Close to You
Your soul is naked. It tells you what it wants.
I read your letter and look at how close I’ve come.
There’s more for us to see in this philosophy.
We both end up in heaven and look at how close we’d be.
~Lyrics from Closer Than Close by the Bee Gees from the Still Waters CD,
On November 1, 2018, I was reviewing a file I made for myself a couple of years ago. It is about different aspects of closeness of soul mates and twin souls. I called it my closest soul mate compilation. It consists of different articles and books I have found over the years that have been helpful to me. One such book in my compilation is called Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships By Kathy Oddenino. Here she describes the energy of twin souls:
Your twin soul is the one soul and spirit within the Universe that is closer to the energy of your soul and spirit than any other spirit and soul of the Universe. The twin soul is the energy of closest attunement with your energy…(pg. 320-321)
I like this description of twin souls very much because she describes the connection in terms of the closest attunement of energy. Many twin soul articles I have read over the years describe twin souls as being an exactly identical match of vibration and energy.
But, I never really agreed with that in my heart because even twin souls have their own identity whereby others can tell each apart from the other. It seems to me that the best you can get is a soul who is nearly identical or your closest match, out of all other souls, in terms of energy light and vibration.
This belief I have is mirrored in early 1900’s writing on soul mates in a book called Spirit Mates, by James Martin Peebles. It is a very interesting book. The language is archaic, but some of the roots of our current understanding of twin souls seem to come from these spiritualist writers. Here is an excerpt describing what sounds like twin souls and how they are still individually identifiable even when merged in the spirit world:
Question: “What is the ultimate form of the soul mates far on in the celestial spheres; that is, do they blend or merge into one form ultimately?”
Answer: “We are told that ultimately, in the celestial spheres, ages on, the reunited soul mates appear as one rounded, glorified sphere of light, possessing the attributes of intelligence, energy, wisdom, love and power, but that the distinct and individual attributes and elements of each, the male and female, are plainly discerned and manifested; there is no swallowing up of either individuality by the other part; and that whenever they wish to, they can separate and appear as two separate individuals, male and female.”
Peebles, James Martin. Spirit mates: their origin and destiny; sex-life, marriage, divorce (Kindle Locations 1826-1832). Battle Creek (Mich) : Peebles’ publishing company. Kindle Edition.
Within my family/group of souls in the unseen spirit world, I consider Robin to be the spirit with the closest attunement with my energy due to the strong and life-changing experiences I have had with his spirit after his passing. I have done my best to provide evidence to support my statement throughout this website. No other spirit has ever come to me the way Robin has. He truly woke me up.
If there is a spirit within my soul family with a closer attunement to me than Robin, they have not presented themselves in my life. I write what I say with an attitude of humility. I’m speaking from my current level of understanding at this stage in my spiritual evolution. The conclusions I come to are based on the information I have been given from spirit directly. I have shared some of that information here on this website. I am sure that over time, my understanding of my connection with Robin will grow and evolve. I have a feeling though, that my fullest understanding of my connection with Robin and the rest of my soul group in spirit will come only after my passing into the dimensions where they are.
Ultimately, I surrender my spiritual connection with Robin to God so that Spirit can guide and direct me and illuminate my heart and mind as to the deeper truths about who I am to Robin and who Robin is to me in the spirit world.
I feel I have met a handful of women in my life who I consider to be soul mates from my soul family in the spirit world. With these women in my life, we mutually feel that we are the same energy and knew each other before in other lifetimes. This brings me to the point I want to make about the difference between soul mates and twin souls. It’s all about our energy, essence, vibration, light, color and sound on a spiritual, esoteric level that we cannot see with the naked eye. It’s not so much about whether we like the same food or movies.
I feel that soul mates have a very similar energy, light and vibration to our own that is comfortable. To me, twin souls are the ones with the closest, most powerful attunement to our own energy. That is what distinguishes one from the other, although both are extremely important. Love between soul mates and twin souls is infinite in the spirit world. Soul mates in the unseen world would be the spirits in your soul group or family. These are spirits that I’m sure I love deeply on the other side, even though I do not know who they are at this time. If you are interested in some good information on soul families that has guided me during my journey, I would recommend the book, Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between by Dr. Linda Backman.
I will use this metaphor to describe what I’m feeling. When I meet a soul mate, it’s like turning on one light in a room, in a room with multiple lights. You are comfortable, cozy with that one light on and you can see just fine.
With a twin soul, it’s like all of the lights in that one room have been turned on. You really wake up and feel supercharged, like you have to be careful not to blow a fuse. That is the difference in my personal experience between Robin as my twin soul and other soul mates I have met.
Being with Robin is like having all of the bright lights turned on in one room. I think it is because he is in pure spirit form now. It’s still comfortable, just much brighter. The energy is amplified. You can see much more clearly. Everything is illuminated better than with one light on. This is how it feels to me. I make no claims that it feels this way to others because their experience may be different than mine.
Compilation Synchronicity
So, on November 1st, after I finished reading my closest soul mate compilation, I got up to see what Julian was doing. He was watching something on YouTube. Synchronistically, he was watching a compilation of his own about animals from the Dodo channel I wrote about recently in my Kookaburra blog post. I saw the word, “compilation” on the video and then in multiples as many other compilations were presented after this video was over. It was an amazing synchronicity. It is another example of how my work with Robin ends up matching something in my everyday life.
Here is the compilation Julian was watching. It is called Animals Thankful For Being Rescued and Loved Compilation | The Dodo Best Of. I hope you like it:
Julian is often the person to deliver the synchronicity to me that connects back to what I was working on with Robin. In The Afterlife, Angels and God: Collected Essays by James Judd, he mentions this potential connection between a disembodied twin soul and a spouse of a twin. In the first paragraph below, he explains how twin souls can connect if physically separated:
If both souls are in embodiment at the same time, even though physically separate, communication can still take place in the inner world, and if only one is physically embodied, then it can be a focal point for the expression of the other soul who is in the inner world. And if that physical soul is married then it is also possible for union between the Twin Souls to occur vicariously through the marriage partners, particularly when the marriage relationship is harmonious and both are spiritually open. (pg. 32)
I would like to share one more excerpt from this book, which I can relate to from personal experience. It speaks to what can happen when there is this spiritual openness. Over the years, I have seen many times how Robin communicates with me through Julian. Julian has made the agreement with Robin that gives him permission to do that. How does this manifest? On a regular basis, Julian will say or do something that relates directly back to what I just said to Robin, read about him or written for him for this website, without him knowing it. Or, Julian will give me a sign that I asked Robin for. So, there is this link and soul closeness between the 3 of us. Here is the excerpt:
Question: But what happens when the twin in spirit has an enlightened consciousness, and its counterpart in physical embodiment is spiritually aware or open?
Answer: Then there is a free exchange of power and assistance between them, and the soul in the physical becomes a focal point or channel through which the Twin can give its Divine Light. As mentioned in my talk (previous essay), when the embodied soul is married, and the spouse is also spiritually open, then the marriage partner will also be a channel between the Twin Souls. (pg 40-41)
Even though I like what James Judd says, I want to make it 100% clear that my writings are completely my own. I am not channeling Robin when I write. These are my thoughts and feelings. Some authors say they are channeling a disembodied spirit and writing what they are being told. That is not what I’m doing here.
I would say that Robin can work with both Julian and me as embodied souls he is connected with spiritually. He is a powerful, positive spiritual influence in both of our lives, and I know he is guiding me in terms of the work I do for this website and other areas of my life. I can serve as a point of contact for Robin. Then, I share with you what he has shared with me, in terms of dreams, telekinesis, synchronicity and other communications. But neither of us can channel Robin and sit down and type what he says. I would never even attempt to do that.
When James Judd says, “…the marriage partner will also be a channel between the Twin Souls,” I might substitute the word channel and use the word messenger instead, so there is no confusion. Julian is part of the Oneness that I share with Robin. We are all a part of that Oneness.
Linking to Spirit
In this very interesting blog post, Amanda Linette Meder talks about how spirits can link up with humans to communicate.
I offer this quote from the post linked to above:
“Can they get closer than next to you? A Spirit can take the linking process one step further, by floating right into your body…”
You could ask, “Can they get closer than close to you?” Apparently, they can. This is why I advocate spiritual protection as I wrote about here. It seems like this type of spirit communication and connection is going on frequently between spirits and embodied people.
Based on my personal experiences, there is a loving link between my husband, Robin and me, with God directing us all.
I have also noticed other times when Robin’s spirit strongly appears to be with a person I am talking to as I mentioned in this post (cashier placing his hand to his ear the same day I read about Robin doing the same thing when he sang).
So, it doesn’t just happen with my husband! It is a fascinating phenomenon that I never noticed occurring in my life before Robin’s passing.
I close this post by acknowledging and honoring veterans of the Armed Forces and those who died serving their countries.
The link below shows Remembrance Day 2018, pictures of poppy displays created to honor fallen soldiers: