Soaring Ascent

Soaring Ascent

One of my primary motivations for writing this blog is to give actual examples of loving afterlife communication that show that life continues after death. With Robin’s assistance, I have been able to show that life after death can be highly intelligent, creative, and powerful. As a result of being in relationship with him, I have learned that afterlife communication can be very precise, reliable, and clear.  I will be demonstrating that in this post.

With Robin’s passing, I entered into a phase of accelerated spiritual awakening. I started having spiritual experiences I had never had before his death. Many times, especially during 2012-2013, I felt like what I was going through with Robin was an initiation, like I was being prepared for something.  I felt like I was being initiated into higher knowledge about life after death and that eventually, I would need to begin some sort of spiritual work concerning what I had experienced.

This meant opening up about how I actually communicate with Robin, which initially, was very difficult for me.

Part of my spiritual awakening has included learning about communicating with Robin in ways that are helpful to his spiritual well-being. At times, I get amazing feedback by way of synchronicity.

I have read many different books to him over the years, from writings by Oscar Wilde, to teachings about mantras.

It is enriching for both of us to communicate through the use of different books and articles as we both love to read. I especially like to read passages to him that contain a lot of spiritual beauty.

During lunch on January 16th, I was thinking about a poem that I have read to Robin a few times in the past and have contemplated on my own many times.

I read it to him. But really, it was a message for me.

The poem is called Song of Victory, and it is from a book called Light Upon Light: Inspirations from Rumi by Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut (Mar 13, 1996).

In this book, Harvey interprets Rumi’s major works from fresh and new perspectives.

During my lunch with Robin, where I offered him golden turmeric cashew milk tea, I kept thinking about a particular line from this poem:

My decline you have seen, now discover my soaring ascent!

Here are a few lines from the poem by Andrew Harvey. It is a very enlightening message on possible ways to view physical death. The bold is mine:

Song of Victory


….My decline you have seen, now discover my soaring ascent!


Would setting cause any harm to the sun or moon?


To you, my death seems a setting, but really it is dawn.


Does the tomb seem a prison to you? It is the liberation of the soul….


(pg. 240)


I did not have the poem in front of me at the time. I was eating quietly and thinking about this one line in the poem that always stood out to me. I thought about how yes, I had seen Robin’s heartbreaking decline, but in 2012, I had a realization of his soaring ascent.

This got me thinking about resurrection and whether our loved ones in spirit experience some sort of resurrection.

Then, I thought about Jesus’ words, “I am the resurrection and the life.” These words popped into my head.

As I mentioned in my about section, I have Christian roots and during my adult years, I have really come to love these words.

I realize that this line of discussion could turn into a theological debate, but that is not the purpose of this post. I know that some people reading this will agree with this scripture and some people will not.

I am mentioning this because it involves complex afterlife communication that you will see in a moment, not to debate who is right or wrong.

This was something I was thinking about as I was eating meditatively at Robin’s altar. When I thought about “soaring ascent,” I thought about resurrection.

At this moment during lunch, the words, “I am the resurrection and the life,” were playing over and over again in my head. To me, they are very powerful and I feel filled with life as I think about them. I thought about how these words would be great for me to meditate upon as a mantra.

I continued to think about this while I ate. I was only thinking about this, not talking out loud to Robin about it.

JesusAfter I finished, I decided to read a meditation to Robin as part of my daily offering to his spirit. I chose the book, The Still Voice by White Eagle (Sep 1981). The lessons are uplifting and the meditations are filled with beautiful spiritual imagery. I have read them to Robin often over the years.

I did not have any particular meditation in mind when I opened the book. I randomly thumbed through the pages and looked at the meditations. Some are longer than others and I wanted one that had longer text. There are 46 chapters in this book and 46 meditations to go along with each chapter.  So, there’s a lot to choose from.

After a few moments, I found one with more text and decided to read it. I read out loud to Robin these beautiful words:

We would draw for you a picture of the Master Jesus, warm in humanity, gentle, understanding you and your every need, your disappointments and your fears. Yet he is afire with the light of the Christ spirit and comes to you from the heart of the Sun with arms outstretched in giving and in surrender to God’s will. Dwell on the human form of this perfect Son–Daughter of the living God, clothed in the white and gold rays of the Sun; focus this picture in your heart, dwell on it (page 64).

Then, I came upon these words that I did not notice until I was just about ready to read them. I was struck immediately by the synchronicity with what I had just been contemplating. The bold is mine:

Say in your heart, ‘Christ within me is the resurrection and the life….’ and feel that life rising in you; feel the power of the light coursing through your whole being. Divine power and love enfold you and raise you out of limitation into freedom. (pg. 64)

I was so amazed and felt joyful over this synchronistic message. Out of all of the meditations in this book, I was drawn to choose this one. I did not know the content of the meditation when I chose it. I had just been looking at the fact that it had more text than the other meditations and I wanted something longer to read to Robin. The Law of Attraction was really at work!

I feel a bit of intuitive clairaudience was also at work because Jesus’ words kept repeatedly playing over and over in my head before I was guided to this meditation and synchronicity.

One other point I would like to make about this is that this is the only time in the entire book that the word ‘resurrection’ was mentioned. I was guided to the one meditation where this word was mentioned. I know this because I have the kindle edition of this book as well and I did a word search to find out how often the word ‘resurrection’ was used. The answer is one time.

What does this synchronicity mean? For me it means that at that moment, I was experiencing conscious Oneness with God, Jesus and Robin that manifested in an outward way. That’s how it felt. I’m always one with them, but sometimes they let me see that in a more noticeable way.

I also feel that it is scripture I need to study further. That’s what I usually do when I encounter synchronicity through what I’m reading…additional study.

For me, it also my opinion and experience with Robin that after his death, he did go through a restoration and renewal. In one of my dreams of him, he was restored to his youthful appearance. He, meaning his spirit, was restored to life and health.

He did come back from the dead and lots of other deceased loved ones do too. They come back via their energy bodies. And they can visit and make their presence known. They are there and around us.

Beloved Robin, we have discovered your soaring ascent! Thank you for sharing this with us!

Utter Amazement: January 17, 2019

I wrote all of the above text during the very late hours of January 16th and the very early hours of January 17th. I stopped writing at about 1:30am.

I checked my email around 2:50pm on January 17th. I received this email and noticed the most profound synchronicity. It was an email from BrightStar Live Events.

I am on their list to receive newsletters and information about events so I regularly receive emails. But, I wasn’t expecting this beautiful surprise.

The topic of the email is “Discover the deeper messages in the Christian lineage.” Here is a screen shot of the email to corroborate what I am saying:

Andrew Harvey Email Image

The event is being conducted by Andrew Harvey, the same author I just wrote about!

The event is called, Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action.

Through this incredible gift of synchronicity, I feel deeply aligned, powerfully and psychically attuned with God, Jesus, Robin and Andrew Harvey. The email about Andrew Harvey’s event is in divine timing with this blog post where I have written about him for the first time. The email is also in divine alignment with my writing about Jesus, the Christ spirit, and the energy of resurrection. The email is a mirror reflection of what I had just been writing about.

Andrew Harvey’s event description also addressed a deep concern within me as I wrote about Jesus’ words and this meditation. My concern is that I know that people are often turned off by Christianity due to negative experiences they have had with Christian churches and upbringings. I understand that as I have also had these negative experiences.

Because of these negative experiences I have chosen to explore other faiths and spiritual traditions over the years. I have come to love many of them and I have shared my interest in some of these traditions.

But, I still love the actual teachings of Jesus, even if I don’t always resonate with what Christians of different denominations say. I have enjoyed the White Eagle meditations for years and decided to present the meditation to you because of the synchronicity I received.

Here is Andrew Harvey’s event description addressing this issue:

Whether you identify yourself as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or “spiritual but not religious,” you’re someone who is on a path to awaken your spiritual potential and live your life aligned with what is sacred to you.

You understand that all authentic paths deserve to be honored and lead to the divine.

Unfortunately, many people in the western world have “thrown out the baby with the bathwater” and grown disillusioned with the teachings of Jesus because of issues or challenges people have had with Christianity.

But what if there was a deeper message hidden within the essential teachings of Christ – one that could crack open your heart, ground your divinity in the body, and inspire you into sacred action in the world?

What if you could see the teachings of Jesus with fresh eyes, as a way-shower for you to embody more of your innate divinity as you join with others to co-create a more just and compassionate world?

That is exactly what renowned mystic and scholar Andrew Harvey will share with you in this groundbreaking event.

I feel like I was given some spiritual support and encouragement by being given this email at the same time I was writing this blog post because I was a little nervous about writing it. But at the end of the day, I am presenting my communications with Robin and hopefully some of my readers will enjoy it and resonate with this topic. I don’t expect to be able to please all readers at all times.

I love this event so much because it gives me a much deeper understanding of Andrew Harvey and a much greater appreciation for his writings. I have read his books for years, but have never seen a video or program by him. So, now this is my opportunity and I signed up for this free event.

This is something God, Jesus, and Robin wanted me to know about and focus on which is why I received layer upon layer of synchronicity regarding this topic. This is not a message that is going to fade away with time. This message will be with me for the rest of my life and I will always carry its impact. It tells me I’m on the right path for my soul’s growth. I plan to recite, “I am the resurrection and the life” as a mantra to see if I can receive any deeper insights.

This is the power of afterlife communication with your loved ones that involves God, your spiritual masters and favorite authors.  This all started at lunch with Robin on the 16th, with my thoughts about his ascent and thoughts about resurrection. The connection carried over into the next day. I find that so amazing. I hope you do also.

All of this about resurrection and it’s not even Easter yet!








Maying in December

Maying in December

On December 22, 2018, Robin (and Maurice) would have been 69 years old. I always think about them on their birthday and throughout the years have served them love offerings of cakes and tea I have made for them. It’s a lovely occasion to honor deceased loved ones on their birthday. It strengthens our bond.

I love it because I never had the opportunity to celebrate their birthday with them and it’s our chance to have some fun together.

You can still have this kind of celebration with any loved one in spirit that you are close with. It does not only have to be on October 31st, The Day of the Dead.

If you believe, have faith and love, this is possible. It doesn’t matter if other people don’t understand. This is for you and your loved ones.  Hopefully, your loved one in spirit will know and will love you for it. If you are especially close with an unbreakable bond, it seems more likely that they will know what you are doing for them.

Connecting with Maurice

This blog is primarily for and about RoAfterlife Communicationsbin, but I still feel a spiritual closeness with Maurice because I have had several dreams about him over the years that are visitations. So, that is why I honor him as well along with Robin on December 22nd. How could I not remember and honor Robin’s twin brother, especially given that he contacted me?

The happiest part about the dream I had about Maurice in 2012 was gaining the knowledge that he is back together with Robin. He looked very well in the dream and was wearing a black suit and hat like he used to. This dream about Maurice was pivotal in my understanding that I was truly connecting with Robin. I am forever grateful.

I had another dream about Maurice on January 9, 2017. I recorded it in my dream journal. Here is the dream:

We were in a large room. Maurice looked like he did in his 20’s. I said to Mo, “Are you feeling ok?” Mo said, “Yes.” I asked Mo, “Can I give you a hug?” Mo said, “Yes.” We hugged.

Then I wanted Mo to sign or autograph something for me, but I could not find him. Someone said he was tired.

Maurice’s passing date was January 12, 2003, so I could have had the dream on the 9th because it was close to his passing date anniversary. It’s common to get a communication from loved ones in spirit near an anniversary date of theirs. It was nice to hug him again.

When I mention any of Robin’s family members, I always do so with the utmost respect, care and purpose. The only reason I would mention any of Robin’s family members on this blog are because I have had my own personal spiritual connection with some of them or there is a life parallel that includes them.

Robin has a wife, children, grandchildren, brother, sister and a large extended family of nieces and nephews, none of whom I have met. So, I always wish to be conscientious in what I write here. I will always write about Robin’s family members from a spirit of kindness and only if it’s for a good reason, like if I need to describe a synchronicity or a dream, for example.

Birthday Gifts

For birthday gifts, I make a donation to one of Robin’s charities and I make it in both Maurice’s and Robin’s names.

I mention this to give readers a suggestion of what you can do to honor deceased loved ones on their birthday. You can make a donation to a favorite charity or organization of your loved one and make it in their name. There are lots of things people can do and I’m sure it varies from culture to culture. This is only one idea.

Afterlife CommunicationsMaying in December

As many of you reading this know, the Bee Gees had a fantastic sense of humor. There are many videos on YouTube showing how funny they were. I thank the person that created this video compilation! I’m sure Robin and Maurice would love it if we celebrated their birthday by having a good laugh!

Along those lines, I’m going to write about a synchronicity I experienced a few years ago that brought me laughter and still does to this day.

On May 2, 2016, I had been reading my Bee Gees book that I have referred to on this site many times.  I was in the waiting room of the dentist my husband was seeing that day.

I was reading about some issues Robin was having early in his career. It had to do with how he looked on stage. The bold is mine:

Robin had also come under fire for his stage presence. Standing perfectly still in the spotlight with his right hand cupped to his ear, his left arm outstretched, he looked, according to one writer, “like a gawkish village bobby on point duty”. (1)

I hope that didn’t hurt his feelings to be told he looked like a British police officer while he was singing. Robin is very sensitive.

Anyway, after we were finished at the dentist, we went grocery shopping. I went to a cashier that was available when I was ready to leave. Then, out of the blue, he starts talking to me about this song playing over and over in his head called, Now is the Month of Maying sung by Don Knotts playing Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show.  I’m thinking, “Why is this guy telling me this?”

The cashier said that Barney put his hand to his ear so he could hear himself better.  The next thing I know, the cashier puts his right hand up to his right ear, imitating Barney Fife (and Robin even though he didn’t know it)!

I couldn’t believe it. I wonder what my face looked like at that moment! I thought to myself, “Robin, did you just jump into this guy’s body?” I was looking at a mirror image of what I had just been reading about; Robin cupping his right hand over his ear. I thought that was hilarious!

When I got home later, I found a video on YouTube of Barney Fife singing this song. I wasn’t familiar with this song or what the cashier was talking about, so I had to research it. Since 2012, I have been Robin’s personal research assistant, lol!

You can see him cup his right hand over his right ear at 2:29 in the video. Here is a screenshot:

Afterlife CommunicationsIf this is your type of humor, you might find it funny. If not, I’m sorry. The synchronicity is still good.  I think it’s cute and really funny! I guarantee you Robin thinks it’s funny which is why I got the message in the first place, lol, singing lessons and all!

I’m so happy that this song has a “fa-la-la” chorus. It’s not exactly a Christmas carol, but it fits right in at this time of year anyway!



I Can Hear Better!!

Here is Robin singing And the Sun Will Shine in 1974 with his hand cupped over his ear. I found this video at the time because I was looking for examples of how Robin sang like this. Also, this version of the song is so beautiful.

Sometimes I scroll down and read viewer’s comments, which is what I did in this instance. Here is a great one that synchronized with what the cashier said about Barney Fife. The bold is mine:

Riley 2018 4 years ago: That hand cupped over his ear so he can hear himself. Amazing. As popular, loved, and perfect as his voice was, it shows he still needed to know he was on key. Such a talented family. Four brothers with voices that would make angels smile. Only one left now. So sad.

Here is one of my favorite videos of the Bee Gees, once again showing Robin cupping his hand to his ear.

Afterlife CommunicationsConclusion

This, my friends, is how twin souls communicate when the one in spirit still has his amazing sense of humor and the one on earth is willing to constantly look things up!

Here is some information on why singers cup their ear with their hand. Very interesting!

When you see a singer with one hand up to their ear, they are actually using a DIY monitor system, or foldback system (listen to how they actually sound).

Happy Birthday Robin and Maurice! For anyone else who had or has a birthday in December, Happy Birthday to you too! Merry Christmas!


  1. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 4864-4866). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
Afterlife Communications

Copyright Christina Samuels 2018



Fair Use Disclaimer The photos of Robin Gibb are being used in accordance with the “fair use” clause cited in The Copyright Law of the United States, Title 17 of the United States Code, Chapter 1, due to its use for comment, educational, informational, and reference purposes from which no material profits shall arise. Title 17, U.S. Code § 107 recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
Afterlife Spice

Afterlife Spice

On December 6, 2018, I served Robin a love offering of raspberry tea.

I love how this aromatic tea scents the room. I said a prayer and sat at his altar while I ate my lunch. When I do that, I feel his presence. It feels like I’m sitting with him. Since we both like classical music, I played Schubert Serenade for relaxation.

I made some black bean soup for lunch because it was a little chilly. I spoke with Robin about what I had made and shared how I added organic turmeric to my soup.

I mentioned to him that I had not been cooking much lately so I had not been using it. I read that heating it releases the healing properties, so I did not want to use it without warming it up. I haven’t cooked with Turmeric since the end of August.  I have been eating a lot of salads and foods that I don’t’ have to cook because it is easier and healthy. But on this day, I felt like eating something warm, so I remembered to add it to my soup. Turmeric has multiple healing benefits that I have read about.

Afterlife CommunicationsRecipes

After lunch, I received some amber glass spray bottles in the mail that I ordered for Julian a couple of days ago. I ordered them so I can make him homemade shower spray using hydrogen peroxide.  Several months ago, I transitioned to using more homemade and fewer store-bought cleaners.

After I looked at the bottles, I researched recipes for the shower spray.

While scrolling down to read the recipe, I noticed a recipe for Golden Turmeric milk in the margin! Nice synchronicity! Here is a screenshot of what I saw:

Afterlife Communications

I really enjoyed this mirroring. It is great timing to read about this milk given the time of year. This recipe provides an easy way to heat turmeric so I can still get the benefits without a lot of extra work. I feel like Robin was aware of what I shared with him, answered my concern and gave me a practical solution! I wasn’t directly asking for help, but he gave it to me anyway. I feel him saying, “Well, if you can heat up soup, you can heat up this milk!” Easy-breezy! What a great idea! I did not know about making turmeric milk.

This synchronicity shows how our loved ones in spirit can respond to what we say to them through the activities of our daily lives. Their responses to us are not limited to dream communication only. I believe we are guided by our loved ones in spirit on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be something monumental that would cause our loved ones to be involved in our lives. Some of them like being involved in the small, everyday things too.

Soothing Relief

Later in the evening, a few hours after reading about the turmeric milk, I wanted to rest and watch some television. First, I watched The Great British Baking Show Holiday Special for fun. I love that show. It’s so relaxing and I enjoy the creativity. Have you seen it?

Then I watched an episode of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry

I watched Season 3, Episode 5 with K. Michelle. During her interview with Tyler, K. Michelle mentioned that her Aunt Robin (not sure if this is the correct spelling) died due to rheumatoid arthritis.

K. Michelle’s comment ties into what I had been reading a few hours earlier in the article about golden turmeric milk! The author of the article wrote about having problems with arthritis and how the milk helped with joint pain and swelling. K. Michelle’s aunt’s name being Robin also added to the synchronicity.

Here is what the author said about arthritis and turmeric:

“Turns out, it’s also helped people with arthritis like mine. Although I’m grateful for modern medicine and a supportive rheumatologist, my pain meds make me nauseous, so I avoid taking them for all but the worst flares.”

“So, I searched the internet for other ways to get more turmeric in my diet and ran across various turmeric latte and turmeric milk recipes. The one that I tried tasted vile. Still, I forced myself to drink it for five straight nights. Sure enough, I noticed less joint pain and swelling. I slept better, too.”

Seeing and hearing a reference to rheumatoid arthritis twice in one day caught my attention and caused me to revisit what the author had written. Perhaps someone reading this could benefit from this information. I hope it helps somebody, or someone you love.

Afterlife CommunicationsThe Essence of Love

There were a lot of messages connected with my lunch time discussion with Robin about turmeric. He must have enjoyed that lunch! The synchronicity was very interesting. I love when the events of my life are tied together in this way. It is a beautiful interconnectedness that makes life very rewarding.

When I receive these communications, I feel elated. I really cannot convey in words how much it means to me to be connected with Robin spiritually. It means everything to me. Communicating with Robin is an incredible spiritual gift. This gift has helped me to transcend the turmoil and pain of living in the physical world on numerous occasions over the years. Loved ones in spirit can do this for us. They were here and know what it’s like to go through illness, various types of loss, and hassles of daily living. Having this contact with Robin adds a layer of softness to my life that he brings in his own unique way. His presence helps soften the hard edges of life.

I see all of these communications with Robin as pure love coming into my life from a higher, more loving plane of existence. They encourage my heart and uplift my spirit. I hope you are experiencing this with your twin and/or loved ones in spirit. I also hope you are feeling the thread of love being woven throughout this website. I want to bring in as much high frequency loving energy to my readers as I can so you are uplifted and encouraged as well. Sometimes I feel it necessary to write about serious topics. But for the most part, I want to keep my writing focused on loving, joyful and fun afterlife communication experiences with Robin.

Everyday Living

If you want to communicate with loved ones in spirit, a good way to do this is to pay close attention to what is going on in your everyday life. That is where you are and that is what they will work with. Some people like to work with psychics and mediums and get great results. But I don’t think that is always necessary as many spirit loved ones are accessible to you right where you are. If you ask for a message to come to you from a loved one in spirit, most likely, the response will show up in your everyday life experience. To receive the message, we have to stay attuned and aware in our lives once we have asked for it.  I have also learned that it is important to acknowledge and show appreciation for any helpful and loving communication. Gratitude keeps the flow active!

You can then get into a rhythm with the giving and receiving of messages that leads to a strong sense of togetherness. I have felt this sense of togetherness from my heart with Robin since the spring of 2012. I have felt this largely because of the reciprocity that has existed between us over the years. If he had not responded back to me, I would have given up on communication with him because I would not have wanted to disturb him in any way. The dreams, nearly daily synchronicity, and telekinesis all add to this strong sense of togetherness.

Afterlife CommunicationsBeing Together

Based on my experiences, I firmly believe that people living in the physical world can still be together with loved ones after they pass away. Having faith that you can be together is very helpful in this process. This togetherness can involve people you knew or people you did not know. If you did not know them in your current lifetime, perhaps you knew them in another place and time within Eternity. Or, perhaps they knew and remembered you once they crossed over. They could come back for a surprise visit! If there is spiritual openness and a sense of mutual connection, then the stage is set for beautiful communications to occur.

The afterlife communication literature as a whole is not very good at acknowledging the communications and spiritual connections between people and spirits that did not know each other in one particular lifetime. However, the connections occur whether they are acknowledged or not. This is one reason why I wanted to create this blog: to address this type of connection and the truth of it. We don’t know how common it is because many people are understandably reluctant to share their experiences. But, I have hope that things are slowly improving.

Sometimes the togetherness we share with deceased loved ones may manifest as brief, carefully selected communications, and then you don’t hear from them for a while. On other occasions, the togetherness can present itself in consistent, long-term communication. I’m sure it can manifest on many different levels, including over breakfast, depending on what is best for all parties involved!

In closing, I hope you enjoyed this post and I wish you great fun this holiday season! If you’re interested in trying the golden turmeric milk recipe, I hope you like it! It could be a nice alternative to hot chocolate. I’ve made it a few times now. The recipe is delicious and the milk has a yummy scent!



Circle of Stones

Circle of Stones

In this post, I will demonstrate a 5-way soul connection between God, Julian, Dwina, Robin and me. The connection manifested itself through synchronicity regarding circle of stones.

During the evening of November 13, 2018, while driving home after shopping, Julian was listening to a podcast on his phone. I noticed that the first name of the person talking was Brennan. At the exact moment I saw the name on the screen of Julian’s phone, I saw a car driving by with a license plate that read, BRENNAN. Seeing this plate left me wondering why there was a rare and unique synchronicity with the name Brennan. I couldn’t think of any reason at the time.

I could not take a picture of the license plate because the car drove away before I could get my phone out.

Here is a picture of my husband’s phone with the podcast he was listening to.  You can see the name, Brennan Dunn:

afterlife communicationsDuring the next evening, November 14th, I felt the desire to get back to reading one of my favorite books called Circle of Stones: Woman’s Journey to Herself  by Judith Duerk. I have had it for at least fifteen years I would say. I had not read it recently, but I was drawn back to the quiet, introspective nature of the book encouraging women to focus on self care. I’m in post-cancer recovery so I felt I needed the lessons in this book again that focus on inner listening and care for the soul.

With your twin soul, you will share many incredible life parallels. But some of them may stand out amongst the others as particularly heart-touching and beautiful. The book Circle of Stones is not just any book to me. It has a very important feminine nurturing quality that I have needed periodically in my life. It is like an old friend. The fact that I carried this book for many years of my life rang as very important to me when I found out that Robin and Dwina have a stone circle at their home. Here is an excerpt describing it:

On June 21, 1992, more than 300 white-robed Druids gathered on Hampstead Heath to celebrate the summer solstice and elected Dwina Murphy Gibb their patroness. (1)

To mark her new position, Dwina decided to have the tennis courts at The Prebendal bulldozed to make way for her own stone circle. “Stonehenge is the main solar temple, but there are others,” she explained. “I plan to build a special stone calendar aligned with the winter solstice at our Oxfordshire home. “When it is completed, I will be able to tell what time of year it is just by looking at which stone the sun is shining on. That’s what Stonehenge was partly used for. Then we will have a ceremony to inaugurate it.” Dwina added seriously, “It will be a natural extension to the religious history of the house – and it will be of far more use than a tennis court.” (2)

Afterlife CommunicationsWhat she described sounds very beautiful. This parallel I share with Robin and Dwina regarding stone circles is one of my favorites and is deeply meaningful to me.

Historically, stone circles can be found around the world and mark a place of sacred and spiritual significance.

On the evening of November 14th, I read a few pages of my book that I had highlighted in the past. Then, I thought to do a little more research on Robin and Dwina’s stone circle. Through a google search, I found some information in the Belfast Telegraph. Here are some important excerpts:

Stone circle

Dwina is, in fact, patroness of the Order Of Bards, Ovates & Druids. She has even built a stone circle on an old tennis court in the grounds of the Gibbs’ Oxfordshire home – a former training centre for priests dating back to the 12th century.

“If Druidry has a bad name, it’s because of Julius Caesar; the Romans hated Druids and gave them a very bad press!” Dwina explains, insisting her involvement is anything but scary. “I don’t dress up in robes and things. But I sometimes wear white and go out there. It’s just a love of nature and beauty.” (3)

I read through the entire article and discovered more interesting information. Here are two important excerpts:

How did your relationship develop?

Robin commissioned some pen & ink drawings from me – the whole story of Demeter and Persephone. I made them more and more detailed so we could keep seeing each other. I never finished them. I feel quite superstitious about finishing them now. (4)

Apart from Bee Gees music, which other music do you like?

I love Irish music by Mary Black and Clannad. I think Maire Brennan (lead singer of Clannad) has a fabulous voice – one of the finest female voices in the world. (5)

Afterlife Communications

When I saw the name of the musician, Maire Brennan, I thought back to the license plate/podcast synchronicity from the evening before. The synchronicity with “Brennan” is pointing to this article and the mention of one of Dwina’s favorite musicians. This really got my attention. I don’t think it is just a coincidence. I see God at work here.

Here is more on Maire Brennan. She is the older sister of the well-known singer Enya.

After I was done with my google search and reading of the Belfast Telegraph article, I went back to reading Circle of Stones. I flipped through a few pages and read some that resonated with me again. Then, I came across this passage. It is a direct synchronicity with what I had just been reading about Dwina’s artwork:

Pat wrote movingly of the comfort she drew from her perception of her search for her mother as that of the daughter Persephone searching for the mother Demeter, even while the mother yearned for and searched for her daughter…Pg. 11 (6)

I was pretty shocked when I saw this. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I had not read this book recently and did not remember that Demeter and Persephone were mentioned. Now, I had seen them mentioned in writing twice within minutes of each other. This was unusual for me because I never pay attention to or think about Demeter or Persephone.

I also wanted to mention that this passage about Demeter and Persephone was not highlighted by me in the past like some of the other passages I had read. The page was not marked in any way. It felt new to me. I feel like I was guided to it.

I closed the book after that and gratefully said to Robin, “Yup, we’re twin souls.” That was Robin’s mic drop! I had nothing else to say after that (at least for a few minutes, lol!).

In terms of the deeper meaning of this synchronicity for me personally, I plan to study this mother-daughter story to see if I can find some healing wisdom I can apply to my own life.  

It is not that surprising that Demeter and Persephone would be mentioned in a book like Circle of Stones because the author is writing about Goddesses and feminine empowerment. It is surprising that I read this passage in the book moments after reading the story about Dwina’s artwork. The timing was impeccable and divinely ordered. I had no idea, before I started reading, that the book and the article would be connected.

If you are interested in more information about Demeter and Persephone, here is a book I have had for many years which includes a chapter on them beginning on page 137.

Afterlife CommunicationsDuring the morning on Tuesday, November 27th, I was choosing the photos for this post. I thought this picture with pebbles in water was so gorgeous. I was considering whether to include it somewhere in this post even though it is not exactly like the circle of stones I was thinking of.

After I finished with that, I walked out of my office to see what Julian was doing. He was watching Youtube and asked, me, “Have you seen this interview with the Bee Gees and Pebble Mills?” I laughed and said yes I had. I then knew I had to include the picture of the pebbles!

I had a lot of fun with this post. I hope you can see the 5-way soul connection I wrote about at the beginning of this post. There was a lot of strong synchronicity with the Belfast Telegraph article. I consider God to be the great synchronicity generator of which we are all a part.

I hope you enjoyed the stories! I also hope you found something good that you resonate with. That is my hope for every post.

I close this post with the Bee Gees’ interview with Pebble Mills:


  1. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 15863-15864). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
  2. Ibid., (Kindle Locations 15873-15879).
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Duerk, Judith. Circle of Stones, Volume 1. San Diego, California: LuraMedia, 1989.



I would like to thank each and every reader who wrote to me after reading my blog posts on skepticism, saying that you believe me. It means a lot to me that you took the time to write me. Thank you so much for believing me.

For those of you who shared some of your experiences with Robin with me, I am so happy for you that you had these experiences with him. I believe you too! He gave you something beautiful to keep in your heart for the rest of your life. I pray that the guidance you were given continues to enrich your life at the deepest levels.

With Love and Kindness,


Skepticism: Part Two

Skepticism: Part Two

Welcome back to my discussion about skepticism! If you have not read Skepticism: Part 1, please do that first so that you have the proper context for this post.

What I would like to do now is give my response to the skeptic I wrote about in Part 1.  I want to address this issue of skepticism head-on and communicate clearly my perspective on my connection with Robin. I have a lot of feelings to explore in this post, so I hope you are ready to join me.


My connection with Robin has been validated over and over again throughout the years. That is what this website is showing: the truth of our connection.

There is a difference between legitimately sharing experiences and bragging. I am sharing legitimate experiences that have been life-changing and making my contribution to the literature on afterlife communication. It is possible that there are some non-famous twins online who do come across as bragging about their celebrity twin flame connection. I do not consider myself one of them.

If someone is bragging, then they might not be doing the hard work and soul surgery that is part of the twin soul connection. One of my former professors also called it “psycho-archaeology.”

If someone is coming across as narcissistic, grandiose, or conceited when writing about being the twin soul of a celebrity, or anyone’s twin soul for that matter, then I would consider that a red flag too. The twin soul connection requires humility because there is so much we don’t know on this side of the veil.

Robin did not brag about his success. Being conceited was not his personality. He was very humble and down to earth. My connection with him is infused with this way of being.

If you have a twin soul in spirit, in some cases, the one on earth is going to be presented with a lot of work to do. It is work on oneself and work in the world to support others. The moment Robin came into my life, I had a lot of work to do because there was so much I did not understand.

Afterlife Communications

I can’t do anything about the fact that Robin was famous. That was part of his earthly identity. I don’t see why I should be penalized for that to the point that I can’t even share what I have experienced with his spirit. To some people, my even mentioning his name at all would seem like bragging.

The labels of “non-famous” and “famous” are the energies of separation. What better way to separate and divide people than to put us into these categories. It is earthly hierarchical thinking. I think it is well past time to stop deifying celebrities. I also think it’s time to stop undervaluing non-famous people.

One and Only?

I already know I am not Robin’s one and only. He was married and loves his wife and I’m sure many other spirits that he’s met since his passing. I’m married and love my husband, so he is not my one and only either in that respect. But his spirit is a part of my marriage and blends with Julian regularly as I mentioned in my post Close to You. I am convinced that spirits are doing this kind of thing all the time with humans, unbeknownst to us. The involvement of spirits with humans can be benevolent or malevolent. I learned about this through the work of Francisco Cândido Xavier and Spirit Andre Luiz  in a book called In the Domain of Mediumship: Life in the Spirit World (2013).

I love Robin as a valuable member of my soul family. His energy, love, creativity and wisdom are always welcome in my life. I would say that in some ways, yes, he is my one and only. He’s the one and only spirit that I’ve shared these many profound experiences with.

The things that Robin did for me helped to create an unbreakable bond of our souls. I am very loyal to Robin. I consider him a teacher, spiritual partner and guide. I don’t have any proof of this, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he is a spirit guide for many others on earth as well. He loves people and his fans.

Facing Fear

Fear of being seen in a negative light by others is one of the greatest obstacles to sharing the truth of who you really are and what has happened to you. However, it is an obstacle that can be overcome with support and inner strength.

I allowed what this skeptic wrote to keep me from sharing my story about Robin publicly for many years. I was really concerned that I would be seen as bragging about my connection with him. But during that time, I was learning and preparing for what I am doing now with this blog.

I am grateful for the writer’s comments. They made me stronger, and over the years, caused me to closely examine what I have been experiencing with Robin. The end result of all of those years of incubation, afterlife communication and self-examination is contained on the pages of this website. I faced my inner demons of insecurity and gained in courage.

It takes a strong commitment and devotion to be able to sustain a conscious, long-term, cross-dimensional twin soul connection. That is because the physical world is so seductive with its constant distractions. I find that having Robin in my life as a disembodied twin soul makes me slow down and quiet down so I can perceive him. It is necessary for me to step away, pull away, from the outer world and go into my inner world to connect with Robin in peace.

I take what I share with Robin very seriously.  I wanted to enter into this connection with him only if I could be consistent and not fail him. I make time for him and communicate with him every day.  I have spent years documenting my experiences in the hope that someday, I would be ready to share them. That time finally came in April, 2018.


If you are skeptical of me, I don’t blame you. I understand due to the subject matter. But I hope you will still give me a chance. That is something skeptics sometimes do not do. It’s possible to be too quick to dismiss someone like me. Dismissing someone as crazy can be a form of over-simplification. If you can tell yourself someone is crazy, then you can wrap up everything they say in a nice neat little box, put a bow on it and toss it out because it must be worthless. If you consider that a person may not be “crazy,” then you might have to consider what they have to say, and that is of course more complicated and complex. The twin soul phenomenon that I am experiencing is very complex.

Afterlife Communications

People, myself included, are usually skeptical when presented with information that does not match their current belief systems. People also tend to be skeptical when hearing about the experiences of others that they have not had yet or may never have.

I am far from the only one having otherworldly experiences. It always helps me when I see other people share their personal stories. Have you seen the website for the twin ray of Michael Hutchence of INXS? It is called Cormael. I have received great benefit from their writings over the years:

Update: Cormael (Cornelia Kluijtmans) passed away in October, 2018. I pray that she is strongly enveloped within God’s Love. Please see this post for additional information about  Cornelia.


I would also like to point out respectfully that the skeptic I am writing about speaks about being blessed with answers about twin flames from the Archangels. That is fine if that is what the person’s experience is, but it is also something some people might be skeptical about:

With my own experiences, I required a huge amount of validation of my connection with Robin before I felt secure in it and really knew that it is mutual. That is because I was facing something completely new to me with a spirit person I could not see and never met. Still, I loved him and felt like I knew him from my soul family. My point is that I gave my connection with Robin a chance and time to develop and grow. That is another reason why it took me six years before I was ready to write about this.

The twin soul connection I share with Robin is beautiful, but not always easy. Especially in 2012, I had to learn about afterlife communication, soul groups and twin souls all at the same time. I was in the process of understanding why I felt the way I did about Robin and why my life was suddenly filled with dreams and synchronicity about him.

Some people say that when you meet your twin soul, you “just know.” But how can you “just know” if you’ve never even heard of twin souls or flames? I didn’t “just know.” I had to do a lot of research, soul-searching and introspection. Sometimes what I read did not match up with how I felt. As a result, I always went with what I was being given personally and directly from Spirit.

My heart told me that something was going on within me concerning Robin around the time of his death, but what that was exactly needed clarification. I didn’t have the luxury of talking with him face to face so I really had to tune into my soul and to God to get the answers I needed.


I believe I have co-created a website that shows my true interest, love, care and concern for who Robin was as a person and for who he is now as a spirit. I care about the depth and substance of his life, what he believed in and what he stood for. The fame that he had is not what is important to me and I have felt this way since I reconnected with him. His fame was a vehicle through which I recognized him.

Fame had its ups and downs for Robin as you know if you have followed his life story. Through his fame, he was able to bring beautiful music to humanity and he was/is able to provide for his family for generations to come. These are all great things. But, as I previously mentioned in my post, Famous Spirits?, I don’t believe he is famous on the other side like he was here on earth. However, people on earth still perceive him as being famous so if I mention him, that’s what they are going to be thinking about.

Afterlife Communications

I am here to open my heart, share what has occurred in my life and hopefully benefit someone along the way. I don’t believe in trying to convince a person that what I’m saying here is true because I feel that is disempowering to me. My experience in life is that when you try to convince someone of something, it takes a lot of energy and even after all of that, they still may not be convinced.

I genuinely wish to be credible though, so I have presented my afterlife communication experiences with Robin as clearly as I can. I provide pictures and excerpts when I can to support what I am saying.

What a true twin soul/flame does depends on the person/pair. There is no universal manual on how true twin souls behave. We also don’t have to live up to the impossible standards of others. I have read about twin soul missions described as things only Jesus could do. I’m not up for anything like that. I will do my best to make a quiet contribution through this website.

I have done my best to share some of what I do in my relationship with Robin. I have made many changes over the years due to spiritual growth. Right now, what I’m doing works for us.

I am passionate about afterlife communication with Robin. I know I am being supported by God and Robin because I keep getting more communications to write about.

If you benefit from the spiritual service work I am doing here, and you understand, thank you so much. I am writing for the people out there that need it the most.  If you have a twin soul in spirit that has reached out to you from beyond, I really hope that what I write on this website helps you in some way. That would bring me a lot of joy!





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