In Contact

In Contact

On February 17, 2019, I felt guided to watch the movie Contact again. I had not seen it in many years.

It is one of my all-time favorite movies and it means a lot to me. It ties into my childhood dream occupation of being an astronomer. As a child, I was absolutely fascinated with the solar system we live in. I read books on it and I had a telescope. I was obsessed with the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and also read the book many times.

My love for studying the stars and planets was the best part of my childhood. As an adult, I still love star-gazing and connecting with the planetary energies beyond Earth.

Contact takes us beyond the Earth into the beauty and wonders of not only our solar system, but countless others. It is about the perennial search for extraterrestrial life.

The movie addresses the following topics: extraterrestrial communication using prime number patterns, death/loss, afterlife communication, the interface between science and religion, commercialism, fanaticism, sexism, perseverance, courage, academic politics, national politics, militarism, power struggles, intimacy issues, money issues, and standing up for what you believe in despite harsh criticism and ridicule from skeptics.

The lead character in the movie, Dr. Ellie Arroway, played by Jodie Foster, went through spiritually transformative experiences (STE). She went through some of them with no other human witnesses.

Such is the nature of these experiences which often leave the recipient in the position of trying to explain their experiences to sometimes hostile skeptics, as in the movie.

Many people keep the experiences to themselves or if fortunate enough, find empathic people who will actually listen and believe them. Here is a really good movie clip from Contact illustrating this point.

The main character in this movie went through a spiritual awakening and many changes in how she saw existence. She witnessed otherworldly beauty that she had no idea was there. She had an afterlife visitation with her deceased father. She traveled through a wormhole into other dimensions. She realized that we are not alone. And, she had absolutely no proof of any of it because the recording equipment used could not register her experience.

I wonder if anyone reading this has been through a similar spiritually transformative experience; to go through something so spectacular and the only place it is recorded is within your own mind and memory where no one else can see it. I think there are lots of people like this in the world.

Afterlife CommunicationsI could see a lot of myself in this character. Some of my experiences with Robin, such as dreams, are recorded only in my own mind and writing, with no witnesses. With other experiences, I have been fortunate enough to be able to photograph them. I don’t only feel fortunate because I have evidence to share with others. I also feel this way because I need to be reminded that what happened to me is real. I didn’t imagine it. Many of my experiences with Robin took place over 6 years ago. So, it is helpful to be able to go back and look at a picture and say to myself, “It really did happen! I really did see this!”

I could relate to the movie’s message of inner transformation so much more after my years of sharing in afterlife communication with Robin. Just as the character Dr. Ellie Arroway, I have gone through a multitude of personal changes. I would summarize them as all being for my highest benefit and advancement as a human/spiritual being.

I have always felt in my heart that my communications with Robin are meant to help me live more fully and to affect other people in my life in a positive way. I also feel strongly that my communications with Robin are meant to prepare me for my own eventual passing. I feel he wants me to accept physical death as a transition back to who we are at our core, not something to be feared. I feel he wants me to communicate this message throughout this website.

I invite you to read this information about positive spiritual changes after having a STE written by The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. I consider this website a great resource.

While I was watching Contact with my husband, we noticed a scene where Ellie as a child was looking through a telescope. Julian asked me if I wanted one because he knows about my love for astronomy. I said I did not want one now because, from my memory, I could never see much more than what I could see with the naked eye and I don’t want to invest tons of money in a high-powered telescope. The telescope I had as a kid probably wasn’t that great, but I’m grateful I had it, and it was good enough for someone my age at the time.

Julian and I paused the movie multiple times to comment on scenes and we had some great discussions. It made me want to see the movie again, to see if I could pick up on any other points I missed.

Twin Telescopes

After the movie, I felt like unwinding a bit. So, I researched twin flame art on Pinterest.

I didn’t log in to my account at first. I just wanted to see what came up in my search. But as you know, if you are familiar with Pinterest, the pop-up screen comes up, practically making you log in if you want to see anything.

So, I signed into my account. I have my account set up so pictures of Robin and the Bee Gees are in my feed, among other things. It’s interesting to me that new pictures of them continue to come up that I have never seen before.

I don’t look through my Pinterest account very much, perhaps once every 3 months. I think it is because I do not want to fall into the trap of focusing too much on what Robin looked like in his earthly life anymore.

I looked at a lot of pictures of him and the Bee Gees during the first few years of our communications because I was getting to know him. And of course, I still have pictures of him now that I love. He had quite a modeling career along with his music career and he seemed to really enjoy it.

It’s just that I want to focus primarily on his spirit and who he is now, not the earthly fame reflected in the pictures.

So, I scroll down through some of the pictures in my account and to my surprise, I came across one where Robin was looking through what looked like a telescope. He was making a funny face and playing around with it! Here is the picture I saw.

Then, I scroll through a few more pictures and then I saw the one which truly shows him looking through a telescope! Here is the picture.

As I mentioned, I have a lot of pictures of Robin and the Bee Gees that I have collected over the years. But, I have never seen one with Robin looking through a telescope.

It’s so amazing that seeing these pictures coincided with my watching the movie Contact. I felt our synchronistic oneness once again. This was so profound, meaningful and so in-my-face that it felt like he was watching the movie with me and looking over my shoulder. I felt like he knew exactly what I was doing. I was guided to look at my Pinterest account after the movie so I could connect with Robin synchronistically. I never know when it’s going to happen. I just follow what I feel guided to do moment by moment.

I was watching a movie with telescopes seen everywhere. I was talking with Julian about telescopes after he asked me if I wanted one. Then, I see a picture of Robin looking through a telescope for the first time within a few hours of watching Contact.

When I wrote this on my home page:

Many of my posts will demonstrate how a twin soul connection could manifest…

This type of synchronicity was exactly what I meant. Twin souls mirror each other in the most eerily, wonderful ways, even when one twin is discarnate. This is what we are showing you, for those with eyes willing to see. I don’t know how else to explain this level of precise synchronicity with Robin other than to say we are twin souls and from the same spiritual soul family.

There is an undeniable presence and power at work in my life that continuously connects me to him. This began automatically in 2012.

It is both beautiful and mysterious at the same time. I wanted to know why I was experiencing these events with Robin. The answer I received is that we are twin souls.

After almost 7 years, I notice different aspects to our connection. Some of it is very clear to me. Some of it, I cannot put into words. And many aspects of my relationship with Robin lie within the realm of the unknown.

The Unknown

There is still so much I do not know about Robin as a Spirit. I welcome and invite more information about him on a daily basis and I find I am blessed with amazing synchronicity that points to our spiritual oneness.

I don’t know about any past lives with him that I can articulate. I feel like I do remember him in my heart, but I have no clear story about the origins of our connection. I do have strong intuition that our connection and origins as spirits goes back further than I can imagine right now.

I have never felt the need to gather the opinion of multiple psychics on what my connection to Robin is. That is because I feel the answers are within me and will surface in due season. Or I will be given the answers I need from God.  The answers I need are different from the answers I may want. And if I don’t have the answers, maybe I’m not meant to have them yet.

What I share with Robin is being closely guided.  I have a feeling that they don’t want to give me too much information or more than I can handle. I’m allowed to know only so much. For the rest, I have to wait.

Quantum Entanglement

“As one speck is pushed on one side of the Universe, so is one speck touched on the distant side of the same Universe…”

~Christopher Alan Anderson


The telescope synchronicity from God and Robin led me to think of the quantum entanglement of twin souls.

Malcolm W. Browne wrote a fascinating article for The New York Times called, Far Apart, 2 Particles Respond Faster Than Light, July 22, 1997 (Archives).

I quote him here to highlight the point I would like to make:

“Entangled particles are identical entities that share common origins and properties, and remain in instantaneous touch with each other, no matter how wide the gap between them.”

I feel this “telescope synchronicity” with Robin is a great example of how we remain in instantaneous touch with each other across dimensions. A very short time elapsed between the time I watched Contact and saw the pictures of Robin looking through a telescope.

Mr. Browne’s quote also ties in with the message I received in 2012 about our identical hues of light. (See below: Background section)

RashmitKalra, in an article called, Soulmates – Truth, Myth & Reality wisely writes about soul mates from the perspective of electromagnetic frequency.

I am always drawn to any writers who talk about soul mates or twin souls from the perspective of our light. It’s all about our light. I quote her here as it also supports the message I wrote about in my Background section:

“You and your soulmate are a pair of two light particles of opposite polarity vibrating at unique frequency which emits a unique shade of light.”

This is the truth about twin souls which far exceeds any notion of physical attraction. Soul mates and twin souls are attracted to each other’s light. It may be challenging to think about oneself as being a particle of light. But when it comes down to it, this is who we are after the physical body dies. I have been communicating with Robin as a soul/spirit being, particle or orb of light. Some authors would say that he, and the rest of us, is a stream of consciousness.

I’m not sure I have ever seen his light. Maybe I have but just didn’t know it. But that’s who he is now and I have been communicating with him in his light form for some time now. It has been absolutely amazing.

It also seems to me that synchronicity and light are connected in some way, even though I have not found any writings in the literature to substantiate this hypothesis. If we are all made up of energy and light, and we continue on as energy light after physical death, then it seems that this intelligent light must somehow form the basis of or be involved, in some way, in synchronicity. We, as beings of light, whether incarnate or discarnate, connect through synchronicity. This is something I am exploring and if I find any new information, I will share it here.

This was a beautiful synchronicity and I’m so glad I was able to share it with you.

I give thanks to God, Robin and the rest of my spiritual support system for generating this.

Readers, I hope you’re doing well. Thank you so much for joining me here!


Christina Samuels Signature


Will You Wait for Me?

Will You Wait for Me?

Writing for Paisley and Poppies is my solace. It is a process of healing, learning and discovery. I love how the events of life mysteriously unfold, blossom and give me the inspiration for each post.

My Dream

For this post, I would like to share something from my past.

During the fall of 2012, I had another important dream about Robin. I would like to describe this to you now:

I was in a public bathroom. Robin was in there with me. No one else was around. He looked young, like he was in his late teens. He was wearing a suit and tie.


Robin came out of the bathroom stall and started to walk out of the bathroom. As he was leaving, I said to him, “Robin?” He turned around and looked at me without speaking. I asked him, “Will you wait for me?”


He didn’t say anything, but turned to leave and walk outside of the bathroom. Then, I went into a stall, did what I needed to do, and then walked outside of the bathroom.


When I walked outside of the bathroom, Robin was sitting at a table to the left of the door waiting for me. The table was right outside of the bathroom. He looked up at me.

That was the end of the dream.

I had this dream several months after Robin’s death. At that time, I still didn’t quite know what was going on between us spiritually.

I loved him as a member of my soul family as I have previously written about.

By this time, I had already been experiencing strong synchronicity and had other visitation dreams about him and Maurice.

But, I was still puzzled about why I would be asking him to wait for me. At that point, I was asking myself questions like, “Why would I ask him to wait for me when we didn’t even know each other.” I still didn’t get it.  And, I was even more puzzled and confused about why I dreamt about us being in a public bathroom together.

One Million Years

A few weeks after my dream, in October, 2012, I received a Google alert for some of Robin’s music. The alert was sharing a YouTube video for his song, One Million Years. At that time, I had never heard of this song.

I had been busy at the time I got this Google alert and did not listen to it right away. I may have had this video in my inbox for a couple of weeks before I got to it.

When I finally listened to it, I received the shock of my life. I can still remember it to this day. The opening lyrics to the song are, “I’m dead…”

That hit me like a ton of bricks. The first time I heard that song was after Robin’s death.

Then, I heard the chorus, “I will wait for you…”

I was blown away and shocked because the lyrics reminded me of my dream of him a few weeks earlier, where I asked him if he would wait for me. I felt a powerful, personal message and afterlife communication with Robin from this song. I felt like he was answering my question in one of the most poignant and beautiful ways: through one of his songs.

I know he is waiting for me. It’s one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given. At the time I had this dream, my mind didn’t understand it. But my soul understood and knew who he is to me. This dream came from my soul.

In the dream, I wasn’t asking about whether he would wait for me to come out of the bathroom, even though he did. It goes much deeper than that.

I was asking if he would wait for me while he’s in the spirit world. I was asking if he would wait for me and be there for me after I pass away. That is the real message and meaning of the dream.

I offer this quote from the book, Spirit Mates: Their Origin and Destiny; Sex-life, Marriage, Divorce, Oct 31, 2013 by James Martin Peebles to express how I truly feel about this connection with Robin’s spirit. I appreciate how Peebles is able to express this sentiment so precisely:

“So far as my knowledge extends, a belief in a future life, and a belief that the spirit mate awaits the coming of the counterpart, has produced the most salutary and exalted influences upon the mortal…” (1)

It is extremely comforting for me to know that life continues after death and that Robin is waiting. Through my experiences with Robin, I have also come to realize that I have others from my ancestral line and soul family waiting for me as well. I did not have this certainty and knowledge before Robin’s death. Being with Robin has helped me realize I have these other connections as well.

It has been incredibly beneficial for me to know this, especially when I experience difficulties connecting with people here in the physical world. I’m not solely dependent upon people in physical bodies. I have other loved ones in the Unseen too, and I know that they are here for me. They will be there for me when my time of passing comes.

Robin’s Dream Appearance

I would now like to mention another important detail about my dream of Robin.

In my dream, Robin looked just like he did in the One Million Years video.

I did not see this video before my dream, only after my dream. This is another amazing synchronicity about this dream. To me, it was meant to go together with his song. It was divinely timed so the dream and the song would occur within a close time frame of each other.

You also have to remember that in 2012, I was still just getting to know him because I had never followed him and knew nothing about him. Everything was new to me, including what he looked like throughout his lifespan.

Many things came as a surprise to me at that time because I was receiving afterlife communication at the same time I was learning about Robin and who he was as a person.

The synchronicity of my dream occurring in close proximity to the time I saw this video for the first time had an extremely strong impact on me. The impact still reverberates across time and affects me greatly to this day.  One Million Years is haunting enough on its’ own. Combined with the dream, it was really quite powerful.

Why the Bathroom?

Another thing that puzzled me about this dream was the fact that we were in a public bathroom together. Why the bathroom? I thought it was so weird that I would dream about that. That was until a few years later when I finally got the answer.

According to my source, the Bee Gees liked singing in bathrooms due to the strong echo effect:

“We used to look for public conveniences,” Robin added.


“We used to love singing in the toilets.”


“We used to go down to Lewis’ Department Store and sing in the gents’ toilet because of the echo,” Barry said.


“You couldn’t get echo anywhere else in your voice, and that was the place that was our favourite spot.” (2)

After I read this, I was convinced that this was why I dreamed about being in the public bathroom with Robin. That’s where he used to like to sing! I didn’t know that in 2012, so I was completely perplexed, and a little embarrassed, to be dreaming about being in the bathroom with him.

afterlife communications

I feel like I had connected with him telepathically on some level so that this information about bathrooms appeared in my dream state.

Loved Ones Waiting

Chicago Tribune reporter Barbara Brotman wrote about an experienced hospice nurse named Maggie Callanan. Nurse Callanan reported her experiences with patients who were close to death.  The article is called Striking Similarity of Dying Words, June 19, 2013.

Ms. Callanan reported that if patients were still able to speak as they got closer to death, they reported nearly the same events. They reported that they could see loved ones that died before them and that their loved ones were waiting for them.

What do you believe? What have your experiences been?

I firmly believe that those we loved and knew, as well as those we don’t know or remember, are lovingly waiting for us. And while they are waiting for us, some are able to interact with us in the physical world in the most life-changing of ways.

Robin has taught me that he, and other spirits, can still see, move/create things, speak, and hear us without having a physical body. He still exists as a highly intelligent, creative spiritual being. I have all the proof I need to know this is true.

Since loved ones are waiting for us in spirit, I believe that no one dies alone, even if it seems like it from our limited physical world view of things. For that, I am very grateful.




  1. Peebles, James Martin. Spirit mates: their origin and destiny; sex-life, marriage, divorce . Battle Creek (Mich.) : Peebles’ publishing company. Kindle Edition, Kindle location 1221.
  2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 905-908). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.



McKenzie and Massachusetts

McKenzie and Massachusetts

Feel I’m goin’ back to Massachusetts
Something’s telling me I must go home
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own

Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco
Gotta do the things I wanna do
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you…

… I will remember Massachusetts

~Massachusetts by the Bee Gees

I thought these lyrics would be a nice introduction to writing about a synchronicity I once had related to the song Massachusetts. I have briefly mentioned this song in a few posts because it is a very special soul connection that I share with Robin. I was born in Massachusetts in 1966.

I was happy when I once read that for the Bee Gees, regarding Massachusetts, “…there was a certain familiarity to the state’s name—and it felt right in a song.”(1)

This is true even though they were in New York at the time they wrote the song and had never been to Massachusetts.

McKenzie Synchronicity

On April 18, 2016, I was in the dentist office waiting for my husband. I was reading my favorite Bee Gees book.

I was reading Chapter 10, which goes into how the Bee Gees came to write Massachusetts. They were writing it as a 60’s anti-flower power song. Here is the passage I was reading:

How The Bee Gees came to write their answer to the movement, immortalized by Scott McKenzie’s pop classic, ‘San Francisco’, varies according to which brother is telling the story.

“The first time the group went to New York and stayed at the St Regis Hotel, and while our luggage was being moved into the suite, we were writing ‘Massachusetts’, sitting on a sofa, the three of us.

It came from our first exposure to America, our first thoughts of writing a song about flower power, which the song is about. Or it’s basically anti-flower power … because we were getting tired of it long before everybody else did.

‘Don’t go to San Francisco, come home, for Christ’s sake,’” Barry laughed. “We wanted to write the opposite of what it’s like to lose somebody who went to San Francisco … Well, we thought, ‘Why not write a song about everybody going home?’ The lights all went out in Massachusetts because everyone went to San Francisco, because they left. There was something very special about that thought.” (2)

While I was reading about Scott McKenzie and the “San Francisco” song, the receptionist in the dental office was talking about an appointment for someone named McKenzie! She said the name 3 times as she was talking with the other receptionists sitting beside her. I looked up to see what was going on, completely blown away by the synchronicity.

afterlife communications

At this moment, my life in the physical world was a mirrored reflection of what I was reading in my book about the Bee Gees.

I felt this synchronistic connection to be very strong and it was especially valuable to me because of the connection to Massachusetts. It was amazing and shocked me a bit. These synchronicities can feel like a little jolt.


Intensity of Synchronicity

This sense of feeling shocked reminds me of something I recently read in an article called What’s Unusual About Twin Flame Signs and Synchronicities by Vickie Champion.

I can really relate to what she says about the intensity of the synchronicity. It has felt a little ‘twilight zone-like’ at times. Maybe this has been your experience too. I underlined the last sentence because I feel it is very true:

Sometimes, with twin flame signs and synchronicities, they can get extreme. Upon seeing or hearing a sign or synchronicity, we can get emotional by tearing up, feeling a little scared, or like we just entered the twilight zone. And if we are with others at the time, they feel the emotional impact with us. It’s like the universe wants it to be right in-your-face, so there is no way you can deny it.

McKenzie was definitely in my face that day! I have had many extreme signs over the years like this. I have documented some of them on this website to give examples of how twin soul synchronicity can present itself.

I write this to support others who may be going through something similar, but have no one to talk with. During the years, it always helped me to know other people were going through similar experiences as me.

The Smoothies

While I was going through my radiation treatment in 2018, my husband and I used to stop for smoothies every Friday. It was our way of giving ourselves a little treat while going through that difficult situation.

Since then, my husband has come to love smoothies and wants them on a regular basis as a meal replacement.

So on January 18th, after a long walk at a local park, we got a couple. On the 19th, we were out driving and he wanted another one, so we stopped at our favorite local smoothie place.

I was in the process of writing this blog post at the time and had a rough draft saved. I realized that I had never done any research on Scott McKenzie. So on January 19th, after we came home from our trip to Smoothie King, I decided to look him up. I wanted to see if there was any other meaning behind the synchronicity that I needed to know or pay attention to.

afterlife communicationsI found information about him on Wikipedia and read a bit about him. I noticed that Scott McKenzie passed away in 2012, the same year as Robin.

As I continued to read, to my surprise, I noticed a very cute and funny synchronicity. He was once a member of a band called The Smoothies!

Can you believe that? I find that out after going out for smoothies two days in a row with my husband and on the same day we got smoothies!

Here is the excerpt from Wikipedia with a little history and mention of The Smoothies:

Scott McKenzie (born Philip Wallach Blondheim III; January 10, 1939 – August 18, 2012) was an American singer and songwriter. He was best known for his 1967 hit single and generational anthem, “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)“.[1]


Life and career


Philip Wallach Blondheim III was born in Jacksonville, Florida, on January 10, 1939, as the son of Philip Wallach Blondheim, Jr. by the former Dorothy Winifred Hudson.[2] His family moved to Asheville, North Carolina, when he was six months old.[3] He grew up in North Carolina and Virginia, where he became friends with the son of one of his mother’s friends, John Phillips.


In the mid-1950s, he sang briefly with Tim Rose in a high school group called The Singing Strings, and later with Phillips, Mike Boran, and Bill Cleary formed a doo wop band, The Abstracts.


In New York, The Abstracts became The Smoothies and recorded two singles with Decca Records, produced by Milt Gabler. During his time with The Smoothies, Blondheim decided to change his name for business reasons…

Sometimes, I think the synchronicities are meant to just make us smile, laugh, and lighten up. That’s what this did for me. That is the meaning of this smoothie synchronicity that I needed to know: laugh and have fun! It also made me feel that Robin is very close by. I feel loved, watched over and guided.

Events are timed perfectly and things happen when they are meant to. If I had researched Scott McKenzie back in 2016 when the synchronicity first occurred, I would not have received this smoothie message. It was meant to be aligned with how my life is now.

I thank God, Robin and all loving Spirits involved in co-creating synchronicity in my life! From now on, every time I drink a smoothie, I will remember Scott McKenzie…and Massachusetts!




  1. Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy—The Ballad of the Bee Gees, Echo Publishing Australia, page 79.
  2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 3772-3780). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.


Soaring Ascent

Soaring Ascent

One of my primary motivations for writing this blog is to give actual examples of loving afterlife communication that show that life continues after death. With Robin’s assistance, I have been able to show that life after death can be highly intelligent, creative, and powerful. As a result of being in relationship with him, I have learned that afterlife communication can be very precise, reliable, and clear.  I will be demonstrating that in this post.

With Robin’s passing, I entered into a phase of accelerated spiritual awakening. I started having spiritual experiences I had never had before his death. Many times, especially during 2012-2013, I felt like what I was going through with Robin was an initiation, like I was being prepared for something.  I felt like I was being initiated into higher knowledge about life after death and that eventually, I would need to begin some sort of spiritual work concerning what I had experienced.

This meant opening up about how I actually communicate with Robin, which initially, was very difficult for me.

Part of my spiritual awakening has included learning about communicating with Robin in ways that are helpful to his spiritual well-being. At times, I get amazing feedback by way of synchronicity.

I have read many different books to him over the years, from writings by Oscar Wilde, to teachings about mantras.

It is enriching for both of us to communicate through the use of different books and articles as we both love to read. I especially like to read passages to him that contain a lot of spiritual beauty.

During lunch on January 16th, I was thinking about a poem that I have read to Robin a few times in the past and have contemplated on my own many times.

I read it to him. But really, it was a message for me.

The poem is called Song of Victory, and it is from a book called Light Upon Light: Inspirations from Rumi by Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut (Mar 13, 1996).

In this book, Harvey interprets Rumi’s major works from fresh and new perspectives.

During my lunch with Robin, where I offered him golden turmeric cashew milk tea, I kept thinking about a particular line from this poem:

My decline you have seen, now discover my soaring ascent!

Here are a few lines from the poem by Andrew Harvey. It is a very enlightening message on possible ways to view physical death. The bold is mine:

Song of Victory


….My decline you have seen, now discover my soaring ascent!


Would setting cause any harm to the sun or moon?


To you, my death seems a setting, but really it is dawn.


Does the tomb seem a prison to you? It is the liberation of the soul….


(pg. 240)


I did not have the poem in front of me at the time. I was eating quietly and thinking about this one line in the poem that always stood out to me. I thought about how yes, I had seen Robin’s heartbreaking decline, but in 2012, I had a realization of his soaring ascent.

This got me thinking about resurrection and whether our loved ones in spirit experience some sort of resurrection.

Then, I thought about Jesus’ words, “I am the resurrection and the life.” These words popped into my head.

As I mentioned in my about section, I have Christian roots and during my adult years, I have really come to love these words.

I realize that this line of discussion could turn into a theological debate, but that is not the purpose of this post. I know that some people reading this will agree with this scripture and some people will not.

I am mentioning this because it involves complex afterlife communication that you will see in a moment, not to debate who is right or wrong.

This was something I was thinking about as I was eating meditatively at Robin’s altar. When I thought about “soaring ascent,” I thought about resurrection.

At this moment during lunch, the words, “I am the resurrection and the life,” were playing over and over again in my head. To me, they are very powerful and I feel filled with life as I think about them. I thought about how these words would be great for me to meditate upon as a mantra.

I continued to think about this while I ate. I was only thinking about this, not talking out loud to Robin about it.

JesusAfter I finished, I decided to read a meditation to Robin as part of my daily offering to his spirit. I chose the book, The Still Voice by White Eagle (Sep 1981). The lessons are uplifting and the meditations are filled with beautiful spiritual imagery. I have read them to Robin often over the years.

I did not have any particular meditation in mind when I opened the book. I randomly thumbed through the pages and looked at the meditations. Some are longer than others and I wanted one that had longer text. There are 46 chapters in this book and 46 meditations to go along with each chapter.  So, there’s a lot to choose from.

After a few moments, I found one with more text and decided to read it. I read out loud to Robin these beautiful words:

We would draw for you a picture of the Master Jesus, warm in humanity, gentle, understanding you and your every need, your disappointments and your fears. Yet he is afire with the light of the Christ spirit and comes to you from the heart of the Sun with arms outstretched in giving and in surrender to God’s will. Dwell on the human form of this perfect Son–Daughter of the living God, clothed in the white and gold rays of the Sun; focus this picture in your heart, dwell on it (page 64).

Then, I came upon these words that I did not notice until I was just about ready to read them. I was struck immediately by the synchronicity with what I had just been contemplating. The bold is mine:

Say in your heart, ‘Christ within me is the resurrection and the life….’ and feel that life rising in you; feel the power of the light coursing through your whole being. Divine power and love enfold you and raise you out of limitation into freedom. (pg. 64)

I was so amazed and felt joyful over this synchronistic message. Out of all of the meditations in this book, I was drawn to choose this one. I did not know the content of the meditation when I chose it. I had just been looking at the fact that it had more text than the other meditations and I wanted something longer to read to Robin. The Law of Attraction was really at work!

I feel a bit of intuitive clairaudience was also at work because Jesus’ words kept repeatedly playing over and over in my head before I was guided to this meditation and synchronicity.

One other point I would like to make about this is that this is the only time in the entire book that the word ‘resurrection’ was mentioned. I was guided to the one meditation where this word was mentioned. I know this because I have the kindle edition of this book as well and I did a word search to find out how often the word ‘resurrection’ was used. The answer is one time.

What does this synchronicity mean? For me it means that at that moment, I was experiencing conscious Oneness with God, Jesus and Robin that manifested in an outward way. That’s how it felt. I’m always one with them, but sometimes they let me see that in a more noticeable way.

I also feel that it is scripture I need to study further. That’s what I usually do when I encounter synchronicity through what I’m reading…additional study.

For me, it also my opinion and experience with Robin that after his death, he did go through a restoration and renewal. In one of my dreams of him, he was restored to his youthful appearance. He, meaning his spirit, was restored to life and health.

He did come back from the dead and lots of other deceased loved ones do too. They come back via their energy bodies. And they can visit and make their presence known. They are there and around us.

Beloved Robin, we have discovered your soaring ascent! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Utter Amazement: January 17, 2019

I wrote all of the above text during the very late hours of January 16th and the very early hours of January 17th. I stopped writing at about 1:30am.

I checked my email around 2:50pm on January 17th. I received this email and noticed the most profound synchronicity. It was an email from BrightStar Live Events.

I am on their list to receive newsletters and information about events so I regularly receive emails. But, I wasn’t expecting this beautiful surprise.

The topic of the email is “Discover the deeper messages in the Christian lineage.” Here is a screen shot of the email to corroborate what I am saying:

Andrew Harvey Email Image

The event is being conducted by Andrew Harvey, the same author I just wrote about!

The event is called, Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action.

Through this incredible gift of synchronicity, I feel deeply aligned, powerfully and psychically attuned with God, Jesus, Robin and Andrew Harvey. The email about Andrew Harvey’s event is in divine timing with this blog post where I have written about him for the first time. The email is also in divine alignment with my writing about Jesus, the Christ spirit, and the energy of resurrection. The email is a mirror reflection of what I had just been writing about.

Andrew Harvey’s event description also addressed a deep concern within me as I wrote about Jesus’ words and this meditation. My concern is that I know that people are often turned off by Christianity due to negative experiences they have had with Christian churches and upbringings. I understand that as I have also had these negative experiences.

Because of these negative experiences I have chosen to explore other faiths and spiritual traditions over the years. I have come to love many of them and I have shared my interest in some of these traditions.

But, I still love the actual teachings of Jesus, even if I don’t always resonate with what Christians of different denominations say. I have enjoyed the White Eagle meditations for years and decided to present the meditation to you because of the synchronicity I received.

Here is Andrew Harvey’s event description addressing this issue:

Whether you identify yourself as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or “spiritual but not religious,” you’re someone who is on a path to awaken your spiritual potential and live your life aligned with what is sacred to you.

You understand that all authentic paths deserve to be honored and lead to the divine.

Unfortunately, many people in the western world have “thrown out the baby with the bathwater” and grown disillusioned with the teachings of Jesus because of issues or challenges people have had with Christianity.

But what if there was a deeper message hidden within the essential teachings of Christ – one that could crack open your heart, ground your divinity in the body, and inspire you into sacred action in the world?

What if you could see the teachings of Jesus with fresh eyes, as a way-shower for you to embody more of your innate divinity as you join with others to co-create a more just and compassionate world?

That is exactly what renowned mystic and scholar Andrew Harvey will share with you in this groundbreaking event.

I feel like I was given some spiritual support and encouragement by being given this email at the same time I was writing this blog post because I was a little nervous about writing it. But at the end of the day, I am presenting my communications with Robin and hopefully some of my readers will enjoy it and resonate with this topic. I don’t expect to be able to please all readers at all times.

I love this event so much because it gives me a much deeper understanding of Andrew Harvey and a much greater appreciation for his writings. I have read his books for years, but have never seen a video or program by him. So, now this is my opportunity and I signed up for this free event.

This is something God, Jesus, and Robin wanted me to know about and focus on which is why I received layer upon layer of synchronicity regarding this topic. This is not a message that is going to fade away with time. This message will be with me for the rest of my life and I will always carry its impact. It tells me I’m on the right path for my soul’s growth. I plan to recite, “I am the resurrection and the life” as a mantra to see if I can receive any deeper insights.

This is the power of afterlife communication with your loved ones that involves God, your spiritual masters and favorite authors.  This all started at lunch with Robin on the 16th, with my thoughts about his ascent and thoughts about resurrection. The connection carried over into the next day. I find that so amazing. I hope you do also.

All of this about resurrection and it’s not even Easter yet!








Twin Soul Mirror: Birthday Moments

Twin Soul Mirror: Birthday Moments

Happy New Year! I hope you had a nice holiday season.

I have a few events related to Robin and Maurice’s birthday that I would like to share with you. Some interesting things occurred before, during and after their birthday.

The Lights All Went Out

One thing that happened occurred late in the evening on December 21st.  I noticed that the Christmas lights on our tree in our family room were out. I had plugged them in earlier in the evening and everything seemed fine. But later when I walked by, I noticed that every light was out.

I tried unplugging and plugging the lights in again several times, but to no avail. The electrical supply itself was still working for the socket, but no matter what I tried, the lights no longer worked.

I’ve had these same lights for the past eighteen years, so I’m not surprised they finally no longer worked. I would consider this a probable normal electrical malfunction. However, it’s just weird that this happened on the eve of the twin’s birthdays. That’s the only reason I’m writing about this here. I joked with them and said, “Did you guys knock out my lights?” Electrical manipulation is a common form of afterlife communication. I didn’t get a clear answer about this yet.

I’m not saying for sure that they had anything to do with this. I’m being humorous because I’m not sure. All I can say is there is a correlation between the lights going out and their birthday.

Afterlife CommunicationI usually do not have too much electrical activity. But when I do, it’s extremely clear something is going on, like a light turning on, on its own, the second I walk into a room or our kitchen lights flashing in 3’s like Morse code.

All I know is that a couple of hours or less before midnight, on December 22nd, all the lights on our tree were no longer working. Why did they go out at that time?

The lights may not have all gone out in Massachusetts, but they sure all went out on my tree, lol! Interesting…

Well, if Robin and Mo did have something to do with it, it certainly got my attention. I’ll bet they are a spirit world dynamic duo!

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were playing a birthday prank on me. But I have to consider the fact that the lights were old and it was a miracle they worked for so many years. However, the timing really makes me wonder…

This is a good example of what spirit communication is like sometimes. Yes, you have a good logical explanation for why something happened, but then there’s this little detail that makes me question my own logical explanation.

Maybe you’ve had similar experiences. Sometimes my loved ones in spirit really do leave me wondering and slightly puzzled!

So, on December 22nd, I was out buying new Christmas tree lights. Later in the day, I redecorated the tree all over again. The lights are still working thank goodness! One thing is for sure: I will always remember that I had to go out and buy new lights on Robin and Mo’s birthday, 2018! Thanks for the memory!


On December 22nd, before I went to the store to buy our new Christmas tree lights, I went to a local bookstore with Julian for some fun. We walked down an aisle, looking at the books on display. As I walked, I heard a little girl calling for someone. The name she was calling out was Riley. She kept saying it, “Riley…” “Riley…” It was so eerie in a good way because in my Maying in December post, I wrote about a comment for Robin by someone named Riley. I thought of that right away.

The post was dated December 22nd, which is the same day I heard the girl calling for Riley. Here is the comment that I mentioned in my post. I review it here for readers who may not have seen it. If you go to the video, the comment is the 7th one down:

Riley 2018 4 years ago: That hand cupped over his ear so he can hear himself. Amazing. As popular, loved, and perfect as his voice was, it shows he still needed to know he was on key. Such a talented family. Four brothers with voices that would make angels smile. Only one left now. So sad.

With synchronicities such as this, I feel completely dumbfounded by the way they are orchestrated. For me, this synchronicity was profound. Gregg Levoy sums up the feeling well in this Psychology Today article:

In fact, maybe the most important thing synchronicities offer is astonishment. How often, after all, in the course of a day or a week or a month, do you find yourself thunderstruck, flabbergasted at life, amazed by its finesse? Synchronicities are like the glimpse of a wild animal seldom seen, the discovery of an arrowhead or a geode, the return of your purse by some good Samaritan. Far removed from the mundaneness that seems to characterize such a vast portion of daily life, they help reconnect you to your sense of awe, and given the tyranny of the commonplace, what a service!

No one has been able to fully explain synchronicity, so perhaps you should simply accept it as a wild card and an ordering principle, the height of absurdity and the depth of profundity, and a crack in the door through which you can catch sight of the universe and its mysterious ways.

Hearing this little girl’s voice was like an echo across time and space and once again, tied to what I wrote about Robin. It reminds me of something else I once read about twin souls and parallel lives. The bold is mine and what I wish to emphasize:

So dear ones, everything you experience you share with your Twin Flame. It is impossible not to. Thus as you touch a flower, as you watch the moon, as you feel the breeze upon your cheek, you share it with your Twin Flame. And as you become conscious of each other, you both will begin to know it. You will experience what your Twin Flame does.

I find this to be very true. My experience of hearing the name Riley being called is a good example of how I experience what Robin does even though he is discarnate. I have been showing that through most of the posts on this website as a common thread.

Afterlife CommunicationIt’s not that you will experience everything your twin does because that is not realistic. But you will experience so many parallels that it will get your attention no matter what. It is meant to get your attention. After a while, you will know something is going on that you cannot explain away.

When your twin is discarnate, what they experience occurs symbolically. That experience can manifest through something they left behind here in the physical world.

For example, Riley wrote a comment about Robin’s singing, so that symbolizes his experience. Then I hear the name Riley being called in the bookstore when I was walking by at the perfect moment. So in that way, I had an experience with the name Riley the way Robin did with the person posting the comment. This occurred on the same day, which importantly, was his birthday.

I really enjoyed how ‘Riley’ was delivered back to me through spirit voice mail. No phone needed.

Julian’s Experience with Telekinesis

On December 23rd, my husband Julian approached me with an interesting story.

He said he saw that the lid to his container of henna beard dye that he makes was on the floor. It was in the middle of a rug on the floor in our bathroom. It was a couple of feet away from the sink countertop where the container was kept. He said he thought it was really strange because he always puts the lid on tightly to keep the moisture in. He said that when he got up to go to the bathroom that morning, he noticed it there.

I didn’t see it and wouldn’t have known about it without him telling me. He picked up the lid and put it back before telling me what happened. I asked him to show me where it was in the bathroom, but I don’t have a picture of the actual placement because Julian put it back before I could take a picture.

I believe that Robin moved it so that Julian could experience the same feelings I have about things being moved. That would help him be less skeptical of me when I say something has been moved and I know with 100% certainty that I didn’t do it. So, I’m glad it happened and that Robin moves his things too! It’s always different when it’s your things being moved!! The impact is much stronger.

Afterlife CommunicationsHow do I know Robin did this? Well, after you have been in a relationship with a spirit person that you love for over 6 years, you know what they like to do. You have to remember that I have had experience with Robin’s telekinesis since 2013. I would like to note that I never had telekinesis going on in our apartment before Robin’s passing.

Like many others in spirit, he likes to move objects at times that are near his birthday or passing anniversary dates.

Also, we all know our own habits very well. So, if something happens that deviates from what you know you always do, like Julian stated, then maybe something else is going on. You could have a visitor from spirit. I love it because I know who it is.

Loved ones in spirit have to do something that will get our attention and it will probably be something out of the ordinary. Otherwise, we’re not going to notice it or we’ll think we did it. They can move objects out of place in an obvious way because they know we will explain it away if they don’t. 

Some Additional Experiences with Telekinesis

Robin has a history of moving items to the floor. I’ve had all kinds of things moved to the floor over the years. I shared the story about the starfish being moved to the floor by his altar.

I have had my homemade deodorant container moved to the floor in the bathroom. That was many years ago now and I could not find the picture. If I find it in the future, I’ll post it.

I have had my cell phone moved off of my bookshelf onto my meditation cushion on the floor that was about 3 feet away. I saw it jump off of my shelf with my own eyes while I was lying down in bed. It landed very softly on my cushion like it was being placed there. It was one of those small flip phones. It flew in the air and just landed. That freaked me out a little but I knew it was Robin and I still like to joke with him about that one!

During the summer of 2015, I had a lot of dental work done and needed crowns. At that time I kept some dental tools on my sink so I could floss more easily. I kept them in a small glass jar.

One day when I walked into my bathroom, I noticed that the dental tools were moved out of the glass container and into an “L” shape on my sink counter. Here is the picture. The blue arrow points to the glass container I kept the dental tools in. The green arrow is pointing to the dental tools placed in the “L” shape:

Afterlife CommunicationI know that a picture of dental tools placed on a bathroom countertop is not exciting in and of itself. But if you consider that I have photographed spirit activity, it becomes really exciting.

I know Robin did this and I see it as a loving act and sign of his presence with me. I was going through a lot at the dentist at that time. I had a lot of pain and it was nice to have his support. I thought it was creative and sweet to place the tools the way he did. So, he has a history of moving my things in the bathroom, which is why I’m not surprised he would move Julian’s things too! It’s his way of saying “hello” and letting us know he’s around.

I have to admit that I’m pleasantly surprised at what Robin is able to do as a spirit. It seems like it would be difficult to toss a flip phone off of the shelf or to take the lid off of something that is on airtight. But, I felt his energy in my dream that I shared with you and he is very strong.

So, I suppose that translates into him being able to move physical objects in the way that he can. He’s really good at focusing his energy.

Robin is a highly intelligent, creative, and loving spiritual being who is now Pure Living Energy Light that is Eternal. This is who he is to me. He is doing very well and in excellent spiritual condition. I consider every act of telekinesis and every communication to be something sacred for which I am very grateful and love him for.

Some of the reasons I am together with Robin are to share healing love with you and for spiritual growth and awakening. Telekinesis, synchronicity and all of the other communications are ultimately for this reason.

I hope you enjoyed this post and that the New Year brings you tremendous blessings!



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