How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up, Part 2

How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up, Part 2

How Deceased Twin Souls Appear in Different Dreams


Robin Hugh Gibb was an incarnation of beauty that I have really enjoyed connecting with in spirit over the years. His inner beauty as a spirit remains.

When we die, I believe our world opens up beyond anything that we can imagine while incarnate.  It seems to me that Robin’s world expanded after he died, to include people he did not know, like me and others that he cares about at soul level. The worlds of those of us still incarnate can expand to include our deceased loved ones as well.

After we die physically, people may discover that they are strongly spiritually connected to someone that they did not know while they were incarnate. I believe this is what happened with Robin and why we are connected now. The origins of the connection are mysterious, but it is there nonetheless.

It’s possible that these types of connections happen frequently, but that we rarely hear about them.

It also may be that a deceased loved one is spiritually connected to someone they seemingly had little in common with in an earthly sense. They could come from completely different worlds.

Robin’s world was a world of princesses and prime ministers. Mine is a world of an everyday private citizen not in the public eye. I don’t fit in his earthly world of C.B.E.’s and Grammys. But I do fit in his spiritual world and in that world, we are connected. I can tell by how things have played out in the physical plane of existence as manifested in continuous mirroring with him. As above, so below.

From a spiritual perspective, it does not matter that we come from completely different worlds. These earthly differences fade away very quickly once the soul connection is re-established.

I realize I have a lot of nerve saying this. This entire website takes a lot of nerve! Yet, you don’t get anywhere in life without having some nerve. I’m willing to step way outside of my comfort zone to share these experiences because I am confident in the truth of them.

One of the reasons I still write here is because there could be someone out there who is going through a similar experience as mine with no one to talk to. I know how much it helped me when I read about others having similar experiences as mine. So, I hope I can be that comfort for someone else. Writing here also gives me a higher purpose in life that truly helps to counterbalance the chaos of the physical world. I am doing my part to educate and demonstrate how afterlife twin soul connections could manifest. Of course, how this connection shows up for others could be very different.

Some may wonder, “What did Robin do to you after he died?” 🙂 Well, I guess it all comes down to spiritual awakening and remembrance of who I am as a spiritual being. This is what happens when you have been hit with an otherworldly shock wave of this magnitude! His spirit is intelligent, kind, super creative and a powerhouse, just like when he was alive. I’ve been knocked off my feet multiple times by his energy.

He woke me up to a life beyond this world and the different ways we can stay in touch across the permeable “veil.” The  “veil” doesn’t matter much to me. I have found that it’s not that hard to break through anyway, especially when you have a willing companion who wants to communicate as well.

Types of Afterlife Dreams

With that said, I would like to continue this topic of the different ways deceased twin souls show up in the everyday life of an incarnate twin. This time, I would like to talk about how they show up in different kinds of dreams. Of course, this applies to other deceased loved ones as well.

Not all dreams of deceased loved ones are visitation dreams where you feel like you are actually being met by the spirit of your loved one. Some may be of a symbolic nature, delivering an important message.

In this post, I would like to share two stories about how Robin’s spirit has shown up in two different types of dreams: message dreams and visitation dreams.

According to, a message dream is a dream in which the Universe is trying to communicate something very important to you. (1)

Symbolism can be used in this type of dream. The symbolism can make the message of the dream very clear, but sometimes it can also be challenging to interpret what the exact meaning of the message is and may require a bit more effort.

According to Clinical psychologist Jennifer Shorter, visitation dreams are:

…striking emotionally intense dreams in which a recently deceased loved one returns to provide guidance, reassurance, and/or warning. (2)

From my experience, this type of dream leaves an indelible impression, is life-changing, and leads to a close bond with the person dreamed about.

Deceased Twin Souls Show Up in Visitation Dreams

The visitation dream I am about to describe occurred during the summer of 2012 as I was learning about afterlife communication and what Robin was like during his life. It was a short dream with huge impact and involves tactile sensation.

In the dream, I am standing face-to-face with Robin. He looked young and healthy like he did when he was in his 30’s. He had short blonde hair and looked very much like this, the picture at the top with the red background.

As I stand there face-to-face with him, I reach out with my right hand to touch the left side of his face. I    could feel his face as if I were “physically” touching him. We did not exchange words. I just stood there, reaching out, touching his face. I really felt him. It was a loving and gentle exchange and felt very real.

It was like he was saying, “I’m still real. I still exist. You can touch me!”I felt relieved that I could connect with him and still reach him in spirit. It meant so much to be able to touch him because I never got to meet him when he was alive.

Preston Ni, in the article, “How Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones Affect the Dreamers: What messages do visitation dreams convey?”describes exactly what I experienced in this dream. My dream has the majority of the characteristics of visitation dreams he describes in his article, which you can read here. This includes feeling reassured and how Robin appeared healthy and youthful in the dream. Most notably is how real this dream felt. Preston Ni says:

One of the most common descriptions of visitation dreams is that they are much more intense, vivid, and kinesthetic than ordinary dreams. “It feels so real” is a common refrain, characterizing experiences both during and after the dream. The intensity of the dream may stay with the dreamer for months or even years, as if the dream had happened only recently. (2)

The last sentence of this quote is definitely true for me. The tactile, sensory experience of this dream had the greatest effect on me so much so that over eight years later, I can still feel what Robin’s energy felt like in the dream.

This dream gave me a real experience of him. I was no longer just believing that his spiritual existence was real. I was no longer only reading about afterlife dreams and how deceased loved ones can show up. I was really feeling that his spirit is real. A good example to explain this better is, it’s like reading about how to drive a car vs. really driving the car. It’s completely different. It was so moving and powerful to be able to connect in this way.

If you ever wonder why I feel so strongly about Robin and have so much to say about his spirit, it is because of experiences like these. They have left me feeling awestruck. It has been beyond life-changing. I never had experiences like this before he died.

By the way, I had an incredible synchronicity on November 16th, the day I wrote the above text about this visitation dream with Robin.

Before I started writing this post that day, I did research on “after death communication dreams.” I found the article by Preston Ni that I quoted above. A beautiful synchronicity manifested because in the article, Mr. Ni described a visitation dream in which he reached out to touch the face of his deceased friend! It’s a really good example of an afterlife dream communication which I invite you to read. It’s just one paragraph at the beginning of the article.

I was so amazed! Here I am, getting ready to write about the dream where I touched Robin’s face and I find the story of a person who had a very similar dream experience. I don’t remember previously reading this story in the past, so it was truly a surprise synchronicity for me at that moment. This is how spirit works and how Robin’s spirit showed up for me while I was writing. The synchronicity causes me to feel so encouraged with everything I do with this website!

Finding Mr. Ni’s dream story, at the exact time I was getting ready to write about my own similar story, gives more credence to my dream as being an actual visitation dream. It’s like I was being given even more validation while in the process of working on this post.

F.Y.I., in the post below, I wrote about another dream I had of Robin in which I experienced tactile sensations while giving him a hug.

Songs and License Plates


Deceased Twin Souls Show Up in Message Dreams

The message dream I share below is also one I had about Robin during the summer of 2012, shortly after his death:

Robin is laying in bed and I am sitting in a chair right beside him. He is ill, like he was at the end of his life. He was the same age as he was at the end of his life, in his 60’s. We were quiet and no words were exchanged. I was just sitting there beside him, keeping him company. The bedroom was in a basement-like setting.

Have you seen a house where people renovate their basements so they have a bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen in it? That is common in the U.S. Well, that’s the kind of room it was like.

So, I’m sitting there beside Robin and then I look up to my left to the window that is above us. I see children running, laughing and playing outside. I watch them while I am sitting there with him. They were having a lot of fun.

The dream ends with me sitting there beside Robin, watching the children playing.

To me, this dream always symbolized new life or resurrected life because it included young children. I tend to rely on my own intuition for interpretation of my dreams. I have found over the years that when I read other’s interpretations, they often don’t fit or they have so many possible interpretations for one dream symbol that I don’t feel any more certainty after reading their suggestions.

Robin was ill in the dream and we were in the basement, which to me, symbolizes being at a low point in one’s life.

But then the dream shifted to children playing outside. I feel this dream was telling me his soul transitioned to a happier, more playful state in his new life. It was a message of endings and new beginnings combined in one dream. It reminds me of the lyrics from Robin’s song, Don’t Cry Alone: “Surely as the sun sets, New suns are rising…”

The dream also applied to me because my old life was ending. I was entering into a new life as well: one that included afterlife communication and a spiritual connection with Robin that I had not previously been aware of.

Afterlife Children at play

I consider this a message dream and not a visitation dream because it does not have the characteristics typically associated with visitation dreams. Since he was ill and older in the dream, that does not fit the typical visitation dream where loved ones are usually seen as healthy and restored to a younger age.

In this post, I wanted to show the contrast between the visitation dream and the message dream to convey the point that message dreams are still important and have a lot to offer. Just because a dream is not an actual visit from a deceased loved one does not mean it should be dismissed. There are still important things the Universe or a loved one may be trying to tell you symbolically. This message dream in 2012 made me feel like Robin was doing well and entering into a renewed state. This turned out to be true as I discovered over the years.

Looking at this dream from a perspective eight years after the fact, I am grateful for the powerful connection I had with Robin very soon after his passing. You may find that if you share a spiritual connection with a deceased loved one, they may contact you within a very short time after their passing, even if you did not know them while they were alive. Some loved ones feel no need to wait and will contact you as soon as possible if they are able and you are open to it.

In Closing: Day of the Dead Celebrations

On October 31-November 2, I offered Robin and my ancestors food and drink offerings and prayers for Samhain/Day of the Dead. I have come up with my own version of a celebration, blending three cultures: Celtic for Robin, African for my ancestors and Mexican because I love and respect how this culture honors their deceased loved ones.

Here is a picture of his altar from the evening of October 31st.

Robin Gibb

The green light is from a night light I keep at his altar which changes colors and gives a good artistic effect that I like.

I offered his spirit jasmine rice with a chick pea and spinach curry (he was a vegetarian), golden turmeric almond milk and a vegan shortbread cookie for desert. Everything was homemade by me.

I cook for my family almost everyday. My deceased loved ones, including Robin and my loving ancestors, are part of my family as well and I treat them as such. That is how I see them.

Years ago, I saw an interview with him and someone else saying they should get a curry together, but I can’t remember what video it was now. With that in mind, I made him this curry and I hoped he enjoyed it in spirit. This is the way I honor his existence and all he has taught me since 2012.

There are many ways to honor deceased loved ones during this period. You also do not have to wait for October 31st to give offerings to them. I do so all year around. Here are some websites that helped me arrange my celebration this year. You can apply these ideas to your relationship with your deceased loved one at any time:

  1. Libations for my African Ancestors
  2.  Celtic for Robin
  3.  Mexico-Day of the Dead (visually beautiful website by the way, and highly recommended)

I wish you all the best for a safe and happy holiday season! I know this has been a very tough year for so many people and I can only pray it gets better. My condolences to you if you have recently lost a loved one due to Covid 19 or any other illness.

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate this holiday in the United States and around the world.



  1. The Seven Most Common Types of Dreams.
  1. Ni, Preston (December 4, 2016). How Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones Affect the Dreamers: What messages do visitation dreams convey?, Psychology Today.


Christina Samuels Signature

How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up

How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up

How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up In Your Life

This post is about how deceased twins can show up in your everyday life. That is pretty much what this entire website is about, but I thought it would be fun to offer some more examples of how the connection with Robin’s spirit manifests in my life.

Deceased twins are obviously going to show up differently than twins who are both incarnate. I imagine that most incarnate twins, who are aware of their twin in spirit, will quickly learn the language and communication style of their deceased twin.

It is my experience that a twin in spirit will use a multi-tiered approach to communication. That is because it is easy for humans to dismiss one dream or one synchronicity related to a person in spirit. However, it is impossible to ignore multiple and continuous instances of synchronicity, dreams, and telekinesis that point to a specific person. This is the way the spirit of the person is letting you know the connection is one to attend to.

In this post, I will focus on how deceased twin souls show up through the language of synchronicity.

But first, I would like to share a brief update on my feelings about twin souls.

A Brief Perspective of Twin Souls

I have always been honest in stating that I am a twin soul student, not an expert. That is why I do not sell any services related to this topic on this website. I prefer being in student mode, as these concepts about twin souls and soul families are something still relatively new to me and topics I studied in depth only after Robin’s death in 2012. As I continue to learn more and my understanding continues to develop, I like share new perspectives.

The funny thing for me about writing so much about twin soul and soul mate connections is that prior to Robin’s passing, I knew nothing about twin souls and really was not interested in the concept of soul mates! Prior to meeting my husband in 1997, I never thought about soul mates. I thought about attracting a partner I was compatible with.

At that time, I had just come out of a bad breakup. I realized I needed to get clear on what I wanted in a partner so I did not end up enduring needless heartbreak again. I did not think about soul mates all those years ago because I really didn’t think this concept applied to me. It wasn’t on my radar. So, it’s ironic that at this stage of my life, age 54, twin soul energy has become a big part of it.

As a person experiencing an afterlife twin soul connection, I feel I have been given the “job” so to speak of communicating very clearly that life after death is real and true for Robin and all of our loved ones who have passed away.

As I mentioned in my post on twin souls below, I describe twin souls as a person or soul, living or deceased, who is from your soul group that you share a nearly identical energy light vibration with at the spiritual level.

Thoughts on Twin Souls

This spiritual closeness can develop possibly as a result of how we were created together, and many shared experiences across time and space. I say ‘possibly’ because there is still a lot of mystery involved in determining how souls become twinned, at least from my perspective.

I definitely have a closeness with Robin’s spirit due to the afterlife experiences I have shared with him in this lifetime. This closeness will indeed carry over into future existences wherever they may be.

Twin souls are energetic twins. They may look alike physically in some cases, but also may not due to coming from different racial and ethnic backgrounds and being in different age groups.

I am not a proponent of the theory that twin souls are one soul divided into male and female halves. It doesn’t sit right with me and in some ways is overly simplistic to me.

To me, what we are really talking about is the spirit of a person which in my opinion is intelligent energy light. So, I’m not sure how that can be split into male and female halves.

Many people write about the separation of male and female halves of the soul into twin souls, but they don’t say anything about how this actually happens. What does this entail? At what point does this happen? And, how can you actually verify that your soul has been split into male and female halves?

Perhaps some people feel they can verify it or have been told that that is the case for them, so I respect their perspective, but I cannot say the same.

I think it is a beautiful sentiment. The Bee Gees sang about this in their song, “My Lover’s Prayerwith the lyrics, “And my soul is divided in two”…

I believe that two people can love each other so deeply that they may feel like their soul is divided in two. But whether that is actually what has happened at the spiritual level, I’m not sure about that. But even if it is not, it does not mean you love that person any less.

I know many people disagree with me. Maybe I’m wrong, and some things may be true whether I believe in them or not. I can only say that this is my understanding of twin souls at this time as far as it applies to me personally.

I’m always open to learning more, while using my own discernment, from posts like this which I think are interesting. You can see what you think about soul groups consisting of 144 people. I wonder how such a precise number was determined. I believe it is important to be knowledgeable about different points of view, even if you disagree. I like to link to lots of different articles to supplement what I’m writing. I believe the ideas expressed are worth considering, but that does not mean I believe or agree with everything that is said in an article.

I still believe in twin souls being a closely bonded pair within a soul group in which we understand, love each other and do valuable work together. I believe you can be a closely bonded pair within a larger soul family of loving souls without having been divided into male and female halves. I believe you can still be and live as spiritually one with your twin soul and the other members of your soul group without being divided into male and female halves.

I feel this way because I recognize both feminine and masculine energies within myself and I recognize them in the people I’m closest with. So, I can’t see myself being ‘split’ exclusively into the female energy half.

I also recognize that many people identify with being primarily female or male energy. Yet, I have a feeling that who we are as spirits goes beyond earthly descriptions of male and female.

So, this is what I am talking about when I say I share a twin soul connection with Robin. After all the synchronicity, dreams, telekinesis and other forms of afterlife communication, I believe I have enough evidence to support my saying that I share a twin soul connection with his spirit and energy. I am not saying our souls are divided into male and female halves. I feel uncomfortable saying that and that is after over 8 years of communication.

Is Twin Soul Theory Too Gender Binary?

I have acquaintances who are gender-fluid and non-binary, and they have taught me to move beyond seeing things from the perspective of the male-female dichotomy only. It is an important spiritual message and one I am embracing.

In my previous post on thoughts on twin souls, I was overly simplistic in my writing about male and female binary energies as they relate to twin souls. The binary perspective is still valid and important. I identify as female (she/her pronouns) and I am a cisgender woman, so this has influenced my writing.

However, I am correcting the tendency to see things only according to this perspective by learning and growing into a deeper understanding about the wide range of perspectives on gender and how that applies to twin souls.

I am really glad that from the beginning of my connection with Robin, I was given the valid sign, which I wrote about in the “Background” section, that our connection is about the light that emanates from within us and the color of the light. It wasn’t about being male-female halves.

I think the notion of gender at the soul level becomes much more complex when you consider the perspectives of people who do not identify with any gender. Twin soul theory is extremely gender binary, but this perspective does not apply to all people and I’m sure many people feel left out in the ‘twin flame world’ as a result.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my evolving perspectives with you.

Now, I would like to move into discussing how deceased twin souls can show up in your life, offering my experiences of synchronicity with Robin’s spirit as examples.

 Synchronicity of Busts

One of the main ways deceased twins show up is to stay synchronized with you through everyday events.

On the evening of Friday, September 25, 2020, I watched The Great British Baking Show, Season 8, Episode 1, Cake Week, on Netflix. This is one of my favorite shows.

On this episode, the bakers were tasked with creating a bust of someone they felt connected to. It was a fun and interesting show. I always enjoy the pretty set and creativity of their designs.

A few hours later, after midnight on September 26th, I could not sleep yet. So, I decided to read one of my Bee Gees’ books that I had not finished. It is by Jeff Apter and called, Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees.

I browsed through a few pages and then flipped to the end of the book to see what was there. There was text about Robin’s home in Thame, Oxfordshire. Then, I came across this quote, which really stunned me because it was a direct synchronicity with the t.v. show I had just watched:

 A bust of Winston Churchill, one of Robin’s heroes, rested alongside a suit of armour. (1)

I was amazed and felt so close with Robin’s spirit at that moment. It felt like he was present in tandem with me, saying through this synchronizing, “You watched a show where they were making busts out of cake. Well, I have a bust too and I’m right there with you!”

This is how he showed up that evening.

What amazes me about synchronicity is how precise it is. It picks up on the most minute details of what is going on in your life.

For me, busts are not common. I never think about them or hear about them at all. So, the synchronicity really stood out because I was hearing about busts twice within a few hours of each other. For someone else, for whom busts are a common, everyday thing, this might not mean as much. But for me, it is very uncommon, so that is why I enjoyed this so much.

I knew that Sir Winston Churchill was a hero of Robin’s, but I did not know he had a bust of him in his home. So, I learned something new along with the wonderful message.

The energy of deceased twin souls often shows up in the mirroring of life events that connect back to them in some way.

Synchronized Bliss

When I received this synchronicity, I really felt like I had been guided by “a thousand unseen helping hands” to pick up and browse through the Bee Gees’ book that night. I had not read it in a while and had not had the chance to finish it previously. But, I was pulled to read it again after I watched the t.v show.

This statement about “unseen helping hands” comes from Joseph Campbell, whom I now quote:

When we follow our bliss, we are met by a thousand unseen helping hands. (2)

Joseph Campbell

Afterlife communication with Robin is following my bliss. It has been since the very beginning in 2012. I feel Robin’s unseen helping hands and many others supporting me along the way. I am not writing this blog all by myself. He and others are helping me, whether you consider them angels, spirit guides, God, or whatever you choose to call them. They are giving me the material to write. It is important to give credit where credit is due.

Twin Souls

Communicating with Robin’s spirit brings a beautiful dimension to my life that I never could have expected in my earlier years on this earth. I am so grateful to him for opening this door to me and being willing to connect with me spiritually in such a powerful, beautiful way.

Experiencing the synchronicity, that sense of deep connection with his spirit that is beyond this world, is bliss. That is why I continue to write about my experiences here: they bring me so much joy.

I wish the same for you, that you follow your bliss, if that involves afterlife communication with someone you love in spirit. It can be done if you develop your own way of communicating with your loved one.

Now, for additional commentary, I would like to quote the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael). She had some very good things to say.


The Little Things

Cormael’s website is no longer available to be seen on the internet, so I can’t link to this specific article I am quoting from. However, I kept this article in my files because I resonated strongly with what she said. So, I can accurately quote her. All I can do is offer this link from the Wayback Machine which catalogs websites that are no longer available.

Here is what she said about synchronicity and the seemingly small things in life. The bold is mine for emphasis:

What we see from higher perspective is, besides that [unconditional love] matrix, how these counterpart-units connect, which is governed by the Law of Synchronicity. This synchronicity can be found in little things that don’t seem of any importance on face value, but when they start awakening it all suddenly becomes crystal clear, and this can individually be different for each pair of counterparts, but everything has to do with synchronicity and synchronicity only. (3)

 I feel she conveys well what I have experienced with the ‘bust synchronicity’ and Robin’s spirit over the years. The majority of communication with him has been through very precise and strong synchronicity related to seemingly little details of my life. There is no way for me to ignore it. If anything, it commands my attention, albeit in a kind and loving way.

All of these ‘little things’ begin to add up. They can be anything in my life that do not seem that significant at first glance and may not seem important to someone else. But they are meant for the person they are given to. In fact, these little things that synchronize, the minutiae, can point to a very strong connection. When it comes to synchronicity, I would definitely suggest paying attention to them. This could be how your deceased twin or loved one communicates with you.

I respectfully disagree that everything has to do with synchronicity only because I think an afterlife twin soul connection also has to do with visitation dreams, telekinesis and other forms of soul communication. But I love her scholarly work, really miss her blog and resonate with the vast majority of what she had to say.

Speaking of synchronicity, on October 20th, literally a few minutes after I wrote this text from the previous section…

And, how can you actually verify that your soul has been split into male and female halves? Maybe some people feel they can verify it or have been told that that is the case for them, but I cannot say the same.

My husband starting talking about an issue with a client from years ago and said, “There’s no way that people can check or verify it…”

I thought, “Is that right? I’m glad you are still telepathically connected to what I’m writing about Robin when you don’t even know it!” I actually did share the synchronicity with my husband and thanked him for it. He’s a major part of the equation in terms of soul communication with Robin.

So Cornelia was correct: it does have a great deal to do with synchronicity.

I say that because another synchronicity occurred while I was writing this post on October 20!

Writing about Synchronicity Generates More Synchronicity!

I wanted to find a good website or book to link to her mention of “The Law of Synchronicity,” so I did some research. In Google, I came across this book I had never seen before called, The Merciful Law of Divine Synchronicity, by Orest Stocco.

I read a bit of the book preview I linked to for you and to my surprise, he described the two books he has written as twin souls! I felt like spirit was really on a roll that day. If you click on the link, you’ll see it mentioned in “Note to the Reader.”

I have never seen an author describe their books as “twin souls” before! I wasn’t even looking for a book on twin souls, but there it was, a reference to the concept.

Writing about afterlife communication is my passion and bliss, as well as experiencing it, so I think that is why synchronicity often occurs when I write.

I went to Amazon to find out how much it would cost to buy the book. I noticed that the full title of the book included “A Twin Soul Book,” which I had not seen on the Google book review. All of this synchronicity occurred on the same day I wrote the section of this post called, “A Brief Perspective of Twin Souls.” It feels like we hit the synchronicity bullseye and yes it is Divine.

The strongest synchronicity that I experience in my life always has to do with Robin. Yes, I do have it related to other aspects of my life, but it is by far strongest with things associated with his spirit. That is why it always stood out so much to me, especially shortly after his death, and mysteriously continues to this day. It is truly a joy to see how his spirit shows up. I never know what I’m going to get!

In Closing

I would like to share this quote by Rudolf Steiner. It conveys exactly what I am intending to share in this post. The examples I have given demonstrate the ongoing exchange of information and communion between Robin’s spirit and mine:

People think nowadays that when human beings pass through the gate of death, their activity ceases as far as the physical world is concerned. But indeed it is not so! There is a living and perpetual exchange between the so-called living and the so-called dead. (4)

 May you be blessed with continuous loving exchange between yourself, your twin and/or your loved ones in spirit. I hope you find joy in seeing how they show up for you!


1.  Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees, London, England: Jawbone Press, Page 266.

2.  Campbell, Joseph.

3.  Kluijtmans, Cornelia. (2018?)

4.  Steiner, Rudolf (1999). Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationships with Those Who Have Died-Selected Talks and Meditations 1905-1924, Great Barrington, MA: Anthroposophic Press, Page 160.


Christina Samuels Signature

Circle of Stones, Part 2

Circle of Stones, Part 2

Circle of Stones, Part 2


This post is a follow-up to the previous post called Circle of Stones that I wrote in December, 2018. It is about how deceased loved ones can appear in your life symbolically through everyday events.

What do I mean by the symbolic appearance of loved ones in spirit? I am referring to the things or events that represent our loved one in some way.

For example, one of the most symbolic appearances of Robin in my life would be the ‘STN ALIV’ license plate I saw last year. The plate is an obvious symbolic representation of him through the title of one of his most famous songs. Other things that represent him for me are numbers such as his numerology numbers, 30/3, which mirror my area code, 303, that I had when I lived in Colorado.

I have recently noticed a pattern emerging regarding communication with his spirit. For the past two posts, I have written about messages that occurred in synchrony with my participation in Zoom meditation classes. I now have a third example of a strong communication, regarding a topic I symbolically associate with Robin, that occurred as a result of my attending another (different) Zoom meditation class.

Demeter Revisited

On September 1, 2020, which happened to be Barry Gibb’s birthday and my older brother’s as well, I attended a meditation group on Zoom during the early evening hours. The teacher mentioned “Demeter” in her introductory remarks and mentioned feeling a connection with her due to some personal circumstances.

I thought about Robin immediately because of my post, Circle of Stones, where I wrote about his connection to Demeter through his wife’s artwork. Robin had commissioned Dwina to draw the story of Demeter and Persephone during the early months of their relationship. “Demeter” is also mentioned in the book, Circle of Stones, which I quoted in this post because of synchronicity I received. For more information on their story and the synchronicity, please see the post below:

Circle of Stones

Now, anytime I hear of Demeter, I think of this. This is the first time Demeter has come up in my life since I wrote this post. When I heard my teacher mention Demeter, I thought, “Oh, there’s a reminder of Robin,” because for me, she symbolically represents him and something important from his life.

The Wisdom of an African Woman

About three hours after the meditation group ended, I spent some time at his altar space while my husband was watching something on television that I did not want to watch. I’m sure other people can relate!

Next to Robin’s altar space, I recently created an altar for the late Sobonfu Somé, African author, spiritual healer and teacher.  You can see the picture of her I placed on my altar space here in this article. It’s the one with the blue background. I chose this picture because she looks like she could be a direct ancestor from my bloodline. I have felt drawn to her teachings and I wanted to create a stronger spiritual connection with her.

I found out about her work on the importance of crying and grieving in healing many years ago. It affirmed for me the importance of crying as something positive and necessary in order to eventually reach a place of authentic joy. Here is a sample of her very important work and commentary on crying from YouTube:

While in this altar space with both of their pictures illuminated by candles, I stated that I wanted to listen to Sobonfu’s MP3’s I just bought on August 30th, called Women’s Wisdom from the Heart of Africa.

As I listened to the first MP3 for the very first time, I was captivated by what she was saying. Ms. Somé had a strong, kind, soft-spoken voice that I love listening to.

Then I received what was a moving synchronicity linked to my blog post and the book Circle of Stones by Judith Durek, which I had just been thinking about a few hours earlier because of the mention of Demeter.

Ms. Somé’s words on Women’s Wisdom are nearly identical to some of the words written by Ms. Duerk in her book!

Circle of Stones Synchronicity

To show the similarity between what Sobonfu said and the text of Circle of Stones, I would like to quote from both authors. In both quotes, the bold is mine for emphasis and to show the identical phrase they used. This is the meaningful synchronicity I would like to elucidate.

I have transcribed Ms. Somé’s powerful words and guidance below:

What might have your life been if you had a community to welcome you…to find out what your gift is. What might have your life been if you had a circle of women who actually saw that you were a star bringing something that no body else can bring. What might your life have been if you had a community that valued you, nothing but you and invited your gift out of you. Take a moment and sit with this thought… (1)

As soon as I heard Sobonfu’s words, it triggered my memory of what I had read in Circle of Stones over the years. Here is a short excerpt from the book where you can clearly see the nearly-identical nature of what is said:

How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you…a place of women, where you were received and affirmed? (2)

It was a really nice moment when this synchronicity occurred. Here I was, at the altar space I created for both Robin and Sobonfu, listening to her works, when what she said connected with a book that strongly relates back to Robin.

It was as if they were both there sitting with me energetically. It was like the energies of both of them joined in that moment to deliver this heart-warming synchronicity.

This is a perfect example of why I love afterlife communication so much. It is also a perfect example of how deceased loved one’s energies can weave together in our lives.

When you attend to them, they attend to you.

This synchronicity was all about the timing, as is all synchronicity. It was so amazing that on the same day I heard my meditation teacher mention Demeter for the first time, I listened to Ms. Somé’s MP3 for the first time.

The mention of Demeter by my meditation teacher and Ms. Somé’s words within three hours of each other is what makes the communication so powerful to me.  What they both have in common is Circle of Stones, which symbolically represents Robin’s spirit for me.

This is the second time I have had a Demeter/Circle of Stones/Robin-related synchronicity. The words from Ms. Somé are what made this a true synchronicity. Without her words, the mention of Demeter by my meditation teacher is a lovely reminder of Robin, but not synchronicity. This message has reminded me that loved ones in spirit can find a way to weave their spirits into the new things that we do, even Zoom chats!

 Creative Links: Earth and the Afterlife

Synchronicity is very creative in its mysterious beauty. The late Dr. John O’ Donohue, in his book, Anam Cara, addresses how we can creatively interact with our loved ones in the afterlife:

I believe that our friends among the dead really mind us and look out for us…One of the exciting developments that may happen in evolution and in human consciousness in the next several hundred years is a whole new relationship with the invisible, eternal world. We might begin to link up in a very creative way with our friends in the invisible world…” (3)

I feel that what I have shared on this website is a testament to how it is possible to link up creatively with loved ones in the spirit world.

It is not surprising to me that one of the world’s most creative souls, Robin Gibb, would discover immensely creative ways to communicate with those of us on earth who love him and are open to his spirit.

In fact, it is my direct experience that loved ones in spirit can initiate an even deeper connection and link with us than we may have expected. The post below is an example of this. It’s one of the most powerful and exciting experiences I have ever had with Robin’s spirit. I include it here for new readers:

Important Questions for Spiritual Growth

The questions posed by Sobonfu Somé and Judith Duerk in their respective works are very important to consider. I’m happy that synchronicity brought these two gifted authors together for us.

For me, these questions bring a degree sadness because I have not had this community of women for most of my life to affirm me in this way. I have had some degree of affirmation or I would not have had the courage to allow myself to create, write and share here what I have discovered.

Yet for the most part, I have given this affirmation to myself, as do many women. I truly feel something has been lost in modern times, in terms of deeper connections between women. Hopefully, your experience is different and better than mine.

From my perspective, significant damage was done to the female lineage of my bloodline, through racist, sexist, familial and narcissistic abuse which created lasting trans-generational trauma. These factors polluted what would have, or could have been loving matrilineal connections.

This damage does not go away by pretending it does not exist because it is too uncomfortable or inconvenient for family to face. Meaningless apologies, premature forgiveness, unwillingness to change abusive behavior, and an unwillingness to accept consequences for ones’ actions do not help either.

Abusive bullies, who expect immediate and instant forgiveness before they demonstrate true remorse and behavior change, live in a delusional reality that I refuse to cater to or indulge. This includes biological relatives. They are not exempt just because we share DNA. I learned a long time ago that I had to put my foot down.

So, a combination of all of these factors is why I don’t have the circle of loving women in my biological family to turn to. I know I’m not alone in this, which is why I’m sharing this.

I have paid the price for not being willing to cater to or tolerate abusive behavior and that price is the complete loss of family relationships. But in exchange, I have self-respect, dignity, a loving marriage and amazing loved ones in spirit who care about me.

How might my life have been different? I would have had a much greater sense of belonging in the world if I had had a circle of women to turn to. I would have had a greater sense of worth and value and would not have had to figure out so much on my own. My personal development has taken me longer than it otherwise would have if I had had more assistance and loving support.

Nevertheless, one of my gifts has shown itself in my later years: my ability to pay close enough attention to the subtle energies of specific loved ones in the afterlife and to be able to communicate with them.

I have the ability to discern who is a member of my soul family, which is very important to me since I do not have biological family. This involved intuition and inquiry. It also involved the ability to recognize, trust and accept the validation once I received it, regarding Robin. No one in my biological family lineage could have known this about me. I did not know I had this ability until I was 45 years old. The gift developed and was brought forth regardless of, and according to my husband, because of the impediments I had to work through.

The impediments, in the form of a lack of loving familial relationships, led me to seek out authors, teachers and healers who could help meet my spiritual needs for female connectedness. This is why authors like Judith Duerk and Sobonfu Somé are so important for me. They help fill a life-long void.

I gently encourage you to answer these questions for yourself in quiet, self-examination. The whole point of this synchronicity is to invite us to do that. It is a good exercise. I think it is also important to unapologetically own your gifts and bring them forth to the extent that you are comfortable with. Time is passing by and we don’t have time to waste.

Stone Circles in Africa

I would like to share some information about the Stone Circles of Senegambia. The photo I featured at the beginning of this post are Wassu stone circles, Gambia.

The ancient energy of the stone circles really speak to me. In some ways, I think it is unfortunate that for many modern-day humans, worship and spiritual ritual has moved away from the stone circle. I think the ancient people were deeply knowledgeable about connecting to the divine, the cosmos and each other in ways most modern humans have lost.

I will close with a beautiful excerpt from a poem by Onalethuso Petruss Ntema, who is a poet born in Botswana, called Stones (of Africa). It is from the book called Soul Seeds. You can read the excerpt here.

Until next time, be well. Thank you for reading my post. I know there are many options in terms of reading materials. So, I appreciate you taking the time to visit me here!


1.  Somé, Sobonfu (2007). Women’s Wisdom from the Heart of Africa, 01, 11:17- 12:12 time stamp. Sounds True Audio Download.

2.  Duerk, Judith (1989). Circle of Stones: Woman’s Journey to Herself, Volume 1. San Diego, California: LuraMedia, Page 17.

3.  O’Donohue, John (1997). Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, page 228.


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

Afterlife Communication: Beyond the Body

During the morning of Friday, August 28, 2020, I found myself reflecting on who I was as a person in 2012. I thought about how I was ready to have relationships with people who were “beyond-the-body.” However, I did not know that until after Robin passed away. Then my new life, which included his spirit, began.

I learned about the phrase, “beyond-the-body” from The Book of Theanna: In the Lands that Follow Death, Updated Edition by Ellias & Theanna Lonsdale. It is this quote that I return to often as it touches a place deep in my soul. The bold is mine for emphasis:


Over here, the dead seek each other out authentically and fully. After initial isolation for many, the savoring of company is universal. What we seek in the beyond-the-body state is to share on heart levels. (1)


This reflects the need for and value of companionship amongst spirits beyond superficial connections that are all too common on third-dimensional earth.

After I reflected on this passage, I got ready to attend a meditation group through a zoom chat. This is a different group than the one I mentioned in the previous post on “Addressing Concerns.”

The teacher gave some introductory comments, which, once again, gifted me with a surprise synchronicity.

She talked about infinite possibilities and how those possibilities can bring us beyond-the-body. She used the exact words, “beyond-the-body.” I was amazed at how my morning reflection on that phrase was reflected back to me through her words. Once again, my thoughts about something to do with Robin were mirrored back to me in twin soul-soul family style!

It was at that moment that I knew this was a good topic for a blog post and something I was meant to explore more deeply!

Since Robin had a solid meditation practice, it makes sense to me that I would receive synchronicity in conjunction with the meditation classes that I attend. You can read about his meditation practice in this post:

Telekinesis with Spiritual Symbols

Sharing at Heart Levels Between the Deceased and the Living

In addition to our deceased loved ones sharing at heart levels with each other, I truly know that at least some of them want to communicate at heart levels with those of us still living here on earth.

However, I imagine it may be challenging for them to connect with living people who are open to them. Part of the reason for this is that communicating with deceased people is still stigmatized in the physical world. People like me who talk to, write about and actively include deceased people in their lives are considered weird.

Well, I’m no more weird than anyone else here on earth and in many ways, I’m more balanced and loving because of my afterlife connections. I don’t see dead people, unless they visit me in my dreams and I’m not a medium. I just like to stay in touch with some of them that I love!

We are told that we are supposed to “let go” of our deceased loved ones and let them go off into the afterlife where they now belong. And that may be true to some extent. We do have to let them go once they are in the beyond-the-body state. We don’t really have a choice. But we don’t have to “let go” of them completely and I don’t agree with anybody who says we have to. I don’t believe that our loved ones in spirit (at least some of them) want us to let go of them completely.

These points are highlighted by this quote, once again, from The Book of Theanna. The bold and underline are mine for emphasis:


The living has barely any idea how profoundly the heart can evolve after death. This includes a greater ability to love the one who lives on in the body. The pernicious idea here is of being “left behind” by the dead. The automatic idea is the living must move on with their lives because the dead are journeying to strange places of their own. This is a propaganda offensive against the links between the worlds. It is time now to move beyond these odd notions. There is a time in the cycle for partings and gulfs. There are other times to come together in a new spiral. If there is something deep and lasting in a union before death, it almost always becomes deeper and more truly lasting after death. At least this is the case for the one who dies. (2)


I find this quote to be so beautiful and true in terms of my connection with Robin and other deceased loved ones. I did not have a lasting union with Robin before his death because we had never met. However, I believe we have a lasting connection from another time and place which led to our current connection.

In 2012, when I first felt the pull to communicate with Robin’s spirit, it came automatically. It was as if I was meant to do so even though he did not know me. At least I thought he didn’t…

I was often nervous that I was bothering him and would say so in my prayers. I quickly began to notice, however, that his spirit was communicating with me and I realized my worries about bothering him were not necessary. It was clear that he wanted to communicate with me. He did not come to me and say, “Christina, stop communicating with me. Move on with your life.” He didn’t say that because he knew that our communications were helping me grow spiritually. I was also supporting him energetically through donations I made on his behalf, and loving prayers and mantras I chanted for him. So, it was mutually beneficial and healing.

I believe he communicated with me at heart levels because of our nearly-identical soul energies. But, I also believe that he wants there to be people on earth that will share with others what he is like now in terms of the beautiful ways in which he can communicate. I believe Robin wants people to know that his spirit continues to live on. He finds the people who are willing to share that. It took me a long time before I was willing to share what I know about his spirit. My guess is that he knew I would eventually share it on his behalf to honor him. I think he knew that eventually, it would all be too much for me to keep to myself forever. I wasn’t meant to keep it all to myself. It was meant for you too, since you’re reading this.


If a person in spirit wants to be remembered and to have a prominent and permanent place in your life, they know exactly how to accomplish that. They can do many things including moving objects, creating synchronicity and creating symbols out of physical-world materials that you will want to keep.
So, all of this about how we are supposed to “let go” of them and “move on” is not 100% true for all spirits.

If they really wanted to be “let go” of completely, they wouldn’t bother coming back to do things that you can hold on to as keepsakes of their presence. They know that by doing this, it will only increase and strengthen the bond of love. Therefore, I do not buy into the whole idea of having to completely let go of deceased loved ones. I suppose it depends on the person in spirit. If they want you to let go of them completely, then I suppose they can communicate that in some way.

If they don’t want you to completely let go of them, they can also make that point abundantly clear. I would say to Robin that if you wanted me to let you go, then you wouldn’t have turned your altar picture over, synchronized with me on countless occasions, visited me in my dreams and left me an infinity symbol, among many other things! That doesn’t say you want me to let you go. That says you want to connect in a very powerful, unforgettable, eternal way. And I don’t think he worried about bothering me in the least, the way I worried about bothering him! Because he knew he wasn’t bothering me. I loved (and love) the communications!

So, to all the people on earth saying, “let go” of deceased loved ones, I have this to say: You don’t speak for all of the dead. Let them speak for themselves. If they want to communicate with someone living on earth that they like, love, care about, or want to help, they will. If they don’t want to, then they won’t. It’s up to them, not people on earth who don’t see the infinite possibilities. Maybe some deceased loved ones want to hold our hand spiritually from time-to-time.

Preparation for Beyond-the-Body Connections

How is it that I went from having no relationships with people on the other side to being open and ready to have one with Robin in his beyond-the-body state?

I believe years of spiritual study helped me, from yoga teacher training to studying near death experiences. I had always believed in life after death, but I did not know anything about communicating with deceased people.
I had done enough deep spiritual growth work which included studying advanced psychology and healing from family-of-origin child abuse. This entailed clearing negative patterns that would cause a block in my ability to give and receive love on a spiritual level.

After doing all of this inner work over the course of many years, I was was ready. This type of relationship, an afterlife twin soul connection with someone I had never met, requires readiness. If you’re not ready, I’m not sure you will have enough inner resources to sustain it. I had no idea that during all of those years, I was actually preparing myself for my current afterlife experiences with Robin’s spirit.

Another reason I was ready was because I have always been a little homesick for my true home in Spirit. I just discovered there is a beautiful Portuguese word for this feeling: saudade.

Being in communication with Robin is being close to someone from my true home.

Spiritual Awakening Symptom: Deep Longing to Go Home

Having a relationship with him makes it easier to cope with life on earth. My relationship with him does not replace my relationship with God who always comes first for me. I also have different healing connections with my ancestors. But because of Robin, I know there is more to life than what I see in the physical world. I know there are spirits and ancestors around us more often than we realize, loving, supporting and assisting us. So, being connected with him has been invaluable to me and is part of the divinity of God.

When Robin started communicating with me in 2012, I was initiated into the knowledge that there is an invisible world around us with spirits actively living there in their light bodies. Some, like Robin, are able to let us know that they are there and will leave signs of their invisible presence. To me, this is sacred beyond words. These are events that I will never, ever forget. These afterlife experiences with Robin were my first and left an indelible mark on me.

When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Will Appear

Why is Robin Gibb the spirit to teach me all of this? Why him specifically and not someone else? Don’t get me wrong; I absolutely love being connected to him! It’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am grateful every day of my life for his spiritual presence in my life.

Still, I think it’s good to ask these sorts of questions. I always wondered why it was not an African ancestor who came to teach me the reality of life after death.

My truth is that our relatives go far beyond earthly blood lines and ties into eternal spirit lines and ties. I consider Robin Gibb to be an eternal, spiritual relative of mine, a twin soul family member, of infinity. So, he would be the perfect spirit to teach me.

Perhaps those in spirit who watch over me knew I was not ready to experience this type of spiritual connection until 2012. For all I know, Robin, as a spirit, could have consulted with my ancestors before connecting with me.

It seems I had to go through years of preparation and incubation, readying me to be able to handle the ramifications of being directly contacted by Robin’s energy. He is a powerhouse as a spirit. This has been a close encounter of the third kind, but with a deceased person, not extraterrestrial life!

Well, this is all I have to write about for now. I hope you enjoyed this. I also hope you are doing well as humanity continues to address the various viruses circulating. I don’t need to name them. I’m sure you know what they are.

Until next time, may you be loved and safe.


1. Lonsdale, Ellias & Theanna (1995, 2011). The Book of Theanna, Updated Edition: In the Lands that Follow Death (pp. 264-265). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

2. Ibid., pp. 268-269.


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Communication: Addressing Concerns

Afterlife Communication: Addressing Concerns

Afterlife Communication: Addressing Concerns

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me…” (Psalm 138:8)

I have found that afterlife communication with Robin’s spirit has been a wonderful counterbalance to the ongoing public health, racial, and economic concerns circulating in the world at this time.


In this post, I would like to share a story illustrating the precise and loving way in which Spirit addresses my everyday concerns pertaining to my spiritual practice of honoring Robin’s spirit.


Meditating in the Midst of Everyday Life

As part of my commitment to staying connected to Robin’s spirit, and to show gratitude for all he has given me spiritually, I continue to keep an altar space for him. I sit at his altar daily, usually for around an hour. In addition to my prayers to God and Jesus, for angels to be sent to protect and heal me and my loved ones, this time at Robin’s altar is an important aspect of my spiritual life.


This is the time I bring an offering of tea and light a candle. I also alternate between different activities while in his altar space which include reading from a spiritual text, praying, chanting mantras, meditating in silent communion or playing some of his music.


On July 21, 2020, I sat at his altar in the usual fashion. While sitting in quiet communion, I heard my husband, who was in the kitchen, saying something about how there was a problem with a bottle of molasses we had just received and how it had leaked into the packaging. He seemed upset, so I said to Robin that I wanted to get up and see what the problem was.


I stepped away from his altar space and helped Julian clean up the mess in the kitchen.


Then I noticed another item I had received in the mail. I checked the expiration date and noticed it had already expired. So, I got online with Amazon to see how much time I had left to return it. I had plenty of time, so I printed the label and put it in a box to send back.


After that, I noticed a note I left for myself on my desk to check on an insurance policy I needed to follow up on. So, then I made the phone call to the company while it was still fresh in my mind.


By the time I had done all of this, it had been at least an hour since I stepped away from Robin’s altar space. When I realized how much time had gone by, I felt horrible and guilty! I had not properly finished up my meditation and prayer time and had allowed myself to get distracted by all of these things I wanted to do.


I returned to his altar space and shared what happened. I was really worried that I had been rude to his spirit. I don’t remember exactly what I said now, but it was related to expressing concern that I had been rude by leaving and doing all of these other things and how I wanted to make it up to him. So, I sat for a little while longer and read something out loud about political news while at his altar space, so as to include him in everyday events. I felt better after that and concluded the session with a Namasté blessing.


A Message Back About My Concerns

The next day, July 22nd, I sat at his altar space again during early afternoon around lunch time. I did not have as much time to spend as usual because I had an appointment.

But this time, I made sure to say I had to leave and do other things because I wanted to make sure I was not being rude. It is still important to have manners and good etiquette with our loved ones in Spirit! I know many deceased people are still very much aware of what is going on here specifically with the ones they still love.


Later in the evening on July 22nd, I attended a meditation group through a zoom call. That’s very popular right now and there are lots of groups available. I love being able to connect with people all around the world.


At the beginning of the group session, the meditation teacher helped us get situated in terms of correct posture and environment for the most conducive experience. Then she said something that really struck me as a message directly from Spirit which pertained to the previous day’s experience I had with Robin.


She said, “If you need to step away and take care of yourself, feel free to do that. It’s not rude.”


That really got my attention. It was a direct message back about how I had been feeling. It precisely addressed my concerns about being rude! I could intuitively feel Robin’s spirit saying to me that he was aware of my worries, but that he understood if I needed to step away and take care of things. I feel like he wants me to and does not see it as being rude. His spirit is woven into my daily life anyway and he knows I’ll get back to him. It’s kind of hard not to when there is an altar space for him in our home, haha! It was such a wonderful, timely gift to hear this. It’s amazing how spirit works in our lives. I feel so thankful.


Afterlife Communications

In this situation, I could see my tendency towards self-judgment and Spirit’s tendency towards love, gentleness, kindness and compassion.

I felt so much understanding, kindness and gentleness in that short statement. I felt relieved and more compassionate and understanding towards myself, a person doing my best to take care of my daily responsibilities. This is a loving lesson and message from Spirit that is good for all of us.


So, I think this story serves as a good example of how Spirit, and more specifically our deceased loved ones, can directly address our concerns through synchronicity and guide other people to deliver the message to us. I have no idea how this works. I just surrender to it, acknowledge it when it happens and take the message as something I am meant to pay attention to.


Close in Spirit, Close on Earth

It is my personal belief that when you are close to someone in the Spirit world, that closeness will manifest itself on earth through synchronicity like I just shared whether you knew this person during their earthly life or not.


It seems to me, by virtue of my experiences, that closeness on earth between two or more souls has its origins in the loving planes of the Spiritual world. To illustrate this point, I would like to share this quote by Abby Poyen from the website, Abby’s Journal. I resonate with it very strongly because what she is saying has shown itself to be true in terms of my connection with Robin’s spirit:


When something is close together here, in the astral world–in resonance, in frequency, in energy–then the physical world will follow suit. The physical world will obey, as it were, the closeness in the astral world, the world of energy and ideas, and it will make those things come together physically. It must follow, if the pull is strong enough. Somehow, it will be brought about.


This is true indeed. Somehow, the physical world follows suit through synchronicity, visitation dreams, symbols, and life parallels when you are close with someone in Spirit. I know that I am close to Robin in the Spirit world because of the events in my life pertaining specifically to him that have occurred since his physical death. The posts I have written on this website bear witness to the truth of this phenomenon. I did not know anything about how spirit world–physical world connections manifested prior to Robin’s passing, so it has been quite an education.


Here is a good example of our spiritual connection showing up in my life in the physical world, in case you haven’t seen this:




If you want to know whether you are lovingly close to someone in the spirit world, just watch the events of your life very closely and see how often a particular person keeps showing up unexpectedly in a synchronized way or in your dreams. Also, check for life parallels and similarities if that information is available to you. All of these things are a good indication, as far as my experience has shown me, of sharing closeness in the spirit world.


Clearly, these manifestations can happen when both parties are alive as well and know each other. This is what makes people feel like someone is a soul-mate or twin flame. They see the synchronicity and other occurrences that keep aligning with a certain person or people and this causes deep closeness and a strong bond.


In Closing

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. It is nice to know that as a result of being close in Spirit, you can receive messages from a deceased loved one that can reassure you and put your mind at ease about how you are interacting with them.


The message I received from Robin and the Great Spirit reminded me that they are closely aware of what I am doing and what my concerns are. With long term afterlife communication, like what I share with Robin, sometimes I wonder if I’m still reaching him. This synchronicity with my meditation teacher revealed to me that I am and we are still connected. I know that loving spiritual connections never really go away just because a person died. Still, it’s nice to have some confirmation and reassurance of their presence.


Just for Fun

I listened to this crystal bowl meditation while I was writing this post on July 27th. You may like it as well.


It’s very soothing, nice to meditate with and helps me fall asleep.


I would also like to suggest this article on essence twins from the Michael teachings in which the benefits of essence contact during the trials of human life are discussed. It mirrors what I wrote in my opening sentence for this post.


All my best to you during these challenging times. Thank you very much for reading!


Christina Samuels Signature

Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

Afterlife Dream Communication: A Spiritual Salve

I have had so many feelings circulating within me lately, it has been difficult to write here. There is so much pain and trauma in the world right now and as a Black woman, I have felt it acutely. I have had writer’s block and I didn’t quite know what to say here. So, I took a much needed break.

This post serves as my spiritual drain cleaner, getting the clog out, to help me get moving again. To begin doing that, I would like to pose these questions:

 What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with a global pandemic that continues to worsen in many locations around the world, end lives, and disrupt the lives of many?

What does afterlife communication with Robin have to do with historical, systemic, racial trauma that keeps playing out like a broken record around the world?

It all comes down to being loved and supported by Robin’s spirit through afterlife communication during this time of very important social movements that I fully support and feel very encouraged by. I am not able to participate in the protests in my area due to Covid-19 concerns. Therefore, this post serves as my way of participating in the global protests. I have a lot to say.

While I participate in the protests in my own quiet way, I am deeply in need of the presence of my spiritual support team of which he is a part. Sometimes I can feel them holding my hand, guiding me and walking me through this planetary dark night of the soul. Having support from the other side is everything to me because it transcends the limitations of what people in physical bodies can do.

What Do Dreams Have To Do With It?

In April, during this pandemic, I had a dream about Robin. It was essentially about love and support. It was real and it was a visitation. It indicated to me that Robin’s presence is with me and that he does know what is going on here. Here is the dream:

 We are in my home. Robin is sitting down in a chair and I am there standing up right beside him where he is sitting. He looked like he did when he was in his 40’s with short hair which you can see here. He was not wearing glasses. He was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. I’m not aware of any other people being around.


From where he was sitting, Robin looks up at me and says, “I love you very much.” I said, “I love you very much, too.”

Then he looked around the room, raised up his right arm gesturing and communicated to me telepathically, not in words, about all the things going on in the world. He was referring to the pandemic. He looked concerned.


I smiled at him gently and nodded, communicating, “Yes, I know.” In the dream, I was surprisingly peaceful and at ease as I stood next to Robin, looking at him. I was aware of the problems going on, but I did not feel concerned about them.


That was the end of the dream.

This dream means so much to me. To be completely honest, I didn’t want to share it at first. I wanted to keep it to myself as the precious and private gift that it is. I don’t share every single communication I receive from Robin because many of them are subtle, pertain very closely to my personal life, or are too complicated to explain. So, since I’m sharing it, it is for a good reason.

It illustrates my point about what afterlife communication with Robin has to do with all of the things going on. It’s about still being lovingly soul-connected to our deceased loved ones in the midst of all the pain, chaos, and trauma on earth. It has to do with the healing energy people on earth can still receive through afterlife communication if we are open to it.

Black Lives Matter

No matter what we go through here, they are around us whether we are aware of it or not. They are aware of what is happening here. I am convinced of that. I hope that around the world, deceased loved ones are able to break through the layer of stress surrounding the earth plane to reach their loved ones and deliver an uplifting message of spiritual love.

The love that I exchanged with Robin in my dream comes from knowing each other in the spirit world, long before we reconnected at the time of his death in 2012. It is our soul energy that is very familiar to each other. As I have mentioned before, in 2012, around the time of his death, I strongly intuited that Robin is a member of my soul family from the spirit world. The communications I have documented on this website bear witness to that connection. I know my connection with Robin’s soul did not begin in 2012. I was awakened to and reminded of our connection in 2012.

It’s God’s love, Robin’s love, and my ancestor’s strength and love that keep me going during these very difficult times. I admit things are wearing on me a bit, living in this world. It’s one thing after another. Maybe you feel the same way at times.

What Do Twin Souls Have To Do With It?

Over the years, I have often read in twin soul/flame literature that one of the purposes of the twin connection is to “raise the vibration” of humanity. But what does that mean in a practical sense? “Raising the vibration” implies evolving to a higher level spiritually as a society, as a world community. Higher levels of spirit always pertain to love in some way.

But, how can we “raise the vibration” of humanity when we can’t even evolve past our homicidal impulses, obsessions, and prejudices around skin color? This is complete body-consciousness at the basest level, with absolutely no consciousness of the divine soul light of a God-created human being.

The moment a human is born into this life, he or she is rank-ordered according to their skin color. People will deny this, but some things are true whether you believe it or not… or whether you want to believe it or not.

If you have a lighter skin tone, in most countries of this world, you get to be at the top. If you have dark skin like I do, you get relegated to the bottom. No amount of sending love and light, holding crystals (which I happen to love), prayers, chanting mantras, and sprinkling pixie dust on things has changed this painful fact of life…for centuries.

It is far more painful for some of us than others. People are protesting in the streets right now because innocent people have lost their lives due to this “rank-ordering” according to skin color.

But this false hierarchy is something humans have created. It is not of God and it is not of love. In God’s eyes, nobody is at the top and nobody is at the bottom, and certainly not because of skin color which the Divine created in the first place.

To illustrate this point, I have a story to share with you. Close to 30 years ago, I dated a man from Germany. He was an exchange student in the U.S. working on his medical degree. I was working on my doctoral degree in clinical psychology and we met in a class we mutually attended. He is white, so we were an interracial couple. I was always open to dating men from different backgrounds before I was married because there are wonderful men coming from all different types of backgrounds.

One evening, as he was driving us home from a date, he looked over at me and said, out of the blue, “You’re at the bottom of the totem pole.” I looked him dead in the eye and said, “I’m not at the bottom of anyone’s totem pole.” He became silent after that. The comment really hit a nerve in me.

That relationship didn’t work out. No surprise there. But, I remember his comment very well. This notion of Black people being at the bottom is very well embedded into the collective psyche of this world.

I was working on an advanced psychology degree when my ex-boyfriend made that comment. He still saw me as being at the bottom because of my skin color. Really? I remember feeling, “What exactly do I have to do to no longer be stuck at the bottom?”

This is what I do: I don’t accept the totem pole at all, and I certainly don’t accept being relegated to the bottom of it just because I’m Black. I don’t accept any Black or Brown person as being at the bottom of some stupid, illusory totem pole and I don’t care what we do for work.

“Raising the vibration” of humanity means dismantling the foolish, racist, sexist totem pole. You can do that by actively choosing to treat all people with dignity and respect, not as invisible or inferior, no matter what their race, gender, and ethnicity is.

The question is, does humanity really want to dismantle it? Because that means true equality for each human being. It means to stop automatically seeing Black and Brown people as inferior and at the “bottom” because of our skin color. It is wrong and we are not going to stand for it. We are spiritual beings too. God created us too.

When you see BIPOC (Black and Brown, Indigenous, People of Color) out protesting, this is one of many reasons why: we have had enough of being viewed and treated as belonging at the bottom due to some supposed inherent flaw in our nature. Black people get the death penalty for the most minor of crimes…or even no crime at all. This isn’t right.

Are you surprised that we would rise up and fight against this? You shouldn’t be. Contrary to popular belief, we are not “professional victims”. Look at the picture of Dr. King at the beginning of this post. We had to do it in 1963 and we still have to do it in 2020. Social change and growth is cyclical. It’s coming around again because it was never dealt with fully in the first place. Mr. George Floyd’s murder was the last straw. It opened the floodgates of repressed hurt, anger and trauma that has been building up for years.

In my opinion, you cannot talk about twin souls, rays, and flames “raising the vibration of humanity” unless you are willing to acknowledge and do something on a personal level to help eradicate “isms” and phobias: Racism, Islamophobia, sexism, ableism, ethnocentrism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, transphobia, and other spiritual and religious prejudices. There are always people who think that what they believe is better than other people’s faith. Some will even kill you because of this belief.

Saying “No More!”to these energies is part of raising the vibration of humanity whether you are aware of a twin soul connection or not. I feel like the clock has been ticking for a long time on these issues and time is up. We can’t eradicate all of this all at once, but we can chip away at it little by little.

Any twin flame authors that state that we can “raise the vibration” of humanity through unconditional love, without doing the hard work of rooting out the weeds of these pernicious “isms” and phobias are simply kidding themselves at this point and engaging in spiritual bypass. Humanity means just that: all of us, even those some consider undesirable, even those who are different from the people you are accustomed to.


This is all I can write for now. I’m going through my own process of healing a lifetime’s worth of racial trauma that I have not processed fully. The murders of African Americans in the U.S. stirred up a lot of pain within me. I have felt shell-shocked for several weeks now. It is disheartening that these events are occurring to such an extent that I felt the need to write about them here.

This post has served as a little bit of spiritual Drano, but unfortunately, there is still a lot of clog left that I have to deal with. Soul communication with Robin helps a lot though. All afterlife communication is soul communication.

I have written letters on behalf of Ms. Taylor, participated in virtual protests and donated money to help the cause of uplifting black lives. Still, I’m simply not at my best. I’m sure many of us are not. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. This year has just been a lot. I wish I could go back to June, 2019 for a moment to catch my breath. And I haven’t had it even half as bad as many people.

All my best to you until next time. I look forward to sharing more communications from Robin with you in the near future. Unless something changes and I have more to say, I plan to write a post once a month going forward.

Just know that he’s around in a vibration of love and aware of what is going on. That is my personal experience with him as I shared with you. If he were still alive here in the physical world, I feel very confident that he would be making a musical contribution of some kind that affirms Black Lives Matter.


On June 26th, the day after I wrote this post and submitted it for publishing, and less than 24 hours after doing so, I received an amazing synchronicity.

I checked my email that morning and noticed one from a website called Word Genius. I did not subscribe to receive emails from this website. I started receiving them out of the blue on June 24th.

The interesting thing is that the word for June 26, 2020 is totem! Here is the link with the definition and some historical information.

For me, it is very affirming to receive this synchronicity. It leads me to feel that I am on the right track writing about the totem pole issues for my own healing and to make a contribution. It also affirms again that Robin’s spirit is with me in all of this.

I have always been amazed by synchronicity that connects back to Robin’s spirit so directly and within such a short time frame. I personally feel that there are loving, Universal energies supporting my connection with Robin. The synchronicity makes me feel so close to his spirit and I’m so grateful for that. This spiritual closeness has wonderful, lasting benefits. That’s what afterlife communication has to do with it!


  1. Featured photo from Unsplash:

MLK in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans.


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