When it comes to afterlife communication with Robin, I don’t always know exactly what’s going on. Most of the time, the messages are clear to me. But on other occasions, there is a bit of mystery at play, which I also enjoy.

Who says everything always has to be 100% clear cut? How can it be when you consider we are communicating across different planes of existence?

Even if I’m not always completely sure what’s going on, I still believe the stories are worth sharing with you because that is the way life is sometimes: not always clear. When things aren’t clear with afterlife communication, it leads me down a different path in my thinking, pondering the various fascinating possibilities.

If we’re honest, most of us engaging in afterlife communication with loved ones in spirit have situations arise that leave us scratching our head.

Now I will present to you one of those situations for me.

Playing Catch Dream

During the early morning hours of Monday, December 10, 2018, I dreamed that I was playing catch with someone. I don’t know who he was. He was young, perhaps in his 20’s. We were sitting on the floor playing catch. The ball was a soft plush ball and we were tossing it back and forth. It was something like this, usually used as a dog toy.

Then, the guy in the dream wanted to switch balls and use a softball. I said to him not to toss it too hard. But basically, he wanted to play catch with two ‘soft’ balls.

I like the symbolism of softness.

That was the end of the dream.

At lunch that day, I spoke with Robin about how I had this dream about playing catch out of the blue with someone I did not know. I spoke with him about this while sitting alone at his altar space. I said to him that I did not think it was him and I couldn’t recognize the person.

I mentioned it to Robin because it was unusual. I don’t play catch or think about playing catch, not that there’s anything wrong with it. I don’t have kids in my life to play catch with or a dog so where this dream came from, I don’t know.

During the next day, December 11th, I went shopping with Julian to a local big-box store. We were looking for the shortest line for the cashier. I was in one line and then Julian went walking over to the next registers to see if any were shorter.

When I looked over to him, he was standing there smiling, holding a rubber ball that was a little smaller than the size of a basketball. He told me the line over where he was, was shorter. I walked over and stood behind him.

He held the ball in his hand and said, “Do you want to play catch?”

I was pretty much waiting for him to say that. It all seemed so strange since I had just had the dream about playing catch the night before. I said yes and we stood there playing catch for a few moments while waiting in line. The kids in line behind us joined in for a little while. It was fun.

Julian did not know I had this dream about playing catch. I told him about it after our shopping trip was over. I thought it was a psychic connection with him.

We are not in the habit of playing catch at checkout lines! In the 20+ years I’ve known Julian, I don’t ever remember him doing that.

I told Robin about the dream, as I mentioned. But I’m not sure if he had anything to do with this game of catch or not, “channeling” through Julian. As I mentioned in other posts, Robin does communicate with me through him.

But this time, I could not detect whether it was Robin for sure. Still, I was suspicious and I still am.

Was he blending with Julian because I had told him the day before about the dream, and wanting to play catch as a way of communicating back to me? Was it a psychic connection between Julian and me? Or was it a combination of these 2 scenarios?

Sometimes with afterlife communication, you don’t know for sure what is going on.

Behavior of Twins in Spirit

This definitely got me thinking though because, according to Sal Rachele in his book Soul Integration, it is possible for twin souls in higher planes to have some of their energy in souls on earth.

Here is a brief excerpt from Soul Integration, explaining the point I am making:

“…oftentimes twin flame counterparts in the higher realms will “channel” through a number of different souls on Earth, and therefore, have some of their energy embedded into those various Earth-bound souls…” (Chapter 2- Soul Mates and Twin Flames, pg. 87).

“…Of course, the next best thing to meeting your twin flame would be talking to him or her through another human being who is acting as a channel or vehicle…” (pg. 87).

Talking to him or playing catch with him through another human being who just happens to be my husband. That’s pretty wild isn’t it!

This aligns with the information I previously shared with you, by author James Judd, in my post called Close to You.

Judd explained that a spouse can serve as a channel between a twin pair when one is in spirit and one is incarnate.

After what I have witnessed over the years, some of which I have shared with you on this website, I can confidently say that my husband often acts as a channel, messenger, or a vehicle for Robin. I think it is possible that was happening in this case of playing catch. Robin is quite capable of doing this.

Afterlife CommunicationsI don’t think it’s only Julian that Robin channels through, though. He connects with other people who are around me. For example, I wrote to you about the cashier who put his hand up to his ear on the same day I read about how Robin used to do that. I feel like that was Robin’s spirit coming through, unbeknownst to the cashier carrying on the jovial conversation with me. (See  blog post Maying in December for more information about this occurrence).

What I know for sure is my spirit was connected to both Julian and Robin through this event because I shared it with both of them. My soul was strongly connected with Julian by virtue of playing catch a day after I spoke with Robin about this dream. Maybe it’s that we needed a childlike sense of fun. We bought the ball because I wanted a keepsake of this beautiful, mysterious and unique occurrence.

Premonition Dreams

I have had a few other dreams in the past that came true in my everyday life, but it is not very often.

For example, during the summer of 2017, I had a dream about being at the eye doctor’s. I was sitting in the chair for an eye exam. The doctor looked at me and said “eye surgery.” That was the end of the dream.

At that time, I had been having no problems with my eyes whatsoever.

A few weeks after that however, I had a posterior vitreous detachment which means you develop flashes and floaters. This happened with my eyes out of the blue.

Other than that, I still had normal vision. It’s something that happens as you get older. I was very frightened at the time because I had never had anything like this happen before and never had problems with my eyesight. I didn’t know what was going on with my eyes.

I ended up going to see an ophthalmologist, which is an eye surgeon. But I did not need eye surgery. Other than this, I have very healthy eyes and over time, the flashes and floaters calmed down on their own. This is the typical result of a PVD.

Perhaps these dreams come from my soul, guardian angels, and spirit, letting me know in advance what is going to happen in a small, select number of cases. When I had these dreams, I had no idea they would come true in real life. Some may call them premonition dreams.

They seem to originate from the soul’s own inner wisdom and knowledge.

I think a lot of us are discounted and discredited to the point that we may believe that we don’t have this inner knowledge about ourselves. But we do. This knowledge may show up in your dreams or in other ways.

Connections with loved ones, incarnate and discarnate, may show up as well!

Perhaps over time, it will become even more clear to me, what was going on that day we played catch in the store.



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