This post was originally published in 2018 with the title, "A Dream Burst of Energy." Updated on May 10, 2024 In this post, "Afterlife Dream: A Burst of Energy from Robin," I share a powerful dream visitation experience I had with his spirit during the summer of 2012....

Twin Souls: Ancestral Spiritual Connection
I’m always sharing with you that I offer Robin tea and have lunch at his altar space to connect with him spiritually. So, I thought I would give you some information on the roots and foundation of this practice.
After reading many articles on how to connect with deceased loved ones and ancestors, I started bringing him tea offerings in 2012 as a way to bond with his spirit and allow him to get to know me.
This article, Five Ways to Honor Your Ancestors by Daniel Foor, is one of the best I have found in terms of discussing altar creation and making offerings to deceased ancestors (See section, Make Offerings to the Ancestors).
I highly recommend it. I found the suggestions easy to apply to my twin soul connection with Robin. It has informed me well over the years and taught me what I could do to create an everyday, ongoing relationship with him. It is possible to do this. If a particular spirit is your twin soul, then you may feel pulled to establish a relationship with them like I did with Robin.
Making tea offerings for Robin’s spirit on a regular basis keeps us close and connected. It’s one of my ways of sending him a message of love and support that is easy and affordable. Making this offering lets him know I am thinking of him and actively participating in our spiritual relationship.
It’s important to give your loved one something they would have liked and I was pretty sure he liked tea. Years ago, I read in my Bee Gees book that Robin and Dwina had garden tea parties at their home:
Robin and Dwina once again opened the grounds of their home, The Prebendal in Thame, for the Heritage Foundation with a summer garden tea party on July 17. (1)
In addition to offering him tea, I have also explored tea shops in countries that he loved. While sitting at his altar, I go online and research cute shops. I share with him what I find. Here is one on the Isle of Man. I wonder if Robin ever went there.
If it’s not too expensive, I might consider ordering some tea from Manx Tea and Coffee. It seems they ship all over the world. This is an example of a very special way to bond with a deceased loved one: connecting with a beloved country of origin through food or drink. Of course, you don’t have to do something like this, but if you can, I’m sure your loved one would deeply appreciate the effort you show to care for them in such a specific way.
By doing these things, I am treating Robin as a real and living spiritual being who is capable of being very well aware of what I’m offering him. Based on personal experience, I know that people in spirit are not sleeping all of the time. I believe there are times of rest, but Robin showed me that he is, at times, very active. He’s awake, alive, and alert in Spirit and he knows what’s going on with those closest to him.
Once you have the faith that a loved one in spirit can sense and connect with what you are doing for them, amazing responses back to you can happen. People in spirit are a lot smarter than people in physical bodies often give them credit for. Robin has shown himself to be highly intelligent and creative as a spirit and I have passed that information on to you in many of my blog posts.
Twin Soul Ancestor of Spirit
I consider Robin to be an ancestor of my spirit. A twin soul is a key member of your core soul family and one you are closest with in terms of spirit energy light. According to Sal Rachele in the book Soul Integration, twin flames (twin souls) are defined as:
The counterpart to your soul, that emerged from the oversoul at the same time as you did. The other part of your soul pair. Your “other whole” (as opposed to other half). (2)
A good metaphor for this is a pair of shoes. The right shoe is a whole shoe, but half of a pair that includes the left shoe. I’m a whole soul, but half of a pair that includes Robin. The larger soul family that we are a part of is also included.
It is possible to meet your counterpart after their physical death. That is what happened to me.
I bring him food and drink offerings the way that others would make offerings to deceased ancestors of their bloodline. However, it is my belief that ancestors are not blood relatives only. You could have soul family members that you have no blood relation to whatsoever. I’m certain that there are people adopted into wonderful families that would agree with this. What I am talking about here is the Spiritual DNA of our extended soul group. Astra Ferro writes about this here and gives a thorough and helpful explanation of this concept. It’s a good article.
This concept is also discussed here and encourages us to think in broader terms about who our ancestors are including and beyond bloodlines. In this article, the author is saying that our spirit ancestors have much to offer in the way of support for their relatives on Earth.
Due to my life experience, my point of view is that spirit is thicker than blood. Twin souls carry the same spirit energy. You can’t get much more familial or ancestral than that.
It is spirit energy in the form of light, vibration, colors and sound. It is very similar to the spiritual description of soul mates found here. (See entry for Courageous Souls by Robert Schwartz). Whereas soul mates have a very similar vibration, twin souls have a nearly identical vibration.
Benefits of Connections with Twin Soul Spirit Ancestors
Spiritual ancestral connections, such as twin soul connections, are often very beneficial for the one still on Earth. Some people assume that by communing with spirits, you are automatically communicating with an evil entity. That is not necessarily the case. I personally would not allow that in my life and I use spiritual protection daily. You have to test the spirit and see what kind of energy he or she is bringing into your life.
This website has very good variety in terms of prayers for protection from different faiths and traditions. I like to use a combination of different prayers to keep my requests for protection fresh and authentic. Prayers for protection are meant to be read from the heart and soul for a deeper effect.
So, what are some of the benefits? Since Robin’s passing, my relationship with God has grown much stronger. I am growing more conscious of my Oneness with God. I trust God and Spirit to be there for me much more than I used to. I have much more faith in the afterlife, where it is not just a belief, but a knowing.
I’ve studied and learned many prayers and mantras that I have offered him over the years for the healing and edification of his spirit. In the process, my spirit has been healed and strengthened as well.
Over the course of the seven years with Robin, I have lost weight that I have kept off. I’m not a vegetarian, but include lots of vegetables in my diet as inspired by his good example.
I also became a teetotaler. When I learned that Robin did not drink alcohol for a significant period in his life, I decided I wanted to be the same way. I didn’t want any substances to interfere with my connection with him.
All in all, he’s been a very positive influence. I’ve gone through a lot of purification with him being in my life.
All Robin has ever done is bring more love, intense learning, mystical beauty, and joy into my life. Through his presence, I have greater knowledge and awareness of the interactive nature of the unseen world around us. There is an unseen world filled with living spirits capable of engaging in intelligent, caring, 2-way communication with loved ones in the physical world.
It is a fact. I have seen it with my own eyes.
Part of my work with Paisley and Poppies is to show you that this is true. I have shared with you how over the years, Robin has left incredible physical evidence of his presence with me.
Since there is so much negativity, judgment, and fear when it comes to communicating with spirits, I wanted to be sure to report the positive experiences I have had in being connected with Robin.
I have been writing for over a year now and have over 100 posts that include dozens of supporting sources and references. So, at this point, people will either believe me or they won’t. I have done my best to share the truth of what I have experienced concerning Robin. I know some of you are with me and have had your own beautiful experiences with Robin and other loved ones in spirit.
Loved ones, twin souls, and ancestors in spirit keep trying to get through to us to let us know they still exist. It’s absolutely amazing what some spirits can do and I include Robin in this category. I feel the least we can do is to acknowledge, with gratitude, the signs we are given. It’s our responsibility to open our hearts, watch, listen and pay attention to what they have to say.
All my best to you and thank you for reading!
- Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 18403-18404). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
- Rachele, Sal (2013). Soul Integration. Wentworth, New Hampshire: Sal Rachele and Living Awareness Productions, page 318.
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