How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up
How Deceased Twin Souls Show Up In Your Life
This post is about how deceased twins can show up in your everyday life. That is pretty much what this entire website is about, but I thought it would be fun to offer some more examples of how the connection with Robin’s spirit manifests in my life.
Deceased twins are obviously going to show up differently than twins who are both incarnate. I imagine that most incarnate twins, who are aware of their twin in spirit, will quickly learn the language and communication style of their deceased twin.
It is my experience that a twin in spirit will use a multi-tiered approach to communication. That is because it is easy for humans to dismiss one dream or one synchronicity related to a person in spirit. However, it is impossible to ignore multiple and continuous instances of synchronicity, dreams, and telekinesis that point to a specific person. This is the way the spirit of the person is letting you know the connection is one to attend to.
In this post, I will focus on how deceased twin souls show up through the language of synchronicity.
But first, I would like to share a brief update on my feelings about twin souls.
A Brief Perspective of Twin Souls
I have always been honest in stating that I am a twin soul student, not an expert. That is why I do not sell any services related to this topic on this website. I prefer being in student mode, as these concepts about twin souls and soul families are something still relatively new to me and topics I studied in depth only after Robin’s death in 2012. As I continue to learn more and my understanding continues to develop, I like share new perspectives.
The funny thing for me about writing so much about twin soul and soul mate connections is that prior to Robin’s passing, I knew nothing about twin souls and really was not interested in the concept of soul mates! Prior to meeting my husband in 1997, I never thought about soul mates. I thought about attracting a partner I was compatible with.
At that time, I had just come out of a bad breakup. I realized I needed to get clear on what I wanted in a partner so I did not end up enduring needless heartbreak again. I did not think about soul mates all those years ago because I really didn’t think this concept applied to me. It wasn’t on my radar. So, it’s ironic that at this stage of my life, age 54, twin soul energy has become a big part of it.
As a person experiencing an afterlife twin soul connection, I feel I have been given the “job” so to speak of communicating very clearly that life after death is real and true for Robin and all of our loved ones who have passed away.
As I mentioned in my post on twin souls below, I describe twin souls as a person or soul, living or deceased, who is from your soul group that you share a nearly identical energy light vibration with at the spiritual level.
Thoughts on Twin Souls
This spiritual closeness can develop possibly as a result of how we were created together, and many shared experiences across time and space. I say ‘possibly’ because there is still a lot of mystery involved in determining how souls become twinned, at least from my perspective.
I definitely have a closeness with Robin’s spirit due to the afterlife experiences I have shared with him in this lifetime. This closeness will indeed carry over into future existences wherever they may be.
Twin souls are energetic twins. They may look alike physically in some cases, but also may not due to coming from different racial and ethnic backgrounds and being in different age groups.
I am not a proponent of the theory that twin souls are one soul divided into male and female halves. It doesn’t sit right with me and in some ways is overly simplistic to me.
To me, what we are really talking about is the spirit of a person which in my opinion is intelligent energy light. So, I’m not sure how that can be split into male and female halves.
Many people write about the separation of male and female halves of the soul into twin souls, but they don’t say anything about how this actually happens. What does this entail? At what point does this happen? And, how can you actually verify that your soul has been split into male and female halves?
Perhaps some people feel they can verify it or have been told that that is the case for them, so I respect their perspective, but I cannot say the same.
I think it is a beautiful sentiment. The Bee Gees sang about this in their song, “My Lover’s Prayer” with the lyrics, “And my soul is divided in two”…
I believe that two people can love each other so deeply that they may feel like their soul is divided in two. But whether that is actually what has happened at the spiritual level, I’m not sure about that. But even if it is not, it does not mean you love that person any less.
I know many people disagree with me. Maybe I’m wrong, and some things may be true whether I believe in them or not. I can only say that this is my understanding of twin souls at this time as far as it applies to me personally.
I’m always open to learning more, while using my own discernment, from posts like this which I think are interesting. You can see what you think about soul groups consisting of 144 people. I wonder how such a precise number was determined. I believe it is important to be knowledgeable about different points of view, even if you disagree. I like to link to lots of different articles to supplement what I’m writing. I believe the ideas expressed are worth considering, but that does not mean I believe or agree with everything that is said in an article.
I still believe in twin souls being a closely bonded pair within a soul group in which we understand, love each other and do valuable work together. I believe you can be a closely bonded pair within a larger soul family of loving souls without having been divided into male and female halves. I believe you can still be and live as spiritually one with your twin soul and the other members of your soul group without being divided into male and female halves.
I feel this way because I recognize both feminine and masculine energies within myself and I recognize them in the people I’m closest with. So, I can’t see myself being ‘split’ exclusively into the female energy half.
I also recognize that many people identify with being primarily female or male energy. Yet, I have a feeling that who we are as spirits goes beyond earthly descriptions of male and female.
So, this is what I am talking about when I say I share a twin soul connection with Robin. After all the synchronicity, dreams, telekinesis and other forms of afterlife communication, I believe I have enough evidence to support my saying that I share a twin soul connection with his spirit and energy. I am not saying our souls are divided into male and female halves. I feel uncomfortable saying that and that is after over 8 years of communication.
Is Twin Soul Theory Too Gender Binary?
I have acquaintances who are gender-fluid and non-binary, and they have taught me to move beyond seeing things from the perspective of the male-female dichotomy only. It is an important spiritual message and one I am embracing.
In my previous post on thoughts on twin souls, I was overly simplistic in my writing about male and female binary energies as they relate to twin souls. The binary perspective is still valid and important. I identify as female (she/her pronouns) and I am a cisgender woman, so this has influenced my writing.
However, I am correcting the tendency to see things only according to this perspective by learning and growing into a deeper understanding about the wide range of perspectives on gender and how that applies to twin souls.
I am really glad that from the beginning of my connection with Robin, I was given the valid sign, which I wrote about in the “Background” section, that our connection is about the light that emanates from within us and the color of the light. It wasn’t about being male-female halves.
I think the notion of gender at the soul level becomes much more complex when you consider the perspectives of people who do not identify with any gender. Twin soul theory is extremely gender binary, but this perspective does not apply to all people and I’m sure many people feel left out in the ‘twin flame world’ as a result.
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share my evolving perspectives with you.
Now, I would like to move into discussing how deceased twin souls can show up in your life, offering my experiences of synchronicity with Robin’s spirit as examples.
Synchronicity of Busts
One of the main ways deceased twins show up is to stay synchronized with you through everyday events.
On the evening of Friday, September 25, 2020, I watched The Great British Baking Show, Season 8, Episode 1, Cake Week, on Netflix. This is one of my favorite shows.
On this episode, the bakers were tasked with creating a bust of someone they felt connected to. It was a fun and interesting show. I always enjoy the pretty set and creativity of their designs.
A few hours later, after midnight on September 26th, I could not sleep yet. So, I decided to read one of my Bee Gees’ books that I had not finished. It is by Jeff Apter and called, Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees.
I browsed through a few pages and then flipped to the end of the book to see what was there. There was text about Robin’s home in Thame, Oxfordshire. Then, I came across this quote, which really stunned me because it was a direct synchronicity with the t.v. show I had just watched:
A bust of Winston Churchill, one of Robin’s heroes, rested alongside a suit of armour. (1)
I was amazed and felt so close with Robin’s spirit at that moment. It felt like he was present in tandem with me, saying through this synchronizing, “You watched a show where they were making busts out of cake. Well, I have a bust too and I’m right there with you!”
This is how he showed up that evening.
What amazes me about synchronicity is how precise it is. It picks up on the most minute details of what is going on in your life.
For me, busts are not common. I never think about them or hear about them at all. So, the synchronicity really stood out because I was hearing about busts twice within a few hours of each other. For someone else, for whom busts are a common, everyday thing, this might not mean as much. But for me, it is very uncommon, so that is why I enjoyed this so much.
I knew that Sir Winston Churchill was a hero of Robin’s, but I did not know he had a bust of him in his home. So, I learned something new along with the wonderful message.
The energy of deceased twin souls often shows up in the mirroring of life events that connect back to them in some way.
Synchronized Bliss
When I received this synchronicity, I really felt like I had been guided by “a thousand unseen helping hands” to pick up and browse through the Bee Gees’ book that night. I had not read it in a while and had not had the chance to finish it previously. But, I was pulled to read it again after I watched the t.v show.
This statement about “unseen helping hands” comes from Joseph Campbell, whom I now quote:
When we follow our bliss, we are met by a thousand unseen helping hands. (2)
Afterlife communication with Robin is following my bliss. It has been since the very beginning in 2012. I feel Robin’s unseen helping hands and many others supporting me along the way. I am not writing this blog all by myself. He and others are helping me, whether you consider them angels, spirit guides, God, or whatever you choose to call them. They are giving me the material to write. It is important to give credit where credit is due.
Communicating with Robin’s spirit brings a beautiful dimension to my life that I never could have expected in my earlier years on this earth. I am so grateful to him for opening this door to me and being willing to connect with me spiritually in such a powerful, beautiful way.
Experiencing the synchronicity, that sense of deep connection with his spirit that is beyond this world, is bliss. That is why I continue to write about my experiences here: they bring me so much joy.
I wish the same for you, that you follow your bliss, if that involves afterlife communication with someone you love in spirit. It can be done if you develop your own way of communicating with your loved one.
Now, for additional commentary, I would like to quote the late Cornelia Kluijtmans (Cormael). She had some very good things to say.
The Little Things
Cormael’s website is no longer available to be seen on the internet, so I can’t link to this specific article I am quoting from. However, I kept this article in my files because I resonated strongly with what she said. So, I can accurately quote her. All I can do is offer this link from the Wayback Machine which catalogs websites that are no longer available.
Here is what she said about synchronicity and the seemingly small things in life. The bold is mine for emphasis:
What we see from higher perspective is, besides that [unconditional love] matrix, how these counterpart-units connect, which is governed by the Law of Synchronicity. This synchronicity can be found in little things that don’t seem of any importance on face value, but when they start awakening it all suddenly becomes crystal clear, and this can individually be different for each pair of counterparts, but everything has to do with synchronicity and synchronicity only. (3)
I feel she conveys well what I have experienced with the ‘bust synchronicity’ and Robin’s spirit over the years. The majority of communication with him has been through very precise and strong synchronicity related to seemingly little details of my life. There is no way for me to ignore it. If anything, it commands my attention, albeit in a kind and loving way.
All of these ‘little things’ begin to add up. They can be anything in my life that do not seem that significant at first glance and may not seem important to someone else. But they are meant for the person they are given to. In fact, these little things that synchronize, the minutiae, can point to a very strong connection. When it comes to synchronicity, I would definitely suggest paying attention to them. This could be how your deceased twin or loved one communicates with you.
I respectfully disagree that everything has to do with synchronicity only because I think an afterlife twin soul connection also has to do with visitation dreams, telekinesis and other forms of soul communication. But I love her scholarly work, really miss her blog and resonate with the vast majority of what she had to say.
Speaking of synchronicity, on October 20th, literally a few minutes after I wrote this text from the previous section…
And, how can you actually verify that your soul has been split into male and female halves? Maybe some people feel they can verify it or have been told that that is the case for them, but I cannot say the same.
My husband starting talking about an issue with a client from years ago and said, “There’s no way that people can check or verify it…”
I thought, “Is that right? I’m glad you are still telepathically connected to what I’m writing about Robin when you don’t even know it!” I actually did share the synchronicity with my husband and thanked him for it. He’s a major part of the equation in terms of soul communication with Robin.
So Cornelia was correct: it does have a great deal to do with synchronicity.
I say that because another synchronicity occurred while I was writing this post on October 20!
Writing about Synchronicity Generates More Synchronicity!
I wanted to find a good website or book to link to her mention of “The Law of Synchronicity,” so I did some research. In Google, I came across this book I had never seen before called, The Merciful Law of Divine Synchronicity, by Orest Stocco.
I read a bit of the book preview I linked to for you and to my surprise, he described the two books he has written as twin souls! I felt like spirit was really on a roll that day. If you click on the link, you’ll see it mentioned in “Note to the Reader.”
I have never seen an author describe their books as “twin souls” before! I wasn’t even looking for a book on twin souls, but there it was, a reference to the concept.
Writing about afterlife communication is my passion and bliss, as well as experiencing it, so I think that is why synchronicity often occurs when I write.
I went to Amazon to find out how much it would cost to buy the book. I noticed that the full title of the book included “A Twin Soul Book,” which I had not seen on the Google book review. All of this synchronicity occurred on the same day I wrote the section of this post called, “A Brief Perspective of Twin Souls.” It feels like we hit the synchronicity bullseye and yes it is Divine.
The strongest synchronicity that I experience in my life always has to do with Robin. Yes, I do have it related to other aspects of my life, but it is by far strongest with things associated with his spirit. That is why it always stood out so much to me, especially shortly after his death, and mysteriously continues to this day. It is truly a joy to see how his spirit shows up. I never know what I’m going to get!
In Closing
I would like to share this quote by Rudolf Steiner. It conveys exactly what I am intending to share in this post. The examples I have given demonstrate the ongoing exchange of information and communion between Robin’s spirit and mine:
People think nowadays that when human beings pass through the gate of death, their activity ceases as far as the physical world is concerned. But indeed it is not so! There is a living and perpetual exchange between the so-called living and the so-called dead. (4)
May you be blessed with continuous loving exchange between yourself, your twin and/or your loved ones in spirit. I hope you find joy in seeing how they show up for you!
1. Apter, Jeff (2016). Tragedy-The Ballad of the Bee Gees, London, England: Jawbone Press, Page 266.
2. Campbell, Joseph. https://www.azquotes.com/quote/1139052.
3. Kluijtmans, Cornelia. (2018?) https://web.archive.org/web/20180430101133/http://www.cormael.com/the-cormael-couple.
4. Steiner, Rudolf (1999). Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationships with Those Who Have Died-Selected Talks and Meditations 1905-1924, Great Barrington, MA: Anthroposophic Press, Page 160.