In this post, “Music Playing in My Head: Spiritual Messages through Song,” I share a recent experience of a synchronistic musical connection with one of Robin’s songs from the CD, 50 St. Catherine’s Drive. Since almost everyone knows what it’s like to have a song play in their head repeatedly, I’m sure many of you will be able to relate to this story. I explore how songs playing in our heads could be pointing to a deeper message coming through from spirit.

Afterlife Communication Course: A Prelude to a Spiritual Message

In August and September 2023, I participated in an online course taught by author Perdita Finn called “Collaborate with Your Ancestral Spirits to Manifest the Miraculous: Bring Powerful Synchronicities, Messages and Gifts into Your Life.”

When I saw this course advertised, I was immediately drawn to it because I thought it could assist me in taking my communications with Robin and other deceased loved ones to an even deeper level. I am always open to learning and love the energy of live, online courses.

On September 5, 2023, I participated in a module called, “Connect with Saints, Deities & Ancient Mothers for Guidance & Companionship.” It was good for me because during my spiritual path, I have not learned much about the different saints that many people call on in times of trouble or for daily guidance. During this course, I learned how to connect with saints for specific issues, with an emphasis on being clear on what I truly want in terms of help or guidance.

As I listened to the discussion, I wrote a lot of notes as I usually do because it helps me learn and absorb the information more effectively. Overall, I felt happy that I participated in the class.

Songs, Saints, Signs and Synchronicity

After the workshop, and about 5 hours later in the evening, I spent some time sitting at Robin’s altar space before I went to bed. I like to talk with his spirit late in the evening when it is quiet. I like to share what’s going on in my life and stay connected to his energy.

Many times, when I sit at his altar, I play his music. It helps me to tune into his spirit and shows him I love and appreciate the music he and his brothers created. At that moment, I wanted to play a song, but I was not sure of which song to play.

At first, I was going to play, “One Million Years,” because it is a spiritual song filled with so much of Robin’s pure energy. But then, as I was sitting there in front of his altar photo, I started hearing the lyrics in my head, “na na na na na na, all I want is…love.” I couldn’t remember the lyrics to this song or the word that came before “love.” I spoke with Robin and asked him what the song was with the “na na na na na na” lyrics that kept playing in my head. 😊

It came to my remembrance that the song was from 50 St. Catherine’s Drive. I saw Instant Love in the liner notes of the CD I have and so I figured that was the song. I didn’t know it very well, so I chose this song to listen to at that moment.

When I played the song, I was so surprised and a bit shocked to hear the lyrics:

And now I stand before you
The patience of a saint…

This is one of those cases where timing is everything. I spoke with Robin again and said, “The patience of a saint…” That was quite a moment and synchronicity. It’s nice that the song came from the 50 St. Catherine’s Drive CD. But that is not synchronicity to me because I already knew the CD title. However, the song was a striking synchronicity because I did not know the lyrics and they came as a complete surprise to me.

This meant so much because I had just completed this module on connecting with saints a few hours before this occurred. Not only that, I also checked my notes and noticed I had written the word “saint” a total of 14 times! So, it seems I was quite primed for this synchronicity. “Saints” for me in my course, “saint” for Robin in his lyrics.

I love the feeling that what I do in my life so often matches and mirrors something to do with Robin at approximately the same time. He left behind a multitude of songs, interviews, videos, and biographies. To me, all these earthly blessings represent him symbolically. They provide an avenue through which to connect, communicate and synchronize.

In her article, “Got a Song Stuck in Your Head? Here’s Why It May Have Spiritual Significance—And How to Decode It,” Amanda Lieber addresses this phenomenon of spiritual messages being contained in the songs playing in our head.

She states that:

You may have heard that the other side can communicate with you through signs like feathers and coins, angel numbers, your dreams, and meditation, but most people don’t realize that spirits can draw on the power of an earworm song (one that you keep looping on) to send you divine messages, guidance, and support. And learning to interpret the spiritual meaning of a song stuck in your head could help you better receive these otherworldly gifts.

Music Playing in My Head: Interpreting the Spiritual Meaning

I interpret the spiritual meaning of the song “Instant Love” playing in my head in this way: I could feel the alignment and oneness with Robin’s spirit again. It felt like the familiar soul family connection I have had with his spirit over the years. It is like walking with him side by side. It really felt like he was with me. It also felt like his spirit is aware of what I do and what is going on with me. It is this closeness with his soul that I have found so healing. I feel I was guided to this song specifically to feel this closeness, support, surprise, happiness, and reassurance that it offered me. These uplifting feelings are a hallmark of loving afterlife communication.

Twin Soul Mirror: Birthday Moments

This synchronicity embodied the strong energy of spiritual companionship. Since 2012, after Robin died, his spirit has been a loving, comforting companion for me. I also offer his soul spiritual companionship as I continue to talk with him and include his spirit in my life. I truly believe that the deceased can provide loving companionship and support to the living, just as the living can provide loving companionship and support to the deceased. This has been my experience. We can still walk with each other and share each other’s lives.

It felt like the very title of the workshop, “Collaborate with Your Ancestral Spirits to Manifest the Miraculous: Bring Powerful Synchronicities, Messages and Gifts into Your Life,” was being made manifest in my life. By sitting at his altar and engaging with his energies, a collaboration occurred which brought about this message through what appears to be clairaudience. It was truly a “wow” moment and everything within me knew it was a sign from his spirit. Using his music to psychically communicate would be one of the most clear and obvious ways of connecting with those of us here on earth who are tuned into his soul.

So, the next time you have a song playing in your head, it may be worth it to see if there is a deeper meaning behind it. Throughout this post, I linked to some helpful articles and books if you would like to explore clairaudience more. It is a complex subject. There are many good resources to help us sort out what we may be experiencing.

Thank you so much for reading. Until next time!


Christina Samuels Signature




Featured Photo: Image by Alexa from Pixabay


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