Editor’s Note: This post may display some spacing issues that we’re working on resolving.

On November 4th, I had some down time and relaxed by taking a bubble bath.

While I was in the tub, I started thinking about the world and the shape it is in, with wars, political unrest and violence all around the globe. I was having a moment of contemplation.

Then I started thinking about Robin and the Bee Gees and the vibration of their music. While I was thinking and sitting there, I had a quiet, private conversation with Robin and said that his music was and is so important for the world. I said it is important because many of the Bee Gees’ songs have a higher, soft, gentle, healing, loving vibration.

I said to him that his music serves as a counterbalance to all of the harsh, negative energies of this world. I spoke with him and said how important it is that he came into this world and was able to create and bring this loving, soft, gentle, but also fun and energizing vibration.

I also said to Robin that because of him, his brothers, and Mr. Stigwood, evil and dark energies can never 100% take over this world. I said that is because his music will always be here, contributing to the counterbalance and because of that, evil, negativity and spiritual darkness would never have a complete, 100% takeover and foothold on this world.

Love is always here in a multitude of forms and the Bee Gees’ music is a part of that. All forms of love and beauty are part of the counterbalance.

I also thanked his parents for the contribution they made to bringing this music vibration into the world because if it weren’t for them, there would be no Bee Gees.

When I was done talking with Robin, I said to him, “The key word is counterbalance.” I said this because I felt like this was a strong communication I was sharing with him. I wanted to give him a key word to communicate back with me that he got my message.

I said it from my heart and then finished up my bath.

Counterbalance Synchronicity: Julian and Robin

On November 5th, I spent some time talking with my husband about a disturbing news story I heard about the night before. He listened to me quietly and then said, “All of the negativity and violence, lets counter it with love, peace, gentleness and kindness.” It was a very sweet response characteristic of my husband.

But, I was amazed because, through my husband, I was receiving the key word back that I mentioned to Robin the evening before.

The word, “counter,” is obviously close enough to “counterbalance” for me to accept it as a communication back. He used the word “counter” in the exact same context that I was speaking with Robin about, which is to bring more loving and kind energies into this world to counterbalance the negative energies.

I feel that this communication shows that we are one in spirit. Honestly, sometimes I don’t know if I’m just talking with Julian, or if I’m talking with Julian and Robin, with Robin’s spirit coming through my husband. Either way, the synchronicity is pretty incredible.

During my discussion with Julian about his comment and what I had said to Robin, I realized that I too have a responsibility to be the counterbalance to the negative energies prevalent on this earth. I could imagine Robin saying to me that the same qualities I see within him are within me as well. I’m not a singer like him, but I can be the counterbalance in other ways, such as through this blog, my art, and how I carry myself in this world.

You can be the counterbalance in many ways as well, if you so choose.

Counterbalancing Organizations

One other way I like to be the counterbalance is by supporting organizations like World Central Kitchen founded by Chef José Andrés.

He and his team feed people all around the world that are suffering due to natural or man-made disasters. I found out about him during the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. He is part of the counterbalance. It is important to know that there are tremendously good people in this world doing life-saving work on the front-lines of these disasters. They are balancing out the pain and loss by bringing in love and care.

Dia de los Muertos 2019

Here is a picture of Robin’s altar from our Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration.

Robin Gibb altar

For Dia de los Muertos 2019, I offered Robin’s spirit fragrant yellow roses and oatmeal with almonds, cinnamon, brown sugar and bananas and a mug of green tea.

I have honored him on these days for years. It’s beautiful to do this and strengthens our spiritual connection and love.

If you wish to strengthen your connection with a loved one in spirit, I highly recommend leaving food, drink, floral and other types of offerings for them during any time of the year. Of course, it should be something you are comfortable with doing.

It’s not just about the effect it will have on them. It’s also about the effect it will have on you. It’s a lovely thing to give in this way. I felt my heart expand in love for Robin as a result of leaving him food and drink offerings.

My heart also expanded in terms of Universal Love in that I felt that I was in a stronger love vibration in general when I interacted with my husband and people in the world. This is also part of the counterbalance. Doing this can change your vibration for the better.

If you are feeling down, one suggestion is to share a treat with a deceased loved one if you have someone you feel close to. All I can say is it has helped me in my relationship with Robin and other deceased loved ones over the years.

Brief Health Update

I will be having a biopsy on the lump in my leg on November 12. My oncologist still thinks it is likely to be benign, but the MRI could not definitively determine exactly what it is or whether it is benign or more aggressive. So, we’ll see. I’ll let you know. After what I’ve already been through with breast cancer, I feel kind of detached from it.

I’m going to do my usual things, like study my Spanish (which I really enjoy) and stay positive and upbeat. I have a dream that my husband and I will be able to go to Mexico in 2020 to experience the Dia de los Muertos celebrations first-hand!

God and Goddess bless you and take good care. I will write again when I have something good to write about!


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