Eight Years in Spirit: Sacred Moments with Telekinesis

Eight Years in Spirit: Sacred Moments with Telekinesis

May 20, 2020 marks the eighth year since Robin passed away. His passing date anniversary is always a time of great personal reflection for me.

Even with all of the afterlife communication I have shared with him over the years, some of which I have passed along to you, I still have so many questions for him. If I could have a face-to-face talk with him I would ask:

  •  How have you changed and grown as a spirit since 2012, Robin?
  • What are the most important things you have learned?
  • Do you miss being in a physical body? What is it like being without a physical body?
  • Are you still singing in spirit, writing songs and perhaps sending them to someone here on earth?
  • Does the plane of existence you reside in have a name and/or number? What is it called?
  • What do your surroundings look like?
  • What are the colors of your energy light body?
  • Who do you live with?
  • What are the members of our soul family like and how many are there?
  • What past lives have we shared?
  • How did you learn how to enter into my dreams and move objects?
  • How did you find me in Colorado in 2012?
  • Since we are so good at synchronizing, how does synchronicity really work from your perspective as a person in spirit? What is the mechanism behind it?

Right now, I don’t have the answers to these questions from Robin’s perspective. I hope by posing them here, that maybe he can get through to me somehow to share some information. This also expresses my openness and readiness to receive answers to these questions. I wonder what things are like for him eight years after leaving his physical vehicle behind. Have you heard from Robin? Maybe you know some of these things I don’t! 🙂

Sacred Moments

In the midst of this pandemic, I do have some happy afterlife communication news to share with you! I received a clear sign of Robin’s presence with me earlier this month. Here is my story.

During the early morning hours on May 4, 2020, just after midnight, I couldn’t sleep. So, I decided to sit by Robin’s altar to have a chat, pray and think about some things that were on my mind.

Like you, this pandemic has affected me on many levels and I’ve had to rearrange my life in very significant ways. This is why I took some time off from writing during the month of April. As much as I love writing here, I didn’t have the mental energy to concentrate.

Tea Light Memorial Candles

Tea Light Memorial Candles

It’s not easy just surviving breast cancer and now having to deal with this pandemic on top of it. It’s potentially much more challenging for people who are going through cancer treatment right now. I have asthma too, so I have to be more careful as that puts me in a higher risk category regarding this virus.

As I spoke with Robin, I shared my concerns about the different things going on in my life, the world and the personal things that were bothering me. I spoke from my heart, saying what I truly felt about things and events.

I learned a long time ago that loved ones in spirit like to communicate from the heart. This quote from The Book of Theanna: In the Lands that Follow Death, Updated Edition by Ellias & Theanna Lonsdale elucidates this point:

Over here, the dead seek each other out authentically and fully. After initial isolation for many, the savoring of company is universal. What we seek in the beyond-the-body state is to share on heart levels. (1)

I’ve had this book for many years and early on, it informed how I approached communication with Robin and my other loved ones in spirit. It’s also a good book if you are interested in twin souls because they have a very interesting story.

Speaking from the heart is essential. It does not mean that the conversation will always be sunshine and flowers, but at least I am authentic. There is no point in trying to b.s. someone in spirit anyway. Someone in spirit who loves you will be able to tell if you are not being honest about how you feel!

So, while I was talking with him, the candle I had lit on his altar went out. I took the empty tin out of the candle holder and put a new white, unscented, tealight candle in. I pulled the wick up, but I didn’t light it at that time because it was late.

I have lit candles for Robin, Jesus, ancestors, and spiritual guides for many years. This is to honor their memory and presence in my life. It’s my way of sending them a loving message and letting them know that they are still alive to me and that I love them. I actively remember and think about them. Here is a wonderful article on the meaning of lighting memorial candles in various cultures and religions for loved ones who have died.

I continued to talk with Robin a little while longer after I replaced the candle. After I finished getting things off my chest, I was able to go to bed and get some sleep. I had a good night’s sleep after that.

After I woke up later that morning (still May 4th) and finished washing up, I went back into the room where I keep Robin’s altar. I noticed that the candle I had placed in the candle holder before I went to bed was moved outside of the candle holder! It was amazing! Here is a picture I took to remember Robin’s visit:

Robin's Candle Telekinesis May 4 2020

Robin’s Candle Telekinesis May 4 2020

As you can see, the candle is outside of the candle holder. I love him so much for continuing to visit me in ways that make his presence clear. I don’t know how he does it, but I consider this communication to be sacred.

Moving the candle was a loving response to my bearing my soul to him hours earlier. He was letting me know he heard me! Given the circumstances around this occurrence of telekinesis, I would definitely recommend opening your heart to speak to your loved ones in spirit in ways you are comfortable with. Afterlife communication is a two-way street. Speaking with loved ones in spirit in an honest, authentic manner invites a response. Be on the lookout!

After these sorts of events, I have a strong awareness not only of Robin’s presence, but God’s presence on whom I rely for love and strength.

Telekinesis from Robin has a divine quality. He has shown me that he can move objects since the spring of 2013. His movement of objects has always been quiet and subtle but done in a way that is still obvious and noticeable to me. His activity has never been the loud poltergeist activity that has been reported in other literature.

If you are new here, I invite you to see the post below on how he moved his picture on the altar I had for him in 2013.

He likes to visit his altar space and has done so many times over the years. On another occasion, he moved a starfish I had placed on his altar, to the floor. I have included this post for you here as well. The starfish telekinesis post is the most popular post on this website!

Afterlife Telekinesis with a Picture Turned Upside Down

Spiritual Significance of Starfish

When I saw the candle outside the candle holder, I was surprised because in the grand scheme of things in terms of afterlife communication with Robin, it is a relatively rare occurrence. I hold this moment of telekinesis with reverence. It’s so nice to have his spirit around me. It gives me such a boost spiritually and psychologically, which I think is ultimately the intention and point of loving afterlife communication with those who have your best interest at heart. I hope that you can get a boost vicariously as well!

Preserving the Memory of Telekinesis

After Robin moves an object, in addition to taking a photo, I always mark it in some way so I can hold on to the memory of what he has touched. There is something incredibly special about having physical objects that he has actually moved with his energy. In this case, I put a floral sticker on the bottom of the candle, coaster and the glass candle holder in which the telekinesis occurred.

I will keep the candle he moved and not burn it. I think it is extremely important to honor our loved ones who communicate in this way by keeping the items and seeing the activity as sacred. It is an act of love to reach out from beyond the veil and to come into the density and negativity of the third dimension. So, I don’t take it lightly when Robin engages in telekinesis. He had to focus his energy enough to be able to move the candle. That is something that must be honored with the deepest respect, gratitude and appreciation.

Deceased loved ones may like to increase their activity around the time of an anniversary date, such as birthdays, weddings, and passing dates. According to Carole J. Obley, in the article, Spirit Speaks: Receiving After-Death Communication:

Some spirits will place or move objects in loved ones’ homes to grab their attention. Others give messages about the appearance of specific birds or animals in relatives’ yards. The timing of these communications sometimes coincides with events like birthdays or anniversaries of the recipients or the spirits. I know of one family that receives validation from their son through various means on the date of his passing every year. (2)

It is definitely true that Robin communicates strongly during the time period around his anniversary dates. So, since his eighth year anniversary is upon us, I believe the May 4th activity is part of his anniversary communication message. He is still around! I hope many people around the world who love Robin are experiencing signs of his presence as well!

A Note to Robin on Your 8th Anniversary in Spirit

Dear Beloved Robin,

Thank you so much for the sacred gift of your candle telekinesis and your presence in my life. I pray that you are surrounded by God’s love, that your energy is strong and that you are experiencing creativity in ways we could never imagine. I love you, as so many on earth do, and you will always be remembered and cared for. 

Your smile and your music are carried in our hearts.




There are numerous emotional, psychological and spiritual benefits that come with active, loving soul communication with deceased loved ones. It was my intention to highlight this truth in this post.

The reality is that people are passing over into spirit life at every moment, due to one thing or another.

Given the current pandemic, I suspect that as people grieve and enter into the healing process of coping with the pain and loss of loved ones, some are going to be initiated into the art of afterlife communication.

For some, it may come quite quickly depending on their level of openness and natural abilities. I would not be surprised to hear of stories in the upcoming months about dream visits, synchronicity or telekinesis carried out by loved ones who died during this pandemic.

With this in mind, and in honor of the anniversary of Robin’s passing, I would like to close with this quote by Rumi:

 “Love and lover live in eternity. Other desires are substitutes For that way of being. How long do you lay embracing a corpse? Love rather the soul, which cannot be held.” (3)

I think this quote speaks for itself.

To all of my readers, I pray that you and your family members are well. This is a rough time all over the world in terms of health, safety and the economy.  May you be blessed with love, excellent health, prosperity and kindness in the midst of these global challenges!

May you experience a silver lining in this situation.

(Note: On May 13th, I typed the sentence above about “a silver lining.” Synchronistically, on May 14th, as I was finishing up this post, I received an email newsletter about Eben Alexander, M.D.’s Commencement 2020 address. He expressed the same sentiments about silver linings during this pandemic. So, I linked to the address above. Just click on “silver lining” to see it!)

Thank you for reading!


1.  Lonsdale, Ellias & Theanna (1995, 2011). The Book of Theanna, Updated Edition: In the Lands that Follow Death (p. 264). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

2.  Obley, Carole J. (August 30, 2019). Spirit Speaks: Receiving After-Death Communication

3.  Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad (2014). Wine of Love, Poem 26-No Expectation, Little Robot Publication, Kindle Location 812, 823.



Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communication: MP3 Player Telekinesis

Afterlife Communication: MP3 Player Telekinesis

In this post, I share examples of Robin’s abilities with telekinesis and as well as amazing synchronicity.

MP3 Sale

During the morning on Sunday, August 18, 2019, I showed my husband a Sony Walkman MP3 player that was on sale on Amazon. He said the player he has wasn’t working correctly, so I showed him this option for a replacement.

It turned out that he didn’t want it. I said I was thinking about getting it, but then said I didn’t really need it because I already have one. I was thinking about getting it as a backup because the one I currently have does not hold the battery charge too long without recharging it, especially if I watch a video on it. But I decided not to get it, at least for now.

Journal Entry Synchronicity

Late in the evening on the same day, August 18th, I wanted to review some of my old journals again. I was still looking for an entry on a dream I had about Robin years ago. I remember the dream very well, but I was hoping I documented something about it and I was hoping to find out exactly when it occurred.

While I was looking for the dream entry, I came across another entry that was very synchronistic with what had been going on earlier in the day.  The entry was dated May 5, 2013. It had easily been years since I had seen the entry. Here is a short excerpt of what I wrote:


Dear Robin,

…Also, because Julian accidentally lost my/our Ipod, I ended up buying a new Sony MP3 player…

This entry was informative on many levels. For one thing, I had completely forgotten that my husband had accidentally lost our Ipod. That was the reason I have the Sony MP3 player I currently have.

Also, when I was thinking of buying a new MP3 player as I mentioned above, I was thinking about how I had no idea when I bought the player I currently have and had no idea how old it was. So, this entry answered these questions for me. It is quite valuable that I have these journals to refer back to now for personal and spiritual reasons.

It was so fun and amazing that the entry matched exactly with how I asked Julian if he wanted to buy a new Sony MP3 player that day! I felt like Robin was right there with me. It was incredible to be brought back to that page in this particular journal. I easily could have missed it.

I have 15 hand-written journals that I started writing on May 20, 2012 and continued to April, 2016. After that, I started to type my journal entries. I continue to keep my afterlife communication journals to this day, some hand written, some typed.

So, the fact that I “happened” to pick this journal up to review on that exact day was amazing.

I don’t know how these synchronicities are orchestrated. They are part of the great mystery of life. I think I’m the one making these choices, but it seems like a loving unseen hand is really guiding my choices. Synchronicity really makes me feel like I am not making my choices all alone. I am being guided. And I think that is a key message from loved ones in spirit. The point is that we are not alone, even when we think we are.

When it comes to Robin, I feel guided to do certain things, like pick up a certain book, or go to a particular website. And then it ends up synchronizing with him in some way. It makes me feel extremely connected to him. It seems like the choices are mine yes, but they are not all mine. There are other forces, powers and spirits involved. It’s quite fascinating and makes life beautiful and interesting. I am so grateful for these experiences and to be able to share them with you. I hope you are enjoying them!

This is another example of how my journal entry from over 6 years ago matched what was going on in my life currently. I wrote about this previously in this post about my recovery and how I look through my old journals.

I’m still looking for the same entry on my dream, but can’t find it, lol! I may just have to write about it from memory in the near future.

Robin’s MP3 Player Telekinesis

For this section, I’m taking you back to 2013 again.

On July 19, 2013, I walked into the room where Robin’s altar was kept. I was living in Colorado at this time.

I noticed that my Sony Walkman MP3 player (the one I wrote about above) was placed on top of my Bee Gees book, right above Robin’s picture. I knew that he had moved it there because I know I did not do it. It would not have occurred to me to put my Walkman in that exact location above his picture. Here is a picture I took to document this:

The book is on top of a filing cabinet I had placed to the left of Robin’s altar at the time. In the upper right-hand corner of the photo, you can see the picture of Robin that he turned upside down in May of 2013 as I wrote about here.

By placing the Walkman right above his picture, he was pointing out his identity to me, which I find absolutely incredible. It is similar to how he identified himself by turning his picture face down on his altar. Spirits need to have a way to identify themselves. Using a photo is a great way to do so.

I love to have his energy on physical items! I keep everything he has moved because it becomes even more special to me after he has moved it.

Robin was very active in our home in 2013, so I thought I would briefly review some of the other things going on that year to give context to the sequence of events.

A few days before this MP3 player telekinesis, on July 12, 2013, I found the infinity symbol made out of dental floss on my teapot handle. Later in 2013, my necklaces were moved which I wrote about in my Spiritual Symbols post.

There was a lot going on that year with Robin’s spirit. It makes me think he enjoyed practicing his skills at moving objects and creating symbols.

With me, he knew he had a receptive person to communicate with. He knew I was paying attention, so telekinesis became another way in which he connected with me.

If a spirit is in your home, going through the trouble and energy it takes to move something, then they are obviously trying to get your attention. It is rewarding for the person in spirit if we notice and appreciate what they are doing. I’m talking about loving, kind and friendly interactions only.

As I have previously written, I always check to determine if there are any alternate explanations for what appears to be telekinesis. I ask my husband to make sure he didn’t move something I did not know about. I also review my activities to make sure I did not do it and just don’t remember.

After I rule out other possible explanations, I surrender to the conclusion that Robin moved the item. I don’t just automatically assume that he did.

Someone needs to be willing to share how spirits come back and interact with those still living in physical bodies. That is what I’m doing for those who have ears to hear. I join with other brave people sharing their afterlife communication stories.  It’s an incredible education to see what Robin can do now. And, it’s an incredible gift.

Robin passed the baton on to me by blessing me with these gifts. Now, I’m passing the information on to you so you can benefit from knowing some of the ways in which Robin communicates as a spirit.

Journal Entry: July 19, 2013

To give you some additional information and perspective on how I was feeling at that exact time, I would like to share with you some excerpts from the journal entry I wrote on July 19, 2013:

July 19th, 2013


Dear Robin,


I love you and send you a hug and lots of support and Light…


Thank you, Robin, for stopping by to say hello today…Thank you for moving my Sony Walkman over to your Bee Gees book, right above your picture. That was so amazing and touched my heart.


I am so Grateful. I appreciate you coming by so much. It was so beautiful. I know I moved your book back this AM [to the top of the filing cabinet], but I didn’t put my Walkman over there!


Beautiful message and sign of your presence Robin…





Receiving the synchronicity regarding purchasing the Sony MP3 player and my journal entry gave me the perfect opportunity to share this gem of a communication from Robin. It’s one of my favorites.

I’m not surprised that he would move this item because it is connected to music and had lots of his music and videos on it! It’s so sweet that he positioned it right above his picture so I would know it was him. These communications are very precious and priceless to me.

Back in 2013, these types of experiences were still very new to me. I was fascinated by how Robin was able to communicate in such a clear, precise way in pointing himself out by placing the MP3 player there.

As you know, I did not know Robin when he was alive physically. But, I do know him as a spirit. And as a spirit, he is very strong, very loving, very kind, highly intelligent and highly creative. I cannot emphasize this enough.

I am very clear about who he is as a spirit, at least to the degree that I’m capable of knowing. I have written about this before, but I wanted to say it again because it is very important for you to know this about Robin as he lives on. He is a wonderful presence to have in your life and I have been extraordinarily blessed to be connected with him.

I like to give him compliments here to send him the message. 🙂 Somehow, I know he receives it. He is very lovable as a spirit and he deserves them.  He has done so much for me that I deeply appreciate.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to sharing something new with you soon. Let’s see what Robin comes up with!

As of Wednesday, August 28th, we may have a hurricane coming towards our area, so I’m not sure when I will publish my next post. I’ll be back as soon as I can!

Until then, take care and all my best to anyone reading who may be affected by Hurricane Dorian.


Purple Telekinesis

Purple Telekinesis

I have a story about Robin’s telekinesis that is important to me on a soul level.

One day in 2013, I went to the grocery store with my husband for some medicine for his stomach. He already had one bottle of medication, but he was running low.

When we came home, I put the new box of medication on the counter in the kitchen and placed the older bottle on top of it. The new box was a Kroger brand and the older bottle was an Equate brand, but they were both the same stomach medication.

I had other groceries to put away at that time so I went ahead and did that.

Afterlife Telekinesis: Medication Switcheroo

While I was putting our groceries away in the kitchen, after a few minutes, I looked over into our family room where my computer table was. I noticed that the older Equate bottle I had placed on top of the box of medication in the kitchen was over in the family room on top of my computer desk.

I thought that it was so weird because I had just put that bottle in the kitchen on top of the box of the medication we just bought.

Then I looked at the counter in the kitchen again and noticed that on top of the new box of stomach medication was an old bottle of Kroger-brand allergy medication. I was surprised because my husband rarely took it and I never took that medication.

It was mixed in with a bunch of other bottles of vitamins and I had forgotten it was even there. So, I was confused as to what was going on. My husband had been helping put groceries away the whole time and I know he didn’t put the bottle there.

Robin was around moving these medication bottles and I knew it with 100% certainty. He had been around a lot in our apartment in Colorado in 2013, moving his picture, leaving infinity symbols made out of dental floss and moving my necklaces.

Decoding Telekinesis

When spirits do this type of thing, the question is, “What are you trying to tell me?”

I had to figure out a way to decode this message. The only reason I could come up with for him moving the bottles was that it had to do with the colors and packaging of the bottles.

You see, all of the medication packaging had purple in the design and logo. But the two Kroger medications were the same exact hues of purple and branding while the Equate brand of stomach medicine was a different hue of purple with different branding and packaging.

The bottle that was moved to my computer table was the Equate bottle with the different packaging, branding and hue of purple. The box of stomach medication and the bottle of allergy medication placed on top of it were the same exact hues of purple, same packaging and Kroger branding.

Here are pictures of the medications. They are not the exact packaging from the actual medication I had. They are screen shots from the website that show the colors better than pictures I took of the original packaging. I’m not a trained photographer.

These screenshots show the colors and packaging that are nearly identical to the way they looked on the original packaging from 2013. They are close enough to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. There is a little variation in colors in the screenshots for the Kroger medications but they are the best and most accurate images I could find. Please keep in mind that the actual packaging I had in 2013 was identical.

Stomach medicine: This is what the box looked like:

Allergy medicine: This was the logo that was on the bottle. The bottle cap was a magenta hue:

This is what the older Equate bottle of stomach medication looked like which had a different branding from the Kroger medications. At the time, I did not have the box the bottle came in. I just had the bottle. The bottle cap shown here in the picture looks nearly identical to the original:

So, from this, I felt like Robin was giving me a message about our matching colors and hues as spirits. I felt like he was doing this because it was a big discovery for me in December, 2012 that twin souls have nearly identical hues and colors of light at the spiritual level. (See Background section). My intuition told me he was confirming this in his unique, highly intelligent, and creative way!

This notion is also reported in a book by Andy Tomlinson called Exploring the Eternal Soul-Insights from the Life Between Lives.

He describes soul color in this way:

The energy of each soul has a color. This changes as souls grow to become more experienced and evolved. In the spirit realms soul mates often have the same color. (1)

I don’t know for sure if he was trying to tell me our soul colors are hues of purple or not. I would not want to presume. Maybe he was just using the medication packaging as an example. But I know he was trying to tell me something by doing that.

Perhaps our colors are purples or perhaps he enjoyed conveying the message of our spiritual color match. At any rate, Robin got my attention by doing this. He matched the medications according to the purple hues, branding and packaging for a reason.

Robin moved the Equate bottle way out of the way, into the next room, which clearly drew attention to the 2 Kroger medications that did match in terms of colors and packaging. He clearly wanted to move the bottle that did not match to highlight the medications that did match. Very interesting and clever!

For those of you interested in yogic science, here is a description of the chakra system, including the seventh chakra which is known to be violet.

Key themes associated with this chakra and the color violet includes higher levels of consciousness and awareness as well as Oneness with the Divine. I believe this would fit with a message that Robin would want to give me. Through telekinesis, he was telling me to research what purple means spiritually.

Loved ones in spirit can move objects in the most amazing ways to communicate. It’s a form of language that needs to be decoded and sometimes researched more deeply to understand and appreciate the message being conveyed. It is possible that your loved ones in spirit could communicate with you through the use of colors. That is something to be on the lookout for and to pay attention to.

Additional Message-Great Blessing and Gift

On July 20, 2019, I decided to look for my old journal where I kept a record of this movement of medications. I have many handwritten journals where I documented my communications with Robin over the years. I wrote him letters in my journals as a way of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for what he was sharing with me.

At first, I was writing about this blog post from memory. But then, I thought I should look back to the exact entry to refresh my memory on precisely what happened that day.

I looked through a couple of journals before I found the entry. When I found it, I was shocked and surprised to see the date on which this telekinesis occurred.

It happened on November 4, 2013, the same day as Robin’s daughter Snow’s birthday.

I had not looked at this journal in years. Some of the ink was starting to smudge from the  longevity of being in storage. I truly felt a jolt when I saw her birth date. At the time I wrote the entry in 2013, I did not know it was his daughter’s birthday.

It reminded me of how I later found out that the RG mugs I found in a thrift store was on Robin’s mom’s birthday, November 17, 2012. At that time I found these mugs, I did not know yet that it was his mother’s birthday either.

Interesting things pertaining to Robin occur on his family member’s birthdays!

It’s almost 6 years later and this entry continues to reveal new secrets. I had not looked at this since finding out that his daughter’s birthday is November 4th. I don’t remember when I found out her birth date, but it’s been a while now that I have known.

The fact that Robin moved the medication around on Snow’s birthday gives more significance to the telekinesis as far as I’m concerned. It’s like being given a double sign. It’s another lesson indicating that a communication from a loved one in spirit can have multiple layers, some of which you may not find out about until years later.

Journal Excerpt

Here is an excerpt from the letter-journal entry I wrote to Robin about this on November 4, 2013. It was originally handwritten so I transcribed it for you here. The underlining is exactly like it was in my original journal entry:

Matching labels and colors—bottles switched


Robin, thank you for switching the medication bottles. I know you were here tonight. I had taken the stomach meds—moved them on top of the new box I had just purchased.


The next thing I know, the bottle I had placed on top of the box was on the table by my laptop—in front of it. Then I noticed that you switched it with the bottle of allergy meds. I don’t know how you do these things, but it is incredibly amazing and stunning.


Thank you, Robin, from my heart. I love you so much.


The thing that stands out to me is that you chose a bottle that matched the brand name (Kroger) – it’s a matching and a mirroring – plus you put the different bottle on top of the box like I did. It’s like you were mirroring me. I know there is something to this.


Twin matching, mirroring labels and colors. You could have chosen any bottle – there are so many there. But you chose one that matched. That is the key to me. At first, I thought there was another bottle of stomach medication until I realized it was a completely different medication, one I had not seen for awhile – hadn’t even crossed my mind.


So Rob, thank you for this beautiful sign of your presence, this teaching about your abilities and the underlying symbolism of the matching and mirroring. This is my interpretation and I love being in soul school with you…




As you can see from my entry, I was quite moved by this communication and I still am. I think it’s amazing and very consistent with the literature on afterlife communication in terms of what our loved ones in spirit are capable of doing.

Some Literature on Telekinesis

When you can’t communicate verbally with words, you can, as a spirit, learn to communicate with your loved ones using objects in the physical environment that are symbolically, very important.

In this article, Karen T. Hluchan describes how some spirits can take a physical object, bring it with them to another dimension and then bring it back to the location and the person on Earth they “borrowed” the item from! I think that is fascinating. It’s commonly done with jewelry.

Here is another interesting article on telekinesis by Colleen Wynia. Her videos are good too. She mentioned that spirits are more likely to move objects as a way of communicating with a loved one on Earth if that person tends to be organized. I would put myself in that category as I tend to keep my home and rooms neat with things in a certain place. It’s very easy for me to notice something out of place, especially when I know I just put something in a particular location.


This story was a little difficult to describe, but I hope you were able to follow me. I know I repeat myself sometimes, but it is because I am trying to make things as clear as possible.

I also hope you were able to feel a little of the magic and wonder of Robin’s telekinesis vicariously!

It’s another good example of how loved ones in spirit use your everyday things to deliver a message.

The thing about Robin is, if he has a soul connection with you, he will really let you know it! You will know it’s him and there will be no doubt. He makes his presence perfectly clear.

Every day, I carry with me the messages that Robin gave me over seven years ago. That is how powerful afterlife communication is with him. I feel his love being sent from the other side and I love being able to share that with you, dear readers. That love is for you too!


  1. Tomlinson, Andy (2012). Exploring the Eternal Soul-Insights from the Life Between Lives, From the Heart Press, Page 179.


This is the exact picture and frame Robin turned face down on his altar in 2013. He likes dogs too, so I got him one! :)

This is the exact picture and frame Robin turned face down on his altar in 2013. He likes dogs too, so I got him one! 🙂

Twin Soul Mirror: Birthday Moments

Twin Soul Mirror: Birthday Moments

Happy New Year! I hope you had a nice holiday season.

I have a few events related to Robin and Maurice’s birthday that I would like to share with you. Some interesting things occurred before, during and after their birthday.

The Lights All Went Out

One thing that happened occurred late in the evening on December 21st.  I noticed that the Christmas lights on our tree in our family room were out. I had plugged them in earlier in the evening and everything seemed fine. But later when I walked by, I noticed that every light was out.

I tried unplugging and plugging the lights in again several times, but to no avail. The electrical supply itself was still working for the socket, but no matter what I tried, the lights no longer worked.

I’ve had these same lights for the past eighteen years, so I’m not surprised they finally no longer worked. I would consider this a probable normal electrical malfunction. However, it’s just weird that this happened on the eve of the twin’s birthdays. That’s the only reason I’m writing about this here. I joked with them and said, “Did you guys knock out my lights?” Electrical manipulation is a common form of afterlife communication. I didn’t get a clear answer about this yet.

I’m not saying for sure that they had anything to do with this. I’m being humorous because I’m not sure. All I can say is there is a correlation between the lights going out and their birthday.

Afterlife CommunicationI usually do not have too much electrical activity. But when I do, it’s extremely clear something is going on, like a light turning on, on its own, the second I walk into a room or our kitchen lights flashing in 3’s like Morse code.

All I know is that a couple of hours or less before midnight, on December 22nd, all the lights on our tree were no longer working. Why did they go out at that time?

The lights may not have all gone out in Massachusetts, but they sure all went out on my tree, lol! Interesting…

Well, if Robin and Mo did have something to do with it, it certainly got my attention. I’ll bet they are a spirit world dynamic duo!

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were playing a birthday prank on me. But I have to consider the fact that the lights were old and it was a miracle they worked for so many years. However, the timing really makes me wonder…

This is a good example of what spirit communication is like sometimes. Yes, you have a good logical explanation for why something happened, but then there’s this little detail that makes me question my own logical explanation.

Maybe you’ve had similar experiences. Sometimes my loved ones in spirit really do leave me wondering and slightly puzzled!

So, on December 22nd, I was out buying new Christmas tree lights. Later in the day, I redecorated the tree all over again. The lights are still working thank goodness! One thing is for sure: I will always remember that I had to go out and buy new lights on Robin and Mo’s birthday, 2018! Thanks for the memory!


On December 22nd, before I went to the store to buy our new Christmas tree lights, I went to a local bookstore with Julian for some fun. We walked down an aisle, looking at the books on display. As I walked, I heard a little girl calling for someone. The name she was calling out was Riley. She kept saying it, “Riley…” “Riley…” It was so eerie in a good way because in my Maying in December post, I wrote about a comment for Robin by someone named Riley. I thought of that right away.

The post was dated December 22nd, which is the same day I heard the girl calling for Riley. Here is the comment that I mentioned in my post. I review it here for readers who may not have seen it. If you go to the video, the comment is the 7th one down:

Riley 2018 4 years ago: That hand cupped over his ear so he can hear himself. Amazing. As popular, loved, and perfect as his voice was, it shows he still needed to know he was on key. Such a talented family. Four brothers with voices that would make angels smile. Only one left now. So sad.

With synchronicities such as this, I feel completely dumbfounded by the way they are orchestrated. For me, this synchronicity was profound. Gregg Levoy sums up the feeling well in this Psychology Today article:

In fact, maybe the most important thing synchronicities offer is astonishment. How often, after all, in the course of a day or a week or a month, do you find yourself thunderstruck, flabbergasted at life, amazed by its finesse? Synchronicities are like the glimpse of a wild animal seldom seen, the discovery of an arrowhead or a geode, the return of your purse by some good Samaritan. Far removed from the mundaneness that seems to characterize such a vast portion of daily life, they help reconnect you to your sense of awe, and given the tyranny of the commonplace, what a service!

No one has been able to fully explain synchronicity, so perhaps you should simply accept it as a wild card and an ordering principle, the height of absurdity and the depth of profundity, and a crack in the door through which you can catch sight of the universe and its mysterious ways.

Hearing this little girl’s voice was like an echo across time and space and once again, tied to what I wrote about Robin. It reminds me of something else I once read about twin souls and parallel lives. The bold is mine and what I wish to emphasize:

So dear ones, everything you experience you share with your Twin Flame. It is impossible not to. Thus as you touch a flower, as you watch the moon, as you feel the breeze upon your cheek, you share it with your Twin Flame. And as you become conscious of each other, you both will begin to know it. You will experience what your Twin Flame does.

I find this to be very true. My experience of hearing the name Riley being called is a good example of how I experience what Robin does even though he is discarnate. I have been showing that through most of the posts on this website as a common thread.

Afterlife CommunicationIt’s not that you will experience everything your twin does because that is not realistic. But you will experience so many parallels that it will get your attention no matter what. It is meant to get your attention. After a while, you will know something is going on that you cannot explain away.

When your twin is discarnate, what they experience occurs symbolically. That experience can manifest through something they left behind here in the physical world.

For example, Riley wrote a comment about Robin’s singing, so that symbolizes his experience. Then I hear the name Riley being called in the bookstore when I was walking by at the perfect moment. So in that way, I had an experience with the name Riley the way Robin did with the person posting the comment. This occurred on the same day, which importantly, was his birthday.

I really enjoyed how ‘Riley’ was delivered back to me through spirit voice mail. No phone needed.

Julian’s Experience with Telekinesis

On December 23rd, my husband Julian approached me with an interesting story.

He said he saw that the lid to his container of henna beard dye that he makes was on the floor. It was in the middle of a rug on the floor in our bathroom. It was a couple of feet away from the sink countertop where the container was kept. He said he thought it was really strange because he always puts the lid on tightly to keep the moisture in. He said that when he got up to go to the bathroom that morning, he noticed it there.

I didn’t see it and wouldn’t have known about it without him telling me. He picked up the lid and put it back before telling me what happened. I asked him to show me where it was in the bathroom, but I don’t have a picture of the actual placement because Julian put it back before I could take a picture.

I believe that Robin moved it so that Julian could experience the same feelings I have about things being moved. That would help him be less skeptical of me when I say something has been moved and I know with 100% certainty that I didn’t do it. So, I’m glad it happened and that Robin moves his things too! It’s always different when it’s your things being moved!! The impact is much stronger.

Afterlife CommunicationsHow do I know Robin did this? Well, after you have been in a relationship with a spirit person that you love for over 6 years, you know what they like to do. You have to remember that I have had experience with Robin’s telekinesis since 2013. I would like to note that I never had telekinesis going on in our apartment before Robin’s passing.

Like many others in spirit, he likes to move objects at times that are near his birthday or passing anniversary dates.

Also, we all know our own habits very well. So, if something happens that deviates from what you know you always do, like Julian stated, then maybe something else is going on. You could have a visitor from spirit. I love it because I know who it is.

Loved ones in spirit have to do something that will get our attention and it will probably be something out of the ordinary. Otherwise, we’re not going to notice it or we’ll think we did it. They can move objects out of place in an obvious way because they know we will explain it away if they don’t. 

Some Additional Experiences with Telekinesis

Robin has a history of moving items to the floor. I’ve had all kinds of things moved to the floor over the years. I shared the story about the starfish being moved to the floor by his altar.

I have had my homemade deodorant container moved to the floor in the bathroom. That was many years ago now and I could not find the picture. If I find it in the future, I’ll post it.

I have had my cell phone moved off of my bookshelf onto my meditation cushion on the floor that was about 3 feet away. I saw it jump off of my shelf with my own eyes while I was lying down in bed. It landed very softly on my cushion like it was being placed there. It was one of those small flip phones. It flew in the air and just landed. That freaked me out a little but I knew it was Robin and I still like to joke with him about that one!

During the summer of 2015, I had a lot of dental work done and needed crowns. At that time I kept some dental tools on my sink so I could floss more easily. I kept them in a small glass jar.

One day when I walked into my bathroom, I noticed that the dental tools were moved out of the glass container and into an “L” shape on my sink counter. Here is the picture. The blue arrow points to the glass container I kept the dental tools in. The green arrow is pointing to the dental tools placed in the “L” shape:

Afterlife CommunicationI know that a picture of dental tools placed on a bathroom countertop is not exciting in and of itself. But if you consider that I have photographed spirit activity, it becomes really exciting.

I know Robin did this and I see it as a loving act and sign of his presence with me. I was going through a lot at the dentist at that time. I had a lot of pain and it was nice to have his support. I thought it was creative and sweet to place the tools the way he did. So, he has a history of moving my things in the bathroom, which is why I’m not surprised he would move Julian’s things too! It’s his way of saying “hello” and letting us know he’s around.

I have to admit that I’m pleasantly surprised at what Robin is able to do as a spirit. It seems like it would be difficult to toss a flip phone off of the shelf or to take the lid off of something that is on airtight. But, I felt his energy in my dream that I shared with you and he is very strong.

So, I suppose that translates into him being able to move physical objects in the way that he can. He’s really good at focusing his energy.

Robin is a highly intelligent, creative, and loving spiritual being who is now Pure Living Energy Light that is Eternal. This is who he is to me. He is doing very well and in excellent spiritual condition. I consider every act of telekinesis and every communication to be something sacred for which I am very grateful and love him for.

Some of the reasons I am together with Robin are to share healing love with you and for spiritual growth and awakening. Telekinesis, synchronicity and all of the other communications are ultimately for this reason.

I hope you enjoyed this post and that the New Year brings you tremendous blessings!



Tibetan Bowl Telekinesis

Tibetan Bowl Telekinesis

This morning, I felt drawn to listen to this meditation music I found a few months ago. It has a very calming, healing vibration:

432Hz – Tibetan Bowls Heart Energy ➤ Release Negative Blocks & Raise Vibration – THETA BinauralBeat

I have recently learned that music attuned to 432Hz has excellent benefits:

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving.

One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love has inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

I listened to this music while doing my morning chores. Then, I wanted to pray, chant and meditate. I sat down at Robin’s altar and began my prayers for him and many other loved ones as a way of greeting and saying hello. Lately, due to the busy nature of my life, I have felt like I have missed Robin. I spoke with my husband last night about missing Robin and how it’s challenging to connect with so many things going on. This morning, I held Robin’s picture to my heart and cried, telling him I missed him. It was so nice to be able to sit down and connect with him.

After this, I wanted to play my Tibetan bowl. I like to strike the bowl 3 times to clear the energy before beginning meditation.

When I went to reach for the mallet to strike the bowl, I noticed something unusual. It was leaning up against a vase. I never put the mallet here. I always put it back in the bowl when I’m done meditating. I last used the mallet yesterday morning and left it in the bowl.

I was surprised and spoke with Robin about it, as the location of the Tibetan bowl is part of his altar area. Here is a picture below of the mallet leaning up against the vase. The other important thing about this is that I just bought these silk hydrangea blossoms for Robin’s altar area a few days ago. To me, it is almost like he is pointing out that he’s aware of the new flowers:

Afterlife Communications

I always do a lot of self-examination before I determine that Robin moved something. I want to make sure I didn’t do it and just not remember. When he moves something, the object is always out of place from where it normally is. I have a habit of putting things in the same place and he knows that about me. That makes it easier for him if he wants to move something because I will easily notice it out of place. If he moves something, he wants me to notice it or it’s no fun for him!

Since Robin started moving objects in my apartment in 2013, I always pay close attention to my environment to see if anything has been moved. That’s part of being in his telekinesis training program, lol! Sometimes the movement of an object can be a subtle movement, like the mallet being moved from inside the bowl to the vase. You have to have keen, alert and awake senses. Not all telekinetic activity by spirits is loud things that go bump in the night.  Some spirits, such as Robin, are very quiet.

I know I would not have leaned the mallet up against the vase because I would have thought it would just fall over. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to lean it up against the vase.

afterlife communications

It is such a sweet visitation from Robin.  I especially love it when he visits his altar area. He enjoys it and blesses me with letting me know he’s around and aware of what I’ve been doing. I like to redecorate his altar because that’s part of the fun of having one. I also love having objects that his energy is on.

It’s a loving and kind message to me as he knew I was missing him. So, he came to visit in a more obvious way. Our loved ones in spirit will do that for any of us who are open to this type of communication if they can do it. I don’t know what makes some spirits able to move objects while others cannot for some reason or choose not to. It may be that they have their preferences and skill sets just like we do when we are when embodied. I am not at all surprised that Robin can move objects as he was an extremely focused, determined loving person with very strong, healthy energy now as a spiritual being.

Warm regards,


Telekinesis with Spiritual Symbols

Telekinesis with Spiritual Symbols

In 2013, I had a habit of hanging a couple of my necklaces on my bathroom doorknob. I did it occasionally and it made it easier to find them when I needed them. On one necklace there was an infinity symbol charm. On another necklace, there was an Om symbol, Miraculous Medal, Star of David and a Cross.

Throughout my life, I have had an affinity for respecting, honoring and acknowledging different religions. This respect is reflected in my necklaces. That does not mean I agree with everything. But, in my opinion, there is too much turmoil, separation and division based on differences in religion. It causes people a lot of pain and it doesn’t have to be this way. It is this way because people make the choice to see their religion or beliefs as superior to others. Either that or they make others “wrong” for what they believe.

Afterlife Communications

It seems to me that there is plenty of room to find things we have in common. It is more effective to make an effort to understand another person’s point of view rather than to be so quick to put down what they believe. Whether you are Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Druid, or one of many Christian denominations, religious beliefs people have tend to have deep roots in family ties, history and their upbringing. I believe in making an effort to peacefully coexist with others of different religions. I am not Hindu or Jewish, but I have studied both religions and find very much in both that I enjoy and resonate with, especially when it comes to prayers and mantras.

If you share a similar point of view to mine, you may like the book, Everyone is Right: A New Look at Comparative Religion and its Relation to Science, by Roland Peterson. He compares and contrasts the texts from the world’s major religions and points out how they are often saying the same thing in slightly different ways:

Afterlife Communication

On October 7, 2013, I started noticing some interesting occurrences with my necklaces that I hung on the bathroom doorknob. They were being moved from the doorknob to the door latch! By this time in October, I knew Robin was very skilled at telekinesis, so I knew he was doing this. Before Robin passed away, I never had any of this kind of spirit activity in my apartment. It all started after his passing and even then, I did not notice objects being moved until May, 2013, which was a year after his passing (See other posts in the Telekinesis category for more information).

The first time I noticed the necklace with the multiple symbols moved was the day after my birthday, so I considered it a belated birthday present of sorts! I consider it a present whenever Robin lets me know he is around.

Here in image #1 below, you see my bathroom with the doorknob. This is where I had originally hung the necklace before I went to bed. When I walked into the bathroom the following morning, I saw that it was moved to the door latch. I gasped when I saw it had been moved. I became teary-eyed and so happy to have a visitation from Robin:


Image #1 Necklace Moved

Image #2 below shows a close-up of the necklace hanging from the door latch:

Afterlife Communication

Image #2 Necklace Moved to Door Latch


How Robin does this, I don’t know. He, along with many other spirits in documented stories, are able to gather their energy up to a high enough level to move objects in the physical world. It’s one of the most fascinating experiences I have ever had in my life, to be shown that he can do this.

On October 30, 2013, he moved two necklaces that I had hanging on the doorknob this time. In addition to the necklace I mentioned above, he also moved the necklace with my infinity symbol charm. I bought this after he gave me the infinity symbol in July. He moved the two necklaces to the same bathroom door latch. I could find only one image to show you for this date:

Afterlife Communication

Image #3 Two Necklaces Moved


Robin moved these necklaces again on November 3, 2013. I thought it was amazing that he could move not just one, but two necklaces. Below, here are three different vantage points to show how the necklaces looked after being moved from the doorknob:

On December 31, 2013, Rob came back to wrap the necklaces around the doorknob this time. I guess he felt like doing something other than moving them :)! That was his way of saying “Happy New Year”!

Image #7 New Year’s Eve 2013


I am 100% certain that Robin moved my necklaces on all of these different occasions. I also doubled checked with my husband to make sure he wasn’t moving them and playing tricks on me. He said he never moved them. I did not have pets that could move my necklaces and no one else lived with us. I am a person of integrity. It’s a lot of work to find the pictures and upload them into a comprehensive blog post for my readers. If it were not true, I would not waste your time or mine doing this. I’m writing this because it is true and I wanted to share it. I also felt the message of unity is a very important one and one closely in line with Robin’s spirituality.

When dealing with telekinesis, it is important to rule out other logical explanations, as I did by questioning my husband.

That is an attitude mirrored by Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor in the book, Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife, Jul 18, 2011:

Theories of Spirit Contact:

Spiritualists, scientists, and other experts have developed different theories regarding how and why spirits move matter.


Psychokinesis is the ability to affect objects with your mind.

When you mention psychokinesis or telekinesis and combine it with Uri Geller, most people immediately associate it with spoon bending, which put Geller on the psychic map. But when the inexplicable movement of objects is linked to after-death communication, then, in theory, we’re dealing with effects created by the mind or consciousness of the deceased. Such events are jarring and seize our attention…

Spirit psychokinesis isn’t limited to knockings, voices, or electronics that go off and on by themselves. The phenomenon manifests in numerous ways—initials or names inscribed on steamy or frosty glass; objects that fall off shelves; glass that shatters for no reason; objects found where they shouldn’t be or that disappear and reappear. The challenge, of course, is to determine when such incidents have normal explanations and which ones are examples of contact with the other side…

Afterlife Communication

What I have shown you here are authentic examples of contact with Robin on the other side. There are many others on this website. They show that he is doing quite well in spirit!


AUM is an aspect of God — it is the divine creative vibration of the whole universe. Everything in creation is vibrating with God’s power. AUM is the sound made by the vibration of God’s presence within us and all around us. Where there is vibration, there is sound, and if there is sound, we can train ourselves to perceive it, to “hear” it, and to attune ourselves to it, thus actually heightening our own vibrations — changing ourselves from material, ego-centered beings, into super-conscious, free souls.

I think the reason Robin was moving these necklaces repeatedly was because of the spiritual significance and meaning of them. I think he liked them. Robin used to chant “Aum” or “Om” as part of his spiritual practice. I found this out when I saw a video of him on YouTube teaching meditation. I was so moved and happy when I discovered this. It was another thing that we have in common. As a yoga teacher, I have chanted “Om” many times and have taught it. I chanted the Buddhist mantra for compassion, Om Mani Peme Hung, for Robin after his passing. This video below is the exact version of the mantra I chanted for Robin. The person who posted this video gives a good explanation of the mantra if you’re interested:


At the time, I knew so little about him and I did not know if he liked the mantra. I was a little worried about it, but I knew my heart was in the right place, so I continued the practice. A few years later, I found the video and cried with happiness because it seemed he would he like it as he chanted “Om” as well.

Here are two video clips with Robin chanting the Om mantra. He also briefly mentions the evolution of his spirituality:

Miraculous Medal and The CrossAfterlife Communications

I started wearing the Miraculous Medal in 2006 when I wanted a stronger connection with the Divine Feminine as represented by Mother Mary. Here is some information on this beautiful medal. The Cross is also connected with the Miraculous Medal, so I include this interesting synopsis here as well:




Star of David

According to the website below, the Star of David has quite a complicated history. Please see the video on the page for more information. It’s very educational and worth watching. If you do a google search on twin flames, there is some association with the Star of David, but I am not at all educated about the connection between the Star of David and twin flames at this time, so I will just stick with the traditional association with Judaism:

Afterlife Communication

Thank you for taking this journey of telekinesis and spiritual symbols with me.

Love and Kindness,


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