As the seven year anniversary of Robin’s passing approaches, I feel very reflective and contemplative. I find myself reviewing our journey together over these years in an introspective way. His presence and influence in my life have contributed greatly to my evolution as a soul as can be seen on the pages of this website. I have Robin to thank for teaching me what I know about afterlife communication firsthand.


I now know with complete certainty that those we love and those we are deeply connected to are not limited to the people we know in one lifetime. There is more to who we are as spirits. It’s one of the greatest and most important lessons Robin has taught me.

I only want to live my life in a way that includes and honors Robin’s eternal spirit. I do not want to live here on earth without including him and my other loved ones in spirit. I’m sure they are all aware of that fact. I have always made it clear to my loved ones in spirit that I am serious about my connections and relationships with them, Robin included.


Even though I share a lot of examples of my afterlife communication with him, there is still so much I do not know about Robin as a spiritual being.

In 2012, a portal opened up so I can communicate with him in the ways I have explained throughout this website. But, the portal is the size of a peephole and I can only see a small portion of the vast, loving spirit that Robin Gibb is now.

That small portion I’ve been able to connect with is extremely powerful though, and my connection with Robin has changed my life forever.


I wonder how he has changed and grown as a spirit over these years. I think about what he has experienced and learned. I wonder where his soul has traveled.

Our communication over the years has always been strong in terms of synchronicity and dreams.

The one big change has to do with Robin engaging in less telekinesis. In 2013-2014, he was extremely active with creating sacred symbols and moving objects. I have documented some of these events here.

He doesn’t move things as often anymore. That could be because it’s more difficult to move objects with his spirit energy as he advances spiritually. It may be easier to keep in touch through synchronicity. It may also be that he did what he needed to do at that time to get his message across to me.

I surrender to however he wishes to communicate and keep my heart open to him.

It’s important to know that the way in which our loved ones in spirit communicate with us may change over time as they adjust and evolve. The more creative the spirit, the more interesting ways they may come up with in terms of communication.

While we are in physical bodies, our interests change and evolve. There may be things we used to like to do that we don’t enjoy as much anymore. Old interests are replaced with new interests. It seems something like that could be the case with our loved ones in spirit and it does seem to be the case with Robin.

It seems like he’s settled into delivering messages through matching and mirroring. Something I share with him is regularly reflected back to me.

I did enjoy the years of active telekinesis though. I used to joke that my apartment was like a box of chocolates. I never knew what I was going to get!

I obviously borrowed that joke from Forrest Gump.

Beings of Light

I often reflect on the messages I was given about our connection in 2012 when I asked for direct guidance. As you may remember, the sign I asked for when I asked if we are twin souls showed up in a book I found while doing my research on this topic. (Please see my Background section for details if you don’t remember).

I always thought the way in which I was given the sign “Big Dipper” was so amazing. I could have received the sign with just the mention of “Big Dipper” alone through some random occurrence. But I received the mention of the sign along with a discussion of soul mates and the identical hues of light they share at the spirit level. That gave a boost to the credibility of the sign.

I was given this sign at the beginning of my journey with Robin in December, 2012. I was still very new to all of this and in shock at what was occurring in my life concerning him. So much has happened since then to affirm this guidance and message.

From the time I got the message about soul mates/twin souls sharing identical hues of light, I have been fascinated with any discussion of twin souls that has to do with the light of our being. It’s the essence of who we are. I am deeply interested in discussions about our light body.

I love this quote from describing our light body. The bold is mine for emphasis:

After the death of our short-lived, mortal, physical body (to which our eternal soul is still attached), we still live in the electronic body of Light of our eternal soul, in the eternal existing Cosmic spiritual body of God, the All That Is.

In the past, I shared this passage with Robin. I wanted him to know I was thinking about him in these terms. I am curious about the nature of his electronic body of light of his eternal soul. I’m not clairvoyant in the sense of being able to see a spirit fully manifesting in front of me, so this part of Robin remains a mystery to me.

Perhaps I have seen him and didn’t know it because I have experienced #1 and #4 on this list by Amanda Linette Meder regarding flashes/colored lights. I have seen bluish/purple lights on occasion. And no, there is nothing wrong with my eyesight! I get them checked regularly.

I don’t know for sure what our  twin soul colors are as spirits, but maybe that is something I will get more information about over time.

I have written about #6 and #10 regarding visitation dreams. I realize that to some of you, I am repeating myself, but I’m also writing for any newcomers to this website that may have missed posts I wrote a year ago. This dream visitation with Robin was an important communication and very special to me, which is why I bring it up periodically. It got the ball rolling for us.

The Work of William Henry

Now, I would like to go back to my exploration of the light body. On Monday, May 6th, I spent some time on YouTube watching an educational video by William Henry.

He is an investigative mythologist whose work I became acquainted with several years ago after making connection with Robin. He does extensive research on the spiritual origins of humans and the rainbow light body taught in Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

Here is the video I watched where he goes into his teachings on the rainbow light body and many other esoteric teachings and hypotheses.

According to Mr. Henry, and to summarize a little bit of the beginning of the video, we as humans are going through a process of spiritual transformation. He advised that we need to connect with our light body which is our true self. The rainbow light body is also referred to as our resurrection body.

He goes on to state that our goal and purpose for being incarnated on earth is to ascend. Ascension is defined as the attainment of wholeness, holiness, perfection and compassion. He talks about bodhisattvas who have achieved a state of holiness and wholeness.

As a result, they were able to transform their bodies into a higher level of vibration which is the rainbow light body.

According to Mr. Henry, throughout history and evolution, humans have wanted to regain the original, perfect, light body of our origins.

I personally enjoy and feel inspired by these writings. I was also interested in some scripture he shared.

At 49:12 into the video, he discusses scripture from 1 Corinthians 15:51-52:

51- Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52-in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.…

This was something I was interested in and wanted to go back and study at a later time. Mr. Henry interpreted this scripture to mean we will be changed into our rainbow light body, our truest, highest, ascended self.

On Tuesday, May 7th, I continued to study Mr. Henry’s videos but the video I was studying at the time is no longer available.

Bodies Celestial and Terrestrial

On Wednesday, May 8th, I wanted to spend some time with Robin, offering him tea and reading a meditation to him. I looked at some of my books, but none of them appealed to me as something I wanted to share with him.

So, I went online to research “celestial guided meditations.” The energy from the videos of Mr. Henry was still on my mind, which is why I was motivated to look for this type of meditation.

I couldn’t find anything with that search either. So, I researched “star guided mediations” and “moon guided meditations” and finally found some meditations I wanted to read to Robin. Here are the links if you are interested. They are both beautiful meditations:

I decided to read the new moon meditation to Robin first. I did this as part of my love offering to his spirit while sitting at his altar space. I know he can “hear” me somehow with his consciousness and I know he likes meditation. The imagery is lovely. Since everything is energy, I like to give him offerings of energies that are beneficial for his spirit. I do this in faith, knowing that he can receive my offering.

Afterlife CommunicationsAfter I was done with the meditation, I spoke with him about this issue concerning the rainbow light body. I asked him whether you acquire the rainbow light body right after you pass away, or is it something you have to evolve into.

I was wondering whether his electronic light body of his eternal soul that he lives in now was the same thing as the rainbow light body Mr. Henry is talking about.

I didn’t get an answer intuitively from him in this moment. However, with this line of questioning, I was reminded that I wanted to go back and review the scripture from 1 Corinthians I mentioned above.

I got my bible out which is a version edited by T.D. Jakes called Holy Bible, Woman Thou Art Loosed! Edition Paperback – January 15, 1999 by T. D. Jakes (Editor/Author)

I read 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 for review and studied the additional passages surrounding this one for context. Then I looked to the column to the left of where I was reading to study some additional passages.

I started reading from passage 35 on, about how the dead are raised up. As I kept reading, I was surprised and blessed by the synchronistic nature of the scripture I was reading with the star and moon meditations I had just printed and read for Robin. Here is the passage from the T.D. Jakes’ bible. The bold is mine for emphasis:

1 Corinthians 15:40-41: 40-There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41-There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. (pg. 1277).

This was such a beautiful moment because while I was familiar with this scripture and have heard about it in the past, I did not know it was in 1 Corinthians! I have read the bible a lot off and on over the years, but I don’t have the location of every passage memorized. So, it was truly a surprise.

I had no idea that when I was guided to research celestial star and moon meditations for Robin that it would synchronize with the bible passages I felt guided to read. Sometimes, I truly feel like Robin or another loving spirit is prompting me to do what I do.

This is why this post is called Celestial Beauty.

I said to Robin while looking at his altar picture, “Here is your real celestial meditation.” I read passage 40-41 to him several times as a meditation. It was lovely to share that with him.

I’m so grateful that these events including Mr. Henry’s videos, my search for celestial/star/moon meditations, and scripture all tie together in harmony.

In Closing

Thank you for going on this introspective and celestial journey with me. If I get any more information about Robin’s rainbow light body, I will let you know! (smile)

This kind of reminds me of the information I shared in my post called Psychedelic Afterlife.

The ladies who hosted Robin’s afterlife interview spoke about his beautiful, colorful, Alice in Wonderland-type of entry into the afterlife! I wonder if this is a hint about his rainbow light body. Very interesting! I love it when these themes are in concurrence with each other.





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