Twin Soul Magnetism

Twin Soul Magnetism

For this post, I have decided to write about twin soul magnetism. This is a result of being inspired by the article I cited in my previous blog post, St. Uriel.  Practicing meditation with the spirit of saints as a means of improving our own magnetism was discussed in the article.

Some Literature on Magnetism

What is magnetism? According to Ananda, it is the magnetic energy field and vibration around us that protects us and attracts positive or negative experiences. Our own vibration is improved by connecting with the loving and wise spiritual energies of saints or other venerated spiritual beings.

During my journey of sharing a twin soul connection with Robin, I have discovered that there is a certain magnetism that draws us together and keeps us together. This is true even though we are “sort of” in different planes of existence.

I say “sort of” because what I have learned from Robin is that the physical world is part of the unseen spiritual world and the unseen spiritual world is part of the physical world. They really are not separate. If they were, spirits and people in physical bodies would not be able to interact with each other and there would be no such thing as afterlife communication.

I wholeheartedly agree with the words of Richard Ferguson written in his book, The Divine Resting on My Shoulder: The Story of How Divine, Mystical Experiences Brought Me Closer to God, (November 18, 2014):

“I have begun to see that there is a continuum of existence between the physical world and the unseen spiritual world. Both these worlds or realms are tightly intertwined in a way that almost everybody in this world is not aware of…” (pg. 152)

When it comes to twin soul magnetism, there is quite a bit of information on the internet. Here, I will only cite a few websites. The excerpt below summarizes what I feel in connection with Robin and our bond in terms of magnetism. This is something I can very much relate to. Here is the link to the website:

The bond works like a magnet which glues the two. It is probably the only link remained from the initial, original connection when they were One soul before the split (not created on this Earth but rather re-created). The bond keeps the two together even on a great distance and probably also when one of them dies (which is described as the most painful experience ever for the one who stayed alive).

There most certainly is a bond and one that has left me feeling like Robin is often beside me. This helps alleviate some of the pain of never having met. Sometimes it’s like being followed. According to the Michael Teachings on essence twins (which are the same as twin souls/flames):

The influence of our essence twin… is strongest when we are bonded directly to his discarnate essence.

After all that has occurred over the years, I would put myself in the category of being bonded directly to Robin’s discarnate essence. It is very powerful. His being discarnate made our connection all the more magnetic and knowable. Before his death, I had zero consciousness of our spiritual connection but finally began to wake up in April, 2012.

I really want to make the point that people can be very powerful, active and available after they die physically. I do not like the current prevailing views of our deceased loved ones as “gone,” “resting eternally,” or that they can no longer do anything. It’s simply not true.

Here is a very good article on working with a discarnate essence twin through meditation.

It elucidates the points I was making above. Because of the magnetic connection, the discarnate twin is much more available to the incarnate twin after physical death, especially when the two did not know each other. The mechanism by which a discarnate twin comes to find and recognize an incarnate twin is not clear to me, but it may have to do with their intuition and psychic abilities as spirits, which was mentioned in my St. Uriel post.

It probably helps if the incarnate twin acknowledges, accepts and recognizes the discarnate twin and contacts them, like I did with Robin. It was the magnetism I experienced upon seeing him in videos in 2012 that got the ball rolling. It was a very compelling, albeit perplexing, force that caused me to reach out to him through verbal conversation. It was highly unusual for me and not something I had ever done before with any other deceased person. It was definitely not something I would normally do. But when you meet your twin soul, you can kiss “normal” goodbye, especially if they are discarnate.

In the early days after Robin died, I often felt his energy around me. The air around me felt like the air feels after a strong electrical storm. If anyone reading this has ever experienced something similar, you will know what I mean. The air felt supercharged and I felt supercharged. All of my senses were heightened and I felt like something was pulling me towards his spirit.

I share this as an example of how twin soul magnetism could feel. It is so therapeutic to write this, I can’t even tell you! I really hope what I share is helping someone.

I would also like to share with you this interesting pdf called The Meaning of Entangled. This article offers an interesting and unique discussion of sacred geometry, quantum entanglement, and electromagnetic energy as it pertains to soul-based relationships. I hope you will check it out when you have a chance. The diagrams are very interesting.

Personal Story of Magnetism with Robin

Very soon after Robin passed away, I was shocked at how often my life would synchronize with him in some way. This was before I knew anything about twin souls/flames and afterlife communication.

For example, my husband would say something that matched what I just read about him. What he said wasn’t about Robin. It was about some other topic. Still, it would weirdly match.

Or, I would say something to Robin and then pick up a book and a response to what I just said to him would be on the pages in front of me. It was incredibly mind-bending and caused me to ask for direct guidance as to what all this meant. I described this in my background section.

Over the years, I continued to be a magnet for events concerning Robin. During the summer of 2017, I experienced a fun and amazing magnetic connection.

My husband and I were house hunting at the time. We were exploring the amenities of a property and came across their library and computer room open to residents. I spent some time exploring the books. I found one called The Traveling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones. I was drawn to it because I love tea. I needed something relaxing to read to take a break from the stress of house hunting, so I picked up the book and opened it.

I randomly opened to page 153, Chapter 24. I saw these exact words:

Welcome to Massachusetts.

Well, that was nice because I’m from there. Then I read a few more sentences and received another nice little surprise: a mention of the Bee Gees! Here is the text:

“Massachusetts.” As I hear Charles say the state name out loud, I can’t help but think of the Bee Gees. (pg. 153)

To say I was happily surprised is an understatement given I had just randomly opened to this page and was gifted with Robin’s presence with me through these words. After this, I turned to the back cover where I discovered the book is about the evolution of familial, romantic and business relationships during a tour of New England tea houses and bakeries.

It figures I picked up a book about New England without even knowing it! It’s fun reading about Boston Cream donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts (Chapter 31, Pgs. 197-198) since I’m not supposed to eat those, lol! Well if I can’t eat them, at least I can look at the pictures, like the one at the beginning of this post.

Anyway, I was left wondering about this mysterious magnetic force which caused me to open to this exact page about the Bee Gees and Massachusetts. I think this is the way that God lets you know, in no uncertain terms, that you have a connection with a particular person or spirit. Spirit will let you know and keep letting you know for years and they won’t let you forget! Your twin, or something to do with them, will keep appearing in your life in the most unexpected ways, even if they are no longer physical.

This communication occurred a little over 5 years after Robin’s passing and the connection we shared was still incredibly strong. So, don’t worry if your twin or loved one passed away years ago. You can still be strongly connected and time is not an issue for them on the other side.

So, after all of this, I’m sure you can see why I say I am a magnet for things to do with Robin. Twin souls, soul mates, close friends and spiritual family members would naturally be magnets for each other.

Story: Cute, Clever and Creative

I have another fun story demonstrating our twin soul magnetism that involves my husband.

Back in 2013, I had written to someone about my paranormal experiences with Robin and described what he did as “cute, clever, and creative.”

Not too long after that, I was sitting in our living room watching television while my husband was sitting at another table nearby working on a project on his computer. He made the comment that something was “cute and creative.” That really got my attention and I thought to myself, “He missed clever,” because I was thinking about what I had recently written about Robin.

As soon as I thought the word “clever,” a person on the television show I was watching filled in the blank and said the word “clever!” I got the chills! There it was again, those same 3 words with a little help from a t.v. program. I don’t remember what the show was now, but Spirit can use anything to get a message to us.

I had the strong feeling that Robin’s spirit was around Julian at that time and was playing with me. I don’t know how God and spirits get these events to align the way they do. I just open to it and express my gratitude and appreciation for it. It makes life so much nicer and more interesting. My life since Robin’s passing has been beautiful and amazing at times over the years because of these communications. I honestly feel elated after receiving these messages and they give me a natural spiritual high that no earthly substance could ever give.

I feel magnetized to Robin through these experiences. It is a clear example of how like attracts like between twin souls who carry the same energy. I started having these experiences with him in 2012 out of the blue and I kept having more and more. The magnetic energy between us gains its own momentum and keeps creating more parallel, mirroring experiences. It’s like playing spiritual ping-pong.

If I speak or write about Robin, I know that there is a very high probability that some of the content will come back to me like a boomerang. It’s fun, mesmerizing and all based in eternal love and kindness towards each other. This ball has been rolling for almost 7 years with inexhaustible spiritual energy and strength…

Note: As I finished typing the above sentence with the word “inexhaustible,” my husband, in his office down the hall from mine said, “That’s pretty damn exhaustive,” regarding something he was working on. These two words have different meanings, but obviously have “exhaust” in common.

Given the timing, it is close enough for me to see it as an incoming boomerang! What I just wrote about happened right before my eyes.

It’s another example of the ping-pong game I play with Robin, with Julian often playing a primary role in our communications. I wrote about how my husband is a messenger for Robin in this post. This has been happening spontaneously since 2012, before I knew about twin soul connections. Julian had no idea this was going on until I told him about it.

Sometimes it happens while I’m writing, like this. These are the messages that say, “I’m right there with you.”

Julian’s right. This is pretty exhaustive and I think you get the point!  And with that, I bid you adieu! I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading. Enjoy your donuts for me!




This is a screenshot from The Traveling Tea Shop book, page 153. It is the first page I opened the book to.

Sharing Your Life

Sharing Your Life

It is very possible to share your life in the physical world with your twin soul and/or loved ones in spirit. It is a beautiful thing to invite loved ones in spirit to partake in daily experiences and to see how they respond.

Whether it’s a good meal, a beautiful sunset, the sound of birds chirping, an amazing trip to another country, or a starry night, it can be so fulfilling to directly share and “send” to your loved one what you are experiencing.

How do you send it? You can think of them and speak to them in your heart or out loud if you’re alone and tell them what you are experiencing. The other day, I was riding my bike alone and saw the most beautiful pink-orange sunset. I spoke with Robin out loud while I was riding and shared with him that the sunset was so beautiful and that I thought he would love it. I was consciously and intentionally sharing the sunset with him from my heart and sending it to him so he could be a part of it. I have a lot of faith in this because I know we are spiritually and telepathically connected.

From the Heart

When I was first learning how to communicate with Robin in 2012, I came across this beautiful article called Language of the Heart by a woman named Cordula.

It was from her that I learned I could invite and communicate with Robin this way. Her writings are unique gems in the vast sea of literature on afterlife communication.

She wrote specifically about communicating with deceased loved ones from the heart. She based her suggestions on Rudolph Steiner’s work.

Cordula wrote about inviting deceased loved ones into any experiences that are soul-stirring or inspiring, such as those connected to art or nature.

On March 7th, I read Cordula’s writings again. I had not read them in quite a while, but I refer back to them when I feel guided to do so. I had printed the articles I mentioned above and kept them all these years, but at the time in 2012, I forgot to include the website link that I got her articles from.

So, I went on a research expedition trying to find her website again. It wasn’t easy, but after finding just the right word combination, I found it. But I found more than that.

It turns out Cordula Feuerstack passed away on February 2, 2014. Her photo is at the bottom of this page.

When I saw her obituary, I was so surprised to see that her birthday was March 6, 1969. Her birthday anniversary was just the day before I was guided to research her after all these years! Before March 7th, I had never researched her background in any greater depth than what was on her About page. But I felt so moved and connected to Cordula’s spirit when I realized that I was drawn back to her around her birthday without realizing it at the time. This is the beautiful way spirit works!

I learned so much from Cordula and she helped me greatly in my early days of communicating with Robin. I am so grateful Cordula and send you love. Thank you!

Sharing Movies

After being refreshed and inspired by Cordula’s and Steiners writings, I decided to invite Robin’s spirit to enjoy a movie with me on the evening of March 12th.

I recently bought a DVD called Cairo Time because the previews looked interesting and beautiful.

Here is a description of the plot.

My husband Julian was busy, so I decided to take my small portable DVD player and plug it in near Robin’s altar. I relaxed on the floor beside his altar with a pillow and spoke with Robin out loud. I said, “If you want to watch this movie with me, you are welcome to.” Then I said, “It would be great to get a synchronicity from this, if that could be arranged!” I laughed and smiled with him, half joking and half serious.

afterlife communicationsWell, it turns out, I did get a synchronicity. In the movie, Tareq and Juliet were walking together on a paved tree-lined road in Cairo, Egypt.

Tareq said to Juliet, “You know these trees they have a privilege to live along side their ancestors. Some of them are 500 years old.”

As soon as I heard that, I thought back to my post on Twin Trees. I mentioned the trees at the Audubon sanctuary as being 500 years old. Here is my text:

On January 6, 2019, I went on a trip to a beautiful Audubon nature sanctuary with my husband.

It is an ancient forest teeming with life. Some of the trees there are 500 years old. We saw otters swimming, an Ibis family, little blue herons, raccoons and beautiful trees that I wanted to hug!

I was so amazed and happy to share this movie with Robin for the first time and hear something that so clearly matched what I had recently written about for him. It stood out to me as being very special. In January, I had just learned about these 500 year old trees in Florida. It was so nice to hear about them again in the context of this movie I was inspired to share with Robin. It was like we were revisiting the same topic again together. The 500 year old trees came back to me while I was with Robin at his altar. That was awesome!

I found this 2004 video of Robin a few months ago. I loved hearing him speak about how he felt trees are important. Click here to see the video. Beginning at 3:00 into the video, listen for a few more moments and you will hear Robin’s comment about trees. I thought it appropriate to share this here.

When you share your life with your twin, soul mate or loved ones in spirit, it could lead you into an even more beautiful experience with something that connects back to them. I would suggest following your intuition and guidance and see where it leads you. It’s possible I was being given a nudge to watch this movie to give me the gift of this synchronicity with the 500 year old trees. God, Jesus, Robin, my guardian angels and spirit guides knew this would be important to me.

Loved ones in spirit know what will be important to you too. They know what will stand out to you and get your attention. The mention of 500 year old trees will always get my attention after writing my blog post. I knew Robin’s spirit was with me.

Afterlife communication with Robin is beautiful and fulfilling because of these experiences. If you have a close bond of love with someone in spirit, you may enjoy sharing more aspects of your life with them. As mentioned above, Cordula had great ideas that can guide you. Even though she left the earth plane in 2014, her works are still online for people to benefit from.

I wish you great blessings and the warmth and love of shared lives across the veil.





In honor of Black History Month here in the United States, I would like to present this article I wrote about Robin in 2012. I was still getting to know who he was as a person and musician at that time. I learned quickly that he and his brothers felt a strong connection to black R&B soul music. I write this post to honor and recognize this connection and the courage he had to give birth to the R&B music that truly was in his heart.

Robin Gibb: An Interracial Musical Legacy

By Christina Samuels

September 19, 2012 (updated February 22, 2019)

This article is dedicated to Robin Gibb, to honor his memory and legacy.

Robin Hugh Gibb, CBE of the Bee Gees died on May 20, 2012 at the age of 62.

The outpouring of kind sentiments since his death shows that Robin is a much-loved man for a variety of reasons. Whether it is love of the Bee Gees music, Robin’s music as a solo artist, his sense of humor, or tremendous humanitarian spirit, many can find a reason to send blessings his way.

No-Go Areas in Music

When you first think of Robin Gibb, you may not think of him as having an interracial musical legacy. However, if you listen closely to some of the things he has said over the years, it is clear to me that he did.

Recently, I had the pleasure of watching a 2010 documentary on the Bee Gees called In Our Own Time.

During a segment of this documentary, Robin commented on the period of time during the 1970’s when the Bee Gees recorded one of their famous hits, Jive Talkin’.

He mentioned the pressures that white bands, especially white American bands, had at the time to not go into so-called black areas of music. However, as a British band, Robin commented that they did not feel the same pressures or fears. According to Robin, “Because we were English, we were less self-conscious about exploring the no-go areas…” He then goes on to say, “We didn’t think that there was any “no go” areas, it’s music!”

I could not agree more. Within these words lies the heart of Robin Gibb’s interracial musical legacy. He loved black R&B music as did his brothers. But more importantly, they had the courage and talent to not only pursue this love, but to bring their unique creations into the world, whether other people liked it or not.

I felt so many emotions when I heard Robin’s words. First, I was so grateful that he, his brothers and producers had the courage to see music this way. Imagine how many Bee Gees songs would have never been released if they had thought otherwise.

It has always been a shame to me that racial segregation has crept into and corrupted something as universal as music.

There is nothing wrong with celebrating and acknowledging the racial and ethnic origins of different types of music. The Bee Gees were good at acknowledging the black American roots of their music and openly confessed their admiration of artists such as Stevie Wonder and Otis Redding. (1)

In a Detroit Metro Times article by Michael Jackman, Robin is quoted as saying:

“The Bee Gees were always heavily influenced by black music … and soul has always been my favorite genre.” 

But, why should singers be banned from performing a certain type of music if they are not from a particular race or ethnic group? To do this is to cut off the creative energy that groups like the Bee Gees wanted to express. If they have the talent, why not support them in pursuing the music that excites them?  

There are no “no go” areas when it comes to performing music or listening to music as a fan.

The Racial Politics of Music

As a black American woman, there have been many times in my life when black friends and acquaintances would raise an eyebrow at my diverse taste in music. This was especially during the late 1980’s. If I dared to express my fondness for bands such as U2 or REM, I would be met with disapproval clearly indicating I was some kind of social misfit.

To them, this type of music was a “no go” area.

I guess I’m not supposed to like them according to some people because I’m black and I owe some kind of strange loyalty to only black musicians. That doesn’t make any sense to me. I like lots of styles of black music, especially 70’s disco, but I also like lots of other types of music as well. It’s too bad I didn’t have Robin’s quote handy at the time.

I was confronted with a similar attitude just a few years ago. My husband and I were shopping in a store and waiting for assistance. On that day, I was wearing a Bee Gees t-shirt. While we were waiting, a black gentleman came in the store. He was waiting for customer service as well. He looked over at me and saw my t-shirt. He said, “Bee Gees? That’s a first.” I said to him that they are my favorite band and I love them.

After we left the store, my husband spoke to me about this comment. He said that the guy said that to me because I’m probably the first black female that he’s ever seen wearing a Bee Gees t-shirt!  That may very well be the case, but I’ve got news for him: black women like the Bee Gees too! We do now and we did in the 70’s. I guess he never saw this Soul Train video showing plenty of black women dancing to the Bee Gees’ music! I wish the video was longer!

The funny thing is that day, Spirit had my back. As we were pulling out of the store, getting ready to make a left turn, I saw a truck with a license plate that read, “T-SHIRT”! Can you believe that? Right on cue too, after all this talk about my Bee Gees t-shirt. I felt like I was being watched over. That was pretty cool!

I love my Bee Gees t-shirts and I will continue to wear them. This t-shirt is one of my favorites because I love the colorful font.

I get nice comments from both white men and women about my t-shirts. It seems people love being reminded of the Bee Gees. The shirts are great conversation starters in grocery stores!

During the summer of 2017, I called for an Uber driver while I was in Atlanta, Georgia. I was picked up by an older black gentleman who was listening to a Christian radio station. He asked me if the music was ok and I said, “Yes, I need all the help I can get.” I was in the process of moving at the time.

While I was in his car, my phone rang. When it rings, Stayin’ Alive plays.

After I got off the phone, he was quiet for a few moments. Then he made a comment about how Stayin’ Alive was playing when my phone rang and how much he liked hearing it again. He said he thought that was really good music back then. We had fun talking about 70’s music during the rest of the trip. Hearing Stayin’ Alive for just a few moments made both of our days more enjoyable and I encouraged him to listen to more Bee Gees music. For many of us, it brings back good memories.

When it comes down to it, music is universal art that can take many forms and evoke a wide range of emotions. Music is created by humans of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds but ultimately transcends these human limitations. As of 2019, I would say that most people have musical tastes that include artists not of their own racial or ethnic background.

No one should be made to feel bad because they like the music of people who come from a different ethnic group than their own. That is the absurdity of racism. It is ultimately a complete waste of energy. I prefer to enjoy the delicious buffet that is the music industry.

Photo by: NBC Television - eBay itemphoto frontphoto back, Public Domain,

Photo by: NBC Television – eBay itemphoto frontphoto back, Public Domain,

Twin Souls-Racial Identity

For this segment, the sociologist within me is going to come out.

The Bee Gees were so good at singing black R&B soul music, there was a time that fans thought they were black. In an interview from 1989 by on YouTube, they talked about their R&B roots and their crossover as a white band into black music.

The interviewer commented on how fans thought they were black, at which time Robin joked and said, “Well, we were black, but we had an operation 3 years ago and mine didn’t quite work…” Meaning, he was still black. He made some other funny comments that made me laugh.

I cannot find the interview on Youtube at this time, but maybe you’ve seen it if you’re a fan of the Bee Gees. Here is a clip from the interview, which was much longer originally. You may recognize it.

Unfortunately, it does not have the dialogue I’m referring to. I have the quotes from the interview because I have it saved in my files.

The interviewer also asked Barry about the similarities between his and Robin’s voice since they are brothers.

Barry said, “They’re not really that similar.” He went on to say that the tones are similar but, “Robin’s voice is a little blacker than mine, a little more R&B, as he said, he is black…”

Then Robin said, “I’ve always been black…” Barry interjected with a slight disagreement, remarking about some other time but Maurice said they didn’t want to talk about that.

When I was just learning about him years ago, it really stood out to me that he felt so closely identified with black music that he would say this. I was also so happy from a twin soul perspective, because I’m black.

When twin souls come from different parts of the world, they probably won’t look alike. But I hypothesize that twin souls may identify with each other’s racial or ethnic background in some way so they end up feeling like they are a part of the racial group that their twin is a part of.

Robin said he’d always been black, in terms of music and perhaps in other ways I’m not aware of. I grew up in a predominately white, Irish-Catholic suburb of Boston, MA which contributed to my feeling biracial most of my life internally even though externally to the world, I am black. Sometimes, racial identity is a little more complex than neatly fitting in a box of “black” or “white.”

I wonder sometimes if I was born where I was so I would be more closely connected to Robin’s racial background. It’s interesting that he was raised in England and I was born and raised in New England. I also wonder if this was orchestrated so that we would see the connection later, after his death.

At any rate, being born and raised in the suburbs of Boston had everything to do with my musical tastes because I was usually exposed to the songs of white musicians on a regular basis. That is what I was surrounded by. I am grateful that I never had a segregationist view of music.

Twin Soul Music Issues

At one point or another, Robin and I both had trouble gaining acceptance, in terms of music, in a way that is similar to each other.

There was a time when black radio stations didn’t want to play Bee Gees music because they were white singers.

Robin was an English singer who listened to and loved black R&B soul music. He sang in the style of R&B contemporary music but was rejected by black stations because he was a member of a white band.

I’m sure that rejection was difficult for him and his brothers because of their love for black soul music.

When I learned about the rejection he faced, it reminded me of my own issues with rejection over my musical tastes.

As I mentioned above, there was a time in my life when some of my black friends didn’t like it that I loved alternative rock music created by white musicians.

They treated me like I was doing something that I wasn’t supposed to do. That was difficult for me as well, to be rejected because of the music I liked.

The roots of these attitudes lie in the troubled racial history of the United States. It is reflected in this article from Billboard, October 30, 1976 by Paul Grein called Black Radio – Racial Lines in Fadeout?

Here is a screen shot from page 3 illustrating this point. The link above will take you to a section of the Billboard article where the Bee Gees are mentioned, as well as the politics behind why certain music is played on particular radio stations. It’s really interesting to read Billboard articles from the 1970’s.

Billboard Image

Screenshot of Billboard October 30 1976

Even though we had vastly different connections with music (Robin being a career musician versus my being a music fan), we both dealt with race-related music issues. Robin faced this discrimination and rejection on a much larger, more public scale than me, but I can truly relate to how he must have felt. We both faced rejection because we crossed over into areas of music different than our own racial group, thereby challenging rigid cultural norms and stereotypes.

Ultimately, we both decided to be true to ourselves and followed the music we loved despite the shaming disapproval of others. We both had self-acceptance which is the most important acceptance to have.


The self-acceptance and perseverance eventually evolved into acceptance from black radio stations because the Bee Gees were great song-writers and singers and they had the right sound. This is an important aspect of black history as it relates to music in the U.S.

In an article called, Why the Bee Gees Sound So Good by Janet Maslin (February 18, 1979, Page 19; The New York Times Archives) the Bee Gees were described as having the same strengths as Motown groups. They were able to create dance and party music that both black and white audiences enjoyed. (2)

This statement is mirrored by Robin’s comments made during the time that Too Much Heaven was released and gaining more attention:

Much to the group’s delight, it also rapidly gained recognition on the American soul radio stations. “At the moment, it’s really taken off big on the black stations,” Robin said. “We’ve got a lot of black people buying our records, but we’ve never had [acceptance from] black stations.” (3)

It seems like it took a beautiful song with themes of love and heaven to help break down that wall and gain the acceptance. Too Much Heaven is a song that all of humanity can benefit from and relate to at some point in our lives.

To substantiate what Robin said, here is a screenshot from Billboard, September 30, 1978, page 43, where there is a discussion of black radio stations playing Bee Gees music to a much greater extent: See the image below.

Billboard September 30 1978

Screenshot, Billboard Sept. 30 1978

I celebrate the fact that the Bee Gees were able to overcome the reluctance of black radio stations to play their music during the late 1970’s. (See the17th paragraph down on the albumlinernotes link). Music has the potential to bring people together in unity.

Black stations agreed to play Bee Gees’ music it because it was great music at its core that they liked. And as Robin said, black listeners and audiences liked the Bee Gees music and wanted to hear it played on the radio, so black stations had to change to keep up with the demands of the times.

In Closing

I close with this quote below. As I read this, I took a moment to consider how much work and sacrifice it took the Bee Gees to create soulful, impactful music across the decades that connected with people from all backgrounds. The Bee Gees are not popular with just black and white audiences. Their fans come from all around the world, including Japan and Mexico:

By 1976, “The Bee Gees’ music had successfully spanned several generations, and they were also popular with both black and white audiences, an accomplishment that is rare in rock history. Virtually no group has enjoyed such mass popularity with such a diverse audience…” (4)

For this reason, I will always admire and enjoy the interracial and multi-cultural legacy of Robin Gibb and the Bee Gees.

I learned a lot about the music industry in the 1970’s as a result of writing this post and really enjoyed it. It was an interesting way to acknowledge Black History Month. I honor black R&B soul musicians who positively influenced the careers of many successful artists, including the Bee Gees.

Thank you, Robin, for sharing your gifts with the world. You will always be loved and remembered. Love and thanks to Maurice as well.


  1. Bee Gees: The Authorized Biography by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb as told to David Leaf, March, 1979, page 101
  3. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 12185-12187). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
  4. Bee Gees: The Authorized Biography by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb as told to David Leaf, March, 1979, page106


In Contact

In Contact

On February 17, 2019, I felt guided to watch the movie Contact again. I had not seen it in many years.

It is one of my all-time favorite movies and it means a lot to me. It ties into my childhood dream occupation of being an astronomer. As a child, I was absolutely fascinated with the solar system we live in. I read books on it and I had a telescope. I was obsessed with the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and also read the book many times.

My love for studying the stars and planets was the best part of my childhood. As an adult, I still love star-gazing and connecting with the planetary energies beyond Earth.

Contact takes us beyond the Earth into the beauty and wonders of not only our solar system, but countless others. It is about the perennial search for extraterrestrial life.

The movie addresses the following topics: extraterrestrial communication using prime number patterns, death/loss, afterlife communication, the interface between science and religion, commercialism, fanaticism, sexism, perseverance, courage, academic politics, national politics, militarism, power struggles, intimacy issues, money issues, and standing up for what you believe in despite harsh criticism and ridicule from skeptics.

The lead character in the movie, Dr. Ellie Arroway, played by Jodie Foster, went through spiritually transformative experiences (STE). She went through some of them with no other human witnesses.

Such is the nature of these experiences which often leave the recipient in the position of trying to explain their experiences to sometimes hostile skeptics, as in the movie.

Many people keep the experiences to themselves or if fortunate enough, find empathic people who will actually listen and believe them. Here is a really good movie clip from Contact illustrating this point.

The main character in this movie went through a spiritual awakening and many changes in how she saw existence. She witnessed otherworldly beauty that she had no idea was there. She had an afterlife visitation with her deceased father. She traveled through a wormhole into other dimensions. She realized that we are not alone. And, she had absolutely no proof of any of it because the recording equipment used could not register her experience.

I wonder if anyone reading this has been through a similar spiritually transformative experience; to go through something so spectacular and the only place it is recorded is within your own mind and memory where no one else can see it. I think there are lots of people like this in the world.

Afterlife CommunicationsI could see a lot of myself in this character. Some of my experiences with Robin, such as dreams, are recorded only in my own mind and writing, with no witnesses. With other experiences, I have been fortunate enough to be able to photograph them. I don’t only feel fortunate because I have evidence to share with others. I also feel this way because I need to be reminded that what happened to me is real. I didn’t imagine it. Many of my experiences with Robin took place over 6 years ago. So, it is helpful to be able to go back and look at a picture and say to myself, “It really did happen! I really did see this!”

I could relate to the movie’s message of inner transformation so much more after my years of sharing in afterlife communication with Robin. Just as the character Dr. Ellie Arroway, I have gone through a multitude of personal changes. I would summarize them as all being for my highest benefit and advancement as a human/spiritual being.

I have always felt in my heart that my communications with Robin are meant to help me live more fully and to affect other people in my life in a positive way. I also feel strongly that my communications with Robin are meant to prepare me for my own eventual passing. I feel he wants me to accept physical death as a transition back to who we are at our core, not something to be feared. I feel he wants me to communicate this message throughout this website.

I invite you to read this information about positive spiritual changes after having a STE written by The American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. I consider this website a great resource.

While I was watching Contact with my husband, we noticed a scene where Ellie as a child was looking through a telescope. Julian asked me if I wanted one because he knows about my love for astronomy. I said I did not want one now because, from my memory, I could never see much more than what I could see with the naked eye and I don’t want to invest tons of money in a high-powered telescope. The telescope I had as a kid probably wasn’t that great, but I’m grateful I had it, and it was good enough for someone my age at the time.

Julian and I paused the movie multiple times to comment on scenes and we had some great discussions. It made me want to see the movie again, to see if I could pick up on any other points I missed.

Twin Telescopes

After the movie, I felt like unwinding a bit. So, I researched twin flame art on Pinterest.

I didn’t log in to my account at first. I just wanted to see what came up in my search. But as you know, if you are familiar with Pinterest, the pop-up screen comes up, practically making you log in if you want to see anything.

So, I signed into my account. I have my account set up so pictures of Robin and the Bee Gees are in my feed, among other things. It’s interesting to me that new pictures of them continue to come up that I have never seen before.

I don’t look through my Pinterest account very much, perhaps once every 3 months. I think it is because I do not want to fall into the trap of focusing too much on what Robin looked like in his earthly life anymore.

I looked at a lot of pictures of him and the Bee Gees during the first few years of our communications because I was getting to know him. And of course, I still have pictures of him now that I love. He had quite a modeling career along with his music career and he seemed to really enjoy it.

It’s just that I want to focus primarily on his spirit and who he is now, not the earthly fame reflected in the pictures.

So, I scroll down through some of the pictures in my account and to my surprise, I came across one where Robin was looking through what looked like a telescope. He was making a funny face and playing around with it! Here is the picture I saw.

Then, I scroll through a few more pictures and then I saw the one which truly shows him looking through a telescope! Here is the picture.

As I mentioned, I have a lot of pictures of Robin and the Bee Gees that I have collected over the years. But, I have never seen one with Robin looking through a telescope.

It’s so amazing that seeing these pictures coincided with my watching the movie Contact. I felt our synchronistic oneness once again. This was so profound, meaningful and so in-my-face that it felt like he was watching the movie with me and looking over my shoulder. I felt like he knew exactly what I was doing. I was guided to look at my Pinterest account after the movie so I could connect with Robin synchronistically. I never know when it’s going to happen. I just follow what I feel guided to do moment by moment.

I was watching a movie with telescopes seen everywhere. I was talking with Julian about telescopes after he asked me if I wanted one. Then, I see a picture of Robin looking through a telescope for the first time within a few hours of watching Contact.

When I wrote this on my home page:

Many of my posts will demonstrate how a twin soul connection could manifest…

This type of synchronicity was exactly what I meant. Twin souls mirror each other in the most eerily, wonderful ways, even when one twin is discarnate. This is what we are showing you, for those with eyes willing to see. I don’t know how else to explain this level of precise synchronicity with Robin other than to say we are twin souls and from the same spiritual soul family.

There is an undeniable presence and power at work in my life that continuously connects me to him. This began automatically in 2012.

It is both beautiful and mysterious at the same time. I wanted to know why I was experiencing these events with Robin. The answer I received is that we are twin souls.

After almost 7 years, I notice different aspects to our connection. Some of it is very clear to me. Some of it, I cannot put into words. And many aspects of my relationship with Robin lie within the realm of the unknown.

The Unknown

There is still so much I do not know about Robin as a Spirit. I welcome and invite more information about him on a daily basis and I find I am blessed with amazing synchronicity that points to our spiritual oneness.

I don’t know about any past lives with him that I can articulate. I feel like I do remember him in my heart, but I have no clear story about the origins of our connection. I do have strong intuition that our connection and origins as spirits goes back further than I can imagine right now.

I have never felt the need to gather the opinion of multiple psychics on what my connection to Robin is. That is because I feel the answers are within me and will surface in due season. Or I will be given the answers I need from God.  The answers I need are different from the answers I may want. And if I don’t have the answers, maybe I’m not meant to have them yet.

What I share with Robin is being closely guided.  I have a feeling that they don’t want to give me too much information or more than I can handle. I’m allowed to know only so much. For the rest, I have to wait.

Quantum Entanglement

“As one speck is pushed on one side of the Universe, so is one speck touched on the distant side of the same Universe…”

~Christopher Alan Anderson


The telescope synchronicity from God and Robin led me to think of the quantum entanglement of twin souls.

Malcolm W. Browne wrote a fascinating article for The New York Times called, Far Apart, 2 Particles Respond Faster Than Light, July 22, 1997 (Archives).

I quote him here to highlight the point I would like to make:

“Entangled particles are identical entities that share common origins and properties, and remain in instantaneous touch with each other, no matter how wide the gap between them.”

I feel this “telescope synchronicity” with Robin is a great example of how we remain in instantaneous touch with each other across dimensions. A very short time elapsed between the time I watched Contact and saw the pictures of Robin looking through a telescope.

Mr. Browne’s quote also ties in with the message I received in 2012 about our identical hues of light. (See below: Background section)

RashmitKalra, in an article called, Soulmates – Truth, Myth & Reality wisely writes about soul mates from the perspective of electromagnetic frequency.

I am always drawn to any writers who talk about soul mates or twin souls from the perspective of our light. It’s all about our light. I quote her here as it also supports the message I wrote about in my Background section:

“You and your soulmate are a pair of two light particles of opposite polarity vibrating at unique frequency which emits a unique shade of light.”

This is the truth about twin souls which far exceeds any notion of physical attraction. Soul mates and twin souls are attracted to each other’s light. It may be challenging to think about oneself as being a particle of light. But when it comes down to it, this is who we are after the physical body dies. I have been communicating with Robin as a soul/spirit being, particle or orb of light. Some authors would say that he, and the rest of us, is a stream of consciousness.

I’m not sure I have ever seen his light. Maybe I have but just didn’t know it. But that’s who he is now and I have been communicating with him in his light form for some time now. It has been absolutely amazing.

It also seems to me that synchronicity and light are connected in some way, even though I have not found any writings in the literature to substantiate this hypothesis. If we are all made up of energy and light, and we continue on as energy light after physical death, then it seems that this intelligent light must somehow form the basis of or be involved, in some way, in synchronicity. We, as beings of light, whether incarnate or discarnate, connect through synchronicity. This is something I am exploring and if I find any new information, I will share it here.

This was a beautiful synchronicity and I’m so glad I was able to share it with you.

I give thanks to God, Robin and the rest of my spiritual support system for generating this.

Readers, I hope you’re doing well. Thank you so much for joining me here!


Christina Samuels Signature


McKenzie and Massachusetts

McKenzie and Massachusetts

Feel I’m goin’ back to Massachusetts
Something’s telling me I must go home
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own

Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco
Gotta do the things I wanna do
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you…

… I will remember Massachusetts

~Massachusetts by the Bee Gees

I thought these lyrics would be a nice introduction to writing about a synchronicity I once had related to the song Massachusetts. I have briefly mentioned this song in a few posts because it is a very special soul connection that I share with Robin. I was born in Massachusetts in 1966.

I was happy when I once read that for the Bee Gees, regarding Massachusetts, “…there was a certain familiarity to the state’s name—and it felt right in a song.”(1)

This is true even though they were in New York at the time they wrote the song and had never been to Massachusetts.

McKenzie Synchronicity

On April 18, 2016, I was in the dentist office waiting for my husband. I was reading my favorite Bee Gees book.

I was reading Chapter 10, which goes into how the Bee Gees came to write Massachusetts. They were writing it as a 60’s anti-flower power song. Here is the passage I was reading:

How The Bee Gees came to write their answer to the movement, immortalized by Scott McKenzie’s pop classic, ‘San Francisco’, varies according to which brother is telling the story.

“The first time the group went to New York and stayed at the St Regis Hotel, and while our luggage was being moved into the suite, we were writing ‘Massachusetts’, sitting on a sofa, the three of us.

It came from our first exposure to America, our first thoughts of writing a song about flower power, which the song is about. Or it’s basically anti-flower power … because we were getting tired of it long before everybody else did.

‘Don’t go to San Francisco, come home, for Christ’s sake,’” Barry laughed. “We wanted to write the opposite of what it’s like to lose somebody who went to San Francisco … Well, we thought, ‘Why not write a song about everybody going home?’ The lights all went out in Massachusetts because everyone went to San Francisco, because they left. There was something very special about that thought.” (2)

While I was reading about Scott McKenzie and the “San Francisco” song, the receptionist in the dental office was talking about an appointment for someone named McKenzie! She said the name 3 times as she was talking with the other receptionists sitting beside her. I looked up to see what was going on, completely blown away by the synchronicity.

afterlife communications

At this moment, my life in the physical world was a mirrored reflection of what I was reading in my book about the Bee Gees.

I felt this synchronistic connection to be very strong and it was especially valuable to me because of the connection to Massachusetts. It was amazing and shocked me a bit. These synchronicities can feel like a little jolt.


Intensity of Synchronicity

This sense of feeling shocked reminds me of something I recently read in an article called What’s Unusual About Twin Flame Signs and Synchronicities by Vickie Champion.

I can really relate to what she says about the intensity of the synchronicity. It has felt a little ‘twilight zone-like’ at times. Maybe this has been your experience too. I underlined the last sentence because I feel it is very true:

Sometimes, with twin flame signs and synchronicities, they can get extreme. Upon seeing or hearing a sign or synchronicity, we can get emotional by tearing up, feeling a little scared, or like we just entered the twilight zone. And if we are with others at the time, they feel the emotional impact with us. It’s like the universe wants it to be right in-your-face, so there is no way you can deny it.

McKenzie was definitely in my face that day! I have had many extreme signs over the years like this. I have documented some of them on this website to give examples of how twin soul synchronicity can present itself.

I write this to support others who may be going through something similar, but have no one to talk with. During the years, it always helped me to know other people were going through similar experiences as me.

The Smoothies

While I was going through my radiation treatment in 2018, my husband and I used to stop for smoothies every Friday. It was our way of giving ourselves a little treat while going through that difficult situation.

Since then, my husband has come to love smoothies and wants them on a regular basis as a meal replacement.

So on January 18th, after a long walk at a local park, we got a couple. On the 19th, we were out driving and he wanted another one, so we stopped at our favorite local smoothie place.

I was in the process of writing this blog post at the time and had a rough draft saved. I realized that I had never done any research on Scott McKenzie. So on January 19th, after we came home from our trip to Smoothie King, I decided to look him up. I wanted to see if there was any other meaning behind the synchronicity that I needed to know or pay attention to.

afterlife communicationsI found information about him on Wikipedia and read a bit about him. I noticed that Scott McKenzie passed away in 2012, the same year as Robin.

As I continued to read, to my surprise, I noticed a very cute and funny synchronicity. He was once a member of a band called The Smoothies!

Can you believe that? I find that out after going out for smoothies two days in a row with my husband and on the same day we got smoothies!

Here is the excerpt from Wikipedia with a little history and mention of The Smoothies:

Scott McKenzie (born Philip Wallach Blondheim III; January 10, 1939 – August 18, 2012) was an American singer and songwriter. He was best known for his 1967 hit single and generational anthem, “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)“.[1]


Life and career


Philip Wallach Blondheim III was born in Jacksonville, Florida, on January 10, 1939, as the son of Philip Wallach Blondheim, Jr. by the former Dorothy Winifred Hudson.[2] His family moved to Asheville, North Carolina, when he was six months old.[3] He grew up in North Carolina and Virginia, where he became friends with the son of one of his mother’s friends, John Phillips.


In the mid-1950s, he sang briefly with Tim Rose in a high school group called The Singing Strings, and later with Phillips, Mike Boran, and Bill Cleary formed a doo wop band, The Abstracts.


In New York, The Abstracts became The Smoothies and recorded two singles with Decca Records, produced by Milt Gabler. During his time with The Smoothies, Blondheim decided to change his name for business reasons…

Sometimes, I think the synchronicities are meant to just make us smile, laugh, and lighten up. That’s what this did for me. That is the meaning of this smoothie synchronicity that I needed to know: laugh and have fun! It also made me feel that Robin is very close by. I feel loved, watched over and guided.

Events are timed perfectly and things happen when they are meant to. If I had researched Scott McKenzie back in 2016 when the synchronicity first occurred, I would not have received this smoothie message. It was meant to be aligned with how my life is now.

I thank God, Robin and all loving Spirits involved in co-creating synchronicity in my life! From now on, every time I drink a smoothie, I will remember Scott McKenzie…and Massachusetts!




  1. Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy—The Ballad of the Bee Gees, Echo Publishing Australia, page 79.
  2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 3772-3780). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.


Twin Trees

Twin Trees

I believe that there are lots of clues about twin souls in nature. Mirror-image butterfly wings, doves living as bonded pairs and surprise double-yolk eggs all trigger a deep response within me.

I look at my left hand and then my right and I see a metaphor, a clue about twin souls. My right hand is part of a bonded pair, with my left hand as its counterpart.

The right hand is whole. The left hand is whole. They appear to be separate. The right hand can do lots of things without needing any help from the left hand and vice versa. But they are always connected. And sometimes, many times, it is completely necessary that they work together. Typing this blog post is one immediate example. I can’t imagine typing this with one hand.

No other hand amongst all of humanity will ever be as good of a match for my right hand as my left hand. That is true for all of us. My left hand is the nearly identical counterpart of my right hand. They can work alone or together, but either way, they are always connected.

I wanted to introduce today’s topic by exploring these metaphors.

I consider myself a twin soul student, not expert. I’m always praying to understand my connection with Robin in deeper and unique ways. Nature provides an excellent classroom for students of the twin soul phenomenon.

Today, I am inspired to write about a recent experience I had that is influencing me to write about twin souls from this perspective. I feel very contemplative as I write, as this touches something deep inside of me.

On January 6, 2019, I went on a trip to a beautiful Audubon nature sanctuary with my husband.

It is an ancient forest teeming with life. Some of the trees there are 500 years old. We saw otters swimming, an Ibis family, little blue herons, raccoons and beautiful trees that I wanted to hug!

We came across some twin trees that really stood out to me. Here is a picture I took:

afterlife communications

Image Copyright 2019 Christina Samuels

They felt very mystical to me. I noticed how they are connected at the base to each other, sharing the same nutrients within the water and the soil. Beneath this water, their root system is entwined. Underneath, they are one even though we cannot see it fully.

That is a lesson about spiritual oneness: sometimes, it is concealed.

Additionally, their roots are entwined underneath with the other plants around them and as such the other plants and grasses could be considered soul family members. The other plants do not look like the twin trees, but they are still all part of the plant family and bonded by sharing a common location in this ecosystem.

When I look at this picture, I see a large extended soul family.

There may be some other twins in there too, but I was not able to see them from my vantage point. These two trees stood out amongst all the rest, perhaps to teach their lesson to any with eyes to see.

The twin trees grow upward with branches extended out in a mirror image of each other. They are nearly identical in size and always connected, while still growing in their own unique way.

They are each on their own trajectory while staying in constant communication, or better yet, communion with each other. It’s the paradox of being independent on the one hand, but still conjoined on the other. Each tree is whole in its own right, but still inextricably connected to the other. These trees are a closely bonded pair.

I clearly see how the teachings of these twin soul trees apply to human twin souls.

Using Robin and me as an example, I would start by saying that we were always connected at the base, meaning our spirits, souls and energy light. We are different from the trees in that we did not know we were connected until after Robin’s death. In some ways, the trees are luckier than us. That is the true sadness I feel sometimes as his twin.

But I also feel joy in knowing we were/are connected and nearly identical spiritually, just like the trees. We were making our own individual and unique contributions to the world, just as these trees individually make their own unique contribution to the ecosystem around them. And Robin and I are connected to many others around us, whether family, friends, fans, or colleagues, who are part of our extended soul family.

Our being connected at the base (spirit level) shows up in the life parallels I’ve written about, regular synchronicity, and the overall feeling of being spiritual partners in this work we are now doing through this blog.

I was born as an African-American female into the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in October, 1966. Robin was born on the Isle of Man in 1949 as a European (white) male. We clearly had vastly different life paths, symbolized by the trees growing in two different directions. But we were always one at the soul level, rooted and grounded.

I began my life with being connected to him by being born in Massachusetts. The Bee Gees’ song,  Massachusetts, which Robin sang lead on, was recorded in August, 1967, less than a year after my birth.

Our connection continued from there, with assistance from our family members with matching birthdates, places we lived, similar yogic spirituality, and a love for philanthropy.

The twin trees may grow apart, while still joined at the base, but they did not grow too far apart. They are still pretty close to each other.

image of beautiful treeAs far as how that applies to Robin and me, I would say that now, from hindsight, it’s very clear that we were close like the twin trees.

But, it would have been impossible for me to see that before his death and years of study of his life. It took years of study for me to discover that we were close.

This touches my heart and brings me to tears to realize this now. Even though it’s been nearly 7 years since his passing, I’m still deeply touched that you can be so close to someone you didn’t even know. Robin and I were one then as we are now, only I could not see it at all. I had no awareness. Our roots were hidden underneath the water, just like the trees.

I know him now though as a strong, quiet, sweet loving spiritual being. It’s beyond amazing that he was able to pick up on my signal calling for him and get back in touch with me.

That’s the automatic nature of being twin souls, at least in our case. It is like the molecules of light that we are were automatically able to reconnect upon his physical death. We reconnected very quickly after his death.

Once his spirit was released, my life synched up with his in awe-inspiring ways, but better yet, in ways I could actually witness and be aware of, unlike while he was alive in the physical. Sometimes physical death can bring souls closer together, like in my case with Robin. But, that is a topic for another post!

Here is an interesting article about a woman on the twin soul path who also had a twin tree experience. It is beautifully written. I share this excerpt below. The bold is mine:

…Born of the same base, they stretch themselves upward to higher perspectives, equal in their stature and nature, stretching to the sky in amazing beauty. Together, but individually. Neither resting on the other for support. Towering branches of loving shade those who would come near. The roots run very deep with these two who are as ONE.

No neediness, no dependency, no struggle. Just co-existing as one in two separate bodies with no needs to see it otherwise. They are not separate from the forest of which they are a part. They are one fragment of the Whole and no more special than any other.

I feel like I received a download of information by seeing the twin trees, just like her. I hope you enjoy her lessons and additional insights and that you can relate to mine! I hope you’re enjoying the New Year so far.




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