This morning, I felt drawn to listen to this meditation music I found a few months ago. It has a very calming, healing vibration:

432Hz – Tibetan Bowls Heart Energy ➤ Release Negative Blocks & Raise Vibration – THETA BinauralBeat

I have recently learned that music attuned to 432Hz has excellent benefits:

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving.

One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love has inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

I listened to this music while doing my morning chores. Then, I wanted to pray, chant and meditate. I sat down at Robin’s altar and began my prayers for him and many other loved ones as a way of greeting and saying hello. Lately, due to the busy nature of my life, I have felt like I have missed Robin. I spoke with my husband last night about missing Robin and how it’s challenging to connect with so many things going on. This morning, I held Robin’s picture to my heart and cried, telling him I missed him. It was so nice to be able to sit down and connect with him.

After this, I wanted to play my Tibetan bowl. I like to strike the bowl 3 times to clear the energy before beginning meditation.

When I went to reach for the mallet to strike the bowl, I noticed something unusual. It was leaning up against a vase. I never put the mallet here. I always put it back in the bowl when I’m done meditating. I last used the mallet yesterday morning and left it in the bowl.

I was surprised and spoke with Robin about it, as the location of the Tibetan bowl is part of his altar area. Here is a picture below of the mallet leaning up against the vase. The other important thing about this is that I just bought these silk hydrangea blossoms for Robin’s altar area a few days ago. To me, it is almost like he is pointing out that he’s aware of the new flowers:

Afterlife Communications

I always do a lot of self-examination before I determine that Robin moved something. I want to make sure I didn’t do it and just not remember. When he moves something, the object is always out of place from where it normally is. I have a habit of putting things in the same place and he knows that about me. That makes it easier for him if he wants to move something because I will easily notice it out of place. If he moves something, he wants me to notice it or it’s no fun for him!

Since Robin started moving objects in my apartment in 2013, I always pay close attention to my environment to see if anything has been moved. That’s part of being in his telekinesis training program, lol! Sometimes the movement of an object can be a subtle movement, like the mallet being moved from inside the bowl to the vase. You have to have keen, alert and awake senses. Not all telekinetic activity by spirits is loud things that go bump in the night.  Some spirits, such as Robin, are very quiet.

I know I would not have leaned the mallet up against the vase because I would have thought it would just fall over. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to lean it up against the vase.

afterlife communications

It is such a sweet visitation from Robin.  I especially love it when he visits his altar area. He enjoys it and blesses me with letting me know he’s around and aware of what I’ve been doing. I like to redecorate his altar because that’s part of the fun of having one. I also love having objects that his energy is on.

It’s a loving and kind message to me as he knew I was missing him. So, he came to visit in a more obvious way. Our loved ones in spirit will do that for any of us who are open to this type of communication if they can do it. I don’t know what makes some spirits able to move objects while others cannot for some reason or choose not to. It may be that they have their preferences and skill sets just like we do when we are when embodied. I am not at all surprised that Robin can move objects as he was an extremely focused, determined loving person with very strong, healthy energy now as a spiritual being.

Warm regards,


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