11:11 Synchronicity

11:11 Synchronicity

When I first began studying afterlife communication, I found out that some loved ones in spirit love to be read to. It feels good to them and it’s a wonderful way to include them in your life and share something from your heart with them. I learned of this through the book, Loving Abby in Truth and Spirit by Stephen Sakellarios (2012). Here, he describes how he reads to his soul mate Abby, who is in spirit, and how it feels to her:

I had been reading aloud to Abby for some time, based on Candace, the psychic, having remarked that Mathew and Abby used to read aloud to each other. (Later I learned that one’s spirit partner loves this activity—as Abby put it in channeling, “If you want to give your astral partner a massage, read aloud to him or her.”) I decided to continue the practice, and Abby seemed to enjoy it, so this particular time I reached for Rumi’s “Masnavi.” (PDF pg. 17)

I think it is beautiful that we can affect our loved ones in spirit this way, just by reading to them and sending loving energy. Since I learned of this, I have often read to Robin material that I thought would be interesting to him. I know he liked to read a lot as a hobby during his life, so my heart told me he would enjoy being read to sometimes.

I love to read books on Near Death Experiences (NDE’s). Afterlife communication is similar to a NDE in that both allow for a healing and transformative connection with the afterlife. People who have NDE’s die and come back physically and are transformed by this. People who experience afterlife communication are in direct connection with someone who has completed the death process and has come back in spirit form to love, heal, and educate a receptive person on earth about who they are now and what they are capable of. So, even though I did not die and come back personally, I am experiencing some of the same life-changing insights as someone who has had a NDE.

Afterlife Communications with Robin Gibb of The Bee Gees

While sitting by Robin’s altar on November 3, 2017, I decided to read Transformed by the Light, by Melvin Morse, M.D. (with Paul Perry), 1992. I saw some beautiful stories that I wanted to share with Robin, and I read them out loud to him. I turned some pages and skimmed some more stories. I was just flipping around to different pages. Then I came across a story which I read. It is about an out-of-body experience. Here is the most important excerpt:

“I was able to look down at myself in my hospital bed. There were doctors and nurses moving busily around me…could see them roll a machine into the room and put it near the foot of my bed….”

“A priest came in and began to give me last rites. I moved down to the bottom of the bed and watched everything that was going on. It was like being in the audience at a play.”

“Behind me in the bed was a clock. It was up on the wall. I could see both myself in the bed and the clock, which read 11:11 am.”

“Then I went back into my body. I remember waking up and looking for myself at the foot of the bed.”    –An Arizona woman who nearly died from a reaction to medication

As soon as I read, “11:11 am”, I jumped up to look at my digital clock because I could not see what time it was from where I was reading, and I had actually lost track of time while I was reading. It was 11:11 pm! I was amazed at the precise synchronization of what I was reading with actual physical reality. I was reading about 11:11 am at the exact moment it was 11:11 pm. But, what does it mean?

If you do some research on these numbers, you will see that what these numbers could mean is open to interpretation. I say this based on the fact that I have read a lot of the interpretations! Many of them differ depending on the author. These are numbers commonly associated with twin souls. If you are interested in doing more reading, you can easily find more information by doing an internet search. Here, I choose not to provide links on this because I’m concerned about too much misinformation being given online about the numbers as they concern twin souls. I’m not sure about the accuracy of some of the information online or in books, in terms of where people are getting their interpretations from.

Afterlife Communications

In this case, I tuned into my own soul for the meaning of the numbers for me at that moment. To me, it meant that at that moment, I was in synchronistic alignment with Robin since I was at his altar reading and sharing with him from my book. When I experienced that alignment, I felt a heightened sense of awareness of his presence with me. It felt like a “hello” from him. When I read to him, I know he can hear me. With that synchronicity, I really felt like he could! It really got my attention.

It felt like confirmation that I was on the right track with what I was doing, encouragement and an energy boost. I felt bliss! What are the chances I would be reading about a NDE with Robin, where 11:11am is mentioned at the exact time it is 11:11pm! I felt very much like my activities, footsteps, and choices were being guided by higher loving forces that led me to that moment.

I also felt like I was getting something beautiful back from Robin because I was giving him something: my time, love and attention. If you are serious about communicating with a loved one in spirit on a regular basis, I would definitely recommend setting aside some time with them as often as possible. Just like relationships with people in the material world, connections with people in spirit need to be nurtured and nourished. You get back ten-fold what you put into the connection. Some responses back will be subtle and some will be absolutely mind-blowing! All are worthy or our appreciation.

It may be a good idea to ask yourself what 11:11 means to you personally. Even though other people may have good ideas as to the meaning, it may not match what is going on in your life or in your own soul. Even if you see 11:11 often, it may not mean the same thing each time. It may have to do with what you are doing at a certain time. Sometimes, I think it is a reminder to me of God’s presence with me, which is comforting. At any rate, since I became more aware of these numbers, I feel a nice spiritual connection when I see them.

Wishing you beautiful spiritual connections,


Afterlife Communication and Initials on Mugs

Afterlife Communication and Initials on Mugs

Some of the most special moments in communicating with deceased loved ones involves occasions in which their initials are presented. It seems that this can happen anytime, anywhere, and not just on car license plates! Be on the lookout!

One day, I decided to take a trip to a local thrift store to see what treasures could be found. At this particular store, music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was often played which made the shopping experience more enjoyable.

I was browsing through a section of mismatched china, mugs and coffee cups when I suddenly heard the song, Emotion, written by Robin and Barry Gibb and sung by Samantha Sang:

As I started feeling nostalgic, I looked up towards the direction the music was coming from. It was the same movement that we make when we lift our heads up to feel the warmth of the sun on our faces. Somehow, that small movement of looking up made me feel more connected to the music and Robin in Spirit.

After experiencing the music more deeply, I placed my attention back on the items in front of me. As I searched through the cups, I noticed two white mugs with black letters. One mug had an “R” on it. The other mug had a “G” on it. I looked up again into the direction that the music was playing and said to myself, “Oh my God!” One of the songs Robin co-wrote was playing at the exact moment I found his initials, “R” and “G” on two separate mugs. But not only that, these mugs were part of a set that matched exactly! When stacking one on top of the other, they fit together perfectly. The font of the black letters was exactly the same. From the perspective of spirit communication with Robin, they were meant to go together.

Afterlife Communication with Robin Gibb

Robin’s altar 2018

I looked up towards the music, down towards the mugs and then up towards the music again, all within the time-frame of about a minute I would guess.

It seemed like time stopped for those seconds as I saw the clear, bold initials of Robin’s name on mugs right in front of me while one of his songs was playing.

Chills went through my body as I placed the mugs in my basket, ready for purchase. By purchasing the mugs, I was honoring what to me was a clear cut sign from Robin, letting me know he was with me, even in the thrift store.

I proceeded to walk around the store in a dazed state of amazement. What are the chances that one of Robin’s songs would be playing at the exact moment I found his initials on matching mugs that stacked together? There were no other mugs around like it. How is it that our loved ones in Spirit know exactly where we will be and when to arrange events, items and songs down to such minute detail? That’s where I believe God comes in, orchestrating it all.

Afterlife Communications with Robin Gibb of the Bee Gees

If I had come into the store a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later, I would have missed hearing Emotion playing. I may have still found the mugs and that would have been amazing in and of itself. But finding Robin’s initials on mugs, along with a song of his playing at the same time, was an especially powerful communication that leaves no doubt in my mind that he was connecting with me at that moment. Surprise!

I left the store that day feeling incredibly grateful that Robin’s spirit was able to reach me in such an amazing way. I will never forget it. Now, his R.G. mugs are kept beside his picture as a reminder of the day he really was right there with me.

The day I found the mugs was November 17, 2012. I did not know it at the time, but later found out it was his late mother’s birthday (see my post https://paisleyandpoppies.net/2018/05/05/life-parallels/). That added to the strength of the sign for me.

There was another time when initials showed up on mugs in a way that reminded me of Robin in a fun way. On December 12, 2016, I was shopping at Target. As I walked by a display of mugs, I noticed them arranged with “B” on one mug, “G” on the next mug, “B” again in the next mug and “G” again on the next mug:

Shopping trip to Target

I said to Robin, “I get it!” I took a picture because it was fun and because over the years, I asked God to send me reminders of Robin whenever possible.

Since I acknowledge and appreciate when I get a message like that, I often get cute, fun reminders of Robin that make my life beautiful and enjoyable. You can do it too! Show your loved one that you like and appreciate this kind of play, and you are likely to get more!

Lesson:  Initials are a wonderful way for loved ones in spirit to communicate with us. You could even set up a system of communication with them by asking them to send you messages using their initials.

I would suggest giving them the creative freedom to use license plates, signs or other things you may not even think of.

Let them surprise you because that’s part of the fun of afterlife communication. It also makes it easier for them to reach you when they are not boxed in to one way of letting you know they are with you.

Spiritual Protection

Spiritual Protection

Spiritual protection is very important all of the time. If you look around the world at any given moment, you will see that this is true. It is also important to develop some type of spiritual protection practice that suits your soul if you are communicating with loved ones in spirit. This is so you are truly communicating only with those you wish to communicate with, not some other interfering spirit.

Just as we have the right to determine how and with whom we communicate in the physical world, we as humans have the right to communicate with only the people in spirit that we want to communicate with. You don’t have to communicate with anyone you don’t want to and you certainly don’t have to put up with unwanted or uninvited unseen guests, especially if they are disrespectful or malicious. You wouldn’t put up with that from people, and you don’t have to put up with it from people in spirit either.

This works the same way with loved ones in spirit. They too have the right to communicate only with the ones in the physical world that they want to communicate with. It also may be that someone in spirit might want to communicate, but they are unable to for some reason. Many spirits do find a way to communicate with a loved one on earth as you see in the afterlife communication literature.

Since my connection with Robin opened up, I have learned that I can communicate with a handful of other loved ones that I either knew, or have come to know since Robin’s passing. But, it’s only those I wish to communicate with. My spirit communication is limited to those I’m close with spiritually and synchronistically connected to. I have very firm boundaries, just like I do and need to have, with people in the physical world. I am not a medium in the sense of reading other people and determining what spirits are around them.

I invite the spirits I love to communicate with me in the ways we are accustomed to. I protect myself with prayers to God, asking God to protect me. I read the Psalms and Lord’s Prayer for protection also. As I mentioned in the about section, I chant and pray for protection using mantras from the Buddhist and Kundalini yoga traditions because I respect these traditions and I like to sing my prayers also. Just as I did, you will have to find what is most effective for you in terms of spiritual protection so you feel safe, good and protected.

Bulgarian philosopher Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov reminds us that we have the power to say no to spirits that are negative, the type that do not wait for an invitation. Here is an excellent excerpt from a website called Journey with Omraam:

“Many luminous spirits that have already left the earth are also eager to help human beings, but they cannot do so because there is no place fit for them to come to. Nothing has been got ready for them, so they have no right to come. You will certainly be astonished by this and say, ‘But I thought they had the power to do anything!’ Yes, they have every power, but they respect the law, and the law says that they have no right to enter somewhere by force. Well, surprising or not, that is how it is. The entities of the invisible world cannot do whatever they want, and if they go somewhere without permission they will be punished for it…

The great mages, who know these laws, guard the places they particularly want to keep safe by means of magic formulas or symbols, which prevent malicious spirits from breaking in. This is necessary, because if no obstacle is put in the way of the inferior spirits they break in and wander about and do all kinds of damage.

Unlike the spirits of light, the malicious spirits don’t wait for a specific invitation before entering; they have no great respect for these laws. They will refrain from entering a place only if they are expressly forbidden to do so by divine powers, because they know that if they disobeyed they would be pulverized.

But, if you don’t actually forbid them to come in, they will not hesitate to do so. And, after all, you cannot really blame them: if you let them do what they want, why should the lord punish them? Humans have all the powers they need to oppose the spirits of darkness and say no to them. So it is entirely up to you to keep them out and to invite luminous spirits to come in, instead, and help you build a strong and beautiful inner sanctuary.”

I have taken this great teacher’s advice and I do forbid them to come into my life, home or anywhere near me for that matter. I speak it out loud so there is no doubt or confusion as to what I mean.

My prayers have been very effective over the years and I feel very safe and protected since I learned about afterlife communication.

Since Robin is skilled at telekinesis, I have also stated clearly that he is the only loved one in spirit who has permission to move my belongings or create something. Otherwise, I won’t know who is doing what!

I thought it important that I address this issue of spiritual protection. I hope you find it valuable. If you do an internet search on this topic, you will find many ideas and suggestions from different authors and spiritual traditions on how to protect yourself spiritually. You are responsible for finding what works best for you in terms of your beliefs and spiritual/religious background.

I wish you great discoveries and experiences!


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