Psychedelic Afterlife

Psychedelic Afterlife

Psychedelic Afterlife

A couple of years ago, I discovered this video on You Tube of an afterlife interview with Robin. The interview was by Kari Mena and Alison Allan of The Shiny Show. Here is the link below:

I know many people are skeptical about afterlife interviews such as these, but I enjoyed it and got something from it. I think it is good to be skeptical about afterlife interviews being done through mediumship, especially when they show up on You Tube. However, I experienced two synchronicities around the time I watched the interview, so I felt like I was aligning with Robin’s energy. As a result, I thought that it was possible that Alison and Kari were connecting with Robin’s spirit. I enjoyed the interview, their sensitivity and sense of humor.

In this post, I am going to review one synchronicity that I experienced, which has to do with the psychedelic nature of the afterlife.

The part of the interview that I want to discuss has to do with what Alison said Robin experienced at his passing. This is at the 30:20 mark on the video. I am transcribing it here to make it easier for discussion in this blog post. Kari is asking Robin a question and Alison is describing what Robin is communicating to her:

Kari: And when you did pass, how was your crossing?  What did you experience?

Alison: Um…He just showed me, you know Jack in the box, how they just go Boom! And that’s…he jumped out of the Jack in the box, and wearing this multi-colored pin striped jacket, the dandy hat, and sort of landed in, um, Alice in Wonderland type…(laughter)

Kari: Wow! That sounds great! I’m taking his train over.

Alison: Yeah, I wonder what he was smoking on the other side! (laughter) It’s really colorful. It’s like a Beatles album cover, you know what I mean…

Kari: Yeah, I do know what you mean!

Alison: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds…it’s, it’s amazing, it’s colorful, it’s beautiful, and he’s just showing me, ta da!!! (laughter)

Afterlife Communications

That was pretty funny! Yes, that does sound like an interesting trip over doesn’t it! I loved the description as it sounded like a lot of fun and takes some of the grief, sadness, and seriousness out of Robin’s passing.

The Eternal as Psychedelic

After I watched this interview, a little time passed and then I thought to do a google search on “psychedelic twin flame” just to see what came up. Hearing all this talk about Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds got me thinking! During my search, I discovered this book called, The Fragrance of the Mystical Rose: The Revelation of the Out-of-Body Travel Celestial Mysteries from the Enclosed Garden of God (March 12, 2016) by Marilynn Hughes.

She cited a book by Arthur Edward Waite. You may recognize his name as he is the co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot card deck that is very popular:

The book she is citing is called Hidden Church of the Holy  Graal:

I am referring to this excerpt from Marilynn Hughes’ book which you can find here. I have typed the excerpt for you below. The underline and bold are mine:

The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal, Arthur Edward Waite, 1909

As all that is eternal is ‘psychadelic’ in a certain fashion, the initiate will undergo a series of ritual passages into psychedelic energies. The initiate will meet his or her counterpart or twin flame in the mystical realms; his eyes will become psychedelic rather than one color. The winds will become psychedelic. The ether will whirl with an ethereal psychedelic cyclone of energies. Finally, even the aura will become psychedelic. Bright, colorful neon colors, beyond this world. Everything becomes psychedelic as the initiate enters into that which is eternal

And remember, even as the initiate continues entry into the eternal, the karmic thrusts continue on the ground…sometimes for many years.

Afterlife Communications

This is such an interesting writing. I have never come across any other author who spoke of the eternal in terms of being psychedelic. When I read what Mr. Waite said, I felt a clear connection with what Alison said Robin’s experience was at his passing: a psychedelic one. Both Alice in Wonderland and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds are clear psychedelic references.

From my point of view, when Robin passed away, he was entering into that which is eternal. Alison’s report of Robin’s passing matches closely with what Mr. Waite is saying in terms of the psychedelic energies and colors beyond our physical plane. When Waite talks about entry into the eternal, I’m not sure if he was talking only about when we pass away, or if it was something temporarily achieved through an out-of-body experience. Still, I don’t think I am mistaken to connect the experience of Robin’s passing to something eternal, as that is a common expression related to passing away (i.e. eternal rest as a common euphemism for death).

As Robin entered the eternal, I wonder if he was being initiated into psychedelic energies. According to the interview, he experienced them at the very least, and seemed to enter into a mystical realm. Perhaps when we pass away, we all become initiates into psychedelic energies. I don’t know for certain, but I find this interesting to ponder given that this synchronicity came to me.

There are other accounts of the beautiful colors of the eternal world. In Life in the World Unseen, there is a description of gardens surrounding a temple in the higher planes:

Gardens alone surrounded it—a great sea of flowers, extending, it almost seemed, as far as the eye could see, and presenting such a galaxy of brilliant color, in great banks and masses, as the earth could never contemplate.

Borgia, Anthony. Life in the World Unseen (p. 67). Kindle Edition.

Afterlife CommunicationsI also think it is interesting that Mr. Waite was writing about twin flames in 1909. As many of you reading this already know, the belief in a twin flame or counterpart goes way back and is by no means a modern development only. For me, it was interesting that I received this information about the psychedelic nature of the eternal or afterlife when I was not looking for it directly. I was searching for information about twin flames and any psychedelic connection related to twin flames, but along with that, I got this information about the eternal that also connected with Robin’s afterlife experience.

Robin and I met as twin souls only after his entrance into the eternal. We met after he entered into a mystical realm beyond my current understanding. We have also met in the mystical realms through my dreams.

As far as karmic thrusts continuing on the ground (the physical world), that could refer to the reverberating impact that Robin’s physical incarnation had on the world of music. It could also refer to the love and ongoing connections with family, friends and fans on earth. The effect that Robin had on millions of people, since the time he was a child, was and is very powerful which is why in his case, I could see that karmic thrusts could continue.

When Robin’s soul left his body, he was not finished with the physical level of the earth plane. If he were, I would not have this blog as there would be nothing to write about. I am able to write this blog because Robin is still actively engaged with the physical plane of the Earth and he is giving me lots to share. I have the impression that he never went far from the earth. I’m not saying that his soul does not travel to other places, which I’m sure it does, beyond my understanding.

afterlife communicationsI am saying that he never completely left the earth plane. That I do know for sure. How do I know this enough to say it in writing?  Beginning in 2012, I was hit with the shockwave that is Robin Gibb and I never recovered! The evidence for that is in this website. That is how I know lol!

Thank you for going on this psychedelic journey with me. In my next post, I would like to write more about this notion of the initiate that Arthur Edward Waite wrote about. That post will be called The Initiate.

All my best to you,





How are you today? I hope you’re doing well! Please read the post called Thicker than Water before reading this one so you will have the proper context.

I became familiar with the writings of Spirit Guide Sparrow during my journey of learning with Robin. A lot of what he says has been very helpful to me. If you would like to learn more about him, here is the link:

He addresses the issue of pre-incarnation life planning. He shares a different perspective than Brian Weiss, as mentioned in my previous post, Thicker than Water. I share this with you because I want to present the truth that there are many different perspectives on this.

I like to explore different perspectives and enjoy looking at things from many different angles. Nobody here on earth has the final answer on these matters. Still, you may find that some teachings resonate with you more than others, just as I do.

Afterlife Communications

Here is the blog post, Planning Future Lives, Remembering Past Lives.

I hope it gives you more food for thought. This is long, but worth reading. SGS expresses how I feel in terms of pre-birth choices.

I choose this quote because it makes the points I most want to highlight:

One must utilize their own heart wisdom in this. There is no being within their greatest wisdom and self-love who would purposely plan their own state of suffering, or that of other loved ones. A child does not plan being raped by their family member nor does a soldier plan on having his or her legs blown off by a grenade, perhaps to learn some grand lesson or repay by suffering some fictitious karmic debt. Suffering does not make a wise soul. Suffering causes soul trauma and only lowers the vibration of a being who then has to deal with this upon their passing.

The part where he says, “It’s like saying you have no free will…” is important to me. It’s also like saying the other people you encounter in your life have no free will either, for inevitably, our lives are connected with others. If there were some plan or script, the people around us would have to be playing their part in our script.

And we would have to be playing our part in their script. If you think about all of the people you have met in your life, and all the potential scripts there would be to follow, I don’t know how you could possibly plan all of that in a pre-birth state.

Afterlife CommunicationsWith all of my heart, I say “thank you” to Spirit Guide Sparrow for this. I know someone out there needs this message like I did.

I’m almost done with my radiation therapy and expect September 26th to be my last treatment.

I will still be on other medication, but I’m glad this part will be done. It looks like I’m a breast cancer survivor!




Thicker than Water

Thicker than Water

I introduce this post with one of my favorite Andy Gibb songs, (Love Is) Thicker than Water, which matches the theme of this post.

He is such a beautiful spirit and I would like to honor him with this:

In my previous blog post, A Robin’s Nest, I mentioned briefly how I grew up in an abusive family. It is something I have spoken with Robin about over the years. It is also why soul family is so important to me. Robin being a member of my soul family in spirit is just as important to me as him being my twin soul. Over the past twenty years, I have found that nothing truly replaces a lack of biological family connection. But having family in spirit, a loving spouse, and good friends on earth can help tremendously.

While doing research for my previous blog post, I came across my book by Brian Weiss called, Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love.

He addresses the issue of family abuse in this section called, The Security of your Spiritual House, Chapter Five, pg. 103. I share it with you here because he made some excellent points that supported me in my life. Many people have suffered due to abuse, so by sharing this, I hope to help someone:

Sometimes your biological family is not your real family. Your parents, your siblings, and your other relatives may not understand you. They may not express love and caring to you.


But you must not allow yourself to be abused, whether psychologically or physically. You must not rationalize abuse as tolerable merely because its source is your family, your friends, or your religious community.


There is an old saying that says blood is thicker than water. This means that when times are tough and your friends or acquaintances may fail you, you can still usually count on your blood relatives to come through for you.


I say that if indeed blood is thicker than water, then spirit is thicker than blood. You can always depend on your spiritual family to be there for you.

Weiss, Brian. Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love (pp. 103-104). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition. (Underlining and bolding are mine).

Pre-birth Choices

There is a common belief among many people that we choose our parents. Brian Weiss says this in his book. I include this here in the spirit of healthy debate:

Our lives are not the result of random actions and events. Lifetimes are wisely and carefully scripted to enhance our learning and evolution. We choose our parents, who usually are souls with whom we have interacted in prior lifetimes.

Weiss, Brian. Messages from the Masters: Tapping into the Power of Love (p. 11). Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Edition.

That’s great if you have loving parents, but what if you didn’t? I’m not sure I agree with this belief, and I have never received any confirmation or proof of that.

I think it’s especially cruel to say that to a person who was emotionally, spiritually, physically and/or sexually abused by a parent. These experiences cause life-long soul damage and trauma. I think things are a lot more complicated than to tell someone callously, “You chose this.” How does anybody know what another soul supposedly chose in their pre-birth state? They don’t know. They just think they know. I have seen this belief used in damaging ways to wrongly accuse, judge, blame, criticize, and point the finger at people for their life circumstances. That is why I object to it so strongly. I have experienced it.

People need to think before they say that and know the history of who they are saying it to. Sensitivity and compassion are in order. If they chose something so horrible, and I’m not sure they did, then why?

Afterlife Communications

One spiritual advantage of this situation that I can see for myself is that by lacking warm, nurturing family relationships on earth, I was more open to connecting back with Robin and my spiritual family, my important family, on earth and in spirit. Perhaps if I had the loving family connections, I may not have been as open to such otherworldly relationships as I have now.

Another thing that occurred to me was maybe I wanted to be born into Massachusetts in 1966 so I could match up with Robin and his song. Perhaps the parents I was born to were the ones who were available to me at the time as a soul. It doesn’t mean I was meant to be with them for the rest of my life. Being born into a particular family should not become some kind of psychic prison built on a false sense of obligation.

Perhaps as a soul in my pre-birth state, I had no way of knowing that my parents would turn out to be abusive. Dr. Weiss says we choose our parents, but then it turned out that they weren’t my real family. Maybe I got the wrong script. How much can you really know as a soul, about the life you are about to enter, before you incarnate?

I don’t know if I will ever know the answer to these questions on this side of the veil. I think it’s possible we could plan some details of our lives, but that doesn’t mean we choose everything. There are too many variables involved.

My heart tells me that I did not choose to have abusive parents, but that I can choose my response to having abusive parents. I can choose which direction I will go in.

Afterlife Communications

I can choose to leave abuse behind and preserve my spirit, while also embracing the process of acceptance. I can choose to see the silver lining and any good they passed on to me. For example, I was born into a family with members whose birth dates match some of Robin’s family members’ birth dates as I wrote about in the Life Parallels post. Even if I was in a less than ideal family, my spiritual connection with Robin was still intact. For me, spirit is thicker than blood.

How these birth dates, among many other things, ended up matching is still beyond my understanding. Even with twin souls, not everything matches up. I’ve never been to even half of the places that Robin traveled to and performed in. But maybe, we arrange just enough matching life events so that we can see the pattern and connection we share later on.

I have more to say about this topic of pre-incarnation life planning in my upcoming post called Sparrow. There are many other perspectives. Ultimately, it’s most important for each of us to decide what is true in our own heart for ourselves. That will certainly be influenced by our own individual life circumstances.

Loving regards,


My Guest Post

My Guest Post

I was recently invited to share a guest post on the website of Andrea Mai. She is the twin soul of Prince Rogers Nelson and a very talented photographer. Here is the post:

I found out about Andrea through my research on twin souls. She does very interesting work with Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). Here is a link explaining a little bit about this:

I contacted her through email and exchanged some enlightening stories, both of us sharing our experiences with having a twin soul on the other side.

Afterlife Communications
Afterlife Communications


What made me relate to Andrea, and trust her enough to share some of my experiences regarding Robin, was a passage from her post,

She explained that a twin soul connection is made quite clear after one twin passes away because they announce their presence with you. It is my belief that this is true in some cases. It may not be true in all cases. but it is true in mine.

Afterlife Communications

This statement of Andrea is 100% true for me in my experience with Robin. He found me in Colorado after he passed away and announced his presence through dreams, synchronicity and telekinesis. This fact is even more powerful given that while he was alive in the physical, he didn’t know I existed.

I could not deny that I had a spiritual connection with Robin, but I was very confused as to what it was for quite some time. I did not understand why I felt he was a member of my soul family. It took years of studying his life for me to see the twin soul parallels that we share. It took me six long years before I was ready to share anything publicly about my twin soul connection with Robin because it took me this long to learn about what really made us twin souls and to truly comprehend the situation.

 You may think that is a long time, but when you are married and already have a busy life, it’s not so easy to figure this out. There is an incredible amount of information and misinformation about twin souls on the internet.

Since I knew nothing about this type of connection, I had to study everything from square one. I studied everything from soul families, soul groups, oversouls, twin souls, twin rays, soul mates, primary soul mates and twin flames. There’s a lot out there and often you find writers defining the same connection in completely different ways. If you have studied any of the connections I just listed, you know what I’m talking about.

It is also complicated by the fact of who Robin was and who I am, which is someone very much not in the public eye. I have a small circle of friends and no aspirations to be famous whatsoever. I am a quiet introvert who is very thoughtful about what I do and what I share. But ultimately, I wanted to make a contribution to the literature on this very important, and at times, perplexing topic, and that is why this blog now exists.

This is not about bragging about someone who was famous being my twin soul. I really don’t like the cult of celebrity and celebrity worship. This is about sharing true and legitimate examples of afterlife communication between twin souls. If I continued to be unwilling to share my experiences, important information would be missing in the literature. What Robin can do as a spiriual being is absolutely amazing and I think it is important for people to know what loved ones in Spirit are capable of doing. A body of literature on any given topic exists only because people have done research, completed case studies, and shared findings through their writings. This is what I am doing here on my blog, which may become a book at some later date.

Afterlife CommunicationIf you have the chance, please stop by Andrea’s site to see my post and what she and Prince have been up to.

Note: The views expressed on are her own and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of Christina Samuels, Paisley and Poppies. Thank you.

All my best to you,


Afterlife Dreams: Happy Together

Afterlife Dreams: Happy Together

On July 9th, I had a talk with Julian about how being happy now is the best and fastest way to have the life you want. Transcending challenges by choosing to be happy anyway allows you to still enjoy life, heal and transform them. Life is never perfect for anyone, so I figure I can choose to be happy and bring more joy into my life.

I learned about this attitude when reading the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Here is the passage where this way of thinking is encouraged:

The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life. Focus on radiating out into the Universe those feelings of joy and happiness…(pg. 100)

No matter what you have manifested in regards to your body, you can change it—inside and out. Start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy. Happiness is a feeling state of being. You have your finger on the “feeling happy” button. Press it now and keep your finger pressed down on it firmly, no matter what is happening around you…(pg 133).

I went to bed that night thinking about being happy. Later in the night, I had a dream about Robin.


We were in a grocery store. He looked like he did when he was in his early 60’s, before his illness. He was in good spirits. He smiled at me and said thank you to me for something, but now I don’t recall what he was thanking me for. In the dream, he was much taller than me. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him. (As an aside, physically he was 5’9” tall from what I read somewhere. I’m 5’10” tall, but in the dream, he towered over me). Then, he started singing, “we’ll be happy together…” Then he walked out of the store, pushing a grocery cart.

After I woke up, I spoke with Robin about the dream. I said to him that I knew the song he was singing, but couldn’t remember the band who sang it. I looked up, Happy Together, on YouTube and found that it was the song by The Turtles. I love this video and music from the 60’s. It made me smile just watching it:


It was such a nice message from him. He was picking up on the happy theme I was talking with Julian about a few hours before I went to bed. I also went grocery shopping earlier that day too, so it’s like he was mirroring my life in the dream and knew what I had been doing. It felt very much like a visit with Robin, so I take the dream as spirit communication with the use of song.

It is very common for loved ones in spirit to use music and song as a way of communicating and it’s probably even more likely if your loved one was a singer or musician. According to Faye Schindelka:

Afterlife Communications

Music seems to be a favorite means of afterlife communication used by the deceased. It seems that music is manipulated fairly easily by those experiencing life after death, perhaps due to its vibratory nature and unique frequency. Many who are grieving the death of a loved one have relayed experiences to me of hearing songs that are highly relevant to the deceased, playing at extremely unlikely yet opportune moments.

It is wonderful to me that Robin came to me in this dream, singing a few notes of this uplifting song. The way he sang it sounded just like the way The Turtles sang it, which was why I could recognize the song. If you read the lyrics, it’s actually quite a beautiful love song, maybe a bit idealistic. But many of us have probably felt that way about someone in our life at some point:

It’s true that feeling happy is good medicine. Having this dream about Robin contributed to my happiness all day. I’ve listened to the song a few times and it’s kept me in a happy place. Robin gave me a happy song that has been playing over and over in my head. This situation is also a positive example of the law attraction at work because talking about happiness with my husband  before I went to bed led to more happiness in the form of this dream about Robin.

Afterlife Communications

Yes, we are all happy together! I wish the same for you and your loved ones.

All my happy best to you,




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