Tree Hugging

Tree Hugging

While I was pursuing my career in clinical psychology many years ago, I developed an interest in a branch of psychology called Ecopsychology. It is the study of how people benefit emotionally from deep, therapeutic connections with nature.

One of my favorite authors in the ecopsychology field is Michael J. Cohen.

He wrote a book called Reconnecting With Nature: Finding Wellness Through Restoring Your Bond With the Earth Apr 1, 1997. This has been my primary text in studying this work.

As I learned more about Robin’s life over the years, I discovered that his wife Dwina practiced Druid spirituality. I have mentioned this in previous posts.

I did some research to learn more about it because I knew absolutely nothing about Druid spirituality. In 2015, I discovered a website called The Druid’s Garden.

The author, Dana, writes truly in-depth, scholarly posts about Druidry that brings a modern focus.

Afterlife Communications

I discovered this post called, Druid Tree Workings: Connecting with the Tree on the Outer Planes February 27, 2015. I absolutely loved it and it’s one of my favorites.

I want to point out one excerpt in particular and then I will illustrate why it is important. The bold is mine:

Basic Courtesy when Working With Trees.


… So, one of the basic ways we can respect all life, and build a relationship with it, is by recognizing its inherent personhood. While this may be a radical idea to some, this animist philosophy has guided my thinking and spiritual work with plants, trees, animals, insects, rivers, and so on. And so, the idea is that you treat the tree with the same respect and courtesy that you would when approaching a human you don’t yet know–you wouldn’t just lean up against them or pull a piece of their hair.

  • Approach tree with respect, ask if you can sit and communicate. You will receive an answer one way or another–it might be a feeling, a quiet breeze, or some inner signal. Respect the tree if signs point to “no.”
  • Ask what, if anything, does the tree want in return.  I wrote about sustainable offerings before and suggested offerings might be way more extensive than just a little bit of food or wine. Traditionally, tobacco, corn paho/corn meal is a common offering in the Americas, but may or may not be appropriate for you to give.
  • Once you have permission, sit and commune using any of the techniques below.

Of course, once you’ve made friends with a tree, you should treat the tree in the same way you treat your human friends.  Physical contact and frequent visits strengthen bonds; doing nice things, etc…


As I read this post, I realized that it sounded very familiar. I went to find my Reconnecting With Nature book.

Just as I thought, there was a nearly identical writing in the book. The section is called Activity 2: Partnering with Nature: A Discovery Experience. Here it is for your review. The bold is mine:

Go to something in nature that you like, that you find attractive. A park, a backyard, an aquarium, or a potted plant will do. When you get to it, notice how you feel.


Now, treat this area fairly, with respect, as an equal or friend. Don’t bully it, instead gain its consent for you to visit and enjoy it. Ask this natural area for its permission for you to be there. Doing this increases your sensitivity to the area. Ask it if it will help you learn from it. You cannot learn if you are going to injure or destroy it, or it you. Wait for about half a minute. Look for adverse signals of danger such as thorns, bees, cliff faces, etc.


If the area still feels attractive, or becomes more attractive, you have gained its consent. If this portion of the natural area you visit no longer feels attractive, simply select another natural part that attracts you and repeat this process. Do this until you find an area where a safe attraction feeling remains. (page 22)

At the moment I read this, back in 2015, I realized that ecopsychology is very strongly related to Druid spirituality! There right in front of me were the identical themes of respect of nature, asking and waiting for an answer and gaining permission to approach.  These are all things I believe in very deeply.

Afterlife Communications

Soul Family, Shared Interests, Shared Light

So, I share this interest in nature-based spirituality with Dwina, although with somewhat different manifestations. It touched my heart to discover this similarity. I feel this is another very important twin soul life parallel. Twin souls will not only share parallels with each other, but also with each other’s spouses, friends and family members.

That is where the feeling of being spiritual family with Robin really comes in even though we do not look alike physically due to different genetics. Not everything will match of course. But with twin souls (and soul mates) there will be some or many shared similarities that stand out as particularly significant and meaningful. This similarity is very significant to me because I spent many years studying ecopsychology, practicing the activities, and seriously considered it as a career path at one point. It wasn’t just a passing interest.

Even though Robin and I do not look alike physically, I was given guidance that we do look alike spiritually with nearly identical hues of light. I feel that the identical light vibration we share at the core of our beings manifests itself in my physical world life through profound synchronicity that connects back to him.

Since 2012, I have been fascinated by this concept of identical soul light frequencies being shared by the same soul group members and twin souls. Judith Kusel has a very interesting commentary. Here is an excerpt I would like to share with you. I have not had her Soul Reading and I’m not necessarily endorsing it. I am including this excerpt only because of the similarity with the description of identical hues of light I wrote about in my background section. The bold is mine:

Question:  How can I find what “color ray” I emit?


Answer:  My Soul Reading gives the colors that your soul vibrates to or rather at.


I know there are many people who say that are blue ray, or whatever.  I am not into that, for essentially the soul consists of more than one color ray and most human beings cannot see the other cosmic rays, because of the limitation of human understanding of the soul.


I personally am not interested in what color ray I am, for I know on which frequency bands my soul operates, and what we understand as human colors, is the very limited range of colors we know, as in human terms and what our limited eyesight can discern.  However cosmically there are many more colors and hues of colors, frequencies and vibration frequencies of color and sound, that we human beings do not even know of nor are aware of.


Color and sound go in OCTAVES of vibrational being, and therefore, again to limit this in human terms is to do a great injustice to what is Cosmic Creation!


There are some psychics that can see that and if you truly wish to know then go and find someone who will give that to you or ask deep inside of yourself where all the answers are held.


It is always good to find your own answers and you own truth!

Ecopsychology Applications for Afterlife Communication

The suggestions the authors give for communicating with trees and nature can also be applied to communicating with loved ones on the other side of the veil. Approaching our loved ones with respect, care, asking if you have permission to communicate and asking if they want or need anything in return is a wonderful way to establish a connection. It is also a great way to maintain your connection for years to come.

There have been many times over the years that I still ask Robin for his permission to communicate. I ask if it is ok to talk. I acknowledge that he could be busy and I say that if he is, I can send him a spiritual “voice mail” so to speak. I speak out loud and leave him a message. Most of the time, this takes place at his altar that I created for him. This is one way I show him love and respect.

I decorate his altar for different holidays and say that I hope he likes it. I buy items for his altar that have spiritual and symbolic meaning for both of us. I ask him if there is anything I could do to make him feel more comfortable with his altar space. Some may think this is unnecessary since we have been connected for a while now. But part of the reason our connection is strong is because I have been doing these kinds of things for years. I take nothing for granted. Twin soul afterlife relationships need to be cultivated and cared for just like every other relationship or soul connection. I’m really kind to him and he’s really kind to me!

Because of what Robin has done for me over the years, I have been inspired to continue to love and care for his spirit. Caring for his spirit brings in more love and communications from him. It really is a case of getting back what you give, just like with interactions with nature. Tending to Robin’s altar has become a beautiful aspect of my spiritual life and is very much a devotional practice. The altar serves as a centerpiece for communicating with him.

Adam Bauer speaks beautifully about home altars and devotional practice:

For many years, the home altar was an abandoned concept: only orthodox or very devout homes kept the tradition. But now, rather than a proscribed space, the home altar has become a sort of new hearth, a gathering space, a touch point – where individuals create connection and make meaning of their own. It’s personal, and varied and rich.

Creating an altar for a loved one in spirit invites their energy into your life and lets them know that you are giving them permission to communicate as well. Loving spirits will want to treat you with courtesy too and will be glad to have consent. Once they do, a whole new amazing world could possibly open up for you.

Major Synchronicity: Tree Hugging

On Wednesday, December 12th, I spent some time looking for photos for this post. Searching for pictures to accompany my writing is one of my favorite new pastimes. I find it relaxing and most of the pictures are quite beautiful.

At first, I was searching for pictures of trees and forests. Then, it occurred to me that there could be pictures of people hugging trees. So, I searched for them and found a few. At this time, I had only completed a rough draft of this post and still had a lot of work to do in terms of writing. So, I saved the photos of trees and tree huggers in my drafts folder in my email that evening.

On Thursday, December 13, 2018, I watched a t.v. show called The Profit with Julian late in the evening. At this point, I still had not done any additional writing on the rough draft of this post.

It was an episode about a company that created all of its merchandise from cork. It is called Queork and they were on Season 6, Episode 2. During a scene, Marcus Lemonis brought the company owners to a vineyard in Healdsburg, CA for a business meeting. Before the meeting, he went on a walk with them. Marcus pointed out a cork tree out to the owners.

Marcus said, “I want to be a tree hugger.” Here is the screenshot:

Afterlife Communications

I can’t tell you how shocked I was at that moment. I had to pause the show to talk with Julian about it. Later, I showed him all of the photos of people hugging trees that I had saved on Wednesday, Dec. 12th. I wanted him to see the mirroring. I continue to be amazed at how often events in my daily life connect back to Robin and this blog. The mirrors and echoes connecting us across time and space are magical and spiritually uplifting to me.

Before I saw Marcus hugging the cork tree, I was thinking of changing the title of this post to something else, but no other title came to me. After I saw Marcus hugging the tree, I knew I should keep the title of this post exactly as it was!

If you enjoy this mirroring aspect of twin souls, here is an article I hope you will like. I think it is excellent:

Let’s Close Now

On my home page, I wrote:

Many of my posts will demonstrate how a twin soul connection could manifest given that these connections very often occur after one twin dies.

When I wrote that, I was making myself accountable. I would say that God, Robin, and my spirit support team are doing an incredible job at giving me evidence to share with you. I give them all of the credit in making my job of presenting this information so much easier. I’m so grateful that Spirit gives me synchronicity that I can take pictures of. That way I can show the truth and reality of what has occurred. Robin and I can’t finish each others’ sentences or call, email or text each other at the same exact time. So, one of the ways our connection shows up is when something in my life clearly reflects back to me what I’m writing about Robin. I love being able to document the mirror reflection.

Afterlife CommunicationsThese communications also have a quality of being inexhaustible. You may have noticed that in your own life when you experience synchronicity. The number and nature of synchronicity is infinite. More of it keeps being orchestrated and generated and I’m continuously blown away by it. I feel very strongly that there are loving powers and forces at work determined to see to it that my spirit stays connected with Robin’s spirit while I am here on earth.  That is because we have work to do together. Synchronicity is like spiritual glue that keeps us together and keeps me motivated, awe-struck and inspired. You really need that inspiration when your twin is not incarnate.

I hope all is well with you, dear reader.


Christina Samuels Signature

Circle of Stones

Circle of Stones

In this post, I will demonstrate a 5-way soul connection between God, Julian, Dwina, Robin and me. The connection manifested itself through synchronicity regarding circle of stones.

During the evening of November 13, 2018, while driving home after shopping, Julian was listening to a podcast on his phone. I noticed that the first name of the person talking was Brennan. At the exact moment I saw the name on the screen of Julian’s phone, I saw a car driving by with a license plate that read, BRENNAN. Seeing this plate left me wondering why there was a rare and unique synchronicity with the name Brennan. I couldn’t think of any reason at the time.

I could not take a picture of the license plate because the car drove away before I could get my phone out.

Here is a picture of my husband’s phone with the podcast he was listening to.  You can see the name, Brennan Dunn:

afterlife communicationsDuring the next evening, November 14th, I felt the desire to get back to reading one of my favorite books called Circle of Stones: Woman’s Journey to Herself  by Judith Duerk. I have had it for at least fifteen years I would say. I had not read it recently, but I was drawn back to the quiet, introspective nature of the book encouraging women to focus on self care. I’m in post-cancer recovery so I felt I needed the lessons in this book again that focus on inner listening and care for the soul.

With your twin soul, you will share many incredible life parallels. But some of them may stand out amongst the others as particularly heart-touching and beautiful. The book Circle of Stones is not just any book to me. It has a very important feminine nurturing quality that I have needed periodically in my life. It is like an old friend. The fact that I carried this book for many years of my life rang as very important to me when I found out that Robin and Dwina have a stone circle at their home. Here is an excerpt describing it:

On June 21, 1992, more than 300 white-robed Druids gathered on Hampstead Heath to celebrate the summer solstice and elected Dwina Murphy Gibb their patroness. (1)

To mark her new position, Dwina decided to have the tennis courts at The Prebendal bulldozed to make way for her own stone circle. “Stonehenge is the main solar temple, but there are others,” she explained. “I plan to build a special stone calendar aligned with the winter solstice at our Oxfordshire home. “When it is completed, I will be able to tell what time of year it is just by looking at which stone the sun is shining on. That’s what Stonehenge was partly used for. Then we will have a ceremony to inaugurate it.” Dwina added seriously, “It will be a natural extension to the religious history of the house – and it will be of far more use than a tennis court.” (2)

Afterlife CommunicationsWhat she described sounds very beautiful. This parallel I share with Robin and Dwina regarding stone circles is one of my favorites and is deeply meaningful to me.

Historically, stone circles can be found around the world and mark a place of sacred and spiritual significance.

On the evening of November 14th, I read a few pages of my book that I had highlighted in the past. Then, I thought to do a little more research on Robin and Dwina’s stone circle. Through a google search, I found some information in the Belfast Telegraph. Here are some important excerpts:

Stone circle

Dwina is, in fact, patroness of the Order Of Bards, Ovates & Druids. She has even built a stone circle on an old tennis court in the grounds of the Gibbs’ Oxfordshire home – a former training centre for priests dating back to the 12th century.

“If Druidry has a bad name, it’s because of Julius Caesar; the Romans hated Druids and gave them a very bad press!” Dwina explains, insisting her involvement is anything but scary. “I don’t dress up in robes and things. But I sometimes wear white and go out there. It’s just a love of nature and beauty.” (3)

I read through the entire article and discovered more interesting information. Here are two important excerpts:

How did your relationship develop?

Robin commissioned some pen & ink drawings from me – the whole story of Demeter and Persephone. I made them more and more detailed so we could keep seeing each other. I never finished them. I feel quite superstitious about finishing them now. (4)

Apart from Bee Gees music, which other music do you like?

I love Irish music by Mary Black and Clannad. I think Maire Brennan (lead singer of Clannad) has a fabulous voice – one of the finest female voices in the world. (5)

Afterlife Communications

When I saw the name of the musician, Maire Brennan, I thought back to the license plate/podcast synchronicity from the evening before. The synchronicity with “Brennan” is pointing to this article and the mention of one of Dwina’s favorite musicians. This really got my attention. I don’t think it is just a coincidence. I see God at work here.

Here is more on Maire Brennan. She is the older sister of the well-known singer Enya.

After I was done with my google search and reading of the Belfast Telegraph article, I went back to reading Circle of Stones. I flipped through a few pages and read some that resonated with me again. Then, I came across this passage. It is a direct synchronicity with what I had just been reading about Dwina’s artwork:

Pat wrote movingly of the comfort she drew from her perception of her search for her mother as that of the daughter Persephone searching for the mother Demeter, even while the mother yearned for and searched for her daughter…Pg. 11 (6)

I was pretty shocked when I saw this. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I had not read this book recently and did not remember that Demeter and Persephone were mentioned. Now, I had seen them mentioned in writing twice within minutes of each other. This was unusual for me because I never pay attention to or think about Demeter or Persephone.

I also wanted to mention that this passage about Demeter and Persephone was not highlighted by me in the past like some of the other passages I had read. The page was not marked in any way. It felt new to me. I feel like I was guided to it.

I closed the book after that and gratefully said to Robin, “Yup, we’re twin souls.” That was Robin’s mic drop! I had nothing else to say after that (at least for a few minutes, lol!).

In terms of the deeper meaning of this synchronicity for me personally, I plan to study this mother-daughter story to see if I can find some healing wisdom I can apply to my own life.  

It is not that surprising that Demeter and Persephone would be mentioned in a book like Circle of Stones because the author is writing about Goddesses and feminine empowerment. It is surprising that I read this passage in the book moments after reading the story about Dwina’s artwork. The timing was impeccable and divinely ordered. I had no idea, before I started reading, that the book and the article would be connected.

If you are interested in more information about Demeter and Persephone, here is a book I have had for many years which includes a chapter on them beginning on page 137.

Afterlife CommunicationsDuring the morning on Tuesday, November 27th, I was choosing the photos for this post. I thought this picture with pebbles in water was so gorgeous. I was considering whether to include it somewhere in this post even though it is not exactly like the circle of stones I was thinking of.

After I finished with that, I walked out of my office to see what Julian was doing. He was watching Youtube and asked, me, “Have you seen this interview with the Bee Gees and Pebble Mills?” I laughed and said yes I had. I then knew I had to include the picture of the pebbles!

I had a lot of fun with this post. I hope you can see the 5-way soul connection I wrote about at the beginning of this post. There was a lot of strong synchronicity with the Belfast Telegraph article. I consider God to be the great synchronicity generator of which we are all a part.

I hope you enjoyed the stories! I also hope you found something good that you resonate with. That is my hope for every post.

I close this post with the Bee Gees’ interview with Pebble Mills:


  1. Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 15863-15864). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.
  2. Ibid., (Kindle Locations 15873-15879).
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Duerk, Judith. Circle of Stones, Volume 1. San Diego, California: LuraMedia, 1989.



I would like to thank each and every reader who wrote to me after reading my blog posts on skepticism, saying that you believe me. It means a lot to me that you took the time to write me. Thank you so much for believing me.

For those of you who shared some of your experiences with Robin with me, I am so happy for you that you had these experiences with him. I believe you too! He gave you something beautiful to keep in your heart for the rest of your life. I pray that the guidance you were given continues to enrich your life at the deepest levels.

With Love and Kindness,


Close to You

Close to You

Your soul is naked. It tells you what it wants. 
I read your letter and look at how close I’ve come.
There’s more for us to see in this philosophy.
We both end up in heaven and look at how close we’d be.

~Lyrics from Closer Than Close by the Bee Gees from the Still Waters CD,

On November 1, 2018, I was reviewing a file I made for myself a couple of years ago. It is about different aspects of closeness of soul mates and twin souls. I called it my closest soul mate compilation. It consists of different articles and books I have found over the years that have been helpful to me. One such book in my compilation is called Sharing: Self Discovery in Relationships By Kathy Oddenino. Here she describes the energy of twin souls:

Your twin soul is the one soul and spirit within the Universe that is closer to the energy of your soul and spirit than any other spirit and soul of the Universe. The twin soul is the energy of closest attunement with your energy…(pg. 320-321)

I like this description of twin souls very much because she describes the connection in terms of the closest attunement of energy. Many twin soul articles I have read over the years describe twin souls as being an exactly identical match of vibration and energy.

But, I never really agreed with that in my heart because even twin souls have their own identity whereby others can tell each apart from the other. It seems to me that the best you can get is a soul who is nearly identical or your closest match, out of all other souls, in terms of energy light and vibration.

This belief I have is mirrored in early 1900’s writing on soul mates in a book called Spirit Mates, by James Martin Peebles. It is a very interesting book. The language is archaic, but some of the roots of our current understanding of twin souls seem to come from these spiritualist writers. Here is an excerpt describing what sounds like twin souls and how they are still individually identifiable even when merged in the spirit world:

Question: “What is the ultimate form of the soul mates far on in the celestial spheres; that is, do they blend or merge into one form ultimately?”

Answer: “We are told that ultimately, in the celestial spheres, ages on, the reunited soul mates appear as one rounded, glorified sphere of light, possessing the attributes of intelligence, energy, wisdom, love and power, but that the distinct and individual attributes and elements of each, the male and female, are plainly discerned and manifested; there is no swallowing up of either individuality by the other part; and that whenever they wish to, they can separate and appear as two separate individuals, male and female.”

Peebles, James Martin. Spirit mates: their origin and destiny; sex-life, marriage, divorce (Kindle Locations 1826-1832). Battle Creek (Mich) : Peebles’ publishing company. Kindle Edition.

Within my family/group of souls in the unseen spirit world, I consider Robin to be the spirit with the closest attunement with my energy due to the strong and life-changing experiences I have had with his spirit after his passing. I have done my best to provide evidence to support my statement throughout this website. No other spirit has ever come to me the way Robin has. He truly woke me up.

afterlifeIf there is a spirit within my soul family with a closer attunement to me than Robin, they have not presented themselves in my life. I write what I say with an attitude of humility. I’m speaking from my current level of understanding at this stage in my spiritual evolution. The conclusions I come to are based on the information I have been given from spirit directly. I have shared some of that information here on this website. I am sure that over time, my understanding of my connection with Robin will grow and evolve. I have a feeling though, that my fullest understanding of my connection with Robin and the rest of my soul group in spirit will come only after my passing into the dimensions where they are.

Ultimately, I surrender my spiritual connection with Robin to God so that Spirit can guide and direct me and illuminate my heart and mind as to the deeper truths about who I am to Robin and who Robin is to me in the spirit world.

I feel I have met a handful of women in my life who I consider to be soul mates from my soul family in the spirit world. With these women in my life, we mutually feel that we are the same energy and knew each other before in other lifetimes. This brings me to the point I want to make about the difference between soul mates and twin souls. It’s all about our energy, essence, vibration, light, color and sound on a spiritual, esoteric level that we cannot see with the naked eye. It’s not so much about whether we like the same food or movies.

I feel that soul mates have a very similar energy, light and vibration to our own that is comfortable. To me, twin souls are the ones with the closest, most powerful attunement to our own energy. That is what distinguishes one from the other, although both are extremely important. Love between soul mates and twin souls is infinite in the spirit world. Soul mates in the unseen world would be the spirits in your soul group or family. These are spirits that I’m sure I love deeply on the other side, even though I do not know who they are at this time. If you are interested in some good information on soul families that has guided me during my journey, I would recommend the book, Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between by Dr. Linda Backman.

I will use this metaphor to describe what I’m feeling. When I meet a soul mate, it’s like turning on one light in a room, in a room with multiple lights. You are comfortable, cozy with that one light on and you can see just fine.

With a twin soul, it’s like all of the lights in that one room have been turned on. You really wake up and feel supercharged, like you have to be careful not to blow a fuse. That is the difference in my personal experience between Robin as my twin soul and other soul mates I have met.

Being with Robin is like having all of the bright lights turned on in one room. I think it is because he is in pure spirit form now.  It’s still comfortable, just much brighter. The energy is amplified. You can see much more clearly. Everything is illuminated better than with one light on. This is how it feels to me. I make no claims that it feels this way to others because their experience may be different than mine.

Compilation Synchronicity

So, on November 1st, after I finished reading my closest soul mate compilation, I got up to see what Julian was doing. He was watching something on YouTube. Synchronistically, he was watching a compilation of his own about animals from the Dodo channel I wrote about recently in my Kookaburra blog post. I saw the word, “compilation” on the video and then in multiples as many other compilations were presented after this video was over. It was an amazing synchronicity. It is another example of how my work with Robin ends up matching something in my everyday life.

Here is the compilation Julian was watching. It is called Animals Thankful For Being Rescued and Loved Compilation | The Dodo Best Of. I hope you like it:

Julian is often the person to deliver the synchronicity to me that connects back to what I was working on with Robin. In The Afterlife, Angels and God: Collected Essays by James Judd, he mentions this potential connection between a disembodied twin soul and a spouse of a twin. In the first paragraph below, he explains how twin souls can connect if physically separated:

If both souls are in embodiment at the same time, even though physically separate, communication can still take place in the inner world, and if only one is physically embodied, then it can be a focal point for the expression of the other soul who is in the inner world. And if that physical soul is married then it is also possible for union between the Twin Souls to occur vicariously through the marriage partners, particularly when the marriage relationship is harmonious and both are spiritually open. (pg. 32)

I would like to share one more excerpt from this book, which I can relate to from personal experience. It speaks to what can happen when there is this spiritual openness. Over the years, I have seen many times how Robin communicates with me through Julian. Julian has made the agreement with Robin that gives him permission to do that. How does this manifest? On a regular basis, Julian will say or do something that relates directly back to what I just said to Robin, read about him or written for him for this website, without him knowing it. Or, Julian will give me a sign that I asked Robin for. So, there is this link and soul closeness between the 3 of us. Here is the excerpt:

Question: But what happens when the twin in spirit has an enlightened consciousness, and its counterpart in physical embodiment is spiritually aware or open?

Answer: Then there is a free exchange of power and assistance between them, and the soul in the physical becomes a focal point or channel through which the Twin can give its Divine Light. As mentioned in my talk (previous essay), when the embodied soul is married, and the spouse is also spiritually open, then the marriage partner will also be a channel between the Twin Souls. (pg 40-41)

Even though I like what James Judd says, I want to make it 100% clear that my writings are completely my own. I am not channeling Robin when I write. These are my thoughts and feelings. Some authors say they are channeling a disembodied spirit and writing what they are being told. That is not what I’m doing here.

I would say that Robin can work with both Julian and me as embodied souls he is connected with spiritually. He is a powerful, positive spiritual influence in both of our lives, and I know he is guiding me in terms of the work I do for this website and other areas of my life. I can serve as a point of contact for Robin. Then, I share with you what he has shared with me, in terms of dreams, telekinesis, synchronicity and other communications. But neither of us can channel Robin and sit down and type what he says. I would never even attempt to do that.

When James Judd says, “…the marriage partner will also be a channel between the Twin Souls,” I might substitute the word channel and use the word messenger instead, so there is no confusion. Julian is part of the Oneness that I share with Robin. We are all a part of that Oneness.

Linking to Spirit

In this very interesting blog post, Amanda Linette Meder talks about how spirits can link up with humans to communicate.

I offer this quote from the post linked to above:

“Can they get closer than next to you? A Spirit can take the linking process one step further, by floating right into your body…”

You could ask, “Can they get closer than close to you?” Apparently, they can. This is why I advocate spiritual protection as I wrote about here. It seems like this type of spirit communication and connection is going on frequently between spirits and embodied people.

Based on my personal experiences, there is a loving link between my husband, Robin and me, with God directing us all.

I have also noticed other times when Robin’s spirit strongly appears to be with a person I am talking to as I mentioned in this post (cashier placing his hand to his ear the same day I read about Robin doing the same thing when he sang).

So, it doesn’t just happen with my husband! It is a fascinating phenomenon that I never noticed occurring in my life before Robin’s passing.

I close this post by acknowledging and honoring veterans of the Armed Forces and those who died serving their countries.

The link below shows Remembrance Day 2018, pictures of poppy displays created to honor fallen soldiers:


Christina Samuels Signature



Note to readers: I wrote this blog post over the course of a couple of months, September-October. I hope you enjoy it!

On the morning of Sunday September 9, 2018, I checked my email and noticed my daily message from Sometimes I delete them because I get so much email I don’t have time to read all of it. But this message was sent to me at 12:22am, so I paid attention to it. As I have mentioned before in my post, The Miracle of Robin, I communicate with Robin using his birth date numbers, 12:22, as they show up on the digital clock. These numbers represent December 22. I have also communicated with Robin through 12:22 as it showed up over the years in different contexts. So, I decided to click on the message. Here is a picture of the email and the message below. The messages are personalized depending on what your name is:

Afterlife Communications

Copyright 2018 Christina Samuels



You are more amazing than you have imagined Christina

You were born with the amazing natural power to manifest anything that you believe to be real. Your body and mind work in a divine synchronicity with the entire Universe, pulling everything your heart yearns for to you with incredible speed and accuracy. Your only limitations in life are your limiting beliefs. Where do you believe that you are limited Christina?

The amazing thing about these apparent “limitations” is that each one is also just a figment of your imagination. Nothing inside the mind is real. What’s real is that which doesn’t ever change. Do you know what that is Christina?

The wise masters all agree that pure consciousness is the background which perpetually remains the same. Everything else is subject to change and is illusory,and it’s all happening in the Universe of Christina!

Realize your personal connection with this ancient truth and you will discover a tremendous freedom inside. You will find that secret part of you which is always free from any type of suffering and can never ever get stuck in any pain.

Total freedom is yours now, and it naturally occurs from putting all your energy and attention into the source of pure consciousness itself. Simply noticing how good it feels to drop
all attachment to this crazy mind chatter….

I thought it was a good message. Then I moved on to this article I had emailed to myself but did not have time to read yet. It is on twin flame telepathy. Here is the link:

The author’s story is very good and I encourage you to read it when you have time and see what you think.

It’s a long article and I scroll down to read through. Then I came across a synchronicity. See where the phrase, “mind chatter” is mentioned above in the message I received? Well, here it is showing up again in this blog post within minutes after I read my message:

Sometimes twin flames share lengthy conversations which seem to happen entirely in the mind. This “mind chatter” can be a maddening experience since it can last hours and be quite relentless. Sometimes these “confessionals” go on so late into the night that we cannot help but fall asleep regardless, only to be woken up by the chatter in the middle of the night! The times where I have experienced this most intensely have been after my Kundalini awakening and after our mutual surrender. The conversations are very much like the intense face to face conversations that we would have had at the time if we had seen each other and involved planning next steps, and explaining recent internal growth and insights to the other, as well as mutual reassurance and expressions of love.

Afterlife Communications

“Hello. How are you today?”

I know what she means by this, only I tend to have my conversations with Robin out loud as well. Then, I listen for any messages coming in through claircognizance mentally. I can really relate to what she said about the confessional too. Many times when I sit at Robin’s altar, all the things I’m holding inside at the moment come pouring out to the surface. Also, many insights come to me during these times alone with him as well as synchronistic expressions of oneness across the veil. I wrote about that most recently in my post called Kookaburra. Robin is very involved in my life, right down to the crossword puzzles I do. So, sometimes the mind chatter is constructive and leads to beautiful communications.

1222 Pattern

Since September 9th, I have noticed a pattern of when the messages from ‘enlightened beings’ were sent to me automatically. I started noticing the pattern on September 15th. I started getting these messages almost every day at 12:22am. In fact, I took a moment to count how many times I have received the messages at 12:22am between September 15 and October 7 as an informal study. Out of the 23 days, I received the messages at 12:22am 18 times. On the other five days, I received them at 12:21am, which are mirrored numbers. From September 22 to October 1, I received the message every day at 12:22am. That is 10 days in a row!

Afterlife Communications

Copyright Christina Samuels 2018





I feel strongly that Robin was and is communicating with me through these messages using his birth date numbers. Somehow, I feel his spirit got into these messages and is having them sent almost every morning at 12:22am. What are the chances that this would be happening by chance alone? I think it’s highly unusual and really makes me feel like he is trying to get my attention this way, which he has. Also, I think he likes the messages and wants me to pay attention to them. He knows I am more likely to do that if his numbers are somehow connected to them.

For some, this may seem far-fetched and I can understand that. However it has been documented in the afterlife communication literature that loved ones in spirit may like to use technology to communicate. Technological communication is one of the 12 types of after death communication:

Technological – Receiving a phone call from the deceased, text-message, email or through a device, such as hearing their voice through radio static.

Afterlife CommunicationsI think receiving an email at the same time every day, or most days, that corresponds to a deceased loved ones’ birth date is an off-shoot of this. It has been mentioned in the literature that loved ones in spirit love to use numbers to communicate:

Number patterns have a deep meaning and our loved ones on the other side can show us different sequences in order to give us a message. The numbers typically have some sort of significance, such as a birth date, house number, anniversary date, high school baseball number, and so on. The number sequences can appear anywhere and everywhere, such as clocks, phone numbers, license plates and more.

Here are some additional stories of people who believe that loved ones in spirit are texting them. Here are the stories below:

Afterlife CommunicationsReceipts

Sometimes, numbers associated with our deceased loved ones can show up on receipts. On October 17th, I went out to lunch.

When I got the bill, I was delighted to see that the time the server scanned my card was at 12:22pm. I thought, “Robin is on a roll with the 12:22 communications lately”, lol! Given the fact that I have been in the process of writing this blog post when I noticed 12:22 on my receipt, I felt like it was worth mentioning as another example of afterlife communication with Robin.

I did not know exactly what time it was when I finished lunch because I was not wearing a watch. I did not have my phone out. There were no clocks on the wall that I could see and no, my husband did not tell me what time it was. I humorously make these points for the skeptics among us. I had no control over when the server would scan my card. So, to me, that is nice divine timing that I love and appreciate. Here is a picture of the receipt:

Afterlife Communications


Main Course

On October 18th, I had planned on watching the Bee Gees’ Soundstage concert from 1975 that took place in Chicago. I had downloaded the youtube video to my desktop on October 18th, but I did not have time to watch it that day. So, on October 19th, I was determined to watch it because I love it and it’s one of my favorite Bee Gees concerts. The video quality is not the best but that can be forgiven because we’re fortunate to have it on Youtube and the audio is great:

I turned on my laptop with plans to watch the video.

But first, I wanted to briefly check my email. Once again, I had one from enlightened beings.

It was sent to me at 12:22am with this message:

This Moment is the Main Course.

Indulge yourself in this delectable moment of now.
Savor the divine ingredients that your past and future are offering,
and be consumed by the Now.  It is absolutely scrumptious!
Notice how each new bite is unlike any other…

Enjoy the rich, creamy sweetness of your life today.

Afterlife Communications

Copyright 2018 Christina Samuels


Right away, I noticed the reference to “Main Course,” which as you know, is one of the Bee Gees’ most popular albums:

This enlightened beings message mentioning “Main Course” is in direct synchronicity with the Soundstage concert I was planning to watch because at that time, the Bee Gees were promoting Main Course.

I include this screen shot of the video in case you are not familiar with this concert. Here, you can see the graphic of the Main Course album cover, the woman in the spoon:

afterlife communications

I received this message at the same time I was preparing to watch this concert. It is wonderful gift. This is an example of how twin soul’s lives match and mirror each other even when one is no longer in their physical state. Since 2012, I have been amazed at how often my activities and choices connect back to Robin in some way.


I hope you enjoyed this study of how I communicate with Robin with the use of his birthday numbers, 12:22. We have developed this system over the years. I also hope you liked the exploration of how loved ones in spirit can use meaningful numbers to communicate with us. It does seem like they know how to access our emails and phones! They have amazing abilities and I never underestimate what they can do to make their presence known, with love. Robin is especially good at it and is ultimately why I have so much to write about!

Thank you so much for reading and staying with me. I appreciate you so much!!






On September 7, 2018, I experienced an amazing synchronicity with Robin that felt like a telepathic connection. The occurrence of this synchronicity left me feeling like Robin knows the finest, most minute details of my life and that I’m being watched over very closely. I am also picking up on things and places closely related to his childhood without knowing it at first.

During this evening, I had my usual tea time and meditation at Robin’s altar. This is the time I spend lighting candles, talking with him, reading something to him and seeing if I can pick up any messages through claircognizance.

Afterlife CommunicationsAmanda Linette Meder describes this psychic trait well. Here is her link which has a brief discussion on claircognizance vs. telepathy:

Claircognizance is the idea that people can receive thoughts, words, and ideas transferred to them from the non-physical entities.

During my meditation time with Robin, I was guided to see if I could find any readings with beautiful imagery. I like to read the most beautiful things I can find for Robin, with good spiritual energy. I did a few google searches on beautiful imagery in poetry and found a few things I liked. Then, I felt guided to search for twin soul poetry. I looked at a few websites. Then I came across this website called thriveonnews and saw a few lines of this poem which caused me to be drawn to it:

You are not alone in this world. I’m right here with you, never far, always near…See you in the music…~Ian Scott

Afterlife CommunicationsI read the rest of the poem and thought it was something I could relate to. Then I scroll down a little more and I saw this list of spiritual meanings for different animals and insects. All of a sudden, I notice this link for Kookaburra Spiritual Meaning:

I said out loud to Robin, “Kookaburra? Didn’t I just see that in my word search book?” I had just been looking at my word search book about an hour and half before I met with Robin. I was working on a puzzle called “Wing it!” The puzzle included different names of birds. I was on my last few words and nearly finished with the puzzle. One of the last bird names I circled was Kookaburra! Here is the picture of my completed puzzle. I circled “Kookaburra” with darker ink so you can see the word better:


I had never heard of the Kookaburra before and when I circled it, I had no idea what it was and had no plans to find out. I do these puzzles to relax my mind and I had already moved on to the next puzzle. So, when I saw “Kookaburra” twice within such a short amount of time, I knew Robin was with me. I was at his altar, reading to him about twin flame poetry when I came across this bird again.

Even more importantly, this bird has a connection with Australia. As you know, Robin spent some of his childhood there in Redcliffe, a suburb of Brisbane and Sydney:



Here is some additional information (bold is mine):

By whatever means they arrived there, the Gibb family settled in Redcliffe which overlooks Moreton Bay, to the north of Brisbane on Australia’s east coast. This was in Queensland, the Australian equivalent of Florida, which was known as “The Sunshine State”.

Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook,Hector; Môn Hughes,Andrew. The Ultimate Biography Of The Bee Gees: Tales Of The Brothers Gibb (Kindle Locations 1064-1066). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition

It just so happens that this laughing Australian bird can be found on the east coast of Australia:

I really like this spiritual interpretation of the Kookaburra below and it is very timely. Maybe the message will help you too (bold is mine):

The kookaburra encourages us to use laughter as a form of healing. Laughter can be a positive force for the body, even when we force it and we don’t really ‘feel’ it. Laughter between people is a way that reinforces bonding and helps us to enjoy life even when things are very tough. Look at how much you laugh every day, chances are if kookaburra has flown into your life, you could stand to laugh a little more. It is time to turn your hurt into happiness, and the power of laughter is a great road to doing just that…

Kookaburra has a very powerful healing energy, and its presence in a reading or in your life can indicate a time when profound healing is occurring. This healing is not just happening to you, but to people around you, and creates a more healthful ripple effect that creates positive changes to come. Kookaburra can indicate that the querent has reached the end of a difficult journey, and new healthful growth has already begun.

The kookaburra flew into my life metaphorically speaking by it showing up twice within such a short period of time, courtesy of Robin’s guidance. That tells me I could stand to laugh a lot more. So now, here is a treat for you! I hope the contagious laughter of the Kookaburra in this video below puts a smile on your face. Can you imagine walking down the street and hearing this bird laughing every day? I guess you can if you live in Australia, lol!:

 It is very characteristic of Robin to find something to get us to laugh. He had a great sense of humor and I assure you that he still does! Spirit communication with him is loaded with jokes, pranks, laughter and moving objects!

I had no idea that when I clicked on this link with the twin flame poem that I was clicking on an Australian spiritual magazine created by a psychic medium! But what better website to lead me to my Kookaburra synchronicity! I feel like Robin guided me to a website that we would both enjoy. The website even refers to Druidism, which is the faith Robin’s wife follows. That’s a lot of connections with Robin in one website:

My heart is very touched by this message from Robin and I do feel a very strong claircognizance with him in this. To be guided to this website with the Kookaburra message a very short time after I circled that word in my word search book speaks to our very close connection. The words, “twin soul poetry” popped into my head and now I have this beautiful story to share with you. I think it is a special example of afterlife communication between twin souls, and how it can manifest in many different layers.

The spiritual animal totem message of the Kookaburra is very important to me and I am very grateful. It’s not always easy to laugh when going through difficult times, but I’m sure that’s precisely why I was given this message. I also know profound healing is occurring for me and other’s I love that have loved and supported me during my recovery. I hope that you are experiencing profound healing too if you need it.

After I wrote this post (which was on September 8, 2018), I sat down to watch television with Julian. He had found a Youtube video that he wanted to show me. It was about a soul mate bond between a dove and a man who had taken care of him from the time he was a baby. There was something definitely going on with the theme of birds and soul mates that day!

Julian knew nothing about this blog post or the synchronicity with the Kookaburra because I had not had a chance to tell him and explain the whole story. When he showed me the video, I thought, “There it is with a bird again! I just got done with that!” Julian is at times, unknowingly psychically connected to what I’m sharing with Robin. Here is the beautiful video about the dove that Julian showed me:



You might like some of the other Dodo Soul mate videos too if you are like me and love animals. They make the best soul mates! Here is one about Gibby the squirrel. I had to include this, lol!:



Thank you for being a part of my journey. I hope you are doing well and enjoying your life.




Twin Soul Reminder: License Plate

Twin Soul Reminder: License Plate

I have some more license plate communication to share with you! This evening (August 25, 2018), Julian and I were on our way home from picking up some dinner. I saw this car in front of us in the next lane over, with a license plate that read, TWIN, with three numbers. I was so surprised and happy to see that and felt like Robin was with me. Since I’m doing all of this work regarding our twin soul connection, it’s nice to be at the right place at the right time to have seen this plate. I appreciate the gift from spirit!

Here is a picture of the plate I was able to capture. I’m very concerned about people’s privacy that I don’t know and could not ask permission of, so I erased out the numbers and other state identifying information.

The important part is TWIN on the plate:

Afterlife Communication

I strongly resonate with license plate communication and I have communicated with Robin this way since 2012.

It turns driving into a nice adventure.

I continue to read about other people experiencing afterlife communication with license plates.

Here is an interesting story you might like from :

Number Plates

From time to time when we are driving and stop at traffic lights for example, we might notice that the car in front of has a number plate that reminds us of someone.


I remember a friend that I really tried to help, she wanted to commit suicide and in the end, sadly she took her own life. A few months later I was waiting at the traffic lights and I saw her face in my mind’s eye and could hear her voice. She said to look at the number plate of the car in front. Her name was BEV and there on the car in front was BEV, no other numbers or anything. I smiled to myself and said, “Yep you are there BEV.”

Afterlife Communication

When I saw TWIN, I had the same thought that Robin was there. It’s amazing how our loved ones show up in our lives. They are so creative in mysteriously orchestrating these gifts for us.

In addition to seeing the license plate, the woman mentioned above was also communicating with her loved one with psychic skills of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Here are a couple of good links about these psychic abilities. You may have them too if you are interesting in reading about afterlife communication:

I hope you have some great experiences and communications while out driving. Stay alert because as you know, a license plate with a message can show up when you least expect it.



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