Circle of Stones, Part 2
Circle of Stones, Part 2
This post is a follow-up to the previous post called Circle of Stones that I wrote in December, 2018. It is about how deceased loved ones can appear in your life symbolically through everyday events.
What do I mean by the symbolic appearance of loved ones in spirit? I am referring to the things or events that represent our loved one in some way.
For example, one of the most symbolic appearances of Robin in my life would be the ‘STN ALIV’ license plate I saw last year. The plate is an obvious symbolic representation of him through the title of one of his most famous songs. Other things that represent him for me are numbers such as his numerology numbers, 30/3, which mirror my area code, 303, that I had when I lived in Colorado.
I have recently noticed a pattern emerging regarding communication with his spirit. For the past two posts, I have written about messages that occurred in synchrony with my participation in Zoom meditation classes. I now have a third example of a strong communication, regarding a topic I symbolically associate with Robin, that occurred as a result of my attending another (different) Zoom meditation class.
Demeter Revisited
On September 1, 2020, which happened to be Barry Gibb’s birthday and my older brother’s as well, I attended a meditation group on Zoom during the early evening hours. The teacher mentioned “Demeter” in her introductory remarks and mentioned feeling a connection with her due to some personal circumstances.
I thought about Robin immediately because of my post, Circle of Stones, where I wrote about his connection to Demeter through his wife’s artwork. Robin had commissioned Dwina to draw the story of Demeter and Persephone during the early months of their relationship. “Demeter” is also mentioned in the book, Circle of Stones, which I quoted in this post because of synchronicity I received. For more information on their story and the synchronicity, please see the post below:
Now, anytime I hear of Demeter, I think of this. This is the first time Demeter has come up in my life since I wrote this post. When I heard my teacher mention Demeter, I thought, “Oh, there’s a reminder of Robin,” because for me, she symbolically represents him and something important from his life.
The Wisdom of an African Woman
About three hours after the meditation group ended, I spent some time at his altar space while my husband was watching something on television that I did not want to watch. I’m sure other people can relate!
Next to Robin’s altar space, I recently created an altar for the late Sobonfu Somé, African author, spiritual healer and teacher. You can see the picture of her I placed on my altar space here in this article. It’s the one with the blue background. I chose this picture because she looks like she could be a direct ancestor from my bloodline. I have felt drawn to her teachings and I wanted to create a stronger spiritual connection with her.
I found out about her work on the importance of crying and grieving in healing many years ago. It affirmed for me the importance of crying as something positive and necessary in order to eventually reach a place of authentic joy. Here is a sample of her very important work and commentary on crying from YouTube:
While in this altar space with both of their pictures illuminated by candles, I stated that I wanted to listen to Sobonfu’s MP3’s I just bought on August 30th, called Women’s Wisdom from the Heart of Africa.
As I listened to the first MP3 for the very first time, I was captivated by what she was saying. Ms. Somé had a strong, kind, soft-spoken voice that I love listening to.
Then I received what was a moving synchronicity linked to my blog post and the book Circle of Stones by Judith Durek, which I had just been thinking about a few hours earlier because of the mention of Demeter.
Ms. Somé’s words on Women’s Wisdom are nearly identical to some of the words written by Ms. Duerk in her book!
Circle of Stones Synchronicity
To show the similarity between what Sobonfu said and the text of Circle of Stones, I would like to quote from both authors. In both quotes, the bold is mine for emphasis and to show the identical phrase they used. This is the meaningful synchronicity I would like to elucidate.
I have transcribed Ms. Somé’s powerful words and guidance below:
What might have your life been if you had a community to welcome you…to find out what your gift is. What might have your life been if you had a circle of women who actually saw that you were a star bringing something that no body else can bring. What might your life have been if you had a community that valued you, nothing but you and invited your gift out of you. Take a moment and sit with this thought… (1)
As soon as I heard Sobonfu’s words, it triggered my memory of what I had read in Circle of Stones over the years. Here is a short excerpt from the book where you can clearly see the nearly-identical nature of what is said:
How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you…a place of women, where you were received and affirmed? (2)
It was a really nice moment when this synchronicity occurred. Here I was, at the altar space I created for both Robin and Sobonfu, listening to her works, when what she said connected with a book that strongly relates back to Robin.
It was as if they were both there sitting with me energetically. It was like the energies of both of them joined in that moment to deliver this heart-warming synchronicity.
This is a perfect example of why I love afterlife communication so much. It is also a perfect example of how deceased loved one’s energies can weave together in our lives.
When you attend to them, they attend to you.
This synchronicity was all about the timing, as is all synchronicity. It was so amazing that on the same day I heard my meditation teacher mention Demeter for the first time, I listened to Ms. Somé’s MP3 for the first time.
The mention of Demeter by my meditation teacher and Ms. Somé’s words within three hours of each other is what makes the communication so powerful to me. What they both have in common is Circle of Stones, which symbolically represents Robin’s spirit for me.
This is the second time I have had a Demeter/Circle of Stones/Robin-related synchronicity. The words from Ms. Somé are what made this a true synchronicity. Without her words, the mention of Demeter by my meditation teacher is a lovely reminder of Robin, but not synchronicity. This message has reminded me that loved ones in spirit can find a way to weave their spirits into the new things that we do, even Zoom chats!
Creative Links: Earth and the Afterlife
Synchronicity is very creative in its mysterious beauty. The late Dr. John O’ Donohue, in his book, Anam Cara, addresses how we can creatively interact with our loved ones in the afterlife:
I believe that our friends among the dead really mind us and look out for us…One of the exciting developments that may happen in evolution and in human consciousness in the next several hundred years is a whole new relationship with the invisible, eternal world. We might begin to link up in a very creative way with our friends in the invisible world…” (3)
I feel that what I have shared on this website is a testament to how it is possible to link up creatively with loved ones in the spirit world.
It is not surprising to me that one of the world’s most creative souls, Robin Gibb, would discover immensely creative ways to communicate with those of us on earth who love him and are open to his spirit.
In fact, it is my direct experience that loved ones in spirit can initiate an even deeper connection and link with us than we may have expected. The post below is an example of this. It’s one of the most powerful and exciting experiences I have ever had with Robin’s spirit. I include it here for new readers:
Important Questions for Spiritual Growth
The questions posed by Sobonfu Somé and Judith Duerk in their respective works are very important to consider. I’m happy that synchronicity brought these two gifted authors together for us.
For me, these questions bring a degree sadness because I have not had this community of women for most of my life to affirm me in this way. I have had some degree of affirmation or I would not have had the courage to allow myself to create, write and share here what I have discovered.
Yet for the most part, I have given this affirmation to myself, as do many women. I truly feel something has been lost in modern times, in terms of deeper connections between women. Hopefully, your experience is different and better than mine.
From my perspective, significant damage was done to the female lineage of my bloodline, through racist, sexist, familial and narcissistic abuse which created lasting trans-generational trauma. These factors polluted what would have, or could have been loving matrilineal connections.
This damage does not go away by pretending it does not exist because it is too uncomfortable or inconvenient for family to face. Meaningless apologies, premature forgiveness, unwillingness to change abusive behavior, and an unwillingness to accept consequences for ones’ actions do not help either.
Abusive bullies, who expect immediate and instant forgiveness before they demonstrate true remorse and behavior change, live in a delusional reality that I refuse to cater to or indulge. This includes biological relatives. They are not exempt just because we share DNA. I learned a long time ago that I had to put my foot down.
So, a combination of all of these factors is why I don’t have the circle of loving women in my biological family to turn to. I know I’m not alone in this, which is why I’m sharing this.
I have paid the price for not being willing to cater to or tolerate abusive behavior and that price is the complete loss of family relationships. But in exchange, I have self-respect, dignity, a loving marriage and amazing loved ones in spirit who care about me.
How might my life have been different? I would have had a much greater sense of belonging in the world if I had had a circle of women to turn to. I would have had a greater sense of worth and value and would not have had to figure out so much on my own. My personal development has taken me longer than it otherwise would have if I had had more assistance and loving support.
Nevertheless, one of my gifts has shown itself in my later years: my ability to pay close enough attention to the subtle energies of specific loved ones in the afterlife and to be able to communicate with them.
I have the ability to discern who is a member of my soul family, which is very important to me since I do not have biological family. This involved intuition and inquiry. It also involved the ability to recognize, trust and accept the validation once I received it, regarding Robin. No one in my biological family lineage could have known this about me. I did not know I had this ability until I was 45 years old. The gift developed and was brought forth regardless of, and according to my husband, because of the impediments I had to work through.
The impediments, in the form of a lack of loving familial relationships, led me to seek out authors, teachers and healers who could help meet my spiritual needs for female connectedness. This is why authors like Judith Duerk and Sobonfu Somé are so important for me. They help fill a life-long void.
I gently encourage you to answer these questions for yourself in quiet, self-examination. The whole point of this synchronicity is to invite us to do that. It is a good exercise. I think it is also important to unapologetically own your gifts and bring them forth to the extent that you are comfortable with. Time is passing by and we don’t have time to waste.
Stone Circles in Africa
I would like to share some information about the Stone Circles of Senegambia. The photo I featured at the beginning of this post are Wassu stone circles, Gambia.
The ancient energy of the stone circles really speak to me. In some ways, I think it is unfortunate that for many modern-day humans, worship and spiritual ritual has moved away from the stone circle. I think the ancient people were deeply knowledgeable about connecting to the divine, the cosmos and each other in ways most modern humans have lost.
I will close with a beautiful excerpt from a poem by Onalethuso Petruss Ntema, who is a poet born in Botswana, called Stones (of Africa). It is from the book called Soul Seeds. You can read the excerpt here.
Until next time, be well. Thank you for reading my post. I know there are many options in terms of reading materials. So, I appreciate you taking the time to visit me here!
1. Somé, Sobonfu (2007). Women’s Wisdom from the Heart of Africa, 01, 11:17- 12:12 time stamp. Sounds True Audio Download.
2. Duerk, Judith (1989). Circle of Stones: Woman’s Journey to Herself, Volume 1. San Diego, California: LuraMedia, Page 17.
3. O’Donohue, John (1997). Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, page 228.