This post was updated on October 11, 2021.

If I were to take a survey, I am sure I would find that most people feel a spiritual connection with someone who is a singer, songwriter, composer or musician. These spiritual connections with singers and songwriters can range from a superficial crush to something very deep, meaningful and life-changing.

During my spiritual journey, I have come across some authors that have been very instrumental in my growth and understanding of what has transpired with Robin since he passed away. They have the deep and meaningful spiritual connections with singers that I am speaking of and I feel we could all learn a lot from what they have to share.

Soul Connections with Singers: A Reading List

Here is my reading list of my favorite authors who courageously write about their mystical connections with singers and band members.

Dance of the Electric Hummingbird by Patricia Walker

This book is about the author’s spiritual connection with former Van Halen lead singer Sammy Hagar. Her connection is unique in that she actually met him and got to know him as a result of her attendance at his concerts in Mexico.

I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul Through Rock ‘n’ Roll by Laura Faeth

This book is about the author’s spiritual journey, growth, soul group, and past-life connections with a band she followed quite intensely. She never names the band, but gives plenty of clues so most people can figure out who it is. I figured out who she was talking about, but I won’t mention it so as to not spoil it for someone.

All You Need is Love by Jewelle St. James

This book is about the author’s afterlife and past-life spiritual connection with John Lennon. I would like to share this quote below from the authors’ mother because it resonates strongly with me:

Past-life memories, if a person isn’t aware of them, emerge as feelings rather than mental recollections. And sometimes these feelings can be disturbing. Jewelle, remember that unexplainable grief you felt when John Lennon was shot? Well, that was a past-life feeling. You had no past memory of having loved and lost, but you did have the feelings…Remember that our present relationships with others, our feelings, our loves, and our hates, often survive the passage of time. (1)

Past-Life Memories Can Present as Deep Feelings for Someone

I think this is very important for those of us interested in reincarnation to be aware of. We may not have a specific memory of an identity or a particular time or place that we knew someone, but we could have very strong feelings associated with a person indicating a past-life memory.

In 2012, this is exactly what happened to me. I had deep grief around Robin’s death, someone I had never met or knew, but felt strongly that he is a member of my soul family. The feelings were unexplainable, but I explored them, reached out to Robin in Spirit and the result of that is documented on this website. I have no direct past-life memories of Robin or who he or I may have been. But I do have the feelings.

I go into a little more detail about the grief I experienced upon Robin’s death in this post below about his connection with Johann Strauss and the song, “I Started a Joke.” In the post, I share an interesting synchronicity that is connected to Ms. St. James’ book as well, that relates to Strauss:

Robin and Strauss

There must have been a time when I did know and love his soul in some other time and some other place. How could I stay motivated to continue to write about this unless there was a deep connection with its origins just beyond my ability to remember? Why would signs and symbols of Robin’s presence with me continue even nine years after his death if there were not a strong spiritual connection with roots in some other time or place?

I would say to be very aware of anyone you have particularly strong feelings for, especially if you don’t know them well. Your feelings could be giving you a hint about a previous connection from another lifetime.

Now I will share a sign of Robin’s presence with me which I hope you will enjoy.

Interesting Patterns in Afterlife Communications

I always enjoy seeing how my connection with Robin’s spirit shows up. On September 21, 2021, my husband and I were on our way home from the dentist. As we drove, we ended up behind a truck that said, “RG Truck Parts.” His initials were right there in front of my face, so I took a few pictures as a keepsake. The name or initials of a deceased loved one showing up unexpectedly is a known form of afterlife communication. Here is the photo:


RG Truck Image

Faye Schindelka writes about this phenomenon of initials of deceased loved ones as a form of communication in the article, “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”:

Here’s an example of a synchronistic afterlife  sign;  you have a thought of your deceased Grandfather while driving and in the next instant you hear his name spoken over the radio. You then look at the license plate on the car in front of you and see his initials. (2)

 The next day, September 22nd, it dawned on me that there is a pattern showing up in my communications with Robin.

September 21st is Robin’s eldest son Spencer’s birthday. This reminded me that there was another time when Robin’s initials “RG” showed up in my life on one of his family member’s birthdays. That was November 17, 2012. That was Robin’s late mother’s birthday. On that date, I went shopping in a thrift store and saw his initials on 2 mugs with identical font. I wrote about this here:


Afterlife Communication and Initials on Mugs


I love how his initials show up in this way, on his loved ones’ birthdays! It makes the connection synchronistic and the communication even stronger! It makes me feel like everything in my life is divinely ordered. I’m sad that my husband had a dental emergency, and yet that led to this sign from Robin that I may not have otherwise received.

Thank you for reading!


1.   St. James, Jewelle (2003). All You Need is Love, Revelstoke, B.C. Canada: St. James Publishing, Kindle Location 672.

2.  Schindelka, Faye. “Are You Experiencing After Death Communication?”


Christina Samuels Signature

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