My Spiritual Pilgrimage Part Two: The Thame Museum

My Spiritual Pilgrimage Part Two: The Thame Museum


In this post, “My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 2: The Thame Museum,” I share personal photos of The Robin Gibb Gallery that I took during my visit to the museum in May 2024. It was an honor and blessing to visit there. I also share powerful afterlife communication and synchronicity related to Robin’s Scottish heritage that occurred while writing this post. It was a large download of information which gave me a lot more work to do when I thought I was almost done with this entry. Robin’s spirit seemed to say, “Not so fast, you’re not done yet!”

Content warning: This blog post briefly mentions genocide, colonization, and war, as well as other topics that may be distressing to read about. I write about this in the “Poetry as a Vehicle for Synchronicity: Family Tartan” section and the “Pondering Difficult Past Life Connections” section. Please read at your own discretion.

Belongings of Deceased Loved Ones: Robin Gibb


Words cannot describe how meaningful it was for me to see some of Robin’s personal items. This gave me the opportunity to peer a little more into his life, someone I never met, but connected with spiritually only after his death.

Imagine that you were unexpectedly contacted by a soul beloved all around the world after their death, someone that you didn’t know. Further imagine that you have spiritual confirmation that they are a member of your soul family and now you have an opportunity to see some of their favorite belongings. How would you feel? I ask these questions to encourage you to put yourself in my shoes and feel the excitement, anticipation, even longing and wistfulness of that moment.

The museum also has a wonderful gift shop offering t-shirts and mugs with Robin’s image, Robin-bird shaped silver earrings, ornaments, postcards of his wife’s artwork and many other items. I don’t consider myself to be a very materialistic person, but I will purchase items when they have significant meaning to me. So, I was able to buy some of these items to carry the energy of Robin’s exhibition with me. There is a place for meaningful souvenirs in one’s life. When I wear or see them now, it transports me back to one of the most notable events of my life, which was the time I spent in Robin’s hometown.

During October 4-6, 2024, the museum hosted a weekend event to honor Robin’s legacy. Attractions included a Bee Gees’ themed wine tasting, poetry readings, and a harp music concert. I was not there to attend this, but if you are interested in learning what transpired during the event, please click here.

Many additional items were added to the museum collection that were not there when I visited in May, such as his bicycle and family tartan armchair. You can see these items in this BBC article.

While Robin’s museum event was occurring, I had my 58th birthday while living in Portugal. We were in the process of packing up our rental home and moving back to the United States. Unfortunately, our plans to retire in Portugal long term did not work out. I am grateful for what I learned and the good experiences I had.

I am now settled in The Commonwealth of Virginia, USA. I was unable to write during this 6-month period of making this international move which included purchasing a new home in Virginia and going back and forth between countries. If you’ve ever moved internationally, you understand how taxing it is physically, mentally, and emotionally. I need to be quiet within myself and grounded in order to write and it just was not possible during this major life transition. I’m happy to be writing again and appreciate you joining me here.

Poetry as a Vehicle for Synchronicity: Family Tartan


While I am in the process of writing a blog post, I am moved by how often synchronicity intricately connected to Robin occurs. It is as if writing sets in motion spiritual energies just waiting for the opportunity to be woven together. They lay in waiting until I’m ready to put fingers to keyboard.

I now invite you on this short journey to see how a poetic story about fabric revealed one of my most favorite and meaningful afterlife communications to date. It is the type of synchronicity that is exhilarating and life-enhancing, which is ultimately why I believe our loved ones in spirit still communicate with us.

On Thursday, January 30, 2025, I began writing a rough draft this post. I also did some research by reading The Thame Museum website. The links and text I included above about the event in October were written on the 30th.

On the 30th, I also read the BBC article linked above about the additional items added to Robin’s gallery, such as the tartan armchair. I made this brief mention of it, provided the link, and was planning to leave it at that.

I soon found out that God and Robin had other plans!

The very next evening, January 31st, my husband invited me to watch an episode of Poetry in America, Season 1 on Amazon. He recently discovered the show and since he’s a writer and lover of poetry, as am I, he thought we’d both enjoy it.

At first, he selected Episode 6, “Harlem,” but quickly changed his mind and did not think the show would be best for us for that evening So, he skipped ahead and chose Episode 8, “Shirt.” If you are interested, the full episode can be viewed here for free.

In this episode, host Elisa New discussed the poem called “Shirt” written by former US Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. She analyzes and discusses the poem with designers participating in New York fashion week.

The episode is educationally brilliant in its review of the poem which I would describe as a condensed tragic history of fabric and shirt-making across diverse cultures including Korean, Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Scottish, and African American.

In the poem “Shirt,” the reader is confronted with the history of brutal, inhumane treatment of garment workers in sweatshops who died in factory fires. The poem addresses the history of colonization in the US and its intersection with garment making. It compels us to think about the history of the clothing we wear down to the very stitch…and who made that stitch.

At 14:28 minutes into the video, the viewers are presented with an image of plaid fabric. I didn’t make anything of it at first because plaids are common. This did briefly make me think of Robin’s family tartan chair, but I just continued to tune into the discussion.

Next, some text from the poem appeared on the screen, and this is the moment my eyes widen. I see a sentence beginning with, “The clan tartans…” Here is a screenshot from the video:


Robin Gibb tartan print


I knew something was happening because I personally never hear the word “tartan” in my daily life and was not even sure what it meant exactly. All I knew is that I just saw the photo of Robin’s armchair made of family tartan fabric the day before, and then, the word presented itself again.

Here is a screenshot of Robin’s armchair from the BBC article, “Bee Gees Fever at Robin Gibb Fan Event,” 5 October 2024 by Katherine Da Costa and Dave Gilyeat:

Gibb Family Tartan armchair


I asked my husband if we could pause the video. I said to him, “You wouldn’t believe the synchronicity I just got.” I shared with him my discovery of the picture of Robin’s tartan chair the day before and how the word “tartan” showing up in this video was major synchronicity and message. I gave him a hug and thanked him for once again being a major spiritual partner in how Robin’s spirit communicates with me.

He said, “I’m so happy for you. See…you still have your connection.” I would not have received this communication if it were not for him. Spouses, when open, can serve as a loving bridge facilitating communication between twin souls residing in different planes of existence, even when they don’t know it. Different planes, but not separate, which is what makes communication possible.

Close to You

He said he’s open to Robin working with him to communicate anytime, which is a blessing I am very grateful for.

At 18:05 minutes into the video came additional information that added to the synchronicity and brought back memories of Robin’s Scottish ancestry.

A woman with the last name of Philips mentioned that plaids come from Scotland and England. Elisa New articulated that certain plaids were associated with different regions in the Scottish Highlands and people wore the plaids as declarations of cultural identity. This helped me realize that Robin’s armchair upholstered with his particular family tartan, is part of his personal Scottish cultural heritage.

The video continued to show images of different plaid fabric and Scottish men in kilts made of “clan plaids.” Apparently, mill owners in Scotland used to make up clan or family names. Here is an excerpt from the poem “Shirt” from Poetry Foundation to elucidate this point:

Prints, plaids, checks,

Houndstooth, Tattersall, Madras. The clan tartans


Invented by mill-owners inspired by the hoax of Ossian,

To control their savage Scottish workers, tamed

By a fabricated heraldry: MacGregor,


Bailey, MacMartin. The kilt, devised for workers

To wear among the dusty clattering looms.

Weavers, carders, spinners.

When I read this, I could not help but think of Robin’s ancestral history in Paisley, Scotland that I learned about in his episode of Who Do You Think You Are?

Some of his ancestors were hand loom weavers, just as described in this poem.

This poetry video has certainly led me down a winding road of understanding Robin’s ancestral history better. I feel like his spirit guided my husband to choose this video at this particular time which correlated with my blog post writings and learning about his tartan armchair.

I strongly sense that he wanted me to learn much more about his Gibb clan tartan chair which was so important to him. It is clear to me that it was not enough for him for me to just touch on it so briefly. I did additional research after watching this video, so in terms of learning more, I did just that to honor the message I was given.

According to Dr. Nick Fiddes, in the article, “Tartans, plaids, or checks-what’s the difference?” tartans are different from plaids and checks in one especially important way. He states that tartans are:

…a pattern with a recognized name, associated with a clan, family, or other community. So plaid is useful as a term to identify all the other tartan-like patterns that have no such association or heritage…

It seems like all tartans are plaids, but not all plaids are tartans! If you are interested Scottish tartans and the differences between these patterns, I highly recommend the article I linked to above. You can browse tartan patterns by last names here. If you have Scottish ancestry, maybe you’ll find something of interest, like your family tartan!

I genuinely enjoyed this synchronicity. Since I missed the event in October 2024, this communication made me feel included and closer to his spirit. When I initially saw the photos of the event, I felt sad and left out that I was not able to be there. I am sure Robin knew that. This message brought healing to me and a deeper sense of connection. I know for many people in the world, their deceased loved ones are doing the same types of things for them.

Pondering Difficult Past Life Connections


Considering all that has transpired since Robin’s death in 2012, I could not help feeling like I was being guided by soul memories from other lifetimes with him while on my trip to Oxfordshire. What they are specifically, I still don’t know. But I was getting whispers from my soul.

During this pilgrimage, I pondered how I was born in and grew up in Massachusetts, which is considered part of New England, USA, how I have ancestral roots in Barbados, which was an English colony, and how all of this could tie in with Robin’s ancestral bonds with England and the UK.

I want to take a moment to speak about colonization since my African ancestral bloodline was directly harmed by it. Sometimes, you just have to get some things off your chest. I know Robin would support what I need to say. I think reading the poem, “Shirt” inspired me to say this.

What is colonization? It is a swirling mass of evil human energy that includes genocide, holocaust energy, torture, fascism, authoritarianism, brutality, land, human, and natural resource theft, slavery, caste systems based on false superiority lies, racism, and misogyny, all wrapped up in a selfish, soulless, ugly ball of cultural narcissism and sociopathy.

I cannot talk about sharing other lifetimes with Robin without addressing the truth of this world history. It’s time to get real. If we want to talk about other lifetimes on earth together with people we love now, then we have to consider the fact that they were not always a romantic fairy tale, if they ever were at all.

European colonization took over close to the entire world at one point. If Robin and I shared past or other lifetimes together, this dynamic of colonization would have affected our lives in one way or another if we were here at that time. Humans are a warring and destructive species. We would have been influenced by this at some point and I think it is important to acknowledge this.

Perhaps seeds of other-lifetime connections abide in this vast multi-generational ancestry. I recall how my biological father, born in Barbados, used many British expressions when he spoke. Through him, I was immersed in a lot of British energy while I was growing up. It was like a foreshadowing of my adulthood connection to Robin, a man with strong British roots.

I know in my heart that something more than mere curiosity prompted me to make this pilgrimage. The truth is still buried in my soul somewhere. By sharing what I just wrote, I feel somehow like I’m getting a little closer. I don’t know anything definitive; I don’t know who we were, but along with the sweet moments in any lifetime are the shadows. The shadows must be acknowledged along with the sweet, if we really want to heal these wounds.

Now, I would like to move on to talk about my walk to The Thame Museum.

My Walk to The Robin Gibb Gallery at The Thame Museum


The Thame Museum is a short walking distance from St. Mary’s Church where Robin is laid to rest. One afternoon after offering flowers and paying my respects at his grave, I slowly strolled over to the museum.

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place

I walked up a short, quiet road leading away from the church and turned left onto High Street. As I did so, memories of mirror-soul synchronized signs filled my mind as a sign for Rycote Chapel caught my eye. (To learn more about the importance of Rycote Chapel to Robin, and to me in terms of synchronicity, please see the blog post below):

Afterlife Communication: Starry Ceiling

I then walked for a couple more solitary minutes on a sunny, cool day towards the museum.

Immersed in my thoughts, I then saw the museum on the left.

Noticing a photo of Robin outside in the display case, I walked into the front gate. Visitors are greeted by a quirky and charming cow statue which you can see below. This photo was taken by me:

Robin Gibb's sacred cow


When you walk inside the museum, you are again greeted with even more quirkiness in the form of a life-like statue of a front-desk security officer. This photo is from Trip Advisor:


Robin Gibb's Fake Security Guard


Yes, I did think the security officer was real at first and felt a little startled by his presence. 😊

After an additional greeting by 2 friendly volunteers at the front cashier’s table, and briefly browsing through the gift shop, I made my way over to Robin’s gallery.

While walking towards the exhibition, you can hear the faint lyrics of the Bee Gees’ song, Rings Around the Moon softly saturating the museum. In the gallery, a video of Robin’s life with this song playing is shown on a continuous loop. It set the mood for an enjoyable and peaceful, albeit somewhat solemn and contemplative experience.

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 2: Thame Museum Personal Photo Album

*Copyright © 2025: All photos in this section are by Christina Samuels

Below are the photos I would like to share with you. If you are a fan of Robin’s, you will probably recognize some of the items he used to wear that he was often photographed in.

Compiling the photos for this blog post actually had a very strong effect on me. Selecting them one by one gave me a keen sense of Robin’s energy.

When I saw one photo in particular, the one of Robin’s Akubra Stockman’s hat, I slowly began to tear up. The energy had been building at that point. It was just something about seeing his hat hanging on the wall, the one I believe he wore in the photographs for the Still Waters CD liner notes and CD back cover. The hat was missing the body it once belonged to, and I could acutely feel Robin’s physical absence. You never know how something is going to touch you. I’m pretty sure that the hat Robin is wearing in the photos here is the Akubra Stockman hat hanging in the museum.

Here on Pinterest is another picture of him wearing this hat.

Thank you so much for reading! I sincerely hope you enjoy the photos! Please click on each image to enlarge the photo.


Christina Samuels Signature

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place


In this post, “My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place,” I share photos and videos I created during my trip to St. Mary’s Church, Thame, Oxfordshire, England in May 2024. The cemetery there is where Robin is laid to rest. I was blessed with the opportunity to finally visit his grave after all these years and pay tribute to his spirit. I will also share my perspective of this trip as being one of a spiritual pilgrimage.

After 12 years of communicating with Robin’s spirit, it was an honor and blessing to finally be able to see in person what I have been looking at from afar through videos and photos taken by others. It was a beautiful, life-changing experience and one I will always cherish. It was far more than a vacation, even though I did enjoy some aspects of being a tourist as I walked around Oxford University. I always felt that going to see Robin’s home and resting place in Thame would be more like a pilgrimage. I will discuss this perspective now.

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire and Robin’s Resting Place: Living Deep

I conceptualize my trip to Oxfordshire as a spiritual pilgrimage because that is exactly what journeying to Robin’s grave felt like to me. It took years of saving money and cultivating my inner spiritual connection with Robin before I was finally ready to make this voyage. The fact that I had to prepare on so many levels-spiritual, financial, emotional, psychological- made it all the more important for me to extract the deepest meaning possible from the experience.

I had 2 weeks. I made the absolute most of it.

A quote from transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, from his book Walden or Life in the Woods comes to mind:


“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. — Henry David Thoreau, Walden.


It sounds like Thoreau went on his own pilgrimage to the woods. His findings have been part of global literary catalogues ever since.

I did not go to the woods, but I carried the wisdom of Thoreau’s words with me because when I went to Oxfordshire, when I went to see Robin’s grave for the first time, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…and I did. Life in the context of living for a couple of weeks where Robin used to live, walk, and create meant everything to me.

One of the reasons this meant everything to me is that with the help of doctors and medical treatment, I survived Stage 1 breast cancer in 2018. So, this pilgrimage was my way of doing the best I could to make the most of the life extension I was given. My feeling was, “I survived this life-threatening illness. Let’s do something big!”  I felt I had a responsibility to do this. So, with this motivation, I discovered a lot, learned a lot, and felt a lot.

In the article, “What is a Pilgrimage?” by Lori Erickson, she asks important questions about this experience of a pilgrimage and offers a simple definition:


What sets a pilgrimage apart from an ordinary trip? Sometimes it’s intention—people set out on a journey that they hope will draw them closer to spirit. Sometimes it happens without a traveler even being aware of it, and it is only with the benefit of hindsight that it becomes apparent that the journey was in fact a pilgrimage.


A pilgrimage, in short, is a spiritual journey that touches the heart and soul.

The object of a pilgrimage is not rest and relaxation (though that may happen), but rather spiritual growth. It often begins with questions: Who am I? What is my purpose in life? What do I need to hear? What can draw me closer to spirit? What do I need to heal my wounds?


When I planned the voyage to Oxfordshire, I had the intention of bonding more closely with Robin’s spirit. I knew that would occur automatically by being there and seeing where he lived and composed songs. I went there with the intention of caring for the spirit of Robin Gibb, a long-lost soul family member and twin soul that I never had the good fortune to meet. Caring for Robin’s spirit, learning about him and where he lived, and offering him love and gratitude was my purpose for being there.

As I laid roses, stargazer, and calla lilies on his grave and prayed, I was doing so for a dear member of my soul family who has blessed me with the gift of his spiritual presence since he died in 2012. This was the attitude I carried in my heart. I had offered his spirit gifts and flowers for years in my different homes in different countries where I have kept an altar for him. Now, I could offer them directly where he was laid to rest.

The moments when I did this were very powerful. The peaceful feeling of the energy of the church and cemetery where he is laid to rest, including the scent of flowers, the green trees, the breezes, the tranquility of birdsongs, and the view of his home is something I still carry with me.

In the article, “The Spiritual Power of Cemeteries,” Bebe Nicholson states that all cemeteries have spiritual messages if we pause to listen. The messages I received were ones of emotional healing, kindness of strangers, generosity, and ongoing connectedness that cannot be broken by death.

Many people have difficulty getting past the perceived morbid nature of cemeteries. In a cemetery, there is no avoiding facing the truth of death and knowing that one day, we, the living, will be laid to rest also just like our loved ones who have gone before us. I’m a child of the 70’s and the song, “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas comes to mind. If you know this song, you will know what I mean. If you don’t know it, it’s worth listening to. So, I can understand how people might feel and why they want to avoid cemeteries.

However, I did not find Robin’s resting place morbid at all. Paradoxically, it was filled with strong living energy and was very much like a sanctuary. I strongly felt the Divine Presence of God. I believe I did touch something of the sublime while visiting Robin’s resting place. As far as I’m concerned, you can see cemeteries as morbid, creepy, and scary and avoid them. Or you can see them as a place to reflect on life, offer love and care to the deceased, and learn the lesson of extracting as much out of life while you still can.

So, yes, this was a spiritual journey that touched my senses, heart and soul deeply, kind of like what John Denver sang about in Annie’s Song. This song is what came to mind as I was writing this. I was very happy that I offered Robin’s spirit stargazer lilies because the gentle breezes carried the scent of the lilies over his resting place beautifully. I strongly believe our loved ones in spirit still love scents and the scent itself is a wonderful offering.

When speaking of spiritual pilgrimages, most people envision traveling to a sacred site, such as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima in Portugal where I currently live or walking the Camino de Santiago. These are considered to be traditional pilgrimages.

But pilgrimages are not limited to only visiting traditional sacred sites. According to Lacy Clark Ellman, in the article, “10 Types of Pilgrimage: Which is Calling You?pilgrimages take many forms.

The pilgrimage I took to visit Robin’s home and resting place was a combination of a pilgrimage of personal significance, a discovery pilgrimage, and interior pilgrimage. You are welcome to read in the article how Lacy describes each of these types of pilgrimages. I believe I have explained each category in what I have written above so that it is self-evident. I’m so happy that Lacy shared these categories of different kinds of pilgrimages to give us a language for what we are experiencing when we are not necessarily journeying to a traditional sacred site.

Even though Robin’s grave is not considered a traditional famous sacred site, like Stonehenge for example, his grave, and the graves and memorials of all our deceased loved ones could serve as a sacred pilgrimage site if we set that intention. The resting places of our deceased loved ones, famous or not, could be considered to be sacred, depending on our relationship with the deceased of course.

Jim Morrison’s grave is a known sacred pilgrimage site for millions of his fans. You can read about one visitor’s experience of visiting his grave here. You are also welcome to read more about top 10 celebrity grave sites, by Time Magazine, here and the 10 most visited graves in America here. One is Michael Jackson’s.

My First Time at St. Mary’s Church

Now that I have laid the foundation for my journey to Oxfordshire as a spiritual pilgrimage, I would like to share a little bit about what I felt upon arrival at St. Mary’s Church during my first visit.

On May 17, 2024, I visited St. Mary’s Church, Thame, Oxfordshire, England for the first time. I had arrived in Oxfordshire on May 15th and needed time to rest and get acclimated before going to visit Robin’s grave. After I rested, going to the church was my top priority.

When my husband and I arrived at St. Mary’s, I did not know where to go. So, I just chose one of the paths to walk on to see if I could find Robin’s grave. The next thing I knew, I looked to my left and saw Robin’s home, The Prebendal. It was instantly visible when you walked in through the gate, but I did not notice it or recognize it at first. I immediately burst into tears, releasing years’ worth of anticipation and grief. My husband hugged me as I cried. I also cried out of a sense of joy and amazement that I was finally seeing Robin’s home. It was so different than seeing it in pictures.

Right around a corner a short distance away, I caught my first glimpse of Robin’s grave. I offered his spirit some calla lilies and from this moment on, my spiritual pilgrimage began. During the two-week period, I visited Robin’s grave 4 times.

It is my honor to share my visit to Robin’s resting place with you now in videos and pictures.

Spirit Communication, Videos, and Numbers: 5:20

I would like to start with a little story about the first video I have shared below. The video of Robin’s resting place, created on May 24, 2024, was initially a longer video, a little over 7 minutes, when I first created it. But when I went to download the video, I noticed that my camera had divided it into 2 separate videos.

The interesting thing is that the first video was exactly 5 minutes and 20 seconds long.

I noticed this phenomenon with several videos I took of Robin’s resting place when I was practicing making videos to share. I noticed that if I made a longer video, it always stopped at 5:20 and then would begin creating a new video. I did not know this until after the fact, when I went to download them.

I felt like something was going on with Robin’s spirit around me because the exact time length of the video matches Robin’s passing date numbers, May 20 or 5/20. I have no idea if everyone who owns the same camera I own experiences their longer videos being cut at 5 minutes and 20 seconds. All I know is this happened several times when I created videos of Robin’s grave.

According to Rachel Keene in the article, “Spirits Do Use Electrical Energy,” our loved ones in Spirit can influence our electronics whether it’s the TV, CD player, dishwasher or car radio:


I’ve been shown by my guides that electricity and spiritual energy are of a very similar vibrational energy… and therefore it’s very easy for spirits to affect or manipulate electrical equipment to let us know “I’m here!” in comparison to the massive energy required to move an object.


So, unless my camera video is programmed to stop at exactly 5 minutes and 20 seconds every time I make a longer video, I hypothesize that Robin’s spirit was around me making that happen. It’s just too accurate to be merely a coincidence. I am a beginner when it comes to cameras and creating videos, so if my camera is programmed to stop at 5:20, I have no idea! I have not experimented with taking longer videos since, but when I do, I will check and see if the 5:20 phenomenon continues.

The numbers “520” and the date May 20th have carried great personal significance for me over the years because this is Robin’s passing date. I have communicated with Robin using his passing date numbers on a frequent basis. I wrote about this connection with these numbers in 2019 in this post:

Afterlife Communication: Numbers and Dates

In this video of Robin’s resting place, you can see how it ends at 5 minutes and 20 seconds. Please click on the link to watch the video: Robin Gibb Resting Place May 24, 2024 Part 1.MOV

This video below picks up where the first one above left off:

My Spiritual Pilgrimage to Oxfordshire, England, Part 1: Robin Gibb’s Resting Place: More Photos and Videos

The Bee Gees’ brother Andy Gibb lived at Robin’s home in the Chancery in his final days in 1988. This is why there is a memorial plaque for Andy at St. Mary’s Church.

Here is a video of the memorial plaque for Andy Gibb. I offered Andy’s spirit the calla lilies and yellow roses you see in the video:

Robin’s resting place-May 20, 2024:

St. Mary Church:

Robin’s Meadow:

Next to Robin’s home, The Prebendal, is a large acreage of land that his family still owns. It is called Robin’s meadow by locals. When I was there on May 20th, it was filled with buttercups. I only knew this was his meadow because by divine intervention, I met a friend of Robin’s and his wife while placing flowers on Robin’s grave on May 20th.

He showed me the meadow and shared stories about what a gentleman Robin was. If it were not for him, I would have had no idea that the land was Robin’s or that it was OK to walk there. It felt like another blessing arranged by Robin’s spirit which gave me an opportunity to walk on his property. It is somewhere I’m sure he walked his dogs many times.

Here are a couple of photos of the meadow. It’s a lovely, tranquil place. When Robin was alive, he opened the meadow to allow residents to walk their dogs, providing them with a private, safe space. He showed his kind, generous heart in many ways when he was still alive. I’m glad I went to the meadow when I did because a few days later, it was flooded, and you could not walk there:

Robin Gibb's Meadow by Contributor

I invite you to enjoy the tranquility of Robin’s meadow in this video. I’m sure this is the same serenity he enjoyed on many occasions as he walked through his meadow:

Robin’s Home, The Prebendal:

I did my best to capture Robin’s home from different artistic angles.

Robin Gibb's Home by Contributor

I hope you enjoyed these videos and photos as much as I enjoyed sharing them.

I plan to share more from my trip in the upcoming months with Part 2 about my visit to Thame Museum where there is an exhibition in honor of Robin.

Until next time, be well!


Christina Samuels Signature


Copyright © 2024: All photos & videos by Christina Samuels

Afterlife Dream: A Burst of Energy from Robin

Afterlife Dream: A Burst of Energy from Robin

This post was originally published in 2018 with the title, “A Dream Burst of Energy.” Updated on May 10, 2024

In this post, “Afterlife Dream: A Burst of Energy from Robin,” I share a powerful dream visitation experience I had with his spirit during the summer of 2012. He died on May 20, 2012, but very quickly taught me that he healed and strengthened rapidly once he was back in Spirit. Here is my story.

About a month and a half after his death, I had the most incredible and life-changing dream about Robin.

It’s one of the most important dreams of my life because it served as an initiation into a new chapter in my life which included communicating with his spirit.

I was not in the dream, but I was viewing what was going on, like looking in from the outside. There was a large, open room, painted cream-colored. There was nothing on the walls or anything else remarkable about this room.

Next, three black stools appear. Then the Bee Gees walk out into the room, Barry first, then Maurice and then Robin. They take a seat on the stools. After this, Robin’s face, from the neck up, appears in front of me, close up. He looks young with long hair, like he did in 1979, around the time he was 30 years old. He looked at me for a few seconds with a slight smile and kind look. The next thing that happened is that he sent me a strong burst of energy that knocked me awake. The burst of energy was so powerful that I was hanging out of bed from the strength of it.

That was the end of the dream. I was pretty disoriented as I had been woken up out of sleep. All I know is I must have fallen back asleep after that because I don’t remember anything else.

The next morning, the memory of the dream came right back to me and I asked Robin, out loud, “Did you send me a burst of energy?” I was perplexed, shocked and amazed. I remember this dream so vividly to this day because of the impact it had on me. He had made clear and undeniable contact with me. He was getting my attention in a very powerful way. His energy felt very strong, a clear sign that he had completely healed from his illness. The fact that he appeared very youthful is also consistent with the literature on afterlife communication.

The type of dream I had is called a visitation dream. In “How Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones Affect the Dreamers“, author Preston Ni writes about 8 characteristics of visitation dreams. One is that the dream feels very real, to the extent that even years later, as in my case, the dream feels like it just happened. I can still feel Robin’s energy, the energy I felt in the dream, and I emphasize, the strength of it. He felt super-charged and in turn, it has caused me to feel super-charged and energetic when I think of it.

Ni lists the next characteristic which is that our deceased loved ones often show up in our dreams as vibrant, healthy and young. That is because they are, now that they are back in spirit. Robin looked completely healed in the dream. The fact that he presented himself to me as young and healthy is consistent with the experiences I have shared with him over the years. Only a healthy, youthful spirit could do the things he has done in terms of telekinesis. In the following post, I shared another dream experience in which Robin appeared youthful and looked like he did when he was in his 30’s:

Afterlife Dreams: I Can Hear You

With this dream, I was given the reassurance that Robin is alive and well in Spirit! It also opened up the door to all kinds of questions about how Robin found out about me and why he would come visit me in my dreams. That is why this is such a spiritually transformative experience for me. It made me realize that there is more to me than the person everyone sees each day. It meant that someone that never knew me could find me and care enough about me to initiate a spiritual awakening with me.

He woke me up literally, but also he was telling me to “Wake Up!” meaning, wake up to the truth that life continues after death. And, don’t just read about it. Experience the truth of it by feeling my energy. He also woke me up to the fact that we are connected spiritually in ways I never knew while he was incarnate.

In A Path with Heart: A Guide through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life, Jack Kornfield writes, “Sometimes it takes a shock to awaken us, to connect us with our path.” This life changing spiritual experience was the shock that led me to start asking myself some deep and perplexing questions. I started to wonder if Robin knew me from other lifetimes or perhaps the spirit world. I started to see myself just as much as a spiritual being as a human being, a spiritual being with a pre-existence before I incarnated into this current lifetime.

This was just the beginning of my journey with Robin. This dream opened the door to an afterlife connection that has enriched my life beyond measure since 2012. Years ago, I never could have predicted that I would connect with Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees after his death. I never could have imagined that he would be one of the most powerful spiritual teachers I’ve ever encountered. But, that’s exactly what happened. I hope you read some other blog posts to find out more about Robin as a spirit and how he communicates.

Thank you so much for reading. Until next time!


Christina Samuels Signature




P.S. In case you missed it, I wanted to let you know that I recently published an article about Robin’ numerology. For those interested in numerology, I provided lots of links and resources for you to delve into. I really enjoyed learning about the accuracy of his numbers. I hope you do too! Thank you for reading!😊

The Numerology of Robin Gibb: Birth, Life, and Death

Numerology of Robin Gibb: Birth, Life, and Death

Numerology of Robin Gibb: Birth, Life, and Death

In this post, “Numerology of Robin Gibb: Birth, Life, and Death,” I explore numbers and dates relevant to these aspects of his life. I will explore the number 47 in the context of his brother Andy’s life and how researching this number led to synchronicity with the number 22, Robin’s birthday number. There are also interesting patterns with the number 3 and 5. I invite you to come along with me as we explore Robin’s numbers!

I write this post in loving memory of Robin Hugh Gibb of the Bee Gees whose passing date anniversary is May 20, 2024. With 12 years in spirit, I can only imagine how Robin has evolved as a multi-dimensional spiritual being. It is a blessing that he continues to make his presence known on earth as he guides and heals with his spiritual energy.

Introduction: Numerology-The Story of Our Lives in Numbers

One of the most enjoyable things about getting to know who Robin was as a person is to study his numerology. It has been an interesting past-time to read the interpretations of his numbers and how they match his personality.

In the book, Numerology: A Simple Guide to Understanding Yourself, Suzanne Boult states this about numerology:

Numerology as a science of numbers has been around for a long time. Pythagoras, born about 509 BC and one of the philosophers of ancient Greece, is generally accepted as the founder of modern-day Numerology… (1)


Your birthday and your birth name (with each letter being given a number value), are your keys to this life – your characteristics, abilities, and events. Numerology helps you to understand who you are by exploring the complexity of your own make-up. (1)

From the constellations to the petals of a flower, from the bones in our bodies, to the hours of a day, numbers are present everywhere in mystical and practical ways. To me, it makes sense that each number that we are associated with would have a particular characteristic and vibration, the meaning of which can bring deeper insights into who we are.

I think this is why there are so many interesting articles about numerology. For example, I found this article called, “The Numerology of the 27 Club Musicians,” by Staff. The 27 Club consists of many famous musicians who died at the age of twenty-seven including Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison. You may like this article which examines the significance of the numerology of the number 27 for these musicians as well as their life path numbers of 1 and 9.

In terms of Robin, I recently had a synchronistic experience with his numbers that got me thinking much more deeply about this topic. In this post I would like to share this story, delving into the numbers 47 and 22 to begin with. Then, I would like to share what I have learned about other aspects of Robin’s numerology, including his life path number, and soul urge, outer personality, and destiny numbers based on his full birth name. There are very interesting patterns with the numbers 3 and 5 in Robin’s life that I will discuss. The book on numerology by Suzanne Boult that I mentioned above serves as my primary guide and resource for this discussion. An article by Artorius DaVinci called, “Michael Jackson Time of Death: The Numerology,” also served as inspiration.


Numerology Circle

Numerology: Significance of the Number 47 in Robin’s Life

A few minutes before midnight on April 21, 2024, I lay in bed preparing for sleep. I often like to read articles or Kindle books on my phone a little before going to sleep because it helps me settle down as I make the final transition into rest. Yes, I’m a night owl, and for now, it works for me! 😊

On this night, I chose to read a biography about Robin’s brother Andy called, Arrow Through the Heart: The Biography of Andy Gibb, by Matthew Hild.

I skipped ahead from where I left off previously because I wanted to read a little more about the end of his life and what occurred. I knew a little bit but was interested to see what new information I could learn.

This probably wasn’t the best thing to be reading right before going to sleep because as I read about the difficulties Andy had with his heart condition and alcohol abuse while living in Oxfordshire, England with Robin during his last days, the energy felt very intense and heavy. I found myself feeling pulled into the story emotionally because he’s Robin’s brother and I’ve had my own synchronistic connections with Andy. I admit to feeling a little sad and distressed by what I read which is a credit to how well the author shared Andy’s story.

As I read about what was happening with Andy, a quote from Robin was mentioned which really got my attention. At this point, it’s still April 21st, close to midnight. Here is the quote:

“Before Andy left Robin’s estate that evening, Robin had a brief conversation with him that, twenty-one years later, he said “still haunts me.” “It was a rainy night, and I stood there with an umbrella, and I said, ‘Andy, if you keep up what you’re doing, you will not see forty-seven.’ I don’t know why I said forty-seven and not a rounded figure. But I said it.”” (2)

As I lay there reading this, I immediately had a recollection of Robin’s time of death. I thought to myself that it was so interesting that out of all the numbers he could have said to Andy, “47” is what came out.

The reason I found this interesting is because Robin’s time of death on May 20, 2012, was 10:47am.

Robin associated the number 47 with Andy’s death. But really, this number was associated with his death.

Now all kinds of thoughts were running through my mind and I’m wide awake with no chance of sleep happening anytime soon! 😊

Did his soul have foreknowledge of this aspect of his own time of death approximately 24 years prior to its occurrence? I say yes because this is too accurate to be reduced to just a coincidence. Robin said he didn’t know why he said 47. But it seems that his soul knew, and it came out in this context. This knowledge slipped out when he was talking to Andy days before he died. It seems possible to me that Robin had a psychic connection and foreknowledge of his death time without knowing it at the time.

There are accounts of famous celebrities who consciously and knowingly predicted their own deaths including Buddy Holly, Diana, Princess of Wales, and Mark Twain. You can watch these stories here on this video.

I also believe it’s possible for a person, famous or not, to have a subconscious level of knowing and therefore make a statement about something that pertains to their death while being unaware of this. I learned so much about Robin’s intuitive abilities through this situation.

Robin’s eerie connection with the number 47 gave me chills as I pondered the numerology a little more. Andy passed away on March 10, 1988, so I also noticed that the “10” in Robin’s time of death matched Andy’s “10” with day of death. It’s interesting how these numeric similarities are woven into a family’s history.

With this train of thought, I wanted to make sure I had my numbers correct in terms of Robin’s time of death. I knew I had written a blog post years ago that contained an article I linked to that mentioned it. But I had no idea what year I had written it.

So, a few minutes after midnight on April 22nd, I went to my website and used the search function to find the post. It is called, “On the Cusp.” I wrote about how Robin and Maurice were on the cusp of the Sagittarius and Capricorn zodiac sun signs and some synchronicity connected to this phrase.

On the Cusp

When I looked at the post, I noticed I had written it on April 26, 2019. I made a mental note that I was very close to that date given that I was reading it on April 22nd. I was almost in sync with the dates, I thought. Little did I know, I was exactly in sync in another way. I noticed some text where I had mentioned Easter, April 21st. I thought, “Wow, I am in sync. It was just April 21st a few minutes ago.” Also, I had just seen the number 21 mentioned in Robin’s quote above.

As I looked at the post, I found the link to the article I was looking for. In an article by Melissa Abbot of Elephant Journal called, “Sunset of a Boomer Icon: The Astrology of Robin Gibb,” Robin’s time of death is verified as being 10:47am:

He was born on the Isle of Man in the town of Douglas, UK at 3:15AM GMT on December 22, 1949, and died in London, UK on May 20, 2012, at 10:47AM GMT. At his birth, he had the Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aquarius and his Ascendant was Scorpio. (3)

His time of death was also verified here. I like to check more than one source when it comes to something this specific because errors are unintentionally made.

In terms of the significance of the number 47, I will write about this later in this post in the context of Robin’s complete time of death, 10:47am, to get the full picture. In the meantime, let’s review the importance of the number 22 because something interesting happened when I read the “On the Cusp” post.


Numerology Heart

Robin’s Birthday Number: Synchronicity and the Master Number 22

After I found the Elephant Journal article, I continued to scan the post. It had been a long time since I’d seen it, and I wanted to refresh my memory about what I had written about five years ago.

As I read, I noticed that I began a sentence, “On Monday, April 22nd…” I thought, “Oh my God! I’m in sync with what I wrote five years ago to the exact date.”

On Monday, April 22. 2024, shortly after midnight, I was guided to go back and read a blogpost I had written in 2019 in which I described synchronicity that occurred on April 22, 2019.

I could say this was a string of synchronicity occurring because Robin’s connection with the number 47 led to the matching of exact dates and Robin’s birth number.

So, then it was clear that there was a message here I needed to decipher. It was a powerful moment to be in sync with my own writing in terms of dates. Since I had written about a synchronicity that occurred on April 22, 2019, related to being on the cusp, I thought that the message is pointing to how I am on the cusp of something in my life now.

According to The Free Dictionary, the phrase “on the cusp” means:

On the verge of some beginning point or the start of some major development. Usually followed by “of (something).”  (4)

This is something I will be on the lookout for. There are some interesting things happening in terms of travelling to England where I will have the opportunity to visit Robin’s resting place for the first time. This feels major and is certainly something that will deepen my spiritual connection with his soul.

In addition to the significance of being on the cusp of something major, I noticed the synchrony of the number 22. 22 is a master number and Robin’s birthday number. I think it was significant that this number was coming through so strongly. Here is what I learned.

Regarding the number 22 as a birthday number, states:

A 22 Birthday number gives you the power to create great things. You are determined and hardworking and your ability to cooperate with others makes you an effective teammate or leader. (5)

In her book on numerology, Suzanne Boult discussed the number 22 as a master number and has this to say:

This is the number of the ‘master builder’. Through your own hard work, you have the capacity to build something tangible and something large – whether a house, beautiful garden, or business empire – that will last forever and be for the good of all. (6)


You have higher goals than most and want to achieve material success. Learn to co-operate and work with circumstances rather than pull against them. Keep to your high ideals and don’t be swayed by the thought of power and control or that maybe you could make a lot of money. (6)


This is also the number of the big-time crook. The potential here is to be known for something ‘big good’ or ‘big bad’. (6)

From what I’ve learned about Robin’s life through reading and study, I feel that the quotes describe him very well. The Bee Gees as a business empire will last forever because their music is eternal and has certainly been for the good of all.

Also, even though they weren’t “crooks,” The Bee Gees went through several periods of their career where things were not going well. The disco backlash of the late 1970’s is an example of this and could be considered a “big bad.”

Here is a good Los Angeles Times article about the disco backlash.

I hope you enjoyed this discussion of the number 22 in terms of Robin’s numerology. Now I would like to transition into a discussion of the significance the number 3. The vibration of this number is very powerful for Robin.


Numerology Circle of Numbers

Bee Gees’ Numerology and Vibration of Three

During my research, I noticed a pattern of 3’s that really stand out in Robin’s numerology. Here are five key areas:

  • Life Path Number/Date of Birth: December 22, 1949 ~ 1+2+2+2+1+9+4+9 = 30 (3+0 =3) – 30/3
  • Date of Death: May 20, 2012 ~ 5+2+0+2+0+1+2 = 12 (1+2 =3)
  • Time of Death: 10:47am 1+0+4+7 = 12 (1+2=3): As I mentioned previously, the significance of number 47, when combined with the 10 for the complete time of death, results in a 3.
  • Birth order: 3rd child of 5.
  • Type of Band: famous trio.

Robin was born with the vibration of 3, lived with the vibration of 3 and died with the vibration of 3. I think it’s truly fascinating when you look deeper into this.

Felicia Bender, in an article called, “Life Path Numbers,” describes this number well. This is a number which is calculated from your full birthdate:

…The life path number is a key to understanding your life’s purpose, innate tendencies and talents, and the obstacles you’ll face as you continue to master the lessons to be learned. (7)


The Life Path number indicates the primary mission in life — it outlines what you’re learning, mastering, and evolving into. (7)


While you will have innate gifts and talents in this particular arena, you will also have more distinct or heightened obstacles in getting there. (7)

Dan Millman in the book, The Life You were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose, has this to say about the number 3 as a life path number. It is about expression and sensitivity:

Individuals working 3 as their life purpose are here to utilize their emotional sensitivity to bring positive, heartfelt self-expression into the world. (8)


The expressive energy of 3s has a strong social component; 3s reach out to other people and depend on other people. Whether 3s express by speaking, painting, singing, sculpting, acting, writing or any other means, they usually start out one-on-one; then, as their confidence in their ability grows, they discover the satisfaction of reaching out and expressing themselves to groups of people – family, friends, or the public at large.  (8)

This sounds just like Robin and the Bee Gees. However, it wasn’t one-on-one, it was the three of them, bringing their heart-felt songs into the world.

I would like to take the time to mention that Robin’s twin brother Maurice obviously has the same life path number of 3 with the “master builder “number of 22. With this combination, it’s no wonder they were so successful in terms of what they built together. According to How Stuff Works:

The No. 22 is about practicality, ambition, and success, bringing great accomplishments to those who embrace its energy.

Very significantly, eldest Bee Gee Barry also has the life path number of 3. Barry Gibb was born on September 1, 1946. So, if you add up the numbers, you get 3:

September 1, 1946: 9+1+1+9+4+6 =30 (3+0 =3)

The Bee Gees all shared the same life path number. I think this is pretty amazing. Discovering patterns like this is what makes numerology so fun and engaging.

With all three brothers working the “3” energies of self-expression and sensitivity, it makes total sense that they were able to create the soundtrack of our lives containing some of the greatest ballads and love songs of all time.

I also want to include Andy in this discussion because he is just as beloved as his brothers. While not officially one of the Bee Gees, Andy could always carry a show with the talent and charisma that only he could deliver.

Please click here to watch a video of Andy with Donnie and Marie Osmond that shows Andy at his best.

So, what do the numbers have to say about him? Andy followed right behind his brothers on the number line and comes in with a 4 in terms of the life path number.

Andy Gibb was born on March 5, 1958. When you add up the numbers, you get 4:

March 5, 1958: 3+5+1+9+5+8 =31 (3+1=4)

According to Dan Millman, life path number 4 is about stability and process:

Individuals working 4 as their life purpose are here to achieve stability and security by patiently following a gradual process toward selected goals. Achieving security -a solid foundation- is a desirable goal for anyone; for 4s, however, it forms the core of their life purpose. (9)

It seems that Andy understandably had struggles creating a solid foundation for himself. Given the powerhouse brothers that came before him, it seems reasonable that he would have had trouble getting his footing and finding his own place in life. Metaphorically speaking, even with some cracks in his foundation, Andy left a legacy of music that is still beloved and celebrated to this day. He managed to create enough of a foundation for himself to allow the beautiful songs within to be released from his soul, out into the world.

In Dan Millman’s Life Purpose System, Barry, Robin, and Maurice’s complete life path number configuration is 30/3. Andy’s numbers are 31/4. So, Andy is still working with self-expression and sensitivity energies just like his brothers even though his total life path number is different.

If you are interested in learning more about these numbers or wish to calculate your own, please click here for Dan Millman’s Life Purpose Calculator. A brief description of the full life path number is given along with links to his books.



Numerology World


A Pattern of Fives: Numerology, Outer Personality, and Destiny Numbers

Through further study of Suzanne Boult’s book, I discovered that outer personality and destiny numbers can be calculated. Interestingly, for Robin, both of these numbers add up to 5.

Here is a definition of both:

Outer Personality: This number comes from adding together the number value of the consonants of your birth name. It shows how the world sees you and the impression you make on others – what they will come to expect of you because of the image you present and how you express yourself. (10)


Destiny: This is the total number value of all the letters of your birth name. This is your aim in life. It shows what you came to do in this lifetime – the path you must walk, what you should accomplish and what you must be. It shows what you do best. (10)

In order to calculate these numbers, you use your full birth name and this corresponding Pythagorean Number chart:

Numerology Chart

Click the image to enlarge it if you’d like.

Please click here to view a Pythagorean numerology chart with the number values that correspond with the vowels and consonants.

Here is the number chart for Robin I created:

Robin Gibb Numerology

The consonants are black and when added together represent the outer personality and how you show yourself to the world.

The vowels and consonants added together represent the destiny number which has to do with who a soul intends to be with the intention to develop their strengths and work to overcome weaknesses.

Here is the interpretation by Suzanne Boult of the vibration of 5 in terms of outer personality and destiny numbers:

Outer Personality 5: Others see them as bright, witty, and chatty. Some may even think they talk too much. They express themselves as natural salespersons, advertisers or promoters as long as it is about something they fully believe in. They like variety and constant activity and feel that change is progress. They must be able to do what they want, when they want and how they want in order to give their best. (11)


Destiny 5: Their destiny is to travel and to experience all that life has to offer. People with a Destiny 5 find it hard to stay in one place for long. Freedom, progress and keeping life moving forward is important to them. Sometimes seen as rebels, they enlighten others by doing things in a different way from the traditional. During their lives change happens often and quite suddenly, sometimes by their own choice but sometimes it is forced upon them. (11)

Keywords 5: busy, travel, variety, freedom, quick-minded, salesperson (11)

As far as the outer personality description, Robin seemed to be more on the quiet side, so it’s hard to see him as being seen as talking too much. But he definitely believed in and promoted himself as a professional singer. He also wanted to be able to do what he wanted. He showed this trait by leaving the Bee Gees for a while during his youth and establishing his own solo career and projects even until his final days with his musical work, Titanic Requiem.

In terms of the destiny number description, it very accurately describes Robin’s life of touring, traveling all around the world, and relocating to different countries.

In an article from “The Guardian” by Rosanna Greenstreet called “Q&A: Robin Gibb,” when asked where he would like to live, Robin stated:

I’m always at 35,000 ft. I don’t know what “home” or “abroad” is any more.

I think that says it all! He was always moving forward with his music and other projects of great importance to him such as raising money for the Bomber Command Memorial in Green Park, London. This was something he fully believed in.

Here is a lovely BBC news article honoring Robin’s dedication to the Bomber Command Memorial.

Also in this interview, Robin and the interviewer discuss how he is a mixture of spiritual and pragmatic. Robin said this was true about him, “with a little bit of rebel thrown in.” This is consistent with the description above for Destiny number 5. Here is a screen shot with his words:

Robin Gibb Rebel

It seems to me that Robin fulfilled his destiny, represented by the number 5 to the maximum. You can see this beginning in his childhood all the way through to the end of his life. He really did experience all that life has to offer.

The energy of five shows up in a few more areas within Robin’s numerology.

When I added up the numbers for his birth year and death year, both equal 5:

  • Robin’s birth year- 1949: 1+9+4+9 =23 (2+3=5)
  • Robin’s death year- 2012: 2+0+1+2 =5
  • There are also five children in his family: Lesley, Barry, Robin, Maurice, Andy.

Numerology of Nine: Robin’s Soul Urge Number

In the graphic above, the vowels in Robin’s name are green and when added together, they equal nine. This is his soul number, which reflects the inner self.

In an article called, “The Comprehensive Guide to Soul Urge Number: Meaning, Calculation, and Influence,” by numerologist Kelly Lord, the soul urge number is described as follows:

…It peels away life’s superficial layers to reveal what genuinely drives you, beckoning a journey to the heart of your inner motivations. (12)


It’s like a hidden treasure inside of you, showing what you truly want deep down in your heart. Think of it as a secret code to understanding why you do what you do and what makes you feel really alive… (12)


It tells about your emotional cravings and spiritual yearnings too. Finding out this number can help make sense of the things that tug at your soul—those inner longings that keep whispering to you. (12)

These core desires may consist of things so deep that you don’t share them with others, or they don’t know about them. Awareness of one’s soul urge number can serve as confirmation if you are already on the path of honoring your deepest yearnings or serve as a catalyst to getting back on track.

So, what does Robin’s soul urge number of nine say about him? According to Suzanne Boult, this is the number of someone with a huge heart:

They desire to be generous, compassionate, kind and forgiving. They would love to help the whole world. They have high ideals and are often discouraged if they can’t reach the high standard, they expect of themselves or others. They have great capacity for unconditional love and forgiveness. (13)

This is so true about Robin as shown through his work with numerous charities throughout his career. The kindness and generosity of his character was one of the first things I noticed about him when I was first getting to know what he was like as a person in 2012. I dedicated a page of this website to the charities that Robin supported because this was such an important part of his life.

Robin’s Charities

This is consistent with what Kelly Lord says about the meaning of soul urge number 9:

9: Humanitarian efforts and a desire to serve globally fuel your spirit. (14)

It’s amazing how accurately Robin’s numerology reflects who he really was. A perfect example of his humanitarian spirit is shown in how both he and his wife Dwina supported the Miccosukee Indian Reservation in the Everglades, Florida after Hurricane Andrew devastated the area in 1992. They both had a connection with an elder at this reservation and they wanted to do something to help repair the damage they suffered. Fundraisers, clean-up, and reconstruction efforts were organized by Robin and Dwina. (15)

The Bee Gees also performed at the Hurricane Andrew Relief Concert at Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami on September 28, 1992.

There are so many examples of Robin’s humanitarian contributions that I can’t list them all here. We can honor his memory in gratitude for all he did for others.

Age of Death Numerology: Eight

Robin died at the age of 62. Since 6+2 = 8, let’s look at the meaning of “8” in terms of Robin’s energy around the time of his death.

According to, eight is associated with ambition and achievement:

Of all the numbers in Numerology, the number 8 is the achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. It has good business sense, a powerful presence, and a strong drive for success. The eight is also a symbol of balance — you can see it in its symmetrical shape. For every blessing it receives, it puts one back out to the universe. When things are balanced, they feel stable, controlled, and supported, which is the most productive environment for the eight to work in. (16)


… The 8 represents an ultimate form of achievement that many will spend their entire lives striving for… (16)


Ambitious: To say the 8 has ambition would be putting it lightly — they live to achieve! This number is on a mission to reach as many goals and garner as much success as possible. It is strategic in its methods and dedicated to its purpose. The good feelings that come from accomplishment give the 8 everything it needs to keep climbing upward. (16)

Once again, the numerology of 8 is very consistent with who Robin had been at the time of his death. He was clearly ambitious throughout his life and even in his final years. He always strove to be known and valued for his singing and song writing abilities. He had so many wonderful moments in his life because of his achievements, such as seen in this photo, meeting Diana, Princess of Wales.

Even when things were not going well for the Bee Gees, he continued to achieve success by co-writing songs with his brothers for other artists. He also released several solo albums, such as “Magnet,” which fulfilled his goal of expressing himself musically on his own terms.

In terms of who Robin is as a Spirit, his drive for achievement continues. He has been incredible at afterlife communication over the years. From the energy of synchronicity to the movement of objects and creation of sacred symbols, I have experienced his soul to be powerful and strong. I can imagine that he set some goals for himself to achieve the level of telekinesis that he has demonstrated. His body died, but his genius didn’t, and it is evident in how he communicates.

The Infinity Symbols

He went out on an eight and is still working with those powerful energies in Spirit. Combined with his “nine” energies of loving, generous, compassion, and the “three” energies of sensitivity and self-expression, he is a most wonderful soul to be in communication with. I’m so happy he’s a member of my soul family.

This has been quite a journey of exploring Robin’s numerology. Synchronicity originally led me down this path of deeper study and understanding of the numbers representing his and his brother’s energies. I learned a lot about Robin and hope you did too!

As always, I am grateful for your visit here and I thank you for reading. Until next time! 😊


1.  Boult, Suzanne (2003). Numerology: A Simple Guide to Understanding Yourself, David Bateman, Kindle Edition, Location 29.

2.  Hild, Matthew (2022). Arrow Through the Heart: The Biography of Andy Gibb, Kindle Book, Location 224-225.

3.  Abbot, Melissa (June 4, 2012). “Sunset of a Boomer Icon: The Astrology of Robin Gibb.”

4.  The Free Dictionary by Farlex, on the cusp.

5. Your Birthday Number: Find out what your Numerology Birthday number reveals about you.

6.  Boult, Suzanne (2003). Numerology: A Simple Guide to Understanding Yourself, David Bateman. Kindle Edition, Location 530.

7.  Bender, Felicia. “Life Path Numbers.”

8.  Millman, Dan (1993). The Life You were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose, page 45-46.

9.  Ibid., page 52.

10.  Boult, Suzanne (2003). Numerology: A Simple Guide to Understanding Yourself, David Bateman. Kindle Edition, Location 113.

11.  Ibid., Kindle Location 358.

12.  Lord, Kelly. “The Comprehensive Guide to Soul Urge Number: Meaning, Calculation, and Influence

13.  Boult, Suzanne (2003). Numerology: A Simple Guide to Understanding Yourself, David Bateman. Kindle Edition, Location 499.

14.  Lord, Kelly. “The Comprehensive Guide to Soul Urge Number: Meaning, Calculation, and Influence.”

15.  Bilyeu, Melinda; Cook, Hector; Môn Hughes, Andrew (2013). The Ultimate Biography of The Bee Gees: Tales of The Brothers Gibb, (p. 1083-1084). Omnibus Press. Kindle Edition.

16. Number 8 Meaning in Numerology-Learning about the single digit eight.

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All Images by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit

Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit

In this post, “Deep Listening and Music: Synchronicity with Gibb Brothers in Spirit,” I describe a series of mysterious interconnected synchronicities that occurred as the result of reading to Robin’s spirit and practicing deep listening. Deep listening led to a clairaudient experience with music, and synchronicity followed.

In my previous post, “Afterlife Communication: The Joy of Reading to the Deceased,” I shared how reading to Robin led to meaningful synchronicity and revelations about his name. This time, when I recently read to Robin, what came back to me was not about Robin directly. It was about his brothers in spirit with him: Maurice and Andy. It feels like they wanted their names included too!

Introduction: Embracing Storytelling

Afterlife communication with Robin takes me on a journey of learning and discovery that I enjoy sharing through writing. One thing I have learned about myself is that I love to share stories. I never knew that I had a storyteller within me before Robin died. But I feel it is a part of my evolution to become a storyteller. You never know who benefits from what you share, and this belief keeps me motivated to continue writing.

Personal evolution is one of the main purposes for a spiritual connection in my opinion. It is good practice to ask oneself, “What am I learning and how am I growing and evolving as a result of my spiritual connection?” I have learned a lot about the importance of embracing storytelling on my journey with Robin.

In the book, Soul Communication: Opening Your Spiritual Channels for Success and Fulfillment, by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, the spiritual value of sharing our stories is discussed. This applies to those of us who share our stories, whether privately, publicly, or both:

Stories are powerful teachers. They carry a message. They also carry the particular gifts, abilities, and wisdom of the soul sharing the story. It is not enough to have one or two people share their stories. Hundreds, thousands, even more must share their stories. This is important because no two people connect in exactly the same way with any one story. The more stories there are, the more people will feel that they are included, important, and valued… (pg. 14)


When I talk about sharing your story, I am speaking specifically of sharing about your soul journey. Sharing other aspects of your story can also be helpful and healing. However, it is the story of your soul journey that is truly significant. It is this story that is transforming… (pg. 14)

I have personally been healed and supported by those sharing their soul stories, especially stories about spiritually transformative experiences. Other people sharing their stories gave me the courage to share mine on this website. By sharing my soul journey, I hope I can give others the same support that I have found through dozens of authors over the years.

Sometimes I feel like my blog posts are like sending out a message in a bottle into the big sea of the world wide web. Most people won’t notice it, and many will walk by it, not seeing any value in it. But occasionally, someone will pick up the bottle and read the message inside. And hopefully, that message will be something that supports them in their journey through life. That’s the value of sharing stories.

Are you ready to open the message in the bottle? If yes, then let’s begin. I will now share with you this next chapter of my soul journey with Robin and his brothers.

Sorry Business and Deep Listening: Learning About Australian Aboriginal Practices

On March 20, 2024, I felt drawn to research how indigenous people communicate with their deceased loved ones. Since I like to read to Robin, I was wondering whether there was any tradition of doing this or something similar within different indigenous families.

I googled “indigenous people after death communication,” and came across an article by Jens Korff called “Sorry Business: Mourning an Aboriginal Death.” It is on a wonderful website about Australian Aboriginal culture called Creative Spirits. Jens Korff is the owner and author of Creative Spirits and shares what he has learned about Aboriginal culture in Australia. It is an inspiring example of giving due respect, support, and honor to Aboriginal people through healing enterprises and educational opportunities.

Through this article, I learned that “sorry business” is what the Australian Aboriginal people call their time of mourning, including ceremonies, after a loved one has died. Ceremonies and mourning can last from days to months depending on different factors. This allows the grief to heal slowly. I admire this practice and feel that this is an important lesson.

I also learned that it was an old tradition amongst Australian Aboriginal people to not say the names of the dead because it was thought to disturb their spirit. In more recent years, it has become more acceptable for Aboriginal families and communities to allow the names of the deceased to be spoken. Still, I concluded from this that they would most likely not be reading to a deceased loved one as I do.

As I read the article, I noticed a link to another article for the practice of deep listening. The article is called, “Deep Listening (Dadirri),” by Jens Korff. Deep listening is something I am drawn to because I love meditation and stillness practices and wondered whether there was any connection with this. I learned that there is.

According to the article, the wise Australian Aboriginal people of the Daly River region in the Northern Territory call deep listening, “dadirri.” According to Aboriginal writer and senior elder Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann:

“Dadirri is inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. Dadirri recognises the deep spring that is inside us. We call on it and it calls to us. This is the gift that Australia is thirsting for. It is something like what you call ‘contemplation’. (2)


“Our Aboriginal culture has taught us to be still and to wait. We do not try to hurry things up. We let them follow their natural course – like the seasons.” (2)

We could all use more dadirri in our lives. You are welcome to click here to view the most beautiful, official Dr. Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann video where dadirri is described in the most soul-soothing way.

In the article, the importance of deep listening was also described in terms of storytelling. Stories important to the Aboriginal culture were passed on orally, not through writing. Therefore, it was very important for Aboriginal people to be very skilled at deep listening, so that the story could be passed on correctly to the next generation. This is a very impressive skill.

As I continued to read the article, I was very moved by the following quote. I thought about its application to afterlife communication. The bold is mine:

Jennifer Thompson, founder of the Jenwakka Indigenous Counselling Service, describes deep listening as “tapping into her ancestors, constantly listening to spirits.” “[Dadirri is] what non-Aboriginal people would call contemplation. It’s the way we sit and take time and go in deep… The Dadirri is a way to take advantage of this [healing] knowledge. It requires people to stop, look, listen and learn.” (3)

After I read this wonderful information, I felt very inspired by the concept of dadirri. It felt familiar to me as I have engaged in similar practices on a personal level and professional level as a yoga teacher. While I was absorbing this new information, I was thinking about Robin and how he would like this. He was someone who loved to meditate. I also thought he would appreciate this information that came from one of his home countries close to his heart: Australia.

Reading to Robin: Deep Listening and the Presence of his Brothers in Spirit

Approximately 4 days after reading the article, during the early morning hours of March 24, 2024, I sat at Robin’s altar and quietly connected with his spirit through prayer. I lit a candle for him and stated his name. This helps to connect with his energy. I shared with him that I wanted to read to him this amazing article on deep listening and dadirri that I thought he’d enjoy.

I read the entire article to his spirit while looking at his picture and thinking about his connection to Australia.

After I was done reading, I said that I would like to practice some deep listening with him. I felt surrounded by the energy of dadirri. So, I put the phone down that I was reading from. I sat in my chair beside his altar and became still and quiet.

Within less than a minute, a song started playing in my mind. The words were, “I want to thank you for being a friend.” I said to myself, “Hmm, that’s interesting.” I’ve heard this song before and it sounded familiar, but I did not know who sang it or remember where I knew it from.

This song continued to play in my head, so I decided to research it. It seemed like clairaudience was at work. I picked up my phone and googled the words I heard, “I want to thank you for being a friend.”

A video and a lot of information for this song came up. It was sung by Andrew Gold. I did not know he sang this song and had never heard of him. I had a feeling that Robin knew who he was. Right away, I thought of Robin’s late brother Andy Gibb and how he and Andrew Gold shared the same initials: A.G. I made a mental note of that and continued to see what breadcrumbs I could follow.

I read that Andrew Gold passed away on June 3, 2011, in Los Angeles, CA. The song was released in 1978. 1978 was a huge year for the Bee Gees and Andy Gibb in terms of the success of their hit songs.

I continued to scroll through the selections about the song on Google. Then, I came to a Billboard article that looked interesting. It is usually a good source of information about the music industry, so I clicked on it.

In the article called, “‘Andrew Gold’s ‘Thank You for Being a Friend’ Is the Best Song Ever About Giving Thanks,” by Andrew Unterberger, I noticed that this song was the theme song for the television show, “The Golden Girls.” I thought, “Oh, that’s where I know this song from.”

I also noticed that another song sung by Andrew Gold was mentioned called, “Lonely Boy.” I remembered this song from the 70’s when I was a child.

I remembered that I really liked it. The first video in the article was for this song, so I clicked on it to listen. I realized that I had not heard this song in probably over 40 years.

Loneliness is such a common theme in music. In this post, I wrote about the epidemic of loneliness and how the theme of loneliness is quite common in many Bee Gees’ songs:

How Afterlife Communication Helps Reduce Loneliness

When I started listening to “Lonely Boy,” I remembered it right away, even after all these years. What a blast from the past! Then, as the video played, about a minute into the song, I noticed a caption that really got my attention. It said:

“Andrew Maurice Gold was born in 1951 in California…”

Here is a screenshot:

Andrew Maurice Gold Image

I paused the video so I could talk with Robin. Seeing the names of Robin’s brothers side-by-side like this strongly stood out to me. I said something along the lines of, “Are you being serious right now? This guy’s name was Andrew Maurice?” Then I read the rest of the caption which mentioned Andrew Gold’s father Ernest. Then I said, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Robin’s’ twin brother, Maurice Gibb, had the middle name Ernest!

Here is a screenshot:

Maurice Ernest Gibb IMAGE

At this point, I felt that a clear message was coming through. This is what reading and deep listening with Robin brought to me: a connection with Andy and Maurice and the strong presence of their energy. Can you see the power of these practices? It felt like they were crashing my meditation time with Robin! 😊It was truly amazing and a blessing. Of course, they are more than welcome.

There is no way I could not notice this. I said “hello” to them in Spirit, feeling joy in my heart. I feel like they wanted their names mentioned because my previous blog post was all about “Robben and Robin”, a little Andy and no mention of Maurice. So, it’s like they were saying, “Hey Christina, it’s our turn now!!”

I had a feeling that by reading to Robin about the after-death practices of the Australian Aboriginal people, I also connected with Maurice and Andy’s energy. All three had a close connection with Australia and I could see why the articles I read would be important to or of interest to them in spirit.

I felt the presence of these three brothers very strongly. Now I ask you to consider this: How are your deceased loved ones showing up for you?  Are their names presenting themselves in unexpected ways? Once you are on the path of afterlife communication and open to the ways spirit presents itself, this type of thing can happen.

It was so wonderful to be guided to Andy and Maurice’s names through the song. Still, there is even more to share in terms of powerful synchronicity. This is about Andy, and it brought a strong sense of mystery.

Reincarnation Video Synchronicity: Andy Gibb’s Deep Connection to California

On April 11, 2024, I was looking at Andrew Gold’s YouTube caption again on the “Lonely Boy” video and how he was born in California. Then I had the thought that Andy Gibb was laid to rest in California. I decided to do some research on his resting place to refresh my memory.

I googled, “Andy Gibb buried in California.” I started looking at the different articles and a video that came up. Here is the video about Andy from The Graveyard Channel. The purpose of this channel is to pay tribute to famous people in terms of how they died and where they are laid to rest.

In the description of the video is a link for Forest Lawn Memorial Park– Hollywood Hills, CA which is where Andy is buried.

In case you are interested, here is a link from a Facebook page that explains why Andy was laid to rest in California.

I clicked on the link for the Forest Lawn website, searched for Andy in the search box, and found his entry. I looked at the map on the page. I noticed the Hollywood Sign and other Hollywood-related places mentioned.

Here is a screenshot:

Andrew Roy Gibb Forest Lawn Page

I was doing this research between 8:20pm and 8:30pm.

At approximately 9pm, my husband asked if he could show me a video on reincarnation. It was about a woman named Dorothy Eady who has an interesting story about a past life as an Egyptian princess. She reported having childhood memories of that lifetime. That day, he had listened to a podcast about her. Here is the video.

Now here is where it gets mysterious.

At about 5:05 minutes into the video, the narrator discusses the case of 4-year-old Ryan Hammons. He reported having past-life memories of being a man who lived in Hollywood named Marty Martyn who knew Rita Hayworth. At 5:34 into the video, the narrator spoke about how when Ryan saw the Hollywood Sign on television, he would state that that was his home and he wanted to return.

Here is a screenshot:

Hollywood Sign the Why Files

This was around 9:15pm. So, approximately 45 minutes after I saw the map with the Hollywood sign on Andy’s Forest Lawn entry, I saw this mention of the Hollywood sign in this reincarnation video. The video also had a few other references to Hollywood and the life of Marty Martyn, so the message really stood out in a powerful way.

I felt like I had really touched on something with Andy.

I wondered, “Andy, what are you trying to tell me?” I have not had that much synchronicity with Andy over the years, so this was a big moment and truly meaningful connection.

Reincarnation Video Synchronicity: Significance and Interpretation

I felt that by doing research on his resting place and looking at several different websites and videos, I strongly tuned into Andy’s energy. Then God decided to include my husband who is an amazing messenger and partner when it comes to synchronicity. He had no knowledge that I was researching Andy’s resting place. If he had not shown me the video, there would be no synchronicity, so I am very grateful for him.

This soul communication felt so much like being in the energy field of Indra’s Net, an unseen interconnected web between Andy in spirit and my husband and I in the physical world. Synchronicity is a mysterious force that links the living and the dead because we remain interconnected whether in our physical or non-physical state. Through afterlife communications such as this, I am continuously being taught about our oneness and interconnectedness, whether we knew each other or not and whether we are famous or non-famous.

I also feel like the YouTube video about Ryan Hammons was emphasizing the importance of the Hollywood area for Andy. It is noteworthy that Andy also lived in Los Angeles, California where Hollywood is. He moved there in 1980, escaping the influence of his family in Miami who were trying to intervene because of his cocaine abuse (4).

This synchronicity with Andy is particularly impactful because this is the second time that a reincarnation video synchronicity happened with a Gibb brother. I had a reincarnation video synchronicity with Robin in 2012 which I wrote about here:

Twin Soul Synchronicity

In this post, I wrote about how a photo of Robin that included the name of the photographer matched exactly with the name of a doctor in a video I watched about reincarnation. I had seen the photo and watched the video within minutes of each other, similar to this current synchronicity with Andy.

Through these reincarnation YouTube video synchronicities, I intuit that both Robin and Andy are pointing to the importance and reality of reincarnation. The message is to take reincarnation seriously, to study it, and consider how past lives are affecting this current life.

Through synchronicity, I have confirmation that I have shared past lives with Robin. And even though I don’t know exactly what they were or when, I feel that what I write about here on Paisley and Poppies is a direct reflection of those past lives we shared. The love and devotion I once had for Robin, when we were both other people, is still here and shows up on these pages.

In closing, I am grateful to be able to share the string of synchronicities that occurred as a result of spending time with Robin in deep listening. This was quite a soul journey of learning.

By reading this, you opened my “message in a bottle,” and I hope you found something enriching for your journey.

Until next time, take care!


1.  Sha, Dr. Zhi Gang (2008). Soul Communication: Opening Your Spiritual Channels for Success and Fulfillment, page 14.

2.  Korff, J 2023, Deep listening (dadirri), Creative Spirits, <>, retrieved 14 April 2024.

3.  Korff, J 2023, Deep listening (dadirri), Creative Spirits, <>, retrieved 14 April 2024.

4.  Hild, Matthew (2022). Arrow Through the Heart: The Biography of Andy Gibb, Kindle Edition, Page 103.

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Featured and Closing Images by Pilbara from Pixabay


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