I have previously written about how my afterlife communication with Robin includes messages I receive on license plates.

It’s one of the more fun ways we communicate. I know lots of other people communicate in this way with their deceased loved ones. It reminds us that our loved ones are with us while we carry out our daily activities.

This post focuses on how I have seen Bee Gees’ song titles on license plates.

Staying Alive

On May 11, 2019, while I was driving home with my husband, I saw a car with a license plate that read STN ALIV. You can’t get much more Bee Gees than that! Stayin’ Alive is one of their most famous songs.

This article that I linked to is really good and I highly recommend it for some interesting history on this song and other Bee Gees’ songs.

My phone rings to this song as I mentioned before here, so it’s with me all of the time.

It was such a sweet gift. I’m always amazed at how Spirit places me at the right place at the right time to receive these messages. I know Robin was showing me he was with me in that moment. I always invite him to communicate with me and on this day, this is how he chose to do it. I thank Robin and Maurice for showing up in my life this way through God’s orchestration. It’s true that they are staying alive spiritually!

Since I saw this plate nine days before Robin’s passing date anniversary, I feel it is a very special message. I was able to take a picture of the plate because the car was directly in front of us. In other words, it was right in my face (and Julian’s)! As Robin once said about Americans:

They like to have things put smack bang in their faces.” (1)

I thought that was funny! Well, when it comes to afterlife communication with you Robin, yes, I do want things smack bang in my face, lol! Thank you very much!

I printed it and placed the framed picture on his altar to celebrate this amazing connection of our spirits. (I don’t want to put the picture here due to protecting the identity of the driver).

Altars are great places to recognize and honor the gifts we receive from our deceased loved ones. By including current spiritual gifts from loved ones on their altar, it keeps the energy of the altar fresh and active. It shows our loved one we are actively engaged with communicating with them. It also shows appreciation and a commitment to them that we care about them. With modern technology, it’s so great that we can capture signs from loved ones and treasure them as keepsakes.

It’s very important to me that I show appreciation for these spiritual signs of Robin’s presence. I want him to know they mean so much to me. I appreciate all the powers and forces of love that placed me there at that moment so my path could cross with this driver.

Hold Me

A few years ago, there was another time when a Bee Gees song showed up on a license plate, but I didn’t know it was a Bee Gees’ song at the time. I saw a plate that said, HOLD ME. All I could think of was the Fleetwood Mac song. But then I decided to do some research and see if the Bee Gees had a song with the same title. It turns out they do. This demo for Kenny Rogers is one of most hauntingly beautiful songs I have ever heard Barry Gibb sing.

Hold Me was written by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb.

It’s not always the most famous songs that have the greatest impact. This song gives me the chills and brings tears with the feeling it evokes. Here are the beautiful lyrics.

Twin Soul Questions

One of the greatest sore spots for me in my relationship with Robin is that I never got to meet him in person. His physical body is gone forever and I never got to see him or hold him.

Many people want to meet their twin soul, but twin soul relationships come with very challenging lessons. They are not all chocolates, wines and roses and they are not meant to be. They are meant to help us grow spiritually and that’s not always going to be easy.

My lesson is that if I want to commune with Robin, I have to go beyond the physical. I have to stretch. There’s no physical body to hold.

But I can reach his spirit. And he can reach mine. It has already been accomplished.

There are some important questions a person could ask oneself when considering this topic of twin souls residing in different planes of existence. I have asked myself these very questions and thought I would pose them here. It’s not meant to be a comprehensive list. It’s just some questions I thought of:

  • Would you still want to meet your twin soul in spirit form if they were deceased? Or would you rather not know and just wait until you cross over to meet?
  • Are you willing to go beyond the physical to be with them, to communicate with them?
  • Are you willing to have very few people understand you and maybe even think you’re crazy?
  • Are you able to sustain a potentially long-term, cross-dimensional twin soul relationship?
  • Are you willing to feel some pain at times and overcome it? Some degree of pain and grief is likely in this situation. No matter how many good and logical explanations there are for this, even if it was supposed to be this way because we were meant to go our separate ways and have different experiences…it can still hurt at times when you find out who your twin is after they die physically. It’s sad that you missed them.

Since I know I share a twin soul connection with Robin, the answer is yes to these questions. Yes, I did want to know. I was the one calling for him in the first place when I woke up in 2012.

If your answers are “no” or a combination of “yes and no”, that is ok too. There is no right or wrong with this; it’s about how you authentically feel. If you don’t want to have this type of twin soul relationship, that is perfectly understandable. If your answers are “yes,” then your twin in spirit will likely do things to encourage the connection and help you along. I consider seeing a license plate that says, STN ALIV a form of encouragement! It’s really fun and cool too!


I once asked God if there was any compensation for not having met Robin. The answer is yes.

There is merciful compensation, which serves as consolation, for not having met. It comes in the form of all the communications I have received. God responded in my heart with the following message:

“Your compensation for not having met Robin is all of the messages, the synchronicities, the direct answers to your questions, the telekinesis, the license plates, the times your husband delivered a message. Your compensation is that you have strong intuition, a faith-based belief in the afterlife, and some developed psychic abilities which enable you to communicate with him.”


“Your compensation is your ability to write and document these experiences so you can refer back to them for your edification. Your compensation is your ability to read about him and hear him sing because you have been blessed with eyesight and excellent hearing. What if you didn’t have that?”

“Christina, you have been very well compensated.”

I agree that all of this is compensation. I am very grateful for God’s mercy in this situation with Robin.

I’m also grateful for quotes like this one that get me back on track when I need a little boost. It is from a book called, Letters from the Spirit World (2). This book is available as a free e-book if you are interested. Click here for the free e-book made available on google.com. At this link, you can also see the excerpt I am referring to on page 314.

I like spiritualist writing from the early 1900’s. Our understanding of soul mates and twin souls may have changed and evolved quite a bit since then, but I still think these writers have valuable things to say. When I read this passage pertaining to the law of soul mates, I am immediately uplifted as I am reminded of the immortality of our souls:

“The law of soul mates does not pertain to the earth at all. It does not matter whether they ever meet on earth or not…”

“— and whether they meet or not is unimportant considering the eons of ages of immortality and eternity…”

Considering that we have all of eternity to connect, not meeting in one lifetime is not a big deal, even though it may hurt at the time. I hope this is comforting to others who did not meet their twin soul mate in this lifetime. I think this is important to know given that many twin souls and spiritual soul mates do not meet. Remember that we are eternal. You will see them again.

This remembrance serves as additional compensation. I need this for my own healing.

The compensation also comes in the form of dream visitations.

Dream Hugs

I have had several dream visits over the years where I have held Robin. I have had two recent dreams, one April 20th and one April 25th.

In the dream on April 20th, he was young, in his late 20’s with long, wavy hair. We hugged and he felt skinny, like he would have if we hugged in the physical because he was thin. The thing is, I could really feel his body. That was beautiful and comforting compensation.

In this dream, he let me play with his hair. I made little curls with my fingers and the curls stayed in place. I don’t think he wanted me to, but he let me anyway, lol!

So, when I read this line from Hold Me:

You can play in my dreams till I’m out of your sight…

I feel it really came true.

On May 12, I wrote this note to Robin in my journal:

“I can still feel you in my dreams when we hug, so the physical sensations, while in non-physical form, carry over. Physical sensations carry over after death and can manifest in dream communication. The dreamer can still feel the deceased loved one physically.”

Through my intuition, I could feel Robin saying to me:

“Christina, that part of me, the part of me where you can feel me as physical sensation is not gone.”

Physical sensation, or the impression of such, still seems to be part of who we are after we pass away. It’s a beautiful discovery.

In the dream visit I shared with Robin on April 25th, he was singing with a crowd close by, off to his right. Then I spoke with him afterward. At this point, the dream image shifted and we were standing in a room in my current house. He looked like he did when he was in his 30’s with blond hair, similar to the picture here in the upper left corner.

We hugged and I said to him that he did a great job. It was a brief encounter but felt very real, like I was there with him.

We can still hug and hold each other during dream visits. Robin co-wrote Hold Me, so along with his brothers, these lyrics came from his soul. Due to the amazing way in which God created us as spirits, and because of the love we share, I can say, “Yes, I will hold you…in my dreams.”


  1. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Location 10458). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
  2. Petersilea, Peter and Petersilea, Franz. Letters from the Spirit World: Written Through the Mediumship of Carlyle Petersilea, by his father Franz Petersilea, And Other Spirit Celebrities Chicago: The Progressive Thinker Publishing House, 1909. (Page 314).



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