Celestial Beauty

Celestial Beauty

As the seven year anniversary of Robin’s passing approaches, I feel very reflective and contemplative. I find myself reviewing our journey together over these years in an introspective way. His presence and influence in my life have contributed greatly to my evolution as a soul as can be seen on the pages of this website. I have Robin to thank for teaching me what I know about afterlife communication firsthand.


I now know with complete certainty that those we love and those we are deeply connected to are not limited to the people we know in one lifetime. There is more to who we are as spirits. It’s one of the greatest and most important lessons Robin has taught me.

I only want to live my life in a way that includes and honors Robin’s eternal spirit. I do not want to live here on earth without including him and my other loved ones in spirit. I’m sure they are all aware of that fact. I have always made it clear to my loved ones in spirit that I am serious about my connections and relationships with them, Robin included.


Even though I share a lot of examples of my afterlife communication with him, there is still so much I do not know about Robin as a spiritual being.

In 2012, a portal opened up so I can communicate with him in the ways I have explained throughout this website. But, the portal is the size of a peephole and I can only see a small portion of the vast, loving spirit that Robin Gibb is now.

That small portion I’ve been able to connect with is extremely powerful though, and my connection with Robin has changed my life forever.


I wonder how he has changed and grown as a spirit over these years. I think about what he has experienced and learned. I wonder where his soul has traveled.

Our communication over the years has always been strong in terms of synchronicity and dreams.

The one big change has to do with Robin engaging in less telekinesis. In 2013-2014, he was extremely active with creating sacred symbols and moving objects. I have documented some of these events here.

He doesn’t move things as often anymore. That could be because it’s more difficult to move objects with his spirit energy as he advances spiritually. It may be easier to keep in touch through synchronicity. It may also be that he did what he needed to do at that time to get his message across to me.

I surrender to however he wishes to communicate and keep my heart open to him.

It’s important to know that the way in which our loved ones in spirit communicate with us may change over time as they adjust and evolve. The more creative the spirit, the more interesting ways they may come up with in terms of communication.

While we are in physical bodies, our interests change and evolve. There may be things we used to like to do that we don’t enjoy as much anymore. Old interests are replaced with new interests. It seems something like that could be the case with our loved ones in spirit and it does seem to be the case with Robin.

It seems like he’s settled into delivering messages through matching and mirroring. Something I share with him is regularly reflected back to me.

I did enjoy the years of active telekinesis though. I used to joke that my apartment was like a box of chocolates. I never knew what I was going to get!

I obviously borrowed that joke from Forrest Gump.

Beings of Light

I often reflect on the messages I was given about our connection in 2012 when I asked for direct guidance. As you may remember, the sign I asked for when I asked if we are twin souls showed up in a book I found while doing my research on this topic. (Please see my Background section for details if you don’t remember).

I always thought the way in which I was given the sign “Big Dipper” was so amazing. I could have received the sign with just the mention of “Big Dipper” alone through some random occurrence. But I received the mention of the sign along with a discussion of soul mates and the identical hues of light they share at the spirit level. That gave a boost to the credibility of the sign.

I was given this sign at the beginning of my journey with Robin in December, 2012. I was still very new to all of this and in shock at what was occurring in my life concerning him. So much has happened since then to affirm this guidance and message.

From the time I got the message about soul mates/twin souls sharing identical hues of light, I have been fascinated with any discussion of twin souls that has to do with the light of our being. It’s the essence of who we are. I am deeply interested in discussions about our light body.

I love this quote from http://www.universalspiritualview.com/tribulations.htm describing our light body. The bold is mine for emphasis:

After the death of our short-lived, mortal, physical body (to which our eternal soul is still attached), we still live in the electronic body of Light of our eternal soul, in the eternal existing Cosmic spiritual body of God, the All That Is.

In the past, I shared this passage with Robin. I wanted him to know I was thinking about him in these terms. I am curious about the nature of his electronic body of light of his eternal soul. I’m not clairvoyant in the sense of being able to see a spirit fully manifesting in front of me, so this part of Robin remains a mystery to me.

Perhaps I have seen him and didn’t know it because I have experienced #1 and #4 on this list by Amanda Linette Meder regarding flashes/colored lights. I have seen bluish/purple lights on occasion. And no, there is nothing wrong with my eyesight! I get them checked regularly.

I don’t know for sure what our  twin soul colors are as spirits, but maybe that is something I will get more information about over time.

I have written about #6 and #10 regarding visitation dreams. I realize that to some of you, I am repeating myself, but I’m also writing for any newcomers to this website that may have missed posts I wrote a year ago. This dream visitation with Robin was an important communication and very special to me, which is why I bring it up periodically. It got the ball rolling for us.

The Work of William Henry

Now, I would like to go back to my exploration of the light body. On Monday, May 6th, I spent some time on YouTube watching an educational video by William Henry.

He is an investigative mythologist whose work I became acquainted with several years ago after making connection with Robin. He does extensive research on the spiritual origins of humans and the rainbow light body taught in Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Here is the video I watched where he goes into his teachings on the rainbow light body and many other esoteric teachings and hypotheses.

According to Mr. Henry, and to summarize a little bit of the beginning of the video, we as humans are going through a process of spiritual transformation. He advised that we need to connect with our light body which is our true self. The rainbow light body is also referred to as our resurrection body.

He goes on to state that our goal and purpose for being incarnated on earth is to ascend. Ascension is defined as the attainment of wholeness, holiness, perfection and compassion. He talks about bodhisattvas who have achieved a state of holiness and wholeness.

As a result, they were able to transform their bodies into a higher level of vibration which is the rainbow light body.

According to Mr. Henry, throughout history and evolution, humans have wanted to regain the original, perfect, light body of our origins.

I personally enjoy and feel inspired by these writings. I was also interested in some scripture he shared.

At 49:12 into the video, he discusses scripture from 1 Corinthians 15:51-52:

51- Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52-in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.…

This was something I was interested in and wanted to go back and study at a later time. Mr. Henry interpreted this scripture to mean we will be changed into our rainbow light body, our truest, highest, ascended self.

On Tuesday, May 7th, I continued to study Mr. Henry’s videos but the video I was studying at the time is no longer available.

Bodies Celestial and Terrestrial

On Wednesday, May 8th, I wanted to spend some time with Robin, offering him tea and reading a meditation to him. I looked at some of my books, but none of them appealed to me as something I wanted to share with him.

So, I went online to research “celestial guided meditations.” The energy from the videos of Mr. Henry was still on my mind, which is why I was motivated to look for this type of meditation.

I couldn’t find anything with that search either. So, I researched “star guided mediations” and “moon guided meditations” and finally found some meditations I wanted to read to Robin. Here are the links if you are interested. They are both beautiful meditations:

I decided to read the new moon meditation to Robin first. I did this as part of my love offering to his spirit while sitting at his altar space. I know he can “hear” me somehow with his consciousness and I know he likes meditation. The imagery is lovely. Since everything is energy, I like to give him offerings of energies that are beneficial for his spirit. I do this in faith, knowing that he can receive my offering.

Afterlife CommunicationsAfter I was done with the meditation, I spoke with him about this issue concerning the rainbow light body. I asked him whether you acquire the rainbow light body right after you pass away, or is it something you have to evolve into.

I was wondering whether his electronic light body of his eternal soul that he lives in now was the same thing as the rainbow light body Mr. Henry is talking about.

I didn’t get an answer intuitively from him in this moment. However, with this line of questioning, I was reminded that I wanted to go back and review the scripture from 1 Corinthians I mentioned above.

I got my bible out which is a version edited by T.D. Jakes called Holy Bible, Woman Thou Art Loosed! Edition Paperback – January 15, 1999 by T. D. Jakes (Editor/Author)

I read 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 for review and studied the additional passages surrounding this one for context. Then I looked to the column to the left of where I was reading to study some additional passages.

I started reading from passage 35 on, about how the dead are raised up. As I kept reading, I was surprised and blessed by the synchronistic nature of the scripture I was reading with the star and moon meditations I had just printed and read for Robin. Here is the passage from the T.D. Jakes’ bible. The bold is mine for emphasis:

1 Corinthians 15:40-41: 40-There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41-There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. (pg. 1277).

This was such a beautiful moment because while I was familiar with this scripture and have heard about it in the past, I did not know it was in 1 Corinthians! I have read the bible a lot off and on over the years, but I don’t have the location of every passage memorized. So, it was truly a surprise.

I had no idea that when I was guided to research celestial star and moon meditations for Robin that it would synchronize with the bible passages I felt guided to read. Sometimes, I truly feel like Robin or another loving spirit is prompting me to do what I do.

This is why this post is called Celestial Beauty.

I said to Robin while looking at his altar picture, “Here is your real celestial meditation.” I read passage 40-41 to him several times as a meditation. It was lovely to share that with him.

I’m so grateful that these events including Mr. Henry’s videos, my search for celestial/star/moon meditations, and scripture all tie together in harmony.

In Closing

Thank you for going on this introspective and celestial journey with me. If I get any more information about Robin’s rainbow light body, I will let you know! (smile)

This kind of reminds me of the information I shared in my post called Psychedelic Afterlife.

The ladies who hosted Robin’s afterlife interview spoke about his beautiful, colorful, Alice in Wonderland-type of entry into the afterlife! I wonder if this is a hint about his rainbow light body. Very interesting! I love it when these themes are in concurrence with each other.





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The physical death of a loved one is often understandably painful. However, I have learned something very important from my communications with Robin. What I have learned is that the death of a loved one can be inextricably connected to the spiritual growth and well-being of one still incarnate.

I wonder about our deceased loved ones and how they may go on to assist in the spiritual advancement and development of people that we will never know or meet. I think it’s a beautiful thing to consider and could potentially take a small bit of sting out of the absence of their physical presence.

I think of my grandmother, whose funeral date was the same day as Robin’s passing date, May 20th. I wonder about what other vast connections she could have had with other’s on earth, beyond the neighborhood and country she lived in. The connections we have with others after our spirit leaves our bodies are not limited to the spouses, children, family and friends we have in one lifetime. I sense that our connections and interrelationships are much more extensive.

Meant to be Shared

My life took a completely different path after Robin’s spirit left his body. I never would have imagined that he would be the one to have such a profound effect on me.

It’s interesting who we are connected to when we don’t even know it. You could be deeply connected to someone that you have not met yet or may never meet in the physical. It’s fascinating to ponder.

I have often said to Robin that his physical death, though seemingly premature, was not in vain. From my heart, I have said to him that many were and are deeply affected by his passing and that he does matter still, a great deal. With his physical death came a great, renewed purpose for many of us, including me. I have written the posts in Paisley and Poppies to show how Robin continues on as a spirit person and that his ongoing existence still has great meaning.

My experiences of synchronicity and communication with Robin have changed who I am as a person for the better. I know in my spirit that every message I have received was meant to communicate some important lesson, even if that lesson was just to laugh more and be more lighthearted.

However, I want you to know that I do not believe the synchronicity, dreams, telekinesis and other communications are just for me.

They are for you too.

If you are reading this blog, perhaps there is something here that is meant to nurture and support you or make you aware of something you did not know about. That’s part of my life story with Robin. I am always learning something new that I did not know about because of my relationship with him. My connection with him requires that I do lots of study, reading and research on a regular basis. This keeps my mind sharp and agile and also sets the stage for layers of communication and synchronicity to occur, some of which I share here on this website.

I am inspired to write about this because of something I read recently. I have a book called, Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience, by Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser Valarino. One of my favorite things to read about, other than afterlife communication, is near-death experiences. I really love this book in particular.

The authors were making the point that while not everybody can have a near-death experience with a life review, we can learn from those who do have them. To elaborate upon that point, I offer this quote. I feel it applies to what I am doing here with Paisley and Poppies:

The agencies responsible for orchestrating the life review seem to imply that this experience is given not just to benefit NDErs but everyone, and NDErs themselves accordingly are not merely its recipients but its messengers.

I feel strongly that the experiences of and with Robin that I have been given are not meant to just benefit me. They are meant to benefit my family. They are meant to benefit anyone who reads these blog posts. Even if you are not experiencing afterlife communication with anyone now, even if you have not met your twin soul yet, I hope that these posts are in some way preparing you for that possibility. I hope you will know more about what to watch for. If you start synchronizing with someone with unbelievable accuracy, perhaps they are a soul twin or someone from your soul family.

I don’t make lists of signs that someone is your soul mate, twin or spirit family member. That is because what each spirit or person does is going to be particular to them and come from their heart in a unique way. I share with you what I have experienced and in that way, I give examples of how these connections could manifest. Some of the things I have experienced with Robin would never show up on any twin flame list online.

Your experiences are designed for you to get the most benefit from them. How your soul connections manifest will be beautiful and unique to whom you are. They will not necessarily fit on a list. Very creative spirits such as Robin can manifest activity far beyond what we think or know is possible.

Now, I would like to share another very special story of how our twin soul connection manifests.


On Dec 11, 2017, I was spending time with my husband watching YouTube. How do I know this? I wrote a journal entry of what I’m about to share with you!

He likes mash-ups, which are two songs blended together in a way that’s supposed to sound good. For example, here is a Bee Gees-AC/DC mash-up called Stayin’ in Black. It’s one of my favorites and really cool. Don’t play it too loud though; please protect your hearing!

Well, on this day, he played a mash-up for the song from the movie Grease called You’re the One that I Want.”

I can’t remember who the mashup was with and I didn’t write it in my journal. The only mashup I could find now is with Dr. Dre and Snoop-Dog and I’m not sure that’s the one we watched.

In this case, I like the original song and video much better. Everybody knows this song that Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta sang lead on.

After this, I watched one of the Bee Gees’ funny videos. Here it is.

There is a clip of the Bee Gees talking about a production of Grease. In his typical humorous fashion, Robin said he’d like to play the part of Olivia (beginning around 4:30 in).

This was not a synchronicity with how my husband played the mashup because I had seen this video before and vaguely remembered him mentioning this.

The synchronicity came later in the day, with the element of surprise.

After we were done watching television I spent some time reading online later in the evening. I noticed a Google doodle for someone named Max Born. I didn’t know who he was, but on the doodle was a picture of the vesica piscis with concentric circles.

That stood out to me because it is sacred geometry that I associated with Robin in the earlier years of our connection. At that time, I did not know this symbol was called the vesica piscis. It was through my intuition that I felt that the energy of these two overlapping circles had something to do with my connection to him.

The presence of the vesica piscis was the only reason I clicked on the doodle.

Here below is the Google doodle for Max Born I found on YouTube.

You can see the concentric circles in red overlapping in the shape of the vesica piscis.

Afterlife Communications

At the time, Google was celebrating his birthday and accomplishments. There were plenty of links to explore, so I clicked on the one for Wikipedia. I read about him and discovered he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954 and played an important role in the development of quantum mechanics.

I continued to read his Wikipedia page. I scanned the right margin of the page where there is a rectangular box with biographical information. I read about his spouse and his children. Then I saw the synchronistic nature of why I was guided to read about him. His granddaughter is Olivia Newton-John! The bold is mine for emphasis:

His family soon settled into life in England, with his daughters Irene and Gritli becoming engaged to Welshman Brinley (Bryn) Newton-John (Olivia Newton-John’s parents; Born is Olivia’s grandfather and Irene is her mother)[59] and Englishman Maurice Pryce respectively.[60][61]

It was so amazing how all of these events around Ms. Newton-John had arisen that day. I needed to research Max Born in order to receive the synchronicity with Robin’s mention of her and how we had been listening to her music mash-up.

After Julian had played the mashup, I had been thinking of her breast cancer diagnosis and how she has been a survivor. I had read about it in the news at the time.

Here are some more recent videos on how she has been living with stage 4 breast cancer quite bravely:

Her book, Don’t Stop Believin’ is on my reading list.

Little did I know that about 6 months after this synchronicity, I too would be diagnosed with breast cancer. It is only from hindsight now that I can see why I received this synchronicity about her. At the time, it seemed only like something fun, showing me that circumstances were aligning in my life.

But now, I feel that God, Robin and my spirit team of guides and angels were pointing her out to me for a reason. She would be someone I could learn from and draw inspiration.

So, the lesson is, when synchronicity points someone out to you, stay tuned for the deeper meaning of having this person repeatedly appear in your life. The message may not be immediately obvious. But, if there is something that Spirit wants to let you know, they will do their best to get through to you. On that day in December, Olivia Newton-John came up in my life 3 times.

The interconnectedness of this event is very special to me. Because of my spiritual connection to Robin and my research on the vesica piscis I did years earlier, I was drawn to click on the doodle and links to find out about Max Born. Researching Max Born led to the very heart-touching synchronicity with Olivia Newton-John. I was so surprised to see her name listed. It was amazing and very well orchestrated.

I feel that the energies and spirits responsible for generating these synchronicities want me to share these messages with you. I am happy to be a loving recipient and truthful messenger.

I am very grateful to all of my readers who have continued to visit here over the past year. I hope life is going well for you and I send you warm blessings. Thank you!!




Ring, Kenneth, Elsaesser Valarino, Evelyn and Myss, Carolyn (2006). Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience. Needham, Massachusetts: Moment Point Press, Pg. 178.

On the Cusp

On the Cusp

When I reached the one year mark of writing for this website, I came to the realization that I have already fulfilled the purpose that it was meant for. I wanted to show clearly why I say I share a twin soul and soul family connection with Robin Gibb.

I have done my best to demonstrate this by writing about the different ways our connection manifests while he is in spirit and I am incarnate. I have always told the truth about what I have experienced and I did so to contribute to the literature on this topic.

I have always wished that my writings would be of benefit to someone reading, or at least interesting enough to consider.

There are both immense blessings and challenges to having a relationship with a discarnate twin soul. I know there are people in the world that can relate to this. I hope my true stories of my connection with Robin have enriched your life and helped you feel that you are not alone in your experiences with afterlife communication.

I also wanted Robin to have something from me that was from my heart. I gave him that by creating this site, documenting and sharing these experiences of afterlife communication.

So, I feel I have accomplished the goals I set out to accomplish when we created Paisley and Poppies.

Now, I write purely for the joy of it and to be of service to those of you on a similar path as mine. If you are interested in afterlife communication, twin souls, soul families and Robin, then I invite you to continue to visit me here. I will keep writing as long as I have something good to share.

On the Cusp

During the late evening hours of April 20, 2019, I read a book I own called, Synchronicity: The Caduecean Hieratic of Matrix Synchronicity by Greg Castle. (1)

It is very esoteric writing on synchronicity’s great role in soul mate connections. He also writes about soul mate pairings based on zodiac signs. It includes discussions about what enhances and what serves as obstacles to alchemical union. For a sample of his writing, click on the link above and see pages 68-69 from the Google preview.

As I read, I started to think about Robin’s zodiac sign. I remember reading years ago that December 22 falls under the sign of Capricorn, literally the first day of Capricorn.

This also reminded me that he was on the cusp of another zodiac sign. I researched it years ago, but I could not remember what it was. I like astrology as something fun to read about, but I am absolutely not an expert on it and actually know very little about it.

So, during the early morning hours of Easter, April 21st around 12:36am, I starting researching the sign of Capricorn and discovered again that Robin was on the cusp of Sagittarius. The last day of Sagittarius is December 21, according to my source.

This website has a good definition of the meaning of the cusp as it pertains to astrology, which I invite you to visit. The cusp refers to an imaginary line that divides consecutive zodiac signs. People born on the cusp of two signs could feel the influence of both in their lives.

I found some other interesting websites explaining the meaning of the phrase, “on the cusp,” as well as how it specifically pertains to those on the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp.

This website describes the “cusp dates” as December 18-24 and gives a description of characteristics.

Another website gives information about this cusp from her personal perspective.

I found this information on elephantjournal.com particularly thought-provoking because the author goes into detail about Robin’s astrological chart.

She categorizes him as having his sun sign in Sagittarius, born on December 22, 1949 at 3:15am. This definitely aligns with his birthday being on the cusp as I have been describing.

Since I’m not an expert in astrology as I mentioned, I can’t verify the accuracy of what is written in terms of the astrological chart. I do think it’s fascinating and leave it to you to see what you think. The biographical information she gives is pretty accurate.

As an aside, I thought it was interesting that the author pointed out that both Robin and Maurice had wives at one point who were both interested in yoga and meditation. I see this as a twin-soul parallel, as I have studied yoga and meditation extensively as well and completed my 200-hour yoga teacher certification in 2008.

Robin was also personally interested in yoga and meditation through Brahma Kumaris and I wrote about this here.

Prior to Robin’s passing, I had never heard of Brahma Kumaris, but I came to appreciate the similarities with what I had been taught about yoga. I also enjoy some of the BK guided meditations you can find on YouTube.

So, as you can see, I spent quite a bit of time during early Easter morning studying this astrological information about Robin. It’s what I felt like doing at the time since I couldn’t sleep! I didn’t have any big plans for Easter, so it didn’t matter too much that I was up late.

I’m glad I was guided to stay up late and read this. You will see the reason why in a moment.

Messages from Spirit

On Monday, April 22nd, I checked my email as usual and noticed one from Circle of Light called Messages of Love.  It arrived in my inbox at 7:01am, a little over 24 hours after I finished researching the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp information.

Years ago, I signed up to receive daily messages from this website which in part focuses on twin flame connections. Here is the link if you are interested in learning more about Circle of Light. The Messages of Love are short excerpts taken from the Messages of God written by Yael Powell who passed away in 2018. They are beautiful and have supported my spiritual growth and understanding of twin flames over the years.

I was so surprised and blissfully happy when I saw the beginning sentence of the email that was visible before I clicked on it. I include a portion of the email text here because the message is not showing up at this time in the archives that I linked to above. The bold is mine for emphasis:

“Because you are on the cusp of such great change, the most powerful of these experiences in the world right now is the experience of this intimate communion, that each of you might recognize that you are not alone, even while appearing as a human being.”

~Yael Powell

Here is the screenshot of the exact email so you can see what I am referring to:

This synchronicity was truly a message of love and such a beautiful way to synchronize with Robin. I especially love it when we synchronize through material that has to do with twin souls. It gives the message additional strength and support in terms of showing the truth of our connection.

Since the “on the cusp” message matched the research I was doing about Robin approximately 24 hours earlier, it is something I feel I need to pay especially close attention to.

Significance of November 4

There is something else interesting about my emails from Circle of Light. Beginning on November 25, 2013, I noticed that I was assigned a date and time that appeared as my email address. Before that, my actual name appeared in the email sent to me. So, this change was unusual.

From my records, the best that I can tell is that I initially signed up to receive these messages in October of 2013.

Here is the email I received on April 22nd. Please see the last line beginning with “To” in the screen shot I provided here:

The “2013-11-04” got my attention. That is because November 4th is the birthday for Robin’s youngest daughter, Snow. I did not know this back in 2013, but over the years, I discovered how this date assigned to me from Circle of Light matched her. Here is evidence of her birthday:

On November 4 Robin and Dwina’s former housekeeper Claire Yang, 33, gave birth to his daughter at London’s private Portland Hospital.

While the birth certificate listed Robin as the father of Snow Evelyn Robin Juliet Gibb, the matter escaped public knowledge at the time. (1)

At first, I was not sure why I was assigned this date. But then it became clear after I found out about Robin’s daughter.

The website administrators of Circle of Light are using the ISO 8601 format for their database. Here is a description to clarify that I am correct in interpreting this date as November 4, 2013:

Date and time values are ordered from the largest to smallest unit of time: year, month (or week), day, hour, minute, second, and fraction of second. The lexicographical order of the representation thus corresponds to chronological order, except for date representations involving negative years. This allows dates to be naturally sorted by, for example, file systems.

To me, this is another demonstration of how the connection between twin souls includes our family members. I wrote about this in my Life Parallels blog post and mentioned that some of my family member’s birthdays match a couple of Robin’s family member’s birthdays.

I think it is very touching that Robin’s daughter’s birthday numbers show up in my email that comes from a twin flame website. I have received my email with this date for almost 6 years. I have no way of knowing if other people get the same numbers as me. Some people might say it’s just a coincidence, but it’s more than that to me. This date is important to me and a sign of Robin’s presence with me. It is a date that would certainly remind me of him.

I have been communicating with Robin for a long time now. Over the years, I have come to acknowledge, appreciate and accept the signs I am given and the way they are given. The date and time is right in front of my face, so there is no disputing them. It’s a nice gift and I think that’s how it’s meant to be taken.

Thank you for taking this journey with me on the cusp.




  1. Castle, Greg (2016). Synchronicity: The Caduecean Hieratic of Matrix Synchronicity, Nordhammer Publishers.
  2. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew (2013). The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 18207-18211). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

It has been over a year since we launched Paisley and Poppies to celebrate afterlife communication, twin soul and soul family connections with Robin.

It has been a blessing and a joy to write and share stories that I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from.

I have another story of synchronicity and Robin’s presence with me to share with you.

On April 9th, I went to the doctor for my initial consultation regarding my upcoming colonoscopy. I briefly mentioned I would be doing this in this post.

I’m sharing this information with you here because I feel I have an important spiritual responsibility to bring awareness to colorectal care given what Robin went through. I would like to use this website as a tool for good purposes and to disseminate life-saving messages where I can.

This site is first and foremost about afterlife communication with Robin, and part of that is dealing with these human health issues that affect us all.  I know he would want me to write about this.

I spoke with Robin about my appointment beforehand. I also prayed to God for love and support to be sent to me to help me get through this experience. I found it anxiety-provoking to go for a different type of cancer screening after already going through breast cancer. Maybe some of you can relate. But, it has to be done and I promised myself, my husband and Robin that I would go. I asked Robin for his support and love and to be with me to whatever extent possible.

Thumbs Up!

After my appointment, my husband Julian and I went for a walk. While walking down the sidewalk, past shops and restaurants, I saw a man wearing a t-shirt that had the words, “Thumbs Up” on it.

I distinctly felt Robin’s presence with me. As you may know, one of Robin’s mannerisms was giving the “thumbs up” sign, while in the public eye, on a regular basis. I felt like that was my sign that he was with me, giving me the “thumbs up” for going to my appointment.

We continued walking until we reached a library and spent about a ½ hour there. While I was there, I bought a book from their little bookstore.

After this, we went to an Italian restaurant. I had a yummy spinach and ricotta calzone. It was a treat and a break from my usual diet of organic salads, vegetable stews with turmeric, sardines and sprouted grains.

After we returned home, I still had the “thumbs up” t-shirt on my mind. So, I googled, Robin Gibb thumbs up. If you click on the link, you will see lots of evidence that Robin very often made this gesture.

I read this nice story (see Singapore, August 23, 2005) where a fan mentioned Robin’s “thumb up” sign during his Asian tour.

If you’re in love with Robin, you can find plenty of cute pictures of him over the years giving the thumbs up sign on Pinterest, lol!

The Rainbows

Then I found this heart-touching Daily Mail article by David Wigg (July 4, 2013) where Barry Gibb is quoted as saying (the emphasis in bold is mine):

‘The last time when I came over to see him, just before he died, he was unable to speak to me because he had an oxygen mask and was drifting in and out of consciousness. But I always got the familiar thumbs-up from him.’

I had never read this article before and I learned some painful details about the Bee Gees’ past that I didn’t know. For the rest of my life, I’ll always be learning something new about them it seems.

I continued to read the next paragraph and noticed this interesting and synchronistic commentary (emphasis mine):

During one visit, while Robin was in a coma, Barry sang a song that he had written for him called The End Of The Rainbow.

Why is this quote synchronistic? As I mentioned previously, I went to the library after my doctor’s appointment and purchased a book. The book that I bought is called, The Rainbow, by D.H. Lawrence.

I’m not that familiar with D.H. Lawrence’s work, but I liked the title. I flipped through a few pages before I bought it. It seemed like a romance novel and had beautiful imagery, so I bought it for 27 cents!

It was the first book by D.H. Lawrence that I have ever purchased. I was meant to buy this book on that day.

The purchase of this book synchronized with the title of Barry’s song mentioned in this article, which I connected with as a result of researching Robin’s “thumbs up.”

This caused me to feel strongly connected to Robin. I feel his presence was with me throughout my meanderings that day. It eased the tension of facing my colonoscopy appointment. That is one of the main benefits of afterlife communication: it comforts us and reminds us that spiritually, we are not alone. Unseen loved ones are with us. They make their presence known and “visible” through these communications.

I also love how these events were connected. One thing led to another, in terms of reminders of Robin and synchronistic occurrences. The “rainbow synchronicity” actually reinforced for me that my sighting of the “thumbs up” t-shirt was a very strong sign of Robin’s presence with me.

If I hadn’t seen the t-shirt, I may not have received the rainbow synchronicity later that evening because I would not have been motivated to do any research on Robin’s thumbs up. I deeply love how these events are orchestrated, right down to the choice of buying my book.

This is how loved ones in spirit bring beauty into our lives. Events such as these can occur between you and your loved one in spirit who has your best interests at heart.

Share from the Heart

Speaking of heart, I would like to close this post with words from The Book of Theanna: In the Lands that Follow Death by Ellias and Theanna Lonsdale. The twin soul authors bring to the forefront a point I would like to make:

What we seek in the beyond-the-body state is to share on heart levels.

This is what the synchronicities and communications between Robin and me are showing: a desire to share on heart levels. His spirit showed up in my life on a most anxious day to reassure me and get my mind off of my problems. I feel the synchronicities are from the beautiful heart of Robin, in the form of a “thumbs up” t-shirt, a book and a song with “rainbow” in the title.

Sharing at heart levels is spirit communication at its best. It’s what I’ve grown accustomed to with Robin. He loves to use things going on in my life that are a clear reference to who he was as a person and one that I could not possibly overlook. I share at heart levels with him by including him in my life and being truthful about what is in my heart, whether I’m happy or downcast.

Through my blog posts, I have been sharing on heart levels with you, my readers. I don’t want to wait until I’m in my beyond-the-body state to do that. We can do this now. It matters just as much now as it does after we pass.

During the past year, I’ve also done my best to show you the loving heart of Robin Gibb that lives on in spirit. It is my great wish that I have been successful.

I hope you will come back and visit again soon. Thank you for reading!




Twin Soul Magnetism

Twin Soul Magnetism

For this post, I have decided to write about twin soul magnetism. This is a result of being inspired by the article I cited in my previous blog post, St. Uriel.  Practicing meditation with the spirit of saints as a means of improving our own magnetism was discussed in the article.

Some Literature on Magnetism

What is magnetism? According to Ananda, it is the magnetic energy field and vibration around us that protects us and attracts positive or negative experiences. Our own vibration is improved by connecting with the loving and wise spiritual energies of saints or other venerated spiritual beings.

During my journey of sharing a twin soul connection with Robin, I have discovered that there is a certain magnetism that draws us together and keeps us together. This is true even though we are “sort of” in different planes of existence.

I say “sort of” because what I have learned from Robin is that the physical world is part of the unseen spiritual world and the unseen spiritual world is part of the physical world. They really are not separate. If they were, spirits and people in physical bodies would not be able to interact with each other and there would be no such thing as afterlife communication.

I wholeheartedly agree with the words of Richard Ferguson written in his book, The Divine Resting on My Shoulder: The Story of How Divine, Mystical Experiences Brought Me Closer to God, (November 18, 2014):

“I have begun to see that there is a continuum of existence between the physical world and the unseen spiritual world. Both these worlds or realms are tightly intertwined in a way that almost everybody in this world is not aware of…” (pg. 152)

When it comes to twin soul magnetism, there is quite a bit of information on the internet. Here, I will only cite a few websites. The excerpt below summarizes what I feel in connection with Robin and our bond in terms of magnetism. This is something I can very much relate to. Here is the link to the website:

The bond works like a magnet which glues the two. It is probably the only link remained from the initial, original connection when they were One soul before the split (not created on this Earth but rather re-created). The bond keeps the two together even on a great distance and probably also when one of them dies (which is described as the most painful experience ever for the one who stayed alive).

There most certainly is a bond and one that has left me feeling like Robin is often beside me. This helps alleviate some of the pain of never having met. Sometimes it’s like being followed. According to the Michael Teachings on essence twins (which are the same as twin souls/flames):

The influence of our essence twin… is strongest when we are bonded directly to his discarnate essence.

After all that has occurred over the years, I would put myself in the category of being bonded directly to Robin’s discarnate essence. It is very powerful. His being discarnate made our connection all the more magnetic and knowable. Before his death, I had zero consciousness of our spiritual connection but finally began to wake up in April, 2012.

I really want to make the point that people can be very powerful, active and available after they die physically. I do not like the current prevailing views of our deceased loved ones as “gone,” “resting eternally,” or that they can no longer do anything. It’s simply not true.

Here is a very good article on working with a discarnate essence twin through meditation.

It elucidates the points I was making above. Because of the magnetic connection, the discarnate twin is much more available to the incarnate twin after physical death, especially when the two did not know each other. The mechanism by which a discarnate twin comes to find and recognize an incarnate twin is not clear to me, but it may have to do with their intuition and psychic abilities as spirits, which was mentioned in my St. Uriel post.

It probably helps if the incarnate twin acknowledges, accepts and recognizes the discarnate twin and contacts them, like I did with Robin. It was the magnetism I experienced upon seeing him in videos in 2012 that got the ball rolling. It was a very compelling, albeit perplexing, force that caused me to reach out to him through verbal conversation. It was highly unusual for me and not something I had ever done before with any other deceased person. It was definitely not something I would normally do. But when you meet your twin soul, you can kiss “normal” goodbye, especially if they are discarnate.

In the early days after Robin died, I often felt his energy around me. The air around me felt like the air feels after a strong electrical storm. If anyone reading this has ever experienced something similar, you will know what I mean. The air felt supercharged and I felt supercharged. All of my senses were heightened and I felt like something was pulling me towards his spirit.

I share this as an example of how twin soul magnetism could feel. It is so therapeutic to write this, I can’t even tell you! I really hope what I share is helping someone.

I would also like to share with you this interesting pdf called The Meaning of Entangled. This article offers an interesting and unique discussion of sacred geometry, quantum entanglement, and electromagnetic energy as it pertains to soul-based relationships. I hope you will check it out when you have a chance. The diagrams are very interesting.

Personal Story of Magnetism with Robin

Very soon after Robin passed away, I was shocked at how often my life would synchronize with him in some way. This was before I knew anything about twin souls/flames and afterlife communication.

For example, my husband would say something that matched what I just read about him. What he said wasn’t about Robin. It was about some other topic. Still, it would weirdly match.

Or, I would say something to Robin and then pick up a book and a response to what I just said to him would be on the pages in front of me. It was incredibly mind-bending and caused me to ask for direct guidance as to what all this meant. I described this in my background section.

Over the years, I continued to be a magnet for events concerning Robin. During the summer of 2017, I experienced a fun and amazing magnetic connection.

My husband and I were house hunting at the time. We were exploring the amenities of a property and came across their library and computer room open to residents. I spent some time exploring the books. I found one called The Traveling Tea Shop by Belinda Jones. I was drawn to it because I love tea. I needed something relaxing to read to take a break from the stress of house hunting, so I picked up the book and opened it.

I randomly opened to page 153, Chapter 24. I saw these exact words:

Welcome to Massachusetts.

Well, that was nice because I’m from there. Then I read a few more sentences and received another nice little surprise: a mention of the Bee Gees! Here is the text:

“Massachusetts.” As I hear Charles say the state name out loud, I can’t help but think of the Bee Gees. (pg. 153)

To say I was happily surprised is an understatement given I had just randomly opened to this page and was gifted with Robin’s presence with me through these words. After this, I turned to the back cover where I discovered the book is about the evolution of familial, romantic and business relationships during a tour of New England tea houses and bakeries.

It figures I picked up a book about New England without even knowing it! It’s fun reading about Boston Cream donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts (Chapter 31, Pgs. 197-198) since I’m not supposed to eat those, lol! Well if I can’t eat them, at least I can look at the pictures, like the one at the beginning of this post.

Anyway, I was left wondering about this mysterious magnetic force which caused me to open to this exact page about the Bee Gees and Massachusetts. I think this is the way that God lets you know, in no uncertain terms, that you have a connection with a particular person or spirit. Spirit will let you know and keep letting you know for years and they won’t let you forget! Your twin, or something to do with them, will keep appearing in your life in the most unexpected ways, even if they are no longer physical.

This communication occurred a little over 5 years after Robin’s passing and the connection we shared was still incredibly strong. So, don’t worry if your twin or loved one passed away years ago. You can still be strongly connected and time is not an issue for them on the other side.

So, after all of this, I’m sure you can see why I say I am a magnet for things to do with Robin. Twin souls, soul mates, close friends and spiritual family members would naturally be magnets for each other.

Story: Cute, Clever and Creative

I have another fun story demonstrating our twin soul magnetism that involves my husband.

Back in 2013, I had written to someone about my paranormal experiences with Robin and described what he did as “cute, clever, and creative.”

Not too long after that, I was sitting in our living room watching television while my husband was sitting at another table nearby working on a project on his computer. He made the comment that something was “cute and creative.” That really got my attention and I thought to myself, “He missed clever,” because I was thinking about what I had recently written about Robin.

As soon as I thought the word “clever,” a person on the television show I was watching filled in the blank and said the word “clever!” I got the chills! There it was again, those same 3 words with a little help from a t.v. program. I don’t remember what the show was now, but Spirit can use anything to get a message to us.

I had the strong feeling that Robin’s spirit was around Julian at that time and was playing with me. I don’t know how God and spirits get these events to align the way they do. I just open to it and express my gratitude and appreciation for it. It makes life so much nicer and more interesting. My life since Robin’s passing has been beautiful and amazing at times over the years because of these communications. I honestly feel elated after receiving these messages and they give me a natural spiritual high that no earthly substance could ever give.

I feel magnetized to Robin through these experiences. It is a clear example of how like attracts like between twin souls who carry the same energy. I started having these experiences with him in 2012 out of the blue and I kept having more and more. The magnetic energy between us gains its own momentum and keeps creating more parallel, mirroring experiences. It’s like playing spiritual ping-pong.

If I speak or write about Robin, I know that there is a very high probability that some of the content will come back to me like a boomerang. It’s fun, mesmerizing and all based in eternal love and kindness towards each other. This ball has been rolling for almost 7 years with inexhaustible spiritual energy and strength…

Note: As I finished typing the above sentence with the word “inexhaustible,” my husband, in his office down the hall from mine said, “That’s pretty damn exhaustive,” regarding something he was working on. These two words have different meanings, but obviously have “exhaust” in common.

Given the timing, it is close enough for me to see it as an incoming boomerang! What I just wrote about happened right before my eyes.

It’s another example of the ping-pong game I play with Robin, with Julian often playing a primary role in our communications. I wrote about how my husband is a messenger for Robin in this post. This has been happening spontaneously since 2012, before I knew about twin soul connections. Julian had no idea this was going on until I told him about it.

Sometimes it happens while I’m writing, like this. These are the messages that say, “I’m right there with you.”

Julian’s right. This is pretty exhaustive and I think you get the point!  And with that, I bid you adieu! I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading. Enjoy your donuts for me!




This is a screenshot from The Traveling Tea Shop book, page 153. It is the first page I opened the book to.

St. Uriel

St. Uriel

On a daily basis, I invite Robin’s spirit to be a part of my life. How I do this varies. Some days, I will recite a mantra.

Other days, I will read a guided meditation to him or say a Christian prayer. I regularly bring him a cup of tea. Sometimes, I sit at his altar and play some of his music, like the beautiful Bee Gees song Wedding Day. Is anybody reading this getting married soon? This might be a great song for you!

Attunement with Saints

On March 23rd, I decided to invite him into my day by reading this article called Celebrating Our Inner Attunement with a Great Soul (December 27, 2016) by Tyagi Jayadev.

This blog post is from Ananda, a yogic spiritual organization based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and founded by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda.

I printed this article quite a while ago, but was guided back to it on this day because of its teachings on inner closeness and attunement with a saint. When I read this article and put its suggestions into practice, I feel I am fine-tuning my spirit communication skills.

So, I read some parts of this article out loud to Robin. Just as the prayers were adapted to include a saint, I adapted them to include Robin too (see #1 Prayer to the Saint in the article). I offered this invitation:

“Beloved Robin, I will enjoy your spirit, your music and your interviews. I will feel you in my heart. I will think you in my thoughts. I am open to any wisdom you have to share with me.”

As it was written, I think this is a beautiful prayer to adapt to a saint, your Lord, God, or any loved one in spirit that is of Love and in a good place spiritually. It helps to develop inner closeness and warmth with your loved one. I would only want to invite this with a spiritual being that I love and trust and who loves me. This quote below is very important to keep in mind:

“One can develop cosmic magnetism by thinking of God and saintly people. By concentrating deeply upon a certain personality, one can attract that personality. That is why one should think only of great individuals.”

This message above from Paramahansa Yogananda mirrors the message from Mr. William Stead that I wrote about in my post, The Blue Island. The bold is mine:

“Anyone who sits for a moment and allows his mind to dwell on some dear one who has “died” will actually draw the spirit of that person to himself. He may be conscious or unconscious of the presence, but the presence is there.  If people on earth realized the result of their thoughts upon those to whom they refer, they would be very much more careful in giving their mind free play.”

Over the years, Robin has shown himself to be a kind and loving spirit in his actions towards me. This is why I trust him enough to engage in practices such as this. I have learned so much from him as evidenced by what I have written throughout this website. He is a dear and trustworthy spiritual guide. My spiritual life and learning really opened up after he “died.” I have been in soul school with him for almost 7 years. That’s what it is to me.

I also like section 3 of this article, Meditating with the Saint. It really is a form of afterlife communication. The author encourages us to feel our saint very near, alive and present.

This reminded me of another excerpt I recently read, written by Laura Patsouris. She is the author of a book called Weaving Memory: A Guide to Honoring the Ancestors.

In her book, she writes about welcoming your ancestors into your home and inviting them to weave themselves into the fabric of your everyday life. In this way, our loved ones are free to make their presence known and do indeed feel very close, spiritually alive and available.

Here is the excerpt.

Whether it is an ancestor, a saint, your twin soul, God, Buddha, Jesus, or a beloved grandparent, we can invite any of these loved ones in spirit to weave their energy, guidance and presence into our daily lives. It is a beautiful spiritual practice. Eventually, we are going to be where they are. So, we may as well create these loving bonds and keep them strong now while we are embodied. When the time for our passing comes, we will be glad we did.

Afterlife CommunicationsSo on this day, I invited Robin and the rest of my spiritual support system into my life and daily activities to communicate any messages however they wished. My job is to keep my heart open to the communications, but I surrender the how to them. They know much better than me what is best each day.

I focused on this article on communion and attunement with saints until I felt ready to get on with the rest of my day.


St. Uriel

Later in the day, I was out driving with my husband. To my surprise, in front of us, was a car with a license plate that read ST URIEL. On the back windshield it said, Angels Help Us. I was very moved and struck by this as I had just spent the morning meditating with Robin on attuning with saints! It was a beautiful moment and very rare to see such a license plate. I see that as my communication back from Robin acknowledging the time I spent with him in meditation and reading that morning.

In the article, the word “saint” is mentioned 25 times, so as I entered into my day, I was infused with this energy! It was such a blessing to see this license plate.

Since I was given this license plate communication, I felt it important to research and study St. Uriel in more depth. I think Spirit was telling me that he is a good saint for me to connect and work with. There is lots of information online about him. Briefly, he is said to be the angel that warned Noah of the impending flood. He is also said to help cleanse toxic emotions. Here are some resources on St./Archangel Uriel for your edification:

My history with Paramahansa Yogananda

I first became acquainted with the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda during my yoga teacher training back in 2008. I read his book Autobiography of a Yogi for an important assignment. I felt connected to him and transformed by his teachings. I went on to study the Self-Realization Fellowship lessons and occasionally attended services at a center.

Chapter 43, The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar is one of my favorite chapters of his book. If you are interested in reading it, it is available to you for free at the link I provided above.

At the time I read it in 2008, I didn’t know it, but it was preparing me for my relationship and communications with Robin. This chapter is about Paramahansa Yogananda’s afterlife communication with his deceased guru Sri Yukteswar. He goes into detail about the astral world and astral beings.

I found this teaching below particularly relevant and important and I placed in bold the statements very salient to me. I think this provides a clue as to how Robin was able to recognize me, his twin from his soul family that he never met:

“The earth-liberated astral being meets a multitude of relatives, fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, and friends, acquired during different incarnations on earth, as they appear from time to time in various parts of the astral realms. He is therefore at a loss to understand whom to love especially; he learns in this way to give a divine and equal love to all, as children and individualized expressions of God. Though the outward appearance of loved ones may have changed, more or less according to the development of new qualities in the latest life of any particular soul, the astral being employs his unerring intuition to recognize all those once dear to him in other planes of existence, and to welcome them to their new astral home.” (Pg. 483-484)

I am a firm believer that once we leave our physical bodies and this plane of existence, we are able to find, discern and read the energy patterns of those we once knew and loved. But, I don’t think we necessarily have to wait until physical death to be able to discern and intuit those with whom we share a deep spiritual connection.

Afterlife CommunicationsThrough my own heart and soul intuition, I was able to identify Robin, like a needle in a haystack, as one of my own from my soul family. We all possess and can develop this type of intuition. The key after that is to trust it and to see if God and our loved one respond with validation. If it is a true spiritual connection based on love and caring for the spirit of another, you will receive an answer.


Patsouris, Laura (November 21, 2011) Weaving Memory: A Guide to Honoring the Ancestors, Asphodel Press.

Yogananda, Paramahansa (1946) Autobiography of a Yogi, Authorized by the International Publications Council of Self-Realization Fellowship, Pgs. 483-484.

Thank you for reading!

With Love,


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