Songs and Synchronicity
Afterlife Communication Through Song Lyrics
I write this post in remembrance of Robin and Maurice Gibb who would have been 71 years old on December 22, 2020.
It has been documented in afterlife communication literature that deceased loved ones communicate through song lyrics.
For this post, I will share an amazing synchronicity regarding the Bee Gees’ song, “Cherry Red.” I love this song, so I figure that is a good sign to write about my experience with it! I hope you enjoy it.
In 2012, a door opened which allowed me to communicate with Robin in the ways described on this website. It came out of the blue because I did not even know there was a door through which I could reach him until after he passed away. I keep the door open now for his spirit so we can connect when the time is right. I have a story to share with you now which is about one of these times.
Cherry Red Reminder
I have been baking at home more this year due to Covid 19. On Sunday, November 29, 2020, I decided to research lemon curd recipes. I had recently made a sugar-free lemon yogurt cake and it got me thinking about other lemon deserts.
I read through this recipe and saw a link for a silicone whisk. I need another whisk, so I took a look. At the time I clicked on the link, it was for this Cherry Red whisk.
This whisk immediately reminded me of the Bee Gees’ song. Here it is.
After I was done looking at the whisk and recipe, I decided to listen to the song. I have heard it many times, but there were some lyrics that I still didn’t understand.
They were singing “something….green…” I couldn’t figure out what they were singing, so for the first time, while sitting at Robin’s altar, I researched the lyrics on my phone.
I found out they are saying, “Turquoise green, greener than the deepest sea…” Turquoise was the word that I couldn’t understand.
So, that mystery was finally solved. Robin and Barry sing the harmonies beautifully with Maurice accompanying them on guitar. It has such pretty imagery.
This song is a soul mate love song with the cosmic theme of the stars. It is about a person sadly missing their true love. They are reflecting on how their senses are heightened as the result of the presence of their love. Cherry red is sweeter and the green of the sea is more vivid when they are together. It’s so true that when you are in love, life is brighter, things taste better, and colors are more beautiful!
If it weren’t for seeing the ‘Cherry Red’ whisk, I may not have listened to this song that day. It is significant that I did, which I will explain next.
Green Turquoise Reflection
The day after researching the “Turquoise green…” lyrics, which was Monday, November 30th, I was drawn to email someone I had not contacted in a while. Their email address is one I keep at an email account I never check because I have the email forwarded to another account. So, I haven’t logged into it for easily a year or more. But, I needed to log in to find this email address of the person I wanted to contact.
When I signed in to my account, there was only one unopened email. It was in my junk folder. It was sent to me just a few days earlier on Friday, November 27th. It was from an artist from Etsy that I purchased jewelry from quite a while ago. She was promoting holiday sales.
Even though it was in my junk folder, I still clicked on it to see what she was selling. To say I was surprised at what I saw next was an understatement.
There were multiple photos of Green Kingman Turquoise jewelry!
Here is the Etsy link I received and a screenshot of the jewelry as it was displayed on Nov. 30th. I’m putting this screenshot here because the jewelry displayed at the link may change over time.
I felt very close to Robin’s spirit at that moment because it was such a specific synchronistic connection to the “Cherry Red” song lyrics.
Trish MacGregor and Rob MacGregor, in the book, Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife, put it this way:
Synchronicity is a connective tissue between the everyday world and the other side, the world of spirit. (1)
Synchronicity shows one aspect of how spiritual, unseen energies like to work, which is to pull the same things together. Synchronicity shows how the Universe likes to communicate. It is a mechanism by which loved ones of all types can connect. When we love someone, whether embodied or disembodied, and we are energetically similar or nearly identical, we can reach each other through synchronized life events with very specific details.
The Personal Nature of Synchronicity
I believe one of the major reasons for afterlife communication in the form of synchronicity is to create and maintain that sense of wonder, connection, closeness, love and bonding with a deceased loved one. It makes it impossible to forget them, which is the idea! They want to be remembered.
The closeness I experience with Robin now is the closeness I look forward to experiencing with his spirit and my soul family after I pass away. And one never knows when their time is going to come. The circumstances around the world at this time show that this is the case.
I knew the images of the green turquoise were a reference to the song lyrics and a twin soul mirror. I had just researched his “Turquoise green…,” lyrics for the first time and then I received green turquoise the next day when I checked an email account I never check. The timing was miraculous since I had not signed into this account for so long, but did so just in time to receive the communication in a timely fashion.
It was there waiting for me, unbeknownst to me. It was absolutely extraordinary and all because I had been guided to search for lemon curd recipes! You never know how synchronicity is going to come to you. This was very well orchestrated by those in spirit who watch over me.
I have never purchased green turquoise jewelry from the Etsy artist I mentioned above. I do not own any type of green turquoise jewelry, nor did I know about it so it is not common for me. I know about the usual blue turquoise, but the green turquoise gemstones came as a complete surprise to me which makes the synchronicity all the more powerful.
When it comes to souls you share a connection with, whether living or deceased, I have discovered that you are going to have what they have and get what they get on a frequent, recurring basis. To me, it is a sign of being united in spirit. The mirroring can show up in various, unpredictable situations in your everyday life. This time it showed up for me through unquestionable visual synchronicity.
As far as afterlife communication with Robin’s spirit goes, it was powerful, precious and meaningful to me for my email to synchronize with the specific lyrics he was singing. It was an incredible gift and deeply personal. Now, green turquoise will hold a special place in my heart going forward.
Robin has many advantages as a spirit, one of which is to use his own songs for communication! 🙂 God, Robin and whoever else is involved in creating and orchestrating synchronicity really touched my heart with that one. I will always remember this.
If you are interested in how twin souls communicate through music, I highly recommend this excellent article by Jonna called “Twin Flame Telepathy Through Song-What You Should Know.”
Spiritual Laws Are at Work in Synchronicity
Some may say this green turquoise synchronicity is simply the Law of Attraction at work. I think there is more to it than that. The Law of Attraction may be part of it, but that’s not all of it. I’m burnt out from the Law of Attraction. It’s my opinion that the Law of Attraction gets too much credit for everything that happens in a person’s life. It’s super popular to talk about, but by only paying attention to this one law, other spiritual laws are neglected.
In the book, The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman writes about 12 different spiritual laws, one which is the Law of Action. (2) I would like to apply this spiritual law to this turquoise green synchronicity.
If I had not taken the action to research the “Cherry Red” song lyrics, I still would not have known what the Bee Gees were singing. If I didn’t know they were saying “turquoise,” then no connection would have been made when I saw the jewelry in my email. Checking my email was another action I had to take to receive the message.
Therefore, afterlife communication requires those of us on earth to cooperate and take action so spirit can deliver the message. Our loved ones in the spirit world need our active participation. One easy action could open the door to an incredible experience. If we don’t take action, they may not have much to work with to give us a sign of their presence.
Inspired by the Seas of Australia?
According to Wikipedia, “Cherry Red” was recorded in February, 1966 and released in March, 1966.
At that time, the Bee Gees were living in Australia. They were teenagers when this song was recorded, as Barry was 19 years old and Robin and Maurice were 16 years old. They were so gifted to be able to capture soul mate energies and themes through their lyrics, voices and music at such a young age.
Barry wrote this song. It seems that the lyrics could have been inspired by the beautiful Australian seas surrounding them. That makes logical sense.
Here are some views of turquoise green seas that could have inspired the lyrics:
Since I received this synchronicity, I thought it would be a good idea to research the spiritual meaning of turquoise. According to Rodika Tchi, in her article “Turquoise Stone Meaning and Use in Feng Shui or Jewelry,” the meaning ties in directly with the sea:
The water-energy in turquoise can facilitate a better flow of energy in one’s body, thus promoting gentle detoxification and improving the state of one’s immune system. (3)
Here is some additional information on the symbolism and spiritual properties of both blue and green turquoise.
In Closing
I would like to close by saying it has been wonderful writing here all year. I hope you are finding the posts beneficial and enjoyable for you. I would like to thank all of you who have subscribed and those of you who take the time to read my posts. I appreciate you.
Writing about my connection with Robin’s spirit helps me get through rough and painful times such as in 2018 when I had breast cancer and now in 2020 during this pandemic that has affected everyone in some way. It’s a good creative exercise for me as well as being educational and spiritually fulfilling. Writing gives me a good outlet for expressing myself which is something I really need to do for my well-being and long-term recovery.
I learn so much while I’m in the process of writing because I’m actively doing research while writing. For this post, I especially enjoyed learning about the Australian beaches the Bee Gees may have visited or known about.
On a different note, I realize that some of you may have lost loved ones during this pandemic due to Covid or other illness. Or perhaps it has been a rocky time in other ways financially or with relationships. I acknowledge this with compassion for you and wishes for you to be comforted and supported at this time.
I plan to take the month of January off, but plan to be back with a new post around the end of February.
Best wishes for a good holiday season. Happy New Year!
Happy Birthday in spirit to Robin and Maurice. You are loved and remembered always.
1. MacGregor, Trish and MacGregor, Rob (2011). Synchronicity and the Other Side: Your Guide to Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife, Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc., Kindle Edition, Location 64.
2. Millman, Dan (1995). The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation, Tiburon, California: H.J. Kramer/New World Library, page 65.
3. Tchi, Rodika (Updated 07/22/20). “Turquoise Stone Meaning and Use in Feng Shui or Jewelry: Explore the healing energy of turquoise.”