How Afterlife Communication Helps Reduce Loneliness
Loneliness is a common phenomenon amongst humans. Some would even say it is epidemic. So, I thought I would like to spend some time writing about how afterlife communication helps reduce loneliness. Reduce is the key word, not eliminate it entirely of course.
Since this website is about afterlife communication with Robin, I thought it would be interesting to explore how his spirit and other loved ones in spirit can help alleviate some of our loneliness, even though they are no longer here in bodily form. It is amazing what our unseen companions and loved ones are capable of and I’m so grateful everyday for the experiences I have had.
This post is also inspired by the Bee Gees’ lonely-themed songs. Recently, I have been pondering just how many songs the Bee Gees wrote that had the theme of loneliness. Like many other singers and songwriters, they were tapping into this ubiquitous human condition.
Loneliness Amongst Humanity
According to The Cost of Loneliness Project:
Loneliness is often defined as the distressing feeling generated by a lack of meaningful, intimate, and reciprocal interactions. One might describe it as emotional isolation. Exacerbated by its gross under-recognition, loneliness is rapidly emerging as the great public health crisis of our time.
I have personally experienced loneliness off and on throughout my life. This pandemic exacerbated that feeling. Even though I am primarily an introvert, I still value and need meaningful social connections. That was reduced greatly last year and still to some extent this year. I have felt the emotional isolation mentioned in the quote above.
I really felt the pain of loneliness and missed being able to talk to people face to face without wearing a mask. I missed being able to hug people, go out for a meal at a restaurant or go to a class in a yoga studio. It was really horrible. It made me realize how much I do need loving and friendly connections with kind people. I know from experience that many others feel or felt the same way I do because I have read about it.
There is so much loneliness in the world that there is another website devoted exclusively to it called The Loneliness Project. It is a beautiful site where people can come and share their stories of loneliness. Somehow, loneliness is eased a bit when a person can open up and be honest about how lonely they really feel.
I would highly recommend both of these websites I have cited to build a sense of empathy for what some people are going through. It may apply to you personally and maybe you can receive a sense of comfort in one or both of these websites or at least find something you are able to relate to.
Bee Gees’ Lonely-Themed Songs
Given what was just mentioned above, there is a good reason singers and songwriters turn to loneliness as a common theme in their songs. People can relate to this and turn to music for comfort, healing and understanding.
Here are some of my favorite Bee Gees’ loneliness songs with the lyrics from azlyrics.com:
Run to me whenever you’re lonely. (to love me)
Run to me if you need a shoulder
When the lonely heart breaks
It’s the one that forsakes
It’s the dream that we stole
If you’re lonely in the black of night
If you call me, I’ll be there
Another Lonely Night in New York
Another lonely night in New York.
The city of dreams just keeps on getting me down.
Night grows cold
I’ve been lonely so much
I walk the lonely streets; I watch the people passing by
I used to smile and say hello. Guess I was just a happy guy
Take this lonely soul, the water or the wine
A chance to make you mine
I lay my body on the line
I’m sure there are many other Bee Gees’ lonely-themed songs, but I think the point is made with the ones I mentioned. They really tapped into this emotion and human experience because they knew and understood that people could connect with this. They make loneliness and sadness sound beautiful which is one of their gifts as singers and songwriters. This is probably due in part to each brother’s own personal sense of loneliness that they could draw from.
How Afterlife Communication Helps Reduce Loneliness
Many, many people around the world have experienced various forms of afterlife communication. If I had the chance to talk to some of them, I would imagine they would tell me that on some level, the communications helped them to miss their loved ones a little less and helped them to feel a little less lonely.
I’m not saying after death communication completely removes the loneliness of life in general or the loneliness that results from “losing” a loved one to physical death. I am saying that it can lessen the intensity of the loneliness.
Personally, it reduces my loneliness in the third dimension to know that loved ones in spirit are there and are willing and able to communicate. Robin and other loved ones in spirit I have connected to have added a beautiful and comforting dimension to my life just with their ongoing presence and willingness to stay connected to me.
Since loneliness is about the lack of meaningful connections, it would follow that having meaningful connections with loved ones in spirit could help reduce loneliness on some level.
Here are some key manifestations of afterlife communication from the categories of synchronicity and telekinesis and how they can help reduce loneliness. I will share my personal stories with Robin.
On October 13, 2021, late in the evening, I decided to browse through one of my Bee Gees’ books called Tragedy: The Ballad of the Bee Gees by Jeff Apter. My husband gave this book to me a few years ago as a gift. I have never read it cover to cover though because I have already done so with two other Bee Gees’ books I have. So, with this book, I just flip through it from time to time.
On this evening, I opened to a page where the story was told of how the brothers used to like singing in bathrooms to practice their singing. Here is the interesting quote I read:
When not performing for an audience, Barry, Robin and Maurice would rehearse wherever they could find a suitable space. A neighbor let them use her cellar; they also found a user-friendly echo in the men’s toilet at the John Lewis department store. They liked the ambience there so much, in fact, that for the rest of their musical lives, the Gibbs preferred to rehearse and record in rooms that reminded them of that toilet. They’d ask each other, ‘Does it sound like John Lewis?’ (1)
As I read this, I remembered that the Bee Gees’ used to like singing in bathrooms. I wrote about this in this post:
Will You Wait for Me?
I knew they liked singing in Lewis’ department store because I read about this in another biography. But I didn’t know the full name of the store, John Lewis, because it was not mentioned. So, as I read the Apter biography, I thought to myself that it was a little more new information. It made me think of the late African American congressman, John Lewis.
The next evening, October 14th, my husband said to me that he wanted to show me a video. He likes the videos on YouTube showing unlikely caring relationships between animals called The Dodo.
The video he showed me was about a relationship between an injured cow and a dog. As I watched the video about the cow’s healing and recovery, I received the most amazing synchronicity.
The narrator mentioned that the cow’s name is John Lewis! Here is the video:
This screen shot shows the name John Lewis:
I was so happy and amazed by how events in my life synchronized so precisely with what I read about Robin and the Bee Gees just 24 hours earlier.
This has happened to me before over the years, where what I am reading in a Bee Gees’ biography mirrors what is going on in my daily life. I see it as a sign of my connection with Robin’s spirit. I wrote about this here as well:
McKenzie and Massachusetts
This time, I have my husband to thank for this as well as God and Robin. I love that my husband is a part of all of this and that is how it should be.
This is how afterlife communication can help reduce loneliness. The expansiveness, awe and wonder that can arise within a person when receiving synchronistic experiences can help reduce loneliness because you can really feel the presence of your deceased loved one.
This synchronicity caused me to feel so loved by this amazing force, which you could call God. This interconnection between Robin’s spirit, my husband and me is the essence of what alleviates loneliness. This makes me feel like my connection with Robin is still very strong even almost 10 years after his death. It makes me feel like his spirit is very close to me. This is an antidote to loneliness.
Well, what could help reduce loneliness more than to know your loved one’s spirit is actually in your home moving your things?:) Robin let me know many times over the years that I really was not alone, even if at the time I felt like I was. Yes, spirits can come into your home and probably do all the time. It’s good that Robin let me know, in no uncertain terms, that he was there and had the skills to move objects.
My favorite examples of this is when he moved my necklaces with spiritual symbols in 2013. He also gifted me with an infinity symbol made of dental floss and left it on my tea pot handle, also in 2013. To me, that sounds exactly like the sort of thing Robin would come up with! It’s thinking outside the box in the most unique of ways and I love his spirit for this always.
Telekinesis includes moving a physical object with non-physical energy and creating something, like a design, with a physical object from non-physical energy. This is something Robin taught me that I did not know before his passing.
These experiences with his spirit are incredibly priceless to me and ones I will never, ever forget or ever take for granted. If you experience something like this with a loved one on the other side, you are BLESSED beyond measure. The excitement that these actions by Robin generated within me definitely help reduce loneliness I feel in my life. I still feel excited about these things even though they occurred over 8 years ago. But time is not a factor when it comes to spiritual matters.
I’m sure our loved ones in spirit know the impact they have when they do these things. I’m sure they love our ongoing appreciation of what they have done as well. I’m pretty certain that Robin loves it that I have shared with whomever is interested what he is able to do as spirit!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you can see how afterlife communication is a sacred gift that truly can help reduce loneliness. It is so kind of our loved ones in spirit to reach out and still make such a powerful difference in our lives.
1. Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees, London: Jawbone Press, page 23.