In this post, I express some of my personal beliefs about soul families and twin souls based on my own experiences. Some of my beliefs are also based on good materials I have read. I have read lots of information over the years and started to notice certain patterns in the writings that began to match or reveal a sort of internal consistency.

During my journey with Robin, I have never allowed other people or writers to tell me what the twin soul connection is for me personally. I have always had an independent streak and often choose to follow the road less traveled and figure things out for myself. So, I don’t allow others to define it for me.

Yes, I do take their ideas and opinions into consideration and have embraced many points of view along the way that I respect. But when it comes down to it, what I believe is determined by what I have been given personally by Spirit and my own experiences. That is the foundation of what I write about here on this website.

Soul Families and Twin Souls: Areas of Disagreement

Much of what I have come to accept about soul families comes from the work of the late Dr. Michael Newton who wrote Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.

I like that he did actual between-lives research to come to his conclusions about characteristics of and relationships between souls. Even though he rejected the concept of twin souls and used the term primary soul mate instead, I still respect his work and have greatly benefited from it even though I disagree with him.

I do not believe he had the final say or word on twin souls, as good as his research was. I respectfully disagree with his complete rejection of the twin soul concept especially given that some of my favorite honorable teachers such as Hazrat  Inayat Khan and Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov both wrote about twin souls.

Dr. Newton had problems with the twin soul theory, which you can read about here.

The elements of twin soul theory that he did not like, such as souls being divided in two and meeting only when on their last incarnations are also aspects of the theory that I do not believe are written in stone.

If you are interested in this topic, you can Google, “twin souls meet on last incarnation,” and you will see a lot.

I do not necessarily agree that twin souls meet only when on their last incarnation. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t depending on the people involved. Presupposing that you do believe in reincarnation, how are we supposed to know for absolute sure when we are on our last incarnation anyway? I have read about and met some people who knew in their hearts that they are on their last incarnation. I can’t say the same thing. I have no idea if I’m on my last incarnation or how many I have had. I’m too busy being focused on this one.

The circumstances under which twin souls meet can vary greatly depending on the souls involved. It seems too limiting to me to say that they meet only when on their last incarnation. We are eternal beings. What if we could benefit from meeting each other long before our last incarnation on Earth? I don’t know where this idea came from exactly but it seems a little rigid to me so I question it.

As far as souls being divided in two, this is the quintessential definition of twin souls that is woven all throughout the literature. However, I don’t agree with this completely either.

I believe souls have male and female aspects because it ties into our identity as humans. But I don’t believe that souls are divided into a 50/50 split of half male and half female because we all have male and female within us.

On this website, I like to include different ideas about twin souls from authors all around the world. Sylvia Browne, in her book The Other Side and Back, describes what a true soul mate is to her. I think it is an interesting perspective and here it is:

…We are created with spirits that have both male and female aspects…


…We are also created with an “identical twin” spirit whose male and female aspects are essentially mirror images of our own. That twin spirit is our soul mate… (1)

From this point of view, each of us as spirits are a blend of both male and female energies, not split down the middle into one or the other. That personally makes more sense to me.

So, when it comes to twin souls, it depends on what someone means by the phrase, “twin souls.” Different people define it in different ways. That’s the way it is and you can see it all throughout the literature on twin souls. I could research twin souls right now and find 10 different variations for the same concept. That made it very difficult for someone like me who in 2012, knew nothing about this and had no one to talk to.

Still Learning

I don’t have all of the answers about twin soul connections and will never claim to. I’m just a twin soul student sharing my experiences. Just because I connected with Robin’s spirit does not mean that all of the knowledge of the heavens regarding soul connections opened up and descended upon me, lol! I don’t know anything about starseeds, merkabas, DNA activation, templates and upgrades I’ve seen some people write about over the years when it comes to twin flames.

When I read some of this material in the early days of my connection with Robin, I have to admit that I had no idea what the authors were talking about. At this time, I don’t see how these concepts apply directly to my particular connection with Robin. So, I will not be writing about these topics on this website as I don’t have anything valuable to contribute along these lines.

Maybe my writing is not “twin flamey” enough for some, but if it’s not, I can suggest other thoughtful websites that go into these topics. I enjoy reading Cassady Cayne’s twin flame story. She discovered her twin flame in spirit as well which you can read about here. She writes about starseeds here too. It’s very interesting.

There’s so much information and misinformation about twin souls that it’s easy to feel confused. It’s like learning a whole new language and honestly, I don’t feel connected to a lot of it.

In some ways my twin soul connection with Robin still feels new to me. I’m still learning and always will be until I leave this plane of existence. I have some answers that I feel apply to me personally. All I can share with you is what I have experienced directly. Other people experiencing twin soul connections could have experiences similar to mine or some that are completely different. Twin soul connections are actually quite heterogeneous.

Seeking and Receiving Answers

When I asked God the question about whether Robin is my twin flame soul mate and asked for the Big Dipper as the sign, I was searching for an answer and seeking reasons why I was synchronizing so strongly with Robin. I was seeking answers about why I was having such powerful dreams about him (and Maurice) and such a strong pull to his energy.

Basically, I was learning about twin souls and afterlife communication all at the same time which was quite a lot. But I absolutely loved it, as I still do today and I welcomed the experience.

I received the answer when I asked as I mentioned in my Background section and have been given continuous validation ever since. It’s been a long process for me of truly accepting this truth about Robin and me in my heart. Being given the sign of the Big Dipper was in December of 2012 and it was just the beginning for me in terms of my connection with Robin. It evolved into a much deeper otherworldly connection over time. My trust in our connection also evolved and strengthened.

I believe I was given so much validation and had so many visitations because I needed it. I needed more because we did not know each other in this life. I did not want to believe anything about him that was not true. I’m a straight-forward type of person, not prone to fantasy. With me, it’s either true that we have an authentic heart connection or it isn’t and I don’t have time to play around with something that’s not real or authentic based in true spiritual love.

It’s ok to have boundaries and to speak your truth with your loved ones in spirit. They can do the same with you as well.

Spiritual love is transcendent and penetrates the veil which seemingly separates us from our loved ones in spirit. I believe it is at the core of what enables us to communicate across dimensions.

Twin Soul Connections: Alternative Explanations

How do souls become twin souls in the first place? I don’t know for sure, so I ponder different possibilities.

Perhaps souls are nearly identical to each other because they were created that way at the beginning, not necessarily because of soul splitting. Or perhaps they became nearly identical to each other as a result of spending lots of time together during incarnations or between lives where we have multiple shared common experiences.

In some ways, don’t you become more like the people you spend the most time with? Not in every way of course, but I have noticed in my own life that the more I spend time with a certain person, the more I start to adopt some of their traits and the more they start to adopt some of mine, for better or for worse. I believe the same thing could be true for us as spirits in our disembodied state. We become more like the spirits we love and are with a lot, in terms of vibration, light, color and sound.

Perhaps in the spirit world, Robin was a spirit that I was with a lot, but I don’t remember any details on a conscious level. Sometimes I think I’m experiencing a deeply lodged, soul memory of a “time” I did spend with Robin, in some other place or dimension, but just don’t remember exactly what it was. I feel very close to him.

I put time in quotes because according to some things I’ve read over the years, in the spirit world, time is no longer a factor. But I can’t think of any other way to describe this right now.

Sometimes, I feel he remembered and recognized me as well and that is why he came back to communicate with me. Since we are soul family members, it would make complete sense that we would remember each other on some level.

The fact that we met after his death speaks to a very strong soul mate connection that I know we share in the spirit world. It is a connection I have been exploring since 2012. It evolved and strengthened enough over the years to give me the courage to finally begin writing about our connection more openly.

Do We All Have a Twin?

Does everyone have a twin soul? Some people say yes, some say no. Some say twin souls are rare, some say they are common. My honest answer is I don’t know because I’ve never been given any information about this directly. So, I’m not going to commit to a definitive answer at this time. Sorry I can’t be of much help in this area.

Why are there so many discrepancies in this topic? There are so many polarizing viewpoints with the topic of twin souls. I’ve never seen anything like it.

One possible reason is that not everyone knows about this concept. It’s possible that you could have a twin soul and just not know it yet. It took me until age 45 to even find out about twin souls. I had only heard about soul mates. Amongst the people in my life from my childhood to my 40’s, I had never been around anyone talking about twin souls. So, someone could think they don’t have a twin soul and would say they don’t if you asked them. But it could be that they just haven’t met yet. It could also be that one twin has to pass away first before you will find out. I would say that for society in general, that’s too bizarre of a proposition to entertain.

Twin Soul Elitism

Some writers speak to needing to be at a certain level of spiritual advancement or evolution in order to even meet ones twin soul. I do think that maturity is beneficial due to the deep-seated and complex issues that a twin soul connection can bring to the surface. Maturity is needed to negotiate and navigate these issues and challenges.

But, I don’t like any information that suggests a sort of elitism that twin soul connections are only for “special” evolved people. Egotism definitely needs to be guarded against in the twin flame literature.

People who have twin soul connections are not more “special” than other people who are not aware of having one. Just run into anyone who is experiencing a twin soul connection when they’re having a bad day and I’m sure we would see that they are just as human as everyone else. No one in a physical body handles life’s challenges perfectly all of the time, myself included, even with all of the love coming into my life from the other side.

I believe in bringing more love and kindness into the world, and I do, but I’m not perfect at it. I do my best considering that I still have a lot to deal with, with breast cancer recovery and preventing its recurrence. It can get very burdensome at times. We all have numerous challenges we face every single day, especially if you are a parent, having financial difficulties and/or dealing with an illness. Worldwide, we are living in times of great violence and this only adds to the stress.

We all grow at different rates. Someone who is not aware of a twin soul connection now may indeed find that their connection is right around the corner. Or, it could manifest 10 years from now. Perhaps it will not manifest in this lifetime because the twin is on the other side waiting for you.

But I know this for sure: you are not superior to anyone else because you have a twin soul connection and you are not inferior to anyone else if you don’t have one that you are aware of right now. We are all of equal value and worthy of love whatever stage we are at.

If you told me in 2002 that I would be experiencing an afterlife twin soul connection with Robin Gibb in 2012, I would have said that I have no idea what twin souls are and I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know for a fact I would not have believed it, especially because I did not know him and also because of his earthly status.

So, when it comes to this topic, who knows what the future holds for any of us. It’s possible you could have a twin soul connection with someone on Earth that will blow your mind. But, it’s also possible that this mind blowing connection could be with someone who is deceased. That’s not usually what people have in mind when they talk about wanting to find their twin soul! But, that is what the reality could be. And just because your twin may be deceased, does not mean you have to wait until you pass away also to unite with them as I have demonstrated on this website.

If you are a highly sensitive and empathic person, you may be able to detect that you share a soul connection with someone, even if they are deceased. It really does not matter at all if they are deceased. They are still alive and aware in another plane of existence that I believe is closely entwined with this one. To me, this is why afterlife communication is possible.

I had the luxury of being able to detect my connection with Robin’s spirit because he was in the public eye. But even if your twin is not in the public eye and you never met them, it’s still possible to connect and get to know each other after death if they find out who you are and contact you through dreams for example. Your twin could be someone you would least expect, take it from me. I think God takes great pleasure in bringing together people who don’t seem to go together at all from an earthly perspective.

Some Other General Beliefs

I believe that twin souls are souls from the same soul group/family of closely knit souls in the spiritual world that emit nearly identical hues and frequency of light from the core of who they are as spirits.

I don’t believe they are exactly identical as no 2 souls are created exactly alike. We all have our own unique identity.

As souls, we are intelligent, creative beings of light that match and blend with other souls to varying degrees. I believe we all have many soul family members, many that we do not meet in this one lifetime we are living.

With our soul family members, we will share many of the same characteristics in terms of our vibration, light and soul colors. I define a twin soul as the soul within our soul family that we are closest to in terms of spiritual light and soul colors, to the point of being nearly identical.

But just as human identical twins have defining characteristics enabling people to be able to tell them apart after close examination, spiritual twins also have their own identifying characteristics whereby other spirits can tell us apart.

I believe that souls can love each other so much because of shared past experiences that they become a bonded pair. You are a whole soul but ½ of a pair. The shared past experiences could have come from life shared together in the spirit world, incarnations on Earth or both.

In terms of my twin soul connection with Robin, I don’t like it when people tell me what I “chose” with him in my pre-birth state before I even got here. I don’t think anyone knows what I chose as a soul before I was the person I am now. I don’t believe anyone knows what I “consented” to before I was an embryo.  

This a common and popular belief I’ve seen propagated in a lot of New Age literature. What bothers me is that they tell me this, but there is no specific way to verify exactly what it was that I chose before I was born. I also feel a little manipulated when people say that to me because I don’t remember or know what I did before I was born, yet I’m just expected to believe them and take their word for it. Often, the people who say this to me don’t know me very well now. So, how can they know anything about me before I was even born? I think it’s quite presumptuous.

So, I generally recoil from that line of thinking, but if that’s what you believe, we can respectfully agree to disagree.

I feel in my heart that many of the events of my life, including what I share with Robin, are being orchestrated by a Power and Love much greater than I am. My choices are small and insignificant in comparison. I never could have consciously chosen a lot of the incredible things I have experienced with Robin because I never could have conceived of it with my limited mind.

What I share with Robin includes God. And I believe God “… is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think…”  (Ephesians 3:20). To me, this means that God is able to go far beyond what I would choose as well. God has much greater things in mind.

For me, I’m glad that it’s God’s will being done in my life and not my will according to my limited abilities to conceive of the magnificent. Being with Robin has really opened up my eyes, heart and thinking in terms of what is possible in my life and with afterlife communication. The blessings have been and are beyond anything I could ever anticipate. They blow my little choices out of the water!


What I have written above are my current thoughts about twin souls based on my current level of evolution. They are based on the information I was given about my soul connection with Robin through direct guidance, synchronicity and other forms of afterlife communication. It is a work in progress.

Ultimately, I feel that talking about my soul connection with Robin in terms of twin souls and soul families is a framework for trying to understand something with my limited human mind that is actually beyond my scope of complete comprehension. I am talking about nearly identical light and soul colors because that was the guidance I was given about what my connection with Robin is at its core. God and Robin were letting me know what is true for us. But I cannot see these soul colors and light as I am not clairvoyant. These are descriptive terms that are a good approximation in terms of discussing such an esoteric circumstance accurately.

So, even though I use the terms “twin soul,” and I believe in its accuracy in describing the spiritual connection I have with Robin, I’m not too rigidly hung up on it either. I hold onto this terminology loosely because that feels right to me and it’s where I’m at. We as humans need some kind of language and terminology to describe what we are experiencing. But I also don’t want my spiritual connection with Robin to be limited by the words I use to describe it. Our connection goes beyond human words just as it goes beyond the physical world.

I know there is a lot more to this connection with Robin than I can consciously know at this stage in my spiritual development. In the meantime, I will continue to document and monitor the messages from spirit concerning Robin that I am given. Through this process, I expect my perspective to continue to evolve.

If you are experiencing a twin soul, soul mate or soul family connection as well, then I would also recommend going by your own experiences. The literature on twin souls or flames can lead you round and round in circles with all the different opinions. I think you have to find your own center and listen to your own heart and soul in these matters. Other people outside of you are not going to have the complete answers about your spiritual connection with another soul. They may have some good advice, guidance or wisdom to share. But I believe the complete answers reside within each of us when it comes to our personal soul connections.

I may not have all of the answers, but at least I’m honest about that instead of just parroting back things I’ve read to fill in the voids in my knowledge. While doing my research in the early days of my connection with Robin, I found that a lot of information about twin souls really did not resonate or make much sense to me. I am not going to accept other’s information about twin souls just for the sake of it. I question and examine what I read.

When reading information on twin souls, I checked in with myself and asked if what I was reading was true for me. Sometimes it was, but more often, it wasn’t. I don’t like boxes and I didn’t fit into the twin flame box very well in terms of what I was experiencing with Robin. This is true especially given that what I was experiencing was an afterlife connection, not one where I could meet him in the physical.

I have found that the answers about our connection do not come all at once. In my own experience, the answers come in increments, a little at a time as my mind and soul can handle them. I don’t know if I could handle it if I got all of the answers about my soul connection with Robin at one time. The way I’ve been getting the answers and the paranormal experiences have been mind blowing enough!

I felt like writing from my heart about this and hope you got something out of it.

Thanks again for reading!


  1. Browne, Sylvia (1999). The Other Side and Back: A Psychic’s Guide to Our World and Beyond. New York: Dutton, Penguin Putnam Inc., pg. 75.


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