I have some nice experiences of synchronicity to share with you. They all involve names in some way. They point to an easy going, everyday connection with Robin at the soul level. It’s always been that way with him and afterlife communication. It occurs in the most unexpected ways during the course of my regular activities.


On July 10, 2019, I went to my doctor to review the results of some lab work I had done. Before he came in, the medical assistant took my temperature and blood pressure as per usual. It was a short appointment and I had a good report from my doctor, so I was happy.

The next day on July 11th, I did some research for my post called Twin Soul Reminders which I was still working on at the time.

As I was searching on Pinterest for photos showing Robin’s reconciliation with his children, I came across a picture that got my attention. Robin was on stage with a beautiful singer named Lorna Marshal. I had never seen this picture before and thought it was cute. You can see the picture here.

But it caught my attention for another reason which is the name ‘Lorna’.

The day before at my doctor’s office, the assistant who took my vitals name is Lorna. I had never seen her before and I distinctly remember looking at her name tag to see what her name was. When she left the examination room, I said to her, “Thank you, Lorna.” So, I had just met someone named Lorna and then the next day, I see a picture of Robin with a woman named Lorna.

Lorna is not a common name where I live and I never really come across women named Lorna. So, since it’s uncommon for me personally, it really stood out to me that I matched with Robin through this name. It’s an example of how my current life in the physical world matches an aspect of Robin’s life even though it was years ago. It’s all about the timing of seeing the picture for the first time within about 24 hours of my doctor’s appointment.

Maybe I synched up with Robin regarding Lorna because he liked her! He seemed to be having fun!


On July 23, 2019, I finished my post called Purple Telekinesis and scheduled it for publishing.

I had been studying the color violet in order to write a little about it for the post. Here is the excerpt:

For those of you interested in yogic science, here is a description of the chakra system, including the seventh chakra which is known to be violet.


Key themes associated with this chakra and the color violet includes higher levels of consciousness and awareness as well as Oneness with the Divine. I believe this would fit with a message that Robin would want to give me. Through telekinesis, he was telling me to research what purple means spiritually.

Later in the evening, I decided to watch one of my favorite television shows called Grantchester. They are on Season 4 and I had been waiting for Episode 1 to show up in my PBS queue.

As I watched the episode, I noticed the main character, Sidney Chambers, met a woman named Violet and ended up falling in love with her. Her name came up many times in this episode. I thought it was such a nice match with how I had been researching the spiritual qualities of the color violet earlier in the day. I feel like I was guided to watch the show at that time in order to receive the synchronistic gift. This shows how elements of my work for Robin and this website end up being reflected back to me in my day-to-day life.


During the evening of July 24, 2019, I spent time at Robin’s altar bringing a tea offering. I also decided to take out my tablet and read some of my older blog posts. It helps me to review things periodically and I like to reflect on what has occurred.

I felt guided to read my post called Circle of Stones. I was surprised when I saw I had written it last December. I can’t believe how much time has gone by…

I noticed all the “Brennans,” I wrote about like Brennan Dunn, the license plate BRENNAN and then Maire Brennan from the music group Clannad.

After we were done with tea, I went to see what my husband was doing.

He was watching a t.v. show. I decided to lie down on the couch and join him just to keep him company. I was not planning to watch the show because I was getting tired. I also didn’t have my glasses on so I could not see the t.v. But, he said he thought I might like the show, so I got up and got my glasses and came back to watch the show. It is called The Hotel Fixers.

As the show went on, I noticed a couple of times that it sounded like the narrator was referring to “The Brennans.” I did not know who any of the people in the show were so I kept watching and listening. I heard the name, “The Brennans” a few more times. When the show ended, I decided to wait to see the closing credits. It turns out that the show is about the work of hotel experts Francis and John Brennan!

Another synchronicity with the name ‘Brennan’! Robin must really like that name!

Actually, I think the synchronicity is about Robin’s love for and connection to Ireland, the country where his wife Dwina is from.

Clannad is an Irish band and The Hotel Fixers work with hotel owners throughout Ireland. They also had Irish Wolfhounds that he really loved. Here is a picture of him with his cute dogs.

I think I got the ‘Brennan’ synchronicity again because I did not highlight his connection to Ireland clearly enough the first time! Loved ones in spirit always give you second chances, lol! I hope I got it right this time. 🙂

Once again, the timing was impeccable. It was 2 days in a row where a television show I watched matched something to do with my blog posts. I really enjoyed the playful synchronicity and thanked Robin and all spirits involved in orchestrating this.

Synchronicity: A Spiritual Multi-Vitamin

To me, synchronicity is the outer-world representation of a deeper, inner spiritual connection to God, another person, animals, nature, art, work, music, etc. The inner connection and togetherness shows up in the outer world.

When I receive a synchronicity, it’s so wonderful because I feel like I’ve been given a spiritual multi-vitamin that immediately enhances and boosts my overall mood and sense of well-being. I feel deep inner joy and expansive feelings of love!

I truly accept the beauty, magic, awe and wonder of the synchronicity into my being. I drink it in, absorb it and receive all of the spiritual health benefits. That’s how you get the most out of synchronicity and other spiritual communications. I feel supercharged!

When synchronicity presents itself, don’t just blow it off as a mere coincidence. Take a look at it, see what it has to offer you and what it is saying to you. It could be a deep multi-layered blessing and communication from a loved one in spirit. Or, it could be something very important for your spiritual growth.

If you feel a strong connection to the message and drink it in, that’s how you get the spiritual multi-vitamin effect! Embrace the synchronicity because it is a form of spiritual nourishment, love and light being woven into your life.

Twin Souls: Entangled Particles

Due to the love that souls can share for each other, I believe they can become entangled at the quantum level and begin matching, synchronizing and mirroring each other even when thousands of miles apart or in different planes of existence.

In terms of my soul connection with Robin, I feel that we are entangled particles of spiritual light at the quantum level. This is my truth because I have experienced a high degree of synchronicity and other communications with him that are mind-boggling. If you have read some of my posts, I hope you will see why I have come to this conclusion. I would not say something like this if I did not have evidence. In all honesty, I think I just gave you some in this post!

Another important truth is that the vast majority of the synchronicity I receive overall in my life has to do with Robin in some way. Before his passing, I never had so much synchronicity in my entire life. I would have one occasionally and it would definitely get my attention.

But ever since Robin’s passing, synchronicity in my life has skyrocketed, always connects back to him in some way and very often includes my husband Julian as I have documented multiple times on this website. It is very common for twin souls, soul mates and soul family members to connect through synchronicity.

Aspects of Robin’s life from the past match up with aspects of my life in the present. The aspects match up within a close time-frame. It’s an amazing phenomenon.

Throughout this website, I am showing how twin soul connections manifest through synchronicity even when the two souls are in different planes of existence. This is the work I have been guided to do and I hope you have benefited from it.

Thank you so much for reading! I’m having fun writing about this!

With Love and Kindness,

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