For this post, I have decided to write about twin soul magnetism. This is a result of being inspired by the article I cited in my previous blog post, St. Uriel.  Practicing meditation with the spirit of saints as a means of improving our own magnetism was discussed in the article.

Some Literature on Magnetism

What is magnetism? According to Ananda, it is the magnetic energy field and vibration around us that protects us and attracts positive or negative experiences. Our own vibration is improved by connecting with the loving and wise spiritual energies of saints or other venerated spiritual beings.

During my journey of sharing a twin soul connection with Robin, I have discovered that there is a certain magnetism that draws us together and keeps us together. This is true even though we are “sort of” in different planes of existence.

I say “sort of” because what I have learned from Robin is that the physical world is part of the unseen spiritual world and the unseen spiritual world is part of the physical world. They really are not separate. If they were, spirits and people in physical bodies would not be able to interact with each other and there would be no such thing as afterlife communication.

I wholeheartedly agree with the words of Richard Ferguson written in his book, The Divine Resting on My Shoulder: The Story of How Divine, Mystical Experiences Brought Me Closer to God, (November 18, 2014):

“I have begun to see that there is a continuum of existence between the physical world and the unseen spiritual world. Both these worlds or realms are tightly intertwined in a way that almost everybody in this world is not aware of…” (pg. 152)

When it comes to twin soul magnetism, there is quite a bit of information on the internet. Here, I will only cite a few websites. The excerpt below summarizes what I feel in connection with Robin and our bond in terms of magnetism. This is something I can very much relate to. Here is the link to the website:

The bond works like a magnet which glues the two. It is probably the only link remained from the initial, original connection when they were One soul before the split (not created on this Earth but rather re-created). The bond keeps the two together even on a great distance and probably also when one of them dies (which is described as the most painful experience ever for the one who stayed alive).

There most certainly is a bond and one that has left me feeling like Robin is often beside me. This helps alleviate some of the pain of never having met. Sometimes it’s like being followed. According to the Michael Teachings on essence twins (which are the same as twin souls/flames):

The influence of our essence twin… is strongest when we are bonded directly to his discarnate essence.

After all that has occurred over the years, I would put myself in the category of being bonded directly to Robin’s discarnate essence. It is very powerful. His being discarnate made our connection all the more magnetic and knowable. Before his death, I had zero consciousness of our spiritual connection but finally began to wake up in April, 2012.

I really want to make the point that people can be very powerful, active and available after they die physically. I do not like the current prevailing views of our deceased loved ones as “gone,” “resting eternally,” or that they can no longer do anything. It’s simply not true.

Here is a very good article on working with a discarnate essence twin through meditation.

It elucidates the points I was making above. Because of the magnetic connection, the discarnate twin is much more available to the incarnate twin after physical death, especially when the two did not know each other. The mechanism by which a discarnate twin comes to find and recognize an incarnate twin is not clear to me, but it may have to do with their intuition and psychic abilities as spirits, which was mentioned in my St. Uriel post.

It probably helps if the incarnate twin acknowledges, accepts and recognizes the discarnate twin and contacts them, like I did with Robin. It was the magnetism I experienced upon seeing him in videos in 2012 that got the ball rolling. It was a very compelling, albeit perplexing, force that caused me to reach out to him through verbal conversation. It was highly unusual for me and not something I had ever done before with any other deceased person. It was definitely not something I would normally do. But when you meet your twin soul, you can kiss “normal” goodbye, especially if they are discarnate.

In the early days after Robin died, I often felt his energy around me. The air around me felt like the air feels after a strong electrical storm. If anyone reading this has ever experienced something similar, you will know what I mean. The air felt supercharged and I felt supercharged. All of my senses were heightened and I felt like something was pulling me towards his spirit.

I share this as an example of how twin soul magnetism could feel. It is so therapeutic to write this, I can’t even tell you! I really hope what I share is helping someone.

I would also like to share with you this interesting pdf called The Meaning of Entangled. This article offers an interesting and unique discussion of sacred geometry, quantum entanglement, and electromagnetic energy as it pertains to soul-based relationships. I hope you will check it out when you have a chance. The diagrams are very interesting.

Personal Story of Magnetism with Robin

Very soon after Robin passed away, I was shocked at how often my life would synchronize with him in some way. This was before I knew anything about twin souls/flames and afterlife communication.

For example, my husband would say something that matched what I just read about him. What he said wasn’t about Robin. It was about some other topic. Still, it would weirdly match.

Or, I would say something to Robin and then pick up a book and a response to what I just said to him would be on the pages in front of me. It was incredibly mind-bending and caused me to ask for direct guidance as to what all this meant. I described this in my background section.

Over the years, I continued to be a magnet for events concerning Robin. During the summer of 2017, I experienced a fun and amazing magnetic connection.

My husband and I were house hunting at the time. We were exploring the amenities of a property and came across their library and computer room open to residents. I spent some time exploring the books. I found one called The Traveling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones. I was drawn to it because I love tea. I needed something relaxing to read to take a break from the stress of house hunting, so I picked up the book and opened it.

I randomly opened to page 153, Chapter 24. I saw these exact words:

Welcome to Massachusetts.

Well, that was nice because I’m from there. Then I read a few more sentences and received another nice little surprise: a mention of the Bee Gees! Here is the text:

“Massachusetts.” As I hear Charles say the state name out loud, I can’t help but think of the Bee Gees. (pg. 153)

To say I was happily surprised is an understatement given I had just randomly opened to this page and was gifted with Robin’s presence with me through these words. After this, I turned to the back cover where I discovered the book is about the evolution of familial, romantic and business relationships during a tour of New England tea houses and bakeries.

It figures I picked up a book about New England without even knowing it! It’s fun reading about Boston Cream donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts (Chapter 31, Pgs. 197-198) since I’m not supposed to eat those, lol! Well if I can’t eat them, at least I can look at the pictures, like the one at the beginning of this post.

Anyway, I was left wondering about this mysterious magnetic force which caused me to open to this exact page about the Bee Gees and Massachusetts. I think this is the way that God lets you know, in no uncertain terms, that you have a connection with a particular person or spirit. Spirit will let you know and keep letting you know for years and they won’t let you forget! Your twin, or something to do with them, will keep appearing in your life in the most unexpected ways, even if they are no longer physical.

This communication occurred a little over 5 years after Robin’s passing and the connection we shared was still incredibly strong. So, don’t worry if your twin or loved one passed away years ago. You can still be strongly connected and time is not an issue for them on the other side.

So, after all of this, I’m sure you can see why I say I am a magnet for things to do with Robin. Twin souls, soul mates, close friends and spiritual family members would naturally be magnets for each other.

Story: Cute, Clever and Creative

I have another fun story demonstrating our twin soul magnetism that involves my husband.

Back in 2013, I had written to someone about my paranormal experiences with Robin and described what he did as “cute, clever, and creative.”

Not too long after that, I was sitting in our living room watching television while my husband was sitting at another table nearby working on a project on his computer. He made the comment that something was “cute and creative.” That really got my attention and I thought to myself, “He missed clever,” because I was thinking about what I had recently written about Robin.

As soon as I thought the word “clever,” a person on the television show I was watching filled in the blank and said the word “clever!” I got the chills! There it was again, those same 3 words with a little help from a t.v. program. I don’t remember what the show was now, but Spirit can use anything to get a message to us.

I had the strong feeling that Robin’s spirit was around Julian at that time and was playing with me. I don’t know how God and spirits get these events to align the way they do. I just open to it and express my gratitude and appreciation for it. It makes life so much nicer and more interesting. My life since Robin’s passing has been beautiful and amazing at times over the years because of these communications. I honestly feel elated after receiving these messages and they give me a natural spiritual high that no earthly substance could ever give.

I feel magnetized to Robin through these experiences. It is a clear example of how like attracts like between twin souls who carry the same energy. I started having these experiences with him in 2012 out of the blue and I kept having more and more. The magnetic energy between us gains its own momentum and keeps creating more parallel, mirroring experiences. It’s like playing spiritual ping-pong.

If I speak or write about Robin, I know that there is a very high probability that some of the content will come back to me like a boomerang. It’s fun, mesmerizing and all based in eternal love and kindness towards each other. This ball has been rolling for almost 7 years with inexhaustible spiritual energy and strength…

Note: As I finished typing the above sentence with the word “inexhaustible,” my husband, in his office down the hall from mine said, “That’s pretty damn exhaustive,” regarding something he was working on. These two words have different meanings, but obviously have “exhaust” in common.

Given the timing, it is close enough for me to see it as an incoming boomerang! What I just wrote about happened right before my eyes.

It’s another example of the ping-pong game I play with Robin, with Julian often playing a primary role in our communications. I wrote about how my husband is a messenger for Robin in this post. This has been happening spontaneously since 2012, before I knew about twin soul connections. Julian had no idea this was going on until I told him about it.

Sometimes it happens while I’m writing, like this. These are the messages that say, “I’m right there with you.”

Julian’s right. This is pretty exhaustive and I think you get the point!  And with that, I bid you adieu! I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading. Enjoy your donuts for me!




This is a screenshot from The Traveling Tea Shop book, page 153. It is the first page I opened the book to.

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