This post was originally published in 2018 with the title, "A Dream Burst of Energy." Updated on May 10, 2024 In this post, "Afterlife Dream: A Burst of Energy from Robin," I share a powerful dream visitation experience I had with his spirit during the summer of 2012....

Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections
In this post, “Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections,” I will share a recent story about how connecting with Robin’s spirit sometimes involves a family member of his. While researching cross-dimensional communication, I received cross-dimensional communication that was meaningful and a bit of fun. Fans of the soap opera “General Hospital,” which airs in the United States and around the world, may find this enjoyable. The events I will write about occurred on November 11 and 12, 2023.
Setting the Stage: YouTube in Everyday Life
On Saturday, November 11th, also known as Remembrance Day, I spent time relaxing and recovering at home after a minor procedure I had done on my right shoulder a few days earlier. I turned on our television and went to YouTube to see if there were any interesting new videos in my queue.
I noticed a video with actors from “General Hospital.” I knew the video was in my queue because I had heard that actor Tyler Christopher had recently died, and I had been watching videos about him. I used to watch “General Hospital” regularly about 15 years ago. Even though I lost touch with the story line, I still remember the actors I watched for years.
In the video, I noticed the actors that play Carly and Jason. The other actor looked older and more mature than when I was watching the show, but I realized that he played the character of Spinelli. I watched the video for several minutes, and it was fun to see the actors interacting on the podcast. Here is the video of “The Daily Drama Podcast with Steve Burton and Bradford Anderson” that I am referring to.
Ongoing Research on Twin Souls
Throughout the years of communicating with Robin, I have continued to do research on twin flames, twin souls, twin rays, and soul families. It is something I really enjoy and sometimes I discover a helpful new article I have never seen before. I want to keep my knowledge fresh, and I also like to share pertinent articles that other readers may benefit from.
Late in the evening on Sunday, November 12th, I felt guided to do research before going to sleep. I was thinking about what to Google. Suddenly the words, “Cross-dimensional communication twin flames,” popped into my head. So, I typed that in the search box.
As I scrolled through the articles and videos, I came across one that caught my attention. In the short introductory paragraph that Google shows along with the link to the article, I noticed the name “Barbara Spinelli.”
I thought that it was so weird because I had just been thinking about the character of Spinelli on “General Hospital” the day before. That was Spinelli two days in a row. It is not a common name in my life and never shows up, so this made me take notice.
The title of the article is, “What’s a Twin Flame and How Do You Know If You Found Yours?” by Colleen de Bellefonds.
In the article, Ms. Spinelli, a therapist and relationship expert, is quoted as saying that twin flames “may feel: overwhelming, divine, magnetic and predestined.” I agree with this description. There is a sacred element to my connection with Robin that I am sure has to do with the fact that he is on the other side.
I felt grateful that I found the article. I was curious about the name “Spinelli” showing up twice in such proximity. It felt synchronistic. Everything I research about twin souls or twin flames connects to Robin because I would not be researching this topic at all if it were not for my relationship with his spirit. It felt a little bit like his spirit was with me and aware of even the little everyday things I do… and watch!
Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections
I am always one to check my facts. So, after I read the twin flame article, I decided to Google Bradford Anderson to make sure he is the one who plays Spinelli. The Google search confirmed that he is. But to my surprise, the Google search revealed something else that really caught my attention. Bradford Anderson’s birthday is September 21, 1979.
When I saw “September 21,” I immediately knew that birth date is also the birth date for Robin’s oldest son Spencer. Spencer’s birth date is September 21, 1972.
The “General Hospital,” Spinelli, and twin flame “breadcrumbs” all led to this connection with Robin’s son. That was amazing and meaningful to me. This really cheered me up too because I have been dealing with painful shoulder bursitis lately. I feel like this was Robin’s way of letting me know his spirit was with me through it all. This is one of the main reasons our loved ones in spirit still communicate with us: to remind us we are not alone when we go through challenging times. It just goes to show you that Spirit can use anything to get a message to us…even soap operas you watched 15 years ago!
This also made me feel like Robin wanted our communications to include his son who is someone particularly important to him. The synchronistic birth dates would be something that would matter to Robin. This is why I got the matching “Spinelli’s.” Thank goodness I followed my intuition to check my facts, or I would have missed the matching birthdays.
When it comes to cross-dimensional communication, deceased loved ones love to send messages connected to what matters to them the most. It could be their favorite color, food, song, perfume, or family member’s birthday.
I do not know Spencer and never will, so it is a bit awkward to write about him. But this was the message that I got, and it included his birthday. I always talk with Robin on September 21st, to acknowledge that I know it is his son’s birthday and that I hope he can spend time near him spiritually.
Spencer’s birthday is also meaningful to me because I have followed and supported his music career. I love his photography and I like to read his Facebook posts from time to time. He seems like a cool guy, and I think I would like him if I met him. I have spoken to Robin about Spencer many times over the years, so this is why his birth date showing up unexpectedly like this is meaningful to me. I felt a little tug at my heartstrings.
When deceased twin souls communicate, the details are not always about them personally. Details about their family members or friends may show up too. These details still point to your twin soul, and it is all part of the connection. I once saw the last name of Robin’s ex-wife Molly on a license plate. That really shocked me at the time. I came to understand that details about his family members would be a part of the messages I would receive. I wrote about this here:
Wisdom on Cross-Dimensional Communication
Wayne Hatford, creator of the blog, “Valentino Speaks: The Wisdom of Rudolph Valentino,” shares an excellent description of cross-dimensional communication in general. More specifically, he has a spiritual connection with Rudolph Valentino, and has authored a book about it, so he speaks from experience. If you are a fan of Rudolph Valentino, or simply curious, you may enjoy his writings.
Regarding cross dimensional communication, Mr. Hatford states:
I contend that we are always communicating with those on the Other Side, some of us more consciously than others. Who are they? Friends, relatives, lovers, partners, husbands, wives ~ in short, anyone with whom we have agreements. Those we never met may also be included in the mix, as they may be involved with us for other reasons. Some of these sparks of energy (for that is what they are without a physical body) take on the role of spiritual guide, lending their support and participating in our lives to greater or lesser degrees, again, according to mutual agreement.
I really like what he had to say, especially how he acknowledges that we may have cross-dimensional communication with people we have never met. If we share a genuine soul connection with another spirit, whether we ever met or not in the 3D realm is irrelevant to me. We could have known each other in other lifetimes or planes of existence. I agree that souls can be drawn back together due to mutual agreement. In some cases, this may result in doing work together while sharing a cross-dimensional relationship. This blog is an example of this phenomenon.
Afterlife communication is cross-dimensional communication, and it can evolve into an ongoing relationship based on respect, devotion and spiritual growth for all parties involved. I consider Robin to be a powerful, creative, and loving guide who has given me countless spiritual gifts since his death in 2012.
With his presence in my life, I have experienced growth in so many areas including the improvement of my psychic abilities and knowledge of how spirits communicate. He is the one who opened my heart to the reality of twin souls and the benefit of knowing that we have soul family connections on the other side.
I have also come to know from personal experience that whether we are living or deceased, we exist in more than one dimension at a time. In the book, Living Souls in the Spirit Dimension: The Afterlife and Transdimensional Reality by Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., this topic is explored in depth.This is what makes dream visits possible with the deceased. They can visit us, and we can also visit them when in a hypnogogic state, for example.If you are interested in Dr. Hardy’s work, you can read more here.
Even though I did not share a family connection with Robin while he was alive, I am so grateful to call him a member of my spiritual family now. Through our communications over the years, I have also noticed how Robin has grown and progressed spiritually. At times, he has communicated in a way that I would consider to be quite advanced, such as when he began creating infinity symbols out of dental floss and leaving them where I could see them. He did not do this in 2012, but by July 2013, he was able to do this. I would like to think that our connection has afforded him an opportunity to practice and refine his skills! 😊
I hope you enjoyed your visit here today! Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this holiday around the world!
Featured photo: Image by Beate Bachmann from Pixabay