I believe that there are lots of clues about twin souls in nature. Mirror-image butterfly wings, doves living as bonded pairs and surprise double-yolk eggs all trigger a deep response within me.

I look at my left hand and then my right and I see a metaphor, a clue about twin souls. My right hand is part of a bonded pair, with my left hand as its counterpart.

The right hand is whole. The left hand is whole. They appear to be separate. The right hand can do lots of things without needing any help from the left hand and vice versa. But they are always connected. And sometimes, many times, it is completely necessary that they work together. Typing this blog post is one immediate example. I can’t imagine typing this with one hand.

No other hand amongst all of humanity will ever be as good of a match for my right hand as my left hand. That is true for all of us. My left hand is the nearly identical counterpart of my right hand. They can work alone or together, but either way, they are always connected.

I wanted to introduce today’s topic by exploring these metaphors.

I consider myself a twin soul student, not expert. I’m always praying to understand my connection with Robin in deeper and unique ways. Nature provides an excellent classroom for students of the twin soul phenomenon.

Today, I am inspired to write about a recent experience I had that is influencing me to write about twin souls from this perspective. I feel very contemplative as I write, as this touches something deep inside of me.

On January 6, 2019, I went on a trip to a beautiful Audubon nature sanctuary with my husband.

It is an ancient forest teeming with life. Some of the trees there are 500 years old. We saw otters swimming, an Ibis family, little blue herons, raccoons and beautiful trees that I wanted to hug!

We came across some twin trees that really stood out to me. Here is a picture I took:

afterlife communications

Image Copyright 2019 Christina Samuels

They felt very mystical to me. I noticed how they are connected at the base to each other, sharing the same nutrients within the water and the soil. Beneath this water, their root system is entwined. Underneath, they are one even though we cannot see it fully.

That is a lesson about spiritual oneness: sometimes, it is concealed.

Additionally, their roots are entwined underneath with the other plants around them and as such the other plants and grasses could be considered soul family members. The other plants do not look like the twin trees, but they are still all part of the plant family and bonded by sharing a common location in this ecosystem.

When I look at this picture, I see a large extended soul family.

There may be some other twins in there too, but I was not able to see them from my vantage point. These two trees stood out amongst all the rest, perhaps to teach their lesson to any with eyes to see.

The twin trees grow upward with branches extended out in a mirror image of each other. They are nearly identical in size and always connected, while still growing in their own unique way.

They are each on their own trajectory while staying in constant communication, or better yet, communion with each other. It’s the paradox of being independent on the one hand, but still conjoined on the other. Each tree is whole in its own right, but still inextricably connected to the other. These trees are a closely bonded pair.

I clearly see how the teachings of these twin soul trees apply to human twin souls.

Using Robin and me as an example, I would start by saying that we were always connected at the base, meaning our spirits, souls and energy light. We are different from the trees in that we did not know we were connected until after Robin’s death. In some ways, the trees are luckier than us. That is the true sadness I feel sometimes as his twin.

But I also feel joy in knowing we were/are connected and nearly identical spiritually, just like the trees. We were making our own individual and unique contributions to the world, just as these trees individually make their own unique contribution to the ecosystem around them. And Robin and I are connected to many others around us, whether family, friends, fans, or colleagues, who are part of our extended soul family.

Our being connected at the base (spirit level) shows up in the life parallels I’ve written about, regular synchronicity, and the overall feeling of being spiritual partners in this work we are now doing through this blog.

I was born as an African-American female into the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in October, 1966. Robin was born on the Isle of Man in 1949 as a European (white) male. We clearly had vastly different life paths, symbolized by the trees growing in two different directions. But we were always one at the soul level, rooted and grounded.

I began my life with being connected to him by being born in Massachusetts. The Bee Gees’ song,  Massachusetts, which Robin sang lead on, was recorded in August, 1967, less than a year after my birth.

Our connection continued from there, with assistance from our family members with matching birthdates, places we lived, similar yogic spirituality, and a love for philanthropy.

The twin trees may grow apart, while still joined at the base, but they did not grow too far apart. They are still pretty close to each other.

image of beautiful treeAs far as how that applies to Robin and me, I would say that now, from hindsight, it’s very clear that we were close like the twin trees.

But, it would have been impossible for me to see that before his death and years of study of his life. It took years of study for me to discover that we were close.

This touches my heart and brings me to tears to realize this now. Even though it’s been nearly 7 years since his passing, I’m still deeply touched that you can be so close to someone you didn’t even know. Robin and I were one then as we are now, only I could not see it at all. I had no awareness. Our roots were hidden underneath the water, just like the trees.

I know him now though as a strong, quiet, sweet loving spiritual being. It’s beyond amazing that he was able to pick up on my signal calling for him and get back in touch with me.

That’s the automatic nature of being twin souls, at least in our case. It is like the molecules of light that we are were automatically able to reconnect upon his physical death. We reconnected very quickly after his death.

Once his spirit was released, my life synched up with his in awe-inspiring ways, but better yet, in ways I could actually witness and be aware of, unlike while he was alive in the physical. Sometimes physical death can bring souls closer together, like in my case with Robin. But, that is a topic for another post!

Here is an interesting article about a woman on the twin soul path who also had a twin tree experience. It is beautifully written. I share this excerpt below. The bold is mine:

…Born of the same base, they stretch themselves upward to higher perspectives, equal in their stature and nature, stretching to the sky in amazing beauty. Together, but individually. Neither resting on the other for support. Towering branches of loving shade those who would come near. The roots run very deep with these two who are as ONE.

No neediness, no dependency, no struggle. Just co-existing as one in two separate bodies with no needs to see it otherwise. They are not separate from the forest of which they are a part. They are one fragment of the Whole and no more special than any other.

I feel like I received a download of information by seeing the twin trees, just like her. I hope you enjoy her lessons and additional insights and that you can relate to mine! I hope you’re enjoying the New Year so far.




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