My Spiritual Pilgrimage Part Two: The Thame Museum

My Spiritual Pilgrimage Part Two: The Thame Museum


In this post, “My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 2: The Thame Museum,” I share personal photos of The Robin Gibb Gallery that I took during my visit to the museum in May 2024. It was an honor and blessing to visit there. I also share powerful afterlife communication and synchronicity related to Robin’s Scottish heritage that occurred while writing this post. It was a large download of information which gave me a lot more work to do when I thought I was almost done with this entry. Robin’s spirit seemed to say, “Not so fast, you’re not done yet!”

Content warning: This blog post briefly mentions genocide, colonization, and war, as well as other topics that may be distressing to read about. I write about this in the “Poetry as a Vehicle for Synchronicity: Family Tartan” section and the “Pondering Difficult Past Life Connections” section. Please read at your own discretion.

Belongings of Deceased Loved Ones: Robin Gibb


Words cannot describe how meaningful it was for me to see some of Robin’s personal items. This gave me the opportunity to peer a little more into his life, someone I never met, but connected with spiritually only after his death.

Imagine that you were unexpectedly contacted by a soul beloved all around the world after their death, someone that you didn’t know. Further imagine that you have spiritual confirmation that they are a member of your soul family and now you have an opportunity to see some of their favorite belongings. How would you feel? I ask these questions to encourage you to put yourself in my shoes and feel the excitement, anticipation, even longing and wistfulness of that moment.

The museum also has a wonderful gift shop offering t-shirts and mugs with Robin’s image, Robin-bird shaped silver earrings, ornaments, postcards of his wife’s artwork and many other items. I don’t consider myself to be a very materialistic person, but I will purchase items when they have significant meaning to me. So, I was able to buy some of these items to carry the energy of Robin’s exhibition with me. There is a place for meaningful souvenirs in one’s life. When I wear or see them now, it transports me back to one of the most notable events of my life, which was the time I spent in Robin’s hometown.

During October 4-6, 2024, the museum hosted a weekend event to honor Robin’s legacy. Attractions included a Bee Gees’ themed wine tasting, poetry readings, and a harp music concert. I was not there to attend this, but if you are interested in learning what transpired during the event, please click here.

Many additional items were added to the museum collection that were not there when I visited in May, such as his bicycle and family tartan armchair. You can see these items in this BBC article.

While Robin’s museum event was occurring, I had my 58th birthday while living in Portugal. We were in the process of packing up our rental home and moving back to the United States. Unfortunately, our plans to retire in Portugal long term did not work out. I am grateful for what I learned and the good experiences I had.

I am now settled in The Commonwealth of Virginia, USA. I was unable to write during this 6-month period of making this international move which included purchasing a new home in Virginia and going back and forth between countries. If you’ve ever moved internationally, you understand how taxing it is physically, mentally, and emotionally. I need to be quiet within myself and grounded in order to write and it just was not possible during this major life transition. I’m happy to be writing again and appreciate you joining me here.

Poetry as a Vehicle for Synchronicity: Family Tartan


While I am in the process of writing a blog post, I am moved by how often synchronicity intricately connected to Robin occurs. It is as if writing sets in motion spiritual energies just waiting for the opportunity to be woven together. They lay in waiting until I’m ready to put fingers to keyboard.

I now invite you on this short journey to see how a poetic story about fabric revealed one of my most favorite and meaningful afterlife communications to date. It is the type of synchronicity that is exhilarating and life-enhancing, which is ultimately why I believe our loved ones in spirit still communicate with us.

On Thursday, January 30, 2025, I began writing a rough draft this post. I also did some research by reading The Thame Museum website. The links and text I included above about the event in October were written on the 30th.

On the 30th, I also read the BBC article linked above about the additional items added to Robin’s gallery, such as the tartan armchair. I made this brief mention of it, provided the link, and was planning to leave it at that.

I soon found out that God and Robin had other plans!

The very next evening, January 31st, my husband invited me to watch an episode of Poetry in America, Season 1 on Amazon. He recently discovered the show and since he’s a writer and lover of poetry, as am I, he thought we’d both enjoy it.

At first, he selected Episode 6, “Harlem,” but quickly changed his mind and did not think the show would be best for us for that evening So, he skipped ahead and chose Episode 8, “Shirt.” If you are interested, the full episode can be viewed here for free.

In this episode, host Elisa New discussed the poem called “Shirt” written by former US Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. She analyzes and discusses the poem with designers participating in New York fashion week.

The episode is educationally brilliant in its review of the poem which I would describe as a condensed tragic history of fabric and shirt-making across diverse cultures including Korean, Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Scottish, and African American.

In the poem “Shirt,” the reader is confronted with the history of brutal, inhumane treatment of garment workers in sweatshops who died in factory fires. The poem addresses the history of colonization in the US and its intersection with garment making. It compels us to think about the history of the clothing we wear down to the very stitch…and who made that stitch.

At 14:28 minutes into the video, the viewers are presented with an image of plaid fabric. I didn’t make anything of it at first because plaids are common. This did briefly make me think of Robin’s family tartan chair, but I just continued to tune into the discussion.

Next, some text from the poem appeared on the screen, and this is the moment my eyes widen. I see a sentence beginning with, “The clan tartans…” Here is a screenshot from the video:


Robin Gibb tartan print


I knew something was happening because I personally never hear the word “tartan” in my daily life and was not even sure what it meant exactly. All I knew is that I just saw the photo of Robin’s armchair made of family tartan fabric the day before, and then, the word presented itself again.

Here is a screenshot of Robin’s armchair from the BBC article, “Bee Gees Fever at Robin Gibb Fan Event,” 5 October 2024 by Katherine Da Costa and Dave Gilyeat:

Gibb Family Tartan armchair


I asked my husband if we could pause the video. I said to him, “You wouldn’t believe the synchronicity I just got.” I shared with him my discovery of the picture of Robin’s tartan chair the day before and how the word “tartan” showing up in this video was major synchronicity and message. I gave him a hug and thanked him for once again being a major spiritual partner in how Robin’s spirit communicates with me.

He said, “I’m so happy for you. See…you still have your connection.” I would not have received this communication if it were not for him. Spouses, when open, can serve as a loving bridge facilitating communication between twin souls residing in different planes of existence, even when they don’t know it. Different planes, but not separate, which is what makes communication possible.

Close to You

He said he’s open to Robin working with him to communicate anytime, which is a blessing I am very grateful for.

At 18:05 minutes into the video came additional information that added to the synchronicity and brought back memories of Robin’s Scottish ancestry.

A woman with the last name of Philips mentioned that plaids come from Scotland and England. Elisa New articulated that certain plaids were associated with different regions in the Scottish Highlands and people wore the plaids as declarations of cultural identity. This helped me realize that Robin’s armchair upholstered with his particular family tartan, is part of his personal Scottish cultural heritage.

The video continued to show images of different plaid fabric and Scottish men in kilts made of “clan plaids.” Apparently, mill owners in Scotland used to make up clan or family names. Here is an excerpt from the poem “Shirt” from Poetry Foundation to elucidate this point:

Prints, plaids, checks,

Houndstooth, Tattersall, Madras. The clan tartans


Invented by mill-owners inspired by the hoax of Ossian,

To control their savage Scottish workers, tamed

By a fabricated heraldry: MacGregor,


Bailey, MacMartin. The kilt, devised for workers

To wear among the dusty clattering looms.

Weavers, carders, spinners.

When I read this, I could not help but think of Robin’s ancestral history in Paisley, Scotland that I learned about in his episode of Who Do You Think You Are?

Some of his ancestors were hand loom weavers, just as described in this poem.

This poetry video has certainly led me down a winding road of understanding Robin’s ancestral history better. I feel like his spirit guided my husband to choose this video at this particular time which correlated with my blog post writings and learning about his tartan armchair.

I strongly sense that he wanted me to learn much more about his Gibb clan tartan chair which was so important to him. It is clear to me that it was not enough for him for me to just touch on it so briefly. I did additional research after watching this video, so in terms of learning more, I did just that to honor the message I was given.

According to Dr. Nick Fiddes, in the article, “Tartans, plaids, or checks-what’s the difference?” tartans are different from plaids and checks in one especially important way. He states that tartans are:

…a pattern with a recognized name, associated with a clan, family, or other community. So plaid is useful as a term to identify all the other tartan-like patterns that have no such association or heritage…

It seems like all tartans are plaids, but not all plaids are tartans! If you are interested Scottish tartans and the differences between these patterns, I highly recommend the article I linked to above. You can browse tartan patterns by last names here. If you have Scottish ancestry, maybe you’ll find something of interest, like your family tartan!

I genuinely enjoyed this synchronicity. Since I missed the event in October 2024, this communication made me feel included and closer to his spirit. When I initially saw the photos of the event, I felt sad and left out that I was not able to be there. I am sure Robin knew that. This message brought healing to me and a deeper sense of connection. I know for many people in the world, their deceased loved ones are doing the same types of things for them.

Pondering Difficult Past Life Connections


Considering all that has transpired since Robin’s death in 2012, I could not help feeling like I was being guided by soul memories from other lifetimes with him while on my trip to Oxfordshire. What they are specifically, I still don’t know. But I was getting whispers from my soul.

During this pilgrimage, I pondered how I was born in and grew up in Massachusetts, which is considered part of New England, USA, how I have ancestral roots in Barbados, which was an English colony, and how all of this could tie in with Robin’s ancestral bonds with England and the UK.

I want to take a moment to speak about colonization since my African ancestral bloodline was directly harmed by it. Sometimes, you just have to get some things off your chest. I know Robin would support what I need to say. I think reading the poem, “Shirt” inspired me to say this.

What is colonization? It is a swirling mass of evil human energy that includes genocide, holocaust energy, torture, fascism, authoritarianism, brutality, land, human, and natural resource theft, slavery, caste systems based on false superiority lies, racism, and misogyny, all wrapped up in a selfish, soulless, ugly ball of cultural narcissism and sociopathy.

I cannot talk about sharing other lifetimes with Robin without addressing the truth of this world history. It’s time to get real. If we want to talk about other lifetimes on earth together with people we love now, then we have to consider the fact that they were not always a romantic fairy tale, if they ever were at all.

European colonization took over close to the entire world at one point. If Robin and I shared past or other lifetimes together, this dynamic of colonization would have affected our lives in one way or another if we were here at that time. Humans are a warring and destructive species. We would have been influenced by this at some point and I think it is important to acknowledge this.

Perhaps seeds of other-lifetime connections abide in this vast multi-generational ancestry. I recall how my biological father, born in Barbados, used many British expressions when he spoke. Through him, I was immersed in a lot of British energy while I was growing up. It was like a foreshadowing of my adulthood connection to Robin, a man with strong British roots.

I know in my heart that something more than mere curiosity prompted me to make this pilgrimage. The truth is still buried in my soul somewhere. By sharing what I just wrote, I feel somehow like I’m getting a little closer. I don’t know anything definitive; I don’t know who we were, but along with the sweet moments in any lifetime are the shadows. The shadows must be acknowledged along with the sweet, if we really want to heal these wounds.

Now, I would like to move on to talk about my walk to The Thame Museum.

My Walk to The Robin Gibb Gallery at The Thame Museum


The Thame Museum is a short walking distance from St. Mary’s Church where Robin is laid to rest. One afternoon after offering flowers and paying my respects at his grave, I slowly strolled over to the museum.

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place

I walked up a short, quiet road leading away from the church and turned left onto High Street. As I did so, memories of mirror-soul synchronized signs filled my mind as a sign for Rycote Chapel caught my eye. (To learn more about the importance of Rycote Chapel to Robin, and to me in terms of synchronicity, please see the blog post below):

Afterlife Communication: Starry Ceiling

I then walked for a couple more solitary minutes on a sunny, cool day towards the museum.

Immersed in my thoughts, I then saw the museum on the left.

Noticing a photo of Robin outside in the display case, I walked into the front gate. Visitors are greeted by a quirky and charming cow statue which you can see below. This photo was taken by me:

Robin Gibb's sacred cow


When you walk inside the museum, you are again greeted with even more quirkiness in the form of a life-like statue of a front-desk security officer. This photo is from Trip Advisor:


Robin Gibb's Fake Security Guard


Yes, I did think the security officer was real at first and felt a little startled by his presence. 😊

After an additional greeting by 2 friendly volunteers at the front cashier’s table, and briefly browsing through the gift shop, I made my way over to Robin’s gallery.

While walking towards the exhibition, you can hear the faint lyrics of the Bee Gees’ song, Rings Around the Moon softly saturating the museum. In the gallery, a video of Robin’s life with this song playing is shown on a continuous loop. It set the mood for an enjoyable and peaceful, albeit somewhat solemn and contemplative experience.

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 2: Thame Museum Personal Photo Album

*Copyright © 2025: All photos in this section are by Christina Samuels

Below are the photos I would like to share with you. If you are a fan of Robin’s, you will probably recognize some of the items he used to wear that he was often photographed in.

Compiling the photos for this blog post actually had a very strong effect on me. Selecting them one by one gave me a keen sense of Robin’s energy.

When I saw one photo in particular, the one of Robin’s Akubra Stockman’s hat, I slowly began to tear up. The energy had been building at that point. It was just something about seeing his hat hanging on the wall, the one I believe he wore in the photographs for the Still Waters CD liner notes and CD back cover. The hat was missing the body it once belonged to, and I could acutely feel Robin’s physical absence. You never know how something is going to touch you. I’m pretty sure that the hat Robin is wearing in the photos here is the Akubra Stockman hat hanging in the museum.

Here on Pinterest is another picture of him wearing this hat.

Thank you so much for reading! I sincerely hope you enjoy the photos! Please click on each image to enlarge the photo.


Christina Samuels Signature

Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit

Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit

In this post, “Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit,” I describe a series of mysterious interconnected synchronicities that occurred as the result of reading to Robin’s spirit and practicing deep listening. Deep listening led to a clairaudient experience with music, and synchronicity followed.

In my previous post, “Afterlife Communication: The Joy of Reading to the Deceased,” I shared how reading to Robin led to meaningful synchronicity and revelations about his name. This time, when I recently read to Robin, what came back to me was not about Robin directly. It was about his brothers in spirit with him: Maurice and Andy. It feels like they wanted their names included too!

Introduction: Embracing Storytelling

Afterlife communication with Robin takes me on a journey of learning and discovery that I enjoy sharing through writing. One thing I have learned about myself is that I love to share stories. I never knew that I had a storyteller within me before Robin died. But I feel it is a part of my evolution to become a storyteller. You never know who benefits from what you share, and this belief keeps me motivated to continue writing.

Personal evolution is one of the main purposes for a spiritual connection in my opinion. It is good practice to ask oneself, “What am I learning and how am I growing and evolving as a result of my spiritual connection?” I have learned a lot about the importance of embracing storytelling on my journey with Robin.

In the book, Soul Communication: Opening Your Spiritual Channels for Success and Fulfillment, by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, the spiritual value of sharing our stories is discussed. This applies to those of us who share our stories, whether privately, publicly, or both:

Stories are powerful teachers. They carry a message. They also carry the particular gifts, abilities, and wisdom of the soul sharing the story. It is not enough to have one or two people share their stories. Hundreds, thousands, even more must share their stories. This is important because no two people connect in exactly the same way with any one story. The more stories there are, the more people will feel that they are included, important, and valued… (pg. 14)


When I talk about sharing your story, I am speaking specifically of sharing about your soul journey. Sharing other aspects of your story can also be helpful and healing. However, it is the story of your soul journey that is truly significant. It is this story that is transforming… (pg. 14)

I have personally been healed and supported by those sharing their soul stories, especially stories about spiritually transformative experiences. Other people sharing their stories gave me the courage to share mine on this website. By sharing my soul journey, I hope I can give others the same support that I have found through dozens of authors over the years.

Sometimes I feel like my blog posts are like sending out a message in a bottle into the big sea of the world wide web. Most people won’t notice it, and many will walk by it, not seeing any value in it. But occasionally, someone will pick up the bottle and read the message inside. And hopefully, that message will be something that supports them in their journey through life. That’s the value of sharing stories.

Are you ready to open the message in the bottle? If yes, then let’s begin. I will now share with you this next chapter of my soul journey with Robin and his brothers.

Sorry Business and Deep Listening: Learning About Australian Aboriginal Practices

On March 20, 2024, I felt drawn to research how indigenous people communicate with their deceased loved ones. Since I like to read to Robin, I was wondering whether there was any tradition of doing this or something similar within different indigenous families.

I googled “indigenous people after death communication,” and came across an article by Jens Korff called “Sorry Business: Mourning an Aboriginal Death.” It is on a wonderful website about Australian Aboriginal culture called Creative Spirits. Jens Korff is the owner and author of Creative Spirits and shares what he has learned about Aboriginal culture in Australia. It is an inspiring example of giving due respect, support, and honor to Aboriginal people through healing enterprises and educational opportunities.

Through this article, I learned that “sorry business” is what the Australian Aboriginal people call their time of mourning, including ceremonies, after a loved one has died. Ceremonies and mourning can last from days to months depending on different factors. This allows the grief to heal slowly. I admire this practice and feel that this is an important lesson.

I also learned that it was an old tradition amongst Australian Aboriginal people to not say the names of the dead because it was thought to disturb their spirit. In more recent years, it has become more acceptable for Aboriginal families and communities to allow the names of the deceased to be spoken. Still, I concluded from this that they would most likely not be reading to a deceased loved one as I do.

As I read the article, I noticed a link to another article for the practice of deep listening. The article is called, “Deep Listening (Dadirri),” by Jens Korff. Deep listening is something I am drawn to because I love meditation and stillness practices and wondered whether there was any connection with this. I learned that there is.

According to the article, the wise Australian Aboriginal people of the Daly River region in the Northern Territory call deep listening, “dadirri.” According to Aboriginal writer and senior elder Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann:

“Dadirri is inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. Dadirri recognises the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us. This is the gift that Australia is thirsting for. It is something like what you call ‘contemplation’. (2)


“Our Aboriginal culture has taught us to be still and to wait. We do not try to hurry things up. We let them follow their natural course – like the seasons.” (2)

We could all use more dadirri in our lives. You are welcome to click here to view the most beautiful, official Dr. Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann video where dadirri is described in the most soul-soothing way.

In the article, the importance of deep listening was also described in terms of storytelling. Stories important to the Aboriginal culture were passed on orally, not through writing. Therefore, it was very important for Aboriginal people to be very skilled at deep listening, so that the story could be passed on correctly to the next generation. This is a very impressive skill.

As I continued to read the article, I was very moved by the following quote. I thought about its application to afterlife communication. The bold is mine:

Jennifer Thompson, founder of the Jenwakka Indigenous Counselling Service, describes deep listening as “tapping into her ancestors, constantly listening to spirits.” “[Dadirri is] what non-Aboriginal people would call contemplation. It’s the way we sit and take time and go in deep… The Dadirri is a way to take advantage of this [healing] knowledge. It requires people to stop, look, listen and learn.” (3)

After I read this wonderful information, I felt very inspired by the concept of dadirri. It felt familiar to me as I have engaged in similar practices on a personal level and professional level as a yoga teacher. While I was absorbing this new information, I was thinking about Robin and how he would like this. He was someone who loved to meditate. I also thought he would appreciate this information that came from one of his home countries close to his heart: Australia.

Reading to Robin: Deep Listening and the Presence of his Brothers in Spirit

Approximately 4 days after reading the article, during the early morning hours of March 24, 2024, I sat at Robin’s altar and quietly connected with his spirit through prayer. I lit a candle for him and stated his name. This helps to connect with his energy. I shared with him that I wanted to read to him this amazing article on deep listening and dadirri that I thought he’d enjoy.

I read the entire article to his spirit while looking at his picture and thinking about his connection to Australia.

After I was done reading, I said that I would like to practice some deep listening with him. I felt surrounded by the energy of dadirri. So, I put the phone down that I was reading from. I sat in my chair beside his altar and became still and quiet.

Within less than a minute, a song started playing in my mind. The words were, “I want to thank you for being a friend.” I said to myself, “Hmm, that’s interesting.” I’ve heard this song before and it sounded familiar, but I did not know who sang it or remember where I knew it from.

This song continued to play in my head, so I decided to research it. It seemed like clairaudience was at work. I picked up my phone and googled the words I heard, “I want to thank you for being a friend.”

A video and a lot of information for this song came up. It was sung by Andrew Gold. I did not know he sang this song and had never heard of him. I had a feeling that Robin knew who he was. Right away, I thought of Robin’s late brother Andy Gibb and how he and Andrew Gold shared the same initials: A.G. I made a mental note of that and continued to see what breadcrumbs I could follow.

I read that Andrew Gold passed away on June 3, 2011, in Los Angeles, CA. The song was released in 1978. 1978 was a huge year for the Bee Gees and Andy Gibb in terms of the success of their hit songs.

I continued to scroll through the selections about the song on Google. Then, I came to a Billboard article that looked interesting. It is usually a good source of information about the music industry, so I clicked on it.

In the article called, “‘Andrew Gold’s ‘Thank You for Being a Friend’ Is the Best Song Ever About Giving Thanks,” by Andrew Unterberger, I noticed that this song was the theme song for the television show, “The Golden Girls.” I thought, “Oh, that’s where I know this song from.”

I also noticed that another song sung by Andrew Gold was mentioned called, “Lonely Boy.” I remembered this song from the 70’s when I was a child.

I remembered that I really liked it. The first video in the article was for this song, so I clicked on it to listen. I realized that I had not heard this song in probably over 40 years.

Loneliness is such a common theme in music. In this post, I wrote about the epidemic of loneliness and how the theme of loneliness is quite common in many Bee Gees’ songs:

How Afterlife Communication Helps Reduce Loneliness

When I started listening to “Lonely Boy,” I remembered it right away, even after all these years. What a blast from the past! Then, as the video played, about a minute into the song, I noticed a caption that really got my attention. It said:

“Andrew Maurice Gold was born in 1951 in California…”

Here is a screenshot:

Andrew Maurice Gold Image

I paused the video so I could talk with Robin. Seeing the names of Robin’s brothers side-by-side like this strongly stood out to me. I said something along the lines of, “Are you being serious right now? This guy’s name was Andrew Maurice?” Then I read the rest of the caption which mentioned Andrew Gold’s father Ernest. Then I said, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Robin’s’ twin brother, Maurice Gibb, had the middle name Ernest!

Here is a screenshot:

Maurice Ernest Gibb IMAGE

At this point, I felt that a clear message was coming through. This is what reading and deep listening with Robin brought to me: a connection with Andy and Maurice and the strong presence of their energy. Can you see the power of these practices? It felt like they were crashing my meditation time with Robin! 😊It was truly amazing and a blessing. Of course, they are more than welcome.

There is no way I could not notice this. I said “hello” to them in Spirit, feeling joy in my heart. I feel like they wanted their names mentioned because my previous blog post was all about “Robben and Robin”, a little Andy and no mention of Maurice. So, it’s like they were saying, “Hey Christina, it’s our turn now!!”

I had a feeling that by reading to Robin about the after-death practices of the Australian Aboriginal people, I also connected with Maurice and Andy’s energy. All three had a close connection with Australia and I could see why the articles I read would be important to or of interest to them in spirit.

I felt the presence of these three brothers very strongly. Now I ask you to consider this: How are your deceased loved ones showing up for you?  Are their names presenting themselves in unexpected ways? Once you are on the path of afterlife communication and open to the ways spirit presents itself, this type of thing can happen.

It was so wonderful to be guided to Andy and Maurice’s names through the song. Still, there is even more to share in terms of powerful synchronicity. This is about Andy, and it brought a strong sense of mystery.

Reincarnation Video Synchronicity: Andy Gibb’s Deep Connection to California

On April 11, 2024, I was looking at Andrew Gold’s YouTube caption again on the “Lonely Boy” video and how he was born in California. Then I had the thought that Andy Gibb was laid to rest in California. I decided to do some research on his resting place to refresh my memory.

I googled, “Andy Gibb buried in California.” I started looking at the different articles and a video that came up. Here is the video about Andy from The Graveyard Channel. The purpose of this channel is to pay tribute to famous people in terms of how they died and where they are laid to rest.

In the description of the video is a link for Forest Lawn Memorial Park– Hollywood Hills, CA which is where Andy is buried.

In case you are interested, here is a link from a Facebook page that explains why Andy was laid to rest in California.

I clicked on the link for the Forest Lawn website, searched for Andy in the search box, and found his entry. I looked at the map on the page. I noticed the Hollywood Sign and other Hollywood-related places mentioned.

Here is a screenshot:

Andrew Roy Gibb Forest Lawn Page

I was doing this research between 8:20pm and 8:30pm.

At approximately 9pm, my husband asked if he could show me a video on reincarnation. It was about a woman named Dorothy Eady who has an interesting story about a past life as an Egyptian princess. She reported having childhood memories of that lifetime. That day, he had listened to a podcast about her. Here is the video.

Now here is where it gets mysterious.

At about 5:05 minutes into the video, the narrator discusses the case of 4-year-old Ryan Hammons. He reported having past-life memories of being a man who lived in Hollywood named Marty Martyn who knew Rita Hayworth. At 5:34 into the video, the narrator spoke about how when Ryan saw the Hollywood Sign on television, he would state that that was his home and he wanted to return.

Here is a screenshot:

Hollywood Sign the Why Files

This was around 9:15pm. So, approximately 45 minutes after I saw the map with the Hollywood sign on Andy’s Forest Lawn entry, I saw this mention of the Hollywood sign in this reincarnation video. The video also had a few other references to Hollywood and the life of Marty Martyn, so the message really stood out in a powerful way.

I felt like I had really touched on something with Andy.

I wondered, “Andy, what are you trying to tell me?” I have not had that much synchronicity with Andy over the years, so this was a big moment and truly meaningful connection.

Reincarnation Video Synchronicity: Significance and Interpretation

I felt that by doing research on his resting place and looking at several different websites and videos, I strongly tuned into Andy’s energy. Then God decided to include my husband who is an amazing messenger and partner when it comes to synchronicity. He had no knowledge that I was researching Andy’s resting place. If he had not shown me the video, there would be no synchronicity, so I am very grateful for him.

This soul communication felt so much like being in the energy field of Indra’s Net, an unseen interconnected web between Andy in spirit and my husband and I in the physical world. Synchronicity is a mysterious force that links the living and the dead because we remain interconnected whether in our physical or non-physical state. Through afterlife communications such as this, I am continuously being taught about our oneness and interconnectedness, whether we knew each other or not and whether we are famous or non-famous.

I also feel like the YouTube video about Ryan Hammons was emphasizing the importance of the Hollywood area for Andy. It is noteworthy that Andy also lived in Los Angeles, California where Hollywood is. He moved there in 1980, escaping the influence of his family in Miami who were trying to intervene because of his cocaine abuse (4).

This synchronicity with Andy is particularly impactful because this is the second time that a reincarnation video synchronicity happened with a Gibb brother. I had a reincarnation video synchronicity with Robin in 2012 which I wrote about here:

Twin Soul Synchronicity

In this post, I wrote about how a photo of Robin that included the name of the photographer matched exactly with the name of a doctor in a video I watched about reincarnation. I had seen the photo and watched the video within minutes of each other, similar to this current synchronicity with Andy.

Through these reincarnation YouTube video synchronicities, I intuit that both Robin and Andy are pointing to the importance and reality of reincarnation. The message is to take reincarnation seriously, to study it, and consider how past lives are affecting this current life.

Through synchronicity, I have confirmation that I have shared past lives with Robin. And even though I don’t know exactly what they were or when, I feel that what I write about here on Paisley and Poppies is a direct reflection of those past lives we shared. The love and devotion I once had for Robin, when we were both other people, is still here and shows up on these pages.

In closing, I am grateful to be able to share the string of synchronicities that occurred as a result of spending time with Robin in deep listening. This was quite a soul journey of learning.

By reading this, you opened my “message in a bottle,” and I hope you found something enriching for your journey.

Until next time, take care!


1.  Sha, Dr. Zhi Gang (2008). Soul Communication: Opening Your Spiritual Channels for Success and Fulfillment, page 14.

2.  Korff, J 2023, Deep listening (dadirri), Creative Spirits, <>, retrieved 14 April 2024.

3.  Korff, J 2023, Deep listening (dadirri), Creative Spirits, <>, retrieved 14 April 2024.

4.  Hild, Matthew (2022). Arrow Through the Heart: The Biography of Andy Gibb, Kindle Edition, Page 103.

Photo Credits:

Featured and Closing Images by Pilbara from Pixabay


Christina Samuels Signature

Aboriginal Art Appreciation Image

Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections

Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections

In this post, “Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections,” I will share a recent story about how connecting with Robin’s spirit sometimes involves a family member of his. While researching cross-dimensional communication, I received cross-dimensional communication that was meaningful and a bit of fun. Fans of the soap opera “General Hospital,” which airs in the United States and around the world, may find this enjoyable. The events I will write about occurred on November 11 and 12, 2023.

Setting the Stage: YouTube in Everyday Life

On Saturday, November 11th, also known as Remembrance Day, I spent time relaxing and recovering at home after a minor procedure I had done on my right shoulder a few days earlier. I turned on our television and went to YouTube to see if there were any interesting new videos in my queue.

I noticed a video with actors from “General Hospital.” I knew the video was in my queue because I had heard that actor Tyler Christopher had recently died, and I had been watching videos about him. I used to watch “General Hospital” regularly about 15 years ago. Even though I lost touch with the story line, I still remember the actors I watched for years.

In the video, I noticed the actors that play Carly and Jason. The other actor looked older and more mature than when I was watching the show, but I realized that he played the character of Spinelli. I watched the video for several minutes, and it was fun to see the actors interacting on the podcast. Here is the video of “The Daily Drama Podcast with Steve Burton and Bradford Anderson” that I am referring to.

Ongoing Research on Twin Souls

Throughout the years of communicating with Robin, I have continued to do research on twin flames, twin souls, twin rays, and soul families. It is something I really enjoy and sometimes I discover a helpful new article I have never seen before. I want to keep my knowledge fresh, and I also like to share pertinent articles that other readers may benefit from.

Late in the evening on Sunday, November 12th, I felt guided to do research before going to sleep. I was thinking about what to Google. Suddenly the words, “Cross-dimensional communication twin flames,” popped into my head. So, I typed that in the search box.

As I scrolled through the articles and videos, I came across one that caught my attention. In the short introductory paragraph that Google shows along with the link to the article, I noticed the name “Barbara Spinelli.”

I thought that it was so weird because I had just been thinking about the character of Spinelli on “General Hospital” the day before. That was Spinelli two days in a row. It is not a common name in my life and never shows up, so this made me take notice.

The title of the article is, “What’s a Twin Flame and How Do You Know If You Found Yours?” by Colleen de Bellefonds.

In the article, Ms. Spinelli, a therapist and relationship expert, is quoted as saying that twin flames “may feel: overwhelming, divine, magnetic and predestined.”  I agree with this description. There is a sacred element to my connection with Robin that I am sure has to do with the fact that he is on the other side.

I felt grateful that I found the article. I was curious about the name “Spinelli” showing up twice in such proximity. It felt synchronistic. Everything I research about twin souls or twin flames connects to Robin because I would not be researching this topic at all if it were not for my relationship with his spirit. It felt a little bit like his spirit was with me and aware of even the little everyday things I do… and watch!

Cross-Dimensional Communication and Family Connections

I am always one to check my facts. So, after I read the twin flame article, I decided to Google Bradford Anderson to make sure he is the one who plays Spinelli. The Google search confirmed that he is. But to my surprise, the Google search revealed something else that really caught my attention. Bradford Anderson’s birthday is September 21, 1979.

When I saw “September 21,” I immediately knew that birth date is also the birth date for Robin’s oldest son Spencer. Spencer’s birth date is September 21, 1972.

The “General Hospital,” Spinelli, and twin flame “breadcrumbs” all led to this connection with Robin’s son. That was amazing and meaningful to me. This really cheered me up too because I have been dealing with painful shoulder bursitis lately. I feel like this was Robin’s way of letting me know his spirit was with me through it all. This is one of the main reasons our loved ones in spirit still communicate with us: to remind us we are not alone when we go through challenging times. It just goes to show you that Spirit can use anything to get a message to us…even soap operas you watched 15 years ago!

This also made me feel like Robin wanted our communications to include his son who is someone particularly important to him. The synchronistic birth dates would be something that would matter to Robin. This is why I got the matching “Spinelli’s.” Thank goodness I followed my intuition to check my facts, or I would have missed the matching birthdays.

When it comes to cross-dimensional communication, deceased loved ones love to send messages connected to what matters to them the most. It could be their favorite color, food, song, perfume, or family member’s birthday.

I do not know Spencer and never will, so it is a bit awkward to write about him. But this was the message that I got, and it included his birthday. I always talk with Robin on September 21st, to acknowledge that I know it is his son’s birthday and that I hope he can spend time near him spiritually.

Spencer’s birthday is also meaningful to me because I have followed and supported his music career. I love his photography and I like to read his Facebook posts from time to time. He seems like a cool guy, and I think I would like him if I met him. I have spoken to Robin about Spencer many times over the years, so this is why his birth date showing up unexpectedly like this is meaningful to me. I felt a little tug at my heartstrings.

When deceased twin souls communicate, the details are not always about them personally. Details about their family members or friends may show up too. These details still point to your twin soul, and it is all part of the connection. I once saw the last name of Robin’s ex-wife Molly on a license plate. That really shocked me at the time. I came to understand that details about his family members would be a part of the messages I would receive. I wrote about this here:

Recovery II

Wisdom on Cross-Dimensional Communication

Wayne Hatford, creator of the blog, “Valentino Speaks: The Wisdom of Rudolph Valentino,” shares an excellent description of cross-dimensional communication in general. More specifically, he has a spiritual connection with Rudolph Valentino, and has authored a book about it, so he speaks from experience. If you are a fan of Rudolph Valentino, or simply curious, you may enjoy his writings.

Regarding cross dimensional communication, Mr. Hatford states:

I contend that we are always communicating with those on the Other Side, some of us more consciously than others. Who are they? Friends, relatives, lovers, partners, husbands, wives ~ in short, anyone with whom we have agreements. Those we never met may also be included in the mix, as they may be involved with us for other reasons. Some of these sparks of energy (for that is what they are without a physical body) take on the role of spiritual guide, lending their support and participating in our lives to greater or lesser degrees, again, according to mutual agreement.

I really like what he had to say, especially how he acknowledges that we may have cross-dimensional communication with people we have never met. If we share a genuine soul connection with another spirit, whether we ever met or not in the 3D realm is irrelevant to me. We could have known each other in other lifetimes or planes of existence. I agree that souls can be drawn back together due to mutual agreement. In some cases, this may result in doing work together while sharing a cross-dimensional relationship. This blog is an example of this phenomenon.

Afterlife communication is cross-dimensional communication, and it can evolve into an ongoing relationship based on respect, devotion and spiritual growth for all parties involved. I consider Robin to be a powerful, creative, and loving guide who has given me countless spiritual gifts since his death in 2012.

With his presence in my life, I have experienced growth in so many areas including the improvement of my psychic abilities and knowledge of how spirits communicate. He is the one who opened my heart to the reality of twin souls and the benefit of knowing that we have soul family connections on the other side.

Twin Souls and Life Parallels

I have also come to know from personal experience that whether we are living or deceased, we exist in more than one dimension at a time. In the book, Living Souls in the Spirit Dimension: The Afterlife and Transdimensional Reality by Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., this topic is explored in depth.This is what makes dream visits possible with the deceased. They can visit us, and we can also visit them when in a hypnogogic state, for example.If you are interested in Dr. Hardy’s work, you can read more here.

Even though I did not share a family connection with Robin while he was alive, I am so grateful to call him a member of my spiritual family now. Through our communications over the years, I have also noticed how Robin has grown and progressed spiritually. At times, he has communicated in a way that I would consider to be quite advanced, such as when he began creating infinity symbols out of dental floss and leaving them where I could see them. He did not do this in 2012, but by July 2013, he was able to do this. I would like to think that our connection has afforded him an opportunity to practice and refine his skills! 😊

The Infinity Symbols

I hope you enjoyed your visit here today! Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this holiday around the world!


Christina Samuels Signature



Featured photo: Image by Beate Bachmann from Pixabay

The Power of Initials in Twin Soul Afterlife Communication

The Power of Initials in Twin Soul Afterlife Communication

This post, “The Power of Initials in Twin Soul Afterlife Communication” was inspired by a recent encounter I had with Robin’s initials. The manifestation of his initials served as confirmation for a question I asked, and twin soul synchronicity. It was very heart-touching. I hope you will enjoy my story!

After-Death Communication in Portugal

Hello! I have not written for a long time, and it is so nice to be back! Since I last wrote in May of 2022, my husband and I moved to northern Portugal, near Porto. So, here is a brief update for you.

The journey began in 2022 after the death of my father-in-law. With his passing, we no longer saw a need to remain living in the United States. It has been a life-long dream of mine to live in another country and we were finally in the position to be able to fulfill it.

To ensure we were making a good decision about where to move, my husband and I spent three months in Porto, Portugal during the fall of 2022. This gave us a chance to see how we felt about the country. We discovered what we liked and did not like and weighed the pros and cons.

After exploring several beautiful cities during this three-month period, such as Braga and Aveiro, we decided that we liked it enough to move here. At that point, we began to gather the documents needed to apply for our visa.

In March 2023, we had our visa appointment in Washington, D.C. where we submitted our paperwork. Everything went smoothly and we received our visa in April 2023. We sold our car and house in Florida and arrived here again in Portugal in June.

A few weeks ago, we had our immigration appointment to submit documents for our residency permit. So, we are official, legal residents of Portugal now. I am really enjoying it and gradually acclimating to our new life here.

Paisley and Poppies in Portugal: Asking for a Sign

During this long process of moving to Portugal, which was like a full-time job, I continued to stay connected to Robin’s spirit and kept communication with him open.

Recently, on July 31, 2023, I asked Robin for a sign that he would still wait for me. It was something on my mind because over 11 years have passed since he died. Since I have been so busy here on the earth plane, it’s nice to have the reassurance from him that our connection is strong and that he will be there to greet me when my time comes to pass away.

I previously wrote about this experience of deceased loved ones waiting for their living loved ones in this post, “Will You Wait for Me?

In this post, I also wrote about a spontaneous dream visit I had with Robin in 2012 where I asked if he would wait for me.

To come up with a sign I could ask him for, I researched gemstones on google. It is not always easy to know what to ask for, for a sign, but on this day, the word “gemstones” popped into my head.

Here is the information I saw on Google.



I saw the blue topaz, so this made me think to ask for “topaz” as a sign. I know blue was his favorite color, he wore blue lenses often and blue topaz is one of the birthstones for his birth month of December.

This is what I wrote in my journal:

Dear Beloved Robin,

…I also have a question. Robin, will you still wait for me? I mean, will you wait for me to cross over into the spirit world after I die physically and be with me in spirit?

I ask for the sign of: Topaz.

Any color of topaz is ok. Please make it so clear I cannot mistake it, such as seeing it or hearing it mentioned. This or something better or easier for you is ok. I don’t always know what to ask for, for signs so I will just go with this. Please let me know.



In the article, How to Ask the Universe for a Sign, Gabby Bernstein addresses this very issue of feeling confused about how to ask for a sign. It was very helpful for me and maybe it will give you some good ideas as well.

I like to type or write out my requests for signs in my journal. It makes me feel like I am sending out a very sincere and clear message that I wish to communicate with Robin’s spirit and the Universe. If or when I receive my sign, I can always go back to what I wrote and see if I get any further insights into the message I receive. I can see how close the sign is to what I originally asked for. Also, there is never any second-guessing as to what I asked for since it is there in writing. I would highly recommend this journaling practice in terms of afterlife communication.

RG Gemstones and Jewels: The Sign is Your Sign

A couple of days after I asked for this sign,on August 2nd, my husband and I went shopping in a city where I had a massage therapy appointment. Moving to a new country is very stressful and my shoulders have been tight and sore due to lifting heavy boxes, luggage and assembling my IKEA furniture 😊! So, I needed some pampering.

We had some extra time after my appointment, so we walked around exploring a bit. I had never been to this part of the city, and everything was new to me. As I walked, I noticed a store that really got my attention. It was a jewelry store. But not just any jewelry store. The name of the store is RG Jewels! Here is a picture of the sign from the jewelry store in Portugal:


RG Jewels in Porto


I softly smiled and was transfixed on the store sign for several moments. This store came as a complete surprise to me because I did not know it even existed given that I have just moved here to Portugal.

There were Robin’s initials right in front of me. This was very significant to me. Over the years of communication with him, his initials have been very important in our connection and have served as signs of his presence.

In this post, I wrote about how I found his “RG” initials on 2 mugs in 2012 in a thrift store while the song “Emotion” was playing. I still have the mugs on his altar to this very day. So, his initials are a powerful sign of his presence for me.


Robin Gibb Altar


I was and am so amazed that I researched gemstones, asked for the sign of topaz, and then Robin’s initials manifested in connection with a jewelry store selling gemstones just a couple of days after I requested the sign. This sense of amazement is what makes afterlife communication so life changing.

I saw a gemstone in the store window that may have been golden topaz. I’m not sure. The store window was filled with jewelry of various gemstones. Even though I am not sure I got the exact gemstone I asked for, I think that this jewelry store sign, with his exact initials, is something better or perhaps easier for him than the topaz I suggested as a sign. I accept the sign as my sign, and a sign of Robin’s presence, because it is so specific and personal to him and me. The store sign is like a mirror for the “RG” mugs I have kept on his altar for years.

It is important to be flexible in afterlife communication, especially when asking for specific signs. To address this issue, Faye Schindelka recommends the following approach in “A Course in After Death Communication,” (2012). Unfortunately, the booklet is no longer available online, so I cannot link to it:

“Remain open to receiving your requested sign and trust that your deceased loved one will work overtime to see that you receive it. While you have asked for a specific sign, keep in mind that it may manifest in a slightly different way than what you might have expected. This openness is important, because the moment we become attached to a particular way that something ‘should’ be, we often contract our energy and thus close ourselves off to the receiving of it.”

Due to this experience, I feel I have received the confirmation that he will still wait for me. That brings me happiness and is a relief. After everything we have shared while I have been on earth and he is in Spirit, I really want to see him and spend time with his spirit to debrief and learn about the full measure of our spiritual connection. This was a very powerful answer to my question, and I feel like the Universe was guiding me. It is my opinion that the Universe is always guiding us. We just need to have awareness and have an open heart to receive guidance.

Initials and Twin Soul Connections

In the excellent article, “18 Powerful Twin Flame Synchronicities You’ll Experience,” by Tina Fey, number four on her list has to do with seeing your twin flame’s name or initials everywhere.

She states that:

“Your twin flame’s name will be one of the most important words to your spirit.”

This is very true for me as I have a very strong connection with Robin’s name and initials since 2012, the year that he died. I can say with certainty that I have unexpectedly experienced seeing Robin’s name and initials over the years in very tangible, synchronistic ways that I have been able to buy or photograph. It is quite magical. It’s this type of magic that the twin soul connection brings and what makes life beautiful and fulfilling.

It’s all about what is meaningful to you in terms of what is presenting itself to you. It may not be meaningful to someone else. Another person may brush it off as mere coincidence. Some people even go as far as ridiculing signs.

However, once you know you have a strong connection with your twin, you come to understand that this is one of the most common ways communications occur: through synchronicity. To dismiss it could potentially create a missed opportunity for bonding between twins. Therefore, I honor the synchronicity and signs I receive, especially if I have just asked Robin’s spirit a question. I asked a question, and I got an answer. I cherish that, respect that and always say “thank you”.

So, if you are experiencing a twin flame connection, be on the lookout for the name or initials of your twin showing up in various ways. Try to be open and flexible in terms of how the sign may present itself. It is a very meaningful experience to have your twin show up in this way and one which I feel very strongly in my heart.

In fact, I believe one reason the names and initials present themselves is because of the unbreakable connection of hearts. This is especially powerful when one twin is deceased. Through the heart bond, we are drawn to things in the physical world which connect us right back to and remind us of our twin soul.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found something meaningful in this post.


Christina Samuels Signature




Featured Photo: Image by sara graves from Pixabay



Afterlife Connections: A String of Synchronicities

Afterlife Connections: A String of Synchronicities

This post, “Afterlife Connections: A String of Synchronicities,” is inspired by the book, The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom.

Synchronicity is a concept originally presented by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. Here is what he had to say about it:

I chose this term because the simultaneous occurrence of two meaningfully but not causally connected events seemed to me an essential criterion. I am therefore using the general concept of synchronicity in the special sense of a coincidence in time of two or more causally unrelated events which have the same or a similar meaning, in contrast to “synchronism,” which simply means the simultaneous occurrence of two events.


Synchronicity therefore means the simultaneous occurrence of a certain psychic state with one or more external events which appear as meaningful parallels to the momentary subjective state—and, in certain cases, vice versa. (1)

From my own personal experience, I can say that synchronicity can be awe-inspiring and life-changing. It can truly take you on a journey of higher consciousness. You can experience a profound sense of connectedness with loved ones in spirit through it.

A String of Synchronicities

Beginning in 2012, synchronicity has been one of the primary ways I connect with Robin’s spirit. The beautiful, momentous occasions of synchronicity was what initially informed me that I shared a soul connection with him. The soul connection, which to me is a connection of our energies, led to afterlife communications that continue to this day.

As I have experienced synchronicity over the years, I have noticed patterns that led me to study the phenomenon in more depth. According to Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom, some of these patterns are called strings of synchronicities. In their book, The Power of Flow, they are defined in this way:

Synchronicities can happen one after the other, as though a point is being made over and over again…it’s the sequence of occurrences that make this a string of synchronicities…because the events occur one after the other, they resonate in your consciousness and have specific meaning to you in their totality. (2)

You can read chapter two from their book about strings of synchronicities and other patterns here.

In January, 2022, I noticed a string of synchronicities occurring. I have been watching the television show Queer Eye, Season 6 on Netflix. In this season, the Fab 5 are in Austin, TX.

As of this writing on January 18th, on three separate occasions, something I read about, said to, or wrote about Robin matched in a nearly identical way to something from this show. The three events of synchronicity that matched with Robin’s energy occurred in three different episodes. When the third synchronicity occurred, I felt it was time to pay attention and dig deeper into what was going on. That is when I discovered the concept of strings of synchronicities.

Now I would like to share the three events of synchronicity chronologically, which to me create an interesting string. I definitely felt in the flow! By sharing this, I hope to support you in recognizing strings of synchronicities when they happen in your life.

Synchronicity #1: Spokes and Wheels

During the evening of January 2, 2022, I sat down with my husband to watch an episode of Queer Eye called, “Showdown at the Broken Spoke.” The Broken Spoke is a honky-tonk in Austin, TX. The Fab 5 were there to work with one of the dance instructors.

After I watched the show, I had some things to do around the house. Then I sat down and thought about the show. I was recalling that the name of the bar was Broken Spoke.

After I was done thinking about the show, I had the thought that I would like to connect with Robin’s energy. The thought just popped into my head. So, I picked up a book that I flip through once in a while called Tragedy – The Ballad of the Bee Gees by Jeff Apter. This is a book I usually just flip through because I have already read a couple of books about the Bee Gees cover to cover. I have not read this book cover to cover as a result. I just like to browse through it occasionally.

So, I flipped through some pages and looked at Bee Gees’ family photos. Then I turned to another page and saw an amazing synchronicity, the first in this string of them. I saw a mention of “spoke in the wheel.” I was really surprised because I had just been thinking of the Broken Spoke bar. Here is the exact quote:

But then, while in Australia, Barry threw up yet another road-block. He cited songwriting credits as a spoke in the wheel of their creative relationship; even their solo efforts were credited to all three brothers… (3)

What really amazed me about this was that before picking up the book, I specifically thought that I wanted to connect with Robin’s energies. I connected with his energies through this very precise synchronicity. The exact nature of it was what I found so awe-inspiring and meaningful. It felt like he was with me spiritually through this. It definitely felt like an alignment and a oneness with his spirit. To me, the writings in books about the Bee Gees represent Robin’s energies because it’s about him.

It was also educational because I was not exactly sure what the expression “spoke in the wheel” meant. Therefore, I researched it. According to, it is a mainly British expression that means to deliberately make it difficult for someone to do what they are planning to do. Barry was saying that issues with songwriting credits were causing difficulties in the creative relationship between the brothers.

I attempted to see if there was anything else I was supposed to learn from this synchronicity, but I could not come up with anything else. It seemed it was just what the Universal energies gave me that evening to connect with Robin’s spirit. We both had something to do with spokes.

I also thought that perhaps I was synchronizing with Robin and this episode of Queer Eye because it is filmed in Austin, TX which is where his eldest son has lived. This city would be significant to Robin for that reason.

Synchronicity #2: Preserving Roses

I keep an altar table for Robin as many of you know who have been reading this blog for a while. I like to offer his spirit beautiful flowers. On January 9th, I offered his spirit a bouquet of roses that was a combination of lavender, pink and white flowers. Here is a photo of them:

Afterlife Communications Robin Gibb Flowers

A day or so after I first bought the flowers, I sat at his altar table. I said out loud to his spirit that I loved these flowers so much that I planned to dry them to keep them. I mentioned to his spirit that you can hang the flowers upside down to dry them. Then I could keep them to remember how beautiful they were.

Then on January 14th, I watched an episode of Queer Eye called “A Night to Remember.” The Fab 5 were tasked with giving makeovers for students for their prom. It was meant to be very special for them as their experiences in school had been disrupted by the pandemic. It was a really nice episode that brought tears to my eyes.

At the end of the episode, Karamo gave the Queer Eye Hip Tip called “Make Your Memories Last Forever.” The tip was about how to preserve flowers after a special occasion! He said:


“Well, you hang them in a cool, dry spot for about two weeks, let the petals dry out, and then you spray hairspray on ‘em. This is going to keep the flowers for a very, very long time.”

I was so surprised! It was a direct match with what I had spoken out loud to Robin’s spirit about preserving the flowers arranged on his altar table! I was really grateful for the tip too because I didn’t know about using the hairspray. 🙂 The Universal energies came into alignment again. It was so nice that this was connected with something specifically to do with Robin and his altar space.

It was a very meaningful synchronicity because it has been years since I liked a bouquet of flowers so much that I wanted to dry them to preserve them. So, it was a perfect alignment with the show that it matched my plans for the flowers I offered Robin’s spirit.

After this, I thought about how this was the second synchronicity in 12 days that had to do with Robin and Queer Eye in such a specific way. It definitely got my attention. I felt God and Robin’s presence in action.

Synchronicity #3: 10-Year Death Anniversary

The next day, January 15th, I sat down to write a rough draft of this blog post. During my process of writing, I come up with different ideas as to how to begin a post. I go with whatever is on my mind at the time. So, this is what I wrote on that day:

As we transitioned into this new year of 2022, I have been reflecting upon how it has been almost 10 years since Robin passed away. I thought about how I have been communicating with him through dreams, synchronicity and telekinesis for almost 10 years as well. In some ways, I can’t believe that 10 years have already gone by. Sometimes it feels like a really long time that I have been communicating with him and at other times, it feels like it’s all new. Either way, having Robin’s energy in my life has meant so much in terms of my spiritual growth and evolution. I also know that Robin continues to evolve spiritually and I hope that our connection has supported his growth as well.


I am truly moved by the enduring nature of our connection. From my end, my connection to Robin’s spirit is one of love, commitment, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, consistency and dedication. The physical world can easily pull us away from our bonds with our loved ones in spirit. But I decided years ago that I was not going to allow this world and the things of it to dilute the beauty of our connection and what we have experienced together.


My connection with Robin is a part of my heart. What I wrote is a reflection of just how powerful his spirit has been in my life and the positive impact he has had on me. When things happen, like what happened to me with Robin’s spirit after he died, which I have documented on this website, you are going to be dedicated and devoted to the spirit of the person. At least I am. That is not going to change for me. I will always be extremely grateful to him.

Later in the evening on the 15th, I watched another episode of Queer Eye called, “Craw-Zaddy.” In this episode, the Fab 5 helped to renovate a man’s restaurant that had fell into disarray in part due to the death of his wife. They had been very close in their marriage and he was still grieving.

He sat with Karamo to have a conversation about his deceased wife. That is when I noticed the synchronicity with the rough draft I wrote about Robin just hours earlier. He talked about how he didn’t have his partner and buddy. He said, regarding her death:

“It’s gonna be 10 years this July. And to some people, that’s a long time. To me, it was yesterday.”

10 years, a long time and it being new or like yesterday all matched. I was really stunned by this. At this point, I was feeling like there was something very meaningful happening in terms of Robin’s spirit and this show because this was two days in a row with the mirroring. This is why I called this a string of synchronicities.

In 2012, it was synchronicity like this that caused me to ask in prayer whether I shared a twin soul connection with him. The fact that it continues almost 10 years later is profound to me. It shows me our spirits are very strongly connected. It truly feels like he is with me spiritually through the synchronicity.

I am convinced that one of the main ways human souls connect is through synchronicity whether they are physically alive or physically deceased.

Synchronicity #4: Being in the Flow

On Sunday, January 16th, I spent some time reflecting on the series of synchronicities that I just shared. I was thinking about and revisiting the idea that maybe I was receiving so much synchronicity with Robin and the show Queer Eye because it was filmed in Austin, TX where his son lives.

Then I started thinking about how the synchronicity seems multi-layered due to the fact of connecting to the same show but with different themes. So, I started to research multi-layered synchronicity. I found this wonderful article by Chetna Jai called, “The Power of Synchronicity and How It Can Shape Our Lives.”

In her article, she cites the book, The Power of Flow and summarizes the patterns of synchronicity. She wrote about multi-layered clusters of synchronicity. She also mentioned single synchronicities and strings of synchronicity. I resonated with what she said about the strings.

After I read her article, I decided to research the book The Power of Flow to see if I could read any information about the patterns directly. This was when I received the next synchronicity in the string: the mention of Austin, TX in the introduction of the book! Here is the excerpt I read from the Google preview:

Awakening one morning in his sunny Austin bedroom, Caylor Wadlington heard himself saying out loud, “So I’m moving to Denver?” (4)


So, there is the mention of Austin, right after I was thinking about Austin. I was blown away and having so much fun with this string of synchronicities that just kept going! I thought that this was confirmation as to why I was syncing up with Robin and the Queer Eye show so much. This had additional meaning for me because I lived in Denver, CO for a total of 13 years of my life. It was where I first had visitations from Robin’s spirit. Thus, there are a lot of connections here.

I also thought that perhaps I’m getting the synchronicity with the show Queer Eye because it is an important show spiritually on many levels. The Fab 5 do so much life-changing, transformative work for the people they assist. The show educates, uplifts and encourages many who watch it.


I enjoyed sharing this string of synchronicities with you. I have been documenting synchronicities in my life connected to Robin since 2012. I believe that one of the main reasons I am experiencing this with his spirit is because as a member of my soul family, he is one of my guardian angels who watches over me. I also believe Robin is a guardian angel for numerous souls on earth. Of course he would be. He was a beautiful, loving light while he was incarnate and continues to be now that he is in spirit.

As such, things will happen that will keep us connected. Indeed, the synchronicities make me feel very much like his spirit is with me and watching over me. Sometimes they are so powerful, like the ones I mentioned in this post, it feels like he is walking side by side with me energetically. Maybe you feel the same way about your loved ones in spirit. I hope so! Their love for us continues on as does our love for them.

I believe we are surrounded by more loving guardian angels in the form of our deceased loved ones then we could ever imagine. I think they like to play with us and have fun too. I feel Robin’s playful, humorous energies in a lot of the synchronicities connected to him. I think that is the point. He has always brought so much love, joy, lightheartedness and happiness into my life and I am eternally grateful.

Thank you so much for reading! May 2022 be very blessed for you and your loved ones.


1. Jung, Carl Gustav (2012). Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle. (From Vol. 8. of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (Jung Extracts), Page 25, Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.

2. Belitz, Charlene and Lundstrom, Meg (1998). The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence, New York: Three Rivers Press, Pages 23-24.

3. Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees, London: Jawbone Press, page 127.

4. Belitz, Charlene and Lundstrom, Meg (1998). The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence, New York: Three Rivers Press, Page ix.


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