In this post, I share examples of Robin’s abilities with telekinesis and as well as amazing synchronicity.

MP3 Sale

During the morning on Sunday, August 18, 2019, I showed my husband a Sony Walkman MP3 player that was on sale on Amazon. He said the player he has wasn’t working correctly, so I showed him this option for a replacement.

It turned out that he didn’t want it. I said I was thinking about getting it, but then said I didn’t really need it because I already have one. I was thinking about getting it as a backup because the one I currently have does not hold the battery charge too long without recharging it, especially if I watch a video on it. But I decided not to get it, at least for now.

Journal Entry Synchronicity

Late in the evening on the same day, August 18th, I wanted to review some of my old journals again. I was still looking for an entry on a dream I had about Robin years ago. I remember the dream very well, but I was hoping I documented something about it and I was hoping to find out exactly when it occurred.

While I was looking for the dream entry, I came across another entry that was very synchronistic with what had been going on earlier in the day.  The entry was dated May 5, 2013. It had easily been years since I had seen the entry. Here is a short excerpt of what I wrote:


Dear Robin,

…Also, because Julian accidentally lost my/our Ipod, I ended up buying a new Sony MP3 player…

This entry was informative on many levels. For one thing, I had completely forgotten that my husband had accidentally lost our Ipod. That was the reason I have the Sony MP3 player I currently have.

Also, when I was thinking of buying a new MP3 player as I mentioned above, I was thinking about how I had no idea when I bought the player I currently have and had no idea how old it was. So, this entry answered these questions for me. It is quite valuable that I have these journals to refer back to now for personal and spiritual reasons.

It was so fun and amazing that the entry matched exactly with how I asked Julian if he wanted to buy a new Sony MP3 player that day! I felt like Robin was right there with me. It was incredible to be brought back to that page in this particular journal. I easily could have missed it.

I have 15 hand-written journals that I started writing on May 20, 2012 and continued to April, 2016. After that, I started to type my journal entries. I continue to keep my afterlife communication journals to this day, some hand written, some typed.

So, the fact that I “happened” to pick this journal up to review on that exact day was amazing.

I don’t know how these synchronicities are orchestrated. They are part of the great mystery of life. I think I’m the one making these choices, but it seems like a loving unseen hand is really guiding my choices. Synchronicity really makes me feel like I am not making my choices all alone. I am being guided. And I think that is a key message from loved ones in spirit. The point is that we are not alone, even when we think we are.

When it comes to Robin, I feel guided to do certain things, like pick up a certain book, or go to a particular website. And then it ends up synchronizing with him in some way. It makes me feel extremely connected to him. It seems like the choices are mine yes, but they are not all mine. There are other forces, powers and spirits involved. It’s quite fascinating and makes life beautiful and interesting. I am so grateful for these experiences and to be able to share them with you. I hope you are enjoying them!

This is another example of how my journal entry from over 6 years ago matched what was going on in my life currently. I wrote about this previously in this post about my recovery and how I look through my old journals.

I’m still looking for the same entry on my dream, but can’t find it, lol! I may just have to write about it from memory in the near future.

Robin’s MP3 Player Telekinesis

For this section, I’m taking you back to 2013 again.

On July 19, 2013, I walked into the room where Robin’s altar was kept. I was living in Colorado at this time.

I noticed that my Sony Walkman MP3 player (the one I wrote about above) was placed on top of my Bee Gees book, right above Robin’s picture. I knew that he had moved it there because I know I did not do it. It would not have occurred to me to put my Walkman in that exact location above his picture. Here is a picture I took to document this:

The book is on top of a filing cabinet I had placed to the left of Robin’s altar at the time. In the upper right-hand corner of the photo, you can see the picture of Robin that he turned upside down in May of 2013 as I wrote about here.

By placing the Walkman right above his picture, he was pointing out his identity to me, which I find absolutely incredible. It is similar to how he identified himself by turning his picture face down on his altar. Spirits need to have a way to identify themselves. Using a photo is a great way to do so.

I love to have his energy on physical items! I keep everything he has moved because it becomes even more special to me after he has moved it.

Robin was very active in our home in 2013, so I thought I would briefly review some of the other things going on that year to give context to the sequence of events.

A few days before this MP3 player telekinesis, on July 12, 2013, I found the infinity symbol made out of dental floss on my teapot handle. Later in 2013, my necklaces were moved which I wrote about in my Spiritual Symbols post.

There was a lot going on that year with Robin’s spirit. It makes me think he enjoyed practicing his skills at moving objects and creating symbols.

With me, he knew he had a receptive person to communicate with. He knew I was paying attention, so telekinesis became another way in which he connected with me.

If a spirit is in your home, going through the trouble and energy it takes to move something, then they are obviously trying to get your attention. It is rewarding for the person in spirit if we notice and appreciate what they are doing. I’m talking about loving, kind and friendly interactions only.

As I have previously written, I always check to determine if there are any alternate explanations for what appears to be telekinesis. I ask my husband to make sure he didn’t move something I did not know about. I also review my activities to make sure I did not do it and just don’t remember.

After I rule out other possible explanations, I surrender to the conclusion that Robin moved the item. I don’t just automatically assume that he did.

Someone needs to be willing to share how spirits come back and interact with those still living in physical bodies. That is what I’m doing for those who have ears to hear. I join with other brave people sharing their afterlife communication stories.  It’s an incredible education to see what Robin can do now. And, it’s an incredible gift.

Robin passed the baton on to me by blessing me with these gifts. Now, I’m passing the information on to you so you can benefit from knowing some of the ways in which Robin communicates as a spirit.

Journal Entry: July 19, 2013

To give you some additional information and perspective on how I was feeling at that exact time, I would like to share with you some excerpts from the journal entry I wrote on July 19, 2013:

July 19th, 2013


Dear Robin,


I love you and send you a hug and lots of support and Light…


Thank you, Robin, for stopping by to say hello today…Thank you for moving my Sony Walkman over to your Bee Gees book, right above your picture. That was so amazing and touched my heart.


I am so Grateful. I appreciate you coming by so much. It was so beautiful. I know I moved your book back this AM [to the top of the filing cabinet], but I didn’t put my Walkman over there!


Beautiful message and sign of your presence Robin…





Receiving the synchronicity regarding purchasing the Sony MP3 player and my journal entry gave me the perfect opportunity to share this gem of a communication from Robin. It’s one of my favorites.

I’m not surprised that he would move this item because it is connected to music and had lots of his music and videos on it! It’s so sweet that he positioned it right above his picture so I would know it was him. These communications are very precious and priceless to me.

Back in 2013, these types of experiences were still very new to me. I was fascinated by how Robin was able to communicate in such a clear, precise way in pointing himself out by placing the MP3 player there.

As you know, I did not know Robin when he was alive physically. But, I do know him as a spirit. And as a spirit, he is very strong, very loving, very kind, highly intelligent and highly creative. I cannot emphasize this enough.

I am very clear about who he is as a spirit, at least to the degree that I’m capable of knowing. I have written about this before, but I wanted to say it again because it is very important for you to know this about Robin as he lives on. He is a wonderful presence to have in your life and I have been extraordinarily blessed to be connected with him.

I like to give him compliments here to send him the message. 🙂 Somehow, I know he receives it. He is very lovable as a spirit and he deserves them.  He has done so much for me that I deeply appreciate.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to sharing something new with you soon. Let’s see what Robin comes up with!

As of Wednesday, August 28th, we may have a hurricane coming towards our area, so I’m not sure when I will publish my next post. I’ll be back as soon as I can!

Until then, take care and all my best to anyone reading who may be affected by Hurricane Dorian.


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