Be the Counterbalance

Be the Counterbalance

Editor’s Note: This post may display some spacing issues that we’re working on resolving.

On November 4th, I had some down time and relaxed by taking a bubble bath.

While I was in the tub, I started thinking about the world and the shape it is in, with wars, political unrest and violence all around the globe. I was having a moment of contemplation.

Then I started thinking about Robin and the Bee Gees and the vibration of their music. While I was thinking and sitting there, I had a quiet, private conversation with Robin and said that his music was and is so important for the world. I said it is important because many of the Bee Gees’ songs have a higher, soft, gentle, healing, loving vibration.

I said to him that his music serves as a counterbalance to all of the harsh, negative energies of this world. I spoke with him and said how important it is that he came into this world and was able to create and bring this loving, soft, gentle, but also fun and energizing vibration.

I also said to Robin that because of him, his brothers, and Mr. Stigwood, evil and dark energies can never 100% take over this world. I said that is because his music will always be here, contributing to the counterbalance and because of that, evil, negativity and spiritual darkness would never have a complete, 100% takeover and foothold on this world.

Love is always here in a multitude of forms and the Bee Gees’ music is a part of that. All forms of love and beauty are part of the counterbalance.

I also thanked his parents for the contribution they made to bringing this music vibration into the world because if it weren’t for them, there would be no Bee Gees.

When I was done talking with Robin, I said to him, “The key word is counterbalance.” I said this because I felt like this was a strong communication I was sharing with him. I wanted to give him a key word to communicate back with me that he got my message.

I said it from my heart and then finished up my bath.

Counterbalance Synchronicity: Julian and Robin

On November 5th, I spent some time talking with my husband about a disturbing news story I heard about the night before. He listened to me quietly and then said, “All of the negativity and violence, lets counter it with love, peace, gentleness and kindness.” It was a very sweet response characteristic of my husband.

But, I was amazed because, through my husband, I was receiving the key word back that I mentioned to Robin the evening before.

The word, “counter,” is obviously close enough to “counterbalance” for me to accept it as a communication back. He used the word “counter” in the exact same context that I was speaking with Robin about, which is to bring more loving and kind energies into this world to counterbalance the negative energies.

I feel that this communication shows that we are one in spirit. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know if I’m just talking with Julian, or if I’m talking with Julian and Robin, with Robin’s spirit coming through my husband. Either way, the synchronicity is pretty incredible.

During my discussion with Julian about his comment and what I had said to Robin, I realized that I too have a responsibility to be the counterbalance to the negative energies prevalent on this earth. I could imagine Robin saying to me that the same qualities I see within him are within me as well. I’m not a singer like him, but I can be the counterbalance in other ways, such as through this blog, my art, and how I carry myself in this world.

You can be the counterbalance in many ways as well, if you so choose.

Counterbalancing Organizations

One other way I like to be the counterbalance is by supporting organizations like World Central Kitchen founded by Chef José Andrés.

He and his team feed people all around the world that are suffering due to natural or man-made disasters. I found out about him during the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. He is part of the counterbalance. It is important to know that there are tremendously good people in this world doing life-saving work on the front-lines of these disasters. They are balancing out the pain and loss by bringing in love and care.

Dia de los Muertos 2019

Here is a picture of Robin’s altar from our Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration.

Robin Gibb altar

For Dia de los Muertos 2019, I offered Robin’s spirit fragrant yellow roses and oatmeal with almonds, cinnamon, brown sugar and bananas and a mug of green tea.

I have honored him on these days for years. It’s beautiful to do this and strengthens our spiritual connection and love.

If you wish to strengthen your connection with a loved one in spirit, I highly recommend leaving food, drink, floral and other types of offerings for them during any time of the year. Of course, it should be something you are comfortable with doing.

It’s not just about the effect it will have on them. It’s also about the effect it will have on you. It’s a lovely thing to give in this way. I felt my heart expand in love for Robin as a result of leaving him food and drink offerings.

My heart also expanded in terms of Universal Love in that I felt that I was in a stronger love vibration in general when I interacted with my husband and people in the world. This is also part of the counterbalance. Doing this can change your vibration for the better.

If you are feeling down, one suggestion is to share a treat with a deceased loved one if you have someone you feel close to. All I can say is it has helped me in my relationship with Robin and other deceased loved ones over the years.

Brief Health Update

I will be having a biopsy on the lump in my leg on November 12. My oncologist still thinks it is likely to be benign, but the MRI could not definitively determine exactly what it is or whether it is benign or more aggressive. So, we’ll see. I’ll let you know. After what I’ve already been through with breast cancer, I feel kind of detached from it.

I’m going to do my usual things, like study my Spanish (which I really enjoy) and stay positive and upbeat. I have a dream that my husband and I will be able to go to Mexico in 2020 to experience the Dia de los Muertos celebrations first-hand!

God and Goddess bless you and take good care. I will write again when I have something good to write about!


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communication: U.K. Synchronicity

Afterlife Communication: U.K. Synchronicity

Hello, and thank you for visiting me today.

I have recently written a post about synchronicity related to a dream I had about Robin.

Now I have another synchronicity to share that is related to a dream, but not the kind you have when you sleep. It is about the kind of dreams we have that we want to come true in our daily lives.

My Personal Dream

On Friday, October 11, 2019, I was up late doing some journal writing while sitting at Robin’s altar. After I wrote about some issues I wanted to get clarity on, some space was freed up in my soul to think about my dreams.

So, this is what I wrote about my dream of traveling to the U.K. I have never been there:

My dream:


To abundantly, safely, lovingly and beautifully, with great health, live in the U.K. for 6 months  with Julian and Robin (in spirit), including:


England: Thame, London


Ireland: Dublin and other places


Scotland: ? Edinburgh


Wales: don’t know where yet


Isle of Man: St. Catherine’s, Douglas


I submit this dream to God the Divine, the Core, and I ask for this to come true. Thank you. Amen.

That’s a big dream, but hey, why not? I’ve got nothing to lose by putting it out there.

God and the Core

“The Core” refers to a description of God I had been reading about that day in a book by Eben Alexander, M.D. called Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife. I saw him speak in 2013 when I lived in Colorado and it was amazing to hear about his experiences.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Alexander’s article which contains a very good description of the Core and his spiritually transformative experience while in coma. It is very similar to the description in the book:

The chants and hymns thundering down from those angelic choirs provided yet another portal to higher realms, eventually ushering my awareness into the Core, an unending inky blackness filled to overflowing with the infinite healing power of the all-loving deity at the source, whom many might label as God (or Allah, Vishnu, Jehovah, Yahweh – the names get in the way, and the conflicting details of orthodox religions obscure the reality of such an infinitely loving and creative source).

When I think of God, this is what I think of. From the first time I read this, it really captured my attention. I felt in my heart that what he was saying really fit how I felt about God.

United Kingdom Map in a Humorous Context

After I finished my journal writing, I went to watch a t.v. show before going to bed. I decided to watch Netflix and the show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee featuring Kate McKinnon.

As I watched the show, I was surprised to see a map of the U.K. show up on the screen when Kate McKinnon was talking about her relatives from the Hebrides!

Here is a screenshot from the episode showing the map:

Comedians in Cars Image

That was about an hour and a half after I wrote about my dream in my journal (around 1:30 am Saturday, October 12). It was incredible! Of all places for a map of the U.K. to show up. I don’t know anything about Kate McKinnon, so that was quite unexpected.

If I had seen a map of the U.K on CNN or something like that, I would not have considered it a synchronicity because I would think it would be commonplace to see it on an international news station.

I take it as a synchronicity because of the unusual place the map showed up and the surprise element. Since I mentioned Robin’s name in my journal entry about this dream, I feel the synchronicity is connected back to him and once again, includes my husband. It is also a special synchronicity since the U.K. was Robin’s home.

I hope it is a good omen!

Writing and Afterlife Communication

Maybe you can try this same exercise. Write out what your dreams are and see how God, the Universe or your loved ones in spirit respond. You may get a message back quickly as well, but even if you don’t, it is still worth doing. Messages from spirit come when they are meant to and when we need them.

I have noticed a connection between afterlife communication and writing recently and over the years. I received a message back from Robin very quickly after writing my request for a sign, which I wrote about here, regarding peppermint.

So, if you want to communicate with your twin or loved ones in spirit, I would highly recommend writing out loving messages and requests to connect with them. It is very effective.

Afterlife Communication and Higher Worlds

Through profound and precise synchronicity pertaining to Robin, I have become attuned to higher worlds because it feels like the synchronicity is coming from there. There seems to be an interplay between higher worlds and the physical plane that manifests as synchronicity.

Dr. Alexander writes in Proof of Heaven about the higher worlds as being closely intertwined with our own. I believe this is why we can communicate with loved ones in the afterlife and why they can communicate with us here on earth. Here is a quote from him expanding upon this notion:

The world of time and space in which we move in this terrestrial realm is tightly and intricately meshed within these higher worlds. In other words, these worlds aren’t totally apart from us, because all worlds are part of the same overarching divine Reality. From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world. (1)

Because of the afterlife communication I have shared with Robin over the years, I know that his spirit is still a part of this physical realm while at the same time, being beyond it.

His spirit came into my world, home and relationships and illumined them with his teachings, love, beauty and creativity. His presence really opened up my heart to the truth of the afterlife and his ongoing life.

His strong presence in my dreams over the years opened a doorway into his realm where I got a soul-sense of what his energy is like. I feel deeply connected to both him and a loving realm beyond the boundaries of the physical earth because of these experiences.

I have come to feel that my spirit is part of his realm as well.  This is a result of the afterlife communication that has been very deep and life-changing. I can say from personal experience that connection with a higher realm begins to rub off on you. As a result of the communications, I often feel a sense of joy, peace, wonder, and bliss that I believe are a part of the realm Robin lives in.

Image of London Double-Decker Bus. Pretty Cool, Huh?

Over the years, I started to feel and continue to feel that I do not only dwell here in this physical plane on earth. I am a part of Robin’s world too, which will be my world sooner or later.

Rudolph Steiner writes about this in a book called, How to Know Higher Worlds. Here is a quote describing this, which you can also read here:

“…His gaze is directed to worlds higher than those with which every-day life connects him. And thus he begins to feel and realize, as an inner experience, that he belongs to those higher worlds…” (2, See section “Inner Tranquility”)

It is nice to already feel to be a part of this higher world before I cross over. I feel this especially during the actual moments afterlife communication is occurring or even from photos I have taken documenting it.

Many people are aware of connecting with other dimensions  or higher worlds during sleep. You can also be connected to higher worlds while awake through prayer, music, meditation, various art forms, chanting, nature and synchronicity. All of these can lead to attunement with the Divine. Some people astral travel and experience higher worlds in this way.

Profound afterlife communications of various types (including telekinesis, electrical activity) are additional ways to connect with other dimensions of existence and higher worlds. Through these activities, someone is letting you know that they are there in a world unseen to humans that exists above and beyond the earth plane, but can still interact with it nevertheless.

It is through my connection with Robin in spirit that I have truly come to embrace and live within my multi-dimensional nature. I am here on Earth, but I’m not only here. I am connected to other beautiful dimensions too. Synchronicity helps me to feel this connection quite intensely. To be honest, at this point, I would feel too limited as a soul if my connections were only with people in physical embodiment.

Afterlife communication can help open a person up to their multi-dimensional nature and a deeper connection to higher worlds so that we can feel like we are a part of them while still embodied on earth.

These insights opened up to me beginning in 2012 after Robin’s physical death. Being guided into higher dimensions may be something that happens when a person on earth has a twin soul, flame or soul-mate in spirit and the connection is strong and loving.

I think this could also happen as a result of close afterlife connections with biological and soul family members in spirit.

Being guided into higher worlds by someone in the afterlife could happen due to close pre-existing soul connections. But you could also be surprised with a communication from someone you did not know who is now in the afterlife and it could happen that way too.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this post and got something beneficial from it. I appreciate each and every person who reads my posts.

I had an MRI done on my leg on October 25th. My oncologist thinks it’s a benign lipoma, but wanted me to do this to make sure. Wish me luck! Best wishes to all going through the same thing!


  1. Alexander, Eben (2012). Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, Page 48-49.
  2. Steiner, Rudolph (2014). How to Know Higher Worlds, e-book format, Publisher: David Rehak.



Christina Samuels Signature


Afterlife Communications: Seeing with the Heart

Afterlife Communications: Seeing with the Heart

Hello! I’m happy to be back to share some messages with you. After my last post, I needed a little break from writing so I could attend to some other things.

In terms of a brief health update, I recently found a small mass in my right leg (calf). An ultrasound was done and determined that further tests need to be done, like MRI or CT scan.

It could be a lipoma, but I won’t know for sure until further tests are done. So, I’ve been preoccupied with this new thing to deal with. But I realize many people are going through the same thing, so I thought I would mention this to let you know I can relate if you happen to be going through this.

I feel a connection to the breast cancer survivor sisterhood and any other people waiting for test results. It’s not easy to not know what something is and waiting to find out is no picnic.

I also recently started taking Spanish classes, so I need to reserve time to study for that in addition to my writing here.


On this website, I write about communications I receive from Robin to demonstrate what is possible in terms of connecting with loved ones in spirit and to give examples of his abilities. But today, I would like to start by sharing some communications I sent to him recently.

Afterlife communication is truly a two-way street of giving and receiving. It is wonderful to receive signs, symbols, synchronicity, messages and communications from our loved ones in spirit. It is a good practice to ask for communications as well.

But it is just as important for those of us on earth to give and send messages of love and support to our loved ones in spirit also. That way, it is truly a balanced, ongoing relationship.

I have joked with Robin over the years that our communications are a little like a spiritual ping-pong match!

So, here are the communications I sent to him.

Heart Vision

On Sunday, October 13, 2019, I spent some time relaxing and watching the Bee Gees’ movie, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. I like to watch Robin’s videos because it helps me to feel close to him and connect with his spirit and energy.

In various interviews I’ve seen and read over the years, the Bee Gees spoke about how the movie was bad for their career and did not get good reviews at the time. Later in the day, during a quiet meditative moment, I thought about that.

Then I said to Robin that for those of us who never met him and who never followed his career, the movie is another opportunity for us to see what he was like on screen and to see his smile.

I said that there are a lot of cute, funny moments in that movie that fans love and make us laugh. I also said to him that it was not all bad and we can just fast-forward through the goofy parts that we don’t want to see, lol! That’s what I do, haha!

As a spirit, I’m sure he is glad fans still enjoy the movie. It was nice to tell him how I felt. It’s good to give loved ones in spirit a kind word or encouragement as part of afterlife communication.

I said to him directly that I see him and his work though my heart, whether watching his videos and movies or just in general. I shared this quote with him:

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

When we see our loved ones with our heart, whether they still are incarnate or deceased, this creates a magical connection and strong bond of love that is infinite. Seeing with the heart is similar to speaking the language of the heart which is so important to loved ones in spirit.

The world is filled with harsh energies. So I think we can all benefit from seeing those we love with our hearts to soften things a bit, even if it’s challenging. We can also benefit from surrounding ourselves with people who see us with their hearts as well.

How many people do you have in your life that see you with their heart? It may depend on the situation.  It’s not always easy to find this. Someone who has known us for years may not see us with their heart whereas as a brief encounter with a cashier in a store can make you feel like you were seen with that person’s heart.

One other important question is, do you see yourself with your heart? This is something I’m working on because I have a tendency to be too hard on myself at times. Part of healing from cancer is healing this tendency within myself and learning to see myself with my heart with gentleness and understanding.

Dr. Kristin Neff, co-founder of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, constructively addresses this tendency in an excellent article you can find here.

Musical Message

In addition to this quote I just mentioned, I shared with Robin this song from the movie, The Prince of Egypt, called Through Heaven’s Eyes.



It is one of my favorite songs. Have you heard it before? For me, the lyrics are very important and I absorb the message into my soul.

It is saying that we can only see our value and worth if we look at our lives through Heaven’s eyes. We cannot see where our true worth lies if we look at our lives through the eyes of man.

Do you see yourself through the eyes of man or through Heaven’s eyes? If a person who loves you can see you with their heart, that is beautiful.

For a broader perspective, this song reminds us to look at our lives through Heaven’s eyes, with the eyes of love, understanding, forgiveness and compassion.

Many times in our lives, sometimes even daily (especially in the workplace), we are subjected to being seen through the eyes of judgment. All over the world, people are being bullied and abused. This is unacceptable.

It is important to never see yourself through the eyes of an abuser, bully or someone who is hyper-critical. They cannot see you rightly. Their minds are clouded with their unresolved personal dramas, pain, fear, and faulty conditioning.

I am writing about this because someone reading may be going through this and I want to send out a positive message of encouragement. We all need reminders at times.

Do your best to see yourself through Heaven’s eyes. Practice seeing yourself with your heart. It’s easy to say this and a lot harder to do sometimes. But it’s something we would benefit from training ourselves to do.

Seeing ourselves through Heaven’s eyes is one of the greatest ways to protect oneself from the negative effects of abusive words, unfair judgment and criticism. This song has helped me immensely over the years in terms of my own personal healing.

It’s about seeing ourselves and others through the eyes of love.

This song suggests that the worth of a person should be measured by how much he or she gave, not by how much material wealth was gained. Robin gave us so much of himself, even through this movie that he did not like too much. He is still giving a lot of himself as a spirit, which is why I love and care about him so much. He’s given me a lot to share with you.

So, I took this opportunity to share this message with him about seeing him with my heart and through Heaven’s eyes. I hope you benefit from this message also.

How We View the Afterlife Communication We Receive

When it comes to the afterlife messages I receive from Robin, there are a broad range of types of communication where he uses different tools and methods. Lately, I have noticed some signs of his presence with me that are treats. They are subtle, but sweet and I value them tremendously. I see these signs with my heart.

Messages from loved ones in spirit are not always going to be a grand gesture, although they can be. I have experienced them and shared many with you on this website, such as this message on money.

But it is important for me to always acknowledge, love and appreciate the subtle signs that may not have a huge deeper meaning like the Ubuntu synchronicity. Sometimes, the messages are just, “Hi, I’m here,” or “I heard your request.” These types of signs are precious too.

It is important for me to communicate that we on earth should not blow off gentler or more subtle communications from loved ones in spirit as nothing or insignificant.

That’s like complaining that I got a chocolate cupcake instead of a big 5-layer cake. Well, what’s wrong with the cupcake? Cupcakes are great too!! Sometimes, all you need is a cupcake.

Image of Tasty CupcakesWhen Robin turned his picture upside down on his altar, that was the big 5-layer cake. But, he can’t do that all of the time. It wouldn’t be as special if he did. And I don’t need that all of the time. He did that for me when I needed to know he was around in a way that I could not deny.

So, I love my “cupcake” signs! They are great for everyday communications.

The “smaller,” more subtle signs are a big deal too when you consider that we are communicating across dimensions.  I know we Americans like things smack bang in our faces, at least according to Robin, lol! But our loved ones in spirit communicate in a variety of ways that must be appreciated. I am grateful for what I am given.

So now, I would like to share a couple of the messages I have received lately.  I see them through Heaven’s eyes.

Peppermint Sign:

On October 5th, I watched the video for medium Suzanne Giesemann that I mentioned to you in my previous post.

I liked her focus on evidence-based mediumship so that her readings have much more credibility.

At one point, she suggested that we ask for a sign from a loved one in spirit. So, since I had my notebook in front of me and was taking notes, I wrote my request for a sign from Robin, which was simply this:

I ask for a loving sign from Robin today…round red and white peppermint candy.

That’s what came into my mind and all I could think of at the moment. I did not want to take  much more time trying to think of a sign to ask for because I wanted to pay attention to what Ms. Giesemann was saying.

I was not able to watch the entire session because I had a date with my husband for a late lunch. We went out for Chinese food.

When we got to the restaurant, I have to admit that I was looking to see if those peppermints were on the front counter, but there were none to be found.

So, we had our yummy lunch and then came home. We watched television at home that evening.

Just after midnight on October 6th, which was my 53rd birthday, I watched the show called A Million Little Things. It was Season 2, Episode 2 called Grand Canyon.

I love that show! The episode was so synchronistic. In that episode, there was a psychic medium who provided clear evidence of the presence of Maggie’s deceased brother. So, I unexpectedly saw an evidential medium on television in very close proximity to watching Suzanne earlier on October 5th.

During the episode, Maggie goes into a restaurant. She sits at the bar. A man sitting next to her starts talking about the mints in a bowl at the host booth. I was quite surprised! I was thinking that maybe I was getting my sign from Robin after all.

Then he said the bowl of mints “was like a peppermint septic tank.”

There was my sign! Jackpot! They weren’t the round red and white peppermint candy like the kind in the picture above. They were round white mints. But it was still peppermint showing up about about 12 hours after I asked for the sign. So, I’ll take it.

I didn’t get the mints at a real life restaurant, but I did get them in a television restaurant, so it was a nice surprise. I thanked Robin for that and considered it my birthday present from him. There’s my “cupcake!”

Ms. Giesemann said you could ask your loved one to put the thought in your head about what the sign could be. So, maybe Robin put the thought into my head about peppermint candy because that was pretty fast turn-around.

Poppy on a Canadian License Plate:

On October 7th while driving home, we drove by a car where I noticed a flower on the license plate. I said to my husband that I thought it was a poppy. He slowed down so the car could pass us and I could see the plate. It was an Ontario plate with a poppy on the left side. Someone in the family was a veteran. I was so happy to see this plate. Ontario plates are common where I live in Florida because people are escaping the cold weather. But I have never seen a plate with the poppy on it.

I felt it was a rare and special gift and I acknowledged Robin’s presence with me. Here is what the plate looked like.

It’s one of those small things that is really a big thing when you consider the perfect timing of events leading me to be able to see that plate.

That’s all I have to share for now. If you like reading about afterlife communication stories, you may like this website. It shows that lots of people are communicating with loved ones in spirit.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found something in it that will fortify your soul.


Afterlife Communication: Levine Synchronicity

Afterlife Communication: Levine Synchronicity

For this post, I have a powerful afterlife communication synchronicity and life parallel with Robin to share with you.

In 2012, I was just getting to know who Robin was as a professional singer and a person. I spent time looking at different pictures of him over the years to see what he was like at different stages.

Steve Levine

On September 3, 2012, I emailed to myself four photos of Robin that I wanted to keep. Later in the day when I looked at the email of the photos I sent to myself, I noticed that one said “© Steve Levine-2005” in the bottom left hand corner. I was surprised because I hadn’t noticed it before in the flurry of looking at so many pictures. There are only a million or so pictures of him online, lol! Also, the print was a little small.

Here is the picture of Robin I am talking about from the website (1)

All joking aside, this was very important to me. I thought to myself that Robin and I have a “Steve Levine” connection because one of my favorite authors is Stephen Levine.

Stephen Levine

The late Stephen Levine (1937-2016), has been very important in my life. He was one of the world’s most beloved grief counselors.  Even though I never met him, he felt like a father figure to me.

I have had a very strong connection to Stephen Levine’s writings since 1993 when I was studying clinical psychology. A colleague of mine introduced me to his books. He wrote in a way I had never seen before. I found him incredibly insightful on a personal and professional level.

When I first met my husband, we read Healing into Life and Death together. I shared with Julian how important this book was to me. It was helping me to touch the painful areas in my life with loving kindness instead of fear. He listened and even made some notes in my book when we had first started dating.

I mentioned in my Background section, how I had a ceremony for Robin on June 8, 2012 and read from this book.

Here is some more information about Stephen Levine from Wikipedia:

Grief Work

One of the most significant aspects of Stephen’s work, and one for which he was perhaps best known, was his pioneering approach to working with the experience of grief. Over 34 years, Stephen and his wife Ondrea counseled concentration camp survivors and their children, Vietnam War veterans as well as victims of sexual abuse.[7]


Although Stephen acknowledged that our experience of grief is perhaps at its most intense when a loved one dies, he also drew our attention to grief’s more subtle incarnations. “Our ordinary, everyday grief” accumulates as a response to the “burdens of disappointments and disillusionment, the loss of trust and confidence that follows the increasingly less satisfactory arch of our lives.”[8]


In order to avoid feeling this grief we “armor our hearts,” which leads to a gradual deadening of our experience of the world[9] When a loved one dies, or indeed when our own death approaches, the intensity of the loss often renders our defenses ineffective and we are swept up by a deluge of griefs, both old and new.

So, on September 3, 2012, I pondered how Robin had a photographer named Steve Levine and how I was connected to beloved author and counselor Stephen Levine. It was a nice parallel.

Levine Synchronicity

Right after I was done looking at his photos and logging off of my email, I decided to watch a video on YouTube called BBC Learning-Previous Lives. It is a documentary about reincarnation, past life regression therapy and past life research. I had never seen it before.

As I watched the video, I received one of the more shocking synchronicities I had experienced with Robin at that time. It’s still one of the strongest communications I have ever been given and is very meaningful to me.

At approximately 7:00 in to the video, an ear, nose and throat doctor named Dr. Steven Levine appeared on the screen. Here is a screen shot of the video:

This was an incredible, amazing synchronicity that truly made me feel very connected to and one with Robin. I felt a little bit like I was in the twilight zone with this one. This synchronicity occurred about 3 ½ months after Robin’s passing. At that point, I did not know we were twin souls, so I was thinking, “What is this thing with Robin?” My husband was freaked out by this as well and thought it was kind of spooky, lol!

I had Steve, Stephen and Steven Levine show up all within a matter of minutes of each other either in my thoughts or on the screen in front of me. The timing of these events in close proximity with each other is everything and what makes it so remarkable.

In that moment, my twin soul connection with Robin manifested in the fact that we are both connected to men named Steve or Stephen Levine. The documentary with Dr. Steven Levine brought it all together, strongly emphasizing this connection.

Levine Grief Work

Steve and Stephen Levine were/are both connected to the issue of grief and doing something to heal it

I already reviewed the Stephen associated with me.

The Steve associated with Robin, Steve Levine, is a music producer who produced the song, Grief Never Grows Old for the One World Project created to raise money for the 2004 Asian Tsunami relief effort.

Here is the song.

After all these years, I found out about this association of Steve Levine with the song, Grief Never Grows Old on August 17, 2019. When I first saw this picture of Robin in 2012, I thought he was Robin’s photographer and never looked into it any more.

It was only when I decided to write this blog post and do a lot more research on Steve Levine that I found out about how he does not only have a similar name to Stephen Levine. Both are associated with the topic of grief. The matching is truly incredible.

It just goes to show you how multi-layered afterlife communication can be. It could potentially take years before you get the complete message your loved one in spirit wants to convey. But, time is not a factor for Robin so I imagine he thought, “She’ll get the full message some day!”

Yes, Robin, I finally got it!


Since the “Levine synchronicity” occurred through the context of a documentary on reincarnation, I think it was meant to get me to think more about this. I certainly believe reincarnation is possible, even highly likely, but I don’t understand how it really works. It seems a bit confusing to me to have 1000’s of incarnations on Earth, which is what some cultures believe.

I will continue to study different perspectives and I intend to keep learning more. At this time, I have no conscious recollection of any past lives I may have had. I do think it is possible that my current connection with Robin has its roots in a connection we shared during a previous incarnation. But once again, I have no idea what that is.

As far as reincarnating after this current lifetime I’m in, I honestly have to say that I have no interest in coming back to Earth until and unless it is the New Earth. If I have a say in the matter, I would rather incarnate in a place much more loving, harmonious and peaceful than Earth is at this time.

This is my point of view because I have Christian roots. I do not impose my beliefs on any reader. If you don’t share or agree with this perspective on the New Earth, I respect that and understand. People of many different faiths and backgrounds could be reading this and I don’t want to alienate anyone. I respect and have an interest in a lot of different spiritual perspectives as I mentioned in this post.

One World

Another important connection related to this that I also share with Robin is with the theme of “One World.” For many, many years, I have owned a One World poster by Putumayo. It is the cover art for the CD.

Here is a photo of my framed poster:

I cherish it for the message of unity and diversity. I had this long before I met Robin in spirit in 2012. It was so long ago, I don’t remember where or when I bought it. It makes me feel like we were on the same wavelength even while we did not consciously know each other.

He was involved in the One World Project and I owned a One World Poster. I love that the theme of music is common to both.

It’s interesting for me to think about how Robin could “see” this poster hanging on the wall in my apartment in Colorado, which is where he first met me in 2012. I’ll bet he knew about this “One World” connection we shared long before I did. I don’t know exactly when I found out about the One World Project, but when I did, I immediately made the connection.


Twin soul synchronicity is very profound, especially when it is new to you and especially when you don’t know exactly what is going on and why. That is how I felt when I received this message. It led me into a much deeper and evolving journey of discovery in terms of the nature of my connection with Robin.

I have built a narrative on this website showing my spiritual connection to Robin. So, I hope you can see why, by December of 2012, I was asking in prayer if Robin is my twin soul.

The “Levine synchronicity” is one of many situations that led me to ask for an answer to this question. It was a lot to figure out on my own, so I sought help from God, which for me, is the best place to look for help.

I did not know anyone I could trust in the physical world who could assist me and who would not judge me. So, I am always grateful to God and Robin for making the truth of our connection so clear. That was smack-bang in my face!

I hope you enjoyed this post about a trio of Stevens! Thank you for joining me here. Until next time, take good care!


  1. Source of Robin Gibb photo © Steve Levine-2005:

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The photo of Robin Gibb is being used in accordance with the “fair use” clause cited in The Copyright Law of the United States, Title 17 of the United States Code, Chapter 1, due to its use for comment, educational, informational, and reference purposes from which no material profits shall arise. Title 17, U.S. Code § 107 recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states:

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Afterlife Communication: MP3 Player Telekinesis

Afterlife Communication: MP3 Player Telekinesis

In this post, I share examples of Robin’s abilities with telekinesis and as well as amazing synchronicity.

MP3 Sale

During the morning on Sunday, August 18, 2019, I showed my husband a Sony Walkman MP3 player that was on sale on Amazon. He said the player he has wasn’t working correctly, so I showed him this option for a replacement.

It turned out that he didn’t want it. I said I was thinking about getting it, but then said I didn’t really need it because I already have one. I was thinking about getting it as a backup because the one I currently have does not hold the battery charge too long without recharging it, especially if I watch a video on it. But I decided not to get it, at least for now.

Journal Entry Synchronicity

Late in the evening on the same day, August 18th, I wanted to review some of my old journals again. I was still looking for an entry on a dream I had about Robin years ago. I remember the dream very well, but I was hoping I documented something about it and I was hoping to find out exactly when it occurred.

While I was looking for the dream entry, I came across another entry that was very synchronistic with what had been going on earlier in the day.  The entry was dated May 5, 2013. It had easily been years since I had seen the entry. Here is a short excerpt of what I wrote:


Dear Robin,

…Also, because Julian accidentally lost my/our Ipod, I ended up buying a new Sony MP3 player…

This entry was informative on many levels. For one thing, I had completely forgotten that my husband had accidentally lost our Ipod. That was the reason I have the Sony MP3 player I currently have.

Also, when I was thinking of buying a new MP3 player as I mentioned above, I was thinking about how I had no idea when I bought the player I currently have and had no idea how old it was. So, this entry answered these questions for me. It is quite valuable that I have these journals to refer back to now for personal and spiritual reasons.

It was so fun and amazing that the entry matched exactly with how I asked Julian if he wanted to buy a new Sony MP3 player that day! I felt like Robin was right there with me. It was incredible to be brought back to that page in this particular journal. I easily could have missed it.

I have 15 hand-written journals that I started writing on May 20, 2012 and continued to April, 2016. After that, I started to type my journal entries. I continue to keep my afterlife communication journals to this day, some hand written, some typed.

So, the fact that I “happened” to pick this journal up to review on that exact day was amazing.

I don’t know how these synchronicities are orchestrated. They are part of the great mystery of life. I think I’m the one making these choices, but it seems like a loving unseen hand is really guiding my choices. Synchronicity really makes me feel like I am not making my choices all alone. I am being guided. And I think that is a key message from loved ones in spirit. The point is that we are not alone, even when we think we are.

When it comes to Robin, I feel guided to do certain things, like pick up a certain book, or go to a particular website. And then it ends up synchronizing with him in some way. It makes me feel extremely connected to him. It seems like the choices are mine yes, but they are not all mine. There are other forces, powers and spirits involved. It’s quite fascinating and makes life beautiful and interesting. I am so grateful for these experiences and to be able to share them with you. I hope you are enjoying them!

This is another example of how my journal entry from over 6 years ago matched what was going on in my life currently. I wrote about this previously in this post about my recovery and how I look through my old journals.

I’m still looking for the same entry on my dream, but can’t find it, lol! I may just have to write about it from memory in the near future.

Robin’s MP3 Player Telekinesis

For this section, I’m taking you back to 2013 again.

On July 19, 2013, I walked into the room where Robin’s altar was kept. I was living in Colorado at this time.

I noticed that my Sony Walkman MP3 player (the one I wrote about above) was placed on top of my Bee Gees book, right above Robin’s picture. I knew that he had moved it there because I know I did not do it. It would not have occurred to me to put my Walkman in that exact location above his picture. Here is a picture I took to document this:

The book is on top of a filing cabinet I had placed to the left of Robin’s altar at the time. In the upper right-hand corner of the photo, you can see the picture of Robin that he turned upside down in May of 2013 as I wrote about here.

By placing the Walkman right above his picture, he was pointing out his identity to me, which I find absolutely incredible. It is similar to how he identified himself by turning his picture face down on his altar. Spirits need to have a way to identify themselves. Using a photo is a great way to do so.

I love to have his energy on physical items! I keep everything he has moved because it becomes even more special to me after he has moved it.

Robin was very active in our home in 2013, so I thought I would briefly review some of the other things going on that year to give context to the sequence of events.

A few days before this MP3 player telekinesis, on July 12, 2013, I found the infinity symbol made out of dental floss on my teapot handle. Later in 2013, my necklaces were moved which I wrote about in my Spiritual Symbols post.

There was a lot going on that year with Robin’s spirit. It makes me think he enjoyed practicing his skills at moving objects and creating symbols.

With me, he knew he had a receptive person to communicate with. He knew I was paying attention, so telekinesis became another way in which he connected with me.

If a spirit is in your home, going through the trouble and energy it takes to move something, then they are obviously trying to get your attention. It is rewarding for the person in spirit if we notice and appreciate what they are doing. I’m talking about loving, kind and friendly interactions only.

As I have previously written, I always check to determine if there are any alternate explanations for what appears to be telekinesis. I ask my husband to make sure he didn’t move something I did not know about. I also review my activities to make sure I did not do it and just don’t remember.

After I rule out other possible explanations, I surrender to the conclusion that Robin moved the item. I don’t just automatically assume that he did.

Someone needs to be willing to share how spirits come back and interact with those still living in physical bodies. That is what I’m doing for those who have ears to hear. I join with other brave people sharing their afterlife communication stories.  It’s an incredible education to see what Robin can do now. And, it’s an incredible gift.

Robin passed the baton on to me by blessing me with these gifts. Now, I’m passing the information on to you so you can benefit from knowing some of the ways in which Robin communicates as a spirit.

Journal Entry: July 19, 2013

To give you some additional information and perspective on how I was feeling at that exact time, I would like to share with you some excerpts from the journal entry I wrote on July 19, 2013:

July 19th, 2013


Dear Robin,


I love you and send you a hug and lots of support and Light…


Thank you, Robin, for stopping by to say hello today…Thank you for moving my Sony Walkman over to your Bee Gees book, right above your picture. That was so amazing and touched my heart.


I am so Grateful. I appreciate you coming by so much. It was so beautiful. I know I moved your book back this AM [to the top of the filing cabinet], but I didn’t put my Walkman over there!


Beautiful message and sign of your presence Robin…





Receiving the synchronicity regarding purchasing the Sony MP3 player and my journal entry gave me the perfect opportunity to share this gem of a communication from Robin. It’s one of my favorites.

I’m not surprised that he would move this item because it is connected to music and had lots of his music and videos on it! It’s so sweet that he positioned it right above his picture so I would know it was him. These communications are very precious and priceless to me.

Back in 2013, these types of experiences were still very new to me. I was fascinated by how Robin was able to communicate in such a clear, precise way in pointing himself out by placing the MP3 player there.

As you know, I did not know Robin when he was alive physically. But, I do know him as a spirit. And as a spirit, he is very strong, very loving, very kind, highly intelligent and highly creative. I cannot emphasize this enough.

I am very clear about who he is as a spirit, at least to the degree that I’m capable of knowing. I have written about this before, but I wanted to say it again because it is very important for you to know this about Robin as he lives on. He is a wonderful presence to have in your life and I have been extraordinarily blessed to be connected with him.

I like to give him compliments here to send him the message. 🙂 Somehow, I know he receives it. He is very lovable as a spirit and he deserves them.  He has done so much for me that I deeply appreciate.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to sharing something new with you soon. Let’s see what Robin comes up with!

As of Wednesday, August 28th, we may have a hurricane coming towards our area, so I’m not sure when I will publish my next post. I’ll be back as soon as I can!

Until then, take care and all my best to anyone reading who may be affected by Hurricane Dorian.


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