Afterlife Communication: Dream Street
One of the best ways to tell whether you share a soul connection with someone is noticing the ways in which your life repeatedly matches up with theirs through synchronicity and life parallels. This is true whether they are embodied in the physical world or disembodied.
The synchronicity and parallels that have manifested in my life regarding Robin since his passing have been very enjoyable, comforting, and reassuring. But on a deeper level, they serve as confirmation that our energies are connected in a very mystical way. Perhaps you have noticed this in your own life with someone you are connected with.
Sharing a twin soul connection with someone in the afterlife that you never met in person is mysterious, challenging, and at times confusing. So, it helps greatly that I have been given messages over the years that unequivocally point directly to Robin.
I have to admit that I am still surprised and amazed by the mirror effect I share with his spirit. This is still going on after all these years. But in spirit, time is not a factor.
Overall, this connection with Robin is about spiritual growth and advancement for all parties involved, including my readers. It is about waking up to a larger reality beyond the seen physical world.
For me personally, this afterlife experience is a rigorous exercise in trusting in my own heart, intuition and the messages I have been given and not relying on answers, opinions, or validation from other people.
It is not only rigorous. It has been like going through spiritual boot camp. It is powerful training for learning to stand in my own truth regardless of how other people respond.
This is something we all have to learn at some point as we mature if we want to be true to ourselves and what is real in our lives. It builds spiritual strength to validate oneself, rather than looking to other people to validate your experiences. This is what I have discovered.
When it comes to this work, my loyalty is to God whom I serve, Robin’s spirit, and my own heart, not people on earth who dismiss spiritually transformative experiences and see them as invalid.
Afterlife Communication: Dream of Robin
Sometimes the afterlife communication messages I receive regarding Robin come in the form of dreams and synchronicity combined. This is what I will be writing about in this post.
Receiving synchronicity is like getting a letter in the mail. You can see it and hold it. But you won’t get the message unless you open the envelope.
Acknowledging, studying and writing about synchronicity is my way of opening the envelope and extracting all the beauty of the interconnectedness that I can.
Many years ago, I had a dream about Robin that has stuck with me to this day. On January 14, 2020, I lay in bed resting, thinking about this dream and whether I wanted to write about it or not for this blog. As you can see, I have decided to write about it and that is because I received a synchronicity related to it. Without the synchronicity, I probably would not be writing about this right now.
Here is the dream. It touches my heart deeply to write about it. I am writing about it from memory because I don’t know when this was and I can’t find it in my journals. After all of these years of afterlife communication, sometimes it’s hard to find the entries I wrote:
I am with my husband. We are standing at the trunk of our parked car, taking some things out. I don’t know where this is, but the weather is nice.
I looked over to my right. Robin is standing there looking at me. (He looked like he did on the cover of “Size Isn’t Everything.” We did not say anything to each other. We just looked at each other. I can see his face very clearly.
There is a building there that he is standing in front of, but I’m not sure what it is. It is white and there are trees and plants around.
There is not much space between where we are parked and the building Robin is standing in front of.
Next, I turn around. I see Robin walking down a very wide street. It is tree-lined and paved.
It is completely unmarked, no lines like we usually see to guide traffic. There are no cars on this road and no sidewalks. There are just people and they are walking on this wide, straight, expansive road. Some are walking towards me, some are walking away from me. They seem far away but I can still see them…
I watch Robin walk off, away from me, by himself. It is a sunny, beautiful day. It’s hard to describe but the road was not like the ones we have on Earth. It was other-worldly and very real.
It seemed like he wanted me to watch him walk down the street and see what else was around him…like he wanted me to see where he was, what it was like and what he was doing.
Wherever and whatever this place was, it was nice, peaceful, sunny, with plenty of people around and beautiful trees.
The end.
I’m not saying that my dream is an exact representation of what it looks like in the spirit world where Robin is. I don’t know that for sure and I can’t prove it or verify it.
I am saying that this was a very personal dream for me that leaves me wondering what and where this place was. It felt very real and vivid, to the point I can remember it exactly many years later.
Not all of the dreams I have in general, or about Robin, have this quality I’m trying to describe. But if you have had dreams of loved ones who have passed away, maybe you know what I’m talking about. There is something different about these types of dreams. They are more real and in my case, I felt like I was with Robin for a short time. It may be better to call it a visitation dream.
Synchronicity: Wide, Tree-lined Streets
After I thought about this dream privately while I was waking up, I spoke with my husband about traveling to Mexico. We are interested in going to Mexico City and this is why we have been taking Spanish classes. Specifically, we are interested in La Condesa, a trendy neighborhood there.
For the first time, I decided to do an internet search on it. I picked up my tablet and googled it. I found this great article on La Condesa which you can see below. Maybe someone reading this has been there or lives there :).
As I scrolled down, I noticed a section in the article on “tree-lined streets”. I was so surprised when I read what the author (Victoria) said about the neighborhood. It mirrored exactly what I had been thinking about in terms of my dream of Robin. The bold is mine for emphasis:
“One of the appeals of Condesa is simply the beauty of it’s streets. It’s made up of lots of charming, wide avenues, with trees that form a canopy above.”
It is so interesting that key elements of my dream about Robin mirrored aspects of this article mentioning tree-lined streets. Many times, I receive synchronicity related to things I read or say. But this time, it was just my private thoughts of Robin connecting and synchronizing with my everyday life. I was meditatively absorbed in my thoughts of this dream prior to reading this article. The synchronicity with the article occurred within a very short time frame after my thinking about the dream.
Recently, I experienced another travel-related synchronicity. This was a message related to traveling to the U.K. So, I definitely see a pattern! His spirit is connected to my travel plans and dreams!
This is also the second time recently that a dream I had about Robin years ago mirrored something very specific in what I was reading currently, which you can read about here.
From my point of view, synchronicity, connected to my dreams about Robin, gives additional confirmation that the dreams are actual afterlife communications. The synchronicity supports and gives additional significance and importance to the dreams.
After Death Communication: Synchronicity Review
Synchronicity seems to be the easiest way for Robin’s spirit to communicate. This is a good idea for long-term afterlife communication. He can’t be coming over here to move objects all the time!
I would say that the vast majority of afterlife communication with Robin since 2012 has been through precise synchronicity. As reported on this website, I have had many dreams, some telekinesis and some electrical activity.
But most of the communications come in the form of quiet, gentle, synchronized life events that connect back to him.
Synchronicity is a wonderful, safe, non-threatening yet awe-inspiring way of keeping in touch with and staying connected to loved ones in spirit. It gives me the feeling that his spirit is with me through my daily activities. By sharing this perspective, I am doing my best to demystify afterlife communication.
It is amazing to me how something to do with the spirit of a deceased loved one can synchronize with the most minute detail of the life of a loved one on earth.
I write about how the small, everyday details of my life often mirror something to do with Robin. However, small does not mean insignificant. The small details are very significant, especially since they get my attention. Who knows what it takes for the unseen forces of love in our lives to get all of these circumstances to align? It may be more complex than we know. So, I honor this process.
Afterlife communication with Robin has given me a deeper appreciation of and respect for the quiet and the subtle. Synchronicity based in love, kindness and truth is very life-enhancing.
Synchronicity and Quantum Entanglement
I know I have written about this topic before here, but I thought I would revisit it for a moment with some additional thoughts.
I really wonder what is going on at the unseen spiritual level in terms of twin souls and synchronicity. My perspective is that, at its core, the twin soul connection is about souls that have nearly identical hues of light, color, vibration and frequency at the spiritual level. It is something most people cannot see with the naked eye. Members of the same soul group would also share a light frequency, color and vibration that are very similar.
I hypothesize that this invisible connection and energetic entanglement between twin souls shows up in synchronistic and parallel life events. I cannot prove it as a fact scientifically. But, it seems to me like there is something to this in terms of how connections we share with others in an unseen realm manifest in the physical, seen world. I don’t think there is anything wrong with seeing this as a possibility.
In the excellent article, Practical Symbolism of Quantum Physics and Relativity, Nebo Lukovich writes about quantum entanglement in a way that can be applied to human relationships and twin souls. I really love how he wrote this article and I invite you to check it out. Here are some quotes I would like to share:
“…In ancient times, our souls were often born with their twin counterparts (as within the binary star systems). In most of these cases, our so-called twin-flames (or soul mates) are very different from us, yet are we linked by destiny…”
“…The experimental data involved separating two photons from one another—both of which came from the same parent group of particles, originally—and stimulating only one of them to watch what reaction came from the other. Surprisingly, the unstimulated photon would mimic the actions of its partner, maintaining an identical quantum state… as though they’d never been separated at all…”
In this example, the two particles could symbolize twin souls and the parent group of particles could represent the larger soul family they come from.
I think it is fascinating to ponder that two human beings born at different times on earth, in completely different locations, from different ethnic backgrounds, even speaking different languages, could come from the same soul group in the spirit world and mimic each other throughout their lives on earth without either one knowing about it.
When twin souls do come to know about the connection, and can actively experience it so it can be enjoyed and celebrated, it is a miracle.
For me, unexpectedly meeting my twin soul via an afterlife connection has been like finding a needle in a gigantic cosmic haystack. I’m glad I did not know about twin souls until after Robin’s passing. Because if I had been looking for my twin soul on earth, I never would have found him. That’s how it works sometimes.
In my case, I feel it is good that we met again the way we did so we can share this work. It is also excellent training for not being dependent on or attached to his physical vehicle. It builds spiritual muscle to have to go beyond the physical to communicate on the spiritual level. It takes focus, dedication, commitment and love to tune into Robin’s deeper nature as a soul.
You never know who is going to come knocking on your door from the spirit world. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. Perhaps it already has, for someone reading this!
The example I gave today, of how my dream of Robin walking down a wide, tree-lined street mirrored the article about La Condesa that I was drawn to, is one that reminds me of quantum entanglement at an unseen level.
What makes me say this? The large numbers of synchronicity and other forms of communications I have experienced pertaining to him since 2012. First, the beautiful, tree-lined streets were associated with Robin in my dream. Then, I get them a few moments later.
I’m open to other interpretations or explanations that can account for the communications I have written about on this website. I am always reading and doing research. But quantum entanglement is one of the more interesting possibilities and one I strongly resonate with.
To me quatum entanglement symbolizes the scripture “I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” at the spiritual level even when we are separated physically or in different planes of existence. This is because our loving mirrored energies are still connected.
Thank you for reading. I really appreciate it and as always, I hope that something I write about contributes to your life in some positive way. Until next time, take care!