldn’t bother coming back to do things that you can hold on to as keepsakes of their presence. They know that by doing this, it will only increase and strengthen the bond of love. Therefore, I do not buy into the whole idea of having to completely let go of deceased loved ones. I suppose it depends on the person in spirit. If they want you to let go of them completely, then I suppose they can communicate that in some way.

If they don’t want you to completely let go of them, they can also make that point abundantly clear. I would say to Robin that if you wanted me to let you go, then you wouldn’t have turned your altar picture over, synchronized with me on countless occasions, visited me in my dreams and left me an infinity symbol, among many other things! That doesn’t say you want me to let you go. That says you want to connect in a very powerful, unforgettable, eternal way. And I don’t think he worried about bothering me in the least, the way I worried about bothering him! Because he knew he wasn’t bothering me. I loved (and love) the communications!

So, to all the people on earth saying, “let go” of deceased loved ones, I have this to say: You don’t speak for all of the dead. Let them speak for themselves. If they want to communicate with someone living on earth that they like, love, care about, or want to help, they will. If they don’t want to, then they won’t. It’s up to them, not people on earth who don’t see the infinite possibilities. Maybe some deceased loved ones want to hold our hand spiritually from time-to-time.

Preparation for Beyond-the-Body Connections

How is it that I went from having no relationships with people on the other side to being open and ready to have one with Robin in his beyond-the-body state?

I believe years of spiritual study helped me, from yoga teacher training to studying near death experiences. I had always believed in life after death, but I did not know anything about communicating with deceased people.
I had done enough deep spiritual growth work which included studying advanced psychology and healing from family-of-origin child abuse. This entailed clearing negative patterns that would cause a block in my ability to give and receive love on a spiritual level.

After doing all of this inner work over the course of many years, I was was ready. This type of relationship, an afterlife twin soul connection with someone I had never met, requires readiness. If you’re not ready, I’m not sure you will have enough inner resources to sustain it. I had no idea that during all of those years, I was actually preparing myself for my current afterlife experiences with Robin’s spirit.

Another reason I was ready was because I have always been a little homesick for my true home in Spirit. I just discovered there is a beautiful Portuguese word for this feeling: saudade.

Being in communication with Robin is being close to someone from my true home.

Spiritual Awakening Symptom: Deep Longing to Go Home

Having a relationship with him makes it easier to cope with life on earth. My relationship with him does not replace my relationship with God who always comes first for me. I also have different healing connections with my ancestors. But because of Robin, I know there is more to life than what I see in the physical world. I know there are spirits and ancestors around us more often than we realize, loving, supporting and assisting us. So, being connected with him has been invaluable to me and is part of the divinity of God.

When Robin started communicating with me in 2012, I was initiated into the knowledge that there is an invisible world around us with spirits actively living there in their light bodies. Some, like Robin, are able to let us know that they are there and will leave signs of their invisible presence. To me, this is sacred beyond words. These are events that I will never, ever forget. These afterlife experiences with Robin were my first and left an indelible mark on me.

When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear

Why is Robin Gibb the spirit to teach me all of this? Why him specifically and not someone else? Don’t get me wrong; I absolutely love being connected to him! It’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am grateful every day of my life for his spiritual presence in my life.

Still, I think it’s good to ask these sorts of questions. I always wondered why it was not an African ancestor who came to teach me the reality of life after death.

My truth is that our relatives go far beyond earthly blood lines and ties into eternal spirit lines and ties. I consider Robin Gibb to be an eternal, spiritual relative of mine, a twin soul family member, of infinity. So, he would be the perfect spirit to teach me.

Perhaps those in spirit who watch over me knew I was not ready to experience this type of spiritual connection until 2012. For all I know, Robin, as a spirit, could have consulted with my ancestors before connecting with me.

It seems I had to go through years of preparation and incubation, readying me to be able to handle the ramifications of being directly contacted by Robin’s energy. He is a powerhouse as a spirit. This has been a close encounter of the third kind, but with a deceased person, not extraterrestrial life!

Well, this is all I have to write about for now. I hope you enjoyed this. I also hope you are doing well as humanity continues to address the various viruses circulating. I don’t need to name them. I’m sure you know what they are.

Until next time, may you be loved and safe.


1. Lonsdale, Ellias & Theanna (1995, 2011). The Book of Theanna, Updated Edition: In the Lands that Follow Death (pp. 264-265). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

2. Ibid., pp. 268-269.


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

I have had so many feelings circulating within me lately, it has been difficult to write here. There is so much pain and trauma in the world right now and as a Black woman, I have felt it acutely. I have had writer’s block and I didn’t quite know what to say here. So, I took a much needed break.

This post serves as my spiritual drain cleaner, getting the clog out, to help me get moving again. To begin doing that, I would like to pose these questions:

 What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with a global pandemic that continues to worsen in many locations around the world, end lives, and disrupt the lives of many?

What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with historical, systemic, racial trauma that keeps playing out like a broken record around the world?

It all comes down to being loved and supported by Robin’s spirit through afterlife communication during this time of very important social movements that I fully support and feel very encouraged by. I am not able to participate in the protests in my area due to Covid-19 concerns. Therefore, this post serves as my way of participating in the global protests. I have a lot to say.

While I participate in the protests in my own quiet way, I am deeply in need of the presence of my spiritual support team of which he is a part. Sometimes I can feel them holding my hand, guiding me and walking me through this planetary dark night of the soul. Having support from the other side is everything to me because it transcends the limitations of what people in physical bodies can do.

What Do Dreams Have To Do With It?

In April, during this pandemic, I had a dream about Robin. It was essentially about love and support. It was real and it was a visitation. It indicated to me that Robin’s presence is with me and that he does know what is going on here. Here is the dream:

 We are in my home. Robin is sitting down in a chair and I am there standing up right beside him where he is sitting. He looked like he did when he was in his 40’s with short hair which you can see here. He was not wearing glasses. He was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. I’m not aware of any other people being around.


From where he was sitting, Robin looks up at me and says, “I love you very much.” I said, “I love you very much, too.”

Then he looked around the room, raised up his right arm gesturing and communicated to me telepathically, not in words, about all the things going on in the world. He was referring to the pandemic. He looked concerned.


I smiled at him gently and nodded, communicating, “Yes, I know.” In the dream, I was surprisingly peaceful and at ease as I stood next to Robin, looking at him. I was aware of the problems going on, but I did not feel concerned about them.


That was the end of the dream.

This dream means so much to me. To be completely honest, I didn’t want to share it at first. I wanted to keep it to myself as the precious and private gift that it is. I don’t share every single communication I receive from Robin because many of them are subtle, pertain very closely to my personal life, or are too complicated to explain. So, since I’m sharing it, it is for a good reason.

It illustrates my point about what afterlife communication with Robin has to do with all of the things going on. It’s about still being lovingly soul-connected to our deceased loved ones in the midst of all the pain, chaos, and trauma on earth. It has to do with the healing energy people on earth can still receive through afterlife communication if we are open to it.

Black Lives Matter

No matter what we go through here, they are around us whether we are aware of it or not. They are aware of what is happening here. I am convinced of that. I hope that around the world, deceased loved ones are able to break through the layer of stress surrounding the earth plane to reach their loved ones and deliver an uplifting message of spiritual love.

The love that I exchanged with Robin in my dream comes from knowing each other in the spirit world, long before we reconnected at the time of his death in 2012. It is our soul energy that is very familiar to each other. As I have mentioned before, in 2012, around the time of his death, I strongly intuited that Robin is a member of my soul family from the spirit world. The communications I have documented on this website bear witness to that connection. I know my connection with Robin’s soul did not begin in 2012. I was awakened to and reminded of our connection in 2012.

It’s God’s love, Robin’s love, and my ancestor’s strength and love that keep me going during these very difficult times. I admit things are wearing on me a bit, living in this world. It’s one thing after another. Maybe you feel the same way at times.

What Do Twin Souls Have To Do With It?

Over the years, I have often read in twin soul/flame literature that one of the purposes of the twin connection is to “raise the vibration” of humanity. But what does that mean in a practical sense? “Raising the vibration” implies evolving to a higher level spiritually as a society, as a world community. Higher levels of spirit always pertain to love in some way.

But, how can we “raise the vibration” of humanity when we can’t even evolve past our homicidal impulses, obsessions, and prejudices around skin color? This is complete body-consciousness at the basest level, with absolutely no consciousness of the divine soul light of a God-created human being.

The moment a human is born into this life, he or she is rank-ordered according to their skin color. People will deny this, but some things are true whether you believe it or not… or whether you want to believe it or not.

If you have a lighter skin tone, in most countries of this world, you get to be at the top. If you have dark skin like I do, you get relegated to the bottom. No amount of sending love and light, holding crystals (which I happen to love), prayers, chanting mantras, and sprinkling pixie dust on things has changed this painful fact of life…for centuries.

It is far more painful for some of us than others. People are protesting in the streets right now because innocent people have lost their lives due to this “rank-ordering” according to skin color.

But this false hierarchy is something humans have created. It is not of God and it is not of love. In God’s eyes, nobody is at the top and nobody is at the bottom, and certainly not because of skin color which the Divine created in the first place.

To illustrate this point, I have a story to share with you. Close to 30 years ago, I dated a man from Germany. He was an exchange student in the U.S. working on his medical degree. I was working on my doctoral degree in clinical psychology and we met in a class we mutually attended. He is white, so we were an interracial couple. I was always open to dating men from different backgrounds before I was married because there are wonderful men coming from all different types of backgrounds.

One evening, as he was driving us home from a date, he looked over at me and said, out of the blue, “You’re at the bottom of the totem pole.” I looked him dead in the eye and said, “I’m not at the bottom of anyone’s totem pole.” He became silent after that. The comment really hit a nerve in me.

That relationship didn’t work out. No surprise there. But, I remember his comment very well. This notion of Black people being at the bottom is very well embedded into the collective psyche of this world.

I was working on an advanced psychology degree when my ex-boyfriend made that comment. He still saw me as being at the bottom because of my skin color. Really? I remember feeling, “What exactly do I have to do to no longer be stuck at the bottom?”

This is what I do: I don’t accept the totem pole at all, and I certainly don’t accept being relegated to the bottom of it just because I’m Black. I don’t accept any Black or Brown person as being at the bottom of some stupid, illusory totem pole and I don’t care what we do for work.

“Raising the vibration” of humanity means dismantling the foolish, racist, sexist totem pole. You can do that by actively choosing to treat all people with dignity and respect, not as invisible or inferior, no matter what their race, gender, and ethnicity is.

The question is, does humanity really want to dismantle it? Because that means true equality for each human being. It means to stop automatically seeing Black and Brown people as inferior and at the “bottom” because of our skin color. It is wrong and we are not going to stand for it. We are spiritual beings too. God created us too.

When you see BIPOC (Black and Brown, Indigenous, People of Color) out protesting, this is one of many reasons why: we have had enough of being viewed and treated as belonging at the bottom due to some supposed inherent flaw in our nature. Black people get the death penalty for the most minor of crimes…or even no crime at all. This isn’t right.

Are you surprised that we would rise up and fight against this? You shouldn’t be. Contrary to popular belief, we are not “professional victims”. Look at the picture of Dr. King at the beginning of this post. We had to do it in 1963 and we still have to do it in 2020. Social change and growth is cyclical. It’s coming around again because it was never dealt with fully in the first place. Mr. George Floyd’s murder was the last straw. It opened the floodgates of repressed hurt, anger and trauma that has been building up for years.

In my opinion, you cannot talk about twin souls, rays, and flames “raising the vibration of humanity” unless you are willing to acknowledge and do something on a personal level to help eradicate “isms” and phobias: Racism, Islamophobia, sexism, ableism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, transphobia, and other spiritual and religious prejudices. There are always people who think that what they believe is better than other people’s faith. Some will even kill you because of this belief.

Saying “No More!”to these energies is part of raising the vibration of humanity whether you are aware of a twin soul connection or not. I feel like the clock has been ticking for a long time on these issues and time is up. We can’t eradicate all of this all at once, but we can chip away at it little by little.

Any twin flame authors that state that we can “raise the vibration” of humanity through unconditional love, without doing the hard work of rooting out the weeds of these pernicious “isms” and phobias are simply kidding themselves at this point and engaging in spiritual bypass. Humanity means just that: all of us, even those some consider undesirable, even those who are different from the people you are accustomed to.


This is all I can write for now. I’m going through my own process of healing a lifetime’s worth of racial trauma that I have not processed fully. The murders of African Americans in the U.S. stirred up a lot of pain within me. I have felt shell-shocked for several weeks now. It is disheartening that these events are occurring to such an extent that I felt the need to write about them here.

This post has served as a little bit of spiritual Drano, but unfortunately, there is still a lot of clog left that I have to deal with. Soul communication with Robin helps a lot though. All afterlife communication is soul communication.

I have written letters on behalf of Ms. Taylor, participated in virtual protests and donated money to help the cause of uplifting black lives. Still, I’m simply not at my best. I’m sure many of us are not. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. This year has just been a lot. I wish I could go back to June, 2019 for a moment to catch my breath. And I haven’t had it even half as bad as many people.

All my best to you until next time. I look forward to sharing more communications from Robin with you in the near future. Unless something changes and I have more to say, I plan to write a post once a month going forward.

Just know that he’s around in a vibration of love and aware of what is going on. That is my personal experience with him as I shared with you. If he were still alive here in the physical world, I feel very confident that he would be making a musical contribution of some kind that affirms Black Lives Matter.


On June 26th, the day after I wrote this post and submitted it for publishing, and less than 24 hours after doing so, I received an amazing synchronicity.

I checked my email that morning and noticed one from a website called Word Genius. I did not subscribe to receive emails from this website. I started receiving them out of the blue on June 24th.

The interesting thing is that the word for June 26, 2020 is totem! Here is the link with the definition and some historical information.

For me, it is very affirming to receive this synchronicity. It leads me to feel that I am on the right track writing about the totem pole issues for my own healing and to make a contribution. It also affirms again that Robin’s spirit is with me in all of this.

I have always been amazed by synchronicity that connects back to Robin’s spirit so directly and within such a short time frame. I personally feel that there are loving, Universal energies supporting my connection with Robin. The synchronicity makes me feel so close to his spirit and I’m so grateful for that. This spiritual closeness has wonderful, lasting benefits. That’s what afterlife communication has to do with it!


  1. Featured photo from Unsplash:

MLK in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans.


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